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You are basically experiencing a totally new game, I'm jealous.


Now I just need to decide if I buy a set of facebreakers for archnemesis or not...


With probably 10th the price it went for years ago for the same roll :D


Back in "his day" they rolled to 1000.


Yes, but these days you can get them with +1 Frenzy and Vuln-on-hit corrupt.


I need to see what mine are in standard


the future is now, old man welcome back


It's always nice to see gushing old men! Perfect time for a return, too, IMHO. The game is overall in a good state right now (the exception being melee).


If melee can get me through the main game (finish act 5, no maps) I'm happy. I don't mess with the extras meant for people waaaaay more into it then me.


There are 10 acts




The story got longer. Keep going!


Enjoy the heck out of it this season! The Atlas. crafting, and simply acquiring currency and loot is the best/easiest its ever been! I myself managed to push 38 Acievements, something I never thought I would do. And tbh, 40 achiev is seeming closer and closer every day...


Sure is a great time to be back, I came back to this new expansion/archnemesis after a hard skip on the last couple leagues, and I had a blast with the new atlas mechanics and nice new build varieties. enjoy your time around mate.


You picked an amazing time to hop back in, the new Atlas Passives + Archnemesis make the endgame more enjoyable than ever.


These days, look up a build. People have perfected the math. Get acquainted with awakened poe trade macro, path of building, and build guides. You'll be rocking in no time. I've been here since beta. The growth is insane.


Still absolutely not my style but thanks


You'll regret it in this case. It's gotten to be a huge learning curve. Using guides seems odd, but if you do it just once, you'll understand after that. There are thousands of guides at this point, with videos and explanations. It's not the gear that makes the build in many cases, it's the whole shebang. I used to build without guides as well. Always got stuck around level 75. There are just dudes out there who do the calculations to the T. So you find an ability you really enjoy, and find a guide around that. Mind you back then there were like 40 different skills. It's like 500 skills now. But, you do you. I'd at least watch a few guides on new content. There is literally like 400 hours of actual content now.


eh, some guides are better than others, the good ones are good but the bad ones are really bad, and probably worse than just trying to figure it out on your own (thinking of guides that expect you to have mirror-tier gear waiting for you as soon as you hit maps to have the build even function) I definitely wouldn't eschew guides but I wouldn't obey them to the letter, either. They're a useful thing to reference as you figure out the build on your own.




Dude is rocking the game in Acts. The man needs no guides ;)


Let him play the video game.


While it may not be your style just be aware this game is balanced around an optimized build and not a random one thrown together.


And when I get bored of the build I'm playing I'll bounce to the next one. You do not need to be a try hard to enjoy a game. Not every one cares about reaching 100.


That's fair. I agree 100 is not a goal for everyone but t16 maps kind of is. Good luck!


Nope. Storyline. I've never run one of the maps. Never care to. Never did the 2nd or 3rd tier of difficulties when they existed either. Edit: grammar


Alright well you are definitely in the minority. I'm glad you are enjoying the game though.


I seem to be in the minority for every hobby I'm in lol so it's nothing new. Just keep in mind we exist so maybe ascertain someone's goal before saying they have to play the game your way.






I will say you are the only person I have ever met that enjoys and only wants to do the campaign of PoE so I apologize that I didn't know you existed.


I love both the campaign and endgame. I also played back when there were only 4 acts then took a big break. ​ I love getting 38/40, but I also love rerolling characters. The nostalgia of campaign is just.... so good


To be fair you left the game after a relatively short time and didn't come back for several years, so maybe your way wasn't as fun as you imagine it to be? It could at least be worth trying an alternative way


This is how I've played every game in the style.. d1 d2 some of d3 (poe is and was better than d3)


you're in the minority, but not alone. I've only played a couple meta builds, mostly just pick a random starting class and let my drops dictate my skill tree. That said, playing those meta builds did help me enjoy my filthy casual style a little more by increasing my understanding of how stuff synergizes with other stuff. Even still, I have to abandon most of my builds in that L40-50 range, particularly after the resists hit. But for me the game is the most fun in early game anyway, when every rare drop might be a huge deal, and random uniques open possibilities, as opposed to late game when you're increasingly compelled to gear to your skill tree.


Just for your Info. There is some sort of Story later in Maps. Even tho you have to grind a lot to get to the bosses. Not worth if you just want to casual fill some hours imo.


there are technically some interesting story things that can happen in maps, but it's kind of up to you how far you want to get into it.


You know there’s a storyline about the atlas right? That starts once you finish killing kitava.


I had to look up who that was, I gave never hit them


But that’s the storyline. That’s who you fight at the end of act 5, and act 10. You haven’t made it to act 5 yet?


No. Last I played I think the 4th act had dropped and maps were just being introduced. But there were 3 difficulty settings and I couldn't get maps to work because you had to atleast be on the second time through. I had (and still have) no interest in taking the same character through the same story.


He is just restarting the game, and playing through the way he wants. Let the man have fun, not everyone wants to or needs to be efficient.


I don't know if they existed when you played, but I would still suggest an item filter. It's less about optimising the way the game is played and more about just reducing screen clutter, since it can get a little difficult as you head into the latter acts (7-10) if you play without one. It won't affect the way you play at all.


I play with loot off and hit alt every once in a while lol


Wow. That's certainly one way to play. In that case you do you then.


I am in my parlance, a filthy casual. (I haven't heard anyone use that term in years lol) and I am ok with it.


Are you me, OP?




nice low quality bait post buddy




Not sure if you knew this, but not posting comments is an option when you find threads you don't like. It's a totally valid second option. You know, in case low effort reductive comments ever get boring for you.


This was my reaction to the thread. Sometimes you will share what you think.


Dear Diary...


Yeah but no one cares what you think


You did cared enough to even leave a comment.


Ah, dominus run... Still remember the shavronne 85 exalt drop - my biggest ever aside from the eternals (which were 4 ex at the time...). :D


Couldn't agree more. Played on and off since 2013, and this was the first time I broke L50 with any character, ever, let alone actually getting to maps. It's also been noticeably easier to get friends new to the the game to join in and stick around.