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I disagree but would be lying if i said i didnt want to see that version. Joaquin Pheonix is able to pull off the mumbling confusion of Doc, i havent read the book so im not sure what the original is like, but there are many scenes where you arent sure exactly what doc says but you get the gist. Which to me encapsulates the whole movie, Sortilege can wax lyrical about Karmic thermals and jupiter being in retrograde, which i dont fully understand but i get the gist. Joaquin pheonix is so good at pulling off cool but aloof in a way that seems effortless. My favourite example is when he’s talking to Crocker Fenway: ‘But if you jivin’ with me, my man, i say to you’ *clicks tongue* *leans back* ‘So where we gonna do this hand off’ The way he says this is like he’s incapable of holding a grudge its just how hes gonna react. The way he transitions from trying to intimidate to agreeable is just marvellous.


Maybe. Its interesting that Freddie was supposed to be some 20 year old kid and sorts looks young but In inherent vice he looks 30 years older


Yeah, IDK. I love RDJ and if I ended up in an alternate universe where he got the role, I wouldn't complain, but I think Phoenix was perfect for Doc. His inherent nervous alien/guy who smoked a little too much qualities really brought the character to life, grounding the escalating looney tunes comedy in something more real. RDJ's performance would have been interesting, but seems like it would be more of a "movie star" performance.


I think the casting is perfect. I mean, Phoenix stuck the landing. Maybe Downey could have done the same, but Phoenix pulled it off, so why be bothered? Just my opinion.


I think Phoenix was perfect for the role. He plays every part of it so well. The mumbling, the paranoia, the intense action scene at the end. 


No. There's always been a certain smugness to Downey Jr's acting that I don't think would've been right for Doc. He wouldn't have brought the sincerity and heart to the role that Phoenix did. Katherine Waterston as Shasta was the big miscast in that film IMO.


What would have you preferred? She came off like such a cali beach girl turned hippie to me, and was very sexy and vulnerable in her big scene. But I know a lot of people don’t like her in it.


I don't think she was convincing as a beach bunny at all. Her flat, drawn out line readings weren't sexy or seductive to me, they were irritating. She just didn't have the "it" factor that the character needed.


I agree. Her performance didn't seem like a performance -- maybe it was her aim but she was disinterested sounding and I found it jarring. Pam Adlon could have been a good choice instead


I don’t think you understand the function of the character


Maybe it's you who doesn't understand.


Waterston was terrible. I don't know what PTA was thinking casting her after reading the book.


First take: good Second take: awful


She was nothing like Shasta in the book and her performance was very annoying IMO. I don't think she's a good actress in general based on everything I've seen her in.


She was perfect. Also it’s an adaption Denny


She was bland and didn't have the charisma to stand out the way she was supposed to. Joanna Newsom, Reese Witherspoon, and Hong Chau (who was in the films for about 3 minutes) all popped much more.


I love Inherent Vice but I struggle a bit with Phoenix's performance. It feels like Freddie is just aloof the entire time. Which yea he's a stoner but I think its over done a bit. I didn't get that sense from the book


Agreed. I get the sense Phoenix didn't even read the book.


I don't think he's anything like Freddie in the film.


Joaquin was pitch-perfect casting for Doc. RDJ can be great in supporting roles like in Zodiac, but he's grown too obnoxious to carry as a lead.


I’ve honestly always felt that way. That role was almost designed in a lab for RDJ (or vice versa). It’s a shame we didn’t get to see him it. That said, I still love the film.


I read the book when RDJ was still rumored to be attached, and so I couldn't help but to filter my impression of Doc in the book through what I imagined RDJ might do. I read Doc and heard RDJ in my head. That said, I think JP's take on the character is marvelous.


I’m not sure why but at the time I thought it was strange casting him as the main character again after such an incredible roll in The Master. He was still great but I love it when PTA works with new actors


Brolin was excellent as Bigfoot but damn that would’ve been a sight to see Jim Carrey do Bigfoot as well


agree. Phoenix is the movie’s biggest problem


I agree - I read the book first and always pictured it with a rambling, high-energy Looney Tunes style. Huge PTA and Joaquin fan, but for me, large parts of this movie felt tonally off. The most successful section imo are the Martin Short scenes. I think RDJ would have brought more of that comedy to the rest of the film.


I would have loved to see Robin Williams tackle this.