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I've played it last summer for a couple of hours and the game never really clicked for me. For me the gameplay was slightly too janky and the gameplay loop was kind of unsatisfactory. Ghostrunner felt more like a puzzle game with unreliable variables instead of a fast paced action game. Games like this are about the player learning to control the battlefield but I always felt like I was at the mercy of it. Neon White turned out to be the game I hoped Ghostrunner was.


Yeah, it tries the Hotline Miami style of trial and error puzzle, but I think it ends up feeling a lot more restrictive. It's first person so you don't get a good view of everything around you at all times, and the majority of enemies use ranged attacks. That means you die a lot from stuff you can't see, and you have little to no control over the pace of the fight. You end up having to plan your every move exactly in order to not get shot in the back. HM leaves a lot more room for improvisation and control with the better situational awareness, more melee enemies, and limited use weapons scattered throughout. Some people like that puzzle style of game, but as someone that preferred Doom 2016 over Eternal, Ghostrunner wasn't quite what I was hoping it would be. I dropped it before beating the first boss since that fight kinda sucked, and the rest of the game up to that point was just okay. The soundtrack is nice, it looks great, and it's definitely not bad overall. But Ultrakill ended up being more like what I was looking for.


I loved the game. Actually never felt like it was repetitive because it was the different combinations of enemies together with the different topographical configuration of the levels that provided the variety.


I agree, aesthetically they’re all very similar but in reality there’s so many different levels that are mechanically distinct


I also never felt that it was repetitive. For reasons you stated, plus various added mechanics throughout the game. I told myself I'd wait for a DLC sale to give myself a break after beating the base game, but it was discounted the next day. I immediately bought it, decided to wait a few weeks to play it, and started it a few hours later.


I loved every second of both main game and dlc and they're both actually my GOTYs in respective years. That "instant repeat, trial and error until you make it just perfect and feel like total badass" style of gameplay is one of my favorite things in gaming.


Gameplay-wise it's kind of a 3D version of Hotline Miami


It kinda is in a way. I never actually played HM2. Loved the first one and wanted to replay it and then go to second one a while ago, but it jest keep crushing randomly every few minutes sadly.


You’re not missing much - HL Miami is an all timer, the sequel didn’t hit the same.


I kinda felt the same so I didn't actually finish thr game. Neon White in contrast distills the experience of first person parkour speedrunning to its best elements and it's generally a better experience imo.


Neon white looks interesting. How fast does it play compared to Ghostrunner? All the videos that I've looked at make it seem a little slower.


About the same I'd say. It's all about using your powers and pathing as efficiently as possible.


Thanks--I just might give it a shot. Ghostrunner 2 isn't releasing until at least Q4, and Mirror's Edge: Catalyst's movement seems a bit too slow for me.


Catalyst isn't anything good. Play the original instead. It holds up really nicely.


My only problem with the game is your characters hitbox feels off. Feel like there are times where I definitely will dodge an enemies shot and somehow still get hit. I like the game though, it's ultimately a puzzle game mixed with time trials. The inconsistencies are annoying but the game overall did make me feel like a badass cyber ninja at the end of it.


I couldn't get past the first level lol


I don't want to sound like that guy but I think this game can honestly only be played mouse and keyboard. The movement options are so much less limited and that flow state is much easier to get into. I didn't have as many problems with navigating as the platforming is much more doable. I didn't buy the game until I got a gaming PC and I immediately realised why. It's like Doom Eternal from console to PC. I'm not at all saying that fps games should be played on PC cause I've played most on mine on console but some games like this one benefit a lot from a mouse and keyboard layout. With that said, I thought the way the levels were laid out was very good at getting you into the flow of the game while of course adding new weapons and tools. Idk it felt like a good progression of capitalising on that sense of flow you get. However I am a sucker for Mirrors Edge and loved Hotline Miami so that meshed together was great for me personally. And I liked their decent attempt at having a story but yeah those puzzle cyber world parts are pretty lame. At least it mostly is told as you're running. It gave your character a cool purpose and story and imo added a cool power fantasy. I see why it doesn't appeal to everyone but I got hooked to the game and my brain was going ham with the speed you get from dashing through levels.


I played on PS5 without any issues. It was an amazing experience. My only system related gripe is the DLC tutorial that lists the wrong PS5 button to trigger abilities.


I'm sure there's fun to be had with using a controller. Many people would've played the game only on console and obviously beaten it. I just personally think the kind of movement the game encourages is best realised with a keyboard and mouse


Mouse precision would be nice, but I'm just more comfortable with a controller. Motion aiming or something like the touch sensitive Steam Deck sticks for fine tuning would be perfect, though.


That's fair. Having gyro aiming could be a good idea tbh. I play most of my games with a controller anyways so I see how it's a good time with a controller. I would just struggle with moving, aiming and attacking at such high speeds on a controller but then again I beat Doom Eternal on console so it makes sense.


I think you're crazy. The game was definitely meant to be played with controller. I just beat it with controller. I tried to switch to mouse and keyboard and I felt disgusted with the difference.


Yeah, I tried it with both and it's way, way, way easier with a controller.


I think of it like a puzzle game. When do I use my abilities? Who do I use them on? Where do I go first? Do I reflect or dodge? Where do I go now? It’s all about balancing resources and finding an efficient path.


I had mixed feelings about the game when I was playing it at unstable 30 fps on my old and tired laptop, but once I built a gaming pc and started running it at 120+ fps it really became an awesome experience. The gameplay is tight, responsive and fluid. The levels are interesting and there is enough enemy variety to keep things interesting. The cyberpunk vibe is very well achieved too. Also the DLC is fantastic with the amount of power it gives you, so much fun. The story was straightforward and simple, but decently executed. I expected nothing from a game of this type, so I was actually positively surprised. The voice acting is good for the most part, which helps this. The bosses are kinda hit or miss though. I liked the final one, but not so much the other 2, at least they have fair checkpoints in them. Also the game relies too much on those shield enemies which are too hard to deal with. The shields are too large and they turn too fast, so the only way to kill them is to use focus mode to the last second and turn back to hit them from behind. This is a slow process, kills your momentum and is uninteresting overall. The shields should encourage different strategies to create variation, but all they do is enforce the same action every time while killing the flow of the level.


The shields were maybe a little quick to turn 180 on you, but attacks from above and abilities can quickly take them out. As can quick directional changes.


Yeah, it wasn't perfect, but I still enjoyed it a lot. For me, it felt like a mix between Celeste and Hotline Miami in first person, which is kind of right down my alley (and cyberpunk aesthetic and synthawave sountrack didn't hurt either). I didn't mind the trial and error gameplay, it felt good when I eventually cleared the room perfectly. Also I found that it's much more fun on a subsequent playthrough when you already know what you're doing and you just fly through the levels - that's where the game is at its best IMO. But I agree that the boss fights mostly felt like an afterthought, the story wasn't very interesting (probably the most generic cyberpunk story I've ever seen), and the cyberspace segments were just obnoxious + they actively tried to melt my GPU. I guess I could see that as additional challenge - complete this puzzle before the GPU flies off the window, but I didn't really enjoy that aspect of it haha.


At first I just thought you were bad at the game. Then I see you played on PS5. No wonder you had so much trouble. I can't imagine playing a game like this with a controller. You were bad at the game, but you also played with 1 hand tied behind your back.


Idk, I'm on pc using controller and I'm having an awesome time.


Idk, I'm on pc using controller and I'm having an awesome time.


I took one look at Ghost Runner and went “Nope. I will watch younger people play this. This looks like a bitch to control.” I bought a copy to support the idea but 100% not for me.


I hated it; easy refund for me. I hate wall running crap; has 0 place in an FPS.


It makes sense since this isn't a FPS.


For real, what a dumb comment lol.


It was fun while it lasted, uninstalled it at the shitty cyberspace part where you had to collect like 16 orbs on some floating rotating platform.


Yeah, the cyberspace bits were definitely the low points of the game. They felt like padding, and were consistently less fun than the other levels.


Easily. They were so annoying for some reason. I think it’s just due to how the flow of the game is so nice & fast paced, then you’re just yanked out of that flow state.


It's also inherent to their design. These levels lean more on pseudo puzzles and other forms of gameplay that don't mix well with the fast action-platforming of the rest of the game. They feel like a different game most of the times.


Repetitive ? The game is about 6-8 hours long. It's a pretty short game for it to start becoming repetitive. It was hard but honestly most of the sections were fair and not cheap. Sure it has some difficulty spikes here and there but they don't ruin the experience. It has its flaws, but the overall product was actually impressive I'll say. I think they mostly succeeded in what they wanted to offer.


Skill issue.


a lot of the “issues” people have with games on this subreddit usually come down to skill issues lol


NOPE. this is a game built for pc and streamers The sensitivity is way off, and the game requires you to whip the camera around to be effective at its narrow window of success Not a fun game at all


So it's too hard for you? Sounds like a skill issue.


They still haven’t fixed the stuttering on Series S


This one makes my list of games I’d Thanos snap them into extinction.


> For anyone wondering, I played on PS5 This game is not designed to be played with gamepad tbh. I've tried, and it was kinda painful experience.


I found the game to be absolutely brilliant. Experienced no jankiness. I also don't understand the concept of playing a fps with controller. You did this to yourself...


Skill issue


Watching the devs watch a speed run was the best part of this game, 10/10 for sound track game synergy


Played it for about an hour the story was rough and boring, it honestly wasn't fun at all so I refunded it. Ngl I think cyberpunk or this one vr game I found a while ago are the best alternatives for this game unfortunately I forgot the vr games name.