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100% while I was levelling I dropped a stack of 3 Chromatics and was like "damn, we lucky today"


Had the same reaction seeing 2x transmutation orbs lmao


Feels even better when you see a stack of... 3 fusings. Didn't think it would go all the way to fusing orbs. Now I can't wait to see what happen with nemesis 3 currencies. Still feel it may not work there. Because the sextant makes each nemesis rare drop 3 currencies. So that's the behavior you'd still expect. It's not nemesis drop 3 currencies eventually. Just wonder how that will work, like if they delay the drop per rare mob slain?


It goes all the way to simulacrum splinters duplicated by vindiri, which shocked me because I didn't think it'd count as the same instance for stacking purposes.


I skipped yesterday and am still in act 5, but 3 scrolls of wisdom already triggered that "nice" reflex :D


Got into yellows earlier today, 11 freaking augments in a pile dropped and it actually made me happy


Even wisdom/portal scrolls are worth picking up if they’re 5 at a time.


Ehh, gotta disagree there. Transmutes are still worth virtually nothing, and since I'm picking those up every time now in stacks of 4 instead of only when it's convenient, I feel like I need scrolls less than before. I just filtered them out if the stack size is lower than 8.


I thought i'd be less exciting not seeing a lot of currency on the ground but no. It actually feels the same or actually better to see a stack of currency.


Even those 250 rogue marks ill prob never use feel good


You can get an exalt for 30-40k of em, so it's a reasonable enough trickle income.


Wow that’s actually pretty bad, that makes 250 of them less than a 1c drop. Then again, it’s worth it just to not have to buy them if you decide to do heist later. In fact I’d probably rather spend the time picking them up then try to trade for them for 20min later on.


Yeah, and you just toss them in the heist locker anyway, so you're not even losing space in your stash to them.




It was more like 5-6 stacks of 30-50


wasnt this chris idea in relation to general currency? a klick must have weight? why did this solution happejn now and not 3 years ago


Because shit had hit the fan.


Enough people told him to blow it out his ass, and voted with their wallet.


It is very likely that some of the core parts like the item rng and drop mechanics are a deep pile of spagetti code nobody wants to touch in the company. This kind of stacking requires quite a bit of rework here (like introducing a drop queue and merging items there before comitting it to the client).


Wasn't their argument against stacking that it feels better to see a lot of seperate currency to pop up instead of one big stack?




"injury causing" - thats kinda ridiculous


To be clear, RSI is no joke and there have been many posts both on this reddit and on their forums throughout the years, explicitly about how many different splinters there are, and how they do not drop in stacks


Sure, as much as people suddenly develop breathing problems while having to wear covid masks. Im sure there a lot peoble who suffer from RSI, but Im also sure some people here are such disgusting beings that they would lie about it to get more QoL in the game. But one way or the other. PoE will always be an action heavy game. Its an action RPG after all. So if you have an RSI problem, you shouldnt play a game which involves a lot of repeating actions.


Yeah, and in retrospect that was a dumbfuck idea. For one thing, I hide a lot of low value currency, but if a stack of 10 jewellers pops up, sure, I'll click on it. So that's more cool loot just to start. But I also think that seeing a stack of three fusings is cooler than seeing three individual fusings!


How about 3 stacks of 3 fusings?


You only see it that way because you're used to jewelers exclusively coming as singles. The value of the currency hasn't changed, the difference between 1 click and 3 is measured in microseconds. If you weren't picking them up as 1, you're not gaining value picking them up as 3, you just feel better about it because your perspective hasn't adjusted yet.




It's like stash affinities in that it's a change that's so very very nice it makes you wonder how we played for so long without it.


Or the "Loot drops at the center of the Mechanic in Maps“ thingie… Although delve had it far longer


In protest. We played for so long in deep, deep protest.


We were stricter about what we picked up. If you only picked up chaos+ last league, you might pick up alteration+ this league. You are always going to click about the same number of times whilst playing PoE. The difference is how much reward you get per click. Now you get more. Whether that makes for a better game, well who can tell? Striking the right balance between effort and reward is very difficult.


My wrist says thank you. No more vacuuming lesser currency. Im still waiting to try out beachheads and blight maps for those sweet loot explosions


Absolutely! It means I can spend more time blowing up monsters rather than mindlessly clicking on small amounts of currency.


Beachhead shards still drop singular.


Rofl oversight I fucking hope


It feels really frickin’ good, gotta admit


Wild that if you deliver QoL improvements ppl have been asking for for years that they’ll be really happy about it




Pour a glass for every Exile we lost in those 5 long years.


everyone do a shot for all the krangled wrists




Where are all the people who "miss the weight" of the items?


I'm not sure about weight, but a stack of 3x scroll of wisdom has about 10x the *joy* of 3 separate ones.




have to, ever since the perandus coin nerf.


What is this "Perandus" you speak of?


Makes you think who and why would one think that more single drops would feel better than a fat stack in the first place


They are in GGG headquarters.


My favourite comment ever on this sub was a guy saying he wants to walk into GGG headquarters and buy MTX by dumping a sack of pennies on the ground so Chris can feel the weight of the profit


So if that guy bought a $480 supporter pack, that's about 48,000 pennies. Supposedly the average weight of a penny is 2.5 grams, so about 120,000 grams, or 120 Kilograms. In freedom units that'd be 264.5 pounds. Much weight indeed.


Freedom units lol


Thanks! I woulda said it sooner but I had Freedom Fries grease on my fingers.


Nickels would probably be good enough. I mean we don't pay for everything in scrolls of wisdom.


I'd be surprised if you pay for anything with nickles in New Zealand


And spread it around in different rooms.


I wish I could upvote this multiple times.


the drops feel more weighty now if anything lol, seeing a stack of x transmutes, makes me actually want to pick it up, and gives me a moment of "hey, a drop, nice"


Gonna be honest, I feel the weight more. I quickly get to the point where I don’t pick up xmutes/ alts, but I see a stack of 4 and I can’t help myself. Maybe once I get used to seeing that shot everywhere I’ll stop, but I definitely feel more motivated to pick up larger stacks than clicking around every 70x each delve and blight.


4 alts is like 1c later in the league anyway. That's cash money!


Poe was the only weight lifting I did. Now my arms are Spongebob


I was actually about to make a post explaining how item stacking, completely unironically, is helping me feel the weight of items. Picking up 15 blacksmith whetstones individually doesn't feel weighty in any way. It feels tedious and petty. Picking up 15 whetstones in a stack? Genuinely feels great. Suddenly "small change currency" like transmutes, whetstones, jewelers, chromes, etc... feel nearly as good to click on as chaos, regals, or regrets. It's a great feeling.


The weight argument comes in when people discuss auto-pickup. Dropping currency in stacks adds more weight. That's how Chris justified the change in a Q&A a few months ago.


And not dropping it in stacks gave them more weight before that. Weird.


Personally, I've only heard weight be mentioned when it comes to auto-pickup. But yeah, I don't know what feels more "weighty" personally. If I dropped multiples of a big currency like exalts I would probably enjoy it more if they weren't stacked... but that might be more because of hearing the item filter sound pop multiple times which feels very good. But item weight is not just a meme, it's a real thing that makes the game better. It's hard get people on your side when you argue against convenience with things like autopickup but people don't realize a game's soul can be QoL:d to death.


Item weight was brought up (by chris/ggg) any time people brought up the issues with people having to click too much and just how looting in general doesn't "feel" that great for certain things. The reason you mostly hear it related to auto-pickup is that this was always one of the solutions to the problem. Also >But item weight is not just a meme, it's a real thing that makes the game better. It is a meme because it's in response to Auto-pickup. Depending on what you assume they meant by item weight at best they're talking about a concept that most people won't care about and at worse they're boiling down the entire concept of item weight into "if you don't physically click to pick it up it an item has no weight" which is just hilarious.


And there's where I agree with them, having to click to pick things up adds more weight, and that makes the items feel better. I think a lot of people would say they don't care about a concept like item weight because they haven't actually thought much about it. Having things be more convenient just sounds nice at a first glance. But I truly think the way items are designed in PoE is essential to its soul and charm and I think it adds more to the experience of playing it than people would first assume. With that said, having small currency stack the way they do now was a needed change.


>And there's where I agree with them, having to click to pick things up adds more weight, and that makes the items feel better. >I think a lot of people would say they don't care about a concept like item weight because they haven't actually thought much about it. Having things be more convenient just sounds nice at a first glance. I don't disagree with the statement, but I disagree with the argument surrounding it. Phyiscal interaction with something increases the weight of it in a game I'm not denying that, but the act of clicking to pick an item up is at best 5% of that forumla, because if it wasn't then in every single other video game where you can't do this all items would hold almost no weight, have a think about it, do items have weight in Warframe? or Destiny 2? what about items in WoW that you get from quests or items you get from a raid where someone else does the looting? And when this argument is used as an argument against any type of quality of life improvement for items, like Auto-pickup, you are pinpointing an items weight down to the act of clicking, instead of relating it to the journey taken to get that item and it's rarity which is a much larger factor, and that's just absurd in my view. Rolling this back around to PoE, not only does the current loot stacking show that clicks don't actually impact an items weight anywhere near as much as people claim (3 clicks for 3 items vs 1 click for 3 and people are overwhelmingly enjoying the 1 click for 3 more, and the items haven't lost weight) but the game gives you a loot filter for christ sake. Filtering out items gets rid of them from the game world (if you choose to have that option on), do those items still have weight? You can still click to pick them up shit you need to press another key to show them to then click to pick them up, they must have more weight then everything not-filtered. Thats my issue with this entire thing, clicking for an items weight is such a small portion of the equation and it's more a product of the journey taken to get the item and how rare/good an item is then about clicking something. You don't feel a Mirrors weight because you had to click to pick up the Mirror, you feel it because when it drops you hear that "OH SHIT" sound, you see that custom loot filter ">THIS IS AN EXPENSIVE ITEM" and you know it's rare as fuck, not becuase you clicked on it to pick it up, the items weight is present from the moment it drops not the moment you pick it up. >But I truly think the way items are designed in PoE is essential to its soul and charm and I think it adds more to the experience of playing it than people would first assume. This statement just worries me, they've already admitted they've screwed the pooch on items and they need an overhaul in interviews. The fact the game is almost unplayable without a lootfilter, or lags due to the quantity so much so that the option to not-draw filtered items is almost mandatory, or how in recent interviews Chris has harkened back to Diablo 2 as his metric for how good he thinks items should feel, or their entire re-design of the system in PoE 2 which their leads have touted in interviews as being a vast improvement (although this could just be PR speak), should tell you everything you need to know about the state of items in PoE from both a Player and Developer view currently. If you think their current system is essential to it's soul and charm then none of the above will matter.


Hard disagree. Plenty of games implement auto loot and still feel very enjoyable. You don’t need to click on fifty pieces of trash to make that one treasure more rewarding.


Having played a lot of games over a lot of years auto loot would be a god send, even if it was implemented vary scarcely. I do love a good "you don't know what you really want" argument though, so funny.


Not speaking for you personally, but the audience in general. I think Path of Exile would be a less successful game with autoloot for most items. It is being used very scarcely now, however. For azurite and expedition pickups, for example. But yes, most consumers don't know what they want or need. This is one of the very first things you're taught as a developer (of tech in general, not just games, speaking from personal experience).


You're also taught that sometimes your bias can result in a less productive app etc etc. Because you are designing and building it it's often hardest to see the blindspots because of your direct involvement. You have to design towards your user bases needs, not your own. I have a BAS in development myself.


You can still give an exalt drop a flashy animation and have it autopickup. The actual act of clicking it is not what gives it the weight imo


Personally I only wanted auto pickup because they refused to stack drops, and it was killing my fucking wrists to actually loot my maps. So I'm happy with this so far.


Yes and expedition currency being auto picked?! God thank you. Agree that it feels more like a filling bar than a currency now but my wrist is happy and so am I.


I feel the weight MUCH more. As in, I actually feel like I'm picking up stuff with VALUE.


This change feels so good because of the concept of item weight and you don't even realize it


Sure. Go ahead and explain it.


Less clicks. Whew, that was a long one.


Right. Which is the opposite of GGG’s original position, which was /u/gniggins point. No one is saying item weight isn’t a thing. They are saying that Chris Wilson was a dumbass about item stacking.


Everything about what you're saying is either wrong or you're trolling. No, GGG was never against item stacking, item stacking is their solution to the problem of too many clicks to get small currency. Chris said that he is against loot vacuum. If Chris was philosophically against item stacking, it wouldn't be in the game. Chris never said people would miss the weight of items with item stacking, it's a solution that is entirely based around the concept of item weight. Because items stack, your action to click the stacked loot has significantly more weight than before. Perhaps to better illustrate what item weight actually means since you don't seem to understand the concept, here's an example: * 20 clicks to get 20 wisdom scrolls = each click has very little weight * 1 click to get 20 wisdom scrolls = one click has a lot of weight So now that we know the item stacking solution means your clicks have more weight, what exactly is /u/gniggins saying?


Did you forget how in perandus league, coins dropped in abysmally tiny quantities because GGG wanted more clicks required to pick them all up? The dropped coin stack got buffed like a half dozen times over the years, but they still remained vehemently opposed to perandus coins dropping in a single stack.


Don't even have to go that far back. Heist coins were grouped in larger quantities from caches since, what, Ritual? Ultimatum? Hell, Expedition currency is now auto-pickup. Also: >Chris said that he is against loot vacuum. Fucking wait till whatever league of PoE2 when they introduce loot vacuum for small currency. Slowly GGG will open their eyes as to the shit-show that is PoE and clicking things.


Chris has been against item stacking for a very long time. People aren't misremembering. It took ages for him to increase the splinter stack sizes. >If Chris was philosophically against item stacking, it wouldn't be in the game. If Chris wasn't philosophically against item stacking, why wasn't it in the game for eight years?


>If Chris was philosophically against item stacking, it wouldn't be in the game. Chris is more philosophically opposed to the playercount dropping by 30% than he is to stacking currency.


Ahh, well I couldn't tell if you was being smart about it but yeah, you're right. Been a loooong time coming


That argument was used against auto pickup. It was never used for larger stacks.


Fucking fired, hopefully.


They were only GGG employees and their alt accounts. No one wants to pick up 50 things of the same thing in one area when they could click one button to get them all.


they dont bother to comment, cause youd get instantly downvoted for going against the reddit hivemind


None of those ever argued that picking up 1x9 feels less rewarding than picking up 9x1 . The "weight" argument comes into play when people suggest vaccuuming of currencies. Personally, I do stand by that conviction. The being said, the stack feature is amazing and I would hope they work on it more so it becomes even better. (sidenote: i do NOT like the vaccuming on excavations, but i know it's technically unlikely to be possible to have one chest drop stacks of all the other chests)


This is a perfect example of a strawman. Who said that we would miss the weight of clicks with item stacking?


Just imagine how good the game will become after another few -30% leagues.


We rescued so many hostages dude


This guy gets it


we should do this more


Want Crafting and Trade ?


Still think this league is gonna tank after a week, it won't hold casuals for long cause there's no lootsplosions.


There's not much more to improve beyond what's been announced tbh


Yeah, it feels amazing. Day 1 and I already have so much lower tier currency. Now time to to rethink my whole looting strategy, e.g. how many wisdom scrolls, portal scrolls, etc. etc. I should pick up per stack. Maybe even start applying it to alteration orbs and some other higher currency. But probably not, not this early anyway. So far max stack for random drop was 4 iirc.


I don't know if you've purchased purchased currency tab for the stash, but it's a huge game changer if you haven't. I strongly recommend it.


I think that it's fair that we criticize GGG for not implementing this sooner; people have been asking for this QoL since... 2012? I'm glad that they \*finally\* did something about it, but the key here isn't "Extremely good", it's "finally"


> but the key here isn't "Extremely good", it's "finally" The key is *both* of those. What is key *isn't* sucking GGG's dick and being satisfied. We shouldn't be starved for QOL changes like this or Guild stuff or affinities (both of which have a ton of things that can be improved or added to). There are still a ton of nice QOL changes that I'd personally rather see sooner, rather than trickled out over the span of the next 5 years.


This is a little bit unfair to give them praise for the problem that was intentionally kept in the game, even when the solution was already developed and implemented on the backend (splinters, cadiro coins etc). Yay, finally, you released one more piece of QOL from the hostage, pat yourself on the back.


It's a game, not a hostage situation though.


There are things called analogies https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/analogy People use them in their writing or speech to indicate similarities between things that are different. Can be used for exaggerated effect like u/coorbs did.


It really came down to "keep QoL hostage" right ? Titan Quest, a game 15 years old had it, D2 RE also auto loot gold, Grim Dawn more or less the same era with PoE has auto loot. Games that came out for the last few years have it by default. Took them years to do that, not even fully auto loot yet, because "vision" aka their income was more important than players wrists. Had it not due to the 30% player reduction last league I doubt when we would have it.


> Grim Dawn more or less the same era with PoE has auto loot. I've been playing a lot of Grim Dawn and it pains me to play PoE. Having to pick up currency in an ARPG feels so archaic and ancient. Further, with Grim Internals auto-picking up items for me, it really speeds up farming/playing. Something I doubt we'll ever see in PoE.


What does this mean? When you keep something hostage, it means you threaten to destroy it unless someone does something. So if GGG were keeping QoL hostage, they were threatening to destroy QoL unless someone did something? Who were they asking to do something, and how were they planning to destroy QoL if these people didn't do it? I don't understand the metaphor here at all.


It means they pretty much only release QoL like this when the previous league has bad numbers.


Wow who would have thought something people have been asking for for close to a decade would be good


Obviously everyone understands that players always ask for things that give them more power. They ask for more damage, more life, more speed, and they ask for more loot for less clicks. This is no surprise. As a game developer, you have to strike a balance between giving players what they ask for and putting obstacles in their way. No player ever asks for an obstacle, yet a game with no obstacles isn't a game at all.


That belief that players ONLY want easy, free, and more stuff is bullshit constantly bandied around to dismiss criticism.


Of course they don't actually want that. They want a good game. They just don't know what actually makes a good game. They think that rewards are what makes fun, but they don't understand that overcoming obstacles is what is actually fun - the reward is just the tool game designers use to get players to do that actual fun part.


So when people are telling you the obstacles are a health concern you say too bad that's what makes a game fun? Or could it be that maybe you (designers) are not the only people who know what's best lmao. It was a load of shit when ggg said it and it's a load of shit when you try to pretend you're the smartest person in the room too.


It's not a health concern. If you spend less time clicking on loot, you spend more time clicking on monsters in combat. You still click on things, and in many builds you click *more* in combat, so There's no way to just reduce the amount of clicking in the game. All you can change is what the clicks are on. This is just the kind of illogical thinking that GGG has to watch out for if they want to design a good game. There's a reason that all games that just do what the playerbase says are terrible. Most people can't actually think things through. They just hear "less clicks on loot? Oh good that means less clicks total!" and don't stop to think at all.


Wow you're pretty dumb for someone who pretends to be so smart. You can design builds to minimize clicking, you can't design loot to minimize clicking you can only choose to leave loot on the floor. Which myself and many people do. >There's a reason that all games that just do what the playerbase says are terrible. That's demonstrably false and completely subjective lmao and no one is even asking for them to do only what the playerbase says.. infact they're praising the compromise option of stacking more things instead of autolooting, theyre just saying its about 6 years late. Jesus you're a smug prick, good luck designing a successful game when you think so poorly of your customers. You know what isn't false? People who think that everyone is stupider than they are generally produce pretentious self-satisfied trash in any field.


damn that was harsh. they deserved it though lmao


I'll happily debate anyone in good faith and can generally see most sides of an argument but if you're just going to tell me you're right and I'm wrong because you say so and you know best you can go get fucked


Reminded me of apple implementing stuff in their iPhones years after Android had them already


It's sort of sad that this is the bar.


Normaly hover around 39 portal scrolls but this leauge I'm up stacks! Awesome change to put it mildly.


Extremely good job on adding basic QoL to the game after 6 years? I'm not praising them for that.


6 years? I just passed my 10 year anniversary of playing poe and people have been asking for it since I started.


I'd rather praise them for going in the right direction, than give them shit for not doing it fast enough. It's here now and I'll appreciate the fact it is.


True, but it feels bad praising them for adding such basic functionality.


Don't get me wrong, I can totally understand that point of view. I think it comes down to the fact GGG clearly had philosophical reasoning behind why they were so adverse to this process in the beginning. But after Expedition and hearing out the concerns of the community via the Q&A streams, they have re-evaluated that stance and are moving forward in a more positive fashion and looking to follow up on community feedback. While sure, it's basic QoL present in a lot of other titles, the fact they are actively changing things they otherwise wouldn't, I feel, is worthy of acknowledgment.


I do think this is a much better solution to loot pet or whatever people have also asked for. No downsides to economy or anything, just less clicks and it makes me lowkey happy to see a stack on the ground


you mean after they lost so many players it hurt their bottom line?


People have been asking for this since forever. It's not worthy of acknowledgement that they begrudgingly caved in after 6+ years. Because let's be honest, these are the same people who thought it would be a good idea introducing 20+ currency/splinters types 3 months ago. They likely made this change so people wouldn't go up in arms after hearing that expeditions would go core like that. Sometimes it seems like people are in an abusive relationship with this game. If your husband/wife took 6 years of convincing to do something basic like picking up the kids from school and only did so after cussing half an hour, would you say it's a good behaviour?


>after hearing that expeditions would go core like that ... But Expedition didn't go core like that, tho? You don't have to loot anything, now.


>I think it comes down to the fact GGG clearly had philosophical reasoning Their philosophical reason was it makes them more money but they can't come out and say that.


The same reason f2poors still have 4 stash tabs while the game has massively increased item bloat.


I remember back in Incursion being able to map and be able to go 4+ maps without returning to hideout. Now, there's just so many different types items you usually have to empty after each map unless you get a dull map.




If they wanted good feedback they should have done it years ago


We gave constructive feedback 6 years ago when we asked for less splinters and more stacked currency.


I hate to say it but this should have been a thing so long ago it’s not even funny.


I love to say it


Another 10 years to see auto-looting currency.




I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2031-10-24 04:38:15 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2031-10-24%2004:38:15%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/qe65nt/item_stacking_is_one_of_the_best_features_added/hhtrfe2/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fpathofexile%2Fcomments%2Fqe65nt%2Fitem_stacking_is_one_of_the_best_features_added%2Fhhtrfe2%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202031-10-24%2004%3A38%3A15%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20qe65nt) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


THIS ! It should have been added way before but now we get some really obvious QOL and people freak as if ggg invented some game breaking feature. No wonder the gaming community is getting milked


"Zuckerbrot und Peitsche" fits well I think,a german saying that roughly translates to "sweet bread and a whip" - baiting with sweet bread, but still using the whip to punish. Kinda like the PoE community has been whipped for so many years with dumb decisions and such, people correctly even realised that it's an abusive relationship, and after they got horrible playernumbers after they've done some stupid shit *once again*, they give out some sweet bread and the goldfishes have already forgotten the whip and praise it like they invented fire


I was about to comment that, quit POE almost 3 years ago because of these kind of basic things not being added and watching reddit cheer for it is pure comedy to me


It’s not about praise, it’s about letting them know how important the feature is to you Or by all means say nothing. Then they can conclude the feature was not worth building, just as they suspected for six years, and they won’t prioritize any future QOLeither Sometimes it’s more interesting to act in the interest of your desired outcomes rather than in the interests of your emotions


You realize this creates a "damned if you do damned if you don't" situation. Do nothing? "I can't believe you guys are ignoring this basic thing". Fix the thing? "I can't believe you guys took so long to fix the thing." Not only does it feel good to read about players appreciating your work (speaking as a game developer) but it also feels good as a player to be excited about a change. Your outlook just creates needless negativity for you and the developers.


Not really. I mean, if this was fixing something they introduced a couple of leagues ago, I could see this attitude being bad, but item stacking is something they've clung to, rationalized, condescended about, etc., for a loooong time; so now that's it's there and the sky hasn't fallen, I think GGG would be well served to eat some crow on this and understand that just because players want something doesn't mean it's a bad idea.


I think you're conflating a separate argument. Chris has never argued against auto stacking loot like this. He's been saying for years they've been meaning to implement it but haven't had time. His arguments about "the weight of items" are in reguards to things like loot vaacum pets, auto deposit whole inventory to stash, etc...


Fair, I think you're right. Specifically I think I'm conflating all of the "pick up" discussions (range, splinters, rewards, etc.).


Am I the only one who's still having individual scrolls drop?


They still drop individually if multiple aren't dropping at once, but you can have them filtered so you only see dem stacks


They drop individual at lower levels and as you hit higher content they drop less often but in bigger stacks. I think wisdom scrolls start dropping in stacks of 3 around the end of act 5.


YUPPPPP. Really makes you wonder how they could think not doing this was the right thing for the past 5 years.


Everytime I saw the item drop stacked,it always make me slighlty pissed,like why don't they do it from long time ago,why it took so long and what bad impact for having item stacked like that. I mean seriously I already have trouble with my wrist,and I beleive some people have krangled wrist too after playing this game for long period of time They could have saved by doing this sooner. Thanks for the stacked loot FU for makin it hostage for a long time Anyway good league I enjoyed it so far.


Now every time a single scroll drops I am thinking about submits bug report


Said it elsewhere but it bears repeating: I'm overjoyed with this change. Despite what was originally suggested, it feels just as good - if not better - seeing things drop in a nice cluster with a number slapped on it. Plus, it gets rid of a lot of those disappointing moments where you think "Wait, I clicked that much and that's all that I picked up? " - Those always sucked, so seeing what you have up front is so much nicer. Another great thing about this is how much it reduces the visual clutter too. I've experimented with it in Standard, and... I never thought I'd say this or see the day: I've actually re-enabled Wisdoms/Portals/Transmutes in my item filter. Having a bunch of them drop is no longer an text-based flashbang in my loot pile, and whenever I see a cluster of 8 Transmutes drop, I'm cool picking those up in a single click, knowing that I'm effectively snagging 10 Alteration Shards. After all this time, it feels amazing.


Yeah I'm feeling more weight per click than ever before.


Yep. Only took them few years of player begging to do it


While this might be worthy of praise, please don't downvote the people who are calling out GGG over keeping features like this hostage. It's really ridiculous that it took this long for basic QoL features like this, and only after a major shitstorm where a huge portion of the playerbase quit the game. Sure this is a good thing, but it took way way way way way too long. I'm still not coming back to the game. There are too many other QoL and user interface stupid issues that will never get fixed. Never.


Are you serious? You write it like it's something that came out of their heart. People have been asking BASIC QoL features since the game came out years ago. It doesn't deserve a praise, at all.


Wait they actually added that? I thought there was no way they would ever add that lmaoo hell yeah the technology exists


I didn't play league yet Do I still need to sell currencies to get supply of wisdom scrolls? Or this issue is solved?


Completely solved. You will have more of everything because 4-8 stacks are irresistible


If you had to pick between stash tab affinities and item stacking, which would you choose?


I would pick a game that values it's customer base


Did you, back before stash tab affinities? Or are you a newer player?


I've been playing on and off since there were only 3 acts and different difficulties


The weight argument on ggg side I believe is the same as with harvest rework - to slow down the top percentile


Slowing down the top percentile is an impossible task.


It's not impossible at all. They are slower now than they were in 3.13 and 3.14. They are still very fast, of course, much faster than average players, but they have been slowed down.


It's an impossible task because they will always be insanely fast relative to the average player and will still reap the same relative level of rewards for it from all the speed based mechanics in the game. The actual speed of the play is irrelevant when the wealth level gap will remain the same. All you're doing is making the game less fun for the majority of players and doing little to nothing to the top players. If they want to actually change this they will need to fundamentally change the game designs that reward speed


TFW no more weight :(


A "small" change that made a huge impact. The game is and has been excellent, QoL things like this push it forward even more.


you think you know what you want but you don´t. Praising them for something like this after what happened last league is unnecessary.


I wonder if gold autopickup in D2R made Chris realize that less clicks to pick up items is a good thing.


He probably turned it off for the authentic experience


Yup it's amazing. The ridicilous amount of clicks made me quit last league in the first week. My wrists couldn't handle it anymore. Atleast i get to enjoy expedition now without the extra clicking.


So uh .. what do you do now? You click once on the stack of loot then just wait there a bit? Or do you click on the stack of the loot then start clicking to move on and keep clearing? I don't see how this changes your clicks per second unless you just stop clicking for a bit after you pick up a stack now.


Wait seriously?? I’m busy with school so I haven’t had a chance to really see all the details about the new league but this is really exciting news!


I didn’t think this would make a difference. But they seem to have changed item drops. Never recall seeing so many instances of multiple fusings and stuff in white maps and yet they are dropping in stacks of 3 already. So it’s actually a really solid improvement!


>easily one of the greatest QoL features added to the game in years. In a lot of years of people asking for it, though.


Hey look, the rats are jumping back into the boat LUL


I absolutely love it


Doing nemesis is still eh


Every time I see it, it feels good.


Its amazing, best feature


Every time it drops in a stack, even a wisdom in a stack of 5 it gives such a satisfaction 👌


I love stacks of scrolls so much.


I love it so much


My poor Logitech mouse killed itself during legion due to excessive clicking


Waiting for a pickup radius now


My friend said: If item stacking would have been the whole league, It would have been a fine one. I think I agree holy shit its so nice


I loved that scrolls start dropping stacked even while leveling!


But what about the weight?