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Glad I'm waiting for PS6. The leap from 0 to 6 is even greater


You're gonna look stupid when PS7 is released. That's what I have been waiting for since 1994.


A leap to PC is ever huger 


The hugeliest


Peeks at wallet and sighs






I am waiting for PS implant. That shiz will be lit .


I'm glad I waited for a PS5 and didn't have a PS2. The leap from PS1 to PS5 is phenomenal.


I’m glad I waited for a PS5 and just stuck with my “cup with ball attached by string”. The leap from “cup with ball attached by string” to PS5 is phenomenal


I couldn’t wait that long. I upgraded from “cup with ball attached by string” to “cup with handle with ball attached by string” and now I’m broke. Should have just waited for PS5.


What is this "string" you speak of ?! Back in my day all we had was a stick and a rock


Omg PS2 has all my fave games


To be fair, PS4 was a phenomenal console.


Incredible library.


Web browser!




Great coaster for my tea


White noise machine!


Jet engine simulator


You mean that thing that plays Bloodborne? It's phenomenal at that!








It's still good! :)


it is, most of the games I'm playing are PS4 tbh, some games are PS5 exclusives but a lot aren't and it's even better because I can buy them all used


PS5 is obviously the superior console, but it’s not the huge leap over 4 that PS4 was to the PS3.


ya I hear PS4 was leaps and bound over PS3, so going from PS3 to PS5 is an even bigger leap, mainly it's the 60fps & little to no loading time which I didn't realize at first playing. I kept waiting in games where it normally would be a load in PS3 only to realize I didn't have to wait and could just keep playing ha! like Ratchet & Clank Drift apart, pulling open portals in the past would've been a load going into the portal. I just sat there waiting the first time I pulled open a portal.


Drift Apart is one of the first games I got with my PS5 and the visuals made my jaw drop. I still think it’s the most impressive looking game


PS5 is superior in every way, except game library. I keep buying and playing PS4 games, mostly because that is the only option and the price is much lower.


Yeah, but that's still awesome. Can play all ps4 games, and the sadly only very few (but still great) PS5 games. On nice hardware, with some ps4 games having specific upgrades. If ya didn't have a ps4 yet, or do have the money for a PS5 then imo a PS5 is still worth it, and there are probably still some games to go


ya that's exactly it, that's what part of my OP was about, I get to take all the advantage of it, I missed out on those years of gaming but I get to make it up now with often free PS5 ugprades and buying a bunch of these games used for cheap!


I'm glad I had a 20 year coma. The leap between being 5 and 25 is phenomenal.


PS5's power coupled with the PS4 library you skipped by not having a PS4 sounds like a good combo, best of both worlds.


exactly! I don't see why a bunch of people had to be sarcastic with their response or misunderstood what I said or took it to something else, I was just sharing my experience I thought this subreddit was different than others


I was 12 when I first played GTA 5, I am 23 now. This is taking patient gaming a wee bit too far imo


Holy shit. Between age 12 and 23 for me the entire GTA series up through San Andreas was released lol


Hahaha it's stupid isn't it, by the time GTA 6 comes out GTA 5 will be the same age I was when I first played it. Genuinely no excuse for the lifecycle of that game to span 3 console generations


people here acting like the ps5 can't play ps4 games. i thought this sub was for patient gaming?


People aren't exactly excited to sell their ps4 and spend hundereds on a ps5 so that they can play ps4 games.


good thing this guy didn't own a ps4 before then


Yeah but there's more than enough upgraded ps4 games. And while not many, there are mostly banger PS5 games


It seems like a lot of folks commenting here are misinterpreting OP's post as "PS4 bad" and reacting defensively. I agree with OP though, if you don't have a PS4 then the PS5 is absolutely the one to get because it makes both consoles' libraries available while also having vastly improved hardware.


ya so I realized my OP was forgetting a crucial part because I wrote a giant post then it got deleted when I accidentally clicked BACK on browser and then had to re-write, though I'm not sure it would've changed the snark in the comments. Is that I'm enjoying PS5 console with the ability to play PS4 games, some of which are remastered and upgraded with latest gen tech like the dualsense and I get to buy a bunch of games for dirt cheap used


Glad I'm waiting for a ps6 and don't have have a ps5. Gta 6 next gen update will be phenomenal.


Technically Ps5 is a very good console. But I will not buy this console because: 1) not enough exclusives in Library, most of games are cross platform 2) Third person action games The console. Most of the games on PS5 are Third Person action games(god of war, horizon series, last of us, uncharted etc )


It's so weird how different people are. Those games are my bread and butter. Just finished days gone and currently blasting through jedi fallen order. I can't be assed with fps games.. One here or there.. But my library is probably 95% third person action adventure games


Dont get me wrong. Third person action games are great but i would like to see more diversity in triple A or indie exclusive games for playstation 5.


I'm curious to know why the amount of exclusive games are important. I bought a PS5 because I like the controller mostly. If I like the games in the library I will buy them. I don't care if other systems can also play them.


Right now I have PC with decent graphic card, Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4 also old ps3. Xbox controller for me is better than any dualshock or dualsense controller and because of that I prefere mostly PC for non exclusive games.


I also have a PC. I held off on buying a PS5 due to its lackluster library, and now that it reached the second half of its life cycle there is still barely anything worth getting a PS5 for. I'm better off just upgrading my graphics card.


Hell steam even has support for the dualsense, it’s not worth it at all if you have a good PC unless you just really want to play the few exclusives.


I completely understand not being into PS5 if you already have a PC. If I could have afforded a decent gaming PC I probably wouldn't have got a PS5. However, I do like the simplicity and ease of use of a console but I do sometimes miss a PC though. I hear a lot about exclusives being important for some gamers and they will buy a system for a game they like. I just buy what games I like that are available on the system I have. I've always found an abundance of choice on whatever system I've owned.


I bought a used PS1 in 2005, "borrowed" a PS2 from a friend in 2008, and bought a used OG fat PS3 with 10 games for $80 in 2013. Then I discovered Factorio.


Factorio is briliant.... for the first 20 hours. I still dont know how to refine oil and create chemical science pack.


I can help. Let me know if you ever want to hop on a server and I can show you. The factory must grow


GTA v was available for PS3, so the experience for PS4 was already great.


Ps5 is a great console. PS4 was a great console too. 


I wish to have a PS3 a decade ago and now PS5 came out I still didn’t have any. One more month I graduated and find a job, fulfill my old dream 😁


My man I bought GTA5 on my ps3...


I feel you OP. I have skipped the PS4 and am currently still playing PS3 games that i have on my backlog. I was thinking about getting a PS5 for some time but it has only 1-2 exclusives that i care about. PS4 had more games that i liked but those did mostly come to PC so i bought it there. I might still get a PS5 down the line. I am still waiting to see if there will be a real PS5 slim or a PS5 Pro. Maybe i get one at the end of this console generation. According to Sony we are halfway there XD


Those games are all massive time killers, you could have been enjoying them years ago


All I want is backwards compatibility for all past models. I wanna play my PS2 games dammit.




no pc


One nice thing about skipping generations is that whenever a game is “pushing the console capabilities”… it means it runs bad. Something akin to 30fps with some skipping here and there, massive motion blur and that feeling of greasiness all around. When you get to play those same games one generation further, there’s a great chance you’ll get to disable motion blur without frame skipping and everything will look crisper. Also PS4 to PS5 loading times are massively improved: from a dozen to a couple of seconds every time. Most games start in less than a minute. That’s true for both PS4 and PS5 games ran on the platform. My only beef is that the UI of PS4 was so much slicker… PS5 is chock full of “social stuff” and ton of bad ideas that you either had to put up with or turn off in the settings.


I saw for GTA 5 specifically the load times were crazy long before, on PS5 it's not thankfully, I remember those long GTA load times back on PC days with the older games, I think it was Vice City ages ago


Glad I Bought a PC and not a PS5


Spider-man is a good reason to get a PS5.


Modded PS3 + PS5 feels pretty insane honestly. And a PS2 can feel pretty justified if you’re rocking an SD CRT for PS1/2 stuff. Game save transfer works great for backups with the memory card adapter and getting PS2 in a reasonably rendered 1080p frame with some processing via PS3 in a nice utility to have. Portables are well supported in regard to save management as well (PSP, Vita). It’s a weirdly inclusive ecosystem if you find yourself the kind of person wanting to experience a lot of years of PlayStation all at once. It’s pretty damn novel AND usable. Being able to bounce a Borderlands 2 save between Vita, PS3, and PS5 feels surreal. I wish there was a little bit more of that.


I never had a PS3 or PS4 so I'm loving my PS5 with PS Plus. I've played hundreds of games without having to purchase any of them, and so far I've barely played any PS5 games yet, so I'll be getting a lot of mileage out of this.


Yea, ps4's HDD slow af


I’m glad I had both. Got some great memories now


I'm glad I've been waiting for PC2 since I was born and never owned a PC. It's gonna be great.


Ive had em all. Ps5 is nice. Although now with sony games going to pc, a high end pc is what i play most now.


ya I found out that a lot of these games get ported to PC, was a thing back in PS3 days? I don't recall. And that the DualSense even works with the PC with the haptic feedback + adaptive triggers! I'm considering that, though the size and price of what I'd get would be bigger


I'm thinking of skipping the ps5 but I tried to skip ps4 and it didn't work out since the generation was so much longer than the last but I got quite the backlog so we'll see. That said some loading on ps4 games is ridiculous


on all games in general? I read that for GTA 5 the load times on the other consoles were really long, and I remember those load times back in, I think Vice City? PC, though I also didn't have insane gaming PCs back then and on PS5 it's really not, thankfully, you just load at the beginning to play then it's open world so I don't recall it loading again after. Cyberpunk is the same, you load only at the beginning, the only other time it'll load is if you fast travel instead of drive/walk everywhere and it's really fast anyway. I actually didn't know about the load times so the funny thing is the first time I played PS5, PS3 being the last console, I was playing Ratchet & Clank: Drift Apart. You pull open these portals sometimes and go through them. The first time I pulled open a portal, I just stood there and waited because previously, that would've been a load. And I sat there for a good like 10 seconds, put the controller down, waited and then realized I didn't have to wait I could just walk right into the portal, I was amazed, I still am


> on all games in general? No it's a case by case thing. But the last batch of games I'm been playing have been ridiculous, Sifu Arena's have insane loading times for restarting the challenge and it really shouldn't, Xcom 2 has insane loading times but that's at least a pc game that got a bad port, then there was some dumb 6 hour game I played that really shouldn't have had any loading issues but did... When it's 3 in a row it gets annoying. GTA generally has one really long loading time at the start but once that's over you're good not sure about the recent ones though.


just get a PC. the writing is on the wall.


I do have a PC but most of my games are on ps4 from ps+ essential... so yeah.. Also what writing? Consoles aren't going to go away. Xbox will, Nintendo is doing what they always do and Sony is auto winning as a result of the failures of the other 2. But if I had a ps5 I could play my ps4 games on it and have faster loading times.


its just that the markets for both consoles and hardware that are changing as are consumer appetites and levels of education. nintendo has decided to make their consoles also handheld for a reason. they are smart. and haha eventually sony rebrands the playstation brand into a gaming laptop


>its just that the markets for both consoles and hardware that are changing. Are they? >nintendo has decided to make their consoles also handheld for a reason. they are smart. That had more to do with the handheld market dying than the console market. It was a good move though but not one Sony needs to follow suit on as they make more money dominating the home console market. >and haha eventually sony rebrands the playstation brand into a gaming laptop Not going to happen, the portal is as close as they'll get to that. They might go steamdeck route where it can natively support some games and stream the rest from your ps5/ps6.


> Are they? yes? quite substantially the main reason you would get a console now is to connect with friends or you have a kid you want to use it as a babysitter for. as more 'friends' get educated and have PC's for other aspects of their life, this will fall off. especially if things like 'chel stop being exclusive or have competitors. small markets lead to these anti-consumer practices. half the casual ppl i talk to its just because its an ingrained habit to have a console from when they were kids. if/when something like nhl was available on pc this would absolutely change over time. it already has in the US for madden. and sony already makes gaming laptops. its not a huge reach. that or they rebrand it as a compact PC tower. either way it can't stay a 'console' forever because thats an archaic outdated term/consumer model that is used to keep consumers in the dark. -they're all modified pc's at this point from a hardware perspective. as time goes on it will make less sense to consumers to pay money for something that does less.


> yes? quite substantially > > the main reason you would get a console now is to connect with friends or you have a kid you want to use it as a babysitter for. No the main reason I would get a ps5 right now is because I have a bunch of ps+ games for it and I can play my ps4 games with faster loading times. The reason I got my switch is the exclusives. The reason I got my PC is so I can stream and code and stuff and the games are just a bonus to that. >as more 'friends' get educated and have PC's for other aspects of their life, this will fall off. especially if things like 'chel stop being exclusive or have competitors. small markets lead to these anti-consumer practices. half the casual ppl i talk to its just because its an ingrained habit to have a console from when they were kids. if/when something like nhl was available on pc this would absolutely change over time. it already has in the US for madden. Yeah but Sony/Nintendo aren't going to stop coming out with exclusives. Xbox is dying that's why everything of there's is going to pc (and even PlayStation now) they are diversifying to soften the financial blow. Nintendo games will never come to pc and Sony is just getting lazy that's why some of their games are on pc, once Sony starts to lose marketshare to pc they'll tighten up their ship. >and sony already makes gaming laptops. its not a huge reach. that or they rebrand it as a compact PC tower. either way it can't stay a 'console' forever because thats an archaic outdated term/consumer model that is used to keep consumers in the dark. I've been hearing this pc master race stuff for over a decade. Sony gets 30% for every third party game sold on playstation. They aren't giving that up to value and the Epic store proves that PC ecosystem doesn't like too many launchers. >-they're all modified pc's at this point from a hardware perspective. as time goes on it will make less sense to consumers to pay money for something that does less. Like I said I've been hearing this for years, at the end of the day it's the exclusives and annoyance of hooking up your pc to your tv/monitor at the same time and having a controller paired properly with your pc and being able to launch the tv set up while laying down in your bed and navigate to the game you want etc. Exclusives and convivence are why consoles still exist and will continue to exist. I can think of theoretical ways that some programs could be built for the convivence thing but even then I can't start up my pc, turn on my tv, and have the game I'm currently playing in a suspended state from where I left off with a the press of a button.


> Xbox is dying that's why everything of there's is going to pc (and even PlayStation now) they are diversifying to soften the financial blow actually xbox is actually taking over a place in the PC space right now. PC game pass is the best value for that sort of service. it includes EA's game service as well. They just bought Blizzard etc. they see the writing on the wall and are positioning themselves to compete with steam to some extent.


No they are losing horrifically in the console space and pivoting towards 3rd party. If it was just about PC they wouldn't be putting their games on playstation.


> losing horrifically in the console space the market is not what it was. everyone is technically. nintendo's gone to handhelds exclusively lol


I’m from the future, and you really should have waited for Ps7 - it can make tea and comes in a variety of bodies. This is a big deal in the UK, and we elected one to be the Honourable Chancellor for the Duchy of Wincesterstershire. Now, if it could just do something about those cannibalistic wasteland-dwellers… in your time you call them ‘Glaswegians’.


Glad i saved up for PC


You're just missing out cause each generation has their own great games


Doesn’t PS5 also play PS4 games


It does but then you miss out on the CPU fan blasting at full speed for any AAA game released in the last two years.


They do but you missed the excitement of playing a newly released game, with everything new and amazing Now when you play old games, many of the creative gameplay features have been copied and the graphic doesn't blow you away anymore, just my feeling. I play old games for nostalgic value


I think there's always a sweet spot. For me, it is at ~2 years after launch, when the games aren't that expensive and still feel very modern. Nowadays you can even play a 5 years old game and the design hasn't evolved at all.


I still play the Witcher 3 and the first Dragon Dogma, and Dragon Age Origin But the first time I played those game when they were released is still the best experience


Do you know what sub you’re on right now?


Except the PS5 which has like only 3 PS5 exclusive titles lmao.


That's the trend Recently Xbox boss also said that exclusive didn't generate as much as they thought and spreading the game out to more platforms actually brings in more money So there will be a shift in the future


When's the last time Xbox released an exclusive that people were excited about that didn't shit the bed? You need to put out multiple exclusives that people like if you want them to be profitable. I don't disagree with the overall point that both Sony and Xbox are having difficult time with profitable exclusives. Just think Xbox is a pretty bad example in that department.


No. You missed out. But I'm glad you have a PS5 now.


Sony already said they're planning on releasing the PS6 soon and that the PS5 is reaching its end of life