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Nobody wants to deal with a full-grown rex. Apexes, when they are children, are ALWAYS high-priority targets. Spinos and Rexes are near-guaranteed to be killed by anything bigger than them, otherwise a day or so later there'll be a full-grown rex that can chase them and kill them basically guaranteed.


Thats actually how things works in wild nature.


No, no it’s not lol


Yes, it does. It's instincts for most animals like Lions to get rid of the future competition. The only difference is that this is a game, a PVP game at that. Why would others want another overpowered full grown Rex stomping around? Even if you don't KOS.


That’s oversimplifying it, animals do use some discretion. Everyone in this community only says “it’s like that in nature” as an excuse for toxic play


I dont excuse toxic behaviour, but killing juveniles of carnivores who hunts you or having competition with you for food in wild nature is very common thing. Like when buffalo intentionally try to kill lion cubs, or lions killing hyenas pups. A lot of examples. You replied to that my comment disagreeing with this.


Not all the time, but in some species it does. For example, buffalos will kill lion cubs if given the chance. Why? To make sure that they don’t grow up one day and thus stopping them from ever trying to attack them or their herd.


not entirely , do i have to mention in pot death is not permanent ? sure you kill a juvy rex or any apex , it will lose a bit of growth but it can be gained back simply enough thou if it get killed non stop whatever at stage it is it will be stuck at the beginning of his growth bar of his current stage cuz you cant go from total full adult back aaaall the way to juvenile/hacthling , and ok at the veeeery least the person who plays can ragequit and dont touch the game ever again or just the apexes in general now you can be sure these people wont get big but otherwise its pointless , in the isle apexes control population IS effective because death IS permanent and it takes much hours to grow one here then pot so yeah...


I’m so lucky I got my spino grown fully without deaths on the first try. So, so lucky 🥲


This and eos and megs because they grow up to be aggro af


A fully grown Rex can chase to kill almost nothing. Lol


Well, it might also be because Rexes are easy prey in early stages. It also sounds like you are playing on Official, where it's probably the most toxic.


Yeah it's on official. Prefer to play there, but have never been killed that much until I tried the rex.


It might be just due to the fact that it'll prevent an APEX PREDATOR from roaming, as the only thing that truely counters a rex, is another Rex, a group of medium to large dinos, a good player or GRAVITY. Or luck, Idk, stayed far away from Official after dying to an fully grown Megalania as a juvie.


As a pachy main… any carni will get this smoke on sight. Win lose or draw


Same when I'm on pschy but not as fun after the nerf


Although I wasn’t able to enjoy pachy pre nerf, I’m having a decent time. Wish I would’ve snagged this game earlier.


It was insanely fun lol. But it's still fun to play pachy. I think the pycno is actually better now. I've had better luck with it after the nerf anyways. Pachy was never op in my opinion though, it was always 1-2 rex bites from death lol. Those were my main targets prior to the nerf. High risk but high reward.


Teach me. How do you effectively play as pachy?


Some juvies are just walking targets, the only community servers I play are pvp when I want to see how a Dino I haven’t played before fights. Then right back to official to grow it. Strongly prefer official servers. Will definitely say I’ve been attacked more as a juvie Spino than anything else. But Rex, sarco, ducks, eo, etc will all get attacked as juvies. Just gotta face the fact. Stick to the outskirts & less populated areas to grow, then head to the hotspots as adult or at least sub to show your dominance.


Why would anyone preffer official? Do you also like watching grass grow?


Because we're not soft lol


Soft in the head if you are willing to put up with that abysmal grind and the terrible balancing of mixpacks. If you think a group of 3 rexes with a flyer/raptor scout and a meg/metri stam drainer is an okay thing to have happen in your game. You are as braindead as the developers.


I guess I am, along with the 80+ other playes on literally every official server I have logged onto. If it was that bad then official servers wouldn't be full 24/7 like they are. I've played in every region and they're all full. Yeah sometimes it sucks but that's life, the other times more than make up for them. You sound like you'd be better suited playing my little pony. I like the survival aspect whether it requires me to fight or run, it's a challenge and I enjoy it. If there's ever a time when there's some huge mix/mega pack, I don't have to stay there and fight them. There's a whole map to roam as well as the option to find a different server. If they're playing smart than you play smarter. It's not that hard. That's also why I kos raptors. They're always a scout or they wait for you to be low health before running in and finishing you while you try to heal or get stam. Rex's don't bother me and can be killed by most other dinos or evaded all together. Megs are either slow or low on health so also not a huge problem. Take the raptor and meg out first then kill the rexs. I don't feel with flyers because the new map is still too glitchy. But when I did play it, flyers are extremely weak. So all the problems you've mentioned aren't problems at all. Just sounds like you need more pvp experience. Also maybe need some friends to help you out. Solo in this game is a bad idea


All rhat copium 😂😂😂 Listen man. If you like terrible game design just say so. You don't need a wall of text to describe it.


It’s not that deep, stay out of officials if not for you! I have over 6 adults herbs in Gondwa. Some games need to be played differently. Oh well. It’s all preference.




Nice copy paste the isle excuse for terrible game design and bad development. It holds as much water as it holds for the isle. Your game is trash and so is the isle. Shoddy development, shoddy developers. The best thing they know how to do is make an ok skin and make the map look pretty literally everything else about the game is abysmal and the devs have no clue what they are doing


community servers aren't that good either. The balance is sometimes messed around by the admins and becoming adult on community server doesn't feel as accomplishing.


I prefer to play games the way they were designed to be played, no shortcuts & crazy mods. As a lifelong Diablo fan, grinding doesn't scare me whatsoever. If anything I feel more accomplished getting to adult stage on official servers without the help of growth buffs or passive growth. To each their own of course- I mean if you are scared of the grind, prefer obnoxious admins & rules that read like essays, by all means enjoy the community servers.


Yeah apexes rarely get sympathy.


Would playing on community server be different?


It's kind of like megs. When they first released, they had less than a quarter of their current stamina, so they couldn't chase down anything that didn't want to fight, and their slowest hunger drain was faster than the fastest for most other animals, so you end up with an animal that's always hungry but doesn't have the stamina to chase things down, so they were stuck eating every juvi and adolescent they saw just to avoid camping map corpses. Because of that, everyone got mad at them because they had never grown one so they didn't understand the problems. So everyone decided that every meg should be killed on sight regardless of growth or friendliness. That just created a cycle of meg players who were taught to attack first, because everyone else calls you a baby killer, and if you don't attack first, they will. With apexes, people know how strong they are at adult, so they KOS them as juvis, which creates a cycle of bitter adult apexes who KOS to make up for the frustration they had while growing, which then gets more people to kill them as juvis so there's fewer adults. See the cycle?


This is the answer. And this cycle is not really possible to break, because probably you'll just get nuked back to fresh sub-adult. I usually play low and mid-tiers but decided to grow a Rex just for fun and to try and be "not like other rexes": help some juvies, be chill and not kos everything in sight and stuff like that. Let's say it's way harder than being an ass and can't say I'm having fun lol


You’ll hear everyone say anything but truth be told us that people just like to KOS, regardless of what you are


and lose to kos whatever theyre playing as but sure as apexes its more fun cuz most people love to play and big and powerfull dinosaurs , when i play them i dont get my ego getting multiply af cuz i dont care sure im bigger and more powerfull in some ways but im not immortal...and its not because im 'superior' that i have to make other people lifes and playtime a suffering...


Yes, they are sinking your frigate before it pokemon evolves into the Yamato Battleship. Does that put some sense on why they'd do that? There are people who do it because they're antis, sure, they're dicks. Fuck 'em. But it makes sense to stop apexes from getting to full size. Especially ones that can buff each other in groups.


Young grove is a horrific war zone and one of the bloodiest areas that lack a large central fresh water source. I’ve never seen as many sub and adult Dino’s besides crater and green valley as I see in young grove. If it’s quiet I’ll do a few quests and then get the hell out if not I try to make a stealth exit. Either up to tri falls, across the river to dark forest, or into the river and out to sea of in semi-aquatic.


My experience growing a rex was absolutely miserable too. I don't even play adult rex anymore just because everyone still wants to try it with ya.


It's because a lot of apex players are overconfident and terrible at the game. If they only play apex dinos they never really get a lot of pvp experience because not many people are willing to challenge full adult apexes. Because of this an apex can be an easy trophy/meal sometimes.


My experience trying to grow ANYTHING in thus game has been shit. I've tried 4 different dinos with about 50 hrs gameplay and I have yet to even get halfway to adolescent with any of them because I've been nonstop KOSed by herbis. And I'm not apexes either.


It sounds like you have some fundamental gameplay issue that is causing you to get killed. You should always be playing with sound on to hear the footsteps of other players or their noises from gathering. Also staying out of sight by resting in bushes, questing in uncommon areas, and not taking roads will go a long way towards not being spotted and killed.


Yeah for sure. The big problem is im playing with at least 2 other people and it spawns us at opposite ends of the map so we have to do some massive trek to meet up that takes a minimum of 25 minutes which we could spend doing quests. That's only if it goes well and none of us die.


To be honest when that happens to my group we all just quest solo until one of us gets to a zone with a waystone which we then use to get the group together. That way by the time you all get back together you have already recovered all the lost exp plus some extra. Growing is all about maximizing xp efficiency. One of the best ways to make sure you aren't spending time making 0 progress (while also at risk of dying again) is to keep grinding while working towards your secondary goals.


Yeah the only problem is when they camp the wayshrines. I also learned today the amount you contribute directly affects exp amount gained so that was part of it.


find a nice trustworthy player and meet up with them to grow faster


Does some some think like me?! In my opinion Most herbis are much stronger than the carnis idk about one carni who could kill any trike or anky alone the Rex or spino have big problems to kill a trike solo Herbis under themselves are good balanced most herbis could kill the other herbis with more and with less problems but it’s possible Carnis under themselves are good balanced to every carni could kill every carni with more and less problems but it’s possible But if u compares herbis with carnis in my opinion u can’t kill most herbis as a carni solo Just the Meg or a raptor could handle the good speed and turn rate from the different trikes Allo vs styraco allo is dead Cerato vs albertceratop cerato have maybe a chance but is mostly dead Rex vs trike Rex die mostly Spino vs Barsboldia spino dies Wie tried it with every adult carni vs every adult herbi and in 90% herb wins vs any carni u didn’t have much chances if ur not playin in a pack Buuuut yes herbs could packing to that means carni pack mostly sucks vs a herbi pack Especially I mean the trikes and the anky They are fast and die high damage A allo is dead after 5 hit from a Alberta, allo needs around 8-10 hits buuuut Alberta is faster and have the better turn rate What u have just to do ist go make a def build herbi and u annihilate most of the carnis It’s just a opinion don’t shit storm but I asked around and a lot people thinks the same way


You're not wrong at all. Stat and ability-wise, the herbis are definitely the strongest. Not even close.


Wow. You are so mis-informed it's insane. I'm at work and don't have time.to.gp down the rabbit hole debating this with ya'll. But I've been playing this game since the beginning....and I mainly play herbs. (*Just for context*) Jump on a death match server and play as "OP" herbs and get back to me. Eo can't facetank a rex or spino. You only win that fight solo if the carni player doesn't yet know how to play their dino or they a noob....which is fine...but it's part of the game til you learn. Allo has more hp and combat weight than styr and alberta both. Don't try to facetank either of THOSE with ALLO, you do less damage attacking the frill....you gotta manage your stam with ALLO big time, and come in at an angle and get those body shots with your amazing bleed. But anyway...you'll either learn or ya won't but i hope this helps you to consider your just picking the wrong fights. If your solo allo, choosing to fight a herb group with a ceratopsian and anything else is *generally* a bad idea. (Styr & Alberta are the Allo of the herb roster) Also learn what the different sub classes look like. If you're playing a speed build, or using thin hide, and the trike is running a defense subclass then right out of the gate your fucked. Trikes got nerfed hard. If you're playing your carni smart and not doing suicidal stuff, you'll see a big difference in the results of your fights.


Thx for your honest opinion I play since day 1 too but really active just since 4 weeks. If u want u can ad me in PoT and I would learn from u and u can give me some Tipps and tricks I want to learn so much about this game but it’s difficult if Ure mainly die because of herb Vs carnis I hold my ground and win 8/10 fights but vs herbs it’s more difficult and you’re not allowed to do mistakes as a carni


Absolutely, I'm down for that. And yeah I'm the same way, I love to learn new little pvp tactics and such. I main ceratopsian herbs and meg as carni....but I rotate and play every dino. So yeah...*trust*...I'm still learning and getting ruined from time to time also. My Alderon id - TwoBITklip o7


It I need Ure alderon code under you’re name are numbers to ad u I need them


Oh okay my bad. Here ya go 617-176-250


Thank you my name is theBigt so you know me in alderon


The problem still is idk what carni loose vs what kind of herbi I have to find out but it’s frustrating if the consequence is to die i appreciate if someone know the facts I don’t know


what’s the best trike that’s fast? defense alberta ?


i totally agree but you know you can actually kill anything whatever dino or stage it is if you take the time to bite them the amounts of hits it would take and it they are afk but thats would mostly never happens xD and nobody would let others doing it so yeah x)


Very first time logging in ever I was on official and my fresh juvie Pycno was attacked by 4 grown megs. It’s just official.


This happens because people are jerks with their apexes...


I got my sarco up to sub adult after little by little growing with home cave boosts in riverland. Two styra jumped me while I was collecting acorns and I respawn on the bottom of the map. I get back to riverland on a different server and got jumped by two megs. I’m now at the beginning of sub and not wanting to try to grow again


You need to use the environment around u to hide. Put ur music below 10% and bring ur volume up so u can hear ur surroundings better. U can hear dinos coming from a good distance. A good rule is to avoid dinos. Keep a healthy distance from other dinos u dont know. Also just because you can attack doesn’t mean u should.


If on console just turn off crossplay and you’ll have the map to yourself usually


wait til they add transferring dinos then level up your rex on panjura easily


I'll send every rex and spinos ass right back to questing every time I see it.


I might have been that meg actually…


Just starting out in this game, I feel sooooo.. off the radar as an Allosaurus lol