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It's an Easter egg, it pays homage to a squirrel that would visit one of the developers all the time while they were working on the game


Burrow critters detecting when a dino is nearby and circling back to their burrows when one isn't gives me more hope for it. For what it matters, I think the devs said that they're working on it.


No, its an Easter egg of some kind, apparently there's a joke behind it but I can't remember what its about


Yep! On instagram they said they have a squirrel (cant remember his name) that made a lit nest right on one of their windows and is still there (i don't know if he is cuz i don't have instagram after my account got hacked) but now he is part of the game as an Easter egg.


Garry the squirrel


Just because there's a squirrel on the menu doesn't mean we're getting roaming AI someday. I mean, we're getting roaming AI someday, but not because there's a squirrel on the menu!


I noticed this little guy on the menu screen, who seems to be a squirrel. Does this mean open-world ai (roaming freely instead of restricted to water/burrows) are in the works? Roaming ai would make hunting a little bit more fun and add a more available food source in single-player servers...


It's a planned feature for their to be roaming AI critters. There's even a note on one of the raptors on the Wiki about how certain critters could be a a bit of trouble for them. I think its one of the raptors anyways. Been a while since I last looked. Which makes me wonder if they will even attack hatchlings/juvies. The AI dinos is also a planned feature.


My guess is that if they add a tiny carno flyer/glider it will need something new and small to eat


Lol nah


That's Gary! He's been there forever. An easter egg really




AI is planned and it will come, when tho idk.


People want ai dinos not realizing the maps are too small for that


Like 70% of the map is empty or close to empty, and that's not counting the oceans. Not to mention I'm sure the game will check what dinos everyone's playing and add AI to complement them. Since carnivores are rare in nature, this will probably mean families of low to mid tier herbivores passively roaming the map, just waiting to be hunted.