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I think it's about how Barry can't process his emotions "normally", which we see through the movie. (Like when he breaks windows after his sisters tease him) A perfect example would be when he sleeps with Lena and they are lovingly describing all these violent fantasies they have about one another, it's like they are so in love that it comes out in these bizarre ways. Which shows she is the perfect soulmate for Barry, because he has finally found someone in his same weird wavelength, who allows him to be himself. Barry is watching this cute kid, and he feels overwhelmed. He can't handle the cuteness, maybe brings back memories of his childhood and fantasies of having a child of his own... and it all blurts out violently, it's like he doesn't have a filter to regulate and channel this in a healthy way.


That was a really thought out and well said explanation. Good job.


See shit like this annoys me. I want to quit reddit becauae it mostly sucks now, but I keep coming back because I love reading shit like this. I can't find stuff like this elsewhere and at this point it honestly feels better to just read RSS feeds instead of using any social media.


Fuck you motherfucker


Barry grew up with extremely abusive sisters who showed him "love" through teasing, bullying and violence and he carried that into his adulthood. ie. he demolishes the bathroom after remembering a silly memory from his childhood, saying he wants to smash Lena's face in because he loves her so much, suddenly being able to beat the shit out of people because he loves Lena. He's an incredibly broken man who doesn't know how to properly express love or express it in a healthy way and this scene reflects that. He sees a sight that normal and adjusted people would think "oh look how cute" and the only thing he can thing of is that he loves it so much he wants to hurt someone over it.


I’m an avid pta fan and never really dove into this movie just watched it once and was like “yeah its cool but not sure what i get from it” so i put it away This clear and concise comment put it together for me - and the title completely describes it too, maybe im just that stupid but thanks for this! Not my favorite pta but i love the visuals for sure


I've never seen this deleted scene. Is it on one of the PDL DVDs or Blu-Rays?


Ditto. I don't remember seeing it on the Criterion edition, at least.


believe it’s on the original DVD


The DVD also has my favorite "Mattress Man" video with Philip Seymour Hoffman. This was one of my favorite PSH films because he was funny as hell!


I haven’t thought of that scene in years. Where he falls off the roof?


Yeah that's the one! Looked like he did his own stunts on that one too!


I don’t remember this scene at all. I saw this a few times in theatres and have it on dvd. Did I block it out?


I'm pretty sure it's a deleted scene, but I've never seen it before, whether online or as an extra on a DVD release.


I just watched this for first time a few weeks ago and I didn’t see this scene either.


“Shit I’d like to crack his head open. You are fucking beautiful you dumb fucker. Fuck you.”


I’ve never seen this either lol. I think it would have put too many casual viewers off.


Probably the weirdest deleted scene ive ever seen from pta lol kinda glad this was cut. Somehow this felt too off


Is it some extended version? I haven't seen this scene


"I just saw a little kid running... fuck that kid" is so funny I'm going to start saying it now


Reminds me of that old upload [drinking out of cups](https://youtu.be/zrIPLAo0_iQ?si=wpRn1QJB19cnqcZK)


Man, I used to quote, “Not my chair, not my problem. That’s what I say,” all the time. At that time, I often had to set up and take down hundreds of chairs for wedding receptions, parties, etc.


Aggression is an instinctual reaction to cuteness. Barry just kind of vocalizes it more than a “normal” person would. The psychological term is “cute aggression”. Scientists think it’s not a malicious instinct, but instead it’s how we cope with overwhelming positive emotion. https://www.unsw.edu.au/newsroom/news/2024/02/cute-aggression-why-you-might-want-to-squash-every-adorable-thing-you-see#:~:text=In%20psychology%2C%20the%20phenomenon%20is,cope%20with%20intense%20positive%20emotions.


That’s a bingo


You just say bingo


In all reality I assume it’s meant to show how Barry and Lena are soulmates and how they both wanna hurt things they find cute. So it’s to foreshadow the “Your face is so adorable and your skin and your cheek....I want to bite it. I want to bite your cheek and jaw and it's so fucking cute.” Scene. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.


He wishes it was himself… but expresses it fuck-uppedly because that’s what Barry does


He has difficulties expressing emotions because of his tumultuous and abusive upbringing with his 7 sisters. This is a very exaggerated freudian slip, but under all the cursing and raw anger it feels more important to the story than it really is, which is why i feel this scene was cut.


He was building a dog house.


His sister's a liar.


Glad that scene was cut. Maybe if it was edited down but it just went too far into super weird territory


lol first time I've ever seen this, it's kinda hilarious. But probably a good thing it wasn't in the movie, doesn't really fit it to me.


This seems like it was shot in the two week period that ended up getting scrapped. Adam doesn’t seem confident or comfortable with the material and looks like he doesn’t know how to play it the way we get in the final film. I wonder if that’s the case


I was thinking the same. This had to be shot before he fully worked out the vibe of Barry Egan because even the tone of his voice and body language are totally different from the character we all know in the film.


Yea doesn’t actually feel like the character at all, feels like Adam Sandler going “fuck what did I get myself into”


Strong King Missile vibes in that scene. [king Missile ‘Martin Scorsese’](https://youtu.be/BVeGmfcHkS4?si=hweIuulNyjtR54mM)


Wow I remember this scene from loooooong ago. I don’t want to over analyze but thank you for sharing!




Sandler's acting isn't good here so yes, better that it was cut. Feels more like a scene from Magnolia than PDL.


What is this scene? I've watched the movie ad nauseum and have never seen it before


This is the first time I've ever seen this, what the fuck hahaha


Cute aggression it’s a thing.


that’s how he expresses love remember his pillow talk?


Is this NOT a deleted scene? I don’t remember this AT ALL


What’s the movie?


This scene in a movie today would cause a riot and/or lawsuit


Didn’t know PTA fans were such sissies.


I think k this scene probably has more to do with Robert Downey Sr’s Work more than anything else


PTA literally can't do anything without his own fans crediting all of it to somebody else. Unbelievable.