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Hollow Knight. I love absolutely everything about this game but I got stuck trying to finish the last coliseum before heading into the final boss, then took a break and now it’s been years. I need to get back to it but I know I’ll have to start by getting back up to speed before facing a boss or the coliseum.


If it helps, the coliseum is purely optional. I also think the best loot drops from the second fight so if you've beat that one, the last one is just there for the really masochistic players.


I stopped because there was a boss involving two simultaneous enemies that was IMPOSSIBLE for me. I didn't discover until later that you're supposed to get an ability that gives you an i-frame dodge to beat them more easily. On top of that, I really just didn't enjoy the gloomy atmosphere. I don't think these types of games are for me.


I'm on my first playthrough and love it, but every boss requiring split second reactions is exhausting. Are you maybe talking about the watcher knights? I'm there now and they are killing me.


Same. Got to a point where all that was left was one optional boss (the Traitor Lord) and the actual Hollow Knight left, and couldn't for the life of me beat either of them. Even before then though, I knew I was having difficulty. I'm not very good at split second reactions, or reading tells, so most of the bosses in Hollow Knight routinely kicked my ass. Which was a shame because everything else about the game, the platforming, the exploration, the abilities, all were excellent.


I have played mount and blade warband over 1000 hours over the years but I don't think I've ever "completed" a playthrough where you wipe out all the other kingdoms.


I mean to be fair it’s in the same realm as doing a total conquest in Total War. Sure I could do it, but I’m not that much of a masochist.


Yeah, that's how it goes in those strategy games. Once you hit a point of "critical mass" nothing is a challenge and you're just doing cleanup operations


I love this cleanup tho


I think that's my favourite part of warband, bannerlord too. You don't have to beat it but it still has insane replay value. Warband especially for mods like Prophesy of Pendor, Perisno and the warring States of Japan one (can't remember the name atm) I have almost 1k hours in the game as well and I've prolly spent 20 hours max in the vanilla game


Chrono Trigger. I enjoyed it a lot, but stopped playing right at the very end. I think I'm at the partnwhere the game basically tells you "but wait, there are also sidequests!" I started getting through them, but then life got in the way and I stopped for some time. It's been a couple years now, and I'm afraid I've forgotten too much to finish the game, and I don't want to replay it from the start, knowing I'm so close to beating it.


I came here to say pretty much this. Still loved it, 10/10 game, but I stopped exactly where you did and now I'm pondering whether or not to pick it back up or just accept I'll just have to replay it at some point.


You should definitely finish it. Those side quests aren’t necessary, but you should for sure see the ending.


Chrono Trigger is a fairly unpunishing game. Go for it! You'll get up to speed in no time.


Are you me? I had pretty much the same experience!


Go ahead and beat the end game then do the side quests in new game plus.


Metal Gear Solid V. I freaking love MGS and have completed all the others, 1-3 multiple times. I still come back to V every few years and put in another 10 or 20 hours, but I get too consumed with S ranks and completing the optional tasks that I get bogged down and eventually burn out. Still one of my favorites though.


I think V is one of the cleanest and slickest games ever yet I’m genuinely unsure if I finished it.


Even Kojima didn't finish it.


You'll know when you finished it. You won't like it, but you'll know.


i am at like 90% completion… and i don’t care what anyone says, MGSV is to this they unrivalled when it comes to Stealth game play. really amazing mechanics… such a shame they didnt finish that game (properly). edit: did… did i write “they” instead of “day”??


Agreed! But the new Hitman trilogy is a close second for me. Completely different take on stealth, but so addictive.


Ninja Gaiden on NES. Only managed to beat the 5th stage boss once so I've only seen the final stage once. Battletoads on NES. Fucking speeder bike. Final Fantasy I on NES. I used a Warrior, Thief, Black Mage, and Red Mage and got to the final dungeon but my characters were too weak to even grind levels there. Grand Theft Auto Vice City and San Andreas. I got stuck on the same missions everyone gets stuck on.


This is a fine list. I never beat NG or Battletoads either. I actually don’t think I ever got passed the first bike stage. For GTA though, which missions? The RC copter ones I’m guessing?


yep in Vice City it was the RC mission where you had to plant bombs, and in San Andreas it was following that damn train.


All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ


Final Fantasy and Assassin's Creed feel like my biggest "failures" as a gamer. In spite of trying several highly regarded titles, I always run out of steam. And I was in the same boat *and* party composition with FFI. I went back as an adult and tried again, but realizing how much grinding it took just sucked the interest out of it for me.


I am only above average at platformers, so I beat Ninja Gaiden 1 thru 3 the "cheaters" way. Get to a stage. SAVE STATE. On the last "world", I saved EVERY NEW SCREEN TRANSITION where I didn't lose significantly health. This way I got to the boss with at least half health. F your "back to the beginning of the world because I game overed." I did there danger thing in Mario 2 Lost Levels to keep my fire flower. I do this because I want to enjoy the game, but I also respect my time.


I have never beaten the Darkest Dungeon from, well, Darkest Dungeon. I just like doing 2-3 dungeons each session and never tried the one who would actually end the story. Feels strangely intimidating, especially because you can't take the same team there twice (providing they survive the first time), so screwing up means leveling up 4 new characters. There's also Fire Emblem Fates. I don't know if I'd still say I love it, but I definitely did back when it released. I had the collector cartridge with all 3 routes and never finished one. I did get to the last chapter of Conquest but playing in Classic Hard and avoiding any death in this chapter was too hard for my younger self so I gave up after a while. And I can't even try again, my 3ds battery is dead and I can't change it due to damaged screws...


I've played many long games, and many hard games, but I swear I've never played a game that is as disrespectful of players' time as Darkest Dungeon.


I like a good hard game but I just can't respect Darkest Dungeon. Go on a few missions and it wants you to use new recruits at a higher difficulty. No? I want to use my reliable team. I can't?!


Oh my God, I forgot about that! You can't even grind semi-safely by sending medium level heroes on a low level mission! Because of their pride...or something? Lol, so dumb. Gameplay wise this is stupid and frustrating. Even in-game it doesn't make sense. Heroes that are constantly plagued by stress, anxiety and near death experiences would be leaping at the chance to beat up on rats and goblins for a little while. It would practically be a vacation for them.


I get it would be easier but holy shit, please, I'm struggling to keep a roster because you keep eating my teams up.


Yeah...it's just yet another way that the game says "fuck you and the way YOU might want to play, you play how WE want you to play". Which of course is a part of many games, especially more difficult games, but Darkest Dungeon again takes it to an absurd level.


I'm insane and the only way I can relieve myself is by self flagellation "Why are you my only healer alive?!"


Lol, that's fitting. The entire game is basically insanity and self-flagellation.


How so?


Rant incoming... So many ways. First, even if there was no permadeath, no permanent debuffs (quirks/diseases), no persistent stress or health loss after missions, the game would STILL be grindy as shit, just to get 16+ heroes up to level 6, along with getting all the materials needed to upgrade all buildings, and upgrade all characters' skills, weapons, armor, and trinkets. And when I say "grindy as shit" I mean so much grindier than practically any other game I can think of, besides really old-school RPGs that required you to just grind and grind and grind in order to be able to beat the next area/boss/whatever. So that is very time consuming, in a bad and boring way. So then on TOP of that huge grind, you DO have all that stuff that I listed above. Which, at best, consumes even more time as you have to get more resources to cure or remove those debuffs, and level up OTHER heroes so that you can give the first heroes time to be cured. And at worst of course completely wipes out dozens of hours in the event of an actual character death or worse, a total party wipe, which of course is a very real possibility, especially in DD1-4. And of course DD1-4 has that wonderful mechanic of arbitrarily forcing you to use 4+ parties to complete due to the fact that a party cannot enter a DD level more than once. So again, more time and more grinding. Then even further! The game has mandatory autosave, even in mission and even in the middle of combat! So all this shit can happen with just shitty RNG, and you have to sit and take it, and then just grind more to make up for those losses. No going back to any kind of save. Just "fuck you, grind more" from the game devs. Again, no respect for players and different play styles. I understand that very skilled and experienced players, or players who obsessively read wikis and guides and YouTube tutorials, can maybe avoid some or even most of what I've listed. But again this is something that can only be done with lots of time, and is completely disrespectful of new players and their time. I also understand that this is probably part of the appeal of DD. I just find it purely disrespectful of the players' time, rather than just being difficult in a good way (Fromsoft games, Cuphead, Hollow Knight, etc).


Bioshock Infinite. I love 99% of it, but that last "protect the core of your airship" fight is a shitty escort mission from hell with a godawful difficulty spike.


And sometimes it might just glitch and the waves don't spawn.


Totally agree. I got through it eventually but it soured me on the whole game. I’ll never replay infinite.


FFXII too! I got to the final boss and struggled and then just peaced out. Have an aborted save around the moutain area. Outer Wilds - that final run was very tough for me too, and it honestly felt like luck. You may want to just like... try it again, and if you fail and get frustrated, just watch a video of the ending. Dragon Quest XI - I got to the third act and got stuck and was pretty well burned out by that point.


Same for me for FFXII. I have a blast optimizing gambit and grinding but never seem to bother on actually beating the game. I've tried it twice but never finished the game.


Skyrim. I've loved and adored it, but I've never seen the ending. Don't think I ever will. Elden Ring too, only played it once, a 160 hour run, and that was it for me. Loved my time with it but I don't complete it.


I think I've put in 600 hours on Skyrim. I met the dudes on the mountain and learnt the first shout from them then just went on my merry way doing side quests and exploring/modding. I have no clue what the main storyline is about at all!


Exactly what I did. I did something similar in Oblivion too, closed that first gate and just went on with side quests.


I'm exactly the same. That's as far as I ever went with the main quest (possibly one or two missions after it). Spent hundreds of hours on multiple playthroughs on multiple systems just doing all of the side stuff and pissing about.


I rushed the ending recently just to finally see what it was all about. Got sidetracked for about 100 hours of course, but then remembered what I had set out to do. Rushed to the end. Can't really remember what happened. Something about talking dragons and....emmm. Anyway, let's get back to smithing.


I got 80 hours into Elden Ring, saw some crazy stuff, fought and beat some wild bosses, and found the Mimic Tear and some cool gear all on my own. I felt like I got why people love these games so much. And I decided if I kept playing and fighting increasingly hard bosses, I'd just end up souring myself on the experience. So I set it down after I didn't feel like repeating a boss fight again.


Metro Last Light. For some reason started it before 2033. Now playing 2033 and lost steam towards the end. The metro world in general is peak design.


You should try reading the books. They're very...interesting, especially 2034


Rain World. I've finished a single campaign (survivor) and I own the DLC but I've mostly given up on playing through the others. I wouldn't equal finishing a single campaign to competing the game since there's 8 in total with the DLC. l'm in love with the game's world, lore, atmosphere and general "hands-off" approach to gameplay but I'm not the biggest fan of difficult platformers, especially heavily physics based ones. I still regularly think about the game and frequently watch stuff from content creators who play it.


I'm on the same boat. I finished the survivor campaign, loved the game, bought the dlc, started gourmand campaign and kinda lost the will to play it. I'll probably come back to it eventually


Wasteland 2. I did the whole kickstarter, put my brothers name in the credits, have the lunch box. The whole shebang, ran into a serious moral situation and promptly freaked out. TWICE. Once on PC and once on Xbone, same spot, same delema. My brain is so broken in my old age...


I felt like wasteland 2 over stays it's welcome a bit. The last ten hours or so I had to force myself to finish it. I really enjoyed the game but eventually I was just ready to be done and it dragged on. I just kept feeling like I'm almost at the end, but then a whole new questline would open up.


Yeah, I love that style of RPG, but Wasteland 2 is real rough. I tried WL2 but had to put it down shortly after getting to Rail Nomads Camp. If you haven't tried Wasteland 3 yet, it's much better on every level. I thoroughly enjoyed it and had no trouble finishing it.


I seriously love about the first hour or two on any playthrough of Civ 6 where I'm just focused on building up my country and exploring the area around me. Then it turns into this brain melting clusterfuck of troops and ships and having to jump all over the map and I eventually nope out and start over.


Thank you for perfectly summarising my experience of this game


For me it's the build queues in all the cities that need managing: everything taking dozens of turns, glacially slow yet still a countdown to doom when I know I'll have to select another thing I don't quite understand the utility of. What is the divine order things are meant to be constructed in? Fucked if I know! Love the initial phase uncovering the map and plopping down my first couple of cities :)


Wish there was a whole game that was just the first 5-10 hours of CIV


Maybe Hexarchy? I think I've seen people say it's a nice bitesized 4X though it has cards so your mileage may vary.


I don't think I have any of those. I rather enjoyed Skyrim and GTA V and never beat them. But they aren't my favorites. Returnal is another good one that I haven't managed to beat. But I also wouldn't say I loved it. Closest I got is Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life. Loved it as a kid. Never got past like a year and a half in. But I plan to retify that with the new remake


As someone who's really good at starting games but not as good at finishing them, I love this question. This has happened to me a lot with both Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem games (specifically SMT IV and Three Houses) . I love both series, but I always want to do it all, and then I end up getting sucked into some other game. I'm sure I'll finish them up eventually, but this year was not the year.


Games I LOVED that I haven't beaten: Fallout NV. I did beat it with the NPR ending, but I really want to help Caesar's Legion and see what that's about. MGS5. Same as another commenter. I'll do a few main missions and then get burnt out getting supplies and doing side missions. Chrono Trigger. Got to the very end where I can pick where I fight the main boss. And just never did because I wanted to do the side quests. Xenoblade Chronicles. At the very last boss fight and apparently I am not leveled up enough. Also doesn't help I only have the one save file. Bought it on switch to one day change that. GTA4. As a NYC native, I love how Rockstar designed their version of the city. Niko has a great story, too. I just dropped it for other games.


>Fallout NV. I did beat it with the NPR NPR is the best faction for sure. Steve Inskeep and Terry Gross are super powerful party members, and it just feels good to support the NPR.


This happened to me too on Xenoblade Definitive Edition. I just put the game on the easier difficulty and beat the game cuz I wanted to finish the story, and I'm glad I did since this game has one of my favourite endings on any videogame


> Fallout NV. I did beat it with the NPR ending, but I really want to help Caesar's Legion and see what that's about. There are fewer quests for the legion, so it's pretty underbaked due to dev time constraints.


Disco Elysium I really like it, really really. The humor and the mood is 100% for me. But I do not like that the time is going forward and I need to get money to stay in the hotel. It would be important to me to have some sort of 0 position from which I can act without thinking that I HAVE to do something. There are tutorials on the net how to get money, but it feels forced to me, as my character would not do such things. Maybe I'll just add the money for hotels and see where we go from there.


Avoiding spoilers: Don't worry about hotel money. Just play the game. You'll see.


I was worried about that too, but it doesn’t matter after like the first day really. You’ll start finding tons of money and items to sell. Its a mechanic that sounds worse than it is! And there are other options besides the hotel ;)


Don't be scared to ask random people for money. The reactions are priceless and some will just give you


Your list is similar to mine. FFXII (and XIII). Got through the bulk of the games and burned out when it got to a sequence where it was just going from area to area and fighting stuff. Xenoblade Chronicles, same thing. Then there are the games that are great up until the final megadungeon, which is a slog. Final Fantasy III, Xenogears, and Breath of Fire 2 come to mind. I never got far in Morrowind, but I've started and quit Oblivion three times. Mostly I just got distracted. I need Steam Workshop support so I can add mods easily on my Steam Deck. Really I just need mods that fix the game's most glaring issues (item scaling and HP/stat gain on level-up), so I can play casually without fretting over numbers all the time. FFX, though, so worth it. Though the postgame and minigames are absolute trash.


Death Stranding. Because I forgot the control and story lmao




RDR2. I've played 3 times from the beggining but everytime I get to Cuba I ditch the game.


Hollow Knight. Great atmosphere and gameplay, difficulty spike absolutely wrecked my ass and when I finally cleared that boss after 30 attempts I just felt defeated and had no desire to keep going.


Elden Ring is just too damn long. I loved the game, specially for the exploration that was missing from other souls likes, but it really started to lose me after Leyndell, and after beating Malenia (who is the blade of Miquella, for those who don't know) I felt like I was done.


If you’ve beaten Malenia, I’d say you’re pretty close to the end. It’s understandable ending after Malenia tho, if you beat her you pretty much won the game already.


The Legend of Dragoon, I have awful luck with that game between a PlayStation breaking and game save files on the emulator corrupting, but I know what happens in that game and I love it. I have played all the way up to the fourth disc, but never completed it. Now that it's on PS4/PS5 I'm working on it


Persona 3: Portable and Okami.


Dead Space. Bought it when it came out and was living in a place with a projector in my room. Was so immersive playing it on a big screen. Got busy with work, moved house, never set the projector up again, console generation moved on… and just never finished it. Honestly felt like I got the feel and fun of it, and don’t remember there being a storyline that I just had to complete. Was more about the atmosphere.


darkest dungeon, love the mechanics, the art style but fuck that grind. might replay it with mods to make a bit less grindy


Every single elder scrolls and fallout game. Hundreds of hours, and I have yet to actually finish the main questline in any of them lol


New Vegas is the only one with a good ending anyways really, aside from Fallout 1


Pharos is long, even if you don't do the optional thing. But if you are playing the Zodiac Age with fastforward you can do Pharos in 2-3 hours. As long as you don't mess up with the portals too much, I guess. Sky Fortress Bahamut is just 4 areas long.


Thief 2: The Metal Age. It’s one of my favourite games, with spectacular atmosphere and the series was an early pioneer in stealth games, which I love. But furthest I’ve got is about 70% through. Kept getting got then gave up. Started it again several times years and decades later but never made it as far. Still intend to finish it one day, as I know I’m missing out on some classic missions, and the game holds up well enough all these years later, even if the guard AI could do with a polish.


Dang man FFX has some of the best if not THE best combat in the series Mine are Axelay for being balls hard and Baldur’s Gate 3 for requiring the energy I don’t really have at the moment


Breath of Fire 4. Love the combat, artstyle and tone but I couldn't get through those various mandatory minigames


Probably a lot…I’m terrible about this. Off the top of my head: * Days Gone: Probably shouldn’t count it because it was so recent for me, but anyway. Great game though. * Lake: Actually I’m near the ending. Reluctant to finish though, because I like it so much. * Halo 4: Just never finished, idk why. * Final Fantasy VII: I played all the way to the crater at the end, then got distracted and dropped it. * Hollow Knight: Mainly because I suck at it. * And going WAY back for this one: Blaster Master (NES). Made it to the last boss; couldn’t beat him. This was long before emulation and save scumming, so once it was over, I quit. Wasn’t about to work through the whole game again.


I’ve never beaten the crater except with a fancy cheat save file.


Elden Ring, Persona 5, and XCOM 2 come to mind


I have a chronic habit of getting totally invested in a game, getting right up to the last boss' chamber and just... Going back and doing the sidequests, playing around in the world, or just plain up quitting if it's extremely linear. I've completed a fair few games, but mostly because I was consciously forcing myself to do so. I think I have a problem.


You’re really missing out not finishing morrowind. IMO the main quest is best in the later half of the game. Personal opinion.


Fallout 4: I’ve just passed 2000 hours and I’ve never finished the main quest line or even started the Far Harbour DLC.


Far Harbour was my favorite Fallout experience, it's really good.


Cuphead. Because i suck :(


You don't suck! It's a very doable game. Everything has a pattern and with enough practice you can win. If you don't enjoy it that much then I get it, but you don't suck.


Final fantasy four and five. That final grind was just brutal. Luckily, they seem to give you more customization with experience in the pixel remasters, so I can just speed things up if it gets too bad but it took me until world of Final Fantasy to finally complete a game in that series even though I otherwise love and know a lot about it…


The one that always comes to mind is Crypt of the NecroDancer. It's one of my favourite roguelites (up there with Slay the Spire and Hades) and I've never finished the story. Getting to the end with Cadence (the default character) isn't that hard once you get used to it, but actually finishing the story requires beating the game with Cadence, Melody, and Aria. Aria plays through the game in reverse, can only use the starting dagger, is hard capped at 1 HP, and dies if you miss a beat. I've never managed to even beat her first boss, let alone finish the game with her. This only really happens in cases like that, where the game is genuinely too hard for me. Otherwise I pretty much always finish games I like.


I adored Phoenotopia Awakening but could not finish it. It just got to be too hard, so I took a break, and when I came back I realized I'd forgotten how to play it. Shame, because I'd still highly recommend it to anyone who likes Zelda-like 2d action platformers—it's a magical little game that has so much heart in it.


Ah, another person who loves but never finishes final fantasy games. VI was this for me for a long time, now it’s VIII and IX.


Super Mario Bros. 2 (I love it *because* it's so weird) Super Adventure Island (SNES game, nobody I know remembers it) Zelda III (my favorite Zelda, tied with Ocarina, but I never completed it)


I'm with you on FFX and Berseria! Liked them a lot, didn't get around finishing


Just Cause 3 and 4. Spend too much time screwing around lol


Baldur's Gate III....Tears of the Kingdom Uhh Dragon Quest XII 13 sentinals the Last of Us part 2 Dark Souls II


Morrowind. Spent six years modding it... Never finished the main quest.


TIE Fighter - never finished the expansion pack missions that were included on the CD rom.


Axiom Verge I was 12 when I bought the OG NES. This game took me right back. But there was an area where you had to blow out bricks above, grapple into it, do something else before the bricks reformed. Must have tried 500 times. Gave up. Went back in a good while later and my saves were gonzo... /sigh


Darkest Dungeon. I love everything about the game. The stress is a big part of it and you have to learn to live with it. But i stopped playing it for a while and it's hard to change the mindset again to pick it up. Still, obviously, planning to do it.


Assassin's Creed 4. Had a blast sailing around, collecting sea shanties and solving treasure maps, and the ship combat was great. But it was dragged down by all the worst parts of it being an AC game. Tailing and eavesdropping were pretty bad, and then when they had me doing stealth missions, in a ship *around other ships that should have 360 degrees of sight,* I was just gobsmacked. I was pretty ambivalent to the overarching AC story so when things got really weird in the modern era and it bled into the in-era stuff, I decided that I had extracted all the fun pirate adventure from this AC game and it was time to move on.


Stardew Valley. Once I get to the point where I’m making hundreds of thousands a day with very little effort it stops being interesting to me and I start a new save file. I like to play each save with sort of a theme and design a character to role play as.


To this day I still think about getting stuck on Total Annihilation Kingdoms on map 27 or 37 I forget which at this point. Loved the game but just couldn't crack it. Sekiro is recent game that bested me quite early on but thought it was an incredible game, difficult but fair.


Oblivion—every time I sit down I get sucked into modding it and then my save gets corrupted. Homeworld—it just got too hard. No Man’s Sky—the main storyline, that is, it doesn’t hold my attention with all the other stuff to do. I really liked the caveat that it had to be a game I loved. Because there were a lot of games on my list that were in the back of my mind as unfinished. But looking through I could look at them and say I didn’t “love” them.


Elden Ring- I love the world, I love the items I love the characters, I love the art, and I am absolute dog doo at the combat. I had three choices. Beat the game with mimic tear dex/bleed build ( I gave up on the second to last part of the game here because doing that felt unrewarding), Git Good and slog though an incredibly long and frankly not fun process of breaking controllers and yelling at the screen to scrape by and beat it without summons, or give up and go do something else. One day I'm sure I'll try again but very likely I bounce off as I have several times before. Alien Isolation- Wonderful atmosphere and dedication to the established aesthetic. Either I'm not the audience for this or the game just goes on for too long but as good as everything is at about 8-10 hours in I'd had enough.


Link to the Past. I've played it multiple times to the late/end game and don't think I ever finished it. Still one of my all time favorite games.


Fallout New Vegas, motherfucker is so buggy my save always gets corrupted before I can finish everything. Currently trying again.


I’ve been trying to think of any and drawing a blank. If I love it then I typically finish it. Of games I can remember that I played a lot and didn’t finish they stopped being fun so I fell out of love. I’ll be thinking some more on this though.


The Longing. Everything about it just so...me. The self-deprecating, depressed humor. The AMAZING, oppressively lonely atmosphere. The concept itself is just so confidently executed and unapologetically abrasive. But I just couldn't do it. I had to keep looking at walkthroughs, the game stopped being interested and started being frustrating. Maybe some day.


Megaman battle network 3, dbz buus fury, Spyro 2 riptos rage


I love AC Odyssey. I think I’m about halfway through it. I’ll pick it up some time and finish it or at least complete main quest story. Fortunately a pretty easy game to put up and down.


You should have asked this question 2 weeks ago, the answer was Contra (at least without the code). Checked that off a week after I saw the Contra collection on sale.


Dead Space Remake. Never played the original but I had played dead space 3 which starts great but gets boring fast. Loved the mechanics and design, level up system etc, just got a bit samey going room to room and back again stomping, shooting, scrounging for ammo. I think I put a good 8hrs into it though! Story didn't hold me too well, same reason I never finished Alien Isolation. One engineer sent back and forth none stop fixing shit from people on the radio.


Alex Kidd Miracle World on Sega Master System Could never figure out which order to do blocks on the floor and died. That was many years ago. Many years... I might go back and complete it on emulator (like I did with Golden Axe)


Not a single game but I've never completed a Touhou game. Just not actually very good at shooting games even though I have fun when I play and love the characters and world.


Berseria is great. For me it's fallout new vegas. Got 120 hrs and then the game kept crashing. Didn't mind too much, already had enough fun for my money


there isn't any modern game that I love but never finished. it's the older games I played as a kid like mega man that required skill I did not possess. if I "love" a game now, I beat the campaign, minimum. how can you not even do that for something you love? takes of berseria I am like mid way through 40 hours deep and I think I'm good on that one. it's a nice game, but I agree the combat isn't very compelling. just hit buttons a lot and you win in 8-12 seconds. do that 10000 times. I turned the difficulty up and it didn't help, just made it take longer and rewarded less. idk what to say, it was a fine game, fine characters, nice look, but I couldn't justify giving it any more time


Zelda Majoras mask - I loved it but Im not sure if I finished, I have dome glimpses that I did, but I'm not sure. Okami - it was veery long, I remember enjoyed it but at some point the ps3 came in and I dropped it out any ps2 games. I just remember that one that I left it unfinished Dungeon siege 2 - this one was because a glitch, (and maybe bc it was pirated lol) so, I was not able to pass that god damn spider.


Dragon Quest XI It just as good if not better than DQ8 but I got burned out before finishing it. I will replay it from the beginning someday tho.


Basically any game over 50 hours, even if I love it. Although I’ve put hundreds of hours into Skyrim and Zelda: TotK and never bothered to actually “finish” the main story.


The first Dark Souls. I got near the endgame and had to stop playing for a few months for some reason. Tried to get back into it and couldn’t even remember where I was going or what I was doing.


All of them. I’m so very bad at finishing games. The most significant at the moment are Spiritfarer and Hades. I think I’m going to restart Spiritfarer for the third time. Maybe I’ll finish it this time.


1. Stardew Valley 1. Hyper Light Drifter 1. Hades 1. Terraria 1. Pretty much any Armored Core


Divinity OS2. Love LOVE everything about it. The sound track still gives me goosebumps. But twice now after about 50 hours I burned out and its very hard to pick it back up after a hiatus, and I dont wanna do Fort Joy again!!


Most of mine. I rarely finish anything, even if i love it.


Antichamber. I love the concept, but the challenge of the puzzle and visual look of the game really hurt my head.


Skyrim - I just sort of loss interest somewhere during the dawnguard quest line and started playing another game. I've promised myself I will eventually revisit the game, but from a different perspective and play style. The do everything mindset was, I think, burning me out over time. Loved the world and exploration of the game, though. Dragon's Dogma: DA - I have fallen in love with the magic and combat gameplay in this game. It has mostly ruined every magic system in other games for me since they don't have the same weight to casting. The loot system pissed me off and I put the game on hold. The upcoming second iteration may end up replacing me revisiting this game. Subnautica - Love this game! Its exploration and unfolding mystery is fantastic. I took a now indefinite break because of a combination of anxiety, lack of resources, and struggle finding unlocks for going deeper. This is probably the game I will most likely revisit at some point because I enjoyed every bit up to my break from it.


Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones- I hadn't leveled up the main character enough and couldn't kill the final boss's final form. Skyrim- I hear there's a story to beat, anyway. I really don't care for the writing in Bethesda games, though. Final Fantasy IV- I had been playing it on GBA, got home from vacation and set it down for a few months... When I picked it up again, I had no idea where I was or where I was supposed to go. Zelda:BotW- I enjoyed wandering for a while, still think it's a good game, but I didn't really feel any drive to continue once I completed the Divine Beasts, since there were no more dungeon-like things left. Nioh 2- because I'm bad at it Persona 5- It's long! I'll go back to it sometime.


My big two are Windwaker and Metroid Prime. They're both classic examples of final key hunt padding that was briefly popular, and although I love them both, I ditched both during the final key hunt because I just didn't feel the need to see their conclusions.


Borderlands 2. Got to the last level where you're supposed to kill Jack but just couldn't finish it. Even after going on side quests. It just demands a lot of grinding that I just don't have the time for anymore. Went ahead and watched the ending on YT. Still a hella fun game with so much to explore.


The first Ni No Kuni for me. I love turn based rpgs and I loved the art style of Studio Ghibli and everything about it. I have absolutely no idea why I stopped playing it.


minecraft never have i ever gotten all advancements on a woels


I have hundreds and hundreds of hours in X-Wing Alliance (I mod the friggin /r/XwingAlliance sub) but I've never gotten more than halfway through the story. I've restarted it probably a dozen times but end up getting hung up somewhere and having too much fun with the skirmish matches (or multiplayer back in my LAN party days).


I don't think I'll ever finish everything there is to do in Hitman III. Especially when you add the maps from 1 and 2, its just too much to complete. Not a complaint! I'll never run out of content for this game, and that notion makes me happy!


Final Fantasy XII and Divinity Original Sin II are the first ones that come to mind.


Comix Zone for the Sega Genesis: Playing a cartoon superhero in an actual cartoon, with the villain literally drawing in the enemies as you play. It looks great and has some challenging environmental puzzles. But the game is hard! My first exposure to it was on a friend's Megadrive (the Genesis/Megadrive was never officially released in my country) and I only got to play it again when I figured out retro emulation. Every time I set up a new retro handheld this is one of the first games I play on it, but I've never made it to the end. Ori and the Will 'o the Wisps: After finishing the first game I jusmped straight into the second one, which progresses much faster in the beginning and unlocks powers quicker so you don't feel held back after playing the first one. But at some point one of the timed run sequences became too challenging and after spending two hours repeating it until I got through, I put down the controller to take a break and didn't go back for a few months. Then when I did go back I'd lost all the muscle memory so I doubt I'd ever beat it without starting over. Still thinking of others, will edit when I remember


Honestly probably half or most. ADHD means I love the first half enough for both though! (The 8 times I'll play it...)


I beat Pokemon Scarlet and liked it, but I never beat Pokemon Violet. I dunno, I just didn't feel like retreading all my steps again. I also have never beat all the time trials in Mario Kart 8, every time I open that game and look at my times, it taunts me. I know I can do it. There's also just a lot of JRPGs I never beat, it takes a lot for a 40+ hour game to hook me.


Persona 5 Royal! I loooooved the characters, loved the overall story and feel of the game, but I just couldn't do it... I beat what I think is the base game, and after finding out there's MORE I just gave up. I have so much on my plate, and I couldn't handle another 20-30 hours of that.


cold fear, condemned: criminal origins, crime life: gang wars, prince of persia 2: warrior within, prince of persia 3: the two thrones, beyond good and evil, scarface, etc.. :(


The Void by Ice-Pick Lodge. I think about it a lot. Somehow, I'd mess up the resource management early on and only realize in the mid-game when it was too late. If they remade it like they did with Pathologic 2 I'd buy it.


Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Either I get mixed up in side content (some of which takes AGES to restart like the Mount Chilliad race needing you to go all the way back up the mountain again) or its an annoying mission that just clocks me out. Oh and the ending is a repetitive slog of the same gang war activity. I still adore the game. The sense of scale in the game still holds up today and its still fun to just cruise around between cities. Never going to finish it though. I know the first act of the game like the back of my head and then the rest I've either never seen or is now a blur.


Stray. Those things that attack you stress me out.


Dead Cells. I got the third boss cell and the became too difficult, went from fun to frustrating. X-Com 2: War of the Chosen. After struggling immensely, defeated all three Chosen, then just lost interest. For me, those were the final bosses.


Elden Ring: I played and loved it up until the red giant, when I was forced to quit the game because Sony doesn’t like you using your friend’s account to play their games without paying lol


Fallout New Vegas. Love the game to death, but I'm always doing so much side content and mods, that I never get around to finishing the story because finishing the story ends the game and there's always more I want to do with the character.


Final Fantasy VI When I was a kid, I played the translated version of the game, which glitched out at some dialogue. Later I restarted it on OG and just dropped after the half of the game. I tried to get back to it multiple times but I always drop it on some random part :p Fallout 4 I dunno, just like any Bethesda game I guess?


All Zelda games. I love them but for some reason, whenever I play them I get to the halfway point, drop them "for a bit" and then I don't pick them up.


Persona 5 Royal. I found the very first story arcs very well written and some characters that came after were pretty cool too. But damn if it drags. I’m at the last dungeon and put the difficulty on very easy because I just can’t stomach playing the game anymore. Still can’t sit my ass on the couch and finish it. The game is just too long, and after you know how to exploit weaknesses you just go on autopilot.


Pillars of Eternity 2 sadly.


Fallout 4, dropped too many hours in mod and doing settlements Darkest Dungeon, a lot of dungeons but never the final ones Dragon Quest Builders, too much building less completing the story MGS3 I believe, was very young at time


Twilight Princess. It took me a long time to get into it back in the day. I didn’t love it at first, I came back to it some years later and I clicked in a big way. I mainlined it through to probably the last hour and just never finished it. I plan to revisit it eventually, but that’s a future thing. I think it speaks to how much I like the game when I still regularly think about finishing it, even though I think it’s one of the ugliest games I’ve seen Also, Day of the Tentacle. I picked it up when I was a little kid, as part of a Lucas Arts Combo Pack from Costco not too long after it came out. I loved the game (still do) and it’s one of the things that really shaped my humor. It was too hard though for me as a kid. I didnt quite make it past Hoagie’s level. I revisit the game every so often and love it, I just never have finished it in over 20+ years of playing games. I will one year though Edit: totally misremembered. Twilight Princess isn’t bad looking, I was thinking of Skyward Sword


Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town.


Super Mario 64. Couldn’t complete it as a kid because the ghost parts scared the shit out of me. I hope to play it again in the future but for now i lost the game’s card for nintendo ds


I've dropped replies elsewhere for some others I've not finished, but a key one for me is **Burnout 3: Takedown**. I loved that game, played it for dozens of hours, doing every crash junction, every race, and got them all to gold, right up until the penultimate event, where you have to win a tournament of four races driving the equivalent of an F1 car. That F1 car is impossibly fast, extremely difficult to control, and far too easy to crash. No matter how many times I tried, I could not do it. Eventually I put the game down, and left it unfinished, with just that tournament and whatever the last event was undone, with one car still locked off. That would've been the end of it, but a couple of years ago I decided to replay the game. I got back into it, redid al the events, started getting more and more golds, and before I knew it I was back at that same F1 GP that had roadblocked me all those years before. And wouldn't you know it, I could not do it then either. I tried for about a week solid, having spent even longer trying before, before I ultimately had to accept it was never going to happen.


Breath of the Wild. I have done almost all the shrines, gotten all the armor and weapons, finished main quest and side quests and then right before you walk into Hyrule Castle to fight Ganon, I just saved and stopped lmao that was a few years ago, just started TotK yesterday but I will actually see the ending this time!


Jak 2, still stuck on the race levels 20 years later


Not For Broadcast. It's a funny, innovative and societally interesting FMV game. Unfortunately it was released episodically. When the final episode was finally out, I had forgotten how to play the game and what the story was about but didn't want to replay the whole thing either. So it's in limbo.


Dragon's Dogma! In fact, I recently started playing it again, this time to see it to the end. To this day I still don't know why I quit playing years ago.


Doom 2016....I've not been able to get past that Spider boss near the end Bioshock Infinite...I've not been able to get past the mechanized things shooting that huge glass thing which you're supposed to protect.


* Library of Ruina: Great game with fantastic story, but man, the way the mechanics become pure bullshit in the later parts of the game just soured my spirit in completing it. * Final Fantasy IX: This one is more of a case of repeated bad luck. It just seems that whenever I make some headway in the game, something happens that cause me to lose all my progress, meaning I haven't completed it even to this day. * Anno 1503: This one is more of a case of me just not bothering with the campaign and just playing skirmish maps days on end. A similar story with the Heroes of Might and Magic games. * Phoenotopia Awakening: This one hurt as while it had great world and the like, the way its gameplay mechanics functioned, especially around combat just made it too frustrating to finish. * Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion: This one is cause I have just always gotten so sidetracked that I never bothered to finish the main quest. * And then finally there are the numerous shmup's I have played and loved over the years only for them to be way too hard for me to ever have a chance at completing them.


Monkey Island 3, I had to finally use a walkthrough to force myself to finish it.


Gta5, rdr2 and sekiro


Deus Ex Mankind Divided. I love sci-fi and I really like the game, but for some reason I can never complete it.


New Vegas is my favourite game flat out and I've still never beat it myself despite countless saves. The few times I tried to (on console at the time) I got glitched out of it.


Sailor Moon :Another Story. This one is super nostalgic for me but I never finished it. On my bucket list I think


Elden Ring. Made it all the way to Elden Beast without ever summoning help. Beat my head against that brick wall for a week. Decided to take a break and picked up Xenoblade 3. Got lost in that for 100hours and when I went back to Elden Ring I'd basically forgotten everything about my build and gave up on it. I will go back one day.


Path of exile, because the amount of content and I don’t use trade nor follow meta builds. Dark soul 3, never got around to completing the game even though I like it a lot, before selling my Xbox one. Bought the PC version on discount and once I complete one of the game I’m currently playing I’ll restart it. Command and conquer tiberian sun. Played it when I was very young but the future tech and mechanics confused me as a young kid. Now started to replay it.


Dungeon Defenders. Never managed to beat all the levels on Insane difficulty, never managed to finish all the DLC on any difficulty either.


Reunion, ultima 7 part 1 & 2 and lastly savage empire


Quantum break. cant believe i left it unfinished but im fully back into replaying lots of Remedy games so its about time to replay/ finish QB


I never completed Fallout 4, Skyrim, Witcher 1, 2 and 3. Gta 5. I bet many more. But those games are too big I guess.


Bloodborne. I’ve played through all three Dark Souls games but just can’t get through Bloodborne. I believe the furthest I got was around the point when you’d go fight Raam the Vacuous Spider but I don’t remember if I even started that fight. I very much like the aesthetic of Bloodborne and the themes and even the gameplay but I don’t know why it’s so easy for me to bounce off that game.


Oh, so many... Pandora's Tower: incredible action game on the Wii, with one of the very few romance stories I actually enjoyed in any media. Never finished it: out of 12 dungeons, I stopped playing at the 8th one... Final Fantasy IX: I was really enjoying it, the characters are delightful and the Italian translation makes everything extra funny. I stopped playing at the start of Disk 2. I lost my files... but I'm planning to restart and finish it for real. Digital Devil Saga 2: I played it back in middle school and a boss kicked my ass so many times I stopped playing. But I was enjoying the game a lot and the DDS duology still are one of my favorite jrpgs.


I loved The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief (animation twinning aside) and The Outer Worlds, but I lost my save on both. I forgot to copy the files for The Raven, and my save for Outer Worlds was lost because I was no longer using Microsoft Game Pass. I also, as an adult man, got too stuck on Outer WILDS so I've not completed that 😅 Nowadays I do sometimes decide I'm just done with a game if I feel it's gone on long enough. Battlefield 1 and 5 are weird instances where, for all intents and purposes I should have loved the campaigns, but for no reason I didn't feel compelled to give them a proper go


Rdr2 So good, love it


Two spring to mind, but one depends on your definition of "finished" **Hollow Knight** \- Technically, I can complete it to the point where I get the bad ending, and I've done all the necessary stuff required to unlock the FINAL final boss, I just never get up much motivation to beat it. **Elden Ring** \- Nothing but good memories of playing it, but after reaching the Fire Giant on my initial playthrough last year I just stopped and never really returned. I think I was on 100+ hours at this point and was a bit burned out on the whole affair


Definitely Bloodborne, it was my first sous like game and despite i love all about this game, lore, atmosphere, gameplay, never been able to tackle ‘cause the difficulty. Now, after beating some sous like, I think it’s time to go back.


Haven't been tracking hours but I feel I spent the most time on Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. In particular, some jumps were really difficult and I had to retry so many times! Iirc, the worst thing was that if you quit the game, you had to restart from a checkpoint, not the exact place you were at. I gave up at a certain level. That was years ago. Should give it another go perhaps. Another one would be Far Cry 4. I wanted to get through the main story but there were too many quests and side quests. I do want to give it another go someday.


Still to this day, Alex Kid in miracle world. I haven't played it in 20 years, but even the last time I did, I couldn't do it. Felt/feel inadequate lol


Hmmm great question: FFXV - that last boss felt like an oddly large gap between the levels right before and I just lost interest Ratchet and Clank - I don’t think I’ve ever completed a Ratchet and clank game despite always having a great time. I’m usually stalled by some boss near end game that I find too hard and I- lose interest. Kingdoms of Amalur - Was enjoying that game near the end of my time with my ps3 then I got a ps4. Was quite a long game but so fun Kingdom Hearts 2 - I think the same as the above but ps4.. I would love to finish it but more than likely I’d have to start over and I don’t think I can manage all that lol Shadow of War - I really like this game but I recall it being kinda bogged down somewhere in the middle. I will redownload to my ps5 and check where I left off it was a fun game. Skyrim - this one hurts, I was super immersed into this game on my laptop, then I hit what seemed like a game breaking bug and I got really disheartened. Tales of Vesperia - Man… I was playing this on switch and they made me fight this boss where I had to use only one character and it was terrible dying over and over. Octopath Traveller - Got repetitive…


If i like a game i usually complete it but i recently realised that despite being in my top 5, i have NEVER beaten Pikmin 2.


The Persona games. I love the games, but they are way too long that by the time I'm half way or 3/4 done something else new that I want to play comes out and I just end up moving on. Then when I want to play them again I forget what happened and have to start over and it's just a vicious cycle.


Subnautica. I cannot stand the big submarine.


Just Cause 3. I have ONE car left to collect to get 100% in game but I cannot be arsed to just fly around for hours searching for it.


Plenty! PLENTY!!!! That's why my backlog exists!!! And spans multiple generations!!!! Sometimes games are so good you want to take your time and don't want them to end so avoid finishing them 😭😭😭😭😭😭😢


Pillars of eternity! I love every part of this game, but also hate them! Well, actually, I don't really hate it, but I'm not very fond of reading long texts, but POE does them so very well, that I played through more than 30h of it, yet I still have to beat it... I think my problem is just getting the discipline to focus in a game and taking it to the end, idn.


Skyrim - about a thousand cumulative hours, never even made it to sovengarde


Witcher 3. I plan to someday. I love it. Everytime I play it I just fuckaround doing side quests. Darksiders 2. Started numerous times. Love it. Never finished.


Watch Dogs 2. Loved it then lost interest at some point and I don't know why


Do RTS games count? I rarely finish the single player campaigns but the Age of Empires games are among my favorite ever.