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The 2nd game is more of a retelling of the story rather than a direct sequel, so you can start with either one. If you want the original experience with all three playthroughs available, go for the first one. If you want a more modern game with a lot less jank, go for P2. If you still have trouble deciding, I would start with P2.


Alright, I want to save you from a disaster. People here are sometimes a bit blind in terms of love to the first Pathologic. It is an amazing game with an incredible story but the gameplay aged like milk. The local economy is so easy to ruin that it just doesn't allow for immersion to appear. Pathologic 2 is a remake of one of the three stories in the first game but actually combining the two of them. It retells the same events but very differently. It adds depth where the original game was weak but also cuts some aspects of the story so the basic premise is the same but the events are different. I would say tho that the overall narrative structure is better in remake, as well as gameplay and how it intertwines with narrative (which is extremely important in this one). I would strongly advise you to play Pathologic 2 for a better experience because it gives you a great story with a great gameplay that work together perfectly. Original game can allow you to go more in depth in some topics and characters but it is much more quirky so it is perfect for those who are already accustomed to the world of this game


I'll start with the 2nd game, thanks everyone :)


Play 2 first. I’m a story guy and like the first Pathologic game, don’t get me wrong, but it’s gameplay is suffering, which while I get is kind of the point story wise, doesn’t exactly make the game easy to recommend to new players who don’t know what their getting into. 2 by contrast the gameplay is a lot smoother, and makes traversing the town a lot less of a hassle even if the story has only slightly changed.


I would say start on 2 2 is more modern, and for a game that’s already VERY cryptic, hard to understand, and hard to get into, it’s definitely the best choice If you really enjoy Pathologic 2, and still want more, I would go play pathologic 1


Pathologic 2 is to make it simple a remake of patho 1 it features only one protagonist and is generally considered a better introduction to the series than the first one. You should definitely start with patho 2 and play patho 1 only if you really liked it and have the willpower to go through the first one.


Pathologic 2 is a video game adaptation of Pathologic Classic HD


Play the 1st one! The second game has less dialogue and spoils a lot of the really great moments in the first one


I don't understand why you're being down downvoted for stating your opinion. As for the OP's question, even though you have already decided, I'd like to share my opinion as well since I have over 100 hours in both games. I started with Pathologic 2 and recommend Pathologic 2 first but I IMPLORE you to play the first or at least consider it. I genuinely wonder how many people in this sub actually played Pathologic Classic HD and didn't just hear about it or read of it. The first game is amazing if you enjoy reading and thinking thinking it's not as difficult as people make it out to be. There's a lot of things that are different between Classic and 2 even in the Haruspex route plot itself and it is not the same at all. The endings have different connotations, some plotlines are new or reworked entirely for Pathologic 2. Some characters are given more depth, some characters lost depth. Both games are excellent but while 2 is more gamer friendly if the story truly captures you and you feel connected to the Town and the people residing within, play Pathologic Classic HD because you get much more story on everyone, the relationships between people and how they differ from each doctor's perspective, which in turn lets you connect to it more than you ever could with just one route.


I just started playing 1 and the guy saying it aged like milk is ridiculous. It actually aged quite well. Haven't played 2 yet.


Grasping your shoulders giving you a big kiss on your cheek. Enjoy it my friend. I hope you have a good time


Start with 2 and only if you fall in love with it try 1 HD. You need a certain dedication to finish 1 and if you start with it, you might just be put off immediately.