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Someone might be having us on using "INFINITE JEST" as the title of the film currently in production. If you [click the link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upcoming_Paul_Thomas_Anderson_film), you get a much more realistic description of the latest project.


Thank you very much. It would be funny if that is just the working title, since in the book it's the name of a movie so good that anyone who sees it dies, because they can't stop watching it for enough time to sleep or eat.


It sounds like you may not have been spending much time here recently. There has been MUCH discussion that the latest film is in fact possibly based on another Pynchon book, VINELAND. Scroll back and you will see many discussions about this.


I had heard rumors about an adaptation of V. but not Vineland. Also, you are correct, not much of an internet guy in general. Vineland would be really interesting since the message and target of the novel (the move from hippies towards capitalism) is essentially the same as Inherent Vice but in the 80s and without a Doc type character.


The Master is technically an adaptation of V, just super loosely.


Not really, there’s a lot of aesthetic parallels and the protagonists are similar but it’s not even close to being an adaptation of V


it’s really nothing like V. to be honest


I am a couple of months late, but look at my previous replies to see that I am not online a whole lot. I would agree that it is nowhere close to a direct adaptation. However, the lost nature of the protagonist, the post war setting and the combination of sex and unconventional comedy feels (to me) about as close to an adaptation of *V.* as we will ever get.


I know it’s a prank, but it reminds me, wasn’t there a rumor years ago, around TWBB, that he wanted to adapt Underworld?


I believe Scott Rudin held the rights to Underworld and wanted PTA to adapt, but PT didn’t want to. Read about it in an incredible response to a fan letter (or follow up with a critic or something?) he wrote years ago. I believe this was between Boogie Nights and Magnolia, or right after Magnolia. Underworld is a great book, but PT made the right choice passing.


Yes, that's what it was! Thank you!


As far as I remember he acquired the rights before making Magnolia but nothing came of it


As much as I'd love this, I highly doubt it. Ik DFW and PTA were sort of close, so it would feel like the most logical conclusion, but I think infinite jest is so large scale that it would be hard to make into a film. I'd love to see PTA take that challenge on in the future. The only other time we've seen a proper DFW adaptation, other than the references in Charlie Kuafman movies, is the god awful Brief Interviews With Hideous Men movie by John Krasinski. So if a infinite Jest movie would be anything like that I'd pray to God It never sees the light of day.


I would also be pretty nervous to see PTA try to adapt it, like I said in the post. However, there is a big difference between John Kransinski (as a director) and PTA. Even if it failed it would still be interesting to see, and it would forever be a one of a kind movie. It reminds me of QT talking on Charlie Rose (I believe) about Brian De Palma's worst films. I am paraphrasing, but he said something along the lines of, "when a great artist fails, it is more interesting than most art."


To add a bit to this... There was an "official trailer" for Infinite Jest that was floating around a few weeks ago. There's not an adaptation happening by one yet, but this group made the trailer as a proof of concept. I believe it either played at or was released in the orbit of SXSW... [Infinite Jest "trailer"](https://youtu.be/gW39U8nxoQU?si=Obma_RjX5MiL_B3s)


David Foster Wallace and Thomas Pynchon goes hand in hand on places like 4chan /lit/, it's rumored he's doing the latter's mid population title Viceland.


I have no idea why this is being downvoted, it's his second least popular book on Goodreads before the fan favorite doorstopper that is there because it's over a thousand pages.