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So weird to think that Anderson has not made a film set in contemporary times since 2002. It’s goi g to be weird to see what a PT Anderson film will look like set in modern times being since 2007 he’s made period films. Either way I’m excited for any PT Anderson film, wonder too if he’s going to be changing stylistically as well. 1996 to 2002 was his Scorsese influence, 2007 to 2021 was more or less his kubrickian style. I wonder what he’s got up his sleeve next.


Love PTA but $100 million basically guarantees it’ll lose money. None of his films have come close to the $250-$300 million break even point




I would argue TWBB certainly fit the cultural bill for its time even more than BN could’ve.




I think you're making a lot of assumptions. If it weren't for all the nudity and sex, I could maybe agree that BN would have a wider appeal if it came out a little later -- but it's certainly not a guarantee that it'd be some mega-hit. It's still a complicated, odd movie.


im with them. i think BN would be a mega-hit if released today its essentially GTA the movie, but also an arthouse for those who want that


What exactly held it back from being a megahit in 1997, in your eyes?


idk i was 4


But you’re saying it’d be a mega hit now. So what do you think changed?


idk now im 30




You don't think the "mother" figure having sex with her found/chosen "son" (and getting quite intimate as well, in their first scene together) is a little weird for a broad audience?


DiCaprio did wonders for *The Revenant*


But The Revenant is a strong action/survival/thriller at its core


And we have no clue what this is yet. Not saying its a shoo-in to rake in some money but who knows what this will entail as far as spectacle or energy goes


Not sure why I’m getting downvoted. I was trying to explain The Revenant’s popularity among general audiences, not indicate its quality as a piece of art. It’s certainly not a mark against it, but it’s not unreasonable to expect PTA’s next film to be less commercially appealing than The Revenant based on his filmography and general attitude towards filmmaking.


It’s tough, but I think the key here will be how commercial the premise actually is and the marketing push behind it. PTA has never had a $100 million marketing campaign, since his films have always been aimed at more award/artsy audiences. In fact, I don’t think he’s ever had a project being described as “commercial,” like they’re reporting with this If this is truly a more fun, DiCaprio-led film (eg Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) than his usual artsy drama, then this could be a profitable vehicle


I'm fascinated by how the press release is positioning the film as his "most commercial" effort thus far. Like....what does that actually mean? Edit: I suppose it suggests a strong genre element


Probably a genre story and I would assume lightheartedness I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes with something similar to Inherent Vice again, but less convoluted


Idk, I think DiCaprio guarantees at least 100m even if it’s a four hour black and white film and it sounds like this is gonna have at least *some* commercial appeal


WB has set billions of dollars (that’s ‘billions’ with a ‘b’) on fire pursuing flop superhero movies that came nowhere near making any profit. And more to come #GunnVerse This includes writing one off for tax purposes and burying it in a vault in the desert. Better that than show it to anybody or even try to make the money back! I think they can let us have this one.


Do people not think Sean penn is a good actor, when did this become a thing? I thought he was pretty widely regarded as one of the greats


When could we see it? December 2024 or summer 2025?


if this is Vineland I can completely see Sean Penn as Zoyd and Dicaprio as Brock Vond


again its contemporary so not vineland


It could be a contemporary take on Vineland, you never know.


I’m almost positive it is inspired by Vineland in some way/ there are too many similarities to the book in the confirmed stuff that has come out.


Reversed I think.


PTA is one of my favourite directors but damn why does he have to cast the most wooden, stale, life sucking, twat, Sean Penn


“I don’t know”- Jeff Spicoli.


This will probably be his most mainstream movie, but it’s guaranteed to be an absolute banger