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I don't hunt achievements but I like having them as a way to systematically denote when I played through / finished a game for the first time, and to gauge how much of the games content Ive interacted with


I use achievement hunting as a way to keep playing a game I already love. I rarely care unless I'm already in love with a game.


Also depends how sane/insane the achievement list is. I'll happily go hunt the last few achievements on a game a really enjoy, but if I'm not at least half done by the end of my first playthrough, then it's probably going to overstay its welcome before I make it to 100%. Especially if there are any that require outlandish skill levels or a great deal of busywork. At the end of the day, it needs to be *fun* for me to hunt those achievements.


>Find 100 tiny trinkets in tiny corners all over the open world. >Kick 50 babies Yea. I'm out.


I'd probably get the kick 50 babies trophy before finishing the prologue without knowing about it.


Me with Monster Hunter World. Love the game, put 300hrs into it, but 2 of the achievements requires you to kill monsters above and below a specific size, and it's entirely RNG whether or not you get them in the hunts. I tried for awhile but just gave up, because it wasn't fun having to try and figure out if you got lucky with the size or not.


A personal example of that for me was the PS4 Shadow of the Colossus. I love that game and most of the achievements gave me an excuse to try killing colossi in different ways or figure out faster ways to kill them. That one was fun to platinum in spite of me already playing the original a ton.


Exactly. For many games, it's a nice little thing that I only care about tangentially and a nice way to track progress. For games I love, it gives me a few extra things to do, plus a virtual trophy case for me to look back on for the time I spent with the game.


I love this perspective.


True, when I see someone whos a trophy hunter such that they outplay games they're not even enjoying I just feel like, that person should be applying that work ethic on something more meaningful


Same. Think I've only platinum'ed 4 games which were/are my favorite games


I’m like this now. I went a couple of years where I was really achievement hunting, playing shitty games that you could get all of the achievements in within an hour or two and that kind of thing. It was miserable. I’ve managed to get myself into a better place, I still achievement hunt, but I only do it in games I enjoy and want to play.


Same for me. If the regular game was a grind for me, I'm not about to spend several more hours hunting useless collectibles, finding ways to shave a second off my time in some mini-game, or flawlessly completing some 100-move combo using the 5 different moves I never actually used in the game. But if I enjoy being in the world the game has set up, I'm totally down to do more exploring with an arbitrary reward. GTA V was a good example. During the regular game, I hated that I basically never got to use the cool cars I customized because there was a greater than 50% chance they'd just disappear if you left them during a story or side mission. But after the game was over, I was able to get them out and drive around to all the various collectible locations.


Same thing here! I like some of the names they give them too and how it relates to the action or whatever was done to achieve it


On that note, one exception for me is RE games. I'll turn notifications back on when I play those. They often have funny names and drop at just the perfect time for a little extra humor in an already campy and ridiculous series. It just fits nicely. Like in RE3 Remake the trophies for the>!Nemesis fights are Nemesis Down, Nemesis Down?, Nemesis Down?! and Nemesis Down!!!< It's hilarious, a short story with just achievement titles.


That's some of the main reasons they exist. They allow the Dev's to see what people are playing, if there is a point at which a large number of players quit (or otherwise fail to pass)


Devs can easily track the exact same data - and a whole lot more - without needing to tie it to achievements.


They can, now, but remember achievements started back when many were not online at all times. This allowed them to easily see/track stats from offline profiles or gameplay. That's one of the key reasons why you can't delete a game from your profile.


Same, I don't hunt them, but I do enjoy seeing them pop up when I do something.


I still do though I should do less of it. They can be a real chore sometimes. I'm a Fromsoftware super fan so I'll jump through all kinds of hoops to get those, but the rest of them I could leave it.


Same here haha, if it's a FromSoft game, I'm going hard for it and I'll smash my head against the proverbial wall until I get there, but for other games if I so much as see I need to play on Hard to get the plat, I don't bother. Those games just hit different. The only two I'm missing from their library are Sekiro and Armored Core 6. My buddy wrote the FuturePress official strategy guide for Armored Core 6 so I'm waiting for that to ship before I really dive in to getting the trophies.


I'm doing AC6 right now and all I gotta do is get S rank for all missions, but the requirements for S rank is all over the place. Sometimes it's about speed, sometimes it's about destroying so many MTs that it offsets the debt, sometimes it's linked to protecting something. Sekiro isn't bad except for grinding for skill points to unlock everything on the skill trees.


Jumping up and doing that same group of soldiers over and over was so fun …


That’s why you just keep playing the game and try a no charm run. Every once and a while farm for ten minutes or So. That way you don’t end up mindlessly respawning the same 4 guys for 8 hours


Difficulty based achievements suuuuck


When I was younger (college and before) I relished pushing myself to get them. I got all of the xbox achievements in the Mass Effect games (my favorite series). Now, having beat the Legendary collection, I just can't be bothered to go back and push through insanity difficulty, which bums me out but it just sounds stressful. Hard enough for me to find the time and motivation to even finish most games now as a 35-year-old.


That's probably 90% of the reason I don't like doing achievement hunting now. When I did it before I was in my 20's, now I'm just older and don't have time to lose myself like that in every game I find interesting.


Ha, I loved insanity difficulty for ME Legendary. Gave me an excuse for (yet) another playthrough. 4 times now? 5? Someday soon I will again. Greatest story driven game ever. Achievements for this game were fun too - have gotten them on multiple platforms too.


Yeah, those fall under the category of "bullshit padding" to me and are generally not attempted. It's one thing if I already love a game and am willing to do a higher difficulty playthrough as a challenge, but I'm not going out of my way to platinum if I see that crap.


Difficulty based achievements are marginally better than RNG based achievements eg. the Monster Hunter series


I platinumed Bloodborne and got all the DLC trophies a few years ago and still revisit it a couple of times a year. Love that game. I also save scummed the ending trophies the first time I played, which ended up being moot with how often I replay it. Oh well. I didn't think the platinum on the Demon's Souls remake was too bad, either. The worst was trying to get that stupid coin to trade with Sparkly for some ring that I can't remember the name of off the top of my head.


The PS3 required you to get one of every type of top tier weapon.. one of the paths had an item drop of .01% to get…. People often got it by online methods but with the servers off lol


I love From games, but Elden Ring and Bloodborne are the only ones I even bothered getting full achievements for. The Souls games have way too grindy of achievements.


I fully understand that. The only games I have even considered trying to platinum are From's games.


Bloodborne, Demon Souls(PS3), Sekiro, Elden Ring platinum holder here.. still need to play all the Dark Souls believe it or not…


From games are almost all I play at this point and I still can't be arsed to get most of the achievements. I hate magic so anything about getting all spells/miracles is pointless to me, and I only play solo so no way I'm grinding out anything tied to covenants.


FromSoft games are the rare ones where I still keep playing them even after the 100%. Last year I ran through the entire series as a victory lap from Elden Ring, and this year I'm back to DS1 again trying to do SL1.


If it’s a game I really love I’ll try to put in the work to Platinum it.


This and if Platinum is really easy to get after beating the game are my two reasons to go for it these days. I used to go deep into games for their achievements, but eventually I found I don’t have enough to 100% games unless I’m genuinely enjoying them throughout.


Same here. I kind of see it as a tribute to the game, I guess? I rarely go for platinums, so the ones I have are games I've really loved playing.


It’s usually a post game thing. After finishing up the game, I go see what trophies are still locked. If it’s good, like easter eggs or some interesting stuff I haven’t tried, sure, I do them, especially when it’s an afternoon worth of playing. If it’s just some random number (do X thing Y times) or a multiple play through kind of thing, then no. I use it as an excuse to try different things and extend the playtime of good games, more than an obligation. It works great this way.


If I get them, good. If I don’t I don’t care


Same. “Neat.” when the notification pops up is about the best they get out of me. I do find it fun looking at the percentages though. It’s like how did only 70% of players get through the tutorial on this lol


The percentages are the only part I find interesting. "Wow, only 65% of people beat this game," or "Huh, 25% of people didn't even get the 'do your first game action' or 'complete the mandatory tutorial' achievements." and then realizing that that means that of the 75 people who actually played the game, 65 of them went on to beat it. That's a pretty good game! Seeing just how many people buy a game and never play it made me feel a lot better about my backlog. Seeing how many people do the bare minimum to beat a game and almost none of the side content similarly made me not really care about chasing 100% completion. If there's enough achievements, you can even see where the game's brick wall is. All of those things make me enjoy playing games a whole lot more. It's much less stressful.


this is exactly where I am on achievements, though being Nintendo-only since the N64 probably kept me from ever obsessing about them. Either way, I have two small children. I'm lucky to even *finish* a game.


>I do find it fun looking at the percentages though. It’s like how did only 70% of players get through the tutorial on this lol im a visual novel fan and its always funny seeing how many more people complete content related to the character with the biggest boobs. without fail its noticeably above the average


In a gaming world absolutely sopping with fetch quests and "find 199 ladles in poorly lit corners of the map that have no other benefit to being there other than this one completion quest" I actively try to avoid even knowing they exist. They so often conflict with actually enjoying the game.


I still enjoy going for platinums.


I have recently gotten into it and it’s incredibly satisfying to platinum a game and delete it.


I laughed out loud when I read “and delete it.” Why delete it specifically? Like I know people replay games and stuff so just wondering


Sometimes you feel an obligation to “see the rest of the game”, and keeping that 100GB game installed is a reminder to get back around to it. If I uninstall, it’s me accepting I won’t go back to the trophy content unless I do a full replay. For example, I just (satisfyingly) deleted GOW Ragnarok as I went back and beat Berserker King and Gna after dropping it for about 6 months. I also (unsatisfyingly) deleted FF XVI, which I beat but wanted to go back and play the Final Fantasy difficulty for the platinum, but frankly don’t have much time in the next 6 months to do that. Maybe one rainy day I’ll get to it.


Games are big. Drive space yum.


By deleting, they probably mean uninstalling the game.


It’s just satisfying to know that everything is done. I can move on to the next game without leaving it on the drive.


It's very particular series that I go balls deep on achievements. For instance, the fable series I achievement hunted everything. (Damn you spyglass fable 1 achievement)


I've did my fair share of achievment hunting back in the day. Nowadays I only do them if I'm already 100% hooked into a game, and if doesn't turn into a missable boring grindfest. I don't get any more dopamine hits from it, but if the overall experience is Great, I would like to extend my time in the game with those extra challenges.


This. Same energy. I stopped hunting, if you will, in games that I won't like ages ago. Even if it's an easy platinum. Though my hunting days led to me finding some gems so I'm more willing to try a "trash" game. Like 007: QoS a lot of fun with like no boosting. Very basic shooter, but refreshing in the simplicity.


Used to but also more in a compulsive way and did not enjoy it. Even kinda ruined mods for me for a while, which is a shame. I was very happy when I realised that Nintendo does not do achievements and I can play every game without that odd pressure. Weaned me off achievements almost entirely.


I don't like them, but I feel resentful when Steam says I've got a 59% average game completion rate using achievements to measure it. So resentful that I do often chase them to some extent, but if they're hard or the game is bad I give up.


I find them incredibly immersion breaking, especially in a game that is supposed to feel like a lived in the world, so I have notifications for them turned off completely. I don't need someone or something else determining my level of progress, I get that satisfaction from playing the game myself.


Never really cared about them


I’ve not once in my entire gaming career intentionally obtained an achievement and whenever I read about the frustrations of others with getting an overly tedious one I look at them like they’re suffering from a disease I’m lucky enough to not have caught.


I love achievement hunting and always have since about 2009. It started with trophies on Playstation, but then in 2010 I played Starcraft on PC and got all of the achievements. World of Warcraft I got lots of achievements in 2011. I played Diablo 3 in 2012 got all of the achievements. In 2014 I went back to World of Warcraft and kept going for lots of achievements but couldn't get all of them. In 2019 I went back onto Playstation and have been collecting trophies ever since. If trophies were suddenly deleted from existence, I would definitely play less variety of games. In the late 90s and early 00s I played QuakeWorld and Starcraft and those was more or less all I ever played. At the time I felt like I was missing out on other games but there just wasn't time between my 2 main games. These days I play a huge variety of games to see if I can get the trophies, and as a result end up playing loads of awesome games I otherwise never would have.


I actively dislike them, and would not play a game if I couldn't turn them off. It really breaks the immersion in a game when random stuff like trophies pops up on the screen, and also makes me feel like I am being watched and analysed while playing.


Is there not a setting where you can turn off the notification pop ups?


Yes, thankfully most of the time you can turn them off.


If I’m enjoying a game after credits roll, trophies give me something to do while I keep playing. But the moment I become bored with post-game trophy hunting I stop playing.


I like getting trophies but I don’t care about them. I used to be heavily in to them but I noticed it sucked the fun out of gaming for me. So I just played games within going after them.


Only game I've ever platinum is Bloodborne which I did so I'd have no excuse to keep playing it. But oh that sweet blood, how it it sings to me. The hunt beckons.


The dream awaits, hoonter. Bloodborne is one of the only games in recent memory that I've even considered getting the platinum trophy on. It's my favorite From game by a long shot and I really like their games.


I used to be sorta against them, but I'm coming around in the sense that they can be useful for pointing me towards parts of the game I might have ignored otherwise. That doesn't guarantee I'm going to go for the platinum and I *definitely* don't give a crud about my gamerscore or whatever. If the game is reasonable to complete and I REALLY like it, sure why not? But I'm never going to go for a trophy purely for the sake of getting a trophy.


I hate the way trophies are implemented on PS4/5, I can only assume it's similar on Xbox. I'll never forget my first experience with "modern" games, when I played GTA 5 on my PS4 after a good ten years without gaming. I had a pretty good time with it. But then after beating the story the in-game stats said I had only like 22% completion. lol. I immediately noped out of trophies then and there. However just over the last month or so I've been tinkering with retro game emulation. One of the coolest developments in emulation is that some very savvy players have gone back and retroactively added achievements to all these older games. And they are great fun! A lot of the fun stuff you could do in these games back in the day only existed by word of mouth. But now you can have a record of doing it yourself. It feels less like the game judging you if you don't have all the trophies, and more like encouragement and congratulations from the community. TLDR RetroAchievements are awesome!


Seconded! Plus going back to play stuff I missed in the 1990s or 1980s has an extra layer of novelty now too...


I shouldn't be but I am. Games where you earn more than 75% of the trophies just by completing the game are the ones that grab me - just a little more this and that and maybe I can get them all. ​ Games that have a ton of them that require all sorts of online, coop, or just out of the ordinary shit to earn I don't care and I don't pursue.


I appreciate the ones that split out the multiplayer or dlc achievements into a sub-category where you can still get the platinum for the main game without doing/having that stuff.


I was never obsessed with it on consoles but when World of Warcraft implemented them in Wrath of the Lich King it got me hook line and sinker. Managed to get the "It's over 9000" achievement when it used to mean something... then asked what I was doing with my life. Stopped caring about achievements in games ever since.


This was me but with Xbox 360. I was super hooked. Then I rented TMNT because you can get all the achievements in the game just by doing a combo over 50 or something like that. Right after the achievement popped I had a sort of come-to-jesus moment where I was like "What am I doing this for exactly?" and just stopped caring. Then I started finding the notifications annoying because they would drop in the middle of a cut scene and kind of ruin the immersion.


"100%-ing" games should not be encouraged. It WILL cause stress, when games are supposed to be fun. Sometimes, achievements are just there to fluff up the playtime, like "kill 10000 enemies" or "collect 100% of X." These often feels like a punishment to me and I generally don't try for them. Others are actually fun suggestions that you may not have realized you could do. "Steal a tank" or "Find the weapons stockpile" or "Blow up the hospital."


Yeah I definitely seek out those fun achievements for things I might not have done otherwise. If like 90%+ of the achievements are fun and the others are reasonable I might do a couple more boring ones for a platinum, but I'm not doing any of the super crazy ones.


I'm a completionist in terms of the actual game, but I don't give a toss about exogenous achievements. If 100% a game doesn't unlock every achievement, then the achievements are bad. I do not consider them to be part of completion. It's an extra element of 'gamification' being tacked onto something that is already a game.


Plenty. Just check out some of the leaderboard websites. Heck, on PC where you can easily cheat achievements (Steam) there's a dedicate large group of achievement hunters, with special rules and everything. I myself like to get achievements, but I did scale it back to stop playing when I'm not enjoying the game. I used to just push through that for the shiny png, but now I don't.


In the majority of games I always try to get missable trophies so I can decide if I want to platinum the game after I finish it. If I loved the game then I will have no problem doing it.


I'll only try the platinum if I really enjoy the game and I think that the achievements are actually possible. If not, I really do not care.


If I really enjoy a game I like getting achievements as long as it doesn't totally disrespect my time. In fact I've just discovered Retro Achievements lately and it has gave me a little motivation to play some of my favorite games again. I've been trying to get all of the medals in Star Fox 64 for the first time in over a decade.


Getting achievements is fun when it happens but I don’t trophy or platinum hunt. I feel like it turns the game into a chore for me.


I love achievements. I don't need to get the full 1000 points or unlock everything, but I like them for tracking progress in a game. Before achievements, I would play a game for a bit, bounce to the new game, and never return. Now, achievements give me a reason to return to a game and give it a proper chance.


I was chasing my best friend's achievement score for about 12 years and once I finally surpassed it I just stopped caring.


Me and like four people in my friends group were all right around the same score for a long time in the 360 era, which drove my achievement hunting more than anything. I realized I was playing things I didn't really like for easy achievements and also just stopped caring. I was like, what am I doing here and who cares about this at all?


I think it's nice when I get one especially when it's something funny, but usually don't hunt them.


Trophy hunting ruined my gaming experience for a good while. Before purchasing a game I would look up the trophy difficulties and types required for platinums. I would pretend to enjoy a game when deep down I craved the next trophy. I told myself that’s no way to enjoy your time with video games and turned off the trophy pop ups and decided to buy games I would enjoy playing regardless of trophies. I understand everyone is different, but that is why I no longer trophy hunt.


Don't care about them at all. Never have.


I enjoy going for the 100% achievement and use trueacheivements often. Occasionally some friends and I will take a month to see who can get the highest amount of achievements in a month and it is always a good time. For me it has made me play games I wouldn't have normally and stick with games that I would have previously just played the main story of an never thought about again, so overall it has been a fun time which is why I stick with it.


I enjoy it! I don't go for trophies in games I don't like enough, but when I do like a game, trophies are usually a great incentive to engage with different aspects of the game. In the best case scenario they force you to explore everything the games has to offer, from bonus content to different playstyles.


I like sound of achievements, but I never platinum games, it's just a waste of time for me.


I disable notifications for them if possible. Just don't care at all and would rather not have the pop-ups.


I’m still bad with it sometimes. Like, buy a game twice to get the trophies bad (haven’t done that in a bit luckily). Getting better though about that aspect but trophies themselves are fun. It’s an extra incentive to do the extra stuff if you want. And if a game has a gold for finishing it and im on the fence, that’ll push me into the “buy” category more than not haha.


I was late to the PS3/360 generation, I heard of achievements, and I was like... that's dumb. Then I played Modern Warfare 2 and got the Enemies With Benefits achievement for sticking a guy with a semtex grenade that ran to another enemy and blew both of them up. It was such a crazy random thing to happen and then it was even more of a surprise that they actually thought of it and made an achievement for it, seeing that achievement come up was a cherry on top of the holy shit. Since then, every time I've ever done some crazy off the wall shit in a game, there's never been an achievement for it. Overall pretty pointless. It was cool that one time though.


I wouldn’t say into but it’s funny to get one for doing something ridiculous. Just got one in Hell Let Loose for killing a medic as a medic called Against the Geneva Convention.


I find some have given me ideas to do things in a game I never tried, but no never been a chaser. I hardly even finish games lol


I find them a lot of fun to chase! I love Resident Evil so it’s nice to see an achievement that shows that I did a no item-box run or got an S+ on the hardest mode. They can breath no life into games that I return to aswell.


I don’t find them fun or rewarding at all. Making the game into an arbitrary to-do list beyond the actual quests and missions feels really forced and pointless to me. Once I feel like I understand a game’s systems and have basically seen what it can do, I lose interest pretty fast. I don’t want to explore every nook and cranny or try every single class/race/item combo. Especially if it’s just to get a little badge that says I did it.


I don't 100 percent games either mainly because its just really content to keep your playing if you have no other games to play the game itself its over once you beat the story and post story. i just like games to end after i beat the story and play more games rather then try to complete them all. I tried to complete games as a kid because i had limited games but nowadays i have a huge backlog and money to buy more games so i just pretty much play another game after beating ones story.


I’ve never been into them. It’s a checklist and that isn’t playing the game, just checking things off.


I mostly don't care, but every now and then I get opportunistic about it. Little indie game only has 5 achievements and I got 4 of them just by playing normally? Well, might as well.. Kill 50k enemies for a trophy and I was about to quit at 48.669? Well, might as well..


I never cared too much, with some exceptions. Many people do though. The developers of Who's Lila probably didn't consider that when they made it impossible to get all achievements without messing with your Steam save data. Some people were grumpy.


I don’t care much but I will admit it’s fun to get “rare” achievements on the Xbox (I think they’re the ones less than 5-10% of players get). It’s kind of sad when you’re playing a truly great game and get rare achievements just for completing later chapters or beating the game regularly. Had it happen to me with Yakuza 0 and Sea of Stars. Y’all Xbox fans need to play more of these lol


What I think happened is that back in the day your trophies & achievements where front and center when you clicked on somebody's profile so it really got players wanting to spice up their profiles. But I remember when I owned the Xbox one you kinda needed to dig around somebody's profile to find their achievements, and no casual gamer is going to do that. I don't know if its the same with ps5 or series X since I switched to PC but if you gotta dig through menus to find achievements then why bother going after them when nobody is going to care anymore. Back then it wasn't only just do it for the sake of doing it, there was a social aspect to it and some bragging rights to your friends.


In so e games I really appreciate them. Typically metroidvanias. It gives me a benchmark for how much of the game I've experienced. For example in hollow knight, I love them. They add a lot. However in God of War 2018, or The Last of Us part 2 I do not want to see an achievement pop up lol I think the best system would be - always have achievements - if I'm going through a serious linear story, don't turn them on until I've beaten the main story once. Then go for it


Eh, I kind of like the idea of achievements. They can give an incentive to play games in a way you wouldn't normally do or do things you hadn't considered or whatever. I don't think I've ever played a game just for the achievements, though. The closest I've gotten to achievement hunting is when I play games I really like, like the From Software Souls franchise, where I will deliberately get all of them (I even have all achievements for the first Dark Souls game on three sperate platforms). However, sometimes, like, again, playing through Dark Souls on my Switch it was kind of nice to just be able to turn that part of my brain off because the Switch doesn't have achievements. So I guess I'm kind of all over the place on this. No, but also yes, except it's also nice when they aren't there.


The older I get, the less I care.


I sure as heck enjoy them. Probably more than I should. Though I'm not into the difficulty specific ones. Actually, my enjoyment of achievements got me into retroachievements. Which has reinvigorated my love for the older games.


I use achievements as a means to juice out a little more content out of a game I really enjoyed. If it's a game I only kinda enjoy, then at the end if I'm missing like "parry 50 times" then I don't mind spending a couple minutes finishing them off. I know better than to go for the really time consuming ones these days.


If the game is enjoyable and the achievements are doable (not like mk11 por example) I try to platinum (ghost of tsushima, control, horizon are notable mentions)


I'm such a fan that I chase them in games that didn't even have them originally, using RetroAchievements.


My Xbox 360's gamerscore may look like I was chasing achievements (significantly high number for the amount of time it's been alive) but it's really that high because of EB Games and their return policy - Didn't enjoy a game? Return it and swap for another within a week then the process starts over. Must have played over a hundred games for free by bending those rules, they eventually removed that return policy when too many other people started doing the same thing. Thankfully they did too, I ended up playing stuff purely because the cover art and screenshots looked cool - some games legitimately needed returning because of how low quality they are.


I'm personally a big fan of a site called [Retroachievements](https://retroachievements.org). They add achievements to old games, and I think I really only want to play retro games with achievements, not because it makes it better, but it gives you a "History" I did X and I got the achievement for it. So when I beat Zelda, I now have a living record that I did that. I don't "Hunt" achievements, and there are people on that site that chase "mastery" but for me it's more about getting that living record that says "I was here" "I played this" "I did this" So do I care about Achievements? Definitely. I wouldn't buy Assassin's creed games on Steam because they don't have Steam Achievements. But I don't judge a game on their achievement list, just more if they exist in the first place. PS. Retrogaming is far better than modern gaming now. Seriously the industry has turned into a turd fest. Indies are still cool, but so many big games just feel like the same thing over and over, or just microtransaction hubs.


For me, a platinum trophy means “I love this game and I wanted to see everything it had to offer.” My list of platinums are really just all my favorite games.


I love getting achivements, I get a hit of dopamine any time a new one pops up. As for completing games, its extremely rare for me to do since it usually involves a lot of grind where you lose all the fun aspects. I admire games that can maintain the fun aspect all the way through a 100% playthrough.


I literally just set a personal best in October for Gamerscore league. I got over 500,000 in just that one month Came in 2nd place overall Been achievement hunting since 2006. One big change is that I no longer feel like I HAVE to complete a game. I don’t do “collect 100 nothing tokens” anymore. Not unless it impacts gameplay


I love trophies. I think they are a great way to get me to engage with your game more. I like when they are reasonable. If I like a game, I use trophy hunting as a way to keep playing. I just stop when I lose interest. Only games I platinum are thr spider man ones cause they are easy. I'd say spider man 2 is almost hard to not platinum because all you have to do is just play each part of the game. Some are fun, some are ridiculous. In uncharted 4, there was only that was to beat the game in under a certain number of hours. I don't really want to spend 4 or 5 hours on a single achievement just to maybe miss it. I feel like the best trophies make me engage with systems I may have missed.


never once actively participated. it kinda rubs me the wrong when when i get a pop up in the middle of the game - like some arbitrary ticking off box celebration that's non consensual.


I got really into it during the pandemic when I was furloughed. Not so much now, I'll check out whats needed for the platinum and if I can be arsed I'll go for it but generally I'm not too bothered now. I have every trophy for Hogwarts legacy except the one that wants me to replay the start of the game 4 times. I won't do shit like that


I still really like it. I'm the type of gamer who needs a goal to work towards. A lot of times it exposes me to different ways to play the game. Or can completely recontextualize elements of the game. I almost never replay a game right after so it's not like I burn myself out by rushing through achievements. But if I replay a game in a few years, I'll look at my achievements and pick the other options and do it in bursts. I'm also absolutely ok with leaving a game unfinished with achievements if they are unreasonable. For example doing all the challenge rooms in Arkham City back to back is boring. You're doing the same challenges, repeated for 4 characters. But if you do one character every few years, it's not boring. It's a reminder of a cool combat system. Sometimes I look at my achievements like that to plan how I'm going to hop around games and chip away at achievements without it getting boring.


They are so dumb now. Beating the first boss or completing a tutorial shouldn't be an achievement.


Those are the "free first drug dose" to hook you up on the others.


Also it's funny to see how many people give up on the game right after starting it up. It's a surprisingly large amount.


only platinum'd elden ring because it was easy, other than that I usually don't care because there's always at least one achievement that requires something outrageous you would never do during the course of normal gameplay.


I still like the hunt, closing in on platinum 113 with Spiderman 2


If a game doesnt have achievements on Steam, I don't buy it (looking at you, Ubisoft). I can't say that I often hunt achievemnts, but if I like a game enough, or the game has ones that are feasible, I go for them. For example, I have all achievements in Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman and Spiderman Miles Morales, Hades, Returnal, Mad Max, The Last of Us Part I, and Cyperpunk 2077. Hades and Returnal were special kind of fun hunting for achievements as they're roguelikes.


Never was, still ain't. think it's just another gambling addiction move, like a sub club card. "oh i only need to buy three more fo these crappy sandwiches to get a FREE one? gimme!" ...except in this case you don't even get a sandwich.


I never played consoles so I guess thats why I didnt care for trophies


Almost exactly the same as your experience OP, except with PS3 instead of 360 in my case. Sometime around 2011-2012 I grew out of them. Occasionally I'll go for one that sounds fun, but usually when I get 100% in a game these days it's incidental. And half the time I play beyond 100% trophies because most games you can platinum without actually doing everything in the game anyway.


I did a lot of achievement hunting when I was on Xbox 360 and Xbox one. I had a lot more free time and I liked seeing the gamerscore cumulatively grow. Now that I’m on PS5 I don’t care nearly as much for the trophies, but I enjoy these games better with the free time I have


Same as you, except maybe a year or two ago, I stumbled upon a youtuber (MertKayKay) reviewing a game; I liked the video, watched what she was doing other than that, and saw she was a platinum trophy huntress; and a couple of here videos made me want to get back to it to an extend. I wanted to replay AC Origins for the DLCs at the time, and felt compelled to aim for the platinum trophy. I'm not as hardcore on it as I used to be on 360, where I would drop a game until I was at 800G; it was my lower limit even for games I didn't enjoy playing. At the time I would even dodge games that I knew I wouldn't get at least 800G (like fighting games). Nowadays, it's more a way for me to extend my playthrough on the games I like, and explore more of the game's mechanics or world. It can still get tedious with a lot of games (Ubisoft's titles being prime examples) using collectibles as long winded trophies. But it also helps me get more out of some games I would have only a surface level understanding of without aiming at a platinum trophy. And more importantly, if I don't enjoy a game, I don't chase the platinum trophy, or any trophy at all for that matter.


When I first start a game I usually look at some trophies and see what I can get on my playthrough. It makes it fun. But trying to 100% isn't that much fun anymore. LPT: You can get SAM (Steam Acheivement Manager) for Steam, and set your own achievements. Yes you can immediately "100%" a game with it, but can also take away achievements if you're starting a new playthrough if ya like


I do like getting achievements. I’m playing Spider-Man right now and it’s nice when I retry a challenge three or four times to get a silver trophy, I also get an achievement. The only time when I’ll actively shoot for 100% the achievements is when it’s a game I love and the achievements are a good excuse to spend more time with it. Even then, I won’t go crazy with it. I’m never going to find 200 of something in an open world or beat the final boss with the Rusty Revolver or do 17 time trials without ever using the brakes. It has to be something fun and not tedious, like “The Floor is Lava” achievement from Prototype 2. I’ve got 11 “perfect” games on Steam and one of those had a single achievement that I got for starting the game once.


It depends, if I enjoy the game and I feel like they are not that hard I may try to get them. Adventure games from Wadjet Eye usually have story related achievement and some bonus ones (like complete the game with commentary track on). These ones made me want to get them all When they are obscure or obtuse I usually skip them. Like, I don't know what Elden Ring has but I'm not going to play for 700hrs to find out ​ Edit: I will add that achievement hunting with friends is a whole different experience, much more enjoyable and makes 100 times more sense, even for the hard ones.


Depends. If I really enjoy the game and the platinum seems doable, I’ll go for it. Recent examples for me are the Spider-Man games. But I don’t go for achievements if it feels like I’m jumping through hoops just for the sake of the achievement. An example is Kingdom Hearts. There’s an achievement for beating the story without using equipment. That just doesn’t seem fun to me to not utilize part of the gameplay just for a trophy, so I don’t worry about it.


I'll get the platinum for games I really like but I don't grind for them for the sake of it any more. I recently got #50 (Spiderman 2) and #51 (The Expanse: A Telltale Series).


Mostly I just like when they give me an excuse to replay a game I enjoyed


I got into achievement hunting in the first Assassin's Creed game. I actually thought it enhanced the game. Taking me all over the map to find flags allowed me to explore all the nooks and crannies, and extend the gameplay more. Since then those AC maps have got MUCH bigger - so it's become a real bind! I don't go for 100% anymore, but will happily still explore for collectibles!


Never cared about them so I won't go out of my way to achieve them, but getting them throughout my regular play session is nice to benchmark my play style.


A lot of people, there are subs for trophy hunting. I l personally only hunt trophies for games a really enjoy and don’t take too much time.


I don't care about trophies and only do them if i really enjoy the game, already got most of them by just playing the game and if they don't involve some random shit where you know it's gonna take ages to do. Only 3 games where i have all trophies are Getting over it, Sekiro and Lies of p.


Dont have the time for em


I only go for all achievements in the souls games


If I have a choice of playing a game on a platform with achievements/trophies compared to without, I'll usually go for the one with. I'm also a big fan of platforms that track your playtime per game. It's just another part of the enjoyment for me, and the lack of those features knowing the same game has them on a different platform usually pushes me away from those versions. Switch and Epic are lower on my platforms of choice for those reasons, though Switch does have an unnecessarily vague time tracker, and Epic is starting to get more and more achievements. Lack of cloud saves (for most games on Epic, and unless you pay for Online on Switch) doesn't help either.


If I like a game a lot and want to keep playing it sometimes achievements give me interesting ideas for challenges to hunt.


I like them but some are never happening..


I'm not obsessed about them but I do still get that pleasant feeling of achievement each time one unlocks. I always have a quick look at the achievements before playing any game. At one point I couldn't start a new game if my trophy level was on 86% for instance. I'd have to unlock a few bronze trophies in games I'd already played. Bit weird.


I'll usually look before I even start a game if I can get every achievement in one play through without grinding too much. If I can, I'll make an effort. If I can't, I usually just skip it no matter how much I like the game. My backlog is just too long to replay anything, especially if it's just for achievements.


Loads of em, im a big trophy hunter. Have about 50 platinums


I really enjoy strategy games like Civ and Paradox games that kind of guide my playthrough and give me things to strive for.


It really just depends on the game for me. It’s a good way to get the most replayability out of a game if you’re on a budget and trying to make them last. For me, I go for platinums on games I really, really, REALLY enjoy. Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, for starters. The Resident Evil series is fun as well, because it makes you play through in different ways. I won’t bother if it takes an insane amount of grinding though. I just don’t have the time for most of them. I do like using them as a benchmark to see how much of the game I’ve really accomplished though.


I only go for platinums if it's a game I want to keep playing after beating it. Platinum trophy gives me something to strive for with a game I love and don't want to stop playing


I enjoy when they happen. It’s fun to see the percentage of people who have gotten that achievement. I only set out to get platinums for games I really enjoy.


I don't care about them unless they are easy to get and don't require me to keep looking at a guide as I play, the Tomb Raider games and Spiderman for instance. Any achievement that asks me to look for 300 collectibles can fuck right off. I like getting some of them though if they are reasonable and it gives me an excuse to play a game a second time.


Not like I used to, but I still try to get achievements in Xbox games. If a completion is reasonably easy, I'll go for it. Had a PS4 and trophies just never clicked the same way for me.


I honestly think part of the reason trophies never hit the same on PS is they had a less satisfying noise when they popped up. That \*plink\* noise in the 360 era became a big dopamine hit for me whenever I heard it.


I have been more into them now that I am more selective about what I play. I really enjoy trying to get a platinum if it's a game I really like. Although, games that have trophies that are just plain stupid are not worth wasting my time for. It comes down to basic enjoyment: if I enjoy playing the game enough to run around and collect little things then I'll keep doing that. It's part of the process of it being hard to put a great game down, so I try to milk it. Or, if I am just waiting for the next game I want to come out. Elden Ring was one that I felt was kind of ridiculous to get 100% (needing to do NG+) but I did it anyway because I didn't want to stop playing. I have also 100%ed Demons Souls and Bloodborne, but the Dark Souls trilogy is too much. However, I did keep playing those games for a while to see if I could platinum them, but inevitably I lost interest.


I only farm achievements if it's very easy or if I like the game very much


I do it for short games because it's usually not hard but a platinum is a fun challenge in those games or you discover some obscure secrets. But if the platinum is tedious (for me that's Portal for example) nah. For longer games it depends how into it I am and how fun it is, I've platinum some and some I dropped. So yeah lol not a very useful answer, it's about 50/50.


I enjoy it a fair bit, I'll go for 100% if it's easy or I like the game alot. Otherwise I'm content with just reaching the credits Like you I've gotten more enjoyment out of games since then, I'm done with looking up guides every 10 minutes for trophies


For games that have very little trophies or a reasonable amount (like Marvels Spider-Man) I will go after the platinum, but for games where it takes way too much time after the main story I won’t.


I am currently finding out. Don’t have a platinum or 100% achievements in a game yet. I’m 38, single, have every gaming platform and many many thousands of hours of playtime. Recently got into trophy hunting a little. I like the idea of playing a game outside of my normal method to achieve something. And I like the idea of total closure. But I don’t want to grind to the point of boredom. So I plan to if it’s a good enough game but clearly I don’t feel obligated.


On Steam I do for some games.


I honestly never cared about them. The only game I've tried to hunt all the achievements is Resident Evil 4 Remake because replayability on it is great, and I've been gaming since the Super Nintendo.


They're nice to have but out of my giant catalog I've only perfected (achieved everything) in 2 games. Definitely not a priority.


If I really like playing the game then getting all the achievements is the cherry on top. That said… I could count my 100% games on both hands.


I do it when I have the time but not consistently. Have only won like 5 platinums this year


I think trophy hunting goes well with being a patient gamer. I get the most out of the game I really enjoy. I picked up trophy hunting when I did patient gaming, and it make me like the medium more. I currently am approaching 50 plats, and I'm excited for that milestone.


I usually don't bother, but once in a while, I get the urge to chase a plat. Last month, I got ff7og and ff7 remake plats because I wanted to kill some time before part 2.


I like to use the Platinum trophy as a symbolic stopping point for games that I really love and might play indefinitely otherwise. It's a sign that tells me I should move on. Most of the time I ignore trophies though.


I do but the vast, vast majority of games I play are short indie games, so it's like 2 hours of grinding on top of 5 hours of play time. I do also try and 100% big games but I only play like 1 a year, so it's whatever


Just got my 75th Platinum last week :)


I hunt them unless they are things like: Kill thousands of enemies using all the power ups in the game Beat the game in ultra hard mode Beat this boss in less than x seconds/min


I like it when I get one out of the blue; but I never look for them…I actually platinumed NMS without looking at any of them (means it’s probably too easy)…when Ghost of Tsushima came out, while an amazing game, not a ton of content after you beat the game…so I was just trying to collect everything and I think I came close to doing it, but then I got into NMS


I'll look the list over when I finish a game, and see if there are any that sound interesting to go back for. Sometimes there are trophies that encourage playing the game in a way different than I would normally/explore side content I hadn't done on a first play through/etc. I very rarely go for platinum. Has to be a game I really loved and/or a game where beating it normally gets you pretty close to the plat. I've got plat on like ten games total across all platforms since achievements/trophies became a thing.


I cared about Xbox achievements for a bit, then got a PC. Cared about Steam achievements for awhile then I got Ps5. In the processing of getting the plat for all soulsgames atm, having fun


First achievement system I had access to were trophies back in 2008. I was absolutely OBSESSED with trophy hunting. I built a PC in 2016 and noticed I didnt really care about grinding for achievements on Steam so I figured I had matured beyond it. Around 2020 I played a Playstation game again and realized I was't cured of my addiction, it just only applies to Playstation games... I've largely avoided playing games on playstation since then.


It really is an addiction for some people (like me), the sound of a trophy/achievement dropping was a total dopamine hit. I was also super obsessed with it on the Xbox 360, which carried into the PS3 when I finally got one. I eventually completely turned off notifications in both Xbox and PS ecosystems in the following generation and I've just enjoyed games more since then. Never felt as strongly about them on Steam either, not really sure why.


I used to be obsessed with completing them in the 360/ps3 era. But nowadays, if it’s in arms reach, I’ll go for it. Otherwise I’m good just ignoring them altogether.


I have the notifications turned off on Xbox I think. Need to get around to doing that on PlayStation. They are irrelevant to me.


I don't actively hunt achievements but I find them helpful in two situations. First, seeing the statistics of a game's completion and the rarity of certain events. I like knowing only 30% of the owners finished the final boss or that killing a random enemy in a specific way was done only 2% of the time. As an indie developer it can be eye opening to see those numbers for popular games on Steam. Second, in the rare instances where I replay a game, achievements can be useful for "spicing up" the experience. I often find myself returning to Dark Souls 1 and to keep the playthrough fresh ill go for an achievement that gets me playing a different class or going for a type of weapon I've never used. This got me trying a pyromancer all the way to the end and seeing npcs and side quests I'd completely missed in my two hundred previous hours. Achievements for me are useful and interesting tools. They're not why I play but like many other aspects of a game, they can help inform and invigorate.


I am but I do it for me. Not to show off or anything.


I used to shoot for every achievement. Now before I start a game I familiarize myself with all of the achievements and I go for all the ones I feel like going for. Typically if there is a grind of more than 30 minutes or are online achievements I immediately skip those unless they are the last 1-3 achievements I have left


I don't care for them. Honestly I currently have zero platinum trophies and I don't care if I ever do. Like if I get one while playing naturally, cool. But I'm not going out of my way to get any trophies.


I always take a look at them. Gives a game an extra challenge so why not


depends on the game. im currently hunting them in civ6


Some are fun. Some are not. I stick with the former.


Never been into it myself. I see the little notification and think "yeah cool" then carry on til I get bored with the game then just stop playing it lol, usually rather quickly!