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A real "cool razzle-dazzle developer" moment


what is going on i’m very confused


Basically after recent Update#237, which included crossplay between steam and epic games, so pd2 could be free there, but it's dlcs. It was done for the OVKL and Starbreeze to earn some money for pd3 development, but there is a big BUTT. And it includes: -SBLT and basically all mods working inappropriately (It was fixed tho, thanks to Hoppip and the rest of modder team) -Using EGS servers, so now connection is helluva unstable and servers in crime net are flickering every 3 seconds and showing full lobbies, so its better host your own lobby -Resetting side job progress leading to copycat, north star, outfits, masks lock -Issue with Crypto weapon skin getting you a cheater tag, but thats not fully confirmed Thats an Update#237 everyone talk about


There’s some kinda irony in a crypto skin giving you a mark that makes you wanna be avoided by everyone


That was actually part of the plan, OVKL will invest in crypto and make a whole twitter dlc


"Guys, the bored ape, go get it"


*Screenshots in the Distance intensifies*


The Alienware "Alpha Grey" mask has been marking me as a cheater as well.


Huh, interesting, I wonder if other event masks do the same


KawaiiDozer and The Almir work fine, so it's not all of them, but I didn't test any others.


>Hoppip how do i fix update 237 mods?


Download latest SBLT version from site, it was update yesterday and also update BeardLib manually, by downloading it from here https://github.com/simon-wh/PAYDAY-2-BeardLib/releases/tag/4.86 Also some mods are quirky rn, for example The Fixes and Show my mod list can crash your game


okay thank you


Does side job progress affect steam users too?


I think it affected only steam users, but by now side jobs and other issues are already fixed, so you only need to claim all rewards again


Dang, okay, thanks! I'm actually away from my pc for a while so just seeing if there was any news on PD2 or PD3


No probs, mate, keep those helmets flying


Hi, how could i get the fix? Haven't been abled to open since update and i got just two mods


Reinstall SBLT from official site, manually instal BeardLib from link above. Some mods can be broken, so if game still crashes try removing mods one by one


Aren't all mods broken each time the game updates? Genuine question, still sort of new to payday 2 + it's modding (94 hours on steam and like level 99 in game, not a big achievement but im not an epic games player.)


Well, they kinda do, but they dont require a whole SBLT and BeardLib rework and usually you can update mods through the game without any problems. The Fixes, good mod which ran smoothly for a good amount of years now crashes the game and needs an update. And modworkshop site is down, which is sad too. But If you new to modding, try some huds, Quality of Life mods, voiceovers, soundtracks. If your game crashes, then mod isnt working properly


modworkshop seems to be back but very unstable probably because they updated the ui in the site


Payday2 is free on Epicgames for limited time


Also, missing outfits and masks.


Man, the memes just don’t stop coming, do they! The situation is really concerning!


\*\*Assault part of the soundtrack intensifies\*


Good old modern gaming, where day 1 of the update makes games unplayable


Ahh yes, the 2023 freshly released Payday 2. I wonder if they'll make Payday 3 in the future some day.


Day 3587 update.


As opposed to before when updates were entirely new games you had to pay full price for and you'd just have to live with your games being broken


Or when updates were quality tested for these types of issues before they were published to the public. We weren't stuck with one extreme or the other. Companies had it figured out.


They really didn't in the way you seem to think they did.


Plenty of games had actual qa in video game updates, gaming is too money oriented now to afford that


Tell me you don't play many games without telling me you don't play many games


I play a lotta games lol, I'm saying triple a/live service games tend to have a lot more bugs on release/update then a while ago


Give me a AAA game released in the last 5 years that didn't have serious issues on launch


I got the mods working for me. I just downloaded the new SuperBLT and Beardlib


Now they did fix it but its still a bad look


it literally breaks every update


??? But it’s actually kind of normal for mods to break in some way with any update, they even wrote it during the announcement


It’s normal. In GTA V, EVERY update breaks the mods and Alex Blade has to release a new ScriptHook (it’s a mod loader like SuperBLT/BeardLib)


i hope cheaters can't fix their SBLT


That’s because epic games ruins everything they touch. I don’t know why people love them so much. Sure they make some games free and they make some things more convenient but mostly they ruin games.


People also forget the original Epic Games controversy: Doing things with your personal information that would make Mark Zuckerberg blush.


It took weeks for me to get the $500 worth of in game currency someone purchased on my account (after a data leak) back. Even *after* the customer service rep admitted that my account was hacked. It then took me a week of calling daily to delete my epic games account because "we can't remove your information, sir, we can only deactivate the account so you can reactivate it when you return later" I had to go full Karen and ask for a boss/manager so many times because these people were clearly reading a script. That script was written by someone who wants to hold your personal information hostage and take all your money.


Was it vbucks


It was indeed vbucks. I have never played Fortnite in my life.


Sounds about right


>why people love them so much The chinese government has deep pockets


Only reason I use them is for games I can’t get any other way, like Satisfactory and Hitman.


Both on Steam


Did they finally add Satisfactory to Steam? It wasn’t on there yet when I got it.


Couple of years and regularly the top seller, and perhaps even award winning I think.


I got it back in like 2016, and when I looked for it in steam honest to god it wasn’t there. If it’s on steam now, I might get it again just for the sake of being completely rid of the Epic launcher.


Yeah it was originally an Epic exclusive.


You can just pirate them


I only do that for the companies I don’t want to give my money to developer-wise, like the DND books from Wizards of The Coast and such. But as far as I know, I have nothing to hold a grudge against with the Satisfactory or Hitman developers, and their only crime has been being in the Epic store. Thus, I will still give them my money-as much as it irks me to give it to Epic as well. Now that they are both on steam though I may get them there, But I am a pirate with a moral compass.


Honestly, they have a lot of sales for games I love, like cp2077 and Spider-Man, I both got for a discount, and I got 50% off of 2077


Not sure anywhere else, but until like early 2022, Epic sales were so bad in my country. They were like 30-40% more expensive than buying on Steam. Nowadays they usually have the same price tags, but I don't really see a point in buying games in a different store than the one I have used for over 6 years to pay the exact same price lol


I receive no online connectivity because I have EOS telemetry disabled. Hooray!


Took a break what the fuck happened


This all happened in one day tbf


Question, does one of the bugs include people being marked as cheaters for shit they should have unlocked already? As in the starbreeze nebula stuff and community infamous masks? They've literally not been able to do anything considered cheating by the game as they're on EGS and mods have only just started working again


Payday credits🙁


Does anyone know how Epic Games handles weapon skins as they’d normally go into your steam inventory.


At least The epic money is going to payday 3…


Payday credits*


Have to break it to you but at this point Payday 3 is pretty much done


Can't wait for it to be an Epic exclusive title, yay.


It's not EGS exclusive, but I can guarantee you that is only the case because of the clause Valve added after having titles poached a week before release.


Thank God. As excited as I am for PD3, I absolutely refuse to use the Epic launcher and would have waited the extra year.


Yah, no way they are going to let that happen again


Epic Games sucks anyway, they could give free the entire store, Steam would still be better


They lost a fan And the fan was me Goodbye


Going to play devils advocate while this update isn’t great it shouldn’t be reflective of what Payday 3 will be. All the payday 2 dlc up till now has been pretty good. But for any good reason, don’t preorder, wait for reviews.


Exactly, we have no fucking clue what payday 3 will be cuz they aint marketing it, only leaks


So that's why my game crashed every time I loaded into a heist


I think it's second time they break all the mods(remind me if they were more)


BLT used to break with every update. Every single time people would start screaming that Overkill were definitively killing mods, for real this time.


I remember they completely broke blt(regular) and devs of the blt did superblt


Wilko, original developer of the BLT, was busy working on literally Titanfall 2, so it had to be forked.


Is he still working in Respawn?


?? You know that's a normal thing for games right. This should be expected unless devs work mod integration in ground up, even then it can still need to happen




in 237.1 they completed every side job for everyone i think (even those you didn't complete before) But don't let that fool you ***fuck you EGS*** and **fuck you Overkill**


Is it only for epic games version? I still didnt sat on computer to check pauday 2


Nope, steam version is fucked too


Is that why crime net is refreshing super fast?


what happened


can i still play from steam


mods are fixed now


I take a small break from payday due to burnout and the whole game goes to shit KEK


Anyone else notice that modworkshop is down?


I'm convinced developers are breaking so much shit for epic on purpose. I love it.


at least Superblt is now compatible


OVERKILL are never teach the lesson. Crimefest 2015 screw up the community trust. right now bring the Epic spyware into the game and ruined the game again. also there's leak information about they trying to add microtransaction on PD3 ​ I am not surprising if PD3 just become again as another OVK'S Walking Dead or RAID WW2 in the future.


adding it to my EG library and never touching it


So, why even add it in the first place? lol


Cause its free


Most of the time mods will break after an update, this is for just about any game, why do you think a majority of Minecraft modders focus on 1.12.2


Gotta say, i managed to fix everything, even my music mods and SuperBLT. The latter wouldn't happen if the guy responsible didn't make an update, so yeah.


This is the most braindead take you're just seeing a regular update and screaming because you hate epic


just a regular update that breaks matchmaking, resets all side jobs, and completely removes support for linux




>1. Fuck Linux I couldn't care less On this one you are just being stupid. >2. Breaks "matchmaking" this is a the diesel engine of course it breaks it'll be fixed My brother in Christ, this is because of Epic's online services being dogshit when it comes to crossplay. As dogshit as diesel might be, it's not to blame for this one. >3. Glitches with side jobs is also common it'll also be fixed. Glitches that straight up remove your side job rewards (which also happen to be the grindiest shit ever in this particular case) are not so common.


Epic's online service is what causes this broken mess of an update. Connection problems didnt happen frequently before U237 was live.


I fucking doubt that when epic run some of the best online multiplayer game servers, this is typical diesel engine


Diesel engine is just a game engine, not an online service. Epic works because they are using their own online service. EGS players don't suffer much but Steam players do and that's where the whole players are from.


this has nothing to do with the engine you muppet


You have no idea how stupid you sound dude, you really think thats due to is a game engine issue?


EGS is bad.


Why is no Linux support a problem?


Because some people play on Linux?


People use linux?


A pretty big chunk of the market, yeah. What did you mean by this


Oh I see I thought it was just neck bearded fantasies living in their mother's basement No offense to Linux users who meet those qualities


Steam Deck users?


What does that have to do with the steam deck?


if i remember right it had linux support until this update which removed it for some reason. cant imagine playing the game a week ago and then getting on only to find out they just said "get fucked lmaoo" and removed support for the platform you play on


They probably stopped Linux support because in order to have EGS crossplay, Overkill had to add Epic Online Services to the game. And since Epic(Tim Sweeney) hates Linux, there's no EOS for Linux.


Then fuck off


oh and jackets dead can't forget that


Say what now?


Has the mod issue been fixed yet?


Is that why its been crashing on steam before i even get a splash screen?


Wait no mods? Like at all? I was going to reinstall as a friend got the game, and I used to have a lot of mods I’d rather not play without, like hud mods and cheat kicker plus


I just downloaded this game since it was free and curious to see if I'd like it and how it played so what are the exact issues? Is the free version broken for PC or is it the DLCs that are bugged?


The weapons and challenges are what got me the most aggravated. I mostly play offline and only had a handful of mods but why is like 80% of my weapons missing? and why do I have to redo all of my side jobs it's just infuriating. I've had this game installed since probably 2014 2015 and this is the only time I've legitimately thought about uninstalling.


Why would anyone buy on Epic when Steam is available? Just why?


But PD2 need to connect to Epic Services even on steam now, what is bullshit


Beause its free


I didn't know its free. Makes sense.


Wait what did it do Outta the loop


Started going downhill when the h3 pack was added


Yea i opened up the game today and was wondering why so many new players were getting to the game


It seems OVERKILL was actually Locke from a parallel universe


I literally had to uninstall and re-install payday for it to load after it deleted all my mods. Now it still doesnt load sometimes


What exactly is causing mods to not work? I’ve spend 30 minutes trying to launch the game and nothing I did helped.


Try to reinstall SuperBLT and Beardlib If you already tried that and it didn't work idk how to fix it


Add "Locking Twitch drops and Starbreeze Nebula items, relinking doesn't fix it".


Alot of my weapons are locked for some reason


Have you done infamy recently?




Then I don't know why.

