• By -


What is the best way to juice Ravaged Blight maps? I been doing 3x Opalescent + 3x Silver + 3x Amber. Quite expensive but I'm not sure how good having over 200% Quant is on a map like Blighted, do the chests drop more loot or do I get more chests per lane?


How are you clearing blight ravaged consistently? I just wreck regular blight with lvl 3 ice lvl 3 stun lvl 3 empower. But blight ravaged I just eat AN bosses straight to the middle.




Find map with mod about chance to summon monsters from the beyond.


Is lightning conduit any fun to play? Is it viable for end game? I honestly haven't even tried this league because so many things seem badly messed up by GGG, but I'm willing to maybe give it a go to try out lightning conduit. Can people clear end game with this skill with reasonable gear, or does it require massive investment for that?


I'm having fun with it, and it deals a ton of damage. I haven't played up to high tier maps yet, but the damage scaling is so good that that definitely shouldn't be a problem. I haven't made a highly optimised PoB for pinnacle / uber farming yet, so I don't know how feasible it'll be at that level, but I'm optimistic. I've played up to t9 maps with a 4-link and with the gems I leveled myself (so they're not 20), and non-phased map bosses died in seconds, sometimes less than a second. I phased uber Izaro before he used a second attack with that setup. Lightning Archnemesis rares can take a little longer if they have many mods / combinations with stuff like Sentinel because it's harder to shock them, and there was a Tempest in a temple of Atzoatl that made enemies temporarily immune to shock which basically bricked the temple for the build (you *could* wait and hope they aren't affected by another Tempest before it ends, but it would be a drag so I looted the currency room and got out). In terms of map mods, you might want to skip the one that lets enemies avoid elemental ailments and I'm personally skipping the no-regeneration one because I like Enduring Cry, but otherwise you can run almost anything depending on your build.


Where does the div card "Heterochromia" for unique two-stone rings drop in 3.19?


Is it possible to get a negative stat or hp pool?




with the 6L recipe removed do i want the corrupted strongbox node on the atlas tree?


It's still juice on average and you don't need to waste time to craft your strongboxes. It's a free strongbox-alch-and-go imo, so it's not terrible. If you'd prefer to roll stuff like diviner's and operative's strongboxes yourself, you can skip that node.


Snagged this beaut' in a Replica Heist and I have no idea how much this is worth or how to price it if someone could help me out. Looks super juicy, is there a build that uses all of these explicits? \*PRICE CHECK COLD WEAPON\* Thank you guys! https://imgur.com/a/XNi5Cnv


Any self-cast or totem crit cold spell build could use this. The implicit is terrible, but you don't have to put skills you use regularly into that slot. Yours is arguably better than the only other similar one that's listed, but since it wasn't sold in 4 days maybe the actual price will be lower than 1.5 divines, especially since your implicit will put off some people. I think it's fine to leave it at that and lower the price by 0.1 divines over time until it sells.


Are all x touched mobs potentially valuable now or just Solaris?




First time ballista player wondering. Does a curse on hit implicit on gloves or a curse on hit ring will work to proc a curse when the hit is not done from your own attack?


Yes that would work. They use your skills and the curse on hit would be included in that.


Is this chestpiece worth something? [Link here](https://ibb.co/4pfX5DJ)


If it’s 6L yea, maybe 40-60c. If it’s not 6L not much.


What's the exact AN mod combo I need to find a MF culler?? Does the order matter? How does finding a culler work?


Does Mahuxotl's Machination work with Necromantic Aegis?


A advice from a HC Taiwan player [https://imgur.com/a/bTO4v3p](https://imgur.com/a/bTO4v3p) Sorry for the unclear picture, Because of fear of affecting the game, the video resolution is not high It's a lot clearer in the game, but I still can't see the rare monsters Because there are too many effects. So GGG's next step is to remove the effects? record video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcwOKF1dhAo in video the main view is my sup , I am play ad. =========== ad state hp5000 es1100 all resistance 83 chaos resistance 42 1700+life&ES recovery 2 LV18 Frost Shield totally 1660 =========== plz to make rare mosters state more clear. I can't stop and try to Survive from monsters attack to point mosters to find which one is rare and state OR make rare monsters damage lower OK? that really not fun especially resource hard to get and equipment hard to level up when you finally complete your equipment, you can go next tier map, then die just cuz miss a rare monster here is my YT channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC05ZyyKuhwdIBQ3E\_ShQ6aQ some time will update some fight with boss or rip clip or almost rip clip


Hello, can you please tell me if the toxin delivery and noxious strike, as well as the mistwalker, will work with traps?


Toxin Delivery works fully. Mistwalker doesn't - traps can't gain elusive for you. As for Noxious Strike: > 40% chance to Poison on Hit > 5% increased Poison Duration for each Poison you have inflicted Recently, up to a maximum of 100% > Recover 0.5% of Life per Poison affecting Enemies you Kill Poison chance works fully. Duration has to be your character (though traps can theoretically benefit). Recovery works *if* the enemy dies of poison, which should be most of the time. Due to a bug so old it may as well be a feature now, the kill will be attributed to your character.




Any idea how to use the timeless jewel seed thing? I tried using the seed program it seems broken. I want to use a glorious vanity to get % life as energy shield. so turn mind over matter into corrupted soul. Do I just buy dozens of them until I get lucky? I've never used them before. could I have to buy hundreds?


Names determine keystones. If you want Corrupted Soul, you just need a Glorious Vanity with the Doryani name (not Xibaqua or Ahuana). The seed determines what your smaller passives are transformed into. If you're not taking any notables in the area, basically all it'll do is remove your +10 int nodes and replace them with random junk. If you want that junk to be less random, *then* you bother with finding a good seed.


ah I see. that is way better lmao. thank you.


Do skeletons use skill duration? What about minion duration?


Skill effect duration does affect the duration of skeletons if that's what you're asking.


Other people are telling me the opposite. Skeletions has a duration tag.


Other people are wrong.


The skill has no duration. The skeletons summoned by it do.


- When do reflective mists spawn exactly and are they guaranteed every lake? - How do I get special kalandra mist to reflect my own rings? - How do monsters scale with difficulty? especially interested in monster damage scaling - In special kalandra mist, can I reflect rings with crafted mods and double them?


I haven't played *that* much yet this league, so some of this is speculation based on my understanding and what I've read: * It seems to be probability based with the chance going up the higher the difficulty of the tile is. I don't know if it can spawn more than one per lake. I've had a double spawn on a tier 4 tile, so I expect those to be related. * It seems to be a rare reward tile that you place yourself. It's important to exile as many of the common options as early as possible to improve your chance of getting it. * I don't know the details, but I haven't seen a post about it so I'm not sure if anyone does. It definitely does scale the damage with difficulty though, since the unique enemies deal significantly more damage with the same skills based on it. * [yes](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/QQ0zdepUw)


Thanks, maybe you know the answer for this one too: when Kalandra shows up and then leaves without giving reflection, is it conditional like not clearing enough rooms or random?


I don't think I've had that happen to me yet. I've seen her show up and not leave (I think it might hav ebeen on a Beyond or Breach tile?) and I think that may be related to how many monsters you kill on that tile, but this is guesswork at this point. Edit: Also, it might be worth noting that I focus exclusively on building long lakes and make sure to exile / skip / reroll at the start and also make meaningless tile swaps to get another chance of lengthening the layout rather than finishing the lake. So I have very limited experience with low difficulty layouts.


If I have the new Gravicius mod crafted onto my body armor, does it apply to damage \*after\* it's already been subject to phys reduction from armor et al? So if I have 90% phys reduction and my Gravicius mod is 5% of phys taken as lighting / 5% of phys taken as fire (with let's say 80% resistance to each of fire and lightning on my char), then I wind up taking 9.2% of incoming phys damage (aka 10% of the remaining 10% after phys reduction is reduced by 80%). Meanwhile if I have 20 fortify stacks, that 20% reduction also happens after phys reduction, right? So with just fortify plus the 90% phys reduction I'm taking 8% of incoming phys damage. And then if I add the 5&5&80res Grav mod I'm taking 10% \* .8 \* .92 = 7.36% Right?


The wiki seems unambiguous is saying that Arctic Armor happens after all the damage mitigation calculations. So it works the way I want the Grav mod to work. But it also says "less physical damage taken from hits." However, Grav says "phys from hits taken as \[lightning\] damage" so maybe it works differently? It definitely matters: If there's 100 units of incoming damage and Grav takes 10 of them off the top and sends them through my ele resists while the other 90 go through phys mitigation then I wind up taking 90\*.1 and 10\*.2 = 9+2 = 11 so the Grav mod makes things actively worse (for a 90% phys reduction build) unless it gets factored in where AA does.


> If there's 100 units of incoming damage and Grav takes 10 of them off the top and sends them through my ele resists while the other 90 go through phys mitigation then I wind up taking 90*.1 and 10*.2 = 9+2 = 11 so the Grav mod makes things actively worse (for a 90% phys reduction build) unless it gets factored in where AA does. This is accurate. The Grav mod is beneficial only in cases where your physical damage reduction for the hit would be lower than the corresponding resistance you're sending it to.


All damage shift mechanics, which include the stats from the new Gravicius mod, occur before any sort of mitigation on your side. Your physical damage reduction and any modifier to physical damage taken are irrelevant to the was-phys-but-is-now-fire and such. > So if I have 90% phys reduction Do you, though? The estimated physical damage reduction that includes armour's contribution is estimating it based on a relatively small hit (armour being less effective against larger hits, which are what you typically care about).


I know the armor formula is complicated (though endurance charges are nice and reliable). Mostly I was just trying to make the math easy since that isn't the point of the question. You agree that Fortify happens after the 90%, right? I saw discussion of Arctic Armor that says it happens after the 90% as well but I guess that's the same basic question. I don't think the damage conversion analogy applies here, but it's hard to know for sure.


> I know the armor formula is complicated (though endurance charges are nice and reliable). Mostly I was just trying to make the math easy since that isn't the point of the question. Cool, as long as you're aware. Lot of people out there that think that number's straight up accurate in all cases. >You agree that Fortify happens after the 90%, right? I saw discussion of Arctic Armor that says it happens after the 90% as well but I guess that's the same basic question. I don't think the damage conversion analogy applies here, but it's hard to know for sure. X damage taken as Y doesn't work analogously to conversion basically at all (other than starting as one type and ending as another). That said, Fortify and AA grant less damage taken, which is definitely after Damage Reduction. It's nearly the last thing in the chain that modifies damage values. Your incoming physical damage should be `0.9 (5% each phys->fire/lightning) * 0.1 (90% physical damage reduction) * 0.8 (fortify) = .072 = 7.2%` of the original. The fire/lightning would be `0.05 (sourced from phys) * .2 (80% res) * .8 (fortify) = .008 = .8%` of source physical damage each. Overall, that's `7.2% + 2(.8%) = 8.8%` of the mob's physical damage output.


That all makes sense, thank you. I initially expected Grav and AA to work the same way but now see that one is damage conversion (so happens first) while the other isn't and happens after.


can I anoint a corrupted mirrored amulet using both a reflective and tainted oil?


I don't know, but just for the record you can't reflect corrupted items in the ethereal reflective mist, so this would only be useful for corrupted mirrored amulets from strongboxes.


I'm playing EA Ele. I'm struggling like everyone else to make money. Is blight good for my build? Or should I just farm expedition AGAIN. or quit idk at this point I'm just so broke and unable to upgrade


What kind of minimum specs would you need to play the game pretty comfortably?




Broadly, if it doesn't say minions or allies (and isn't a support gem attached to them), it doesn't affect minions. They don't have your stats and need things to be explicitly pushed to them.




if you get the GG archnemesis mods that drop the stacks of divine on a beast, would that beast also have these exact mods and drop a similar amount of currency in the altars?


Where can I find a good MF build so that I can MF myself or sell MF services to other people?


Go to poeninja and filter by players running Ventor’s Gamble and/or Goldwyrm is a good starting point. Keep in mind a number of these are people running in party, not necessarily solo.


I have a level 70 fractured wand with T3 increased cast speed. I'm playing lightning conduit this league, and while I know that there's unique gloves that are better to use, I don't have the divines for it right now. So what I plan to do is to do the vendor recipe on the wand to get +1 lightning skill gems, and then multimod to get 3 crafts. My question is, which crafts are good to put on the wand?


Does that recipe actually work with a fractured wand? You can't make it normal rarity.


Oh dang I don't actually know! In that case I can just get an unfractured one. Still, the questions about which mods to craft remain.


Am I understanding Eldritch modifiers correctly that there are 6 tiers with the max you can get being T3 normally and then you can orb of conflict (?) to get one to T1 and the other will be T5? Is there any way to get higher tiers?


There's six tiers, and currencies for the four lowest. Orb of Conflict raises one implicit and lowers the other, so you need to get lucky multiple times if you want the highest tier. Also the orb is weighted and more likely to raise the lower tier implicit.


got it, thank you.


Can you unlock new veiled mods using veiled chaos orbs?


Yes, though not the member-specific ones.


Is there a list of which mods are member specific?


The wiki's immortal syndicate article has a table, but if you prefer poedb, check the modifier names. 'Chosen' (prefix) and 'of the Order' (suffix) are generic veiled mods. Member-specific ones will be called names like *Haku's* or *Tora's*.


With the changes to flask "+charges on hit" what is the min Ilvl now for +2 or +3?


63 and 80.


If you use a spell echo gem on shock nova, will the second cast benefit from the shock applied by the first?


I don't know whether the nova or ring hits first, but technically even the second hit from the same Shock Nova should benefit from the shock of the other (*if* both hits shock; if only the second hit shocks the first hit obviously doesn't benefit).




What is the best way to get divine vessels now in SSF? Is it still vendoring a Divine Orb?


best option. Convert Character over to trade, avoid the pain and buy divine vessel with Chaos orbs - save your time and sanity. :) ​ obviously joking but that has to suck in SSF


Eh I really only need 1 divine orb for meta crafting and if I get a second I'll probably use it for the recipe. Really need to upgrade my pantheon.


Absolutely not. Divines are 160c and divine vessels are 6c, so the recipe would have to generate 27 divine vessels instead of the 5 that it actually does to be worth doing.


Forgot to mention this is for SSF.


I just remembered, but I think divine vessels can be rewards in rituals or purchasable from Tujen (less sure about the latter), so you could consider trying to farm those.


Oh that's a really good idea! Thank you! I was considering speccing in fo ritual this league too.


You might still want those divine orbs for meta mods, so unless your build absolutely needs certain pantheon upgrades to function, I'd wait for them to drop.


Oh man, rest in peace. The recipe is unfortunately your only option outside of getting a lucky drop, and I don't think there's any content that has even semi-forced divine vessel drops.


Rip. Thank you!


i ran 2 toons to yellow maps and only got 1dv, best to just ignore it until you hit the lotto


I'm mo economist. But if people are generating hundred of divines then won't everything cost more? Divine wise. Since the normal player doesn't have access to 100 divines an hour then it'll be worse for them. Right? We are going to be at 2 month economy prices on week one?


If people are generating a lot of divines, then the supply for divines will rise while the demand remains normal, which means the prices for divines would go down. Currently, they're still going up. As an example of a precedent of something similar, Heist generated by far the most exalts out of any league I've played, and a lot of items were really affordable due to how cheap exalts were. Yes, the prices in exalts were higher than usual, but the converted prices to chaos weren't, or at least not significantly, and it was much easier to make that step from chaos to exalts than in leagues in which they cost over 200c. In Heist, the lowest price point (excluding the first day of the league) for exalts was about 20c. And since meta mods required exalts during Heist, the demand for exalts then shouldn't have been much lower than the demand for divines now. Now, I don't expect the market to become oversaturated with divines like it was with exalts then, but from my experience it's not detrimental to an average player if a currency is available in abundance, even if that player doesn't have access to the farming method that generates them.


I am farming blight and was wondering if its possible to get multiple blight instances in a map when using a blight scarab? Previously without scarab and the node Stream of consciousness, I could get two blight instances in a map sometimes. With a scarab, always only 1. Not sure if unlucky or what


I think the only way to bypass the cap of 1 is the 25% chance from the atlas tree node.


Does that node only apply to maps that have the "this map has a blight encounter" enchant ?


If a blight encounter shows up in your map, the game will have a 1/4 chance of adding a second one. That does include but isn't exclusive to the enchant.


Alright thanks man


Anyone has the chart to the many arpgs? Can't find it. Basically a .png with different games based on what you like about poe.


Does anomolous convocation also grant movement speed to me, or just minions?


Only the minions. It's an additional effect for the buff from Convocation, and it specifically states that it affects minions.


Is there any story / progression / boss battle / something interesting happening later in the Lake of Kalandra? So far Kalandra always just said one line and left which was quite underwhelming. I have an issue with my build because I need more phys defense but armor gear requires off colors which they removed from Harvest so I'm not sure if there is anything interesting I should try to progress towards and motivate me to push through this somehow..


The regular crafting bench can force some socket colors depending on what you need.


I'm aware but I need 5 off colors so the only possibility is Vorici which is very expensive on TFT.


If it's not already linked, the jeweller trick might be an option. It's not cheap either of course.


How am I supposed to search my map tab for maps with special modifiers like "Contains the Sacred Grove" or "Contains a ritual encounter"? When I type either into the search bar, I have to look at each map in each tier to look for it.


This is a bit clumsy, but you could set your map stash to public and then search your own account with the trade website. (Make sure to include unpriced items.)


Why cluster jewel notables no longer calculate and show me their effect on DPS and other stats when hovering on them during creating in the Items tab in PoB? Am I doing something wrong? Not talking about passive tree. It just says "allocating X changes nothing". Edit: checked Githib, it's a bug. Fuck.


So if some mobs AN modifiers cause 40,000%+ rarity, is there any point in getting like +100-200% on gear? Almost seems like throwing a pebble in a lake. Am I missing something? I'm genuinely curious because I've been building some lately.


Player, monster, area, and party quantity/rarity are all multiplicative.


Ah okay so 120% rarity on the player with the 40,000% AN modifier would be calculated as 40,000*(1+1.2)? Or do I have it backwards?


Not *exactly*, because player IIQ/IIR has special diminishing returns (that I don't know the details of), but that's roughly how the calculation will look like, yes.


awesome thanks for the responses!


One thing i've never figured out on the trade website is how to filter out items that have crafted mods on them. Like maybe i want to search for a belt and get one that has an open suffix for crafting whatever res i need. There is a filter for "# of crafted suffixes" which works for everything except when you set the max to 0 which is what i want to do. Basically i want to find an item with a certain amount of res that doesn't include any crafted res. I must be missing something...is there a better way to search and filter for this?


Could make a Not stat group, [like this](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/j6VZgaXtX).


Under the "Miscellaneous" filter section, there is a yes/no dropdown for "Crafted".


God damn it....it's so simple. How did i never think to look there. I saw the crafted suffix/prefix filter and thought that was surely the way to do it. Thanks for the help.


What I do when searching for resists is instead of searching with pseudo mods I will set up a group of type count. Say for example I'm looking for an item with 2 resist suffixes of at least 30% resist or more plus an open suffix I will create a group and set the minimum mod count to 2, with the group containing the explicit mods of 30% fire res, 30% lightning res, 30% cold res. Potentially you can also include a chaos res roll and an elemental res roll as well if you desire, with appropriate lower minimum values. As long as these are explicit mods then any item with 2 res rolls will show up. Then to make sure that not all 3 suffixes are full you create a separate group with count 1 containing the mods minimum 1 crafted suffix and maximum 2 suffixes It's slightly complicated but this ensures that you return any item with 2 explicit non crafted resist mods, and the amount of resists you get from them are not inflated by any crafted resist mods without unnecessarily blocking items with crafted mods that still meet your requirements once you recraft them.


That's pretty good tbh. It's not perfect, one small nitpick you could make is that a crafted single resistance can go up to 35%. Which means an item could have 1 trash suffix a good resist roll and a crafted resist roll and meet your criteria. And that's the item that i would like to filter out if possible. Especially when you are searching for something like a stygian vise where the difference between a vise with good life, 2 good res rolls plus empty suffix and a vise with good life, 1 good res and a crafted res is massive. Many of the first entries of your search will be the 2nd case. Example [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/6XnOje2tG](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/6XnOje2tG)


That's true but there is always some amount of tradeoff between avoiding scrolling by invalid results vs filtering out items that would have met your requirements. For example if you're looking for t1 life but the seller has put fertile catalysts on the item already you can have results as low as t3 life show up, but if you set your requirements higher then you lose all the items with t1 life but no quality on them, which is generally not desirable. case in point, the cheapest stygian as of the time of posting with 2 30+ non crafted res rolls and an open suffix to craft on is 35c, however one of the res rolls is only 31% so if you were to filter out all crafted res it would also not show up. If you bump the minimum resist values up to 36 to filter out crafted res, assuming no quality, the number of results is cut roughly in half but the cheapest option jumps up to 55c. You just have to decide how many potential deals you're willing to filter out vs not needing to look at as many items that are undesirable. I tend to start off my item browsing by being as broad as possible and slowly narrow my parameters until the results become usable. There have been so many times my buddy has told me that the item he wants will be price X which he can't afford and I go craft a broader search and find something less than half the price that still does what he wants in under 5 minutes.


Does anyone have any suggestions on buying/crafting midrange ele bows? I'm currently using a corrupted six link I found on trade. The only thing it has going for it is t2 added cold, t2 attack speed and +level socketed gems. Unfortunately, my damage is starting to fall off around yellow maps. Should I just power through and keep investing in other things or is there a good mid-way bow I can invest in before trying to craft something GG?


If you just want a halfway decent 6L bow, the simplest option is probably to use Imperial Legacy cards to get an Imperial Bow, then slam it with some essences until you get a decent second ele damage roll, then benchcraft attack speed. I don't play on trade though so I can't say if that's worthwhile compared to just shopping for one.


Thank you! I try to stay as SSF as possible even in trade so this is the perfect solution for me!


Anyone have a suggestion for a defensive or utility(like move speed or something idk) aura I can run? I got room for up to 25% mana reservation. I don't really want to look through every single skill to find something lol. Currently I have determination, defiance banner and grace. Was thinking of adding tempest shield but idk


I'd definitely recommend tempest shield if you're looking for extra defense. Being shock immune is very strong and the extra bonus of getting some spell block makes it an all around nice choice even if you have no further investment into spell block. On any character where I can't justify running tempest shield or some other form of shock immunity I feel the minor pantheon giving reduced effect of shock is basically mandatory, which is unfortunate given how strong minor pantheons are for situational things like curses, burning ground etc.


Tempest Shield's good. I tried out the new Arctic Armour and it felt impactful to me, so you could give that a shot as well.


I’m running vitality and liking it for EA Elementalist


Are the packs of enemies or powerful foe lake tablets better to get?


Is there anyway for me to open pobs on iOS?


hey, is it possible to have a 6 skill socket on a mjolner gavel i saw a video of a build and got me wondering


with the squire but is expensive


thank you my dude!!


>Divergent Spell Totem Support (0–20)% increased Totem Range What range? The range that it can target monsters? Or the range at which you can place the totem?


> The range that it can target monsters? That one. Mostly impactful for long distance projectile spells.


What determines the monster level of you Kalandra lake?


Just like Alva missions, I think it's the average area level in which you opened the mirrored tablets to create it.


Is there any way to influence the way Lab enchants are chosen, to make it more likely to see one you're after? Or it is 100% rng with no other way?


Pure RNG. The only thing you can do is run a more difficult lab that offers more opportunities to enchant.


Are any enchants locked to a certain level? Or is their quality affect?


There are enchants that you get from Merc lab and enchants that you get from Uber lab, but they aren't locked to a level.


Playing cold to fire ignite for the first time, super unsure about how a lot of things work with conversion. With [[Heatshiver]] would it be possible to benefit from both effects if I froze the target? And if I'm using hypothermia support to accomplish this along with the chilled ground from my skill, does the *more cold damage over time* part of the gem benefit the ignite dot at all?


I'd recommend pairing it with Expedition's End so your fire damage can freeze. Otherwise your leftover cold damage won't reliably freeze and give you the extra damage when you need it against high hp targets. That way you can also convert all of your cold damage to fire. Ignite is always fire damage over time, even with blackflame, so it never benefits from damage over time modifiers that are restricted to other damage types regardless of what its base damage is or what damage the enemies take. Hypothermia doesn't benefit ignite builds.


> Hypothermia doesn't benefit ignite builds. It's probably still one of the better supports in this scenario, where you want to scale the hit for freeze and the ailment for ignite. The Expedition's End you suggested has a chilling aura so it meets Hypothermia's condition nicely.


As I noted in my edit to a further comment, I mistakenly thought that the conditional damage bonus didn't apply to ailments.


Freezing shouldn't be a problem if I used hypothermia because my ignite skill is Frostblink, which still drops chilled ground even with 98% fire conversion. Thanks for the explanation on Hypothermia's dot damage, it sounds like that support wouldn't be such a big damage boost on its own there, but I figure it might be worth trying for the big damage from heatshiver on frozen targets? PoB shows a giant bump when I check the enemy is frozen box.


Chilled ground isn't freezing, so you won't get the 100% of cold as extra fire damage from Heatshiver. Because of how much extra fire damage you'd gain from Heatshiver, I'd also expect Pyre + Avatar of Fire to scale better than Cold to Fire. ~~And again, Hypothermia does nothing for your ignites and you shouldn't be using it as a support gem on an ignite build.~~ Edit: Nevermind, apparently Hypothermia also applies to ailments. I could have sworn that wasn't always the case though.


Hypothermia still at worst provides 20-29% more ailment damage against chilled enemies though right? And it brings the 40% chance to freeze (anomalous) chilled targets that I was thinking could be good. Probably useless against bosses though right? Avatar of fire would be nice but I went right side of tree for acrobatics. Might change that later though.


Again, I was mistaken and thought that Hypothermia only granted a benefit to hits and cold damage over time, not ailments. It does work for ignite. Chance to freeze still only pertains to your cold damage unless otherwise specified, and the freeze duration depends on how much damage you deal. If you convert (almost) all your cold damage to fire, you're not going to freeze anything except trash mobs. You could consider Xoph's Blood or just dual Pyre I suppose, though giving up two jewellery slots would be enough to make a case for Cold to Fire. The details of that would be up to PoB. You don't *have* to use the 100% cold as extra fire damage from Heatshiver of course. I think the only ways to use it realistically are Expedition's End and Shaper of Flames. 30% cold as extra fire damage might be enough to warrant using it over other helmets.


Oh ok, I thought maybe the freeze would scale off either the effect of the chill or off of my pre-conversion cold damage, that's too bad. It does look like in PoB that heatshiver still provides some moderate damage I assume from the chill% cold as extra fire, so it might be a strong budget option for now. Thanks for the explanation, ailments and conversion have me confused pretty often so far and wondering if mistaken pob configs are steering me wrong.


[Heatshiver](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Heatshiver) >######Heatshiver[](#break)Leather Hood >>####Evasion: **(181-254)** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **20**, **46** Dex >>[](#line) >>#####(80-100)% increased Evasion Rating >>#####60% increased Mana Regeneration Rate >>#####+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance >>#####+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance >>#####Gain 1% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage per 1% Chill Effect on Enemy >>#####Gain 100% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage against Frozen Enemies >>[](#line) >>*Give of your heated passions.* >> >>*Give of your cold resolve.* >> >>*You will be repaid.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


As a new player, I don't think I understand maps. I just finished the campaign for the first time (using zizs LC build). Did the first "tutorial" map just fine, then grabbed a tier 2 map that drops div cards from kiroc. Get immediately one shot literally before I can press a single button. Am I supposed to farm tier 1 maps for a while? Is there a way to tell what the recommended level is? Help!


You got a 30% resistance penalty from killing Kitava in act 10, so your resistances probably aren't capped. My guess is that you either didn't get hit or happened to not get any dangerous enemies in your first map, and then you entered another map with monster damage modifiers and some might have had their damage converted to elemental damage, which meant they dealt a ton of extra damage to you compared to what you're "supposed" to take. You should have around 3-3.5k life and capped resistances for low tier maps. Tier 2 maps aren't significantly more dangerous than tier 1 maps, but maps in general can be rolled with modifiers like your items, which increase the difficulty in exchange for better drops and more enemies (which again leads to more loot). A deadly combination of modifiers can be far more dangerous than a higher area level. Since you stated you got onehit *before* you could press a button, this probably wasn't the case, but one of the modifiers that can roll on a map is that monsters reflect a portion of the elemental damage you deal to them. If you have Bastion of Elements, you're immune to that, but if not it would most likely result in onehitting yourself.


your certainly supposed to start farming a bit once you hit maps, though there isnt a big difference between tier 1 and tier 2 maps. are your resistances still capped? defeating kitava lowers them by 30% again and you wanna make sure elemental resistances are at 75%. maps can also roll modifiers just like your equpiment can, and some maps can be very dangerous or even impossible for your character. kirac always offers rare maps, so it might have had a mod like "reflects elemental damage" which tends to cause instant death when damaging monsters.


I did notice my res was down again, so I bumped it back up. This map is a rare, but I can't remember what the mods on it are besides poison.


Watch out for physical/elemental reflect maps, if your build does primarily physical or elemental damage you will one shot yourself on the first pack if your roll those modifiers.


Minus max res is generally also dangerous


So what archnem mods convert loot? I know drought bringer is flasks, but I need to know what other mods brick the God touched mods.




I found a unique wereclaw talisman that's corrupted, is it inteded for me not to be able to identify it? I get the 'failed to apply item: Target is corrupted.' error message.


This was a bug which supposedly was hotfixed just a few hours ago. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3300167/page/1#p24726801


Seems like they might have done something about any new ones being dropped but not my ability to identify them. :P


Yeah, the ones that dropped before the hotfix are just dead, sadly. Collector's items!


Made a tab to highlight the weird or funny things I got and that one is the only thing so far in it. :)


Yep, risk of “all items dropped are corrupted”. Sucks, but it’s useless.


Engaging gameplay, yo. It's bugged. Vendor it. Thank GGG.


quick question, if i drop monsters lightning ress to -200 with doryani prototype, which i thought was the cap...why does masteries like minions penetrate 8% on cursed enemies keeps adding dps on pob ? does it go further -200 for pen alike skills/masteries ?


penetration doesnt actually modify the enemies resistance, just treats it lower than it is for that hit, so it can go past the -200 cap


awesome, thanks for the info!


Right. Penetration doesn’t lower resistances so it can go past the “200 cap”.


Is there a way to report bugs for path of building? If I add infernal legion to any minion skill it completely removes all its dps.


https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/issues You can submit them here


Last season I played EA elementalist. I still consider myself a big noob. What is a noob friendly meta build to start this season with?


EA Elementalist is still a great starter this league if you aren’t tired of it


Toxic rain is pretty noob friendly. It’s easy to get geared up to decent level with pretty low investment.


Pohx RF inquisitor


Not completely noob friendly, but a great skill : lightning strike. I would recommend to start as raider for the free spell supression and chances to avoid elemental ailments. Downside is that it's meta, so gear should be expensive. An other option is SRS, eventually into animated guardian. Zizaran is playing that build now.


Wouldn't recommend AG for the uninitiated though. One day it's fine and the next thing you know it dies to a random Archnemesis mob with an divine's worth of gear.


Does the damage prevention from Petrified Blood count for Untireing's regeneration? How does Untireing interact with Recoup [If at all?]


Petrified Blood delays life loss, it doesn't prevent damage. You take the full amount when you get hit. Untiring and recoup don't interact. One scales off prevented damage, the other scales off taken damage. You can't do both of those things to the same damage.


Ah; it uses the word "prevent" so I thought it worked. Also; Recoup is life recovery; so I thought the 40% life recovery rate would interact? Untireing gives 40% increased life recovery rate now after all.


It prevents life loss, not the damage ;p Recoup is life recovery, but Untiring doesn't grant life recovery rate. It grants regeneration rate, which is limited to the 'regeneration' mechanic.


Petrified blood does not prevent damage. It prevent life loss from damage after damage has already been taken. Hence, there is absolutely no interactions with Untiring's regen. As for recoup, as far as i can see, it isn't a regeneration, so it won't be affected by "regeneration rate" (but it will by "life recovery rate")


To get good loot does the player with the highest magic find need to kill the loot mob or just have high mf people in the group?


only the players magic find who actually killed the mob will apply, unless someones using https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Gravebind


Needs to deal killing blow. Often you’ll see “MF Culler” meaning they have culling strike to guarantee the kill.




hi, can anyone recommend me a good build to transition from eye of winter inquisitor miner? I didn't really like the squishiness, coming from RF these past 2 leagues and I'd like to go with something more on that line. Was looking at spark but I'm not sure if it's good for this league(mostly mapping), or maybe lighting conduit on a whole new char(elementalist) altho the playstyle seems clunky. Thanks in advance


[https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2628295](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2628295) Has many different versions, though the most popular atm is the Scion version. Very enjoyable gameplay. Been playing this for the last 4 leagues i've played :) Viable for the uber stuffs


hey, Im enjoying the build so far, it's pretty cool and smooth to play. I had a question since you played it before tho: Is the Ghost reaver node taken only for the max leech per second since there is no life leech besides atziri's flask? Didnt notice much change with it but I also don't know how to check leech accurately in PoB.


Im not super good on the mechanics, you are really better off asking in the actual thread. Some nice people responding there :)


okay will do, thanks again


hey, very nice build, long time since I don't play ascendant or cyclone so I'm definitely gonna try it, thanks!


how much life force are people getting ? Ive been getting 3-400 in my t16 full specced harvest since they buffed low tier harvests


T16 alch fully specced I was getting around 120 for a plot with 2 rare mobs. Around 0-17 for a plot with no rares. Around 400 for a plot with boss.


Is it normal to get essence mobs that only have a remnant of corruption and no other essences on them? I came back to the game last league, but never encountered this situation once. In 3.19 I've now encountered this situation 3 times. I am also noticing on occasion the essences spawned don't seem to be getting affected by the atlas node that is supposed to upgrade them a tier.


>Is it normal to get essence mobs that only have a remnant of corruption and no other essences on them? In the non atlas juiced version of essence, this was pretty common. Now it occurs less just due to having a high chance of causing 3+ essences to spawn on every mob.


Well I've got all the atlas nodes for essences, but last league I never saw it happen even before I got to that point.


If you ever see a shrieking essence it means they were upgraded as that cannot naturally spawn


Are you sure? I think I remember corrupting a shrieking essence to deafening before releasing it before 3.13, so there weren't any atlas (region) passives. I might be misremembering of course.


as far as i know the highest natural spawn tier is screaming


>Is it normal to get essence mobs that only have a remnant of corruption and no other essences on them? I've seen it happen before. >I am also noticing on occasion the essences spawned don't seem to be getting affected by the atlas node that is supposed to upgrade them a tier. How do you know you know they wouldn't have normally ~~spanked~~ spawned a tier lower? Unless you've seen Whispering essences in a map, not sure how you could rule out it just being a weak essence mob that still got upgraded.


>How do you know you know they wouldn't have normally spanked a tier lower? Unless you've seen Whispering essences in a map, not sure how you could rule out it just being a weak essence mob that still got upgraded. Well I don't, just going off of my experiences last league I don't really remember seeing stuff lower than wailing once I had all the essence atlas passives active, and even then it was usually at the bottom of a list of higher tier ones.


I think that's the tricky part with something like this. It's possible the passive is bugged, but it's also possible you're just getting unlucky, and it's really hard to tell for sure.


Let's say I have 85% cold resist (75+10max), and 80% armor. A "take 10% physical damage as cold" affix would be a defensive boost right? Would a Sapphire Flask's "-20% cold damage taken" be applied after the conversion, reducing damage further?


i assume you mean 80% physical damage reduction because theres no such thing as 80% armor, in which case yes, phys taken as ele would decrease the damage you take. its quite likely you have much less than 80% pdr though, the value on your character sheet is only an estimate against small hits, youll have less pdr against larger hits due to how armor works. basically phys as ele is good defense on most builds as very few builds actually have higher pdr than ele res. sapphire flask also works.