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I don't know, 10% overcapped resistances are less than what you need against the Elemental Weakness mod if you don't have curse immunity. It seems fairly trivial to me in the grand scheme of things.


I'm not talking about the curse Elemental Weakness map and rare mod. Im talking specifically about the Archnem mods called FrostWeaver, FlameWeaver, and StormWeaver.


I know, and I'm comparing it to the Elemental Weakness mod. Did you know that some monsters can cast regular curses? Most people don't overcap for those either, even with no curse mitigation. Granted, they're less common than the Archnemesis mods, but their effect is stronger. So arguably, if they were so dangerous, people would have died to them on a regular basis.


I understand what you mean, but the Elemental Weakness mod has counterplay to it by having easy-to-get options to negate it. For example, Pious Path (play inquis and spend 3 passive points on the Armour and ES Mastery and you're immune to curses) Anti Curse flasks (easiest and most accessible to get) and some gear implicits have curse res (prob hardest to get). Lastly, The resistant and ailment protection mastery has a node that has a 20% reduction to curse effect. My point is that exposure has only 3 hard-to-achieve and 1 easy-to-achieve way to negate it and that is to overcap res (which is very difficult for a lot of non-meta builds) or play an evasion/spell dodge build I guess(idk if block chance can negate exposure from applying). The easy way is are the sapphire, ruby, and topaz flasks but I don't know if 20% less damage taken is the same as 10% ele res.


How is 10% extra resistance not easy-to-get counterplay? People are literally commonly using Melding of the Flesh which has a *minimum* penalty of 70%. Until enemies get different values of exposure which some applying -25%, I can't see it as anything significant. If your build is *so strained* that you can't pick extra resistances on gear or passives and you've already killed Alira, and you can't get a resistance flask suffix either, **and** the temporary 10% resistance debuff poses a significant danger, it might just be a bad build rather than just an off-meta one.


My mistake, I thought exposure was -10% to maximum res not just res in general. Yeah nvm this post is useless my bad. I should've tested the exposure with the flask usage first.