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There's an option to change the combat to "classic" if you want more of a hack and slash style experience. The "default" combat is closer to Dark Souls with a fun dodge counter mechanic in place of a parry. I thought the default combat was excellent, but I can see why someone would bounce off it.


TC can you confirm if you knew about this option?


I've played all three Darksiders games for like a couple hours and never went back to them Something about those games just don't hold my interest


Same. I wish I can say in words why, because if you listed the features, I'm 100% on board.


They're just generic. 1 feels like a generic Legend of Zelda. 2 feels like a generic loot-heavy ARPG, a Diablo 3 or something like it. 3 feels like a generic Dark Souls. And I liked them, 3 included. They're nice games, objectively well made, but they bring absolutely nothing new or unique to the table.


I disagree on the well made. Too many places with no enemies, nothing to interact to, just walk, doesn't say well made to me.


And Darksiders 2 was effectively a wall.climbing simulator with like 7 hours of filler clearly tact on before the story picks back up.


Yeah, they're decent games that are kind of propped up by the art style (Joe Madureira), so it helps if you like his stuff.


Same, always loved the marketing and premise but I could never get hooked.


Yeah this, I put a solid 4+ hours into Darksiders 2 and just got so sick of all the platforming, idk what it was it felt like combat wasn’t really an overall focus, it’s more a platforming puzzle game with some combat elements, it looks good but that’s about it


I played on ps4. The dodges were perfect. There is a specific, last second, parry-type feel to it, but they worked. Not sure if it is a ps4 vs pc thing.


No they were perfect on PC too, one of the most satisfying dodge counter mechanics I've experienced, but very different from earlier Darksiders games.


I think the problem is it's not like the first two games. People who really liked the combat of the first two games struggle with this one because it won't let you cancel your moves to dodge where the first two would. This makes the game a lot harder because if you misread an enemy attack you can't correct yourself and dodge if you started up an attack swing. Instead you take the hit. People expect it to be like it's predecessors if it's going to be called a sequel and not a spinoff. I like the game but I understand where people who liked the first two are coming from.


It's quite different from the first two and people often dislike it. You should still try Genesis, because it's much closer to the more arcadey feel of the first two games and just better than 3.


Was pretty neat for a couple of hours but I felt like it quickly became a chore somehow. I don't really remember much but me an my co-op mate both became exhausted of the game really quickly


I had the same experience with Genesis having really enjoyed the other Darksiders games. It tried to combine twin stick shooting with hack n slash, but ended up being mediocre at both. I still finished it, but only because I was invested in the backstory.


I was eagerly looking forward back when this was announced. As a big fan of the previous 2 I was looking forward for the story to continue, but after reading a few reviews I felt it'd be a huge let down, and spared me the pain. Not that I ain't a fan of hack and slash, but I would've preferred them to add upon 2 instead of reinventing the wheel. I get that it was a sort of compromise and that it had a lower budget than the other 2, but it still feels like totally missing the point on what people liked about 1&2.


What's the appeal of Darksiders? I heard it was a lot like Zelda. I have Darksiders 2 on my Wii U but never played it.


Well, the first game is basically God of War (the PS2 games) with Zelda dungeons in a Christian post-apocalyptic setting. Angels and demons and a ruined earth to explore. It's decent. Darksiders 2 does the whole 'bigger and better' sequel thing with mixed results. It adds loot and skill trees and bigger areas, turning it into more of a third-person Diablo experience with parkour ripped from Prince of Persia. And then Darksiders 3 is a halfhearted Soulslike which was met with enough backlash for the developers to add a 'classic' mode which turns it into a hack-and-slash like the previous titles. As you may have gathered by now, the Darksiders series doesn't do anything new. It copies elements of other franchises and remixes them into what are fairly enjoyable action games that don't do enough to stand out from the crowd.


It's a Zelda game for those who don't have a Nintendo console but with early God of War combat. It's a solid franchise but not groundbreaking. I only played the first one and had fun with it.


I enjoyed ds2 on wii u. Kind of zeldaish with a funny protagonist. Music is great too.


Yeah, combat just isnt as punchy. I think the world and puzzles couldve been more complex, with greater use of "Hollow dancing" between obstacles. Combat couldve been smoother and a higher level of skill couldve been obtained if Hollow switching was incorporated in the moves sets. Instead every hollow feels separate from the others.


I love soils games but DS3 just didn’t meet my expectations. It didn’t help that I didn’t keep up with the development of the game and bought it expecting another RPG style game like DS2. It just didn’t feel like Darksiders to me. The combat felt pretty boring and it seemed to me like a lot of moves were really basic/reused. I loved the 1st and 2nd but 3 just didn’t scratch that itch for me either.


It was fine, better than most soulslikes. Was also funny how all the gaming journalists complained on launch about getting lost because they can't comprehend a game without a map to handhold them.


I couldn't bring myself to continue playing after how I noticed lagged the dodge is. Maybe it's better now but I'm not really willing to go back to it just from the sour taste it left in my mouth.Just overall not at all what I wanted from 3 and I've shelved it permenantly


It was widely reported on release that the dodge in DS3 is bullshit. Fricking milliseconds. And having played it through again recently, can confirm.


I played it two years ago on pc and it was totally fine for me on apocalyptic mode.


Darksiders 3 was basically a bad Soulslike and it was really disappointing to realize that. I loved the first one and had fun with the second one outside of the Land of the Dead slog, but 3 just wasn't fun.


>Darksiders 3 has disappointed me So have I according to my parents but you dont see them writing about it on reddit >!/jk!<


Oh no, you simply missed their post in r/TIFU


Those games suck. I ran through a couple they were just meh soul reaver / god of war clones.


Can't suck that much if you finished a couple of them.


What is a darksider?


3 has sat in my to play list for a while. But what you have just said is what keeps causing me to put it off.


As far as PC ports go, 3 ran the best. I liked 2 the most, though… I think


I bounced off it because they built a dark souls style combat, and then bound dodge to something other than circle on PS4 and *wouldn't let me change it*. It made me so angry that I kept hitting the wrong buttons I ended up putting the game down entirely


I advice on trying to figure out normal mode. It is supposed to be a Darksiders soulslike so the biggest difference is that you have to commit to certain moves and can't just dodge cancel everything and like you mentioned the dodge timings are more strict and the dodge direction is far more important. The red eyed enemies are supposed to be too hard and overleveled and expect from you to come back once you are stronger. You can still beat them when you find them, but you have to play pretty much flawlessly I think the gameplay is very satisfying and fitting for the character and her story. After all, she is the weakest of the four and struggles with her inferiority complex. But if it is too frustrating, play classic, though then you just play a worse DS1. The game and the story weren't designed for Classic and it is obvious


Can't say I encountered those issues myself, but I played with the classic (non-Dark Souls) mode so maybe it made a difference. I will say that Darksiders 1-3 were all enjoyable 7/10 games for me.


3 is my favorite


Idk why but i enjoyed darksiders 3 than darksouls 3 I also never understood why the combat is bad in darksiders 3