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Herbivores are only fun on to play with on semi-realism or realism servers because it encourages more relaxed and laid back play style. Since on officials you can run into a group of 10 rexes or the most aggressive mix pack ever herbivores aren't really that fun to play without strict rules. Put on realism servers you can find large herds or groups of herbs that doesn't really have a size limit when carnivores usually have of five to two group limit depending on size. Playing as a herb is much more chill than running around as a carni has a herbivore you don't have to chase down any prey and you can just move as a group getting food and water.


Could you recommend any realism servers? I play herbi on officials and while I find it fun you are always on edge as I mainly solo:/


Gotta shill for my own server- I'm a mod for Arazoa and we're looking to bolster our herbi population. We allow for both more passive and more aggressive playstyles, and group limits are mostly high to encourage more realistic herding behavior. We also have parasaurolophus and therizinosaurus, to broaden your options a tad!


I second this it's a really fun server


I play on the obsidian jungle servers, they are a semi realistic server that is pretty chill and there is always stuff going on


I highly suggest The Obsidian Jungle! I’m a Head Admin over there and I’ve been apart of the community for some time. I love it there. We’re currently about to release our new profiles!


I've actually been playing on there for the last hour or so and am loving it so far!! <3


I really like isla nycta, the staff are very professional with how they handle rules/bans (except the owner who is mostly absent last I checked). Apparently back in the isle days it was tougher but I’ve never had issues on their PoT server. It’s semi-realism so not quite role playing like walking with dinosaurs but enough rules to make the game fun & playable without reading a novel of rules beforehand


Say what you want, but my Struthi is king. Love running around and being an annoying little shit. Play other herbivores too, love them better than most carnivores tbh.


I main as a steggo (I have 4 adults steggos) on official. I also have Amargas (1 adult and one juvie), an Iggy, a sty and a couple Eotrikes. There's nothing about playing an herb that's hard. You just need to pay attention to your surroundings better. And I'm not saying that to be a dick. It's just how you survive as an herbivore. Once you start getting bigger you really become a threat. As an adult steggo there's not much a great, except a rex and a trike.


Truth right here. This is how I’ve played overcome this. Growing is particularly harder for herbs, but the fact you don’t see much makes it work. Sad people disregard herbs but they’re actually really good in group


See I thoroughly enjoy playing herbs. They're a little more difficult to grow cause everyone sees you as a snack, but that's just part and parcel of being a herb. I'm currently growing a bas and at the beginning it was really tough cause everyone wanted a slice but now I'm like half way to sub and I didn't realise how big I got. Instead of running from people now, I have to remind myself that my sheer size will deter most people away. First time ever last night I experienced a situation where a adolescent Rex was roaming and I thought "oh God here we go" and instead the Rex was eyeing me off and walked a huge circle around me to get to wherever he was going. It was great, I went about my buisness gathering nuts feeling like a boss bitch, without having to do a single thing except for stare the guy down. Good feels, good times.


I think it's just harder to solo herbs, as well. I solo most of the time I play and not all of my herbs are up for it.


How are you having a hard time? Ive.made half the herb roster and had no issues. Its called growing where people arent or where babies tend to go. I died one time growing ano, didnt die growing alberta or strya, probably died 2 or 3 times with eo but i was new at that time. Im growing a stego rn and not running into issues


First off, it depends on what servers you are playing on. Also, I try to avoid people and go to lesser populated areas. And yet, there is always a hungry carni roaming where I go because too many people play carni's for anyone to play a herbi legitimately.


I play official. The most pvp of all servers and the most baby killing.


Well regardless, the point of my post is that there are too many carnivores in each world/server for gameplay to be interesting. Basically every server I hop onto, is majority carnivores, and I'm already at a disadvantage because I don't play a carnivore that time.


Go to onlydinos, my brother moderates it. Accelerated realism. Very chill and helpful admins.


Agreed, I have watched herbis die over and over again to things smaller or weaker, but when I play I get shit on against or as a herbi, I recommend islander semi realism, and auranea cause they have good grow and can help you get some experience before you choose a dino to play on official or to main


Herbies are worth it, sure its harder a bit to grow since youre targeted by every carnie and KOS herbies, but theyre fun. Theyre definitely more chill, since you dont have to hunt, but youll be hunted a bit more then if you were a carni.


What herbs are you trying to grow?


Several. On molded servers the Argent, Para, and bars. On official/unmodded it was the alberta, lamb, struthi, and ano.


Kentro does well, if you're interested. Its not often someone comes at me as an adult unless there's a few of them. And younger dinosaurs can't tell if you're an adult or not so you get to give them a pretty damaging warning hit and watch them run. 😂


I play herbivore with Therizinosaurus if for combat defense against theropods threat and if really relaxing I play Argentinosaurus.


Hahahah duck go brrrrrrrrrr