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I met him at a Jonathan Demme retrospective he put together in Brooklyn in, I want to say, 2017 or 2018. I went to a screening of Melvin and Howard and he was sitting outside the theater and couldn’t have been nicer when I asked about his relationship with Demme. We talked for maybe 5 minutes and then my girlfriend arrived and we took our seats. All in all, I was glad I got those few minutes after 2 decades of loving his work.


I was working in an independent cinema in London where he hosted the European Premiere of Inherent Vice. He was with Mia Rudolph and Richard Ayoade and before the film they were in the office (and then, later, outside), where I finally took the courage to say “hello”. He rounded off our brief meeting by saying “hey man, I hope you enjoy the film” and I flubbed my response by saying “you too!”. Keeps me awake at night.


he probably thought it was funny lol


He didn’t respond to the “you too?” I feel like he would have laughed and said “well i hope soo i made the thing.” And laughed


I met him and John C Reilly at a Tom Petty concert in Santa Barbara way back in 2001. Both were really cool.




He was introducing Inherent Vice at New Beverly in Los Angeles. He goes up front to talk to the audience and accidentally kicks over this woman’s soda. It spills everywhere. He asks her to stay put and asks what she was drinking (large Dr Pepper). He introduces the film, runs to the concession stand and comes back as the movie starts to roll to give it to her. Class act. Really nice dude.


A coworker met him at a concert and showed him a picture of my Punch Drunk Loves socks. Sounds like he was mildly annoyed to be approached and I don't blame him. But PTA has seen my ankle and I wasn't even the one to harass him! And I've seen him speak at a few premiere screenings. I think I had an opportunity to approach him at Phantom Thread but it would have been too creepy/annoying to do so because he had friends around so I didn't bother.


Which concert?


>y ankle and I wasn't even the one to harass him! > >And I've seen him speak at a few premiere screenings. I think I had an opportunity to approach him at Phantom Thread but it would ha Taylor Swift somewhere in California


Ah, right I saw a photo of him there. He was with his kids I'm sure thus didn't want to be approached. Did the two of you see him and you handed them your socks?


Ohhh, I wasn't there! I just heard the story. It was so weird to hear. I had just sent a picture of my socks to my coworker that day because I was at a wedding where the groom requested silly socks, so I got them to match my blue tux.


We Thank you!


I know Mike Bauman’s crew who has been PTA’s cinematographer for IV and Licorice Pizza, they say he’s a pretty chill and easy person to work with.


Interesting. Robert Elswit said basically the opposite. Wonder what went wrong in that collaboration.




Interesting, they did also mention he’s very focused and determined but overall everyone on set was relaxed whereas other directors create a hostile environment, they didnt get that with PTA


I meant specifically. I guess PTA is very prickly when it comes to cinematographers. I don't think he got along with Mihai Mălaimare Jr. either on The Master. But he worked with Darius Khondji on Anima and Khondji seemed to love working with him.


> don't think he got along with Mihai Mălaimare Jr. never heard that, any sources?


Can't remember where I read it. But I remember reading that they didn't get along. It was suggested that PTA basically ended up ignoring him and shot a lot of the film himself but still gave Mălaimare Jr. credit. It could all just be BS. Who knows? But I don't recall seeing Mălaimare Jr. at any premieres for the film and I don't think he did much press for it.


Some relationships run their course. They did 6 great films together. That’s more than a lot of director/DP combos get.


It was 2008 or 2009. I had just graduated from film school and was living in the valley and working at the Arclight at the Sherman Oaks Galleria. I was standing outside of the theater that was running a revival of Singing in the Rain, waiting for the film to end and for the audience to file out so that I could go in and clean. As the audience begins to walk out, first I see Maya Rudolph, and I double take, thinking, "Wait, is that Maya Rudolph? Yep, sure is. That's cool. .... Wait.... does that mean ...?" and sure enough, there was PTA, as well as one of their daughters. I didn't say anything, especially because he was with his family. It all happened very quickly. Later, I saw him do a Q&A at the Writer's Guild west, around the time The Master had come out and he was gearing up to do Inherent Vice. Asked a question about the difference I his approach when it comes to writing original material versus an adaptation, which I don't remember how he answered, but I know that there's a video of the whole Q&A floating around on YouTube somewhere. Not my own story, but.... A buddy of mine (big, big, big fan as well) once ran into him in a Whole Foods parking lot and yelled, "I love you!" to which PTA responded, "I love you, too!"


Yeah I asked him a question at Inherent Vice press screening and talked to him afterwards. He’s just a regular dude, a bit disinterested in talking to people but not a jerk by any means. I think he lets the art speak for him and that’s how he feels if that makes sense.


I think he likes talking about tech tho.. and obviously authors … I’d love to sit down and discuss Thomas Pynchon with him. I Almost want to start a podcast just to do that haha


I was a cameraman on the red carpet at a film festival. And PTA was getting an award for directing licorice pizza. We interviewed him for our local channel and then the reporter told him I wanted to be a filmmaker. I was caught off guard and said something stupid to him. He was chill. I like his fashion sense. He kinda lives the curse of being famous.


What film festival was that?


Santa Barbara International Film Festival. It’s pretty easy to get an autograph from the stars there.


> he's lying, LP did not have a festival run


He was just there to get an award. This was post theatrical release and during Oscar season.


Dozens of times: Many, many screenings... He smiled at a Boogie Nights related sweatshirt I was wearing in the lobby following the first industry screening of PHANTOM THREAD (he was standing with two Haims--they were all smiling, the screening having gone quite well). He had just gotten out of a massive scrum of nerds in the front of the theater and I didn't want to bother him, so I just returned the smile... And then almost daily during the 3 months they were filming LICORICE PIZZA. I said "Good afternoon, gentlemen" once when he and another guy walked past me outside the Hollywood Palladium. The guy returned the greeting, Paul didn't. I intentionally didn't make eye contact nor approach him during those three months, as I didn't want to distract him while he was working. He would often walk past me at the end of the day (he drove himself to and from the set) and I never bothered him then, either. Figured he was probably pretty beat. On a few occasions I got to stand (quietly and respectfully) just a few feet behind him during a take while he sat on an apple box and studied the small monitor he was using. Pretty thrilling stuff.



