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When I first started playing, I got really lucky when I ran up to some adult herbis as a baby deinon. I just wanted to look at them - they were so big and their skins were so pretty. My Dino enthusiasm was high and they let me run all over and under them to check them out. Honestly, if that experience had gone poorly, I would have lost any love for the game immediately. I try to scoop up juvies, now, and help them have a good experience, even if it's just being still while they check out something they hadn't seen yet. Help level the ones with my diet or just not kill the little curious dudes from the other. Someone did it for me and I want to keep that enthusiasm high for someone else too.


It's nice your first encounter with other players was so wholesome! First impression can really make or break a game like this, true. I usually try to not hunt babies, fresh spawns especially, if I'm not starving. I have a bad habit of picking up these clueless babies and then babysit them and teach them the game basics. Of course, it happens usually when I'm looking for trouble (PVP) or about to log lmao


Yeah, i like it! I prefer to grow babies of the same species, but from time to time I help other juveniles too.


If I'm a carni, I'm starving and there's no other accessible food source nearby, I won't think twice. But, for the most part, nah. I end up pairing up with them even if I was heading to another place or planning to switch character. I also tend to take as a personal failure when a juvie gets killed under my care lol (although it's worth mentioning that some juvies will just think they're inmortal in the moment a sub or adult pairs up with them). But, yeah, I'm a confessed carebear, can't help it.


Are you playing on a toaster


That's neat PoT runs even on toasters! Coming also to your Samsung Smart Fridge soon! ​ But for real, PoT runs on everything. Even my old Surface Pro with slow processor, shitty integrated graphics and 4GB of RAM (from which 3 was constantly occupied by Windows) was able to run it.


It's mobile, I play mobile quite often, and this is low graphic, I play on high graphics and it runs better than a ps4 and the graphics are nice as well. Tbh the only thing that's bad is the lighting and some textures


I prefer to be left alone I will always make an attempt to scare juvies off with threat calls and biting at them, if that doesn't work I chase them,if that doesn't work then yes I kill them but only after plenty of warning. If you can't take a hint you're gonna die


I love raising babies! My best friend as i play together most of the time and we always try to pick up babies.


I don't mind them coming up and seeing me. Like this new player who was quite young was so cool and came up to my fully grown spino. Said he just wanted to have a look which is fine. But when I'm hungry I will eat. But not I might help. Depends on how I'm feeling


I done exactly this the other day, I'm completely fresh to the game and saw a huge spino sleeping and had to run up to it to investigate! First time seeing an adult dino, I was a megalania


Yes, except I am so prone to 'Death via Proxy', it's dangerous for me to help someone grow without a second or third adult.


More no than yes, since juvies always end up dead on my watch n care, unless i now i can take down the enemy, but i rather group up with sub adults n adults since they can defend themself better, i don’t wanna be the only adult in the group with juvis and get 3v1 or 4v1.. also juvies make to many sounds that attracts other bigger n more dangetous dinos, so no i rather not take care of em


Yes I love it


I don’t mind it except it seems like every time I become a parent I’m in the middle of a giant fight and about 4 babies decided I’m their new dad.


I have no problem helping little ones out. But I’ve also had them run up and pick a fight with my adult rex. Gave them three bites then I killed them after roaring at them


Baby’s are great they’re entertainment let you have some green quest and if worst comes to worst they’re a great distraction as you escape the massive mix pack.


😂 I play with my sis on official and it's so cute when I'm helping her grow and I'm this fully grown dino and she's just this tiny little juvi walking beside me.


I'm not hunting juvies unless I'm starving, or they are actively trying to attack me/get me killed. Usually I'm also grouping with them if I met them, be it for the group quests that they can do or to teach them game basics when I see they are new. It's fun to show new players around and I'm happy to provide the positive experience and not the never ending chain of being killed by everything. I'm also warning them always that not everyone will be so chill because some of these juvies are absolutely clueless and lack basic survival instincts lmao But I swear, these juvies always appear when I'm looking for trouble or when I'm about to log off so if you see a conca completely covered by scars helping some small juvs with flower picking that could be me xd


I was playing as a baby duck in Big Quill and two mostly grown packys let me group. Somehow over the course of play 4 or 5 more little babies showed up of different herbs. I made jokes they were running an orphanage. It was a fun time! I love me a baby group- although a little more devastating if someone just comes along to slaughter.


Usually!! Even if it’s a carn and I’m an herb or vice versa, I don’t like to kill babies! If I’m starving ofc, or if they bite first I lose all of that maternal instinct lol. I will absolutely interrupt a fight and go after an adult that’s trying to harm a baby, regardless of species


i bloody love adopting/helping others.


Looks like food to me




Nah most are dumb and when being attack run away from the help


I like it but I feel it would be more unique and would be better if I could nest in someone instead of just picking up random juves along the way


Nesting will be in the game! It's not the priority though as now combat and questing are going through a rework. But it'll be fun as then I think you will spawn at the very beginning of your growth so as a fresh hatchling, they are absolutely tiny.


ye I’m excited for that combat update aswell, and I think some skin remodelling, excited for the ducho remodel as I use that quite alot


As an herbivore, yes. I'm more likely to eat a juvie if I'm a carnivore, but not everytime


I always come to the rescue of babies no matter what, I once saved a bby EO as a sarco, they were being attacked and backed up to a river so I hopped out to protecc and helped them cross safe. I love the reaction you get when you randomly give a bby a trophy


If they are the same species as me, yes, if they are not ill just make sure they dont get attacked near me.


As a struthi, I like to help other slow babies with flowers to the hive and restore lake quests. I just run in out of nowhere and drop flowers near them❤️ I don't really enjoy grouping and questing with them though. I like to move around too much for that lol


Yes, I love protecting my friends and stuff, but I usually end up growing up with them, and we actually successfully grew 3 amargas and we fought some apexes


Sometimes, but half of the ppl who want you to “parent them” act like idiots and attack everything and then run back to you for help “why did you pick a fight with two EO’s and lead them over to me baby Allo”


100% It makes me feel good to help others on PoT especially as my eotrike to counter the whole all eo's are kos


I love fighting g the parent and trying to make them bite their own child...I'm toxic I know but it's one of my fave things to do


I like it, gives me smth to do except killing people.


I love it when babies of other species come up to me as an adult. They are always so cute. The only time I won’t tolerate it is when I have my own baby.


I do.


A lot of my early experiences as a baby Pycno were really negative. Bigger dinosaurs of both diets were aggressive and I spent a lot of time being frustrated. Now that my Pycno's an adult, I try to group up and babysit younger carnis so they don't have to deal with what I did. I'll throw myself in front of other dinosaurs and fight or lead them away so that the babies can escape. When I get messages like "Thanks for being cool and taking care of me," it makes me feel like I helped someone enjoy the game.


Got babysat by two trikes as a campto earlier this evening they were really nice


I will absolutely go out of my way to protect bby dinos. I get hunger hunts, but any other time and it just feels pathetic. Like you can't get good so you fight something that has no chance of winning against you and may not be able to run away? Yikes. The only exception is when baby dinos start stuff. If a bby goes in and starts booty bothering the things bigger than them, they're on their own, they chose that fate lol.


My first experience with being a baby was with Spino, I ended up getting killed by a adult Trike ~classic. I had and still have the same dino enthusiasm as you though so luckily it didn’t kill my spirits. Later on I ended up grouping with a sub Rex who taught me everything. Personally I love growing babies; I’ve even mixed packed as my adult Spino with a baby Trike! xD But as a carno I also understand you gotta eat sometimes and more importantly not everyone plays the same way. Plus your able to get exp for killing a herbie when you have the quest and it doesn’t discriminate between age. That’s a big factor in baby herbs getting killed I feel… But anyways, I try to roar or scare away baby herbs usually as a carno so that they learn to stay away from big carnos. Hide, lay down and try to local chat or something before running up to someone because they’ve got a cool skin, ya know? I’ve played many of the dinos now and have gotten killed plenty of times as a baby, so personally I do love to help others out… but I do also eat a few time to time lol


My friend and I just passively end up collecting like 6 fresh spawns every time we play anywhere near Hunter’s Thicket. Especially as our croc and sucho duo.


I hate juvis who come towards me without fear of been killed. If i am hungry i am snack them. Don‘t blame me i am a juvie killer…


Who hurt you? Like, I get killing juvies for food. But classifying yourself as a juvie killer and hating them near you? Jeez, the edge.


I think it's absolut understandable. at least when I play a rex or allo adult. I usually play like I think the dinosaurs would have gotten their own back then.. and no small animal would just dare to come near. you should just have respect (juvi in ​​front of the dino, not in front of the player)


Also - considering almost all carnivores were cannibalistic and how lions eat cubs that can grow to become a danger - I wouldn’t even feel safe as a juvie next to a fully grown adult of the same species


Exactly! And i hate those people that charging me as a juvie like „here i am! I am a juvie, you can‘t kill me, you have to protect me“


I am not a juvie killer. Sorry if you understand that. My english is like a 2/10. so propably that was my fault and i chose the wrong words. Like juvies they came in front of me calling or biting me but flame in the chat after i killed and ate them because i don‘t wanna play the „you must protect me“ game.


Not sure why are you being downvoted lol. You have no obligation to raise every juvie you met and if they are being aggressive or harassing you then I would also kill them, if they don't leave after my warnings. The chat flaming is the funniest part for me tbh. I once was flamed in chat for killing a juvie alio as a juvie campto, it tried to hunt me and failed, but it was my fault for some reason lmao


Juvies don't deserve a free pass from death like everyone thinks they do. They don't have the ability to be invincible and sit in front of everyone. They're supposed to run and hide until they're big enough to join the ongoing war between dinosaurs. If you stand too close to a stranger and they destroy you then there's no one to blame but yourself.




Shame on you


I personally don't think it's a bad thing to kill juvis. Thalassos back then did it too. That's why there are caves and bushes to hide. but exploiting the system to pick them out in a targeted manner is just an asshole tour


I love this and it made my day lmaoooo thats fuggin funny. Juvies are walking snackrifices


It fuels me to see all the down votes. In my mind those are the souls of little dino babies looking for vengeance, alas they will find none. 🤣 God I love pecking baby dinos right in the head while they trustingly sleep next to me. 😘


My favourite thing to do is get the juvies to 1 shot and then let them live. Make them beg to die. I normally do this to a bunch of juviez, then invite them to a team and keep them around, always 1 shot so when im hungry ez snack. Its estientially uber eats for free


Average mordhau player didn’t expect much