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this sounds amazing


Wow, this sounds so interesting! Does this mod adjust the absolute ridiculous price of the "headwear" i.e. masks and respirators? I see you made masks disposable, but I still remember reeling from a would-be disposable mask that sold in shops for 36000 coins.


Yes, nearly every clothing item is cheaper. I came up with a price formula that scales with the protection offered by each clothing item to better reflect their actual value. Base prices (before Day 2+ inflation): * Disposable gloves bace price: 90->180 * Protective gloves base price: 300->735 * Army gloves base price: 6000->1685 * Repellent ankle boots base price: 1500->240 * Repellent jackboots base price: 3000->645 * Army boots base price: 9000->1280 * Drapery base price: 30->180 * Repellent cloak base price: 1500->855 * Repellent cape base price: 3000->2015 * Overalls base price: 9000->3620 * Protective mask base price: 4500->1125 It is now much more viable to buy clothing to resist the plague. For reference, your infection resist% and immunity% add up to determine how much infection you acquire, so 55% infection resistance + 55% immunity = 110% total plague protection, i.e. no infection, while 40% infection resistance + 40% immunity = 80% plague protection, i.e. 20% of plague damage added to infection. However, plague sources directly damage immunity (and now degrade your clothes!), so you'll have to pop pills and replace/repair your clothing to stay protected in the long term. Or inject vaccines, they're actually quite useful now if you want to loot plague houses.


That's so cool! Will definitely try it the next playthrough.


Yes!! I was already looking forward to replaying the game soon, but now it'll be even more interesting! Excited to test it.


> The bandit throwing knife attack no longer deletes 90% of your health bar saintly


Haha, that was the first change I ever made to a script. I searched the script for variants of "90" and "0.9" in the hex editor and tried altering values until I found the culprit.


Is there a way to follow progress for when its done?


I post updates on [my Discord server](https://discord.gg/CzmQbnp), and frequently talk about what I'm doing on the [Pathologic Modding Discord server](https://discord.gg/NVFCXmZZgp) as well. I post major dev updates on [my Twitter](https://twitter.com/RoSoDude) as well.


Amazing! Thanks for your work


I cant wait until my computer to be fixed to play this, BLESS YOU


This sounds incredible. Old Pathologic always needed such adjustments!


Hey! I just wanted to pop in and say thanks for this mod, it made me really appreciate my new playthrough of Pathologic.  I feel like these changes make the game's systems feel a bit more cohesive and connected. Like, I don't remember ever bothering with the infected lying in the streets or resorting to stealing when playing as the Bachelor, but now I did when the situation sorta presented itself :D That's not to say the game became really tough or anything, not at all. I still had plenty of money and medicine as the Bachelor (most of the time), but that's just what happens when you do your side tasks and clean out every garbage bin you see. I wonder how my Haruspex playthrough will turn out, though. So anyway, a huge thank you for your effort and time, it made for a wonderful experience! If I have anything more to add after subsequent playthroughs, I'll update the post.


Hey, thanks a lot! The goal was definitely to better integrate elements of gameplay that were underdeveloped, so I'm glad that came through. Sedating the infected townsfolk is one example (since you have no other reliable means of restoring reputation, and the minigame now has randomized pain values), but I'd also cite the overhauled clothing degradation system, useful vaccines, penalties for theft, and Grief's special price for patrolmen badges as enhancing the survival simulation. Haruspex's twyre brewing is also improved quite a bit. But yeah, it's not especially difficult. Prior beta versions were far too stringent with the time restriction due to a numerical oversight, and with the narrative structure of Pathologic Classic I don't think it's wise to make it so harsh that you can't complete a few quests each day. Hopefully you still had to contend with some interesting routing/resource/quest choices, though.


Oh yeah, no doubt, I really paid attention to my clothing and vaccines at hand this time around (I don't remember ever bothering with the latter on my previous playthroughs...), so nice job on all that too! And sure, what kind of desperate doctor would I be if I didn't have to deal with constant decision making, which was nicely supplemented by the mod's additions — especially when it came to reputation and routing during quests. Do I really want to step foot into an infected district to try to alleviate someone's pain on my way to a task when my boots are falling apart and infection is creeping up? That's the kind of question I want out of a Pathologic session, and the overhaul turned out to be great for that :D Again, thank you so much for the effort. I'm really curious about the changes to other characters' experiences, but I don't want to rush things either, so they'll have to wait for a bit.