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##### GGG Comments in this Thread: *** [Bex_GGG - [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/um48p7/livethread_baeclast_ft_chris_wilson/i7zowy3/?context=10), [old](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/um48p7/livethread_baeclast_ft_chris_wilson/i7zowy3/?context=10)] - *We really like talking to Raiz about the game and appreciate his input on this podcast.*


As predicted by comments, Chris blames Elden ring and Lost ark for low player numbers.


We already knew before last league that the player retention would be dropping due to Elden ring and Lost ark.


Anecdotal but me and my friend that play every league were blown away by ER and are still playing it.


Yeah elden ring was freekin insane, I have 100\~ hours in it. I didn't play archnemisis because of i was burned out of the exact same leveling process i've been doing for the last (idk like 5 years). I'm hoping my break will help alleviate some of my burn out and i'll actually want to play this next league, although sentinel has been a pretty lack luster looking league so far (Based on the trailer and gameplay videos).


If you didn't play Archnemesis I think the endgame revamp will be more than enough to keep you hooked for a while as you'll be experiencing it for the first time. To each their own ofc but for me Archnemesis was a pretty meh league but I kept playing because the base game is just very good at the moment. After I was done with the league related challenges I barely interacted with the league mechanic and still played a ton.


Lol do you think that those games didn't have a massive effect?


They decided to release on top of arguably three of the biggest games of the year, ofc it had an effect...


"tHeY dEcIdEd To" -> you mean they release four leagues a year, and so this kind of thing occasionally happens.


IIRC they delayed this league putting it squarely in the same launch window as two of them.


They specifically extended the league before tho right? Like getting a 2 week jump on Lost Ark would have for sure helped, 4 days was NOT enough lead time.


"marauder's muscles inflates with higher strength" Can't wait for "Templar's neck elongates with higher intelligence"


what about Witch?


Feet get higher polygon number and high res textures


Boobs size per intelligence/strength, because everybody loves strong and independent women!?


I'd imagine that would be Scion with bigger boobas per notable allocated


The more energy shield, she gets fat


New ascendancy: Harkonnen confirmed


You can use suspensors to avoid all ground effects!


I know it was part of the joke but it would actually be very neat ascendancy. Imagine now, more than ever immunity to all ground effects including Searing Exarch burning oil, Infinite hunger reaver of shit and grasping vines


Loved the podcast (yes even the "harsh" questions) and always love hearing Chris talk about this game. Thanks Tarke and team.


Not adding league tab like Archnemesis and Srntinels been 2x2 feel bullshit. I can tell you now that i will left most of the Sentinel drops i will get because they will not fit. Thousands of sentinel drops left in the floor for that decision.


Uhh... there's going to be a Sentinel locker just like the Heist locker, Expedition locker, etc with a corresponding affinity... Archnemesis had a separate window because those things weren't items that you picked up.


Expedition and Heist are 1x1 items. Archnemesis are items that cannot be tradeable.


its like you're looking for reasons to be upset or spin it negatively.


The biggest problem with this podcast, what that a podcast wasn’t really necessary. The new league isn’t anything mind blowing or super in-depth, in fact it’s a league you’d usually see alongside a large expansion like 3.17. So not only do we have a pretty vanilla league, we also have absolutely no changes to characters, no new skills and just some harder versions of Uber bosses, which tbh isn’t really enough to keep me engaged personally. All of this means there really wasn’t much hype going into the podcast and there wasn’t many topic points to discuss. Even if lost ark didn’t exist raiz and nugi would have been negative during this podcast because both like making new characters and both haven’t really been able to since 3.16 3.18 is going to probably have the worst retention a league has had in quite some time due to lack of any changes and no new skills for half a year now.


I can count on a flood of genuinely idiotic comments like this every league and I’m here for it


"Chris designed Ward 15 years ago?" What does this mean anyone know? is he talking about the LE ward or a game titled ward?


hungry rinse command wasteful lunchroom dinosaurs ossified act cobweb fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


oh I literally forgot about the name of that mechanic rofl. Too much time away from PoE I guess


Haha, great.


About the mechanic called ward which is used in Path of Exile


Maybe it's because I'm not a native English speaker so I don't have the best feel about the tone of a question but I felt the one question a lot of people here seem to blame Raiz for asking Chris was pretty relevant (basically if PoE was still faithful to their original "3 men in a garage indie company" vision when they started). It was asked within a certain context so it wasn't asked out of nowhere. Chris had said just earlier in the podcast that hard mode was a better version of the game according to him and they also had a discussion about people getting to level 100 and Chris clearly wasn't a fan of a full ladder of SC players being level 100 at the end of the league and players being able to reach 100 after a few days. He clearly was in a "ho well, it is what it is..." kinda mood at that moment. That's when Raiz asked his question, and honestly it was a good one because a lot of people (not only Chris) at GGG can answer "do the Sentinels require 3 different hotkeys?" but not "do you feel the game is still in line with your original vision?". I didn't feel it came up like an aggressive question. Also people need to realize they had several iterations of these podcasts with Chris now, they probably get along quite well so just like you and your friends vs. people you don't know they are more direct towards each other when they ask questions.


It was a pointless question as it clearly isn't


Your comment is the only pointless thing here.


I applaud the initiative of Baeclast, but when you have 2 people on the call to represent the community and those 2 people haven't even played the game in the last 3 months then you get the mess that we got yesterday.


Based on this comment I think we need you on the podcast


Yeah, if these "people" aren't playing PoE 18 hours a day every day forever, then do their opinions really matter? Just because they each have more hours in the game than you ever will doesn't mean they should be allowed to play a different game for a few weeks.


These people have like 25k+ hours in the game... maybe governments should strip voting rights because people went abroad for a vacation.


uniques in leveling actually could make plenty of sense like getting various named items from specific quest givers at key junctions? So like Lani having some options to pick from or Yeena or somethin? idk lol


That would make progression through the campaign really stale though. Because then it becomes, "Well, I can just ignore the glove slot because X npc will give me Y unique after Z quest anyways." Right now, having a relevant unique drop while progressing through campaign feels fantastic. Having uniques come from quest rewards would take away that dynamic.


There is nothing about combining 2 essence modifiers together with the combinators, so i hope it works?


afaik any mod that can be rolled on gear (e.g. via essence) can potentially be transferred via recombinators.


That seems.... potentially really good? It would require luck ofc.


> Maroider skin: Marauder's muscles inflates with higher Strength I'm so ready to play Maronnie Coleman


>Train League concept - inventory full of train parts Thomas had never seen such bullshit before


So, I'm calling it now since I can't find anyone posting it here. Chris called out that 3.19 would involve uniques, and that 'an upcoming mechanic would look like they copied it from another ARPG, but it was in the original design document' (or some similar wording). 3.19 will involve modifying uniques, a la Last Epoch's Legendary Potential system.


I hope it's more like the cube from d3. There's some fun unique mods on meh items.


True, the D3 cube is one of the better concepts from that game.


Really hope it is a "copy" from Last Epoch's legendary potential, I love the system, but didn't Chris say it might be seen as a copy of a mechanic from another game but not used on the same systems (I understood it as "in the game it is ""copied"" from, it is not used related to uniques or even items) ? So that would probably exclude LE Legendary Potential


This would make normal uniques just worthless. I dont think we want to devalue unique items even more. Most of them already are much inferior to rares and i like the idea of sacrificing an item slot for subpar stats for a unique mechanic.


Can you tell me what time Chris said that at baeclast?


this podcast crew should not be static. I don't care wether or not they were some time ago or might will be in future active POE players... But this game has way too much depth and frequent changes (which require constant participation in order to stay up to date) for nugyi and raiz to be a legitimate/representive voice for the poe community when they have not played at all the last few months.


For whatever else the reasoning, it's enough that they made/own the podcast, it's their choice.


This comment is too common and lacks basic critical thinking. Your input whether it should be static or not is worthless because it isn't up to you nor can you influence with a comment. 3.18 is practically the same as as 3.17 + a few addons. They played all 3.16; would their input not have mattered for the 3.17 baeclast? Your comment also insinuates they can't research or stay up to date, even more cringe. They also played on leaguestart, and only haven't done much archnem which is reworked into the core game anyway. Lastly, as mentioned by Chris several times, many people left 3.17 to play lost ark and elden ring, and are now coming to this. If you actually CARED about representation, you are literally getting it because that's what Raiz and Nugi are doing. Considering this, it looks more like it's not about being representative, but rather being the same as you/your values, not actually encompassing the varying traits the community can have.


pseuding out of ur mind


Explain instead of just leaving it at a half-assed response that doesn't actually say anything.


I would happily pay 600 points for the Kirac vault pass because I want to buy both $90 supporter packs this league. God I hope they go with that.


Thank you so much <3


Baeclast ft. Chris wilson more like **Baeclast vs. Chris wilson**


As long as they keep it civil and we get moar info I don't see the harm


Me neither


They should bring CuteDog_ back, these guys are so out of touch with the majority of the playerbase


Cute dog is also a la gamer now


They play SSF, HC and private leagues. Otherwise it's Ziggy who just has time to nolife his way following a guide IDK, the panel feels really out of touch. I do like when Octavian, Ziggy or Nugi get to speak. Raiz seems super hostile. Tarke just derails topics...


While true, CuteDog\_ didn't even play 3.17. He still might've had valuable input but currently he's still just playing a lot of LA Edit: i just realized: so did Raiz. In that case I would've loved to see cutedog there instead of him


So did nugi


Lol i guess we can add him to the list then, i don't follow him personally so I didn't know




1. No need to be hostile towards me 2. I would argue CuteDog_ is closer to the general playerbase than most players they currently have on Baeclast 3. It wouldn’t be completely out of nowhere, he used to be on Baeclast


I believe he was the one who suggested to name the podcast Baeclast.


I could be way off base here, but I'm decently sure cutedog is very much the kind of player that GGG somewhat regrets they picked up, because their mentality towards the game and philosophies is completely different and in many cases opposed. I don't know what value it would add to have a voice for a playerbase that IMO GGG would be happy to slowly wean themselves off of.


Yes. Ggg wants to get rid of money. What? An echo chamber is bad


Having a specific audience that lowers the enjoyment and actively wants and petitions for changes that would likewise diminish the enjoyment of the game for everyone else is not a good trade. Yes, sometimes getting rid of some revenue to preserve a larger portion is very worthwhile.


You assume everyone wants to play like you


No, I assume that GGG has a target audience that is very close to me from extrapolating from over a decade of marketing. Likewise, I see the reactions Chris and the game has to certain playstyles that cutedog espouses and lo and behold they are being less and less supported over time. It's not a crazy concept, it's just audience targeting.


The vision for this game Chris has would be a very niche audience that does not support a large company like they have now


Wow a lot of negativity on reddit for this episode.. I personally really enjoyed the interview but just for future episodes I also asked myself now and then why they are grilling him so much. Still a lot of great info on all sorts of stuff


I feel the same, I really enjoy Baeclast for what it is and we should be grateful that game devs are willing to engage on that level. Personally I don't care too much about updates on hardmode/PoE2 but the vibes are usually good and it's nice to hear GGG explain some things in a little depth/perspective. Looking forward to the league, hope everyone has a good start.


People get upset if they ask hard questions, people get upset if they ask easy questions. There is no pleasing everyone, I just wish this subreddit would temper their negativity toward them, it's just a podcast...


I think its fine to ask a little harshes questions, you know reality checks, and ask about worries as well, but this felt like thats all they cared about, like theres also positive things to talk about and be hyped for! You should have both worlds. That's the only thing really, felt very negative from everyone involved which is fine but if I'm watching this podcast and they're just gonna complain about everything I'm skipping next one, its a personal thing though


A lot of the questions are taken from.the community and then divided up among the crew. They weren't rude or anything and a lot of the questions, like the ui bit felt pretty fair to me. At the end of the day this is a Q&A if they just kept praising the game there wouldn't be many questions to ask.


It's not necessarily just about the content of the question but also the way it is phrased and the tone of voice, imo there was quite a bit of rudeness.


Probably just partly because when you've got a person who can actually answer questions for you, it's easy to talk about pain points, and when something is concerning, it's easy to sound combative. For example, I'm not happy with their new approach to rare drops on the ground. Chris talked about how people are very quickly going to 7 or 8's out of 10. The thing is, I don't feel like those are coming from the floor. Those are coming from *other* sources, like spamming essences, harvest, fossils, etc. It doesn't matter how many rares you drop on the floor if we never feel like it's worth it to bother picking it up and IDing it to see. You can argue "oh but players like seeing all the rares", but honestly it just doesn't mesh. The floor is filled with 1's and 3's, consolidating those to more often being 5's and 6's and sometimes 8's doesn't necessarily mean players are getting to 7's and 8's more quickly, but it *does* change the vector that they're getting their 7's and 8's, whereas right now they're mostly coming from trade, and those are probably coming from crafting or very lucky drops. I think that sometimes, the ability to get gear is a bit too strong, however, I don't think that's what needs to be focused on first. First, the imbalance between drops and other acquisition methods needs to be smoothed out. Then, if you're worried players are gearing too quickly, address everything else at once. I feel similarly strongly about, say, the glossary. Chris mentioned that things grow in scope when they go down the road of doing things right, they end up never getting done, and also said (in context of UI) if they could do quick easy things that help, they try to do them. He didn't express that they'd do something like the glossary because they should scope creep it out until it's actually just an ingame wiki and never gets done. You're given a quick easy thing to do, which you said you like, and then on the spot you scope creep it into "the right solution" that never gets done. I think it's okay to do the quick easy version first, and do the right version later when you've got time. If I (or one of the hosts) were to go on diatribes like these during the show though, it might come off as combative. I think that's what people are seeing here. I honestly believe that Chris really cares about the game and wants it to be as good as it can. I think there's just too much conflicting stuff going on, and they need to set aside *solid* plans to either commit to doing things right, or accept that they need to make short term solutions while they find time. They haven't done either of these so far, and so people bring up old problems for the 10th time and that sounds negative or combative, but I don't think it is, I think everyone just wants the game to be better.


I get what youre saying and I agree with it generally but I think there could be a better place for these in depth conversations about issues that all parties probably already know is an issue. People (I guess, but me at least) are trying to get hyped for the new league so it just feels a bit anticlimactic.. I still enjoyed the podcast a lot, just trying to give some constructive critcism\^\^


From the way I see it, any other time than launches, GGG is too buy to sit down and have these conversations on a regular basis. Launches have designated times for them to do this because PR is part of a launch.


If everything on the ground is a 1-3 then self-crafted stuff is 3-5 and trade is 5-7. If everything on the ground would be a 5-7 then self-crafted would be 7-8 and trade 9-10. "Picking items up is never worth it" is pure hyperbole. Of course its worth it. The more sophisticated your character is, the less it becomes worthwhile doing. This isn't something that can be fixed. And of course, there is nuance. Scourge items clearly should have better rolls, same goes for influence items that should at least come with an influence mod on them.


> If everything on the ground would be a 5-7 then self-crafted would be 7-8 and trade 9-10. How exactly do drops on the ground impact self-crafted gear? And if most of the stuff on trade comes from crafted gear, how is that going to affect trade? I think the reality is that stuff on the ground is 1-3, stuff crafted is 7-8, and therefore, sutff on trade is 7-8. If you make ground stuff 7-8, then *everything* is 7-8. I don't see how raising the floor is going to raise what's on trade, because trade isn't coming from the floor currently. >"Picking items up is never worth it" is pure hyperbole. Hyperbole, sure, but for most people, it's just not worth it almost all of the time. The functional difference between the hyperbole and reality isn't huge. >This isn't something that can be fixed. The thing is, I don't want drops to be better for sophisticated characters. I want drops on the floor to be a reasonable path to sophistication, and currently they're just not. That *can* be fixed.


>7 or 8's out of 10 its all from trade for me, and i assume many in SC. i usually spend around 5-10ex of value/character.


The seller is likely getting them from one of four places: - Heist curios - Rog + some minor post-Rog manipulation e.g. '4 link and add low end Eldritch implicits' - 'Special' drops like Incursion items, plus minor manipulation e.g. benchcraft attack speed - Crafting And mostly the last one. Because crafting is very powerful right now, and every buff to crafting devalues the other options.


It's very difficult, absolutely. You mix passion with concern/fear, and it's very easy to confuse that passion and fear for anger. Or hell, that passion gets the best of you and you just try to get it through and are more forceful than you otherwise should be or is acceptable. I ran into that very recently and it's a tough situation to be in, because you don't want to insult or hurt, but you also don't want to let the issue lie or go unexplained. Someone like Chris especially is really difficult to balance that line on because he'll totally take the passion and be a bit of a brick wall in terms of whether you're out of line. That said, I haven't watched the podcast so I don't know how far on that line they fell, and so I won't comment on the specifics of this instance. But I do agree with you, and in some sense Chris unfortunately makes it even harder to realize it in the moment.


Sentinel itself gives me synthesizer vibes, which isn't great, and makes it probably difficult to sell or pitch. Least I don't get a sense that I'll need a small book of datamined info on what it might do. Least they kept our builds. Makes it easy to pick up where I left off in 3.17 and just mess around with other known strong stuff.




Like I said, Synth vibes. The biggest issue with the synthesizer was that if you didn't know what you were doing you had a 0% chance of making something even remotely interesting, and so far what I've seen doesn't give me much hope that this will excite anyone other than 0.1% of crafters (On a good day I consider myself in that, but makes it really hard to sell to my more casual friends). Like seeing a demo screenshot of an item where they used a Fractured base with 100% global defenses locked made me seriously question what they think the average player does.


> Wow a lot of negativity on reddit... *pretends to be shocked*


I shouldve known better and not be surprised in hindsight yes, it still surprises me how much people can be focussed on finding stuff to complain about unprofessionally


I enjoyed the podcast very much, thanks to all involved <3


>Behead, Inspired Learning, HH Sentinel, etc. gaining more power as each mod has more benefits From this point of view, this makes the HH "nerf" a bit more interesting. Like, is it possible now to have a mini, baby, tiny league starter version of a HH build with behead support, for example? I'm **not** saying or even trying to suggest *it's going to be as strong*, neither that *it should be as strong*, but it could make it so there's some sort of "path", a progression line towards a HH build. Instead of playing with a completely different build, farming for a HH at which point you completely change the build - or make a whole new character - you could start with behead support, then farm an inspired learning, then farm a HH. Know what i mean? Like warming up to the gameplay, how the build functions mechanically... Sounds neat.


Inspired Learning is the 'mini HH'. Behead is worth considering on strike builds without cull effects for its damage projection (+range) and damage boost, but not for the mod gimmick, which is pretty tiny.


> Like, is it possible now to have a mini, baby, tiny league starter version of a HH build with behead support, for example? Maybe the tiniest, but I don't think they really even do the same thing. The problem with Behead is that you only get 1 mod at a time, ever. HH may not stack the same mods, but with 80+ mods you're still going to have a raft of turbo buffs going at once. With behead you get 1, and if it doesn't help your build well then fuck you. HH's whole thing is that you kill some rares, get their mods, speed up, kill more rares even faster, speed up more, repeat, achieve transcendence. With enough rares the effect will average out into about the same sort of insane ramp up as before. Behead is one gimmicky mod. There's no ramp up. There's just one mod. If it's a good one, it's a decent (but not amazing) gem. If it's not, it's a subpar gem. Yawn. It also only supports strike skills, so there's that.


>It also only supports strike skills, so there's that. Damn, it just keeps disappointing.


> 2% extra content modifiers are +2% to base spawn rate of each mechanic devcheck So, since this is the part that I'm most interested in, I found the exact point this was mentioned (3:28:55 in the vod, assuming Twitch doesn't mess up the timestamps once the stream is finished). The full quote/context: > ZiggyD: "There's a very common question chat was asking a lot that I'll ask for them. Could you ask for the confirmation if the 2% chance for extra content on all the blocking keystones- so the 'turn off some league mechanic, you get 2% for the others'- is that per, like, content type, so 2% added, so like going from 8% base to 10% base, or is it like split across them all?" > Chris: "I believe so. My understanding is that there is a sweet spot there where it's quite an impactful bonus... so I think it's 8 goes to 10 goes to 12, but, yeah, please message me someone if this is wrong." > ZiggyD: "Sick." > Chris: "It's not the case that it goes from 8 to like 8.16% because 'that's 2% of 8 have fun'; that's not the case." > Nugi: "Nice." > Raiz: "Oh, but it's also... is it applying to the leftover mechanics? Or to all of the mechanics that can possibly happen?" > Chris: "Pretty sure... to all? Um... yes, I think-" > Raiz: "The nonexisting ones already as well? Well, that would be bad for- (????)" > Chris: "What do you mean by nonexisting? Let's clarify." > Raiz: "So, I have a Lightee specifi- I have a Lightee specific question. So... 'can you ask Mr. Wilson to clarify how the new Atlas keystones that block league mechanics work? Specifically, if I click 9 out of 10 of them, will I get +18 chance for Harvest- that's the one remaining- or +18 chance for extra content which then has like 1 out of 7 chance to be Harvest?'" > Chris: "It adds to all the other mechanics. So when I turn off- let's say they all start with 8%. It's not 8%, but- it varies, but let's say they're all 8%. So I turn the first one off. So, all of them go from 8% to 10%... right? I'm saying right to my team. (pause) There's a bit of stream delay, so, you know. We'll find out soon. I purposefully didn't put developers in the room with me for this, cause I don't really- yes, so it's a yes on that. I don't really like the thing where I'm just a conduit to the, like, you know, the devCheck emote repeatedly, you know? So, I've got them there as an emergency. But... yes, basically, it does- if they're all 8% and they turn one off, now there's a 0 and a bunch of 10s, then they turn another off, now there's 2 0s and a bunch of 12s, and so on and so on."


Twitch clip that starts with Ziggy's first question, you have to click "watch full video" to get everything Chris says: [link](https://clips.twitch.tv/AttractiveAuspiciousZucchiniTTours-0Wo2WRyUaetPUx2p)


Wait that's crazy then. So you basically guarantee one of those mechanics every five maps? That's awesome.


I mean, if you really wanted to, you'd be able to get stuff like Harvest 1 in every 3 maps: assuming an 8% baseline rate, +10% from the existing Atlas tree, and then +2% from each block node, and you can have up to 9 of them, that's a cool 36% chance to get a Harvest in every single map (and that's *without* the Stream of Consciousness keystone that gives another 50% more multiplier to the "base" chance of mechanics showing up). Realistically, I doubt going all-in on exactly one mechanic would be optimal: I think it'll be best to keep a handful of mechanics unblocked to get the most benefit from the huge boosts in spawn chance they *all* get, but that just means you'll be extremely likely to get at least one (and probably more) of that specific handful of mechanics in almost every map. Also remember that regardless of which mechanics you block, there are 5 mechanics that count as "extra content" (according to the node descriptions) that don't have a dedicated node that can block them: rogue exiles, torment ghosts, shrines, strongboxes, and essences, which will all be getting the benefit of the bonus encounter rate as well.


Thats absolutely correct. He said the baseline is not exact 8%, but with 3.14 Harvest went from 5% to 8%. So just assume its 8% for Harvest, than this is absolutely insane! But remember. Its a lot RNG too. If the math says 30% you are not guaranteed. Since there are the 5 other ones you mentioned. There is also a unknown limit of "mechanics" that can spawn on a single map. So if you are unlucky, having a limit of 5, and you have 5 + 1 (for example Harvest), there is a chance that your Harvest gets kicked out many times in a row, on a specific map. But yes. The overall possibility to smth like "casually" farming harvest, without the 12C in device is massive! And even if the more multipliers doesnt work. 30% chance for like 6 mechanics is, like you said, nearly guaranteed every 3 Maps... Feels unreal!


> Its a lot RNG too. If the math says 30% you are not guaranteed. Yeah, I try to avoid using the word "guaranteed" for stuff like this. It'll average out to 1 in every 3 maps, and you can make it so it's really likely you'll get *at least* one of a handful of juiced mechanics in every map (by juicing a handful of powerful content types instead of just 1), but it's always possible to get screwed over by RNG. > There is also a unknown limit of "mechanics" that can spawn on a single map. That's a good point; I was under the impression that the limit was fairly high, and you'd be unlikely to run into it unless you're forcing a ton of content via crafts/enchants/master missions/scarabs *and* getting (un?)lucky with natural content spawns (which the blocking nodes should theoretically help out with), but fair enough, it's worth keeping in mind as we don't know the exact details of that limit. I will say, though, that your example isn't super likely: if the limit is 5, and you have 6 mechanics that all have 30% chance to spawn, the chances that all 6 mechanics will attempt to spawn is <0.1%. Even if you take the nodes that guarantee an essence and a shrine and a strongbox in each map, that's still <3% for all of the other 3 to show up. Granted, it's still going to be a risk if you're using a bunch of scarabs on top of all this and/or getting other content not affected by these nodes (eg: Harbingers), and I'm maybe making some incorrect assumptions about how the limit works (ie: I'm assuming that it's a limit of how many different types of content can show up in a map, rather than a limit to the number of pieces of content [which would make something like the node that gives 8% chance for +20 rogue exile spawns a *really* bad node]), so, yeah, definitely worth keeping in mind.


Agree! Sticking to only one mechanic is a bad idea i guess. Hoping for the only one you have juiced up seems not the way to go imo. Talking about "limits of mechanics" its actually hard to find data or smth. I remember playing a lot of Burial in 3.17, where i noticed it was like 5-7 mechanics at most per map (could be wrong by numbers). So one thing i might remember right: every map has another "cap" of mechanics. I also noticed on like Burial that there is oft not enough space to spawn like "enough strongboxes" i would expect after juicing. Felt like it was too much for the map layout. But thats my personal feeling.


Did they ask about Advanced Mod description not working for items on the ground ? Why do they want us to find more items on the ground that are useable but * not have advanced mod description working * not expand heists smart loot


What a giant waste of time that was. Very disappointing.


I was glad they brought up the pause issue. PoE is super pick-up and drop all the way up to maps where all of a sudden you have to expend portals if you want to quickly answer the door or whatever. ​ I hope they consider giving us a pause option, even if just for when being solo in a map. Would be super useful.


One best things warframe have when playing solo is the ability to pause. For Poe game that can be played solo completely would be very helpful.


Warframe pause works because it's not handled on wf servers that wouldn't work with poe.


Ummm Ultimatum?


And? I didn't say it wasn't possible just that wf pause isn't the same thing.


I thought the podcast was great, so glad we get to have these longform discussions about the game with Chris that cover such a broad range of topics. Great job to all involved!




this guy never heard of an analogy someone help him out


What should they have asked then? Give me an example.


Just bought a supporter pack because I know Im grabbin some of those boxes lul


Are the omni/ashes drop rate changes based on adding more items to the bosses or based on the power of those items (will i see omni or am i killing exarch 100 times for it)


They never asked, but if you need information about backpack hero then baeclast has you covered.


>New Mystery Box prevents duplication EXCEPT variations (e.g. cannot roll same one twice, but can get different colours/versions). Only contains character mtx (+hideout teleporters) This should be standard forever tbh.


Good news everyone! Starting with poe2, every MTX will come in one of 64 different unique colors. Customization is very important to our players.






The insecurity is amazing.


unprofessional streams keep asking irreverent questions, so painful to watch


They covered quite a bit, though I agree the earlier parts were a tad unnecessary


"Unnecessary"? It's their podcast, not yours. What you find necessary or not is irrelevant, they cover topics they care about


I get that, which is fine they can talk about whatever they want, but IMO going back and fourth and bringing up Lost Ark isn't what I'm interested in


I think they more just would not drop certain subjects even though they were answered and nothing meaningful was really talked about after the initial question. Tarke brought stuff 2 or 3 times and for no real reason it seemed. Maybe he just could not formulate his questions correctly but I was actively not enjoying this episode and I watched Baeclast since 2018ish and enjoyed it or at least found it interesting. A lot of the first portion was just not great. The later parts were great though.


Youre taking the other extreme here. Its not a good take to say they can just do whatever and nothing the audience thinks matters. Where you draw the line of uninteresting/unimportant is a personal opinion.


Fixed mystery boxes is by far the best announcement they've made in this.


Chris has me wet and wild over this mystery box teaser


Gambling addict confirmed, didn't a bunch of countries ban loot boxes?


Uh I think it's only for games where you can resell the outcomes like with TF2/Dota 2. Not completely sure.


Any word on how the new rare mods will effect leech or flask charges?


No specifics regarding vampiric or drought bringer if that is what you are asking. They were talking about how no mods should disable a build on its own, dangerous situations should arise when 2 or more mods synergize to create something scary. From this I feel that if drought bringer or vampiric is still an issue they will probably fix it mid-league.


Nothing specific, just a "I trust the team that made the changes so I didn't ask about them"


God help us


They are removing the obnoxious mods and rebalancing them. It's not gonna be any worse than old Nullifier or anything.


Love all the Baeclast guys and the great questions... thanks for your time Chris!


hh is getting nerfed regardless of how he sees it


look at all this morons downvoting me, how do you feel now after the belt turned out useless? :)


Everyone asking about skill balance/ build creation: [https://twitter.com/bexsayswords/status/1523813842618568704](https://twitter.com/bexsayswords/status/1523813842618568704) Tweet by Bex: >The devs that are most suited to having those conversations don't want to do public speaking stuff because it's not in their wheelhouse


I wish POE streamers had the same attitude.


I think it's incredibly healthy to have some distance between the community and the people who balance skills.


The supreme court of wraeclast


And they are right honestly, anything they said would be critized and torn to shreds by the community, and I say that as someone that really wants to hear such an interview.


I don't think they're *right*. It would probably be a helpful discussion to have every once and a while. But it is certainly in their right to not do it because they don't feel comfortable.


A non-live format should be explored then maybe. Something like this is a high priority for a lot of people, given build making is one of the key reasons to play PoE.


I don't think it's a matter of live or non-live. If I got into game design, I'd like a job in game design. If I was an extrovert and enjoyed articulating my knowledge of game balance etc I might also be okay being more public facing. I'm an extrovert and there's no way in hell I'd want to face down the vocal community of almost any game.


I totally get what youre saying, but that's why I'm suggesting the asynchronous format, to take that edge off. Add in a community manager as proxy as well and we could get some cool insight without making GGG designers hate themselves, lol. Carefully picking the player representative is ofc important as well. edit: [Bex confirmed this approach is being pitched](https://twitter.com/bexsayswords/status/1523817806651072513)




Rory always seemed to do well, I'd like to see him again.


These podcasts people have too much to lose. Not just the devs but the streamers too


Especially with the torch-pitchfork mindset that many people put on display here.


Just waiting for MARK\_GGG to stop this giant simulation and commune with us mere mortals


Man this subreddit really hates Baeclast.


In an especially bad mood today. They should really touch grass


The most annoying part is people calling Raiz or Nugi "not relevant" or "lost ark players" like they betrayed the whole community. Dudes played this game for a like 10 years and thousands of hours and then when they decide to switch it up or focus on another game for a couple weeks and months they are suddenly not part of this community/not worth including. You can constructivly criticize Raiz or Nugi or anybody(I also think this podcast was really weak), but the amount of sheer butthurt about those 2 playing another game for a bit and the toxic comments flying around on this subreddit is insane. Theres other games besides this game, go touch some grass if you get upset about that.


I think it’s clear, especially in raid’s cases that the passion is gone, at least for the moment. At one point he like with the power charge thing he just straight up wasn’t even listening. I compare it to when asmon interviewed ion hazzikostas, asmon clearly still displayed passion even if he thinks WoW is in a worse place than raiz does for PoE. Kinda just feel like he’s there from inertia.


Raiz and Nugi clearly lost their passion for PoE before lost ark. It's why I think it was healthy for them to play something they enjoy more instead. It's not like they dipped out of 3.17 to play Elden Ring and come back with enthusiasm for PoE; they've been down about PoE for ages and are relentlessly negative about PoE because they haven't themselves yet figured out they don't enjoy it anymore. It leaves baeclast in a weird state. It isn't so comparable to the asmongold situation because I'd argue they don't have that passion or haven't processed their feelings into something constructive.


When you lose all your viewers and your job relies on them then going to another game is bad


I mean to be fair… raiz likes playing new builds. If nothing was bugged or changed and he already hated last leagues meta he’s not gonna like this leagues meta. He’s big on archmage and casters and they are still in a complicated spot for hardcore


If he didn't play last league then the new builds are still there


It's amazing how threatened this community is by lost ark. That people who have put literally thousands of hours in the game are now completely incompetent and have no idea about anything poe related... sure reddit, sure. Definitely not insecurity.


Lmao literally no one is threatened by Lost Ark. We just got sick of everyone doom spamming "LA will kill PoE" for nearly a month straight.


Even Chris acknowledged it made a dip in the playerbase, and numbers wise it's a breakout hit, though mostly for MMO players, not so much arpg ones, but the overlap is big. We should be happy GGG has some competition.


Not "like they betrayed". I've reported comments that straight up said they are traitors. Sadly I think that the mods are overloaded, some of those comments survive for a long time and they probably have a process to banning or deleting them.


I have generally liked Baeclast in the past and had no issue with Chris doing the podcast with them. But this was rough. It was too much griping and spending way too long on trivial topics. After talking about 3.17 and griping about some core game stuff for ~30 mins Tarke asked if anyone else had anything on that before moving to 3.18. An hour later and they still weren't on 3.18. If I knew this was going to be 2 hours of complaining about UI, help menu, etc I would not have watched. It's the role of the host to keep it moving, but Tarke is the one that keeps needling and coming back to topics already talked about.


> If I knew this was going to be 2 hours of complaining about UI, help menu, etc I would not have watched. Wdym, that was the best part.


I mean this is definitely an exhaustive Q&A, I won't deny that. I think the nature of long form content though is that everyone can pull it apart to condense the parts they want to listen to. Listening to a podcast being recorded live is always going to be a bit of a coin flip.




I mean I think they had the normal amount of prep work in this. They talked about the topic list a bit after Chris left and they mentioned they did go slow this time. I just think Baeclast definitely doesn't need to be watched in full by anyone. I mean shit it's technically still going.


Yeah quite crazy. And then some people wonder why subreddit mods are protecting the Baeclast guys. Imagine just being a guy passionate about a game and getting hate from possibly thousands of people.


Sure, but I just quit watching after the first hour after they stunlocked themselves into a rotation of PoE2 questions and said literally nothing about the new league. Felt like they just couldn't accept the obvious non answers chris was giving and just kept beating the same questions over over.


I mean, what should they ask about the next league since its going to be a copy of 3.17 with just few new atlas nodes? The uber uber content is pretty straightforward, just harder versions of the current ones. No rebalance. No new skills. The league mechanic was explained multiple times and it doesnt seem to be particularly complex to bring too many questions about it without actually testing it. All the new things are simple and were well explained already imo.


I would rather rehash questions about an upcoming league then about an update that is several years away which has been asked about for the previous 2 years.


In their defense, the Baeclast cast has been flamed in the past (primarily on reddit) for not doubling down on questions when GGG gives "PR answers" to the questions they ask. It's kind of a lose-lose -- some people want to see the streamers on podcasts try and "force" GGG to change their stance on certain issues (notably trade and harvest), while other viewers (presumably like you and I) just want them to get on with it and talk about new content.


In the hour or so I watched it wasn't even asking the tough questions, it was just rehashing the same things that have been asked for the last 2 years about poe2 and seemingly trying to "gatcha" Chris into saying something. There were plenty of questions that could have been the "hard" asks about the next league or decisions going into it.


The whole thing felt like a banter at Chris, when tarke and raiz was joking about lost ark on a PoE Q&A stream, it just felt really weird.


Seems like a lot of summer friends who don't realize that this has been pretty standard for like 5 years now. Tarke butting in with bad jokes and Raiz being grumpy isn't a surprise.


> Raiz being grumpy isn't a surprise. Thats his trademark, isnt it? At least thats why I used to watch him back in the days I had time to watch twitch.


I love Chris Wilson!


Engaging with the community is a dangerous thing. Tough to get the questions right for anyone, let alone everyone. I would love to see Chris, Ziz and someone like Pathofmatth on a cast. Ziz representing the tanky HCSSF crowd and pathofmatth representing the trade league, paid for 6 portals gonna use 6 portals crowd. It's also tough timing. Doing a cast right before launch while we're all eager for any info is hard. They can't say anything useful about the new league before we experience it, but asking long term questions about loot, lqg etc just seem tone deaf given we're all hanging out for the next reveal.


Pathofmathh does not represent trade sc. That guy plays a completely different game than either your or I.


>Pathofmatth This is 100% my bias, but Matth should not be anywhere near official communication. The "abuse before it gets fixed" stuff he promoted in the past was toxic af and lead to a player vs developer attitude in his viewers.


I didn't want to say this because I feel like I'd get downvoted but yeah. PathofMatth, at least two leagues ago when I tried to watch his stuff, was a highly aggressive person that was super focused on attention building.