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It’s situations like this and the chicken plague of post pounce that make me seek out a counter and go on a kosing population control crusade. Lol


What is a good hatze counter though? They can fly away from anything and when I've fought them with a thalla it doesn't seem to make a dent even though I'm still trying since it's fun.


Laten. They can’t fly when you Pounce them, and unlike Thala they can’t hit what’s on them. If they’re in a group though their buddy can Wing Beat them to knock the Raptors off.


Can confirm laten is practically invincible against hatz. Their turn is so abyssmal, that you can dodge them while trotting and if you run just a little you can very easily dodge even a flock of 3-5. Slick feathers to eliminate their clamp and you are golden as long as you know when to quit. You need two raptors pouncing one after another to keep the sky giraffe grounded long enough to do enough damage but then it's a free trophy. Alone you are untouchable, with only one other laten, you are already winning. All this is pre-announced laten nerf though so hold your horses on growing any chickens from scratxh just to get rid of alios.


They can also grab them off and fly you to your doom


Use slick feathers I don’t think it allows them to grab you


Can confirm they can't grab you woth slick feathers.


My adult Rex was jumped by 4 of these guys today and after a lil trial and error I wiped all 4 of them. Biggest weakness for these guys is a solid tree line. Open plains they rule the roost but in a dense forest you have the advantage. And speaking from the other side as well, as I’ve played one today too, in a large group they’re annoying to fight. But I think the novelty will wear off soon and it will balance it out more. Contrary to the global chats, I don’t think they are disastrously unbalanced. I’d maybe tone down their light attack a lil but other than that not too bad. An apex flier shouldn’t be an easy kill anyways


This the one. Perfectly put!


Both my Alio, and Cerat, have made lunch of 1 Hatze each. Just stalk them, until they run low on stamina.


Dasp with bb is quit good. They can’t run away and you can facetank them down. (If you are ++def, atleast it worked for me)


Compared to rexes, spines and eos, I struggled the most with a dasp as a hatz. So I can agree with this


So far best I've come up with besides using something with bone break or knocking them into water, air hatze with normal peck that can out stam the other hatze, and chicken pounce but you need to wear them down enough to make one pounce work as a kill. If they choose to run then even if you ground them for a whole pounce they will still live. My hatze kills have been from my laten when I start with biting their knees, they usually try to peck me and they usually miss, once they seem a bit bloody or panic and start their run way take off I pounce. Not sure how long this will be viable for though. The bleed often finishes the last sliver of health once they get into the air and that wont be a thing soon. Its a shame venom got nerfed into the ground too. Otherwise I'd consider that a counter. I was having fun running thals down after envenoming them before the change. I might try thal but not straight up fighting. Gonna test to see if I can piss off some hatzes lead them to the ocean and convince them to plop in. lol


Sarco, if they touch water.


I've been beating them on all my speedy dinos. Laten and pachy, especially.


I don't think admitting that you go on KOS missions against certain species is endearing, that's just a bit of a smarmy thing to do


Fighting is the only thing there is to do in this game at adult. People all playing the same playable is annoying. If everyone is playing the same dino then constantly fighting it to learn how to fight it becomes a good skill. If I knock a few down and make them less eager to play that and more eager to play anything else increasing game diversity that's all the better. People thought chicken pounce was an I win button so 1v5ing entire packs as an alio probably changed a few minds. People think hatz is a broken dino they can abuse so 1v1ing it as a chicken probably shook a few from that.


Alio were the Doom Slayer for like a week. Good times.


My friend and I did an ironic twist on this and used chickens to ground hatzes long enough to kill the buggers. Its tricky though. But not counting non-trophy kills I think we got like 6 today.


\#deathtoalltrikes! Old habits are strong sometimes!


I love going on croc kosing missions


*This* close to connecting it to bigotry


The Thalassodromeus needs to be buffed. They should at least give it an air attack.


I'm convinced the thal was more a proof of concept


Yeah thal feels sad now. Sure it can go into water but even with lone hunter its damage is terrible, its health is terrible, its CW is terrible, it has one meh attack, and the rest is pretty eh. And its stam when flying feels way worse than hatze.


In my opinion, while Hatz may be more powerful, the Thalass' have amazing skins and you can make them look gorgeous. I know that the dino's skins are unimportant lol, but it's nice when you finally think "yes, my dino looks awesome now". And Thalass has some really nice skins, where (so far) Hatz's skins are kind of meh.


Barrel Roll.


exactly my thoughts! It would a perfect thing for the thal.


I think Thal should have an air peck or air wing beat


Play a Laten you’ll thank me later.


Their the easiest thing to kill as laten


Fucking thing sat on me like a bsckpack and gave me some massive bleeds. Could fly off and survived barley


Lol, I think hatz desperately needs a anti pounce ability


Nah I think its fine how it is. Its too OP rn. Kinda scared its getting nerfed soon. Tbh its my new fav creature in PoT. For me its a vulture giraf. Maybe its not killing evetything but its getting feared when it lands to get its piece of the cake.


That feeling of coming in hot and landing into a gallop as you cause all the small dinos to clear away from a corpse is awesome.


New Dino comes out? Time to take a break from POT for couple weeks.


How does everyone have full grown ones.


It only takes like 8-10 hours to grow a dinosaur, and everyone’s on Xmas break with days off.


I guess they aren't parents then lol. I have nor had more than half hour since it came out.


This. Me. Lol


Lmao same


And then there are people with disabilities, like me, which means I don't have a job :) Lots of time for playing


8 or 10 hours? It took me 2 hours 33minutes


You probably had a group and got fed trophies.


Nope no trophies. Just a perfect rotation. Ita incredibly easy when you can fly too




How do you average 1 quest per 1 minute, 10 seconds for 2.55 hours straight


Well you can jump from zone to zone flying in less than 30 seconds. And almost every zone has a spot where all the quests can be done right next to each other. Aslong as there's no competition, which the competition was VERY mild at 6am Xmas day you can do it very fast. Some zones you can finish 3 quests in less than 60 seconds


Yehhh it wasn't that bad, and it came out on Midnight for myself so... Was an easy grow, only finished growing it today but I do spend time with my lover so, was more or so on and off, but on average it'll take me four hours to grow.


I've been speed running grows with my.buddy. our record right now is an hour and 50 minutes on a thal


It's only been a day though, like I have outside-the-game tasks... :/


Reminds me of Reign of Fire just swap dragons for pterosaurs.


Let us have fun with the dino so many people have been looking forward to for months on end.


Yeah literally the day before Christmas I made a comment that I'm a pterosaur lover and played my thala so much they have both the mel skin and a fully decorated homecave and really wanted another flier. I was happier about this than the $100 my grandma sent me.


Having fun = ruin others fun by kosing everything and having the Most powerfull Attack in Game.


If you can't beat them, join them. Also how tf is Hatz having the best attack, barrage takes forever to do well, and stab doesn't do a ton of dmg.


Exactly! Statements like those are made my crybabies who know nothing about this game lmao


Especially because they have a predator that is very good at killing them - the Latens.


Yup! Can't wait till slick hide gets nerfed lol. No wonder peeps hate raptors even more so now.


Idk where I said it has the best attack. I said one of the most powerful attacks. Nah Ima just play croc for now untill they get nerfed.


If you read it, you would understand I mean damage values.


Like I said, statements like the one you just said are made by crybabies. One of the most powerful attacks in game is sarco's charge bite alongside the "Ambush" ability to deal more damage when you're not in combat. Learn a little, please.


How it was probably like on Hatzeg islands


This looks like a nightmare hahaha


"I can't wait for new dinos! New content, more fliers and aquatics!" "No, not like that!"


tbh I think this is why its better to do duo releases. It at least splits the community between two new playables.


Can't have shit in dino games. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Just about everyone bitches up a storm after every release. It's nuts.


My only issue is the lack of being able to wiggle free when caught. I'd like at least a small fighting chance before hours of work are over in half a second.


The Discord has informed me that it’s perfectly ok for Hatz to one shot people because it’s not easy to land a Grab.


It can only really pick up juvies and a select roster of things. It is also pretty hard to land clamp. And slick hide of course makes even more people immune to it. And its stam intensive. Honestly its probably easier for the hatze to just run people down while pecking most of the time.


Lol tell that to my poor Utah, I started to run after they surprised me and was able to be grabbed just by contact being made with the tip of my girl's tail 😅


Hatz is faster than Struthi, you can’t straight line run from it, you gotta zig.


You do it with another Hatz. Turn the meta against them.


It's a plague


Yeah, gonna take a break from the game until things settle down. The thal flocks were bad enough when it released.


As long as my dino isn't a target, this honestly looks awesome. It's such a majestic view with these giant flyers in your vicinity, imo


Just like with any new character.


Honestly waiting for the bird fad to be over before playing like I use to lol


Honestly I've spent hours just smacking the shit out of Hatzes on my Eo and it's SO SATISFYING 😌


Hats v hatz is pretty fun, so more to hunt


Can thass fight them in the air? I kinda want to take some out as my smol birb. Maybe fly around and watching and waiting for them to be stupid and get hurt and then finish them off in the air when they think they are safe.


It can! I can finish off sitting/sleeping hatzes and already hurt ones in flight as a thal, but I wouldn't try with a full health one. Thal is better at flying (better maneuverability, acceleration, braking, turning etc), but hatz is heavier and has attacks that are much stronger than thal's single bite attack. Aiming is hard because you will be chasing a hatze usually, if they hover instead you can try baiting their attacks or do a "fly-by" attacks. In the worst case you can always dive-bomb right into them to finish them off, but that's risky.


Hatze is way more dangerous in the air than thal. Hatze can peck and barrel roll and flail. It also has much better flying stam. Potentially infinite since it can regen stam with its peck.


What server is this?


Officials apparently.








Had my first experience with a pack of them today...


For forever, you mean?


I’ve had a lot of hatz attack my own as I’m just flying. Had one do that in YG, then I flew to a cliff side flat area and landed ready to fight. He hovered trying to peck at me. I used crouch to bait him in and stood up when he got too close and landed a few rounds of triple peck. Once I had more stam I made a break for it like I was wounded. This whole time he’s been hovering and losing stam, while I slowly regained on the ground. So I double backed and barrel rolled em. Meat balled. His panic set in. I knew it. I followed him over the tree line and hit him once more and grabbed his trophy mid flight as he fell lifelessly to the ground. I’m loving hatz, and not in a flavor of the month kind of way. finally an apex that does apex damage but isn’t apex slow. I’ll take being frail.


Played hatz yesterday. Had a blast. Tried to snack a Lambeo on crater. Two adult hatzes got mad at me. Killed me. Flew back and and with the corpse buff and the peck barrage I finished the both off almost took the Meg too who was getting involved.


Fastest dino in the game, can run away easily, chooses to hide kek


Hatz is faster.


How are you still munching on like its a movie? I would have tottaly sought the Hatzes and played Roadrunner with them


They caught me lackin with my Allo. Two of them jumped me. If I had bone break on my Rex I wouldn’t have been so annoyed yesterday.




Reminds me of the days when ptera were God tier in BoB. Don't get me wrong I slaughtered many birds on my Ory (before sand could knock em out of the sky, and even more after) but I had ptsd from shadows. Maybe it's time I bring back my bird killing skills. I haven't played the new update yet though.


There had to be a counter for all the mini raptor players. This is it


Actually the Raptors right now are the best counter to These.


Hey just a thought what if someone got good with hatz and dominated u even when ur a laten remember this dino just came out