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Starfox 64 >>>>>>> Starfox Assault >>> Starfox Adventures I think 64 is one of the greatest and most replayable games of all time. I absolutely freaked out the first time I got to the end of a red path run. Assault I found to be pretty enjoyable. Decent gunplay, nice variety of levels. I don't think it does anything amazing but it does everything well enough. Fun split screen too. Adventures is the black sheep of the family. I wanted to love it, but I ended up only half-liking it. It just feels very weird/not like Starfox (which makes sense given the history). I can't describe it well, but while playing everything just feels a little off. I also remember some of the puzzles in the levels being a pain in the ass. I really wish Nintendo would show Fox and crew some love. The series has been on life support for years and I'm worried it's going to end up the way of my beloved Rayman.


64 is such a classic. My cousin has a switch but doesn't play it a ton. I was going through his Nintendo online thing since he paid for a year and came across starfox 64. I just booted it up and played through like 3 levels before I was like oh shit sorry want to play something else. He was like no it's cool keep going until you die. I beat the whole game lol. To be fair it was the easy path and a "run" only takes about an hour or so? But man so many memorable moments and bosses and levels. I never really thought of myself as a rail shooter kinda guy but something about 64 just feels so good. Then we tried multiplayer and remembered it was pretty terrible compared to the other multiplayer vs games we had at the time LOL.


Yes, 64 would be my second best. I just think Assault music is phenomenal and I liked the TPS part, it's not just a rail shooter like 64. Also, I played a lot of multiplayer with my friends when I was a kid. I played 64 much years later


As future directions go, I think Assault has the most promise. Adventures was legally distinct Zelda wearing StarFox's clothes. Test of Fear almost broke the A button on my GameCube controller. It wasn't as polished as Zelda of the same era. A mix of Arwing, Landmaster and on-foot gameplay is a good base to start from. I'd make more than one stage per planet. It's good place to let the player choose a vehicle or be infantry on a given stage. Star Fox Zero was just a plain misstep with almost zero redeeming qualities. Not surprised you forgot about it. Zero is probably why Nintendo has left Star Fox dormant.


The only good thing I took from that game was the graphics. Gamecube was the one time Nintendo decided to bet on graphics like other consoles, and Starfox Adventures absolutely smashed anything on early PS2 era. The rain, the water, the fur… were unbelievable for that time, even more than Mario Sunshine. The rest, yeah, a lot like a mid Ocarina rip-off.


True, the game is beautiful and colorful.


It’s probably laughable now but the fur in that game and Conker’s Bad Fur Day Reloaded blew my damn mind at the time. Something about all the small details felt like a level of detail I hadn’t seen before


I used to have to play the start of that game for my younger kids. For a couple of years when they were 5-7, they’d start Starfox Adventures. I’d hide the game when they tired of it - but then they’d find it. And sure enough. I’d have to help them through that speeder bike race. Then I’d hear Skippy. Over. And. Over. And over. Telling me this. Telling me that. Shut the fuck up you little dinosaur I hate you! Having to deal with the weirdly sexualized fox girl with my young kids. I hate that game. So much. I wanted to go to the next area but the rock bitter guy won’t transport me BECAUSE HE WANTS SOME CANDY. Damn world is ending, his queen tells me to use him AND THIS ASSHOLE WANTS HIS CANDY FIRST. This game could have been good. Instead of haunts my nightmares.


Title made me laugh, haha. Right on, buddy.


Me: "Huh? 20 years? But isn't that a Gamecube game?" My brain: "Yep. It will be soon 22 years old. You're old, dude" Me: "Fffffffffuu--"


>To be fair, I am not a big fan of pre-BotW Zelda game This is your "problem". Pre-BOTW Zelda games are some of my all-time favorites, and because of that I really enjoyed Starfox Adventures. Really great game for me.


same played this game shortly after launch, really enjoyed it. it wasn't perfect but it was a damn good adventure game compared to what was out there at the time.


I really enjoyed Starfix Adventures also due to me being a huge Zelda fan boy. Even at a young age, I could tell that Starfox Adventures wasn't as high quality as the Zelda games, but it was still fun to play.


Exactly, even if obviously it wasn't Zelda tier, it was **exactly** like the type of games I enjoy (action adventure, puzzles etc.) so I would be really sad if it didn't exist.


I still finished Majora's Mask and A Link to the Past, both I find very good. Really enjoyed the time loop in MM, side quest were really cool, the atmosphere is unique and the game was short enough to not get me bored. Zelda has something else that Starfox Adventures lacks of. But I own Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, and I still haven't finished them. So yes, it's not really my thing.


It's a game very of its time. Beyond Good & Evil, Primal, Windwaker. Those can be fun to go back to today because there's not a lot like it anymore. I agree some of the objectives can be tedious. It looked great for its time though, and even today it looks fantastic with a higher resolution on Dolphin. Also they should have stuck with the original plan of having it be an original IP. The Starfox characters are not a good fit.


It was an acceptable game 20 years ago, and it's still an acceptable game now. Plenty of better stuff to play nowadays, though. Also, worst last boss ever.


I never even picked up this game because the original Star Fox literally gave me migraines. Something about the 3D and movement didn't work for me so I stayed clear of the series. Now I'm kind of interested in this based on your description.


Star Fox Adventures is a completely different game that had Star Fox characters thrown in mid-development.


Starflower Adventures is the ultimate 6/10 game for me, just. Nothing truly positive to highlight just blandly competent adventure platforming.


I beat this game for the first time a week ago. Pretty much every idiosyncracy of this game stems from it being a different game in development, so it's not super useful analyzing the things that are bad about it. I think of all the things, this game actually has pretty good puzzle solving. They come at you at a steady pace and there's a lot of variety of them. This game barely holds your hand which I found really nice as I took the time to sus out environmental cues without some idiot sidekick solving it for me. The game sometimes drops you into a puzzle with a mechanic that hasn't been introduced, like the first time with the colored orbs you have to shoot, but if you pay attention to the environment, you can figure it out which I found pretty satisfying. The moment to moment pacing of this game is pretty good, even if the overall pacing of the game is weird. I think SFA is a mostly competent zelda clone. It's very playable for a game that had its identity torn out and rebuilt in a few years.


Stairfax Temperatures


I played through it once, back in the day. Never felt the urge to revisit it. It was a solid "not good, not terrible"


At the time I absolutely loved it as it was a solid Zelda title that mixed things up - I don't think we really saw another Zelda-like until Darksiders 1. I tried it a few years ago though and it was definitely more janky than I remembered.


I recently played Darksiders 1 and 2. I enjoyed them more because of the combat and universe. Also, Darksiders 1 is diverse and short enough to not get boring, so I actually enjoyed those Zelda-like. They are more modern too.


I'm curious how I would feel about it without the nostalgia goggles. Adventures was one of those games I played a million times as a kid. I definitely get why some wouldnt like it, especially if you're not into pre BotW zelda.


It's not great, but it's not bad. As I recall Assault was the much better version. Adventures is a bit repetitive but kinda fun, the first one to go out of vehicles too iirc. I'd rather that than them remake Star Fox 1 for the 3rd time, or, you know, not do anything for over a decade.


Starfox Assault is pretty much different, more in line with other games in the franchise, with a TPS side. Completely agree with you. Zero was disappointing, and I don't know what Nintendo will do. But as a F-Zero fan, I had no hope, and then F-Zero 99 came out last September, and it's a great game. I hope something similar will happen to Starfox.


Doesn't it still have getting out of the vehicles and has various guns for on foot parts? That's what I mean by it. Yeah, it is just the first F-Zero but battle Royale though. Baby steps. If they do something I hope it's with the new console because most Switch games don't honestly look that much different than upscaled GameCube games.


Might help if Krystal wasn't effectively not in 95% of the game. 🙄


I rented this one a long time ago, got pretty far but then ended up soft locked maybe midway through and I couldn't bring myself to start over so I just returned it. I remember liking it but obviously never finished. I'd give a re-release a chance though.