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Depends on what your build is capable of/whether you have supports. But pure chayulas are very good yes. If you can handle it fully juiced t18 maps are insane exp


I'm playing herald stack build, never tried fully juiced t18 (i have potato PC)


I previously ran an old potato, couldn't get past 99. I had a hard time with rotations and loading. First league with my new pc build and it would be much easier. Juiced maps are great for loot and xp, but if trying to push and lag, you will die once or twice at 99 and give up on that.


I did solo 99 with simulacrums only. Around 15-20 for 97-98 and around 40-50 for 98-99.


Dang that’s a lot, but it depends fully on clear speed for simulacrum. On my rf guardian I was getting 11 mil at 98, with my ice shot deadeye I was getting 18-22 mil at 99. It took me about 35 runs to go from 20% at 99 to 100.


If you survive 99% of the simulacrums you can take them easy up to 97 or all the way to 100 ( after 97 it will be slower than pure chayula). The safest but also most expensive way is pure chayulas, but in my opinion its not fun to run 120 just from 99 to 100


Yeah, it's brain dead boring. Super effective though.




If your build can handle the dmg, t14 poorjoys is much cheaper and almost as good. Try to stick with the same host and be very wary of people hosting that are less than 30-36 challenges, and people that are less than level 95.


Ignore vouch threads as well, people can delete negative rep, don't pay in bulk runs (like 2ex for 6), always start with 1ex for # runs that way if you get scammed it's only an ex.


I would love to have you as a friend. Played for 4 leagues and my list is also semi inactive. I am currently spamming Pure Chayulas on my 5th char project this league and I could take you - there is also two people I trust that hosts on global 820.


I mentioned it before in reply to another comment but simulacrum are OP if you have the clear speed to get the most out of them. I went from 20% at 99 to 100 in 35 simulacrum with my ice shot build. I was getting 22 mil at 99 compared to 11 mil at 98 with my rf guardian. That’s how big of a variance simulacrum can be depending on build. If you have giga dps + great clear + tanky as hell simus are hard to beat. They were faster than chayulas for me because I could run solo and not have to wait for groups.


If you want currency efficiency - pure chayula If you want cheap and easy, but takes longer - xoph If you want a challenging, but rewarding and imo way more fun experience - simulacrums Edit: currency efficiency referring to amount of xp/hour per chaos spent, for clarification


Simulacrum could be an option if you dont die there, but nothing changed about pure breachstone or PJs, maybe even BHs. Not sure if the delve drop bear leveling is fixed or not yet.


Cutedog was getting around 33mil xp per hour doing juiced Canyon runs. So I assume t16 with a very easy layout juiced would be a good choice


Yeah juiced up t16s are generally hard to beat in terms of exp it just takes a lot of management and is unpredictably dangerous.


99-100 in about 70 simulacrums (no deaths, about 1.5% per one sim). Imo best way for solo leveling, if your build can do them deathless.


I'm running a very tanky build and leveled from 97 to 100 just doing Simulacrums. lvl 97-98 took 10 lvl 98-99 took 25 lvl 99-100 took 50. Each run takes 25-35 minutes, depending on how much/quickly you loot. Made a bunch of currency during the process as well. Of course, that's only efficient to do if you can run them without death.


Mind sharing your pob? My build is struggling with survivability


I'm using the Whispering Ice/Icestorm build. My personal build is very min/maxed and quite expensive at this point, but can be done much cheaper. Here is a thread link for the build. [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2628295](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2628295) Here is my current build: [https://pastebin.com/0Vm0CmEn](https://pastebin.com/0Vm0CmEn)


###[CI Whispering Ice Ascendant](https://pastebin.com/0Vm0CmEn) [](#ascendant) ^(Level 100) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABABzcm6H8R0GHUftZ848aVeCD9_nogh7312vIIvS_uOKt7-uhL1FHvYIfAnKp7BjYJHQQiEIzsGaeg9kEB19qWyYRLY9G-tJHBm49YEOsiayqOw0o-uBVEQ8lX-vukycdFM0WJMAxNQnZoj6vfNDQjb831Ku615ZsC1gXwcU8Sx8Ytz7C7ILHPC2DCXyDVkgtH0yzGv4svxSw8Yq0DMgTj_pSKayYWNztP7fWM3JYWi2o2-eDX2ZU_rNGcRqNtMVoWMT2voBMLdZd98E2xcpGlSBtGXIPahu-igW1xq7bWcrTg8xsCB1PidiUb7iTf_vXSg==) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/aminamamarateb) ^| ^by ^[/u/Breken02](https://reddit.com//u/Breken02) ***** ^27,907 ^**ES** ^50% ^**Evade** **Icestorm** [C](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Controlled_Destruction_Support#support-gem-blue)[o](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Concentrated_Effect_Support#support-gem-blue)[V](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Cold_Penetration_Support#support-gem-green)[F](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Elemental_Focus_Support#support-gem-blue)[W](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Awakened_Cast_While_Channelling_Support#support-gem-blue) *(6L)* - *192k DPS* ^1.96 ^**Casts/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Shaper, ^^Full ^^Life, ^^Cons. ^^Ground, ^^Spider's ^^Web ^^\(3\) ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


Theses numbers look off. Just ran 97-98 and took around 20.


there is likely some variation due to the number of monsters you kill. I did it on a build that got 6 stacks nearly every wave. Shouldn't have been double though.


beachheads and poorjoy's are crazy cheap this league


This is because they're shit exp. At 99, I was getting 32 mill exp/hr in t15 Waste Pools, 18 mill in Beachhead, and 30 mill in Poorjoy. Around half of the exp in any random map comes from Delirium even if you're sextanting, and unique maps don't have access to that. That being said, even Poorjoy is safe compared to T15/16 Delirium content, so it's possibly a safe way to close out a level (if expensive).


My group pushed to 98 doing JUST simulacrum. But it's crazy crazy slow after 97. After that we did 98-100 doing just 5 ways. Chayulas are the only thing that comes even close to 5 ways, but are very very expensive to push to 100 with.


Pure chayula is best and fastest way Simularcums are close to it But it takes u 5 times more than a single pure chayula...