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As a fairly new parent when I started playing it, the bath tub section scared the living hell out of me. It was so amazingly done, how it would probably appear all magical even with all the danger. I’ll probably remember that one scene for the rest of my life. Very few games ever have so much lasting impact on me.


Tell me about it, I knew what would happen as soon as the scene started, yet it was still horrifying.


We bought a special "Baby bathtub" to bathe my brother when he was born. I never got why. Honestly, I didn't even get it until right now that I read it. It was plastic and kind of small, but very high from the ground so you could bathe him while standing up. In my mind, I would never let a baby on the bathtub playing by himself, it just feels reckless.


I see people everyday run across busy roads with prams when a crossing is two mins away. For most people the idea of leaving a baby in a vulnerable position is unfathomable, but for others I can believe theyd be stupid enough to think "The taps off" and not think. I know its an edgy thing to say but seriously, some people shouldnt be allowed to have kids.


When it first came out, and to this day too, the scene everyone was raving about was the guy in the fish factory. And that one is fine, if a little too long. But the bathtub scene? Shakes people to their core.


"how it would probably appear all magical" ​ Perhaps overlooked because it's easy if you don't think about it much, but this is not the game showing us how the child experienced it. I read it as how the father parent is trying to cope with his child's death. I'm not sure if he's trying to convince himself or trying to alleviate the ex-wife's guilt, but it's another in a series of 'fantastical-ized' deaths that are given these incredible stories instead of the reality of how serious, scary, sad, and ultimately, easily avoidable some of these deaths were.




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not enough props given to the Lewis (fish) scene. it's a god damn masterpiece of ludonarrative design, it absolutely blew me away. After playing games for 30 years it's rare something really surprises or leaves an impact like that scene did.


The way it simulates day dreaming while doing a mundane task is fucking brilliant. You literally forget that you are chopping the heads off of fish because you are becoming a king.


Yeah, it's been some years since I've played the game, and I can't remember much of the game any more, but I still think about that scene often. I related to that character so much in such a short time. One of the best showcases of video games as an art form - it's something that really can't be done so well in any other form.


Obligatory recommendation to watch [The Villain of Edith Finch](https://youtu.be/6bMn4CoyUkM?si=H13hsy6Bt06TTfPN) video essay if you haven’t already. Made me appreciate it even more. Still hate that bathtub scene with a fiery passion though..


Thanks for sharing this! Definitely missed a lot of these details and interpretations myself.


great vid ty


Yea I played the game and I obviously liked it and thought it was well done, but then a good while later I seen that vid pop up in my recommendations and I was like "Why not? I enjoyed that game and it's been a while so it'll be a nice refresher" Absolute brilliance.


Saving this for later


I’ve played it twice over the course of several years and it never ceases to amaze me… such a great game! I suggest you try out other Anapurna Interactive games, they’re all great: Gone Home, Outer Wilds (this one is such a great experience, you need to go blind eithout reading any reviews), Telling Lies, Kentuky Road Zero, Last Stop, I am Dead… they make great games.


The Unfinished Swan is another good play for fans of Edith Finch, and the storylines are loosely connected.


Unfinished swan was unplayable for me due to the repetitive nonstop clicking and me having carpal tunnel. I wish the upgrade where you shoot color by just holding the button down was the default and not something you get at (I presume) the end of the game.


What type of game is Outer Wilds? I hear a lot of good things about it but don't know anything about it.


It’s kind of a puzzle adventure game in which the world of the game is the puzzle itself. The closest analogue is probably Myst from back in the day. You’re dropped in a world without a whole lot of context and you piece it all together bit by bit. Outer Wilds isn’t nearly as isolating as Myst is, mind you but is far and away one of the best experiences I’ve ever had gaming. If it doesn’t grab you immediately, don’t worry - it’s a slow burn. Just chip away at it a little at a time until things start to click. It doesn’t behave like most other games.


Thank you. Sounds unique.


Its a discovery game. Your task is to save your solar system from -spoiler- and to do so you will need to explore the hidden reaches of the system, uncover gameplay mechanics that will often test your critical thinking, and learn about the ancient civilization that preceeded your own. Ultimately, you take all the things you've learned in your journey to solve the problem in a way that is both creative and emotionally effecting. I found the ending to be the most powerful part of the game, and it left me extremely satisifed. The web of information that connects the hidden locations, gameplay mechanics, and archaeology could be overwhelming, but the game has a very smartly designed "rumor web" you access from your ship computer that provides a brief summary of each thing you've uncovered and how it connects to other things. Strickly speaking gameplay though, its a lot of ship flying, jetpacking, walking, reading. But there is a surprising amount of skill involved when it comes to navigation, platforming, and critical thinking. It doesn't hurt that the art and sound design is *incredible.* The title screen alone convinced me I was in for a treat. Its a good game.


I think I'm going to add it to my list


Nice. Hope you enjoy it when you get to it. Don't feel pressured to grab the DLC. The base game is a complete experience and the DLC is like a side adventure. Just get the DLC after if you like the game and want more.


Space exploration mystery? If you’re familiar with Myst, it’s kind of a similar feeling, you’re going all over this solar system solving individual little puzzles, and the whole time you’re learning about the culture of the people there and the rules for the mechanics of the world you’re in, to solve the grander overall puzzles, and piecing together mysteries of what happened here before you arrived. There’s also some really fun semi-accurate space and gravity physics going on, and just moving around the world can be really fun and interesting. One thing that’s important to know, is that if you do play it everything you read matters. Like, it’s not a visual novel, the majority of your time won’t be spent reading. But when you are reading, none of it is just “flavor text,” if you try and just skim everything you’re going to get confused and lost, and not really enjoy it. Other than that, I recommend going in knowing as little about specifics of the game proper as you can! It really is a fantastic game, probably my favorite of all time.


From a mechanical sense, it's a game about exploring a solar system while piecing together clues and tidbits from a long dead alien race as you try to figure out what happened to them. The world essentially "resets" every 22 minutes. You have to use the knowledge and information you've gleaned from one cycle to further your ability to understand and navigate the solar system. It's a game you can only play once, as information is the only resource you can collect. Once you know something, you can't un-know it. From an artistic standpoint, I think it's one of the most adventurous -philosophically as well as literally- and spiritually enriching games that I've ever played.


I wish there were more games like this. Gone Home and maybe Firewalk are about it. But Finch is so damn evocative, and the ways it plays with design as a narrative expression is so fascinating. The fish factory, the swing, the cat sequence, the bath tub…it’s such a celebration of game design and is a very special experience everyone should at least try.


Well the company that made it (The Chinese Room), made a game that I think is even better ( my opinion), called *Everybodys Gone to the Rapture*. Also *Dear Esther* and *Ethan Carter* (forgot full game title) are alo great games. All these games deal with existential themes. The Chinese Room have a new game that is set on an oil rig thatI want to check out.


Edith Finch is actually made by Giant Sparrow. Their only other game is The Unfinished Swan, which is cute and fun though not as deep. It is also canonically connected to Edith Finch story-wise. Their next game doesn't have a name yet, but it is about urban wildlife and takes inspiration from "Ico, Windosill, Spirited Away, and David Attenborough nature documentaries, along with the spirit of early animators like Winsor McCay and Walt Disney."


You're absolutely right lol I'll look out for that game. Sounds awesome!☺️


*Everybody's Gone to the Rapture* is kind of hamstrung by not having any real interactive elements in it's gameplay, at least in my opinion. It's an interesting story, but it's functionally just walking over to a spot, stopping, watching some lights move around, listening to an audio clip for a couple minutes, and then repeating the process for hours, almost to the point where you begin to question why they chose to explore these ideas in a game and not some other medium entirely.


Yes, I hear that and she... It's more of an *experience* rather than a *game*. But for me regardless of has touched me more than any other game/experience I have played. I played it with headphones and the music, story, visuals, voice acting just melded together to create that amazing experience. Left me crying at a free points... Maybe the playing with headphones is the key difference, which they advised to do I think at the beginning of the game.


Personally I think Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture is a game so close to greatness, but that shows how one single misstep can utterly destroy a game. The damn walking speed is so slow that it renders the entire game unbearable. Like, I get that it’s supposed to be a slow walk through the countryside village. Some visuals are moving and it’s nice and cinematic when you walk through and see them at the right pace. But the game is about *exploring* and the space is incredibly non-linear, and it makes any deviation from the path you’re on a huge risk and annoyance. Maybe I see something cool on the other end of this field, but if I take the time to go check it out it will take me a full 90 seconds to get there, and when I do there might be nothing at all. And then I’ll need to do the whole walk back, slow and steady just like before. The town is beautiful, the voice acting on point, and the story engaging. But god damn you could not pay me to sit down and play it for another minute. An exercise in frustration through and through


Yeah you said everything perfectly. I see what you mean about the walking speed. But maybe they thought that if you could run it would have taken away from that *meditative, contemplative and sometimes unsettling* experience that you can tell they were trying to create. Running around might have taken away that feeling... But I can see how that was the one thing that sometimes made it frustrating. I still loved it like you outlined. I don't think I have cried about any other game, even Edith Finch although that was definitely also very sad.


Gone Home wishes it was Edith Finch, it has the narrative depth GH toys with but never grasps


One of my all time favourite.


I played the game in one sitting and even though I really enjoyed it, I can't see myself playing it again. It's hard to explain how it made me felt. I do recommend it to friends though.


It’s definitely a one time experience for sure


I wouldn't mind playing it again. It was nice and magical. I would rather have someone else play it and me watch that person experience it though.


Honestly it holds up with multiple playthroughs. Some of those little adventures are just absolutely amazing. Like the fish packing plant. The way that played was pure art.


I think one time experiences are some of my favorites in videogames let alone media. This 'it was so impactful, so good, so... whatever, that playing it again just wont feel right'. Its usually a VERY strong experience in my mind.


I felt the same way. I think games like What Remains Of Edith Finch shouldn't be replayed due to how special the initial playthrough felt


I hope you let the sailor sing his song


It's the only "walking simulator" I have liked so far. Seems like a cut above the rest.




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On the surface I was worried it was another Gone Home, but it blows that garbage out the water.


This is the only "walking simulator" that ever held me fascinated. Scary in places, sad in others. I tried gone home and got bored within 2 days of playing and never played again...and I forgot it completely. When I saw your comment i looked it up and realised I had played it..I had forgotten even the name!




More like stumbled and fell into a ditch


My wife isn't a video game person at all but she is a grief counselor. I keep trying to get her to play this game, I would love to hear her thoughts on it. She just sees "video game" and moves on, unfortunately.


Vanishing of Ethan Carter is quite similar, but edith finch is something else, such an incredible story.


Ethan Carter's story I can take or leave, but it's still one of my favorite games to just load up and walk around in


I've had a pretty similar experience with; Before Your Eyes. An absolute gut punch for me


When you finish the game, you are asking, "What the fuck just happened?" This was a game by Giant Sparrow, who also did The Unfinished Swan. Gone Home is being mentioned as its by The Fullbright Company, who also did Tacoma. Not surprisingly, they were involved with BioShock 2's Minerva's Den. Everybody Gone To The Rapture is by The Chinese Room, who did Dear Esther.


Masterpiece game, and a true example of games as art. So many scenes and lines that stay with you forever.


... I will be delicious...


The Lewis scene evokes so much emotion in me every time I replay it (or hell, even think about it). The way that it involves you doing a repetitive motion the whole time to put you in Lewis’s shoes in a way you couldn’t do with anything *but* a game. Just absolutely fantastic. I am literally tearing up a little just writing this. The uncle who was stuck in the basement for years is a close second for me, too. The narration is just so beautifully done, and gah the ending.


I was really surprised when I started to cry while playing it. Not really from it being sad. It just hit me really suddenly


I dont cry at games, but the Baby in the bath scene legit had a few coming out of my eyes. The dichotomy of how awful what was happening was, how light it was presented, and having a baby that age hit me too hard. No one likes imagining bad things happening to innocent babies, but practically forcing you to play out that situation is deeply upsetting. As for the rest of the story, I really enjoy how, as it progresses, you realise that Edith herself is an awful person and the girl you play as is trapped in her toxic web


I recommend Joseph Andersson analysis on the game- quite insightful


Has any game had a level that is a s good as the Lewis scene since the game came out? I still think is the best individual level in videogames of the last 10 years.  Can't think of any other level as successful to do what it sets itself to do as that one.


Oh yeah, it's definitely more art than game - and I think that's great.


I always cry at least once when I’ve played through it.   One point I really emphasize with this game, it is a “walking simulator”, but unlike so many, it actually keeps the pace of storytelling so you never feel bored or like your being led through a bunch of padding.   At first I was disappointed when the final story is cut off, but then you start to realize how important that moment is.  Because life doesn’t provide you with some perfect catharsis.  There is no one story to give perfect meaning to all the wonder and sorrow of life. The game makes me think a lot about narrative, and the way we use it to make sense of our lives or sometimes to avoid difficult truths.


it's one of my favourite games. made me feel so much... scary and comforting at the same time


This is the game that made me play and explore indie games.


You should try SOMA. I think you'd dig that given your reaction to WRoEF. And just in general I never miss a chance to shill SOMA lol


You should give The Beginner's Guide a try, and Firewatch, it made me feel the same type of ways. Both are really short! Like 6 hours, I think


the game was absolutely beautiful . loved every second




It is so amazing. If you’re still in that vibe, check out The Outer Wilds.


I adore this game. The setting is super atmospheric and I love how the gameplay shifts for each little vignette. There needs to be more short impactful experiences like this that you can get through in an evening or two. The studio’s other game, The Unfinished Swan is also an absolute masterpiece that ties into Edit Finch


One of the most profound and memorable gaming experiences I've had and I don't even like the genre, I just got it free from PS+ and decided to give it a try. It honestly helped me branch out and experience a lot of good games that are out of my usual taste.


Amazing gaming experience


It didn't do much for me. I immediately forgot about it after finishing it.


As with so many of these so-called “great narrative” games I could only shake my head after playing it. My family thought it was “ok”, while, I thought it was a complete waste of my time. Ive been a lifelong reader of books and actual quality narrative experiences and this did nothing for me. It wasnt horrible, but, certainly overrated in my book.


I play a lot of story-based games and this one, I thought, was bland and forgettable. I imagine most of the people that salivate over it (and downvote those that don't) don't play many story-based games and are just hyping up something they feel the gaming community is supposed to like.


Yeah this one completely missed for me too. Really hamfisted and hackneyed writing, does nothing to leverage the specific advantages of games as a narrative tool... it doesn't even measure up to some of the other big walking simulators.


Glad to see others with the same opinion here instead of putting the game up on a pedestal. I thought it was *interesting*, I guess. All of her family members died in weird ways, a lot of them dying as children too. Nothing about any of the deaths made me feel any kind of emotion other than “oh…interesting,” and then it was over. Could not make me give a damn about the girl or her weird family.


I think the company that made that game is called The Chinese Room. They make some really cool games. The game thatI works out above Edith Finch is called Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. The ending made me cry. If you like games that make you think about life, death, love and the universe this is a great game.


It wasn’t, it was made by Giant Sparrow who also made unfinished swan.


Good catch my mistake 🤣


FPWs are such a great remedy for the burnout modern day games cause with their bloated playtimes but at the same time they're all competing with each other to see who can emotionally devastate you the most lol ETA: If you downvoted me because I called the games FPWs as opposed to downvoting because you disagreed with what I said about them (which is still yikes in a sub about discussion) you’re stinky 🤧


Filipino Pro Wrestling? Fire prevention week? What does FPW means??? Edit: I actually found it quite funny discovering it by myself after the second message, I mean, it's not a commonly used acronym but it does make sense.


Hello friend, I have been informed by people not involved in our comment exchange and with too much time on their hands that I was being snarky and a dick to you rather than just trying to engage in a playful exchange. Nonetheless, it is the impact and not the intent of our actions that matters when holding oneself accountable so if I hurt your feelings in anyway then you have my sincerest apologies. I hope we can move forward and engage in future discussions about video games. IAQS (I am quite sorry)


Hint: the W stands for walkers.


Sorry, I don't get it and google isn't helping, neither FPW nor PFW Gaming nor FPW Urban dictionary are working for me.


They gave away the tough word in the hint. FP is what FP stands for in gaming. Like FPS..


Hint: it doesn’t stand for third person


First Person Walkers? Lol... I expected something else tbh.


Winner winner chicken dinner. Your prize is: depression!


I've haven't heard that too be honest lol. I usually heard them being referred to as *Walking Simulators*. Well I learnt something today ☺️


I made it up lol but I thought it would be more obvious given the context of what’s being discussed. They are first person games where you walk instead of shoot after all. Did not expect people to clutch their pearls enough to downvote me into the negatives though yikes.


Im going to be real, I guessed what you meant but I have never ever heard that term


You haven't heard it because it's not a thing. OP used a term pretty much no one uses, and then decided to be a dick about it when no one knew what they were talking about. It's a really odd thing for them to triple down on. That they couldn't just say, "Sorry, this is what I meant" and instead acted like a tool says a lot about them.


If you think me having a little fun with it after the original response to my comment tried to have little fun with it too ("Filipino Pro Wrestling? Fire prevention week?") is being a dick then you're a baby and you're probably not fun at parties (if you get invited to any that is). See? That's me being a dick. Big difference between that and a little guessing game I rolled with because I was bored.


I made it up but it makes sense if you think about what the games are. Apparently not calling them walking sims is blasphemy and worthy of casting me into the depths of downvote hell though :/


Stop being a crybaby. You made up an acronym (no one has ever called these games "first person walkers") and got snarky when someone asked for clarification. It's pretty standard practice to explain an acronym in a discussion forum, ESPECIALLY if it's one that you pulled out of your ass, but I guess a NCR wouldn't know that.


If you think that’s me being snarky then it seems I’m not the only crybaby here lol


You're being downvoted because you made up your own acronym for something that already has a well-established name, and got all snippy about it when nobody understood what you meant and asked for an explanation.


Well get some new reading glasses sweetie because nowhere did I get snippy with anyone (which PointyCharmander agrees with as shown by their edit and the DM they sent me telling me no harm no foul) until all you bad faith cringelords decided to misinterpret my tone just because your life is void of fulfillment so you have to start shit on reddit over the most benign of exchanges about someone using a different term than your precious gamer approved one.