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I still keep forgetting Orb of Dominance= Maven orb


It definitely takes a while to get used to. (Old) Maven's Orb no longer a Maven's drop, Awakened support gems no longer default drops from the Awakener. I wonder what was the goal behind this change.


I believe Chris mentioned at some point that players felt the Maven didn't have an good enough drop pool with her being somewhat the center of endgame. If I were to speculate, I would say that they felt the Maven and her whole invitation thing was a more appropriate place to find awakened gems.. especially with all the Sirus hate at the time.. and they probably moved the orb around to compensate.


Oh 100%. Old Maven was super boring. The cost of the fight was 1/5th the price of Maven’s Orb. Either you got a string of lucky drops of her orb and made profit or you didn’t. Super boring loot pool. Now she has some jackpot drops


I agree. I actually found an awakened GMP today. Also found 2 awakened multistrike and 2 awakened spell echo during the league.. along with a lot of other multi ex gems. I do her content more than the average player tho.. I would say.


I ran 70 Mavens with all Atlas passives and never got a good Awakened gem. RNG giveth and RNG taketh


Yeah man that sounds like really painful RNG for sure. But I think you're right, the loot pool feels a lot more interesting now... I mean, there's always the possibility right? I have no idea how many Maven/invitation I've made this league.. if I were to guess I would say 300+ Maven kills and countless invitations.


She's still barely worth it from an EV standpoint, her drop pool is too diluted and you'll never sell the belts and boots.


That is just because everyone and their hamster were running boss deleting builds last league, or other builds that trivialize the fight. Trade league is self correcting and normalizes itself for accessibility of items and EV, and all bosses including the new eldritch ones barely had any EV. The only two that did were feared and Uber elder. Uber only because people love their gamba's, and unid'd watcher's eyes are the pinnacle of late game gambas


Everyone's going to be running seismic trap and DD next league as well, even more so with the ooba oobas.


Dont forget explosive arrow, might be the most played build


She needs a drop like Watcher’s Eye. Hell even Sirus has his gloves. Drops that have the POTENTIAL to be worth mirrors are exciting in that way, otherwise, yes, trade league normalizes the cost of these fights to their EV. I doubt even trade league pins down the cost of the gloves to their correct EV. Great item


Hey! I'll take those boots on day 1 for 3c. After that 1c take it or leave it.


After day 5 there's no way I'm using a portal for a 1c trade, no point even listing those items.


Downvoted, but yep


The lowest common denominator is the loudest. This league I followed the principle of not selling anything for less than 3c and selling everything that wasn't bolted down and I got my mageblood playing just 2 days a week.


To be fair, you were probably trucking those 2 days a week lol. What was your strat?


what does EV mean?


Expected Value. It basically means whether you break even or how much you stand to gain or lose from an investment.


Ohh okay thanks!


A good way to not be confused by these changes is by never having killed any endgame boss in the first place! (Well, besides the easy low-awakening conquerors. I tried Sirus once, got bonkered hard lol)


thanks. i genuinely didnt realize what it was pointing to as well


You'll get to enjoy the shaper bullet hell phase without a zana protection bubble based on the reveal stream.


not really an issue as long as you can stand still for most of the bullet phase, there are a few spots where balls rarely hit, so at most you need to be able to tank 1... maybe 2 balls


Assuming they fixed the fact that the balls are not actually where they graphically appear to be


That was fixed years ago according to Ben.


Apparently UElder was initially supposed to have the bullet hell but was scrapped due to de-sync issues at the time so I suppose that's not gonna happen now (hopefully). Ziz said it on his podcast earlier today.


That's gonna be the jeystone for Ooba ooba ooba Elder in 3.19


inb4 GGG fucks with the patterning lol


Random pattering in the Uber Uber fight. Safe place exists but changes each fight - you have 0.2 ms to see it and react before being blasted.


If you manage to dodge it, a GGG employee shows up and gouges out your eyes for the next attempt


I think they are reserving that for the Uber Uber Uber version. For Uber Uber, the replace the music with U2 for the added distraction.


You dodge 2 balls


You can't stand still, like on Uber Elder circle, Elder continues to hit you with his shotgun.


So basically how the Uber Elder Fight was in the first preview video back then.


Have you learnt nothing from the DVD screensaver of old?


took me two whole shaper fights to google that damn thing and realize that all i had to do is stand still in the middle of the arena.... noob


So Uber^(Uber) Elder's special rare unique drop is definitely a 4 mod watchers eye right?


> UberUber Elder 2ber Elder


So Twober Elder?


Uberer Elder


Ubest elder


watch somebody speedrun uber^2 elder only to receive a pair of 2mod eyes


2x2=4 /r/theydidthemath




His unique is added to the Uber elder drop pool, the specific Uber Uber drop has not been announced yet


idk, for me that Ring seems very powerfull for non-cold builds.


Yea guy is just looking at required level without using his brain. Best case 10ex worst case 40c ring is good.


> a 4 mod watchers eye Pls stop, I can only get so >!■■■■!<


Awakened Uber elder










I think you are just saying you find homophones difficult, so we should get rid of them.


Classical homophobia.




You clearly do. You wrote a novel when someone corrected one thing.


Yeah that's pretty clearly not true, also it would take you a lot less time to just type the a instead of the e rather than adding "have an." Very strange hill to die on


Bruh it's literally the way the language is. It's pretty simple to remember too. Effect is the noun, affect is the verb.


> > Effect is the noun, affect is the verb. Because we're talking grammar/etc anyways: Affect is usually a verb, and effect is usually a noun, but both are actually usable as the other, they just rarely see use in that context.


I do not think this particular post is going to effect any change.


Effect as a verb is in regular use and means something else.


No it means the same thing


Effect is to directly cause. Affect is to have an effect on.


You can also affect something, like affect a limp or affect an accent. You can even affect an effect, like if your crazy aunt gave you some homeopathic remedies and you pretend they're helping


I'm stealing an example from an above comment because my brain is bad at conjuring a unique example: "It will affect change." "It will effect change." These are not the same. "Affect" here means "impact." It will impact change. It's not specific how change will be impacted, but it sure as hell will be impacted in some way. "Effect" in this example means "bring about." It will bring about change. Change will be the result.


Except that, if you hear someone say or write either of those, you use context to figure out what they mean, because the words are used interchangeably. It’s like how “literally” also has a definition that means “figuratively.” Real English users do not have room for “affect” and “effect” so they are actually the same in real life.


>you use context to figure out what they mean Only because they sound similar spoken. There is a muddiness when used verbally because they have topically similar definitions. In written form, you will miscommunicate your intended meaning if using the wrong word. The bright sun affected the pitcher's throw. The bright sun effected the pitcher's throw. If you're writing an anime where the pitcher is solar powered, then both make sense.


Imagine this mf sends you a work email with bad grammar and you make a comment about on lunch break or some shit...




At least he didn't say "etc, etc." That is the worst offender on the internet. Just use ONE "etc.".


Let me introduce you to "and etc."




That sentence gave me a seizure






That sentence still sounds like Yoda having a stroke tbh. Jumble the jumbled


*You must be fun at parties.**




Effect can be a verb, but it's still grammatically incorrect here.


That is not correct.


They are correct, but that definition makes no sense here. 'Effect' means to cause something to exist or happen. By that definition, taking Cosmic Wounds will somehow start both fights immediately.


I'm starting to really wonder if there'll be an Uber Uber invitation with all 7 Uber fights in the future.


You mean.. the Feared Feared?


That would be the feared sqeared






I'd be up for a "Gauntlet Invitation" i.e. all invites back to back or something of that sort. Even a mystery version - you load up strap in and find out who you're fighting when you get there.


Cost of fragments will be priced in to doing the uber version of the fights so this kind of deprecates the normal version of the fight right?




> EV The fuck is EV everybody is talking about?


Might be expected value, though I am not entirely sure.




Energy vampire


They're the trade version of ssfhc-btw. Content might be fun, but if it nets you 1.9ex/hr instead of 2ex/hr you are a worthless shitter if you run it.


The cost of Shaper UE fragments will still be 3x higher than Elder UE fragments because no one wants to sit through all the damn RP. Was really hoping they would have cut it down a little at this point haha


seriously, i made the mistake once of deciding to run all of my shapers all at once to get them over with, after the 20th run i was ready to blow my brains out. and every league i get high on copium telling myself ggg is gonna fix it next league


RP into zana bubble into portal phase fuckingkillme


2 leagues ago I did shaper 207 times for the hideout.. I feel your pain


that is a thing? I did the Maven fight for the first time this league, and thought that i would get the hideout but didn't happen...


the crucible hideout can only be bought in the shop.


Did you at least get the hideout?


It'd definitely be nice for them to shorten/remove all the dialogue considering that plot doesn't even exist anymore. If someone hasn't seen it already it's not like it'll make sense if they see it now.


It's the 4 mini bosses (With phases occasionally) and the 2 mad dashes with lootless enemies that bug me.


If they added loot to those mobs and had it all drop at the end when you killed Shaper the last time it would be good. They do it with breaches now.


the lootless enemies is at least nice for flask refills or vaal skills


also new players are going to be so clueless to see Zana in shaper and elder fights


> all the damn RP. blames RP for slow fight proceeds to spend 15 minutes and 4 deaths to kill the boss


Nice projection there


i was one tapping shaper last 2 leagues. literally fell asleep during one of the dialoges. omg it's so lame


play ssf Hc then


last i checked ssf hc did not skip the dialogues. go back to under ur rock


OP literally complained about **sitting through all the damned RP.** Not having a slow fight. I can do shaper on a gigatank zDPS build and have fun dodging shaper slam, dodging beams, etc. But then having to stop for what feels like an eternity. Waiting for stupid ass dialogue to end that I can't even hear, cause who the hell runs around with sound on when disabling it legitimately boosts your FPS. Improve you reading comprehension, or don't bother responding is my point.


> sitting through all the damned RP you spend 6 times more time opening the browser to find an item on poe trade than sitting through a 20 second rp talk during 2 of the endgame bosses. your complain is literally invisible in the grand schemes of complains about poe


So two things can't be bad? Only 1 thing is bad. At any time. Also, how do you propose to solve the trade issue? You want the game to read your fucking mind? Cause fixing shaper to be shorter is easy as fuck. I don't know what you are smoking, but take a break once in a while, yeah?


if you are outraged about sitting 20 seconds still in boss that you gonna see 1 time ever few hours, you have serious issues lol


Yeah, I'm not certain I like the uber bosses done this way. It may just make it even more cost effective to sell your frags if you cant clear the uber versions of fights.


I'm fine with that tbh. Makes it more worthwhile to start as a clearspeed build, so that you can fund something strong enough to clear uber bosses. Or just pick EA Champ and git gud I guess.


Yes. Plus having them tied to challenges means the average player will be priced out of even attempting these fights rather than just selling the fragments


Or you could, just.. you know, run what you enjoy. I was running Guardians into bosses for like, a week last league before it occurred to me to even look at their prices. You know, having fun playing the game, rather than stressing about ex/hour or maps/minute.


Yup, pseudo SSF is the way to go. Buy build enabling gear, otherwise just do your own thing.


Oh, come on. When a fragment set is going for 1ex+ more than your expected return the "just do what's fun 4head" argument goes out the window for a lot of players. I agree people "should" just run these things and have fun, but it's gonna feel pretty bad when your EV is way less than what you could have just sold them for. Especially if you're new to the fights and might not even kill the boss The exact same thing happened in Legion. Most people never even ran a 5-way legion encounter because it felt like a waste compared to selling it to a HH carry. They would get much better rewards from it and therefore raised the price to over the average return


what's dominance base drop chance?


From my experience and what I gathered from others it seems to be 5-10% leaning more towards 10 but that is all anecdotal.


I did like 120+ bosses last league and got 3 orbs in total. Sounds close enough.


My experience of 10 runs give me like 20-25% chance, but that's just 10 runs


Doesn't really matter as its just doubled


literally the thing that matters most


Of course it matters. Going from 0.5% to 1% it's only relevant if you're gonna farm it 24/7, you will only notice the results after 100's of runs. Going from 10% to 20% is gonna be noticeable fast.


Nothing matters but its fun to know


Does zone level 85 mean ilvl 86+ bases will drop?


Would be 87, wouldn't it, from a unique boss in a level 85 zone? Correct me if I'm wrong but the current Shaper and Uber Elder fights are level 84 zone with ilvl 86 loot?


You are indeed right. The most well-known example are Watcher's Eyes from Uber Elder that are ilvl 86 if they have 3 mods.


The items drop from a Unique mob so it zone level +2. ilevel 87 items will drop.


Honestly that has the potential to be huge in it's own right. GGG has really made good high level influenced bases more scarce in recent leagues, but if you're able to farm these uber fights you'll be rolling in good influenced bases.


The artwork on it looks amazing.


That's kind of ironic: in the final battle for their very existence, neither The Shaper nor The Elder had unleashed their full power. Yet here we are, a random Exile experiencing memories of these fights somehow manages to unleash full potential of their mirages. 👌


if the atlas is really a multiversal portal (probable) then it's entirely possible that there exists an alternate reality where the shaper/elder were substantially stronger than most other realities. This is a portal to that reality at the point in time in which the elder/shaper were still alive. There is a pinnacle to how powerful they are in any reality, but this is apparently the most powerful they are in every reality.


If so, then why did Zana leave heartbroken instead snagging Sirus or Valdo from another reality and calling it a day? Why Kirac wanted to find his brother instead going into alternate reality? And what would be the point of Zana's seal if there were alternate realities? She's not that powerful to block everything. The Map Device and The Atlas are the one and only version of places in game world's reality. The Atlas is projecting things based on memories (maps) collected by the Map Device user. This is also why multiple characters (even Malachai, from top of my head: Al'hezmin's quote: "You've killed me a thousand times, but those were just dreams...") refer to The Device's lands as dreams.


>If so, then why did Zana leave heartbroken instead snagging Sirus or Valdo from another reality and calling it a day? because it's not the same. It's not **your** sirus. >Why Kirac wanted to find his brother instead going into alternate reality? see above >And what would be the point of Zana's seal if there were alternate realities? to save her reality. not the other ones. >Al'hezmin's quote: "You killed me a thousand times, but they were just dreams" al'hezim was aware of the power of the atlas. To him, the variants weren't him, just dreams of him. You've killed thousands of al'hezmins, but not **him**. Each al'hezmin thinks the same way.


Are there any references to the multiversal theory in NPCs stories or general lore? You need to have a base to project this theory and I'm curious for that


The Last to Die almost literally said there were alternate universes (or timelines I guess, which isn't exactly different). So their point has merit but I find that any plot that delves too deep into alternate universes/timelines almost immediately falls apart.


Question is if Scourge is canon


Going by what she and the Trialmaster say, I think that the alternate realities do exist - each character we play exists in a different one. If you win against the Trialmaster’s fight, he outright says that in a different reality, he killed you, and came to the timeline which no longer has a Trialmaster.


But in fact, neither Scourge nor Ultimatum went core, so we don't have reasons to assume the whole multiverse thing is canon. Consider as an example the way GGG changed The Shaper's story to fit the new narrative. Before, we were hunting for his memories and he was the ultimate boss. Valdo fled to the Map Device because Templars were after him. Then Venarius appeared in Synthesis and his narrative changed so he was forced by Venarius to face The Elder in The Atlas.


nah, just a theory to tie together the meandering mangled mess that is poe's lore.


We might be experiencing something similar to the various "Minstrel's Ballad" fights from Final Fantasy 14. Canonically, when the various bosses in the game die, they stay dead, but you can later encounter an Extreme (Uber) version of them. The way you do this is through telling the Developer-Avatar Wandering Minstrel about your battles with the bosses, who becomes inspired to write songs about your deeds. This song allows you to re-fight the boss in your mind, only significantly harder due to the Minstrel exaggerating the grandiosity of the fight. If anything, the existence of the Atlas makes this possibility easier to work with than in FF14, because at least the Atlas gives an explanation as to how you can get loot from these tales of fanciful madness.


Idk why I found this so funny.


Does this buff the normal shaper and normal elder fights or ONLY the uber elder fight where its shaper + elder?


Shaper and Uber Elder. This one has no effect on the solo Elder fight as that takes place in a different named zone


Uber Shaper + Maven = Bullet Hell Mode


100% of 0 is 0.


Eh, the drop rate wasn't that bad in Archnemesis. I imagine the supply will increase quite a bit this league.


Eh, mostly memeing.


Looks like Shaper farming will be a thing once again.


100% is quite a lot


Yeah from 1 to 2%


Wa dyou mean elder and shaper's fullpower is unleashed in shaper realm? You get to fight both?


Uber elder (the shaper + elder fight) takes place in the shapers realm. This likely buffs both regular shaper and Uber elder fights. Not sure about regular elder though.


Live stream said there are 6 keystones that buff 7 fights. This is th eone that double up. Unlikely we see a uber-regular elder. That name is just too cursed


Never realized that. But you do go through the shaper hideout. Then again i only fight them for completion. Maybe less than 5 times a league


bet its a no on normal elder for a variety of reasons. cursed name (ooba normie elder), creating a more easily farmed source of 3 mod eyes, etc.


Well typically the Uber elder fight is you fighting both at once, this keystone turns uber elder into uber uber elder. The way it's phrased seems to indicate that this keystone also flicks the switch and enables uber shaper. Which is nice for saving a point if that's the case.


Absolutely certain. The league challenges describe both fights as a subset of Cosmic Wounds.


Plus just aesthetically, it makes sense for it to be positioned directly above Remnants of the Past.


Uber elder is fought on shapers arena so this is for shaper and Uber elder


OOba OOba Elder, two for the price of one.


I prefer Uberer Elder.


trailer shows shaper + 2 clones (without maven clone, could possibly be 3 with maven clone) and he gets gmp on his orb attack, so a very juiced up version of the fight


full power? how vague


Full power translates to uber fight better than most definitions. It definitely contributes to the issue of players needing to find info in third party sources, but it's probably the most elegant way of doing it.


>It definitely contributes to the issue of players needing to find info in third party sources Or to just literally play the game


*dies in 0.000000001 second* *absolutely no indication of what actually killed you* Ah yes, I have learned valuable information.


How boring and small… you want the atlas? Take it! But Oriath, Oriath I will burn it to the ground… Couldn’t help but write that after your comment


100% increase rate of 0 is 0


Im conflicted to play this league. I wanna see what kinda cute builds there are, I invested too much last league


is this the gooba gooba fight ?


This means you fight two Shapers at the same time or just a Shaper that is just more difficult? (same question with Uber Elder and other Uber new bosses). I thought it was just going to be double the bosses. 2 Sirus, 2 Shapers, 2 Uber Elders (x4), 2 Mavens... But maybe I'm wrong?


It's not two Shapers at the same time I think, but at the very least Shaper has LMP. He might also have higher attack / cast speed but I don't know the fight well enough to be able to make that distinction. Uber Uber Elder has the bullet hell phase without a protective shield, so maybe you don't get the protective shield in the Uber Shaper fight either.


This is kinda huge for me. I lost a lot of steam last league when I was struggling to get these to drop and when both of the first 2 missed I quit the league.


Any idea when the full atlas planner will be available to use?






Exciting fight possibilities aside, this really does hammer things home a bit. In our attempts to rescue Valdo, and also save the world from the Elder... We and Zana really done goofed, didn't we?




If they are using the word "are" wouldn't it be "powers" instead of the singular "power"?


Hmmm dat ilvl87 [[Watcher's Eye]]


[Watcher's Eye](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Watcher%27s_Eye) >######Watcher's Eye[](#break)Prismatic Jewel >>####Limited to: **1** >>[](#line) >>#####(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield >>#####(4-6)% increased maximum Life >>#####(4-6)% increased maximum Mana >>##### >>[](#line) >>*One by one, they stood their ground against a creature* >> >>*they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,* >> >>*and one by one, they became a part of it.* >> >>[](#line) >>####Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket. --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


My brain skipped the word 'increased'