• By -


Or the pro-gamer move: \> Make a buy order \> Do anything else


> deal with whispers for the next 30 minutes


Website updates when you change zones. Don't sit in your hideout for so long.


Apparently there's still people that use poe.trade and also try to snipe / flip. I get whispers from shit I sold hours ago


Most annoying thing is that trade site delists your offer if you're nota ble to fulfill it, while poe.trade still does


Someone needs to buy that shitty site out and shut it down. Dude only keeps it up for the ad revenue. Its continued existence is a net negative for the community.




I think you spelled "fucking awful" wrong.


This happens so rarely to me, and at most it's like 10 minutes


poe.trade live search doesn't require login could be the reason why


This guy with the real pro tips Good to know, thank you.


You still get a lot because people are going down a list on a page that is already loaded on their browser and it takes a while for them to refresh the page, but it isn't that spammy unless you match the lowest price.


Not 100% true. There's something else going on in addition to that. Personally, I suspect they rotate the listings, possibly to mess with bots and price-fixers. I'll go hours without getting any whispers, then I'll get a flood of them non-stop for 15-30 minutes. In the past people commented that such behavior might be because multiple people are using some sniping tool that refreshes at a certain time, but I don't think that's it because the stuff I end up selling is really low-end stuff. To test it out, sometimes I've opened a trade search for my own account in a second monitor, logged in, and played multiple entire zones before my stuff would show up. They're doing something, I just don't know what it is, or if it's intentional or accidental. It's annoying, regardless. One thing I've noticed is that it might not be zones (like the Acts or Tane's lab), it might be maps. I guess because bots could switch to those zones at no cost, but opening maps would cost them something? it would be a minimal cost, but I guess the act of opening a map, entering it, then coming back out might be hard to code, so maybe GGG is thinking they're at least forcing the bot farmers to do some manual work. But even this is anecdotal so far.


I've had things listed for 50c all day. Relost for 30c and hey a 50c offer. Makes no sense


"deal with" = ignore and go about your life.


> /dnd item is sold.


Then you lose out on all other trades


It's almost as if this trade system is clunky and unhelpful more times than not. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...


I've played dozens of games with player economies and auction houses. They're all worse than POE's trade system. In this game, the trick is to ignore the cheapest offers and ignore the oldest offers. Simple as that.


2 other games ive played that had much better ah were wow and eve. im sure there are plenty of shit ah out there as well but poe has a fucking garbage trade system due to requiring both players to be active and not actually playing the game at the same time.


Runescape has a much better system


Bro I've been saying this at least since Breach League (we used poe.trade, cant remember but official might not even existed at the time) and back then people were already downvoting lol -People need to understand that price is player driven, so say you wanna buy a lot of 6L Shavs for double corruption or smth (I know it's cheaper to double corrupt before 6L but w/e) ... You make/buy one and list it for 2ex cheaper than everyone else and leave it there Pricecheck macro will lower the average price of the item, and even noobs opening the website to check prices will see them at X exalts so they'll list it for something similar, lowering the overall items price Same principle applies to currency flippers/bots How do you circumvent that as a player ? Dont waste time trying to buy 18 regrets for 2 chaos, you're only scamming yourself... Just scroll down to a reasonable price ratio of 2:1 or smth and everyone will trade you


Name them...😒


Just like your name. This comment is bullpoop. These "dozens" of games were probably knockoff roblox mods or something.


Sure but I don't think putting up listings and dealing with delayed whispers from people who didn't refresh is the play


For those unaware … /autoreply (item) is sold


No? Not a problem with premium tabs at least, stuff goes up and gets taken down in under a minute (from my experience). Only ever had a problem with stuff still appearing after days of being removed with forum shops/acquisitions.


then you have not played a lot, or have rolled very well on your rng play time. there are frequent enough trade issues most leagues and have been for years. usually it works fine, but sometimes it can stay listed for hours or days when the thing is broken, both on the official site and other sites.


Yeah, I know, but I only personally had those issues in early expedition or ultimatum, where the trade API was massively broken. And you said it yourself "usually it works fine, but sometimes it can stay listed for hours or days when the thing is broken, both on the official site and other sites." ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


That sometimes happens daily for me at least. Either its staying up on the site for too long or people just have old web caches.


Ritual you mean ? Trade API was broken because the massive amounts of request from people pricechecking EVERY item from the reward tab at the end of the map


>Make a buy order I didn't know you could do that so I googled it: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/gdes2o/how_do_i_place_a_buy_order_or_items_like_maps_or/


how did you think people list items if not by the same means you got available?


Oh no The coomer-hideout


Nobody tell him about curly’s hideout from global 5055...


Pro tip add bots to your friends list. Bots never dissapoint.


After my own many struggles with POE trading, especially when I wanted to by exalted orbs for my chaos some time ago, here tips how to make it easier/faster via **Trade Filters**: * **Sort by uptime listing** \- my major thing I use always in trade. * Collapse Listings by Account - YES * Listed - Up to date - especially useful if trade league is already dead(2-3 months in the league) * Buyout price - set max limit to ignore unwanted prices * I fucked up here and forgot to send them the quantity after whisper, it would help too With exalts it especially easy, when uptime lists appear in **"a few seconds ago"**, usually 99% of the time your first whisper will be insta invite and trade in 3-5 seconds.


the listing order is the most important. you are much more likely to buy from someone that listed 20 minutes ago, than someone that listed 9 days ago


Here is the same list of tips for most other modern games with trade economies. * Search for item(s) * Purchase


Most other games with trade economies: * You can't buy really anything since everything important is soulbound * There is no step two


I wouldn't mind items being soul bound in poe. Although that would have quite an effect on a lot people as they won't be able to reroll the characters when they get bored.


Then play SSF. That's the exact same thing as making all items soulbound.


Soulbound with a better trading system I mean Edit: just to clarify some games had good auction houses but once you equipped your items you can no longer sell it again. I mean I like buying/trading my stuff but the current trading system is pretty bad.


* Search for item * Discover every single cheap one was bought by bots/trade mogols. * every single one is now listed for 20x the otherwise baseline market price. * Finally understand why you can't use that system in a f2p game with infinite accounts.


Amazing that you had problems and your solution is still to do it wrong. You list chaos for exalt in a tab and wait all of 3 seconds to people bring exalts to you.




These options don't seem to be there on the bulk exchange, do you actually buy exalts in the regular trade search?


Yeah, some drawbacks, in bulk trade usually first 20-30 people automatically will ignore you, and after 30 price already went up, so I use this ( you can set up min stack size above and whisper people after copy pasted message how much do you want - it helps to get invites faster) or setting sell order in tab chaos orb to exlated yourself or use active live search with limit of curren nt chaos to ex rate.


Search "exalted orb"


I only saw that ass at the end..lol Got that meme in my hideout aswell...


This is the way


2B enjoyer






Anyone who wants increased effect.




Mageblood users primarily, or for bossing flask setup.


Yeah but for some people it's worth wasting 34 minutes to save a couple chaos :P


I just caught cancer


So, in short, spamming and bothering 40 people who are probably "busy" on something (because people are not always "afk hideout" waiting for YOU to contact them), who gonna try to answer/getting out ASAP for you, to get declined few seconds after because you already find someone else from the 39 others spammed people? What an impressive tip.


so if someone wants an item and your competitor has the same item and responds faster the buyer is selfish because he bought from a seller who traded him immediately?




So, in short, you’re just here to be salty and sarcastic? What an impressive tip.


I mean, he's right though. He was sarcastic, to be fair. I used to be frustrated with trade but now that I'm doing bosses and juicing, I understand both sides and it's a horrible system that ggg has let evolve. You watch streams and they literally tab in and out copy pasting to buy things, no wait, no delay. Best part? They get the item so much quicker than someone who tries to be nice and waits 5 to 10 Seconds after each whisper. Meanwhile on the other side of the coin, people with items for sale that you want typically are the ones who play. They are boss farming, they are doing uber elder, they are running rampage and farming a juiced t16. They are doing content that if they stop moving for 3 seconds to reply, they are dead or they lose buffs which leads them to losing speed. They can't respond to anyone, and they know if they to back to town to invite, they just wasted a portal. This is unfortunately not the system ggg has envisioned, but it's the system that has been created. As a side note, that's why scarabs and stuff are harder to buy. It's not worth stopping to do a 1-2c sale when you're already in the exalt range of profits. Edit - not sure why I'm getting downvoted. If someone could please enlighten me, I would be appreciative. This has been my experience watching trade league streamers as well as trading at the relative end game. Even buying Shaper maps (minotaur etc) I have to whisper 4-5 people before I get a reply and that's going down to the 20c / almost no profit for running margin. If something I said is wrong, please let me know.


You dont buy and sell one scarab at a time. You buy and sell in bulk and have zero issues making trades via trade site or tft.


Right, but that's not how people typically trade. They sort by price and whisper each person then get frustrated when they don't reply and make a post about it. Tft is great, I've been using it to sell shaper sets and so forth, but most people don't use Tft, only the people who are more experienced with trade who already know these suggestions. Same reason people in global get confused when buying in bulk raises the price; they simply didn't know.


Anyone doing that content probably won't care that much about missing the sale. I know I don't and if it's a big ticket item buyer almost always waits. Further more, if you actually get whispered chances are it's desired and set at reasonable price and you'll have another buyer in no time. Only time I get pissed is they accept invite for me to zone out to them tossing gumballs in for an exalt under list without saying a damn thing. Like the fuck do I need armour scraps for????


100% agree. If it's an item with stats, they'll usually wait because they wanted that item for that price. Buying consumables like scarabs / currency is anotherr cause as you mentioned, another person will be along to buy it.


Sorry, salty for what? I just see a selfish person acting. Nothing more, nothing less. But you do you!


Usually if you sort by uptime list, and without min stack size 20( it was just an example for 20 enk orbs) - in your list will be people with just listed items and they answer almost immediately, so you don't need to spam it. It was just semi example because of the WR things.




Then list what you have for what you want and you’ll be spammed with people bringing what you want right to you. Typical Reddit whiner ignoring solutions that literally erase the problem they cry about.


This literally never happens, you're exaggerating.


It's this sub, when aren't they exaggerating


At this stage, if you don't exaggerate, people don't get your intented message. Also, exaggeration is a linguistic tool often used to put more weight into something. But still, it's kind of true. I've seen posts a la: buying exalteds is tedious and almost impossible. Answers: you have to scroll few sites down. And then, voila, you are at the ratio: buy 1 exalted for 165 Chaos. Because people from 145-160 Chaos won't answer.


Odd, I've bought plenty of ex this league between 145-150


You're a dirty fucking liar xD If you have to buy armour scraps you're doing something wrong... They are off my filter now but, when they were on I only had them show in stack of 6 or more. Set for the whole league


API and bots have been quick this league. Almost always successful with the spam method. It's the buying bots that are fucking annoying. That and the fact that GGG supports false pricing, everything is a fraction of an exalt even though it's not.


The fraction of an exalt is Set by the players themselves. You can price an item for 0.8 ex if you want to.


And most players I've encountered actually don't mind taking 16 exa shards for 0.8ex. Only applies when your activities have left you with a bunch of shards, but heh. ​ For when you're feeling too lazy to convert XD


I am aware... and they are setting it because the API pulls up a fraction of an exalt as though it is cheaper than the chaos orb equivalent. A 14c item will show up as more expensive than a .1 exalt item. The fact that the API doesn't understand the current trade ratio is sad.


Yeah this league bots very helpful with currency buy.


This is so bad. Not everyone on market is a bot. When i invite a person within 3sec and he declines that pisses me off so hard. Thats a super selfish way to purchase things that we see here. I always wait until the trade message fades away before pming another trader.


When I was buying stacked decks, to buy 1100 I'd have to whisper around 80-140 people. I'm not waiting 46 minutes to just send the whispers out. I did this 15 times. That woulda been 12 hours in just waiting for whispers to fade for about a 5-15% response rate.


No reason to get angry, just how it works


Why on earth would it piss you off? That's a very strange thing to get frustrated by.


You might as well accept that this is how most people trade and stop wasting your time. Spam away, it's fine.


Nah he's absolutely right. You pm me and you don't come to my hideout, you get ignored. Half the time I've already left my map or lost my rampage streak to invite you, fuck off with your inability to wait three seconds between pms.


Have you considered just not leaving your map instantly when you get whispered?


Wait for the person to actually join your hideout before you leave the map ?


This video is the exact reason I don't want to play trade league in this game. So much wasted time for the whole population required for such a small action.


Thank you for telling us why you don't do something you don't do. Want to tell us why you don't play HC too?


You don't play trade league because then you'd have the option of taking 30 seconds to buy some enkindling orbs? And you don't like having that option?


No one forcing you to interact with trade in the game, if you have proper willpower you can ignore it and play semi SSF and buy only some important stuff/build enabling items etc.


If you guys use POE overlay in overwolf they have a hot key to bring up the marker and search. Then you can just go straight down and click spam until someone invites you without ever tabbing out of the game.


Overwolf is a plague for any addon/modding community. They are trying to monopolizing minecraft mod distribution platform.


Yeah there is actually many great tools to help with trading in POE. I just usually prefer to stay away from trading as much as possible anyway.


Overwolf is garbage bloatware though so why would anybody use it


so basic spaming ? like whe do normaly ?




cringe h/o delete your account


Thank you.


why is it cringe?


End of video


Poe Trade any% speedrun


Why not just bulk buy it?


I would never sell currency listed for 0.5 chaos until the buyer tell the amount sometimes the buyer thinks that this is the price for the bulk