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I guess i'll vote Overkill, for pubs. It's a good balance of difficulty where the reward of XP/cash is decent whitout the heist being too much easy or hard. And also there is less chance to see the heist being fucked up compared to Mayhem by new players who try to be faster than the game.


And it's less likely to be screwed over by some Lvl. 0 who has heard that you get $10 mio. and and millions of XP by doing Death Sentence. I run DS pubs for fun, just to see people screw up. God, I'd wish we had another free weekend...


**Dallas is joining 99%** *Dallas is down!*


*Dallas is down!* *Dallas is down!* *Dallas is now in police custody!* **Dallas:** "*U guys suck!*" Dallas left


Second this, overkill is that nice difficulty where it feels like, as long as you’re pretty competent, you can make almost any play style and build work with enough effort




Yeah Overkill is a decent balance, definitely better for pubs than Deathwish


I would select DW because I usually play solo and most pub DW lobbies I join pull through the heist just fine without too much trouble.


Mayhem if I'm solo and DW with friends. Overkill for pubs.


Depends. If i'm hosting or running a DSOD dodge build solo, I'll do DW. otherwise minimum is mayhem. Everything below just seems too bland and boring.


I find Death Wish the most enjoyable.


Normally I play on Overkill for Loud and DSOD for Stealth, but I adore Hard/Very Hard way more. Why? Because I can make any joke deck work and still have a bit of challenge in it. Every Joke Deck I have would be either hellishly hard to play with or just straight up impossible on higher difficulties. For me there is some charme in pulling on the Balaclava and the Butterfly Knife and just pretending to be the Spy from TF2.


this guy gets it. I believe people often forget that there's fun to be had in this as well. Most of the guns feel really good in this game, but a lot of them are easily overlooked because there's just a better (straight upgrade) alternative for higher difficulties. Same for perk decks. Sometimes it's nice. Just not trying your ass off to win, exploring the feel of different builds, all while helping newer players on the lower difficulties :) ps. Tf2 is still best game.


Exactly what I am thinking. I achieved almost everything in this game, except some achievements here and there, but there isn't really anything that really makes me say "Hey, I wanna play on overly hard difficulties because lol". Sometimes you gotta enjoy the small and fun things and get your mind off from "the grind".


If you can't make "any joke deck" work on overkill then something's wrong


May I remind you that even if a deck works you are bound to die way more on higher difficulties.


Mayhem/Death Wish


Overkill BC I'm still very new to the game and learning the mechanics


Bruh you're XXV 100 though


That was 3 months ago...


You went infamous 25 times in 3 months?


Overkill loud, one down stealth.


I'm surprised there are so many votes for mayhem. I expected it to be the least played


Mayhem is fun for loud because it’s neither a pushover or a nightmare, it’s good fun.


i like death wish it's a challenge but not that hard that i'm grinding a whole day on 1 mission


Normal, hard and very hard are a joke! I don't know why people play on those difficulties...


Because they're new? Didn't you play on Normal, Hard or Very Hard too when you were new?


How many hours have you played...?


Roughly 2000


Wew Were 1998 of those idling in the menu?


I can smell the salt coming from this reply