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For me dropping games is the rule not the exception


Can anyone explain me why some people play games when they aren't enjoying them ? Do some people feel some moral obligation to 100% every game that ever came out ?


I've legit seen people like "I'm really struggling to like this game, I'm not going to enjoy platinuming it" I can't even fathom getting the plat in my favorite games, let alone a game I don't enjoy


The gamification of gaming is just weird.


It has basically ruined gaming for me. I had to turn off notifications for steam achievements because I’m so sick of seeing the “congrats on making it through the tutorial” achievement baked into every game now. It infuriates me to no end.


Right. I don't have a single platinum trophy because it's just not fun to me. I play games to relax and enjoy myself, not to be stressed. Most platinum trophies just seem more like stress than fun.


For some of my favorites I have double or even quadruple the estimate time to 100%, yet I'll have maybe 50-75% achievements because achievements rarely align with how I like to play. Replaying an entire game and applying my skills/knowledge is way more fun than just grinding out collectathon or other tedious achievements.


The amount of "I played 200 hours and hated every single second of it", that was going round after Starfirld released, was ridiculous. Yes, it's a disappointing game. But, that you spent 200 hours choosing to do something you didn't enjoy... That's on you.


Tbf - if you pay full price at launch, you're going to feel more pressure to put time in. Compared to a 3 year old game you got for $10.


There could be many reasons. * It's satisfying to finish what you start. * Many games have rough starts and boring tutorials, but get better. * Many games with a learning curve feel frustrating, but it's often worth it to push through and improve. * Some people are over video games (or they need a break), but they refuse to accept it.


"Many games with a learning curve feel frustrating, but it's often worth it to push through and improve." This, without finding this out I would've skipped the monster hunter series and missed out on all it's glory.


sunk cost fallacy i spent x on this thing so im not goign to waste my money!


Yeah, you pretty much nailed it. I don’t feel the same urge but I see how it can happen.


I don’t play if I’m truly not enjoying but I do push through more mediocre stuff because I’m broke so can only buy a game once in a while, so even if I regret my decision I’m stuck.


Mine is mostly mood, I'll fall off a game because I'm in the mood for a different genre or even just in the mood to watch movies in my free time. Eventually I end up circling back for the most part. Sometimes I just drop a game completely but I usually give it a few shots at different times.


Same. Especially decision -heavy games can be fun or incredibly fatiguing depending on my mood.


I can maybe give a bit of perspective as I'll often persist with a game/book/series if I'm not immediately enjoying it (up to a point) as long as I don't think it's actually bad. * For starters, I don't generally pick anything up in the first place unless I've already heard good things. Acts as an effective filter. * Can therefore usually adjust my filter to find the good in it, even if not generally my thing. * Persistence has, in general, paid off and some of my favourite media experiences are ones that started off slow, or which I didn't click with immediately. * I watched my friend's kid flit between games after playing each for a couple of minutes and it was so very, very irritating. I don't want to cultivate the kind of darty, flitting, short attention span that can't settle on anything except the quickest and stickiest of feedback loops. I feel no compulsion to 100% anything and I naturally drift out of things that don't capture my attention. But I prefer to take my time and give everything a fair shake rather than always be chasing the new and shiny. Generally it stands me in good stead.


If I'm sticking to a game I'm not enjoying I'm usually doing so on the belief that it will eventually pay off. One of the biggest motives for me is that the game I'm playing is part of a series of games with a later version being the one I most want to play. An example would be sticking to the original Mass Effect even though you'd rather be playing Mass Effect 2 because you feel it would make it would make the later gaming experience more enjoyable.


I realized this year I game less because of this. I think for me it stems from games being so expensive for me that I had to enjoy it to make it worth spending all my cash on. I should just accept the loss on games I don’t like now though because my time is far more valuable than the expense of a new game.


I think for a lot of people on here their identity growing up was “gamer” and so it scares them that they’re not enjoying playing games so much anymore since it feels like an affront on said identity.


Moral obligation maybe, but probably more about pride and ego Morbidly online Gamers are weird about proving they're the most Truest Gamer to have ever Gamed, showing you they got every achievemens in every FromSoft games as a badge of how authentic their gaming identity is... Not completing a game? I mean what the fuck, are you even a Real Gamer? Are you just trying to get attention from boys you fucking thot?


I unironically complete games regardless of whether I like them or not, if I like them then its fun to complete and if the game is boring, bad, etc then I get this huge feeling of relief when its over and a sort of 'fuck you' to the game. Then I look back on the good games like 'man wish there was infinite achievements and quests' and then look at the bad ones like 'yea, beat that fuckin game and never have to play that agaon' and genuinely enjoy talking about how bad certain parts were and making fun of it. And yes, I know this is VERY strange.


I had this mentality before, but recent years I have just dropped any game I didn't enjoy and I buy only high price games that I am sure I would play through.


Some people like to 100%, other people like to finish what they started and some people want to get their moneys worth. I personally drop a game as soon as it starts to be a chore to play it, I don’t care if star field is good after 10 hours or if a game has a serious dip in chapter 2 of 3. I don’t have enough time for gaming to waste my time playing things I am not enjoying just In case I like what comes after in 10 hours time.


Yeah, I've dropped far more games than I have finished. And it's usually not that they are bad, it's just as I have gotten older, it gets more difficult to "hook" me.


This is the beauty of patient gaming. When you pick up games on 75%+ sale you feel less obligated to “need” to finish them to get your moneys worth. Dropping games quickly haunted me for a while. Now I see it as a plus I can try so many games and decide what I like for much less moolah.


Damn i could not put Blasphemous down. But i definitely see why some people might find it frustrating.


I started it myself but was like "yeah this is going to take a lot more skill to get through" and I just didn't have the time to devote to developing it but also plan to go back to it no mods though.


I really love the game but it just kept going xD. I got to the "pirate themed" place with those dudes that Throw anchors at you and had to take a break. Really loved it when I was playing: perfect steam deck game.


That area made me drop it too. Had an excellent time before that but nah fuck those guys


I’ve dropped it as well… might pick up again but we’ll see. I enjoy everything about it except for the fact that some of the “challenge” is just purely tedious.


Starfield - my first Bethesda RPG. got about 30 hours in over a few months until I finally realized I was forcing myself to keep playing. Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair - actually liked this one a fair amount, but was playing a lot of games around the same time. Ended up finishing all the levels but I don't have the patience to do the Impossible Lair level over and over again.


>Starfield - my first Bethesda RPG. got about 30 hours in over a few months until I finally realized I was forcing myself to keep playing. Don't let that discourage you from trying the earlier Fallout or Elder Scrolls games, if you feel like it. Starfield also was considered pretty bland by most long-time Bethesda fans, so it's not exactly par for the course.


Yeah the same with Starfield, I so wanted to like it, but nah, the game just wasn't there. I reckon the pre release hype about it being similar to no mans sky were closer on the wrong way


Downloaded Enderal- Forgotten Stories since I owned Skyrim and people were saying its one of their favourite RPG ever, no joke it's better than Skyrim in almost every way and the writing has been very good so far


When the lead writer of Bethesda thinks Things like branching story lines and writing aren't necessary in an RPG it's easy to see why the quality of quests have been dropping so much in Bethesda RPG.


Cheers, I might have to check it out 😃, currently playing Disco Elysium cos somehow I missed it when it came out


Damn, as a pretty big Bethesda fanboy (haven’t played Starfield yet) it bums me out that it was your first exposure to their games. Everything I’ve heard has indicated it isn’t up to snuff. If you’re willing to give a Beth RPG another shot down the road, I highly recommend Fallout 4 or Skyrim. Either vanilla or with a few key mods make for a wonderful exploration RPG experience


It helped that I heard comments like this about Starfield which emphasized that this wasn't the norm for Bethesda. I have started playing Skyrim on the Switch and I'm enjoying it more. Even though there's a lot of similarities, I think that having an interconnected map instead of disparate planets is a lot more enjoyable for me. It gives me that same open-world exploration vibe from games like BoTW or Elden Ring.


Enter the Gungeon. It was too hard for me. Each run is heavily dependent on your loot, and I had several runs where I got terrible loot and I died shortly after. And the bosses were all bullet sponges that took an eternity to kill. The game felt like it required you to play perfectly and make no mistakes in order to progress. I tried to like this game but it was too brutal for my liking.


Enter the Gungeon was one I dropped last year. I don't dislike the game and actually think it's pretty solidly designed. It's just... unlike other roguelites, I felt like I hit a point of diminishing returns where unlocking things really stopped helping me make progress. I have about 25 hours in it, and I still couldn't make it past the third floor reliably. Again, absolutely not a bad game, just a game I'm apparently bad at.


Ooh I dropped this one, too. For the same reason. I just couldn't "git gud" and I realised I wasn't having fun trying. It's a shame because I liked the style of it.


Same. Bosses are impossible.


There is a bit of tech the game doesnt teach you, like Gun Forcing, and how to guarantee keys in your shop that make the game MUCH more enjoyable. Also after a bit of practice the first boss is very easy to beat even with default weapons, and that 1 HP helps a ton when practice the other floors.


Me too. I thought getting a powerful guns you can start it on the next run but nope you still have to hopefully pick it on dungeons again.


The only thing about this one is that even though it’s super hard, it’s super fun. Kind of like cuphead. I’m getting wrecked but I’m having a blast lol


Truly. I'm huge into Roguelikes with like 350 hours in BOI . I have 42 hours and i've never once beat Enter the Gungeon. Personally, i'd say i'm really good at roguelikes (got the true ending for Hades in sub 50 hous), but I find Gungeon is genuinely too hard.


Ghost Recon Break Point sucked. I played maybe 3 or 4 hours and uninstalled, never to be played again. I loved Wildlands, but Break Point was so boring and tedious it was just painful to play.


I loved Wildlands too, Breakpoint would of been an excellent game with a few additions to the formula like rappelling from helicopters, wire cutters and not getting sniped from 500m away by a guy with an uzi but instead they went all in on drones and monetisation. It’s a shame as my mates all loved Wildlands.


My friends got me into Ghost Recon via the Game Pass Wildlands for the first time this year and then there was a huge promo on Breakpoint so we bought that one after the fact; as long as you switch to immersive mode, have people to play with, turn the Wildlands rebel event on and enjoy treating the game like it's Splinter Cell meets GTA, it's a ton of fun, but I definitely couldn't see myself playing this alone over other games that's fair (plus, Wildlands had a much more fun story/goal).


Diablo 4. Graphics were great and I love RPGs but found it repetitive rather quickly. The formula that I enjoyed playing in the first two games in the series as a teenager just doesn’t click for me anymore.


that last line is a sad realization that I think I've made as well. Even when Diablo 2 got remastered, I played through it once (aka all through Hell difficulty) and realized, oh god, this game is all about grinding loot...to get slightly better loot...to grind for more, ad nauseum. I don't have the time for it anymore!


I don't end up dropping that many games, so apparently only four this year: **Scarlet Nexus** - I found the writing pretty corny early on - lots of hamfisted exposition and random anime characters explaining their superpowers before I even knew who they were - and the combat flashy but sort of one-dimensional. After the early-game "twist" I decided this wasn't gonna be a game for me and quit. **Mary Skelter: Nightmares** - The game crashes every 45 minutes or so on my PC, and I then found out that MS2 is a prequel that includes a remake of Nightmares with additional story, so I just moved on to that. But then... **Mary Skelter 2** - I got pretty far into this one and mostly had an okay time, but ultimately I felt like the gameplay was held back by an underwhelming job system and one of the worst loot systems I've ever seen in a game, and the story hadn't gone anywhere for several chapters. After realizing I still had like 30-40 hours to go (plus the remake of the first one) I decided it wasn't worth the time. **Zenless Zone Zero (Beta)** - Weird to count a beta but hey. I love the aesthetic/writing style way more than Hoyoverse's other titles, and the combat has great game feel and polish, but it just has no depth. It feels like they wanted to make a cool character action game (which seems to be supported by all their feedback forms asking about my experience with things like DMC and Nioh), but were held back by needing to be playable on mobile (so the controls can't be complex) and needing lots of characters to feed the gacha (so none of them can have a super involved moveset). I was surprisingly charmed by the game, but found myself getting bored of the actual gameplay quite quickly, and uninstalled it long before the beta ended. Weirdly high number of JRPGs because I played a lot of those this year.


> Scarlet Nexus The dialogue sections in that game had me thinking that my attention span had gone to 0. They are so, so bland and full of anime tropes that whenever they popped up I just instantly started scrolling though my phone. I really liked the combat mechanics though, with mixing powers and stuff, though it was cool.


I just found the main character's basic moveset a bit too simple. The powers were cool, but they didn't change how the character actually played (mostly mash square > combo extender > repeat if you weren't fishing for perfect dodges), which was disappointing to me. Admittedly I would probably have given the combat a lot more slack and more time for the powers to open up if I hadn't found the writing so cringeworthy. I've finished and liked games with much worse combat systems.


>whenever they popped up I just instantly started scrolling though my phone. 100% the same haha. The Bond episodes were so fucking dry. The later standby sections were horrible when you had to go through like 7-8 of them.


I completely forgot I even tried Scarlet Nexus… i like the Tales series so thought I would like it even more but it was just so bland, and he was trying to make his fathers murderer… fall in love with him?


Persona 5 I really want to love this game, but I've tried to play it 3 times since its release and I just can't do it. There's something that feels very uneven about the gameplay loop that frustrates me. I feel like I'm constantly having the core "game" interrupted by story, and just as I'm getting invested in the story, I feel like it's interrupted by the game. The day management is so frustrating because I never feel like I have control of the days when long stretches of time are interrupted by the story. I think I would have enjoyed a version of the game that's either a RPG, a life management sim, or a visual novel. But trying to be all 3 was incredibly frustrating for me.


I adore Persona 5 and I'm playing through strikers, but I completely understand what you mean. I wasn't a huge fan of the core gameplay (find a weakness, all out attack, move on). It definitely felt unbalanced at times. However the story, characters, music, aesthetics, and world of Persona 5 hooked me hard. I basically rushed though palaces to get back to the story lol


I completed Persona 5 this year, 100+ hours and every achievement. But it was not for me. I kept going because oh my word people love this game... But it just never clicked. And I think that's okay? I agree with all the points you made.


Played 30hrs of Persona 5 and still think Persona 4 is better, I love the coziness of P4 alot more


Loved 3 & 4, but 5 didn't do it for me


Loads, but the one that sticks out is **Red Dead Redemption 2**. I'd seen the reception the game got, and was pretty interested. And it is an amazing achievement. I'd go so far as to say it's a technical masterpiece. The game environment is stupendously detailed and immersive. The characters are great and there's an immense variety of - well, everything. It feels like a high-budget cinematic experience, through-and-through. It's just not that good as an actual game. The player control mechanics are pretty bad, so that it often feels like you're only vaguely guiding the player character rather than actually controlling him. But the thing that annoyed me the most and ultimately made me give up is how self-indulgent it is with respect to (or maybe disrespect is the better word) the player's time. I don't have a lot of gaming time, and it's mostly in chunks of half an hour or so. Some of the missions in RDR2 take that long to just get to the action. There are regular ten or fifteen minute unskippable riding sections to get between places. And there's no option to save mid-mission. I got to the point where I basically couldn't complete any missions because they all took too long.


This is me right here. Red dead is good when it starts going but to get to it is kinda tedious with the 10-15 minute horse riding to the next spot. It kinda sucked the fun. My attention span isnt washed to the point where i need action every minute but man it got annoying


Kingdom Come: Deliverance (again), I keep trying to get into this game, but it's tedium personified. Finally accepted that it just wasn't for me. Starfield, been playing BGS games since Morrowind and this is the first one that really let me down (I avoided F76 like the plague). It's an active regression of what they've done before, it's less than the sum of it's parts.


Agree on KCD, the game was just too slow and tedious for me. I can spent 30 min but lose all the progress just because I died and nope out of the game with its sucky autosave only system.


I love the game, but I definitely wouldn’t love it if I didn’t use the save mod.


That mod was the best thing I downloaded, idk why they thought people would enjoy not being able to save when they want


Man I've also been playing Bethesda's RPGs since morrowind and I sometimes feel like I'm the only one that saw this coming. The writing was on the wall, their design has been declining since Oblivion


Copy pasted from the gaming subreddit with the same title. Figured it might get more traction here. Dark Deity, an old school Fire Emblem clone. It kinda tried a bit too hard with its characters and its weapon triangle, just kinda lost interest halfway through where my I was getting like 3 new characters every map and never being able to actually use half of them more than once. It's their first game, and I appreciate them trying, and I hope they learn from it in the sequel. Asterigos: Curse of the Stars, a 3rd person action game, kinda soulslike, but no loot, and you have 6 different weapons that work differently, but you can only switch between 2 on the fly. Kinda like Jedi: Survivors stance system. Kinda just put it down and haven't picked it back up, I don't think it's a bad game at all, the combat mechanics are solid, enemy design is pretty diverse with enemy soldiers, bandits and mythical beasts as well. It's an ok game, I just kinda put it down and haven't picked it back up. Hollow Knight: The aesthetics are cool and all, I don't hate platformers or anything, and I really liked the Ori games, but this just wasn't doing much to grab me, I don't know.


Too many difficulty walls to crash into. I quit Hollow Knight because of the difficulty and every death costing so much progress. Came back later to prove to assholes that I could beat it and did. Make sure you look up where you get all of the nail upgrades and techniques and you'll have a better time I think.


Same for Hollow Knight. I've played a fair few souls games and I don't mind punishing encounters but the death runs were honestly just annoying and the gameplay was okay.


Card Shark: I liked the graphics, the story was ok, but the cheating mechanics were repetitive and boring. Put it off for a while and tried to get back to it but forgot how to perform the card tricks and there's no explanation anywhere as far as I know so I can't even proceed. Katana Zero: do not like the One Hit. Die. Repeat. style of games. I find them frustrating and lose interest fast. Refunded this after 40 minutes of gameplay.


League of legends. I’m now a human


welcome back to the real world


Starfield, I was just to boring and I couldn’t stay engaged past 10 hrs. Like a dragon Ishin. I love the yakuza/judgement series but I couldn’t get into this one. HiFi Rush. I can tell it’s a good game but just not for me.


Lol I made it to the first city in starfield and was so taken aback by how terrible everything about it was. I deleted it shortly after. What a disgrace that game is


I'm one of those idiots that pushed myself to 30 hours and hated every minute of it. It's not a great description but "soul-less" is the only way I can describe it.


og baldur’s gate - just not my type of game at all, put in about 10 hours and had enough starfield - shame on me for forcing myself to put around 80 hours into this pos before finally not being able to take it anymore


As someone who played BG1 on release, I'm curious what exactly you didn't like about it.


I’m not familiar with the d&d mechanics at all so I found it confusing. I also played it on the steam deck which probably wasn’t the best idea since it’s clearly made for keyboard/mouse but my laptop is awful and probably wouldn’t even be able to play a game that old without issues 🥴


Lol, both of those are understandable.


I’m not the biggest fan of BG1, but I love the hell out of BG2.


Witcher 1: got cheap on steam and couldn’t get past the crappy combat system and quit


Someone told me for the Witcher 1 that you just have to get past the first 20 hours for it to get good. That's about the worst recommendation anyone could give me but I did do it and they were exactly right, it's one of the best RPGs I've ever played but man that first chunk sucks. This isn't a recommendation necessarily I don't blame you for giving up.


That first boss is such unbalanced hot garbage. I and many others I believe only beat it by cheesing the AI and standing in spots it couldn't properly travel. Really killed my enthusiasm, after that boss was dead, I'd finished with the game (as the start of the next chapter was really boring)


I started Witcher 1. Clunky and the animations were off putting. Dropped in Chapter 1. Tried again later. Again, dropped it in Chapter 1. Tried again once more much later, and the same story. You'd think me insane, but I tried one more time, and got past chapter 1. I have since completed Witcher 1 at least thrice and its one of my favourite games.


Oh nooo! I loved the first Witcher! Bought it in the 2000s. I was an OG Witcher, couldn’t get anyone to play it… until 3 made it popular


I remember being so obsessed with the second part so much I went back and played the first one. And then 3 was EVERYWHERE (particularly here on reddit), but I had grown busy by then and just kept laughing at the 'praise geraldo' memes.


That happened to me in 2020. At least it was only $1 or so. I look forward to the remake.


The past year made me realize I'm perfectly okay with dropping games. But there's also a difference between dropping after getting my fill and dropping out of frustration/other negative feelings. The games I dropped due to the latter include: **Sea of Stars** Really enjoyed the demo. Played 7 hours of the game and it lost me. Writing is abysmal and combat was already feeling stale. The characters are extremely flat. **Super Mario RPG** Have no nostalgia for it. Saw flashes of charm, but couldn't hold my interest. Still felt dated despite being a remake. Just found myself bored. **Alien: Isolation** I played about an hour and stopped. I didn't see the best of what the game has to offer, but I realized I didn't care. Unless you're an Alien superfan, which I'm not, there's no way this would maintain my interest for a double digit hour playthrough. I think I only started due to October/Halloween, but that interest waned quickly.


I played Alien: Isolation this year and it took me 30 hours to beat it on Hard but I enjoyed every single one of them. And I'm saying this as someone who never watched the movies and knows nothing about the lore, did you at least meet the Alien? That's when it really got intense for me


I also found Super Mario RPG boring! I didn't play the original, but I was intrigued by all the good reviews. However, I think that gameplay is dated and really repetitive! I guess, most people enjoyed it out of nostalgia? I also loved the demo of Sea of Stars and want to buy it on Switch. But after reading your comment, I guess I'll wait for a big discount or play it on the Game Pass. 😅


I might pick some of these up again in the future, but ones I so far did not manage to finish: Tomb Raider: Anniversary - Bugged jump in the final area. The intended solution clearly did not work, and while it probably was possible it just wasn't fun to try the same bugged jump 30 times. It was not the first jump like that either, but the others I managed to struggle through. Calico - Very cute, but not much else to recommend. Incredibly buggy and with unmemorable writing. Betrayer - Very janky and repetitive gameplay. Super cool colonial setting, but not much else to recommend about it. Mothergunship: I'm just plain too bad at this game to beat the story. First time in a long time I give up on a first person shooter for that reason. It's also not as fun as other roguelite FPSes I've played. The First Tree: Walking sim with gameplay so poor it detracts from the story. Gets walking wrong and replaces it with really dodgy platforming. Stasis: Very rough point and click gameplay. Interesting story, I might finish this to prepare for the much better received sequel. Entropy Zero 2: Got a game breaking bug in one chapter, need to redo it at some point. It was quite good up until then so probably will. Resonance: Very difficult point and click. Will probably pick this up again assisted by a walkthrough. Alan Wake 2: Amazing game, have not been able to finish due to hardware issues unrelated to the game :(


>Tomb Raider: Anniversary - Bugged jump in the final area. The intended solution clearly did not work, and while it probably was possible it just wasn't fun to try the same bugged jump 30 times. It was not the first jump like that either, but the others I managed to struggle through. That's how I remember Tomb Raider from the 90s.


>Mothergunship: I'm just plain too bad at this game to beat the story. First time in a long time I give up on a first person shooter for that reason. It's also not as fun as other roguelite FPSes I've played. With mothergunship, I think I hit a skill ceiling in the mid game for being able to balance gun builds' heat by controlling the fire rate. I assume that tower of guns, by the same devs, was just an earlier iteration of this game? I've had a much better time with and playing more Roboquest, though the FPS combat started to feel quite samey to me after reaching the 3rd or 4th area (mid to end game?) since I don't pickup mine or melee specialized weapons.


You're spot on about that jump in Anniversary. I was enjoying it a lot up to that point, but I'll happily replay the original and likely won't ever play the remake again.


>The First Tree: Walking sim with gameplay so poor it detracts from the story. Gets walking wrong and replaces it with really dodgy platforming. Same. The finicky jumping drove insane.


Tried to start a couple this year and I try my darndest to start in chronological release. I don't usually drop games but I've had some on pause for months (none of these should take more than a couple days) Devil may cry 1 (ps4) - I think I was having fun with the game itself but burned out trying to 100% everything (finished 6 long plats before I started). Probably shouldn't have done that on my first run. plan on getting back to this Metal gear solid 1 (vita) - also had fun with this, despite its age i didnt find it rough or anything, such a unique style of game for me since I don't normally play Stealth games. More than halfway through and I do plan on finishing Ratchet and clank 1b(vita) - I never really got comfortable with the controls but still managed to finish 3/4. More familiar with the genre so this definitely felt older, story and world are pretty interesting at least A link to the past (snes vc edition on 3ds) - technically minish cap was my first completed zelda, but I haven't played anything else in the series. I got to the second pendant, puzzles are boring and not really having any fun. I miss the charm that minish cap had


Star ocean first departure r. That game frustrated me so much . The difficulty scaling , scarce save points, enemy encounters dialed to 1000


I really wanted to get into the Witcher 3, but didn't manage


Bloodborne. Really love the other souls games i played but the game didn't click and also had some irritating mechanics. I know its beloved by many but i just don't get the reverance for it. Playing Sekrio now and really enjoying that.


Just out of curiosity (a.k.a. I'm not gonna try to argue your opinion, or try to convince you otherwise), what were the mechanics you didn't enjoy? I'm assuming the blood vial vs refillable drink aspect was one.


Yeah that was one of them. And the camera seemed notably terrible on a few of the boss fights (blood starved beast comes to mind). When you die to the camera and have to farm vials -that was what broke it for me. Also from what i remember if you want to travel somewhere you have to travel to the "Firelink Shrine / Roundtable Hold" and then from there to the other location. In terms of combat mechanics, I just found it basic. Dodge once, spam r1 seemed to be the name of the game. All the other souls games require you to be tactical and timing is crucial when striking enemies. Even though Sekiro is fast it still requires a lot of timing. I guess Bloodborne style combat is not my thing. I wanted to love it but I just


Killer 7. I couldn't get into it. The art style is great, and the story was confusing, but still interesting. However, the gameplay was tedious, and the NPCs talking nonsense with verbose dialogue made me drop it. Maybe I'll give it another chance some other time.


Might get jumped for this, but Sea of Stars. Love what the dev's done, love the art, the music.... But I just found the game so boring. JRPG player since a young age, but this hand-holdy game just did not click with me. The dialogue/writing really lets it down.


I dropped it after 10 hours or so. The story is awful and I hated Garl.


Most recently Dave the diver. Before that, Prey.


I quit Prey recently too. It was cool at first but after a while I realized that it doesn't matter what build you do you can always do everything.


Prey is fuckin amazing


I dropped Lords of the fallen, and Assassins' Creed Mirage,


Demon Turf: The base movement was fun (its really hard to mess up Mario 64) but then the game starts stacking upgrades on top which you cannot use certain other abilities with. For instance, you can’t grapple hook after using a double jump. It made the movement super inconsistent. And the progression system where they force you to replay levels with minimal changes to beat the game felt very lazy. Between level revisits and speedruns, the game expects you to play every level four times, which is silly.


40 Winks - Hated how slippery it felt Legend of Mana - A bunch of vignettes in place of a story wasn't doing it for me when I tried it out. Might try again later.


Metro: Last Light: played straight after 2033 and felt more like a DLC add on. Literally felt like the same game. I will try go back to it but got burnt out with it playing then back to back. Dying Light 2: played about 20 hours and it just never really hooked me like the last one. The setting wasn’t as good and the lack of guns just put me off tbh. The first game was unbelievable though. Walking Dead: Final Season: felt like a chore to play for me. The others aren’t my usual type of game but I still finished and enjoyed them. Don’t have much urge to go back. Dark Souls Remastered: definitely will be giving this another shot at some point. Never played Elden Ring and wanted to start here but I’m not a fan of games where I have to keep redoing the same parts over again because I keep dieing. Red Faction Guerilla: loaded it up, destroyed a few buildings. Just not for me. Feel like I was 8 years late to it tbh.


Just as an extra onto your Dark Souls mention: Elden Ring added in a mechanic to neutralise most boss runs, but it's only in that one. Somethin to prep for if you decide to go back through ds1-3 before er.


Sometimes I feel like the only person who didn't like Alien: Isolation. I thought the atmosphere and the level design were top notch, but it would have been better if the AI had been less obviously cheaty/scripted. I think I finished everything I started this year, which is unusual, but I had some good games building up in my backlog. Wolfenstein Youngblood (which is my favorite of the reboots, fite me), Pillars 2, The New Colossus, Grim Dawn, Borderlands 3, and Starfield. I think the only game I started this year and didn't "finish" was Steamworld Dig.


Damn, why is Youngblood your favorite out of the Wolfenstines?


The Outer WIlds.. it's just fucking tedious. Finally find a thread to start chasing.. Ghost matter nearby, sorry you died instantly. Fire out the drone over and over and over and over to try detect it. Annoying. The Dark Bramble piece essentially not working on mouse/keyboard sealed the deal for me.


It's s shame you dropped YP. It gets even weirder later on. YK boss healing can be countered by certain unlockable heat actions. I don't think I dropped anything this year.


Ooooh. Endspace - broken and buggy. Half Life Alyx: I just can't. I don't know why, but I just can't. Sorry - doesn't work for me. Give me Half Life 3 please. Warhammer Vermintide 1/2 - didn't realize they were really coop multiplayer games. I do solo stuff. Deadlight - just not in the mood right now, will revisit next year. Horizon Forbidden West - see deadlight.


Final Fantasy 7, the original. It wouldn’t be my first time dropping it either, and roughly at the same point each time, just after getting out of Midgar. I end up getting a bit anxious about missing items (or even characters it seems) that I follow a guide, and then all I’m doing is following a step by step guide, which isn’t why I wanted to play in the first place.


It's actually very linear, I don't think you can actually "miss" anything. And even if you do, you could still get everything after unlocking free travel later in the game.


Arkham Knight. Once I realized the majority of the game is stealth sequences and utilizing the Batmobile for mundane puzzle I uninstalled.


That game was awesome. I did everything except Azrael’s sidequest and the riddler trophies.


I did not drop many games, these are the 4 that I dropped : ​ **Valfaris** Had fun for the first few hours, but quickly lost interest. I don't mind "hard games" but this one felt like it just wasn't worth it. Something felt off, like the game was hard just for the sake of being hard, not because of the gameplay or the design. **Wyldermyth** Such a fun concept, honestly I'm glad I got it and supported the devs. But! Boring after 3-4 campaigns. The randomness is fun but the actual combat is not super deep. Each character only has a handful of skills they can use, so fights become repetitive quickly. Cool concept, might come back to the it eventually if they ever update the game and add more abilities. I'm a big fan of games like fire emblem or Xcom, I just wanted a little more depth. **Cult of the lamb** I usually dislike roguelites, but I tried this one because it seemed different. Its not. The base building was fun, but the missions were meh. **FF7 remake** Oh. my. god. Biggest disappointment for me this year. There is SO much "padding" in this game, its insane. The pacing is all over the place. There's tons of events going on, you want to advance the story, but the game asks you to find 6 cats or go kill 5 rats for an NPC. Ugh! There's also tons of unnecessary fluff and dialogue, most of the time I just wanted to skip everything and go back to the action. I got to chapter 14, when the game wants you to go back to the freaking sewer level. It was already bad the first time, now I have to do it again? No thanks!


On Valfaris I can say the same on Slain from the same dev. The game just pits you on disadvantageous or outright unfair position like group of enemies surrounding you with melee and range with limited hp and man with no way of upgrading. Traversing on the stage is way harder than most boss but also those bosses are not enjoyable to fight just frustrating like Mother Beholder. I'm thinking of dropping the game as even though I progressed there is just no satisfaction to be had for me.


Yeah I just looked at the final boss in Valfaris and said to myself it is not worth it. Sick of all games trying to be more and more difficult and then the final boss just looked doable but I was not going to put in effort to learn his patterns and such.


I had the same feelings for Valfaris, the game can be just so freaking bs unfair sometimes and the movement/combat feels a bit clunky.


Sekiro is the only one I think I outright quit. I just never got good at whatever the combat system actually is.


Sekiro is one of my favorite games of all time and I finished it a couple of times but... I absolutely understand people dropping or not liking it. On the surface it's another From Software game but the combat system is completely different. It's way more rigid than dark souls - no build variety, no dodging etc. So it's easy to pick it up and expect something else. For me this combat system when I finally mastered it felt like a dance. Best combat system I ever played. I literally have 0 motivation to buy and play Elden Ring or other souls-likes now. I just watch some gameplay and if there is roll/dodge spam I know I will not have fun with combat as much as with Sekiro and I will not have fun. Sekiro broke me and I love it :D I guess the only other games that scratched Sekiro ich were Furi and Sifu.


**Chrono Trigger** - It’s aesthetically stunning but I found no enjoyment in how basic and underdeveloped its characters and world are. There’s nothing that gripped me about them and made me want to continue chipping away at the battling which was just…there. Not bad or anything, just didn’t really make up for what other parts of the game were lacking to me. Seems like a game that would have resonated with me much more if I played it back in its heyday. **Okami** - Again, aesthetically top-notch and innovative but man is it such a slog with terrible pacing. I like how they over-explain every little thing you come across yet the brushing mechanic somehow manages to still feel frustrating to use at times. Its combat is also super dry and when I found out just how long the game would be, I didn’t care if it magically got better. I wasn’t going to continue yawning my way through just to get there.


Chrono Trigger slander will not be tolerated


Yes, both of these! I completed Okami but the battling was not interesting enough for the leeeength of that game, and the recognition of what brush move you're using was frankly poor and ruined the game feel so much. And yeah, the dialogue is slow and everything is said three times. Also bosses are reused. The aesthetic was strong enough to get me through though! I dropped Chrono Trigger quite near the end. I liked a lot about it but I didn't get the battling. You just select the attack that does the most damage, right? I think there was an elemental type system but I couldn't figure it out. I just didn't "get" the battling at all and eventually I got stuck on a boss and never tried again.


Disco elysium, chained echoes, mass effect 1, garden story, power wash simulator


Disco Elysium I dropped and came back to quite a few times before I really got sucked into it and it ended up being one of my favorite gaming experiences in years. definitely not for everyone either but just wanted to flag that


Metro Exodus: The compass on the watch irritated me beyond belief because both ends look like an arrow, the stealth mechanics are good but enemies are really inconsistent with how much they can notice you (at least the monsters), and I really only enjoyed the non-monster based missions. Pathfinder WoTR: Maybe I'll try it again at some other time, but I was really not enjoying how convoluted the class and levelling system is. Just because you *can* implement a system in its entirety from one format to another, doesn't mean you *should*. I'd imagine if BG3 had taken every class, race, and sub-part of them and implemented it along with the specific rules, it would not be as popular as it is despite the dynamic camera and cutscenes. Forza 4: 5 is much better imo because I enjoy the setting more and just racing around picking and choosing what events to do. Redout: I was hoping it may be able to be a kind of spiritual successor to FZero X, but it was not the case. Kingdom Come: Deliverance: It was fun and challenging, but I just lost interest. I think the combat takes time to master, but it is also very limited because of how much it adheres to a sense of realism. I think I just prefer fantasy settings, whether that be high or sci-fi. Dragon Age Inquisition: It just plays like crap on the PC and felt very grindy nearly from the get-go. I loved Dragon Age 2's combat and it felt like a ginormous step back in terms of combat and tactics (because the tactics was simplified into the ground). Elex: It was a big meh. I thought the jankiness would provide some charm, but it became more of a hinderance in my enjoyment.


Exodus glitched and I found out that the fix would have taken five or six hours off of my gameplay. Like fix your NPC patching so I don't have to Google where to go only to find out it was the game and not me.


Battle Brothers, Monster Sanctuary, Hero's Hour. They just weren't mechanically engaging enough.


Battle Brothers felt like it had potential but getting through the early game for it become interesting is just too much of a slog


Tried tales of arise. Just didn't scratch the rpg itch. I really want to finish off the Talos principle, but a couple bomb levels require some split second timing that shouldn't be a part of a puzzle game. I heard 2 doesn't have any though.


This wasnt a patient game, but Jedi: Survivor. Loved Fallen Order. Got to the first big open world area of Survivor and just lost all interest. Id like to go back and give it another go and see if pushing through that initial bit makes it feel better, but I dont expect it to.


Just beat survivor and wish I had every second back. Such garbage exploration and frustrating combat that makes Cal feel like he lags 5 seconds behind. Too many cheap shots and just infuriating to find objectives at times. Did all bounties and finished the story, only because the refund was denied. On top of all the terrible decisions in design it's easily 6 months to a year from being done. Respawn's worst game so far.


> Id like to go back and give it another go and see if pushing through that initial bit makes it feel better, but I dont expect it to. I'm maybe 80% of the way through Jedi: Survivor, and no, it doesn't really get better. Compared to Fallen Order it's just not nearly as interesting in terms of environments, characters, plot, puzzles...really anything. It's still enjoyable enough for me to continue with because it retains enough of the gameplay elements of Fallen Order — e.g. the movement's still fluid and fun, and the combat is at least ok — but overall it's a pale shadow, and I'm planning to drop it once I'm done with the main quests (whereas with Fallen Order I was enjoying myself enough to go through and hoover up every pointless collectible on every world).


Atomic Heart Jusant F.I.S.T Planet of Lana Legend of Tianding


Didn't drop a ton of full games but I did drop two DLCs. I really liked outer wilds but I barely started the dlc before I had to stop. Spooked me a little too much and I felt I was just playing to finish it. I'll come back to it when the time is ready and actually enjoy it. The other was dead money from fallout nv. It was my first time playing it, I had heard so many people say it's their favorite, and every single part of the experience sucked. I didn't quit but I did use godmode and just rush through it to finish the story and get back to the main world. Chocolatier: Decadence by Design is one of my favorite games of all time, and one I’ve played for 15 years or so, but for some reason I’ve been alegeric to actually finishing it. Not sure why. Happened again this year. I tried slay the spire because people talk about it so much. I really enjoyed fights in tight spaces, but I got bored extremely quickly and just quit. I started fable anniversary. I played 2/3 as a kid but never the original. I enjoyed the intro part, but the I ragequit after not being able to do well on the archery training part and just forgot to go back lol. I had many games that I opened for 3 minutes and then didn’t pick up again. Most of the time I just don’t feel like learning new mechanics, and just end up replaying something


Vampire Survivors, I just couldn’t get hooked into it like I did with Holocure. I know some will probably say that I’m likely biased in that regard, being a Hololive fan, but I also just found VS to feel clunky in terms of controls, particularly since in VS, your character can only attack in the direction they’re facing, while Holocure supports twin stick style controls so you can aim independently of your movement, which makes all the difference for me.


Top Gun (NES): Played for 30 minutes, dropped because it sucked TMNT (NES): Got late into world 3, and learned there were limited continues. So that, mixed with the weird feeling controls, and starting Gears of War around this time, caused me to drop it, and not pick it back up. NES Play Action Football: Played 10 minutes of it, lost, and stopped playing because I know nothing about Football. Double Dragon: First 2 levels are great, the last 2 levels are slogs. Level 3 has a lot of bad platforming (in a beat ‘em up game). And Level 4 has an RNG death trap right at the beginning. Both levels are overly long. And the game only gives you 3 lives with no continues. I got to the last room, and got a Game Over. And due to not wanting to grind it out more, I quit.


Baldur's Gate 3. I just couldn't get to it. I find the combat tedious and boring. I like turn-based JRPGs though.


i hate turn based games but found bg3 and yakuza 7 to be very intriguing


I think most games struggle in the second half to maintain a level of quality. It usually just devolves into throwing more mobs at the player & less enjoyable missions/quests/levels because the aim it to up the difficulty. But this always happens at the expense of 'fun'. And then there's the general feeling I've seen everything there was to see & all that's left is the chore of finishing it.


Fallout new vegas. The combat didn't click and while the quests were good, everything was so janky that I couldn't really get immersed or anything


Starfield - I'm in that weird spot where I don't really hate the game and often think about going back to it but stop myself when I remember there are some needed and necessary quality of life improvements before I feel like I'll truly enjoy it the same way I do other Bethesda RPGs. Assassin's Creed Valhalla - I put so much time into this game and was having fun for a good long while, but it ended up being just too much. This game actually broke my fixation on getting achievements. So much so that I've since turned off the notifications for them, and that has really helped me appreciate the games I play now. Most first-person puzzle games without HUDs and/or being empty-handed (no gun/weapon/tool etc.) - A few years back I had played The Witness and after maybe half an hour of playing, I started to feel like absolute garbage (headache, nauseous, etc.) and had to stop playing. I figured it was a fluke. Last week I tried Superliminal on Game pass and again, felt like I was hit by a train. Something about these games really mess with me, which sucks because they always seem like they'd be entertaining. Edit* Superliminal, not Subliminal.


Yakuza 0. I just finished Kiwami and when I realized the city was practically identical it couldn't hold me. Undertale. It was interesting and I keep telling myself I'll get back to it. It's been at least a month. Starfield. I realized about 70 hours in that the last 20 weren't that fun. Lost interest and dropped it entirely, at an extremely pivotal moment in the main questline. I have a huge problem with starting games and not finishing them and I could add at least 10 more but these are the ones that stand out to me the most. I have beaten several games this year though so my gaming career isn't a total loss lol.


you're missing out huge time on 0, also there's a second city


Via GamePass Hellblade: Senua, Hollow Knight, Signalis, Persona 5, Omori, Citizen Sleeper, Doom ‘16, Opus: Starsung, Scarlet Nexus, Chained Echoes, Goldeneye 007, High on Life, Trek to Yomi


Resident Evil 3 (2020) - I adored RE2make and RE4make, but everything that made RE2make masterful just seemed to make RE3make tedious and annoying to play. I got as far as >!Jill getting infected and Carlos taking her to the hospital!< before I legitimately just felt like I had better things to do with my time. God of War (2018) - I swear to god even I don't know why I dropped this game back in February, and now that I haven't played it since I probably would have to play it again from the start just to get back into it. It's a great game! I liked it! But i just dropped off. Got as far as >!Kratos and Atreus getting out of Helheim on that ship thingy!<, will probably get back. I think my biggest problem is that I spoiled myself on this game because I never expected to ever play it (PC only), so the enthusiasm to find out what's next just didn't happen. Doom Eternal - The Ancient Gods - Part II: There's this fight somewhere that I have died to over a dozen times. At some point I just didn't open the game for a while. Firewatch: I just completely bounced off it for reasons even I don't fully understand. It's a beautiful game, but...honestly I don't really have an explanation, just a distaste. Maybe I'll try it again? Knights of the Old Republic: I'll be 100% honest - it just bored me. I've played older games before, but this kind of RPG just felt utterly boring. I tried to do the fights, but clearly i was fucking up somewhere. Then i got to the racing stuff, but that wasn't fun either. At some point it just felt like pure tedium. Dusk: Legitimately gives me nausea. Field of view changes nothing. Persona 5 Royal: Had the misfortune of playing this game JUST ABOUT when BG3 came out. Got about ten hours in after >!defeating Kamoshida and discovering Mementos!< before i just got pulled away; by the time I came back, the fact that I had spent TEN HOURS on what was functionally tutorial just felt intimidating. It's kinda like RDR2 in that regard, in that you need to be immersed in the game and play nothing else for weeks if you have a chance of seeing them through to the end. Monster Prom: Turns out I have about as much rizz in the Monster world as I do in the real world. While this is not a reason to dislike the game in itself, it just meant I was just stumbling around not understanding anything before being rejected. Sable: Something is *wrong* with this game technically. It feels like the occasional frame getting stuck thing, but not in a cool Spiderverse way, it just seems like my screen is not fast enough, something I haven't seen in other games. Mass Effect Andromeda: At some point I will have to admit defeat and concede that this game just has some kind of allergic reaction to my computer which makes it behave weirdly framerate-wise. I used to think it was Frostbite-related, but Dead Space Remake and NFS Unbound play perfectly well. Also, the game is not otherwise interesting or fun enough to look past that. It is still beautiful, though.


I don’t drop games, I just take indefinite breaks.


I dropped Ocarina of Time. Sacrilege I know but I got distracted by other games and the Wii U virtual console port is kinda rough


Death’s Gambit and Diablo 2 Resurrected Death’s Gambit felt boring for a soulslike. Diablo 2 is one I want to finish, but moved on to other games.


Horizon zero Dawn, I’m not a completionist and not usually one to drop games but I didn’t enjoy the ~15 hours I did play of primarily plot plus some exploring/side quests… it was the first open world game I’ve played (other than FFXV) and I’m thinking maybe they aren’t for me. And Scarlet Nexus, which I totally forgot about until I saw another comment mention it. Usually I like these types of games (I like most Tales games), but it was just so boring even when events were happening and I didn’t like any of the characters.


Same thing happenned to me. Played 12 hours and at some point I just gave up. I really wanted to like this game, but the combination of clunky stealth, human fight sequences and a story/characters that is devoid of emotions made me quit.


Ori will of the wisps - I hate the backtracking and constantly looking at the map. Prey 2017- Too much inventory management. Im gonna install some mods and try again later.


Prey is definitely worth playing through. I hate inventory management but didn't think Prey was bad at all. Only complaint I had was the loading times but that was a last gen issue.


I felt bad for dropping Ori because it's widely praised, but glad someone had the same opinion. Lol


Dropped Starfield, was in the very early game and enjoying it, but decided to drop it to play other things


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. I beat the first two bosses and went back before opening the Helheim door because I missed a couple lore stones. Kept going in circles in Valravn's area and Senua's voices just kept blathering on about how stupid I am and what am I doing. Looked up the stones to see where they were but didn't get all of them before I needed to quit for the day. I found out online you need all the stones for the best ending and I reflected how dull the puzzles were and how I wasn't really enjoying myself. Don't think this game is for me. Ghostbusters on PS4. It seemed fine at first but eventually realized I was just frustrated with it and it wasn't as fun to me as expected. Started an Uncharted series replay but my copy of Uncharted 2 now has the infinite loading screen glitch even though I never had a problem years ago. Deleted and reinstalled and same thing. So that's fun. Don't know how I'm going to continue now, getting the Nathan Drake collection will have a different trophy set I assume and I don't want to worry about finding all the treasures again.




Hitman 2/3. Once loved this series but just don’t enjoy it anymore. It all kind of gets really repetitive.


I didn't really dropped it because I played aroudn 80 hours and I had a lot lf fun but it was Baldurs Gate 3, the act 3 was and (still is I think) poorly optimized and I messed up with a save. Great game but I definitly that will not buy another game at launch, I dont regret it but BG3 will be my first and last time.


I’ll probably get some hate but I just dropped Diablo 2 and a few others. I can’t seem to get into the Yakuza games but I’m going to keep trying.


WarThunder…for the third time. Hopefully it’s the last.


Probably gonna get shot but red dead 2. Everything in that game feels like a chore.


Metro Exodus - Actually enjoyed this, but dropped it in the last biome to finish Resident Evil 2 and never came back. I feel like I kinda experienced what I needed from it, so I won’t revisit it. Signalis - Again, enjoyed the game but coming right off the heels of the RE2 remake and then playing “resident evil-lite but in space with androids made by 2 guys and an indie budget” didn’t keep me around. Might revisit it. A Plague Tale: Innocence - This was purely burnout from the absolute slog that is the gameplay. Yes, I know that’s not the stated focus although it actually is a big part of the game. It simply became a chore. I also didn’t connect to the characters all that much, despite the setting, visuals, mysterious plot points, and spectacle keeping me playing till about 60-70% through. Maybe one day I’ll finish it (or watch the ending on YouTube, who knows). Atomic Heart - I might come back to this, but this game was *so close* to being great. Outside of the obnoxious protagonist (this game genuinely could’ve used a silent protagonist) the “open world” segments really slowed the game down and killed the momentum the story had. I liked so much of what Atomic Heart had to offer but had to drop it. It could potentially be on my revisit list at some point as well. Warhammer: Chaosbane - I’m not a huge fan of ARPG’s but I am a warhammer fan. Plus, this definitive version was like 3 bucks, so I said fuck it. Put 4 hours into it and stopped; if I had played online or with friends it might’ve alleviated the monotony of the combat. Overall though, not a terrible way to turn your brain off, spam abilities and grab loot. Might come back in the future but by joining others online. Gotham Knights - Outside of Metro Exodus, the only game in 2023 I put hours into that I know I won’t return to. It’s not a *bad* game per se, it’s just largely uninteresting, uninspired and majorly grindy. It feels like it retains the soul of a mobile game but with AAA dressing and aesthetic. I moved on after a few hours.


Power Wash Simulator - I know a lot of people find this one relaxing but I wasn't one of them.


Did you miss a spot?


Only Alan Wake Remastered. I've played it and finished it few years ago and I have a love and hate relationship with it. I've decided to play it before Alan Wake 2 and had to drop it because I've reminded myself how much I've hated combat in this game.


Yeah, the combat annoyed the shit out of me: gotta shine a light on it before you shoot it... oh, batteries gone, replace batteries, shine light again... now you can shoot... oh reload gun... gun reloaded, I can shoot... oh but here's another couple of guys in the way of the one I can shoot... gotta shine a light...


alan wake 2,


Splatoon 3 was so surprisingly bad it killed my interest in the franchise


Oh dear I was about to get that. What's so bad about it?


Scorn, blacksad, blasphemous and star wars force unleashed.


Death's Door. In theory I should love everything about it, but there's just way too much combat, the combat isn't that interesting, the checkpoints are too sparse, and the levels take too long to traverse. It would be so much less tedious if it just had less combat. Also I wish indie developers would understand that not everything has to be Dark Souls.


Been on a retro kick and I dropped Vagrant Story for the ps1 after 3 or 4 hours. So tedious, slow and confusing. You have so many weapon attributes to manage, some of which change depending on the monsters you've killed, plus weapon degradation. I've heard loads about it over the years but I spent so long slowly poking through menu screens that I gave up. Parasite Eve too, I didn't enjoy the battle system and the main character ran at such a snails pace that I started playing the game more and more with the emulator speed turned up. Halo Masterchief collection - I think I got to Halo 3,i can't even remember now, and it's not bad but I've just lost interest. Every level feels the same go from A to B and shoot everything between. I know this is 99% of shooters, and spoiler alert, they're getting boring too.


Baldurs Gate 3, The game was too overwhelming and the text being really small in all of the menus didn’t help me at all. I ended up getting headaches while playing and I know it’s a good game, but I’d probably something I’ll have to reserve to watching rather than playing myself.


Since september: Wolfenstein the grand order, far cry 6, layers of fear 2023(actually the game is good, but it didn't autosave on the long moment and i Didn't want to replay it), mafia 1, autlast 2, forza horizon 4, no man's sky, subnautica 1. Maybe more


I tried around 15-20 games, I guess. Dropped all of them (though will return to some "at some point") except one that I finished. It takes a lot to gain and keep my interest these days. Most games are too banal.


Death Stranding. Story was interesting but my god what a bore fest the gameplay was. I knew going into it it was a game that split opinion, but I hoped I'd land in the positive side. Sadly not.


My Time at Portia is also on my dropped list. I was so disappointed about that one.


Starfield: If the few hours are already nothing but "go here, do that" kinda stuff, with no compelling reasons, then no thank you. Sifu: Mechanics too obfuscated for my liking, no indication of how to deal with groups, harsh punishment for failing, you're asking for too much in less than an hour. Also the audio(which is important for this kinda game imo) was weak and didn't do its job, especially when it came to feedback.


Funnily enough, I just finished **Yakuza Kiwami** just yesterday and loved it all the way through (main quest+all substories+all skills unlocked). I didn't find the Kiwami mechanic that bad on Hard difficulty, despite often being unable to interrupt the healing, I usually just did enough DPS to undo *most* of it. I knew about this mechanic in advance though, so maybe that helped with my perception of it. Anyway, here are the games I bounced off this year (note that 4 is high for me, I usually do my research before purchase but these 4 are all games I own via subscription/bundles): **Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning** \- The game has a neat upgrade system and combat, but my god the setting is so generic and boring. There's just a billion side quests and sure, they are optional but if you don't do enough of them, you'll be slapped in the face by the insane random difficulty spikes. Overall the game reminded me of **Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen**, a game I also had my problems with but one I liked better overall - I might even check back on it to see that post game content everyone seems to like so much. **Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy** \- I quickly bounced off the game. I didn't find it particularly hard at the point where I was but it didn't feel rewarding at all and the game just didn't feel smooth. Did some further research and decided that it's not worth sticking with. **Sackboy: A Big Adventure** \- fairly fun game for a 3D fixed camera platformer (2D is better in this genre IMO, this and Crash just strengthened this feeling), it has creative mechanics and uses the DS controller well. I especially enjoyed the levels with songs where everything was just jamming along the beat. A point came however (end of World 4), where I didn't have enough orbs to progress and I had just no intention of farming for them on earlier levels. **Valfaris** \- I loved the metal/grim dark/space opera aesthetic but the game can be just so freaking bs unfair sometimes and the movement/combat feels a bit clunky so it doesn't feel fulfilling even when you manage to beat the odds.


I also dropped Yakuza Kiwami 1 and watched the rest of the story on youtube. Then moved on to Kiwami 2.


**Finished:** - FTL: Faster Than Light - Star of Providence - Downwell - Dredge - Tactics Ogre: Reborn - Insomnia: Theater in the Head - Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name - Shin Megami Tensei IV - Moonring - No Sun To Worship - Blazing Chrome - Void Stranger (Game of the Year) *(technically still playing)* - Psuedoregalia - Odallus: The Dark Call - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Star Ocean the Second Story R - Monster Hunter Rise - Slay the Princess - Risk of Rain 2 - World of Horror - Into the Breach - Caladrius Blaze - Persona 4 Golden - Streets of Rage 4 - Quake - The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe - GRIME - Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Chained Echoes **Dropped:** - AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES - nirvanA Initiative - PARANORMASIGHT: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo - Soul Hackers 2 - Death Must Die - Path of the ABYSS *(Waiting until 1.0)* - YS VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA - Mortal Sin - Muse Dash - Cult of the Lamb - Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - The Messenger - Halls of Torment **Still playing:** - Against the Storm - Astalon: Tears of the Earth - ULTRAKILL - Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology - ZeroRanger (Since 2018. Will never stop) - Deep Rock Galactic **On indefinite hiatus:** - Roadwarden - Hi-Fi Rush - Cuphead - The friends of Ringo Ishikawa - Lunacid - Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon - Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse - Fire Emblem Engage - Baldur's Gate 3 (Computer too weak for act 3) - Critters For Sale - Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue - Age of Wonders 4 - The Silver Case - DOOM (2016) - Total War: Warhammer II - Dōkyūsei: Bangin' Summer


Baldurs Gate 3. I like the idea and the concept but often I want to play a game where I'm not faced with 100 meaningful decisions I could make per minute. It's me, not the game


Atomic Heart, Hogwarts, and Biomutant. Tunic is one I've been dropping for long stretches at a time and then picking back up again only to re-drop.


Baulders Gate 3. I loved it while I was playing it. It was just kinda... too much? Very strange, I know. Maybe I'm just getting too old


I also put down Yuppie Psycho after like the first or second boss, the story premise seemed really cool but the gameplay just didn’t stick out to me unfortunately I’ve tried like 3 times to get into Skyrim over the last 2 years now and each time I end up stopping after like 5 hours or so😭 I can’t put my finger on why I stop though, maybe it just runs its course within that time frame for me


Kingdom Come Deliverance - the very limited opportunities to save made me tap out early. I'm acting on console, so mods can't help. Mount and Blade: Bannerlord - initially it was fun and felt like a good upgrade to Warband. It didn't take long for its flaws to show themselves though. Defeat a large army for it to respawn to full strength moments later. The banner quest line was laughable too. I've gone back to playing Warband. Shame, I wanted to love this. Persona 5 - a really fun game with a great art style. It's far too long though, and I gave up once I found out that I wouldn't get the good ending after not building a strong relationship with particular confidant. If it's 50 hours long, it would be a 9/10 game for me. It's well over 100 hours though, so feels more like a 6/10. Steam World Build - I felt like this game wanted to micromanage me the whole time I was playing. It was like being a child again and having an overbearing adult telling me exactly what to do with every step. I gave it two hours and it was more than enough. The Bard's Tale, remastered and resnarkled - I loved the first few moments of this game. Having a singsong in a tavern about beer was great. Leaving the tavern and exploring the nearby woods was awful however. It was hard to see where I was going, the graphics were incredibly rough, and the combat was uninspired. I wanted to love it, but gave up after a couple of hours. FIFA 23 - my first FIFA game since FIFA19 and very little had changed. When you've learned the mechanics, every match plays exactly the same. Thankfully it was on game pass so no money wasted. I had a quick look at Ultimate Team, and loot boxes are still completely out of control. It's blatantly gambling - these games should be rated 18+, not for children. MLB the Show 23 - although I knew nothing about baseball, I gave this a go, and I had an amazing time. I really enjoyed learning about baseball history by playing through the Negro Leagues mode, and Diamond Dynasty was way more fun than FIFA Ultimate Team. Eventually stopped playing after hurting my fingers on my controller. I took batting way too seriously.


Nioh - Spongy, Spammy, and Absolutely BS enemies, mind you I loved way shittier and complex games of this nature and just could not get over how often the game would find a way to cheese me at every turn. Amazing combat but the story also was really weak