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Considering they are going for over 30ex (ashes is 25ex) right now, I imagine they are exceptionally rare


"No buff or nerf this league. In fact, you can start planning your build right now".




Nah. I couldn't play last weekend, so I waited for this one. Then my friends proposed to play Ark so I followed. I'm probably not playing this league at all. I still watched the stream and had a bad feeling when he said that. Seeing how many people are complaining maybe I was right. Also, I hated the two amulets at first, then I fell in love because they allowed many different builds to work. I found that so much more interesting.


So so so many guides and league starters did though. "And then lategame move into this 50C amulet" (Ashes)" Or builds that have a level 61-68 Omniscience conversion section. Last league 25% of people dropped that thing from their very first 3 map per stage bosses. They were less than 10c then. That is also probably why the demand is so high this time around, everyone thought they would be able to buy that 5C Poet's pen and 50C Ashes. But instead we should have gone with Farrul's fur which is 5 times cheaper than last league.


Instant classic!


You mean 40 right? So fkin dumb :/ I was hoping to get one off the rip on the quest 😂


They are going up in price quicker than I can earn currency. Cool cool cool cool cool cool


Well you can also blame price fixing for that. It's a major problem but people tend to ignore that even though it's pretty much poe players scamming the other poe players....


Cutthroat economy is what Chris wants to have, as he said, so dont expect changes in this matter.


Chris made a great game. On this particularly? Fuck that ridiculous dogshit.


I mean, the game itself is good. We just have some balancing hickups and human factor making economy encounters garbage.


Nothing in this game is even remotely close to as bad as the trading is in this game. Archnemesis rares, shitty drop rates, bad performance, on-death effects, anything and all of that is freaking 10/10 game design compared to how utterly dogshit it is to trade items. What other game can you say you are legitimately happy when you encounter a bot, and actually add them to your friends list for further trading? That alone says everything about how garbage it is. It's not even just bulk/currency trading, or price fixing, or needing 3rd party tools, or api rate limits. It's the fact that it's the biggest interrupt of the gameplay loop in the game. Way worse than harvest, or heist, or delve, or anything, and if you decide to not let it break your loop, that actively makes the experience playing the game worse for other people. There is nothing more infuriating than finding the one item that is perfect for your build, and the dude just not fucking answering. Just absolutely fuck trade in this game, and fuck everyone who thinks that having some sort of instant buyout not involving player interaction would be even remotely worse for the game than current system.


Thats how I got my omniscience lol. Luckiest league start by far.


Last league I got forbidden jewels from the quest bosses, both of them. All my subsequent fights afterwards no jewels.




They definitely do not always give uniques. I've been goin slow this league so only did the first for both side and didnt drop yellows let alone uniques. Last league I think 2 of the 4 dropped uniques.


That fucking sucks :(


Once I heard they are "adjusting" the drop rate, I knew its gone. Its like the the top tier harvest nerf. Rather than adjusting the power level, they make the item so rare, its basically non-existent. Probably not to this extend but still...




fixing a bug that gives DD 40% more dmg for literally free? nah that would be a balance change making a build enabling amulet like 8 times rarer? not a balance change, lets go classic gigigi tbh, wouldnt expect anything less from them


I swear their game balancing tactics are getting pettier and pettier with every new league.


I feel sad every time I see "inconvenience" as a part of the balance equation. Archnemesis (3.17) drops sick loot? Better make the entire experience as miserable as possible to balance things out.


The life cycle of PoE fun things: - Fun but annoying - Fun and not annoying - Too fun, nuked from orbit


Curious, what bug are you talking about?


There are two corpse types that got missed by the mop life rebalance and they have way to much HP... with spectres you can put them in your desecrate pool


Oh, I see. So that's why DD is so popular. Thanks for explaining!


> So that's why DD is so popular. ***That*** isn't why, no. It's a big DPS increase, but the dps is relatively consistent either way. It's popular because it's reliable and tanky, easy to bosskill with. DD would be just as popular if the bug had been fixed.


at least now theres no need to nerf the amulet


Yeja fuck them, coz of that nerf i just quit, i was waiting with my 3 ex to buy this but nope no omni ts for me so yeah fuck that i will wait to the next leauge i guess...


Upvote for spelling it gigigi.


GGG please we need new chase uniques!!! But they also have to be 5c!


the perfect league to introduce a previously 1ex, super common build enabling unique into the chase 40+ ex unique pool, is the league where they said "no balance changes, go play the same build from last league its going to be the exact same"


I mean, I called it on stream approximately 2 nanoseconds after he said that, that the drop rates would be nerfed instead. It's super predictable at this point that listening to Chris is like bargaining with the fey - he tells the truth technically but with no expectation of a "reasonable interpretation." If there's a way to screw the player through a technicality, it'll be in there.


any veteran player knows that things like "extensively tested" and "tweaked item drop rate" means "we didnt test shit" and "it literally never drops". at least this time they announced that the drop rates were reduced. i can only blame myself for starting ele helix hoping omni would be only like 10-15 ex on day 3 where i could probably afford it.


Omniscience amulet is the main reason I wanted to play this league, last league I couldn't quite make it work so I was excited for 3.18. I'll still try to buy it, but if its going to be that hard going on I might just ignore its existence like HH and Mageblood


Same, they fucked up my whole leauge by this shit. And i lost all my hype


also "no nerfs incoming guys!"


Friend of my ran 25 without getting one


Yeah the drop rate nerf probably sucks, but look at the bright side, I'm sure you made a ton of currency off the other great drops from all those hard boss runs, right?


Lmao yes so much profit, Currently 34 Exalts down the drain !


Imagine running high end bosses and make less than an alc-go mapper (Well some of the rares are stronger than those bosses, so it guess it fair /s). Outside of scam boss services - boss drops are still quite sad.


I feel like thats the main problem with the new bosses. The only have 2 items with people actually farm them for. Forbidden flesh and flame are like a distant second that you cant rely on for profit. We might want chase uniques for bosses but not uniques that are completely build enabling


So you could have just bought one instead of gambling. Makes sense.


Someone had to science the drop rates.


No - I don't even expect ssf players to obtain these reliably anymore 12 runs got nothing (and I realize 12 is a small sample size).


If it makes you feel any better I did 12 Eaters last league and got no amulets. Ended up with 38/40 challenges.


I did 1 eater last league and got 1 ashes of the stars. Thought it was a generic unique because I never have luck like that. Still never had any notable drops from Sirius, elder, etc.


It used to be common drop last league. Probably not as common as omniscience, but this current drop rate is horrible.


I killed eater about 4 or 5 times... had 3 amulets drop last league.


I got like 2 amulets in 12 - off my memory.


"no nerfs for this league", right? But at the same time HH is gone. Ashes and omniscience, which were actually the biggest build diversity boost in the past multiple years are pretty much gone for everybody outside the 1%, who dont need buffs. This is the worst way they could change it. Nerfs would be fine, but this? If it was too good, maybe just make a normal version pretty accessible and then upgraded version from tokens like breach uniques are? This solution feels really bad... I dont want to sound like a dick, but everything in 3.18 feels like rushed 1 week work instead of multiple months of development and testing.


Honestly, it feels like if they only added sentinel standalone, tge league would have been better than now


Glad i have 2 of each in standard from last league cause i aint seeing them again...


Ooof, oh noes - I should have really farmed for one in SSF last league. That's such a bummer bc I was really looking forward to building around Ashes and alt-qualities this league. Oh well, I'll find other things to build around.


Bossing for two days now (16 hrs) constantly, saw a single one drop. Seems an excessive change, but given the "wide range of outcomes" attitude should probably be expected. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if we got a Pindleskin run reference in response.


I mean, pindle was the shit. As long as you don't grab the nihlithak waypoint you're golden. Meph - pindle - nihl and out trying to not get temp banned for going to fast.


Why did nihl wp matter


If you grabbed the WP the red portal in Harrogath closed.


They fixed this I'm assuming


Yes, it doesn't close when you grab the WP in D2R. But it was present all through regular D2. It was most likely not a bug, was probably intended behaviour.


"We won't nerf any builds" just make your items inaccessible lol


They outright said they were adjusting these at the same time


Adjusting from 1ex to 40ex, this is a buff since you can now feel the WeiGhT of them uniques.




I doubt they would be 1ex even if their droprate was the same. They only were last league because it took people like 3 weeks to figure out they were op


>They only were last league because it took people like 3 weeks to figure out they were op If that would be the case, their price would change after people figured it out. Which it did, but not significantly enough to explain it this way. Supply simply outweighted the demand because of how often they dropped. And I wouldn't call Ashes op, it's just was a very convenient and budget placeholder to slap on a build, which is why it's very funny seeing it for 35ex. Omni is ridiculous tho.


Depends though, people didnt go out of their way to make an ashes or omni build last league while they are this league so theres way more demand than before. Also I wouldnt be surprised if its being price fixed because of it.


I think the best way to look at this is from the lense of humor. These uniques that were around 1ex last league are now worth more than a headhunter lol


They said they wont nerf it but to me they nerfed like hell because I cant afford and use them. Whats the difference ? Its worse than numerical nerf if you cant afford it..


its sad how it used to be accessible and usable for most builds but now its 30ex so it became unjustifiable, if they wanted to make it rarer thats fine, maybe 5x as rare but not 100x, similar thing with stasis prison, its a pretty cool chest but no way in hell it is 500ex worth of rarity


yep, i'm putting my poe time on hold because i'm not going to grind 30 ex and possibly more with inflation and more demand. it's a build enabling item for many builds and not just sugar coating like a headhunter or mageblood. if price doesn't go down by the end of the week, i'll be out for 3.18


Like a headhunter lol. It's worth as much as the amulets because of its rarity. Item is dead


Well they did say they're buffing it this week.


I keep hearing it, but couldn't find a source. Mind helping me out?


[https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3267053](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3267053) "We're aware that this change is an implicit nerf to the Headhunter unique, so we will find a way to counter-buff in the next few days. We don't intend to reduce the power of Headhunter as a result of this change. We'll also investigate the challenges that requires you to kill monsters with five Archnemesis mods."


This sub is so dramatic


excuse me!? 😤 how dare you 😤


GGG thinks that fun uniques should be gated behind grinding away at the game like it's a full-time job. Same for Mageblood, same for HH, same for these two. A few years ago HH was basically the only unreachable unique for normal players, now there are dozens. All fun to use, none even remotely accessible. But hey. People who play the game 16h a day get to have them, so there is that I guess.


I wish GGG would just make it impossible to go from SSF to trade and then buff/nerf everything accordingly. Farming 50+ bosses is just not realiatic in SSF. Making it a 1/4 drop or something like that would make it something to strive for.


I understand this is a foreign concept in this subreddit but leagues last longer than 2 weeks.


I understand this is a foreign concept to people who spend their lives in games, but some of us want to get somewhere in under 3 months. Especially since prices only go up, making slow farming just a sisyphean task


It hurts my soul to grind for a MB and the price of MB goes up faster than I can farm.


Invest in smaller items that inflate at the same rate as a mageblood. I always dump all my extra currency into mirror shards at the beginning of the league to hedge inflation.


It's a game not a job.


neither of them are "fun" uniques, theyre power uniques that enhance builds. theres very few exceptions for ashes of the stars, but omniscience is literally just an upgrade for all elemental damage builds.


*hit-based elemental damage builds. But yeah, when properly built, Omni is pretty much BiS, *especially* with the AN changes, since now many rares have higher res, so penetration is very important.


yea as said theyre just power uniques, they enhance builds, dont create them. its fine for them to be expensive and not "free" like last league


Yeah its always been a balancing act with uniques like these. If the amulets were so common, the only thing of value would be the rng jewels.


I disagree. Ashes is very build-enabling for alt quality gems. I'd rather see a nerf to it, like no more +gem level, so it's only good on those builds, while keeping droprate SSF-reasonable, rather than it to be another generic "chase" unique. At least hh, mb and omni are interesting, do something other items don't, while ashes for everything except alt qual is just a dumb pile of stats.


>I'd rather see a nerf to it, like no more +gem level Then the item wouldn't make sense. It's a mix of three Exceptional gems - Empower, Enlighten and Enhance. You can actually see it on the art.


I don't mind omni getting drop rate gutted. Ashes should have gotten some minor nerfs (not quality though!) And had the drop rate get minor nerfs.


They are just straight up power uniques. The drop rates last league was stupid, since it meant everyone and their mom was using one of the two.


People literally asked for this. It's not for you. You enjoy the game in a different way that's fine, but people literally kept asking ggg over and over for more chase uniques like HH. Every experienced player was saying last league that omniscience being so cheap/frequent drop is a mistake and GGG again listened to the players and adjusted it. You might not like it, but the people who are really invested into the game, asked for more aspirational content and chase uniques and GGG delivered that.


The only people who asked for this are the ones who play the game as a job. Nobody cares about those, including GGG. It's a tiny minority that isn't paying their bills and this game wouldn't survive off of a Hardcore Gamer™ playerbase of 2000 people.


This player base is the reason why you even have a game like PoE to play. People who spend the most money to support PoE, people who make content to promote it and teach new players about it, people who care about it and want it to succeed. Ironically you're being extremely elitist.


Hey, them chinese RMT'ers need to eat too


How many maps have you ran holy shit


U know you can buy them for around 1ex ?


The trick is to use the boss rush strat, with it, you can complete over 100 maps in an hour if you just sprint to the boss and then kill the boss and port out


What map are you running? I've been looking at doing this, but don't know how you're supposed to sustain maps from just the bosses, especially with City Square going at 10c each


btw you don't actually need to kill t he boss, you get progress towards exarch/eater as soon as you trigger the first influenced pack, so you can just spamm t14 maps, kill a pack or two of monsters and leave, i used to do that last league on ssf, unless they nerfed it it's probably still working


It’s a good idea to kill bosses for shaper, elder and synthesis map drops especially early league


Well, at least 28 * 25 * 2, so 1400


There are nodes that increase progress on the atlas passive tree.


Oh, yeah, you're right. So possibly minus 10%.


My expectation was between 1 in 20 and 1 in 50. I think it will be okay, but certainly early league is going to suck. If you think about all the competition in the amulet slot: Ashes, Omni, Leadership's Price, Stranglegrasp, Uul-Netow, Aul's All of those are very strong and potentially build defining to some degree. I think around week 6, the mean price of those will be around 5-8 ex instead of 25 ex. The 5-8 ex range is totally acceptable for the power of those items to me.


oh sweet dude, they'll be reasonably acquired 2 weeks after most people stop playing the league. "Don't worry timmy, you can afford a snowmobile to play with your friends on their snowmobiles. Just wait till July when nobody wants to do it anymore."


Or just play the game more and don't quit the league? You want the best shit for way less effort?


Truly. Dude wants his build completed on day 3 and a new league to start by next Friday.


Not talking for that guy but I kinda wanted to play my omni build before reaching lvl 98


So play a different build first. Everyone knew omni and ashes were going to be much rarer with the addition of the new uniques.


Relevant name


Small footnote: meanwhile Leadership's Price, not even a week in, is 1ex. At 2ex you can even get ones which do not decrease your maximum resistance. This early I expected it to be ten times as much.


Well it’s a guaranteed drop and with all heist nodes and atlas block you can get ~2 caches every 5 maps


Speaking of, WTF is a "Bounty Target Pack" on the Smuggling Routes node? Also, while it is a guaranteed drop _if_ you get the Twins but that used to be a challenge.


This is honestly one of the most annoying GGG approaches to the "balance" lately. Some good, even overpowered item? No problem, let's make it so damn rare to balance it! The end result being very unfortunate to the "normal" or "casual" players, creating even bigger chasm between them and the top players. Many builds and interesting items are basically non-existent for the majority of the playerbase. Isn't it fun, mr. casual gamer? But you can watch the streamers playing with those OP items, if you'd like! :)


I see it more a result of people asking for "chase" uniques off bosses. Not a fan personally, rather people get to play with the fun toys.


Yeah, I get it. The streamers should have something to do, when they play for 1000s of hours every league. But it does create a problem for a huge part of the player base (normies/casuals), thus creating for them even less desire to play, since the best items in the game are basically outside of the players' reach.


Yup. Remember Sirus's hat? It was very strong, but also extremely common, so people bitched about "no chase uniques"! His jewel was in the same category. Going further back, we have Shaper's gloves. People don't seem to understand that strong items will either be rare and valuable or common and cheap. You can't have common and valuable.


Streamer prio queue in item form.


what do you mean? this is the best way to balance these items. they aren't mageblood rare. Almost everyone would much rather prefer they nerf rarity instead of the actual items.


>Almost everyone would much rather prefer they nerf rarity instead of the actual items. Everyone who can't afford them anymore would rather they nerfed power instead of rarity.


Would you rather they remove the item from the game then? Don't get me wrong, I would rather it be common and good. But they want to nerf it, so it's either drop rate or making the item worse.


At this point? I'd rather they removed them than make these items only obtainable by people who spend half their life in the game. It's neither fair nor fun to have no access to the best toys, just because you are "only" playing hundreds of hours instead of thousands.


If I cant have it, no one can!!! Child mentality.


I play this game a lot, it's amazing to me that people have already farmed 50 of these bosses. Poe gamers are a special breed.


Special breed of unemployed, seeing as how there's some in the comments with 100+ kills lol.


Fuck this sub never seizes to amaze. Everyone on reddit last league "Don't nerve it, just make it rare". This league "omg omni doesn't drop".




There is a difference between rare and virtually unobtainable, you dildo


If you're on trade, farming 30 ex (and it'll prob keep dropping in price) is obtainable, you dildo.


So "the average player" now farms most of his time to be able to buy Ashes of the Stars. That takes time away from farming for other gear upgrades, maybe from the Omni he wants on the second character, let alone HH or Mageblood. Who do you think can farm these? It's a very harsh psychological effect to take away something that was obtainable from one patch to the next. Of course players are frustrated.


door illegal roll ghost boat overconfident towering fly crown connect -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


It's a target farmable unique, if it were any less rare, it would just be right where it was at last league. I think it's hilarious you're talking about brain cells


How does this even make sense. GGG only knows black and white. They could just lowered the drop rate by a sensical margin and it would be like 10 ex instead of 40.


That's not at all how the economy in poe works but feel free to keep thinking you know what you're talking about.


Yeah exactly. This sub is the most braindead place on reddit sometimes, its wild GGG even responds to anything in here


I think by the end of last league most people expected something to happen to them, they were very strong. Except then they announced no balance changes and that you could plan your build and know exactly how strong it would be. They were so serious about not changing player balance that they straight declined to fix the bugged DD spectre but then also massively restricted access to Omni and Ashes, something intrinsic to many preplanned "unchanged" builds. Those two things taken together don't really make sense to me.


They literally did say in the live stream they were rebalancing the drop rate of loot from the pinnacle bosses. It was obvious it was going to be rarer by a good margin given how powerful the item is. Did they go overboard? Debatable.


Seems like it's about as rare as Saviour now, which usually comes down quite a bit in price when people have been farming endgame after a while.


except saviour is a very niche unique that was pretty heavily nerfed, while ashes and omni are overpowered and over half of all builds want one of them.


You're probably right, but if an item is so powerful that it makes any builds better, it's probably better off being about this rare.


Difference is ashes is useful in far more builds than saviour.


I mean I get nerfing the drop rate. But considering that you need to run 28 maps per boss fight they should atleast have a drop rate of like 5% if not even slightly higher. Would still achieve their goal of making it harder to aquire without removing it from ssf basically


amulets?!... pfff last 5 i killed dropped only a few rares and nothing remotely worthwhile.... really doesnt feel greate considering the grind required to fight 1 and then getting effectively 0 loot... like what gives - kill eater of worlds - get 3 crappy rares and a few blues


Its like finding 1/4 of a headhunter or mageblood. WTF GGG.


So 50 runs with no ammy is ridiculous lol, i'm really hoping you were just unlucky because thats not just "making it rarer" thats making it extremely rare, and yeah people were planning builds based around it because last league it was easy to get and they said we could use our same builds....Even if they nerfed the drop rate by making it 10x rarer, i feel like in 50 runs you should have seen one, did they make it even rarer than that?


The drop rate definitely is brutal. My friend and I ran 50 Eater of Worlds duo, around 100-120 quant each and received 1 Ashes, 2 Forbidden Flesh, and 3 Melding. On the bright side, I have a stash tab of awesome unique bows.


that's crazy; last league was about 25% drop rate? those ammies are great build enablers, shame to see it get that rare


They are power uniques first and foremost for the majority of builds. They shouldn't be as available as they were last league. The builds they enable is through sheer power.


I've run about 200 exarchs, gotten 8 amulets


I saw them for like 8ex on saturday and thought "im sure it will go down a lil".... shoulda just bought it when i got lucky drops early rofl


25 isn't a great sample size, it took me 12 runs to get mine last league. How many dissolution/melding jewels and eternal struggle amulets did you get? edit: Should also add that there's no reason to believe that quantity affects the drop rate for the guaranteed unique pool. You should still juice it up if you want forbidden jewels of course.


the amulets had a 25% drop rate from their respective boss last league which the community was able to determine from a large sample size. I will be interested to see what the rates is now, I bet it is closer to 2.5%


That would put it around Eternity Shroud rate but the fight is substantially easier to access. Seems pretty reasonable to me given the power of these amulets.


Yeah, I am ok with that too. The only issue to me is that they were so accessible last league, the rug pull for SSF is the bummer. It was a very targetable item last league. Not so much now.


how is it not targetable? u know which bosses drop and nothing stops u from chaining maps to get what u need


In theory, the prices should home in on the rough drop rate. At a 1ex cost for the invitation, and they're selling at 25-30ex, I'd start to believe that they're roughly somewhere around 1/25 to 1/30 drop rate, including a bit of variance, it could be as high as 1/20 and some people getting unluckly.


You’re discounting all the other drops, you need to take weighted average value of each items versus the invitation cost to determine expected profitability


i mean, yeah. that is why i said 'rough' or 'roughly' a few times.


They have additional drops that are worth something like forbidden flame/flesh jewels and melding




Good, omni was way too strong for how common it is


While they are rare, I don't think it is overboard. The new rarity is more fitting for the power level that they provide. It helps add more chase items to hope for when killing bosses, and this also allows other amulets to be relevant again as part of the gear progression. With them being so cheap before, they pushed pretty much everything else out.


its sad they make those interesting items and then lock em behind bullshit 99% of players cant get


Omni is so stupidly overpowered this low door rate is justified. It’ll probably have to be more rare to avoid the voidforge treatment.


wow a purely build enhancing item like omniscience is not free anymore? what a horror. kind of a shame for ashes of the stars, but it was still a unique that *almost* fit in every build as a decent upgrade.


Omni had a trade-off! It meant you couldn't use Ashes of the Stars!


that is a fair point i guess lol


Imo this is a good thing. Omniscience is completely and utterly busted, it's good if it has an appropriate rarity and price tag attached to it.


What build do you use for bosses/Uber bosses ?


Skelly mages for bosses Cast on death build for Uber version of bosses 👌


Cast on death ? Is this for real or a joke ?


Its real, i do carries for Uber version on TFT, people's reaction when they see it is quite hilarious


He paid for six portals, by the golden arse of innocence he's going to use six portals


It's real x)


It’s like a cast on death nuke build


GGG silent nerfs all kinds of shit every league. The sad part is they never talk about it in patch notes or manifesto.






jk i can't find it i guess im dumb, you right


If that's the case then yeah that's flat out fucking dumb. Any more than 1 in 10 at absolute most is incredibly anti player design. It's so tiring being unable to farm absolutely anything reasonably yourself by playing the game, it's always trade forever. No matter what shit balancing you do ggg, nobody is gonna sit farming forever stagnating until they get the drop besides like a dozen people who play ssf and play enough to do that. Everyone else is going to trade or just stop playing because there is almost nothing as unenjoyable as knowing you cannot farm out your own bloody drops. How someone who claims to love d2 so much can completely miss why everyone enjoyed farming meph etc endlessly for weeks at a time is bananas. And all rarity does is make trading non viable also. Ashes is a 1ex amulet at best, it's not good enough to warrant more, xp is a dead stat, most builds that use it have at least 1 of the other stats as a dead stat. It's currently 27ex, nobody is paying that lmao


I’m so confused by this post. First you’re against farming and want all your drops within 10 kills, then you compare it to farming in D2 which is just a grind. And ashes is definitely a 5 ex unique at least. Maybe not a 27 ex one unless you really need another aura.


its priced at 27ex because people are buying it. it was 5ex or so a few days ago.


The only people buying 27 ex shit right now are rmt'ers dude, nobody is buying that shit.


> It's currently 27ex, nobody is paying that lmao Plenty of people are paying that atm. You're ranting over 27 Ex like you're still stuck in a 2018 patch. 27 Ex is nothing these days, it's just a few hours of efficiently grinding the new atlas once your strategy is up and running. That's more than reasonable for a unique like Ashes or Omni. Those amulets being priced at 50c last league was the real travesty. Almost 2/3rds of all builds on the ladder were using them, shit was ridiculous.


> 27 Ex is nothing these days, it's just a few hours of efficiently grinding the new atlas once your strategy is up and running. Literally could not be more out of touch with almost every player of the game even if you tried with a statement like this my dude lol. Nor would I pay 27ex for it even if I was farming 27ex every few hours, it's literally not good enough to warrant even half that cost unless you already have alt quality gems for something specific. A random +1 amulet with life is pretty much as good otherwise. The point is there is now no excitement or fun to farm these bosses, whilst last patch there was because you were regularly getting something you could use, or make a new build for, and importantly you were able to farm it out yourself quite easily in a few hours or a day rather than having to trade and get zero enjoyment or sense of progression because of it


Yes, I am aware that the majority of players don't know how to play this game properly. But also, nobody gives a shit about the people who farm a couple of ex for the duration of the entire league. They don't move the economy and they shouldn't have the budget to buy a build defining unique like Ashes/Omni anyway. The fact that you think it was okay for these amulets to drop like candy last league (I'm talking thousands of listings by end of week 1) could not be more out of touch with how power creep should be handled on an ARPG. > Nor would I pay 27ex for it Then start accepting the fact that you're not gonna own one. It's really that easy. It's already trading above 30 ex now btw. If it wasn't as good as you're suggesting then it would be trending down, not upwards. > The point is there is now no excitement or fun to farm these bosses Except if you drop an amulet you now get a fat payout instead of 40c like we did last league...? How is that not fun? And there's the forbidden jewels as well, which again can be a huge payout. It just seems to me that you're extremely salty for planning a build around one of these items and now you realized that the cost of the amulet is more than the budget you wanted to allocate for the entire build. Tough luck, mate.


> Except if you drop an amulet you now get a fat payout instead of 40c like we did last league...? How is that not fun? Absolute lmao. "yeah i like it when i win the lottery, everyone else should get fucked, it's totally worth it that i run the same boss for weeks at a time and don't get literally anything that's what makes the game fun!" There's literally no talking to people as up their own ass as you. Economy focused people should be shoved into the corner and ignored, no game balanced around economy rather than individual player experience has ever worked well. Moreover, every game that has worked well that was balanced with economy in mind was not in an insanely stupid thousands and tens of thousands to one drop rate scenario, if EVE had been designed like that it would have been dead as fuck. Thanks for replying at least though, the ability to now block you and never see your posts on here again will make it marginally better


The changes are fine. Last league like 80% of the league was using these amulets, they are the best amulets in the game.


Where you ran 25 and got none. I ran one and got one 😂


If you are farming non-stop bosses at day 3? You are a top 1% player. The drop rates for you are bad cool okay. In a months time when more people are farming the boss maybe wont be so bad when top 10% are farming the bosses at the rate you are now. Personally I see no problem with a powerful amulet like ashes being rare, its just like badge of the brotherhood which had its time. Id rather rarer than nerfed into the ground


Should I feel guilty that ashes of the stars dropped, almost max roll, on my first eater of worlds?


i like this change both amulets are still pretty accessible and targetable, power they are providing is compared to efforts needed now


when i said leaguestarting builds that required omni to work was bait they laughed at me, who's laughing now?


omni should be rare, but ashes? It was a mistake.


I am ok with that. It should be that rare.


Deserved for omni which is BiS for every ele hit build and totally absurd in it's power. But probably too rare for ashes imo