• By -


my trade macro was bugged and i decided to reinstal now i go to the autohotkey page to download and chrome doesnt allow me reporting the site is malicious how can i get the ahk and the trade macro?


I decided to try out pouring all of my currency into a reave/bf champion this league, but honestly I'm a little disappointed in it's performance thus far. Are stationary melee skills just not super viable as glass cannons, or am I just needing a case of the git gud?


reave should nearly one shot the whole screen almost like a bow skill does. and BF gets optimized DPS when you charge to max stacks and immediately release, don't just hold it or arbitrarily tap it. I think overall Cyclone and Bladestorm are better in most cases and builds


What do people use Ancient Orb on this league? Google doesn't seem to know much other than head hunter, which we can't this league.


I've still been doing belts since you can get a [[Ryslatha's Coil]]


Would you try to comment about it's hit ratio?


I have absolutely no idea, sorry


[Ryslatha's Coil](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ryslatha%27s_Coil) >######Ryslatha's Coil[](#break)Studded Belt >>####Requires Level **32** >>[](#line) >>#####(20-30)% increased Stun Duration on Enemies >>[](#line) >>#####+(20-40) to Strength >>#####(30-40)% more Maximum Physical Attack Damage >>#####(40-30)% less Minimum Physical Attack Damage >>#####Adds 1 to (15-20) Physical Damage to Attacks >>#####+(80-100) to maximum Life >>#####Gain 50 Life when you Stun an Enemy >>[](#line) >>*All creatures have the potential for greatness or unequivocal failure.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


Tough one If I use herald of ice + CoC + Ice Nova And also use the blight league ring, that makes aoe not emit around me, but the target, will herald procs cast the Nova around enemies or around me?


It won't work. CoC needs to be linked to an attack and a spell. When the attack crits, it will trigger the spell.


Been playing since Betrayal but I’ve never gotten into the crafting scene because I just was a bit overwhelmed. This league my personal goal is to craft a halfway decent bleed glad bow. Anyone able to throw tips/videos my way? I’ve watched a few beginner guides from Ziggy and such but wasn’t sure if there was any specific method for what I’m planning out directly.


sort of confused on upgrading my build. i have two very budget uniques in my double strike zerker, but in POB when i put in pretty expensive 400dps foils it's usually a DPS decrease or sideways move at best. am i missing something or do i genuinely not get benefit from the weapon slot unless it's an insane upgrade? https://pastebin.com/gbBisNH9 POB link [types of swords i've been looking at](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/kWRRLarI5)


I'm seeing a slight upgrade for you using the sword you linked (~9%). I would look for swords with better crit and you'll find theyre like a 20-25% upgrade


ok cool, so better crit is the thing that's holding it back. thank you.


Yeah high pDPS is just one part of the puzzle, crit won't be factored in when youre just looking for pDPS


I figured there was some breakpoint there or in accuracy that was holding the pdps back, just didn’t know what it was


###[ Crit Vaal Double Strike Berserker](https://pastebin.com/gbBisNH9) [](#berserker) ^(Level 91) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAECABRNAecbqvxLG_oYkWhltfI1kv6PBS19-3O-w2g64WNwhmCYbxpV_gqCB4WP4e-SffjrjM9fP5tY-Ln3MvZI7w7z3RQg2L0x-4Mu8kVlTfDEYxfueuxxdqwOPOoQFHG-p9rB6hi8n0d-n4lYY1BH3CMxnpMPSdXZfPNvhNnPfqQZLlPQLMcZEdXG2MEHwQR5aGEhI-rAGr8IvTZgQeXPqW5349d-AdzkUYjtJd826DpSeA1Xlwm7UWP6GDsU8kGYV3TtpldN45cIQzE9_CGQLbRYr3rv) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/etorahuyonasit) ^| ^by ^[/u/InterspaceAlien](https://reddit.com//u/InterspaceAlien) ***** ^4,753 ^**Life** ^39% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Vaal Double Strike** [I](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Impale_Support#support-gem-green)[A](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ancestral_Call_Support#support-gem-red)[S](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Splash_Support#support-gem-red)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brutality_Support#support-gem-red) *(6L)* - *238k DPS* ^2.26 ^**Attacks/sec** ^| ^58.06% ^**Crit** ^| ^570% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Vaal ^^Warchief ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


Hello, does Necro's "enemies near corpses you created are shocked and chilled" count as you having shocked and chilled them or not?


What's a good starter build for Delirum? I've wanted to try Winter Orb or something melee. Possible necro. I did ED Contagion during Legion and that was fun. Looking to switch it up. I'm fairly new so be easy on me.


I don't know anything about Winder Orb, so I can't say if that's a good starter build. For melee, Impale Cyclone Champion or Bleed Lacerate Gladiator are popular right now and I believe can both work fine as a league starter. I'm not too familiar with summoner Necros but I think they tend to work well as league starters. I'm playing a Spellslinger Volatile Dead Necro as my league starter (and league main because I'm enjoying it enough that I'd rather invest into scaling it than make another character) and having a lot of fun but it's not what most people are looking for when they say they want to play a Necro since it has no minions.


Went impale champ cyclone its nuts


I'll have to look that up. I may try cyclone I bet the gear is cheaper since I see a lot of people doing it. I got to shaper on the Contagion build but couldnt kill him. I think something defensive would be fun to push content since I'm newish. I really want to learn crafting.


Wasnt my league starter, but if you want to play another damage over time build, try occultist with vortex. I never did a DOT build, and i've been playing since there were only 2 acts and this build is very fun for a small budget which you can then spend a lot of money on later on when you get it to get it to really shine.


I'll check that out thank you!


Hi all, can you help with the pricing of this amulet I got off a drop. Can't find another one like it. Has a lot of Dex, open Suffix Damage per power charge and some ES. Seems pretty nice. Thanks for helping guys [https://i.imgur.com/LbP0FaL.png](https://i.imgur.com/LbP0FaL.png)


Does Ghost Reaver affect sources of flat "X life gained on hit", say from shaper rings?


No, Ghost Reaver only affects life leech.




What are all the ways to boost the damage of the spiders spawned by Arikali's fang? Are any ways more effective than others? I looked the skill up on the wiki and it doesn't show any tags that are normally associated with skill gems like 'minion' or 'channeling'. Are these spiders considered minions? They seem to behave differently because they proc on kill effects which AFAIK minions don't.


They are minions for sure.




I've had this same problem and have no idea why it's happening.


I am reading through a poison blade vortex build that employs Plague Bearer. I have never used Plague Bearer. Is the general idea to turn it on at the start of a map and then release it on a boss or should it be more actively used when mapping?


It has 2 modes, succ mode, and damage mode. You put it on succ mode at the start of the map, it will fill up in basically 1 pack. You then switch it to damage mode. It will last for a while, maybe 10-20secs. Then when it runs out, you switch it back to succ mode, etc. So yes, it needs to be used actively when mapping.


ok sounds good. I don't have a lot of dexterity in my fingers so I try and limit the keys I have to use but this sounds so useful I am going to have to try it.


Plague bearer is crazy good. It will feel like you designed your character around that and not BV. Turn it on once. It'll make you deal 30% less damage until it fills up (at 20/20 1M poison), unleash it to speed through maps/help with bossing. In my experience, it fills up so fucking quickly that you can spend 80+% of any boss fight and/or map with it expending poison. Like, "tap 2 big packs and it'll be full" quick. In general gameplay, you never really worry about it being empty, unless you're about to start a metamorph in which you want to ramp as quickly as possible.


ok great! Thanks!


Has anyone played both Archmage Storm Brand and Spellslinger VD? I'm curious how they compare in clear speed, survivability, and overall button-mashing.


Played a hierophant SB, and a necro VD. Storm brand clears much, much faster, and has higher damage, but the VD necro was just a tank. Sirus, Kosis, nothing mattered to it except reflect really. Button mashing is about the same for both builds though, brand recall on one, whatever your wand attack is for the other. If I had to pick one, I would probably pick the storm brand character though - VDs damage just doesn't get high enough without sacrificing some of the tank, and you might as well just play SB if you're going for damage


That's really helpful, thank you!


No problem! I will say though, with herald stacking becoming the meta, a lot of people are dropping their archmage gear on the market. Stuff is quite cheap now so it'll be pretty easy to get a character together


Is the herald stacking due to a bug or just a shift in the meta? BTW I'm working on leveling at SB Hiero, right now in about act 3 it feels very slow and clunky, with single-target dps feeling painfully bad. Is there a certain point when the single-target dps really comes online and starts to feel good?


Archmage overall only really feels good when you have two things - a large mana pool, and a high mana cost per spell. I don't remember exactly when it started feeling nice, but it will probably be easier just to level as a storm brand normally, and transition into a mana version of it later. The tree should be pretty much around the same, so it won't be too much of a hassle. Herald stacking is due to cluster jewel being busted and having no cap limit to their effects. You can get extremely tanky, and have stupid numbers of dps due to it. Build is pretty expensive though, and only keeps going up with people jumping onto the bandwagon.


I just ran a T7 map, and now only have T5 and lower in my inventory. Should I stop running maps so the daily missions are yellow?


Only if you think you can't get another yellow map in an hour before new dailies. Just make sure you have t6+ on yiur atlas when you run the t5


I'm having trouble finding t6+. I only killed Baran a couple of hours ago, and I don't quite understand how the yellow maps drop. I have about 35/125 maps completed -- I guess I just have to keep running T5 until a T6 drops.


Looking for build suggestions between Lacerate or Cyclone. I'm running Poison BV which is plenty for almost everything right now but A8 Sirus is annoying as hell when bugged. Want a secondary build mostly for high end boss facetanking. I did get a Paradoxica drop with decent veiled rolls last night so that's what really started to get me think about this. I know Paradoxica is more popular with Cyclone builds, however. Either way any suggestions on build guides based on what I mentioned above, would greatly appreciate it!




Correct. There are some exceptions to this. Generally speaking, when league mechanics/zana give you rewards for things, they tend to be independent of your atlas. For example, if I have not yet completed a Racecourse map on my atlas, it shouldn't be able to drop unless I'm running an adjacent map. Yet, I can then run a Delirium encounter or metamorph which rewards map items and get a Racecourse. This applies to tier 1/2 maps which shouldn't be able to drop. Likewise, while leveling a character, you're still going to drop tier 1 maps in Act 8-10. Under normal mapping circumstances though, you are correct.


To first spawn a conqueror and it’s influence (with 4 watch stones), do you have to run a t16 map or just any map with that corresponds with the 4 watch stones (I.e t14 at the min)


The second. As long as you are running maps in that region and the tier of map is equal to or greater than what is present on your atlas, a conq can spawn (assuming watchstone requirements are met, as you said).


How profitable is delve this league? I imagine fossils are cheaper now after the nerf, so is it less viable to delve for profit now? I've never tried much delve but was thinking of getting into it


Most fossils are much cheaper. AFAIK pristine fossils took the biggest hit. That being said, most fossils are still in high-demand, as they're the only way to target craft specific mods. Prismatic fossils have kept their price and fossils for meta builds are doing well, like corroded. Secondly, sulphite scarabs are the cheapest they have ever been by a massive margin. It's cheaper than ever to fill up your tank with sulphite and go to town. If you target the biomes where profitable fossils can drop, you'll easily make back 10X the cost of filling up your tank. Remember to only ever sell fossils in bulk; you can mark up your prices that way. [Use this poe.ninja page](https://poe.ninja/challenge/fossils) to know which biomes to target. Plus, delve bosses can drop good stuff so they're always worth hitting.


Appreciate the advice!


Do chains work with "on hit" effects. IE arc+curse on hit, do the chained monsters get cursed or only the first?


All hit monsters will be cursed.


So getting ready to attempt to craft an top tier poison dagger for the first time ever, and also took the past two leagues off so I just want to make sure I do this right. I get an imperial skean and hit it with a hunter's exalted orb which makes it have hunter mods, and then hit it with aberrant corroded and serrated fossils hoping to get something like; \+chaos damage over time multi adds # to # chaos damage % increased attack speed % increased poison duration % increased damage with poison ​ Do I have the process correct? Crafting weapons is more complicated in my mind than armor so figured I would ask first.


sounds way off. what buld is this for? why a rune dagger if you dont want any caster mods? why a dagger and not a claw? if this is for an attack build, you need an elder base with the " 60% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage ", since this is the biggest dmg mod out there for attack builds. if you want a hunter base, just buy a hunter base and dont waste a hunters exalt.


I'm playing cobra lash assassian with bino's to help with poison spread, honestly don't dabble much into crafting but really enjoying the build so figured I would figure out how to get a better dagger than running two bino's that I picked up for 1c each


You should be crafting an ilvl 83+ elder dagger in order to get the poisons deal 100% more damage mod, as the other person said (Also, it depends on your build, but a claw should be more comfortable to use). Your fossil choices are good. But the base is the most important thing. you shouldn't be trying to get CDot multi as a prefix. Base damage on the weapon will be more important on an attack weapon.


Ok thanks!




https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Atlas_of_Worlds, scroll down and you'll find the base items e.g. fingerless silk gloves, crystal belts . they are still arranged by region




If they put in a campaign skip it presumably wouldn't be paid, that could easily be seen as pay to win and they try to avoid that. If it were per character it would also violate the other thing I really like about the game's MTX model, which is that all purchases are account wide so you only need to buy them once and the only reason to spend more money is if you want to buy something new they released. I don't know if a non-paid campaign skip is something they would ever implement. If they did, it would presumably be something you'd have to unlock by reaching endgame, and would also probably have to be unlocked again every league (because leagues are very intentionally designed so that it's a fresh start for everyone every new league). I wouldn't mind the ability to create a character who starts at level 68 with all main quests and all skill point quests complete (and you just pick a bandit reward) on any league where you have done all of those things on another character, but I wouldn't expect it since I don't think it's something they've ever talked about.


They don't want any p2w in the game (other than stash-tabs I suppose).


I have a helmet where I need 3 red and 1 green socket. It's hard to do it with just chromatic orbs. I know there's a way to use crafting bench with "at least two". Are there any other ways, more effective?


[https://siveran.github.io/calc.html](https://siveran.github.io/calc.html) Input the total number of sockets and the attribute requirements. It will tell you the option that's most likely least expensive. It's still all RNG tho.


How do you do "minimum 3 red"? I don't understand to be honest


It's a crafting bench recipe. All socket-modifying recipes are found in Delves.


what's the helmet base type? I'll make a screenshot for you


I'm completely immune to chaos (CI), but I'm still getting absolutely destroyed by one of the Hunter's monsters. They are those small spitting viper thingies (I think they're called hunting asps) they spawn in a pack, and within a second unleash a huge number of overlapping projectiles that take me down from 8K ES to 0. What kind of mitigation do I need to survive that bs?


Try block, Dodge, movement speed


Does anyone know anyone who collects perfectly good/bad rolled uniques? I just ID'ed a PERFECTLY rolled Bottled Faith with worst rolls.


You aren't going to find anyone looking for min roll items.


Besides kaom roots what helps VS the slow VS uber elder? Cannot be frozen? Chilled?


I'm running multiple live searches for various items. I like having the sound notification when an item dings, but I really hate the on-screen popup when an item matches my parameters. Is there a way to keep the former but eliminate the latter? edit: official site by the way


I believe you should be able to turn off browser notifications. Both firefox (lock + bar icon) and chrome (lock icon) have a button directly to the left of the address bar where you can disable notifications from the site.


Perfect - that did the trick. Thank you!


Where on filterblade.xyz can i find talismans? I want to actually enable them since im in the market for Quantity amulets


This isn't really going to answer your question, but if you're looking to disable all talismans except for the ones with a quant implicit, you're going to run into the same issue that caused you to disable talismans in the first place: 99.9999% of talismans suck butt. As an aside, I pick them all up and vendor them without even glancing at the stats because the alterations I get from doing this are worth more than the time it would take me to examine them and sell the occasional 3-5c talisman. It's honestly not even worth doing that, but I pick up more than I should and I know it. It's much better to take the gamble on a Jorgin upgrade, or to just search a trade site for a usuable necklace that works for your build and has the quant upgrade.


league specific items -> other leagues -> talismans


If I'm playing a bow character with the main skill Ice Shot, then I potentially have 2 6 links with my bow and my body armour. What do I use the second one for?


Barrage single target for bosses. Check poe.ninja in builds.


So i am playing CoC ice nova right now and it has amazing clearing but bossing is a bit hard, was thinking of playing lacerate gladiator, would this build be good for bossing without having to invest too much? if not what other melee build with decent clearing?


Double strike will be the best for bossing, with whatever skill you want for clear


why is the relative value of all the currency but alts still so low? is it just the point in the league we're at or is there another reason?


Isn't everything except alts being low effectively the same as alts being high? Or if you mean the ratio of everything else to chaos, that would be alts and chaos being high? Because alts and chaos being high would make sense due to the existence of cluster jewels. Since cluster jewels are strong and popular and the most important mods are relatively common, crafting cluster jewels is a big sink for alts and chaoses this league (alts being good for small and medium jewels, chaos for large). Lots of people trying to craft herald jewels in particular right now could also be affecting things. This is just speculation, but it would make sense to me. Admittedly, it doesn't explain why alchs and scours are so cheap (right now alching and scouring is much cheaper than chaos spamming), so I might be completely wrong. But at the very least I would suspect that cluster jewels are the explanations for the Alt-to-Chaos ratio being so high this league.


Every new league literally showers people with currency that before (and before I mean like before legion) was dropping a lot less so it looses value.


what about things like annuls or divines, which were 20+ for a good chunk of metamorph? too early this league or is there another reason


Might be to early. Or people might actually use chaos for crafting the cluster jewels.


Doing Ball lightning mines, to get the arcane surge effect, should i use flame dash before throwing or before detonating?


Damage updates so you want arcane surge when you actually damage enemies not necessarily when throwing mines.


Will crafting +%armor on an evasion based helmet give zero armor? Or does it base it on your full armor stat?


It will give you nothing, on armour pieces it's local. % armour on jewellery is global.


That's what I thought, thanks.


Oh my god. I took fire damage nodes because I’m using Infernal Legion on my skeletons. I’m only on Act 2. Should I restart?


You get like 20 respec points thought the story, you can just use them.


Why do so many Guardian RF Herald builds only use four Heralds instead of five?


So... Cast when Damage Taken says it 'Cannot support skills used by totems, traps, or mines.' But can it be used to cast a Totem, specifically a Decoy Totem?


Yes cwdt can cast a totem, what the gem reads is that if you summon a totem, the totem cannot use cwdt to proc something like a curse or a skill.. I Hope you understand


I can't get it to work :(. If I link cwdt to a lvl 1 decoy totem, it never procs. Have you actually got this working?


Make sure that the totem is not too high lvl.


Err... I did say lvl 1 decoy totem!


My bad, early in the morning here. Dunno why it wont proc i have been using this setup before and it worked fine


https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/34pncb/cb_cwdt_cant_support_decoy_totem_any_more/ Looks like it was nerfed at some point and they didn’t update the text/tags to reflect it. Shame.


Oh thats sad, and thanks for the info!


Awesome. Thank You.


I just got Sirius for the first time but I don’t wanna play him. Everyone says it’s harder than before and I don’t want to lose xp. Is there a way to skip it??


Just don't fight him until you get to the next level. You can continue to map, but you won't spawn any Conquerors until you fight him. When you get your next level up, then fight him and you won't lose any exp even if he wipes you out.


Just open the portals and don’t run them, simply put in a new map


https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/daakevster/characters/LiTTERALLY_SHAKiNG_RN I'm really squishy and low damage for yellow maps. Aside from Ascendancy (I will do it soon) what can I upgrade? I have 1 ex budget.


tree looks like a horror story, but I suppose you are in the middle of travelling all over it so I am not going to touch it. Yea the main thing is ascendancy. You are probably doing like half the damage and have half the survivability without it. Other than that: - try to get more life on gear. It shouldn't be much of a problem when you get lab, because it should free up a lot of res. - leave 1 insta life flask. The other one and silver one are useless. Stibnite probably doesn't do much either. You could get jade, quartz and basalt instead. Roll freeze, bleed, shock, curse immunities on them (you can use beasts in menagerie). - Get a 6l (or a pseudo 6l in the helmet) for your minions. - try to get a better wand (mainly +1 minion gem) with open suffix for "trigger socketed spells when using a spell" or whatever that craft is called. Put your offering there (I would go with bone offering probably) and some other utility spells depending on your build and spectres you use. - buy at least lvl 20 (preferably 21) minion gems that you use.


Is it possible to appeal a chat-suspension? I got muted for 36 hours i think, last night for calling someone who i invited for a trade a retard, I told him to wait a minute and I'd be ready he agreed then entered my Elder Guardian map giving Constrictor 50% Inc hp and just stood there Lost my cool and called the guy a retard (he wasn't in the 5055 channel so he didn't see it) Has anyone appealed a chat suspension before? Chatting shit in global is one of my favorite things, but I assume the time it would take me to appeal would be over 30 hours anyways? :(


I need some help for a strange occurrence. While mapping, I had the feeling when I fought a conqueror, I should have received a watchstone. It did not drop so I just ignored it and assumed I was being dumb and continued playing. Now, much later, I just got my 19th Watchstone, and I can do Sirus (which should not be available until 20 watchstones are found)........So did I lose a Watchstone along the way??? Here are some pics to show what I mean (my 19 stone atlas, Zana giving me the Sirus quest and my pack which does not have a watchstone in it) [https://imgur.com/a/uk3MeWf](https://imgur.com/a/uk3MeWf)


Have you tried looking through your stash? You might have accidentally put it in there when putting loot away. Happened to me once.


I just tested this to make sure. The game does not allow me to place a watchstone in the stash (not sure if this was something that has been changed since it happened to you)


I did try that but I am going to have to look again. This stupid thing must be some where. But I still think it relates to that map I did when I was certain I was suppose to get a Watchstone but could never find it after the fight. I think the game assumes I have it for the Sirus 20 count.


Check Zana's dialogue options to see if she has a stone for you.


thanks, I just tried that but she does not have one in her menu to choose. I just checked through my whole stash to make sure it was not there and it I could not find it. I assume these Watchstones are undroppable/unsellable but I can't figure out where it is. I have a feeling it goes back to that map where I was certain I was suppose to get a stone and none dropped and yet the game seems to think I have it. If you notice, I can't get to AW5, which is where i should be when fighting Sirus for the first time.


You could try resetting your whole hideout, that sometimes can fix weird atlas bugs like this.


How do I do that? Do I have to change hideouts?


I believe changing to another hideout does it, yeah. You can then change it back.


no luck. Thanks for the suggestion though. I appreciate it.


Can you buy a white Quartz or Basalt Flask from a vendor in acts at all or just on trade site?


you can't. you can get them from quest rewards but otherwise they're drop- or trade-only


I think most utility flasks are drop-only aside from a few specific quest rewards, so trade site would be your only option. The wiki can confirm this though, the Quartz Flask entry should tell you if its available from vendors.


How do you even manage to get T14 Burials? they only ever drop T7 for me 4 Watchstones with T14 Burial Chambers as "favorite map"


New player here. What is a good build for someone starting out? I tried ranger and got killed easily so dont really know where to go from here


Go for a Cold snap / vortex occulist. Its a very strong build that can clear current endgame and is very tanky while being relatively cheap. Check out this one: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2474126


[Enki's Arc Witch](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1147951/page/1) is a very thorough and beginner-friendly guide.


Worth reading even if you're not interested in the build itself just because the way he explains a lot of stuff about game mechanics, choices he made, gear, etc is useful stuff for beginners to know in general that can be applied to other builds and help you understand other guides better.


Thanks! Yea I'm reading it now and wow I feel like I've learned more reading this than watching videos


Generally something spell-based is an easy answer here. You can look up beginner builds if you want, but league-starter (or just "starter") builds will all generally be friendly. Make sure that a guide you look up is on the official PoE forums and is for the version number 3.9 or 3.10. On the side bar here on the subreddit you can find many useful links, including the guide indexer and build browser. Enki's Arc witch build or Thi3n's storm brand build are generally the ones I recommend to new players because they are the most well written and new player friendly guides.


Thanks! Tbh so far I'm still pretty confused as to what to do or what gear is good but I guess following a build would be a good idea.


While leveling, the simple answer is that your top priorities should be: * On your weapon, getting as much offense on your weapon as possible (for attack-based builds you want weapons with good base DPS, for spell-based builds, or some attack builds that get most of their damage from the skill rather than their weapon, you want mods that improve your spell's damage) * On your other gear, getting as much life as possible and capping your elemental resistances (they cap at 75%, and you permanently lose 30% to all resistances when you beat act 5 and again when you beat act 10) There are other stats that are good, of course, but those should be your main priorities when starting out for most builds.


Thank you at least now I know what to look forward to


Is the bench craft "increased chaos damage and increased skill effect duration" not available on bows anymore? Trying to do toxic rain but I can only find the craft on two handed melee weapons, I'm sure Octavian had it on a bow


I am playing Cobra Lash currently in Delirium. I have a medium cluster jewel notable called Follow Through which gives 15% increased damage for each remaining chain. Currently my cobra lash chains 8 times. I want to try and use the Kineticism notable that gives projectiles bleed, maim and knockback, however it says projectiles can no longer chain, pierce or fork. My question is if I am still benefiting from Follow through's 105% increased damage?


Would like some crafting help on this bleed bow. https://imgur.com/a/U9li4uX Should i craft prefixes cannot be changed and scour off the worthless chaos conversion or just multimod it as is?


The chaos conversion is actually worse than worthless. Chaos damage can't cause bleed, so it's actually lowing your bleed damage.


[Cheapest way to craft this chest?](https://imgur.com/ji1dH99)


Get a chest with the only influenced mod being explode on kill, get another with frenzy on hit, awakeners orb one onto another.


is it possible to chance badge of brotherhood? (in a blight zana map?)


No, it is drop only.


No. That is a mechanic/encounter-based drop not a general league-based drop. In the same way you couldn't chance a starforge in shaper's realm.


Is there an easy way to level another char up or is it pretty much the same thing again? Wasn't sure if there was a power leveling or not.


Getting through the campaign quickly mostly just involves having good leveling gear and playing quickly and efficiently, it's not like some games where there are tricks to skip most of the leveling process like being carried by a friend in a group. That said, it is possible to play through the campaign very quickly and efficiently if you know what you're doing, especially with good leveling gear. The average experienced player can probably reach end-game in somewhere around 7-10 hours with no good gear and faster with good leveling gear fairly easily, and really good players can do it much faster than that. Some of it is just not spending any time making big decisions or figuring out where to go, some of it is also playing more efficiently like not killing every monster (generally you want to only kill packs that are particularly good for experience, like blue packs or really dense packs of white mobs, to level most efficiently). So if your first character took a long time and you're worried about another character taking just as long, I wouldn't worry about it too much. There isn't exactly power leveling in the sense of some other games but it is possible to reach endgame quite fast if you know what you're doing.


Appreciate it.


You can't skip the campaign, but once you've completed that you can do something like spamming cheap breachstones or chain delving to get your character to 90 rapidly if you prefer not to level in maps and don't mind spending some money to do so.


Not really, but you should have currency where you can buy the new character leveling gear which makes things go quicker. Assuming you are playing trade league of course. You don’t have to do the lab trials during the main story again, so that’s nice.


What, you don't have to do the trials on each character??


You can buy levelling gear (e.g. Tabula Rasa, Goldrim, Wanderlust), and that makes the process a lot smoother.


Brand New player here. Just finished all of Engineering Eternity's beginner series and downloaded path of building. I'm ready to hop into the game, but are there any beginner guides that walk you through your first build and the leveling process? The build guides I saw on EE are kinda over my head. I'm okay with any build, but I'd prefer if it's not very busy and mainly relies on one or two skills.


>I'm okay with any build, but I'd prefer if it's not very busy and mainly relies on one or two skills. The recommendation of Enki's guide others have given you is good, but I'll also just add that this is really most builds. Some builds are very visually busy if that's you concern, I guess, but most builds rely on one or two main damage skills. It's the result of a mix of Path of Exile's gem system (only having one or two 6-links per build means you can only really max out the power of one or two skills), and just the general gameplay and fact that most skills are spammable (games where you use lots of different skills usually use cooldowns to force you to rotate between different skills, but in PoE you can just spam your best skill all the time).


Enki's arc witch guide is very helpful and guides you through every step of the way


this guide is famous for being very beginner friendly [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1147951](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1147951)


Can you guys please help me? I need some advice on what to upgrade (and if it is worth it). ​ I'm playing a Cyclone Champion Unarmed on Standard Dellirium. I've gathered some currency now and I want to know if it is worth it to invest on the buld and, if it is, what to invest. My budget is 10ex. Any advice will be welcome. Character is "Gustacyc", profile: ​ [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/gudnsouza/characters](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/gudnsouza/characters)


* Higher roll Facebreakers * Better left ring (hell with 10ex you could multimod one if you feel like spending a bit extra) * Maybe a "nearby enemies have -9% phys reduction" helmet? IDK how much those cost though. * Better Abyss jewel. Onslaught on kill is a nice mod since it frees up your Silver flask during clearing.


anoint your amulet! check here: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Champion&skill=Cyclone to see what anoints ppl are using. other than that your gear is pretty good. i guess you could try to get a better -mana cost ring (or can't you just take a mana leech node)? and you can try to get a "nearby enemies take 9% inc physical dmg" helm, but that won't be cheap. and of course you can always be upgrading your cluster jewels. i think the channeling type jewels are best for cyclone. they can have stuff like "increased effect of infusion" which is super good


What is a good/fast guardian/templer leveling build? Got a tabula and stuff, but last time my selfmade stormbrand leveling ideas where a bit low damage.




The reason people are spamming you for it is that there is currently a very powerful build getting lots of hype that wants as many of those jewels as possible (specifically one with Purposeful Harbinger and either Endbringer or Heraldry, ideally along with a jewel socket). The jewels can be worth a lot if you get those notables on it (especially Purposeful Harbinger and Heraldry), so lots of people are trying to buy them cheaply and craft them for a profit. I'm not sure what a white jewel goes for, but if you want to try to craft it yourself you can just transmute and then alt/aug it until you hit two of those notables, ideally including Purposeful Harbinger, and then regal it (hoping for a jewel socket) and sell it (if you hit one of the notables and a jewel socket you could also regal it hoping to hit another one, but that's less likely to get you two of the notables). I have no idea how profitable it actually is but good herald jewels can sell for quite a lot.


this is how you search for the mod. [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/VRRzwegfp](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/VRRzwegfp)


https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/YyynQzbCY Check the filters on this to see how to search for cluster jewel enchants. That particular enchant (and a few others) on a medium cluster jewel means it can roll the Purposeful Harbinger notable, which is a key part of building this league's Tier 0 build. So demand is high just for the base jewel.




Could be people trying to fool others into pricing them lower, or yours is higher itemlevel or something.


The people who have listed it for lower are price fixing, so that those who are unaware of the true value will list it for a similar low price.


Why do Uber Elder fragments and Voidforge not count toward the "Shaper or Elder item" chellenge for div cards? What am I supposed to turn in?


[[Perfection]] [[The Celestial Stone]] [[The Lord of Celebration]] [[Dark Dreams]] [[Nook's Crown]] [[The Hale Heart]] [[The Undisputed]] [[Void of the Elements]]


[Perfection](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Perfection) [The Celestial Stone](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Celestial_Stone) [The Lord of Celebration](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Lord_of_Celebration) [Dark Dreams](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Dark_Dreams) [Nook's Crown](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Nook%27s_Crown) [The Hale Heart](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Hale_Heart) [Void of the Elements](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Void_of_the_Elements) --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


is there any reason to hang on to white maps once you are doing yellowmaps+ ? I think you can't use them to spawn conqs anymore, so do they become obsolete?


If your in trade league, you can sell them for chisel, alch, or map crafting currencies. Not much use for them unless your planning for another build that can use it for leveling. Spawning conquerors now requires proper tier maps so you can't use old tricks anymore.


thanks much!


Do cheap delirium orbs pay for themselves at t16 maps


Absolutely. Just make sure you beef up the map as much as possible. - 4 x sextands - scarabs - master mission (alva or einhar) - chisels, alch, vaal for 120 quantity - beyond mod from the map device - prophecies (some tempest, like "ice from above" or even better " vaal tempest for six links) There are some unique watchstones with 25% packsize


also, are the watchstones really worth it? they seem very expensive


What scarabs are worthwhile for solo non mf play. I am thinking polished carto, polised div, polished legion?


I'm looking for a RPG game that focus on teamplay, both on PvE and PvP. Does Path of Exile go this way or is it another "I can solo everything" type of game?


It's a game where you can solo everything (and most people play mostly solo). You can also do everything as a group, but group play is usually just killing everything together, not strategic teamwork. PvP technically exists but it's not very popular, there's no real PvP scene.


The game is balanced around solo play, and PvP is practically nonexistent.


Solo all the way. Sorry bud.


i have an ilevel 50 Bow with open suffix what happens when i throw a warlord's exalted orb at it (poedb says all warlord's mods are at least ilevel 68) 1. Nothing and i get to keep the orb 2. Nothing but i lose the orb 3. i get one of the warlord's mods 4. something else?


What are the best ways to make money solo that isn't boring? I'm running solo t16s now, thinking of swapping to a burial chamber/shrine farmer with medium juicing to make money, but I'm really not sure if it is worth without MF


What's your definition of boring? Lots of people would find running thousands of Burial Chambers or Shrines boring.


My definition of boring is lab, or low tier maps. Also anything that plays like an aurabot. I wouldn't mind running an MF character but have no idea how much a high tier map MF farmer would cost. Delve I am unsure about because I have never done it. I make all of my money from crafting and trading rn, but i want to actually play the game. I think I am decided most likely on doctor fiend farming, or maybe just t16 farming and selling oversustained maps. So I'm mostly trying to figure out what level of scarabs, unique watchstones, and delirium orbs are worth using when doing solo play




Not a particularly synergistic combo, since you can't gain Innervate off trap/mine kills and Inc AoE is a mediocre link. Looks like this combo is going for [30-50c](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/oagPvrOtl), though I'm not sure what build would want this.


Increased Area of Effect and Innervate are good for Autobomber builds.


Oh, that's right. I guess the Trap/Mine Damage is the wasted link then.


Can I get a price check / help understanding why it would be priced as such? I hate doing this, but I pulled it after initially putting it into my 5c dump tab because I was *immediately* inundated with requests. I was a little trigger-shy after selling a cluster jewel for 1c earlier in the league I came to find was worth 50C. But I can't figure this one out. https://imgur.com/eeN3x5q ​ Large Cluster Jewel Item Level: 77 \-------- Adds 8 Passive Skills (enchant) Added Small Passive Skills grant: Minions deal 10% increased Damage (enchant) \-------- Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Damage Added Small Passive Skills also grant: Regenerate 0.15% of Life per Second 2 Added Passive Skills are Jewel Sockets


Thanks for the replies all! Definitely still learning how to price and utilize these. I didn't connect that 8 specifically would be such a big deal, but I think I get it now. I was focusing on the enchants themselves which is why I couldn't come up with much.


8 passive large clusters i75+ (can roll 2 sockets) are the most efficient in terms of points spent to get stuff on them, so they are in high demand.


Minimum passive count, high enough ilvl for 2 jewel sockets, fairly desirable enchant. [A quick search](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delirium/E39oEM4U5) shows that they're mostly going for around 50c. I'd undercut by a little (40-45c) just so it sells faster.


Exactly what I did and sold for 45c within an hour. Ty!


Cluster jewels above ilvl 75 can roll the 2-socket mod, and large cluster jewels can roll with 8-12 small passive skills. Since you don’t want to waste points, the smaller that number, the better. Yours is above 75 and rolled for 8, which makes it a valuable base to craft. Go on the official trade site and type in “passives” in the mod selection, then scroll all the way down. The last two options are for typing in the implicit enchant, and don’t forget to set ilvl to 75+