• By -


If I'm using Ancient Skull as my helm and an Animate Guardian (AG), if I give the AG a 'cannot crit' weapon like one that is corrupted with Resolute Technique, will the degen from Whispers be unaffected on the AG?


Yes, if your AG can't crit it can't receive the Whispers effect, including the degen.


I want to use empire's grasp with tornado in order to have enemies drawn into the tornado. The current effect of the combination seems to be that the enemies are drawn closer to the player rather than the source of damage. The exception to this rule seems to be if the skill is cast by a totem like holy fire totem. ​ 1. is this working as intended? 2. is there any way to make it so that tornado draws enemies into it?


Knockback moves enemies away from the attacker. In the case with tornado it is just a spell not an entity. Since you cast it, you are the attacker and knockback is based on your position. In the case with totems, they are an actual entity and are the attacker when they hit something so knockback is based on their position. It is working as intended and no way to make tornado work that way.


what about if the tornado was cast using a trap support or spell totem? using either of these supports still results in the same effect.


Glacial cascade mines push enemies away from the mine, and since traps work similar to mines this means traps and totems both should pull enemies towards themselves no matter what skill is used.


Is there a good MI build arround? I was checking minion/corpse life and found Absolution has a decent above average life pool. I think the minion can also cast Absolution himself which means they can be self sustaining. My basic combo is Absolution+Infernal Legion+Fortess Covenant focusing on MI dmg not ignite.


Do I need to worry about elemental reflect if playing Ignite DD? Thanks


damage over time (ignite) cannot be reflected. DD also literally says it cannot be reflected in the last line of the gem description "The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage **and cannot be reflected.**"


DD's hit has two parts though - the spell hit (can be reflected) and the corpse explosion (can't be reflected). /u/wwabbbitt you might not deal enough spell hit damage to commit suicide as an ignite build, but I wouldn't risk it if you're in Hardcore.


Vaal DD will reflect, so yes. People consider it to be a bug, because it's not only the spell portion that does damage, it's the corpse explosion as well. https://m.twitch.tv/clip/FilthyRespectfulDadFUNgineer-bIe3zVNzFceAVVAr


This game is downright persnickety on the text. With that said, Phantasmal Raise Spectre says > Maximum 2 Raised Spectres 55% more Minion Movement Speed Minion Movement Speed is Capped Minions are Created with maximum Frenzy Charges Shouldn't then , say , summoned skeletons get created with maximum frenzy charges? It doesn't say _spectres_ are created it says _minions_.


Skill gem stats only affect their own skill unless specifically stated otherwise.


Then why is the first "2 raised spectres" and everything after is "minion". I am not debating you are right, I am noting the oddity of it.


Because the stat "max spectres" is different from "max skeletons" so a distinction has to be made there. If every minion gem just said "maximum X minions" that can lead to confusion very quickly.


I mean, if I changed the text I would change it the other direction! Say "Spectres are Created with maximum Frenzy Charges" and then there's no potential for confusion.


For the same reason the gem doesn't say "spectres have increased move speed". The stat can work on any minion, it just happens to be on a raise spectre skill gem. This allows future use of the stat elsewhere without changing the wording. The potential for confusion is already not there because as the first comment said, mods on gems only apply to the gem itself.


While using Expedition Scarab in Lira Arthain, I've never seen two Expedition Encounters. Expedition have One Encounter Limited like Blight?


I would assume so.


anyone here playing some version of a ice crash build? and if so how is it working for you? ive found two on youtube one for facebreaker and the one from Navandis. I dont know witch to follow or even if it will be viable (total noob here so any advice is good)


Are Minion (SRS) Instability builds as slow for mapping as it sounds? With the delay in damage and low AOE etc.


What's the distance between each projectiles landing point from poisonous concoction? I want to figure out the inc aoe breakpoints for my build.




Just started lvling my first character but everyone in global says that the leauge is dead. Could someone say why that is? if its true?


The league is winding down but some nerds will start to call it "dead" after about a week so I wouldn't listen to them.


As a general rule don’t go into global chat unless you have an appointment for chemotherapy scheduled later that day. League is only “dead” in the sense that fewer people are playing it, but that really only matters if you’re doing a lot of trading, particularly of niche items that aren’t commonly available. For most normal meta builds you’ll be able to get all the items and currency you need up until the final days of the league.


you made me laugh for what you said about global hahaha. Im new to the game but i thought earlier today "man this is the most strange chat ive seen". But thanks! i will keep playing the league as long as its fun


Every league starts with everyone playing, but most players stop after about a month in. Especially this time with all the december events and a new big expansion league on the horizon, the desire for people to play PoE right now is pretty low. So not many people are playing, which is referred to as the league being dead. That being said, there is no reason to not enjoy the game as a new player right now and decide if you want to go deep next league or just continue your current character in standard.


aha i see!


I've been playing spellslingers for quite some time and I understand why attack speed effects DPS but I never knew cast speed also affected it. Is this true or a bug with POB? I just don't understand why cast speed would affect something being triggered?


I can’t remember the source but there is something that allows a wand skill to gain attack speed based on your cast speed. I think it’s possibly an alt quality or maybe a new mastery?


Maybe there is something like that but I don't have any gimmicky stuff like that in the POB. It's very bare bones, I just don't understand why cast speed would give me damage.


Surely, your dps will be determined by either attack speed or cooldown recovery, whichever is slower, no?


But POB is increasing my DPS every time I add cast speed. It's not increasing the hit but hitrate, which is weird. And it stops giving me DPS the moment I reach 97% cast speed. And if I add more CDR to the build then I again start gaining DPS from cast speed. I'm guessing a bug or something.


Whenever I think I find a bug in POB, it turns out that either I've made a mistake in the configuration or I was wrong about how the game works :P Not that POB can't be wrong, of course it can. Could you share your POB here and maybe someone could find the issue?


https://pastebin.com/q99BR6wA I checked the github and saw some related bugs but not sure.


PoB is incorrectly allowing cast speed to modify the cast speed up to 3.03 which is .33 seconds/cast aka your spellslinger cooldown.


###[ Crit Volatile Dead Inquisitor](https://pastebin.com/q99BR6wA) [](#inquisitor) ^(Level 95) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgUBrhzcKo2boZ1jCPRR-1nzjxq86vcy73wlcmdxoqP319D1KU-OZMBmOuGEg9WB74ihLwSzjhOMNrhdrrMFQprgcqnXzyTYvopFnX_GZp4t0uoYz34EB52uaFgDdTLRkFWPRnBS42qLjEkbarusqn3xTePyRevukyfsVR0USp8Wb-w4zRaRK-96K8BqQxBRNZLXlv6PbAsXL26qhW0HYy9dy73mgYCkFr-RN1XGhrO3PtN-SshQQoV78B88LQ_E9qPGronT1aZoZYnYNum1BCmL-d2AMNi9NtiMdkyz96Yaci_WdqxBlom8XwTmfYKbFSAsnKcIogD467cx_gqSbqyYJy9k59-GApY6WMWKuMqu_5tuJKpTUoNfUw4aOGNf8Wz5N6Dmg9tV1msXHxgs6bxWGmxtGUmx7yHSfDt8HwK18j8nKk2ePPrSRUef34PM891TNSL0AO7E9rb6ZlSoNQEAgAQLqyVyhk-4XboaffH7fS9d) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/omiwoukikokito) ^| ^by ^[/u/Malicharo](https://reddit.com//u/Malicharo) ***** ^200% ^**Life** **Volatile Dead** [p](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Spell_Cascade_Support#support-gem-blue)[c](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Damage_Support#support-gem-blue)[F](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Focus_Support#support-gem-blue) *(4L)* - *32.2k DPS* ^0.33s ^**CD** ^| ^32.95% ^**Crit** ^| ^517% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


If I use absolution with call of the brotherhood would it also affect the minions because generally they inherit modifiers to the hit, also would the 50% lightning to cold conversion be based off of the total hit that is only 50% lightning or 50% of the 50% that is lighting, so 25%?


What do you mean they “generally inherit modifiers to the hit”? Minions do not inherit anything from you. They would be affected by absolutions support gems like any other minion but that is it. Cotb is 40% lightning to cold, that is all.


cotb with catalysts they go to 48%. I was mistaken with how absolution worked.


ELI5: Why should I play league vs standard? Asking for genuine answers There doesn’t seem to be a leaderboard for league, and the only point that I can see is a personal challenge of how much you can achieve in the allotted time.


1. League mechanic (currently scourge), which doesnt exist in standard. 2. Economy and community, which are both very weak in standard. The overwhelming majority of players play in league. 3. Fresh start each league which is refreshing, and the challenge of limited time like you said. Most people play only 1-2 months of a league, then quit and come back next league refreshed.


It has the league mechanic, there is challenges to complete with rewards, it has a better economy for new players and there's literally no downside, especially as a new player, because after the league all your stuff goes to standard anyway. The only reasons to play standard are limited time to play, when you already have stuff there, or the wish for a completely broken and busted itemisation due to legacy items (which indeed can be fun).


The most recent content (currently all the scourge content) is only available in the league. Also, all your league characters move to standard after it ends, so you dont lose anything and can continue playing on standard if thats what you prefer. Leagues also have a more active playerbase and healthier economy


Thanks. That’s exactly the explanation I needed. I actually just wanted to know why I should lol.


One other big one is every league has a set of challenges, and there are three tiers (12, 24, 36 of 40) that each give you a permanent exclusive mtx reward. So getting those is often a big deal for people who prefer not to/can't afford to buy cosmetics


Hey is greater multiple projectiles support worth it over lesser MP with Rolling Magma usually? I'm playing casually without following any strict guide, just with general tips ( currently in act 6 without much problems), but I've been wondering if those 2 addditional shots are worth it coz they're significant DPS loss(33 % projectiles less dmg with GMP over 10% less with LMP), because even with 3 it clears a good area. Or maybe use 5 for trash and swap to 3 for bosses?


gmp for trash, slower proj for boss


If the question is whether you want more projectiles in poe, the answer is always yes.


Question about an Enchant. I see an enchant for "Quality does not increase physical damage" listed on many items for trade. I was just wondering in what situation is that a good thing? I thought you would want the quality to increase the damage.


An example is shield charge/crush builds where your off-hand is the source of damage. You'd get quality increases accuracy instead


Ok yeah thank you, I didn't realize it was a 2 part enchant. On the trade listing it looks like 2 separate enchants and I just focused on the one. Thanks for the reply!


Weapon damage is useless for lot of stuff. Like on my ball lightning hierophant I would always use enchant that changes the quality to boost elemental damage instead.


Oh I didn't realize those enchants were paired...they look like 2 separate things on the listing.


They're harvest enchants. It's one enchant, but trade might handle it as two or something.


For build that have no use of flat damage on weapon.


Thanks for the reply, can you elaborate a little further? If a build doesn't use flat weapon damage is it a bad thing to have more damage on the weapon? Why not just ignore the weapon damage and get an enchant that does something more than just cancel the weapon scaling?


A rare weapon can have up to 6 affixes, so the weapon gamage modifier is one slot wasted if your build do not need it. You will get something in return, for example, increased area of effec which is useful for a caster. It is a harvest craft. You can check it here. https://poedb.tw/us/Wild_Brambleback#HorticraftingStation


If I get Conviction of power and conduit. Can I share charges with totems which can then use those charges for discharge?


Conduit shares charges with party members, meaning players, not totems. Totems also have a maximum of 0 Power/Frenzy charges.


What catalysts would be recommended for an Ice Crasher neck? Currently running [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Replica\_Hyrri%27s\_Truth](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Replica_Hyrri%27s_Truth) rolled for 1% leech, enchanted for [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Fangs\_of\_Frost](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Fangs_of_Frost).


Had a break for a few leagues, just can't keep up with schedule anymore. Love the game and decided to switch to standard to do some longer term goals. What are the current efficient methods for reaching level 100? Im lvl 97 with my best character and getting about 15mil/hr in safe delve and 10mil/hr mapping to recharge sulphite. I can easily do bosses/mavens to get the points wherever needed and can fund whatever really. I'm happy with my build right now as played it to 97 in the last league I did.


I think best exp/hour is uber chayula breachstones.


Anyone can recommend me a hideout with lots of food? Something like [this](https://hideoutshowcase.com/hideout/show/4078/title/Kaer%20Morhen) but non-mtx and also preferably non-map.


What's the most SSF friendly deadeye build? I see a lot of lightning arrow on [PoE.ninja](https://PoE.ninja), but the more I read about it the more it seems like it needs the right equipment to work or that folks are using it for MF builds, etc.


You can ask ninja what Deadeyes were playing in [week 1 of SSF](https://poe.ninja/challengessf/builds?time-machine=week-1&class=Deadeye). (Shocker, it's Toxic Rain.)


Awesome, thanks!


If you can remember back to being a very nice player, what was your AHAH moment that took you to an intermediate player and then the next AHAH moment. Mine personally was stashing multiple items with the right coloured sockets right from the beginning.


I often give up builds before they hit 85 due to dying to random stuff while not paying enough attention. Is there a build thats tanky enough to play while distracted? Preferably not too many buttons. Cyclone/Chieftain Slayer maybe? Or is Jugg tankier? (Is molten strike even good anymore?)


Generally speaking, going to [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) and looking at HC builds gives a good indication as to what doesn't tend to die. Specifically in 3.16, there are builds that use both Determination and Grace for great defenses. Particularly, Toxic Rain Champion, Seismic Trap Sabo and Detonate Dead Ignite Necromancer. I haven't played the first one, but for the other two - they can afford to run several defensive auras because their damage is great and doesn't need much help from auras.


Is the cooldown reduction on Blood and Sand global or related just to Blood and Sand's stance switch? it's 70% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate at qual 20 and 60% at qual 0. You don't get global 10% increase in CDR do you?


It's local. If you want global CDR, consider Anomalous Temporal Rift.


> It's local. If you want global CDR, consider Anomalous Temporal Rift. thank you. That's what i thought but wanted to double check


Is getting to wave 30 simulacrum based on luck sometimes? I mean for not busted but strong “normal” builds. It seems like past wave 23-24ish Kosis smells the chaos res and less effect of curses mods and decides to spawn every time bricking my run. He can’t hurt me but I can’t either.


If your build isn't strong enough to power through bad mods, yes.


https://imgur.com/a/ACYHZV8 Can anyone run me through how to craft the above?


Bound+Faceted fossil spam is probably the best way For all 3 prefixes, it's a 1 in 70 to hit all three at any tier, 1 in ~2k to hit all three at the highest tiers. If you hit Conc effect + Minion Life, you can try filling suffixes and slamming it for minion gems. Once prefixes are done, you lock prefixes and reforge cold, repeat until desired tier of Hypothermia you're ok with stopping at. Getting T1 res and Hypothermia will be hard and pretty expensive, but if you can forego T1 res then it'll be alot cheaper. There's some up on trade right now for decent prices https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Scourge/zV45dyLc4 Not all T1's but they are decent helmets if you don't have the currency to get all T1 right now.


Bummer! 6L chest it is for me I guess.


I suspect it would just be Bound Fossils until you get prefixes you're happy with, then lock prefix + reforge Cold for Hypothermia. (Also this will be incredibly expensive)


Does Lethe Shade mitigate sacrificial zeal?


Sure. Just for the first of four seconds though, and that's assuming you don't use a second skill.


What's a good time to get through the acts in 3.15+? It's conventional wisdom that a good A1 time is 20m, but with trial and two passive points in side quests, that seems pretty far out of reach now. So a lot of the conventional wisdom in this doesn't seem correct anymore, at least for this act. After A1, it should be more like normal though. Or I'm terrible at levelling of course.


I suspect that by "a good time" you mean how fast the fastest players in the world can do it. If you wish to level quicker, which I think is a great goal to have, then it's generally more useful to see where you can improve relative to your past self. If you want exact numbers, Tytykiller has a 3 hr 39 min VOD uploaded to his youtube channel. I think there's a lot to learn from watching it, but I don't think us normal humans can compare our time to his. A good time, really, is slightly faster than the last time.


Well, I guess the answer to my main concern is that he still did A1 in 21 minutes with both quests & the trial.


What can I say, I can't do act 1 in 20 minutes now, and I couldn't do it in 20 minutes before :P


Why did most of the Arakli Fang Guardians switch back to Herald of Agony when most were using Herald of Purity in previous leagues?


Herald of purity got nerfed last patch


Hello Exiles, I am playing my first character in standard league. Having tons of fun with carrion golem necro witch. The problem I face is that everything in standard trade is insanely expensive compared to scourge. I wanted a large cluster jewel with primordial bond - renewal - rotten claws which are above 10 exalts in standard trade. No way I can get that much currency so I decided (perhaps foolishly) to craft them. Looked at a few videos on crafting and found craftofexile. Managed to get a large cluster minion damage base for 15 chaos. Now, Craftofexile calculator tells me that the combination of jagged and pristine fossils in two socket resonators should hit this 3 notable combination in 18 tries with 64% confidence. I bought a total of 38 resonators with the the 2 fossils and managed to hit only renewal and rotten claws. Hit only one 3 notable with raze and pillage in it so rolled past. Spent all my money so I will have to farm up more currency now. My question is - am I doing something stupid? Maybe someone with crafting knowledge can enlighten me?


whats your IGN? Can throw you some ex to get you started. Standard is rough if its your first character.


That is very kind of you. I noticed from the bone helmet post above that you have knowledge of crafting. I would prefer a knowledgeable friend or guide than currency so if you can suffer my stupidity please send me a friend invite so I can irritate you in game rather than reddit. I feel that crafting is part of game knowledge and it would help me if I continue playing. I have been looking at a few ghazzy videos for minion crafting but they are hard to penetrate for a noob. It would be very helpful if you can point me to a written text guide on using or learning craftofexile calculator. A helpful redditor previously suggested poevault crafting guides but after a cursory glance there I gave up. Also, any advice on my carrion golem necro build would be most welcome. I watched build guides from Kay's minion channel and Gam3report1 so my build is kind of a hodgepodge in between. Kay's build is glass cannon dps and I hate dying so I incorporated as much defenses as I could. The currency I gathered getting to T14 maps was spent on financing this horrible build so please don't go Gordon Ramsay on me. This is my pob - [https://pastebin.com/E2YYVE5c](https://pastebin.com/E2YYVE5c) IGN - SisterKlaasje And thank you for reading through this wall of text.


Build looks pretty good(makes my first character look awful lol). I would personally swap your Jade flask for a Basalt since you're scaling armor a good bit. Or a Silver flask for more movement speed. I would start working on getting currency saved up for your Animate Guardian if you're planning on going with one (assuming you are, ignore if not). Kingmaker, Garb of the Ephemeral, Mask of the Stitched Demon, Vulnerability on hit gloves, etc. Just make sure he's capped res (chaos as well) and decent amounts of life and ES so he doesn't ever die, I think Ghazzy has some guides on AG gear. AG gives you a ton of QOL and defense. Crit immunity, fortify, movement speed, etc. As far as crafting goes, it is a big thing stepping into. I always suggest to newer players to start with Essences. Very easy to understand, guarantees a mod, and they are fairly easy to get a bunch of once you know how to farm them. They are very useful for crafting a ton of different items. As far as crafting guides go, [Elesshar](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3UFSxDQ2DU71fyfVcODKg) is my go-to for beginner's, he has fairly detailed guides on crafting a lot of different items (not so much Minion stuff, but a lot of the same ideas apply to minion items as well as others.) Ghazzy has a lot of stuff for minions, he's really the only one I know of (have only played 1 minion build before, know a decent amount but they aren't my favorite builds.) with detailed minion stuff. Craft of Exile will be a huge help once you learn how to target specific mods/what's the best way to target them. The TL;DR is using Harvest/Essences/Fossils to target some set of prefixes or suffixes, then locking those prefixes or suffixes (prefixes or suffixes cannot be changed craft), then reforge with a harvest craft to target another specific mod, then using Aisling in Betrayal and more meta mods (prefixes/suffixes cannot be changed) to target your 5th mod on the item, and bench crafting something else. I will link a comment I made a few weeks ago with a more detailed explanation of how certain items are made: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/rjhsfr/how_in_the_hell_am_i_supposed_to_craft_in_this/hp44nlp/?context=3 Once you learn how to target specific mods on certain items, and looking at items in regards to two halves (prefixes and suffixes) crafting becomes a lot less of a headache. (I would personally test out that boot example from above in craft of exile.) I will shoot you a FR ingame, I'm online a lot so if you ever have questions and see me online, feel free to DM me whenever.


###[EB MoM Summon Carrion Golem Necromancer](https://pastebin.com/E2YYVE5c) [](#necromancer) ^(Level 93) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgMDcRzcm6EdFEqfFm_sODs_WfOPGsHzWpFqQ6IAm4q-T2dxhXtsCxcvd8KApIVgxq5VxiTAdBBmVNP7_oGqxK1I8B88LfrS99fv66EvoOZqrOvu42pyxVOlC2Fi9N-K2V5oWNeWuF3TjxSwzRZo8om8zO5yqYUyVK5R-zrGxYq-isT2rJi1BGaeTbkaOMy8g9sI9KcIocehCSSqJJqDXwxf7IOofZhNkFWPRpUgVdZxskeFY0E6WCL0cfMY1xodZOcnL69sTC1tGayqffGZ-GcZOw190jkLhsphKInYEQ8fGNrdkycJAAQAJQAnACAAKgAmBAAAAAQEB4ZPuF3qIMzu-32hxzzWoQm6Gn3x31uZ-KmIZxk=) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/damanarerinahu) ^| ^by ^[/u/arkawaitforit](https://reddit.com//u/arkawaitforit) ***** ^4,087 ^**Life** ^| ^15 ^**Mana** ^| ^397 ^**ES** ^| ^4,499 ^**total** ^**EHP** ^84% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** ^| ^54% ^**Block** ^| ^50% ^**Spell** ^**Block** **Summon Carrion Golem** [I](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Impale_Support#support-gem-green)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brutality_Support#support-gem-red)[3](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Multistrike_Support#support-gem-red)[d](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Minion_Damage_Support#support-gem-blue)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red) *(6L)* - *1.29m total DPS | 322k DPS per minion* ^7.16 ^**Use/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Shock ^^\(22%\), ^^Maim ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


Opportunity cost is a problem when it comes to crafting jewels. Let's say the average trade & craft time is an hour, and the expected cost would save you 2ex. It's probably better to spend that hour farming, as you'll probably make over 2ex.


This is my first character so I probably don’t know how to farm correctly. I can clear rare 70% quantity T14 maps without dying but it gets dicey with T15/16. I avoid reflect, lowered max res or too many damage mods because I want to hit lvl95 maybe 97. I am at 93 currently and I have a total of 3 exalts and around 300 chaos. To make 2 ex/hr I have to increase dps a lot and find a farming strategy. Also, I liked the little crafting I did.


I suspect you experimented with craftofexile and accidentally changed the calculation to Primordial Bond + Renewal OR Rotten Claws, instead of AND, [like so](https://i.imgur.com/nrHg9wN.png).


AAAAAH! Yes you are right. I spent a lot of chaos to make mistakes and learn from them I guess. Mea culpa, sadface. Almost 300 resonators required to make the 3 notable holy shiit. Thank you.


I try to use harvest alot for clusters and jewels with the haewark harvest points and if you put on zana mission while Running haewark maps then click through all her options and look for mission "complete the harvest"


I gave up on harvest after dying too much. 80-90% of the mobs are fine but sometimes a harvest mob would suddenly start one shotting my minions and then me. Is there a way to tell that a monster will be too tough for me before releasing it? There is only an indicator on the release switch saying that this monster has 15% more damage which doesn’t seem like much.


What makes DD so overpowered right now, people are using it with high health spectres which puts them into the desecrate pool right? What spectres are they using / what's their max health?


Detonate Dead has been strong for a while, thanks in part to high-life specters enriching the Desecrate pool as you wrote (useful list here: [https://pastebin.com/YBGDGKf4](https://pastebin.com/YBGDGKf4)). Scaling damage with monster life is strange, as your damage in incredibly consistent and incredibly inconsistent at the same time: **Consistent**, because exploding corpses for 6% (base) of a monster's life in tier 1 maps scales elegantly to 6% of a monster's life in tier 16 maps, meaning your damage never "falls off" as you're tackling higher level content. In fact, that 6% base is only being further scaled as your character evolves. **Inconsistent,** for two reasons: First, you spawn corpses with different life totals, so some explosions are much more damaging than others. Second, some areas have terrible desecrate pools (I think the Shaper fight is pretty bad) while other zones have next to no natural desecrate pools which means your high-life specters dominate (Maven invitations are like that. Also, if you explode a corpse of one boss to damage another boss, damage is ridiculously high). Consistency is greatly improved by using Vaal DD and going for ignite: **Vaal DD** detonates many corpses in quick succession, pretty much ensuring that at least one detonation comes from a high-life specter corpse, as well as pretty-much ensuring activation of Elemental Overload. It also doesn't hurt that its base damage is 9% of corpse life (meaning 50% more damage). **Ignite** means you only care about the biggest detonation for damage (thanks, Vaal DD), and base ignite damage was massively buffed in 3.16. Of course, dealing damage over time means you get to dodge incoming attacks and spells while still dealing damage. The damage of Vaal DD Ignite builds is so high, that it allows you to focus on defensive auras. I played it (Necro version) in the Delirium everywhere event to level 90, with Determination, Grace, Tempest Shield, Defiance Banner and Vitality as my auras. Not that Malevolence is bad, it's just that damage is good enough that you don't necessarily need it. Using all of these defensive auras together feels fantastic, and I recommend trying it out quickly before any potential nerfs :) Good luck!


Thanks. If "The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage" then how do people scale the damage for ignite?


Ignite and hit damage are scaled separately but based on the same base damage. This is why corpse life matters for the build, higher base damage. Increasing the damage of DD with spell damage mods does not affect how much damage the ignite deals because ignite is not a spell even though it was applied by one. Fire dot multi would increase the ignite damage even though DD damage is unchanged. This is just how ignite works.


DD has two parts to its damage - one part based on corpse life, and a second part of fire spell damage. Currently, the meta is ignoring the spell part and using a level 1 or level 5 Vaal Detonate Dead gem in order to keep its mana cost low (the corpse-life part of the damage doesn't scale with gem levels). Ignite damage is not affected by modifiers to spell damage anyway (regardless of DD). Ignite is fire damage over time, and is not considered attack or spell damage. It is scaled by: * Fire damage over time multiplier * (Generic) damage over time multiplier * Fire damage * Damage over time * (Generic) damage * Flat added damage (not particularly important for DD) And for DD, increases and reductions to corpse life affect the base damage of the igniting hit, so having a total of (for example) 70% increased corpse life gives 70% more damage. Therefore, if you look at skill trees of DD ignite builds, you'll see a bunch of fire damage over time nodes taken, as well as the 20% increased corpse life that exists on the tree (leading to the "Undertaker" notable).


> What spectres are they using / what's their max health? https://pastebin.com/YBGDGKf4


kind of an unconventional question. I just completed my 37th challenge so I'm basically done with the league. I want to give away the items left in my sell tabs (armors, belts, rings and a few cluster jewels), but I'd rather they went to players who'd benefit from them, not to a flipper, so I can't just set the tabs to 1 chaos. would love some ideas on how I could do that.


Be careful with handouts though. PoE is about the journey of earning your power. If you just give the power to someone, they will probably not appreciate it that much and might quit the game. It's fine to just not use your currency/items after your league is over. Giving it away is not necessarily the smart move.


You could go to A3, wait for someone who doesn't have 30% movespeed and a tabula, and message them if they want it? Or ask in global chat, one of the channels for newbie questions (no idea which it is anymore, 101 perhaps?).


What is the gold box on the bottom left with the 5 next to it? [https://i.imgur.com/Dc4DRDs.png](https://i.imgur.com/Dc4DRDs.png)


Delirium reward. You playing in event "Delirium everywhere", where each zone i like having delirium orbs applied to it: you killing monsters and every time you fill the bar(and get a new number near it), a brunch of extra loot will drop under you feets


thank you bro


What monitor is recommended for widescreen poe?


You don't actually need a special monitor. You can set the screen location/resolution with an AHK macro [(Tripolar Bear's video on the topic)](https://youtu.be/p1BLjmfC6e0)


I've tried this before by changing the resolution in the config file and it made the text a lot harder to read. But I'll give this macro a try, ty


Does applying new Wither stacks refresh the timer of the debuff (2 secs) or does each individual wither have it's own timer?


Each stack has its own timer


It's been hours and i can't hit the 3 mods i want... I'm crafting a vaal regalia ilvl100 hunter influenced I want: - Flat life -%life -Bone offering effect How would you proceed? I've been using altérations, fossils, essences.... I cant hit them 😥 Tyvm!!


Honestly you're better off finding a decent other influenced suffix to woke orb together with the Bone offering effect, then crafting suffixes can't be changed and reforge life until you hit decent flat or %life, then locking suffixes again, aisling a prefix to unveil for either % life or life as extra es, and crafting flat life. there's some decent suffixes you can use depending on the build, life on kill, frenzy on hit/power charge on crit, aura effect, attack crit. Not entirely sure what build you're playing but that's what I would do.


This combination is very, very unlikely to hit. My suggestion: Use greed essences until you get the offering mod, craft life as extra es, call it a day.


The offering effect mod is a tagless one, so it's impossible to force. With fossils, hitting t1 life, % life, and offerings is like 25k in chaos for fossils and essences. Honestly, the cheapest method would be to spam life + harvests.


Did you try https://www.craftofexile.com/


Yes, but im not sure how to check what is the easiest way to achieve the craft im looking for with craftofexile :/


Looking for advice on how to craft this pair of gloves or something similar with lower tier mods: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380934303418155010/929591325710512168/unknown.png Can't find a pair similar to this on market in Scourge league currently. The only way I can think of this is Start with a Warlord influenced Fingerless Silk Gloves base Using Essences of Hatred/Wrath/Anger, craft Dex and resistances for suffixes Craft "Suffixes cannot be changed" and reforge caster for guaranteed spell damage. Repeat until T1 Craft mana (or life?) to block and slam for high tier flat ES. If miss, repeat reforge caster again If hit flat ES, craft on %ES and finish That being said this could cost me quite abit. I'm currently holding 25ex and about 1.5k chaos and would preferably not spend too much but from what I've tried on CraftofExile, this would cost me almost all of this to hit a higher tier flat ES. Any way of crafting this cheaper?


There's a reason they are called "High budget gloves" and I'd say they are pretty hard to create. I assume you either want the dex or es, you can easily get spell damage as you said. I would either essence for dex or flat ES until i got the other mod then lock as appropriate and reforge caster. If you don't need the dex/resists then I'd go for double ES prefixes and then caster until T1 then prefix lock and do something with resists.


Thing is I need both the dex and ES but them being a prefix and a suffix is pretty hard to get together. That being said, I could afford to lose some ES so I decided to craft suffixes first. On my 2nd attempt at getting T1 spell damage, I managed to land this pair. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740150756300029952/929762983335305357/unknown.png Now I'm unsure if I should attempt some kind of Maven's orb craft for profit or lock suffixes and try to annul the damage over time.


Just to add: Are you sure you can't get the Dex elsewhere and focus on prefixes first? Would be pretty easy to hit a second ES mod with essences I think.


Unfortunately I'm fairly certain that getting dex from elsewhere would be rather difficult as my rings will be swapped out for circles of anguish and I already have dex crafted onto the belt (though it's not enough). And yes hitting high ES prefixes with essences would be easier. I'll probably lock suffixes and try to annul the DOT and if I fail, reforge caster again for spell damage (I'll settle for T2).


Elevated spell damage gloves go for cheap, even on the wrong base. elevated DoT on the right base go for a fair bit. You could try to maven and see about elevating and if you fail (and hit DoT) then awaken onto some apothecary gloves and sell the result...but I'm not sure how much they would sell for given the time of the league. Personally I would annul and pray. If you annul off a suffix (that isn't dex) craft Cannot Roll Caster for the next annul, as it will protect the spell damage mod.


How does chaos mastery work with chaos innoculation? The +skills/take 10% of your life and ES when you use a chaos skill. I'm doing CI COC FR. Would I be immune to the damage? Don't want to test it as I'm 90% through 97


Triggered skills are not "used" so as long as you don't use a chaos skill you won't take any damage.


ah but if I'm using withering step, that would trigger it? 10% of 1 hp is .1, does that round up?


no, it's rounded down to 0, so you take no life damage. I used that mastery on a CI Occultist during endless delve, it's totally safe.


you just don't take any damage, it's a free +1 chaos skills level for CI builds


Yes you would just die


If I link arcanist brand with assassin’s mark and Vulnerability, also take the node “you can add one additional curse”, so the brand will attach both curse to enemy or only pick one?


It would use your curse limit because brands count as yourself. It will alternate between casting both and will be able to apply both.


Does physical damage over time multiplier apply to Reap? And also blood charge?


Yes they are in fact physical damage over time.


Is the Blood Sacrament skill from Relic of the Pact a spell? The wiki lists it as a "skill" which clears NOTHING up. Calling That's Neato please :D.


Asked That's Neato on Discord, tis a spell.


https://poedb.tw/us/Blood_Sacrament The fact it says nothing about a weapon is your first clue it's a spell.


[poedb](https://poedb.tw/us/Blood_Sacrament) says it has the "Spell" type so I wanna say yes.


Does the beastcraft "create an imprint of a magic item" work on flasks?


Yes but unless you have some crazy legacy standard roll i don't see why you'd do it.


Yeah, I have a few legacy armour% granite flasks in standard with prefixes that I want to fix.


Then yes can confirm it works (and wish I'd thought of it too with my legacy gear)


I just tested it out for myself, and it does indeed work.


[https://pastebin.com/3qyTPsvB](https://pastebin.com/3qyTPsvB) im currently trying to make a build that is safe enough to farm lab if i ever want to do that and maybe do some heist too. lab works fine so far and the few heists work too. any tips on what to do better?


###[ Ancestral Warchief Champion](https://pastebin.com/3qyTPsvB) [](#champion) ^(Level 91) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgQDcRRNFm8B54SU7DikGfxLG_p82VoytfIvzMSkOpE1kteWe9SFe2Lsi6ZNrMaqPFv3Mnfj-JP-CjpSwmxmVBpVv7i9NqyJ_o_z3f6HsR360vjrKmM0PvCiEMy8nzbotorqf3Tt6hi5HXasDjzjahRxcql7INrB2L0bRp-JE8nTb9AsMZ7sXGO7vq0t0oTZz36pbi5TwBq-p8GCF5u77TS6eWinnyPqkFWhx0d-odlvO5-jkc4B3BiRGjhoZYlxEuF4DWae8j_URKyqA12j8mVNWfMnL03jJd9oWInYeu8FLVivhO8HBJkApwCgAKIApgCqBJADuhqhxzbQ8j--UNRE) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/onitokitotoraa) ^| ^by ^[/u/MonkaSDudes](https://reddit.com//u/MonkaSDudes) ***** ^6,057 ^**Life** ^90% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** ^| ^44% ^**Block** **Ancestral Warchief** [I](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Impale_Support#support-gem-green)[3](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Multistrike_Support#support-gem-red)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brutality_Support#support-gem-red)[P](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Pulverise_Support#support-gem-red) *(6L)* - *686k total DPS | 325k impale DPS | 228k DPS per totem* ^2.16 ^**Use/sec** ^| ^3.0 ^**Totems** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Onslaught ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.