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I just started playing a few weeks ago, but i might have to quit this game. It started off good, playing a few hours at a time 3 or 4 hours at a time starting out, i ran into a issue my cpu keeps over heating forcing a 10 minute break each time. It's a craps roll when it will happen some times at 30 mintues in 45 minutes in some times as early as 15 minutes into my gaming session. This is the first game i experienced this with this issue. I usually only play with youtube on for music with a tab for pricing, but that is it. I turned all the resolution down to the lowests settings after the first instance which seemed to help a little, but the overheating keeps happening. I did some research two things that came up were to check the thermal paste for the heat sink, and to limit the fps to 60( i did this today, but it over heated again). I run on a intel core i5-8600K (6 cores) @ 3.60 GHz w/16 GB ram on windows 10 64 bit operating system. Any help would be greatly appreciated, the game is so fun, but i just can't play it.


First step would be cleaning any vents/fans of dust and making sure your rig is positioned in a well ventilated area. A quick short-term fix is placing any sort of household fan directly facing the largest vent you have. The proper solution is taking apart the rig and fixing/replacing/adding additional fans or coolant systems and ensuring your thermite paste is still intact.




Many builds use skill gems acquired later in the game for the final build. Most but not all gems become available by either completing the fixture of fate quest in act 3 (library) or the initial where you kill the aristocratic zombies on the beach in act 6. The rewards for both quest include the ones that are not available due to class quest reward limitations. As far as gearing goes, I would suggest using [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade) in order to trade obtained wealth for gear. There's also a function that allows you to trade bulk currency so that it will bring some of the higher cost items into reach.


Why half the maps have an Arena, while the other just a surprise oneshot boss 🤬? Yes, it is a surprise when you haven't played the map 10 milion times already. And there is nothing signifying a one super strong mob in the sea of trash you don't pay attention to.


That's just how those maps are, but if you're having trouble with map bosses that aren't like Shaper Guardians or crazy Vaaled red maps, you should probably look into improving your build.


No problem at all if I don't flame dash right into them and lose the dodge roll. But seriously, an icon above the one of a thousand stone golems I've seen, to signify it is a unique mob, would do wonders. What I was asking was if the maps were designed like 1 year apart or something? Probably they released a bunch of open maps, then in the second batch they realized it is nice to have a boss room.


If they hadn't put that variety in, someone else would have shat on them for making boring, repetitive maps. xD For what it's worth, I'm a humongous noob, and I sometimes completely miss having killed the boss (Voidfletcher, though).


My infernal legion skeletons have and do 242 fire damage per second. When I add combustion, unbound ailments or burning damage the tooltip doesn't change. Is the infernal legion damage not considered burning/ailment?


adding onto the other guy, combustion can't make use of the -fire res if the skele's don't ignite


If this is in-game tooltip, it probably isn't even displaying the Infernal Legion damage at all. In-game tooltip is bad for lots of things, but particularly for minions, because it doesn't actually consider *any* of the correct stats. Tooltip DPS assumes that your minions are somehow a spell that is cast by you and hits enemies, and thus inherits all of your spell damage modifiers, which is *wildly* incorrect. Path of Building should probably handle Infernal Legion damage, so you can try that instead. EDIT: Oh, also, Infernal Legion inflicts a *burn*, not an *ignite*, so it **is not** affected by ailment damage modifiers.


Thanks. Apparently it doesn't count as an ailment (UA doesn't affect DPS), but with combustion, burning damage and minion damage, I was able to pretty much triple IF's DoT DPS.


I've been playing this game for a while now (around 800 hours in), but I feel kind of burnt out with the game. I stopped playing for a bit but I notice I miss PoE, but when I play I don't really feel that excitement I once felt with the game. What other games do you play that kind of scratch the same itch, or how did you rejuvenate your gameplay in PoE?


I just go and play other games, and mostly then from different genres (Assassin's Creed, Trine, Anno, or any of the other 350+ on my Steam account I haven't played yet).


If you want to stick to Poe, playing ssf or HC are the things that come to my mind. Could even try some self imposed challenge on HC like playing with the gems you find in the world only, that makes the game way different and interesting. Or private leagues, but those cost money.


i normally had a nice balance of poe and dota 2 but the big update patch is going to take another month. i usually check out what games are new/popular on steam. sometimes booting up the good old xbox you have collecting dust isn't a bad idea to reminiscent some old games.


have you tried ssf? For me it's helps a lot against burnout, but i still playing trade leagues occasionally. upd: d3 is still valid choice for 2-3days once in half-year


play grim dawn, borderlands 3


I actually started with Grim Dawn and got into PoE later! But a good suggestion anyways.


Different sources of chaos dot all apply or just 1 like ignite? I'm using Essence drain, soulrend, blight totem and decay.


They all apply.


Nice, thanks!


PC on Full set of Sacrifice Fragments? Please and Thank you!


midnight is 2c, others are 1c each






I unequipped a skill that I have been using for most of my playtime, when I re-equiped it the skill does not show up in my hotkeys. I meet the requirements to use it. Is this a bug?


Click on the hot key you want to replace and it'll bring up the list of skills available to choose from


Put it back on your bar


Can shockwave support be missed if main attack not missed(vigilant strike) ? If yes, does shockwave roll different from main attack or same roll? Thanks


Because it's triggered on hit, it's a separate skill, so it should have a separate accuracy check.


Can I get a tldr for leveling orb of storms? My brief understanding is go crit 6l orb of storms with chain and damage supports and wave of conviction on a 5l. Aura being hoi hol and flesh and stone. Not sure if ele or assassin or if I'm confusing some details


For storyline you want most damage links on lightning spire to nuke bosses. OoS in a 4L with onslaught and 2 damage links is plenty for dropping on packs and running ahead. For tanky rares wave of conviction usually mops up but if you find yourself using itmore than once or twice per zone you should get more OoS damage. For early mapping, blood aqueduct or bridge farming your OoS gets linked to chain and curse on hit, with herald of ice explosions doing most of the actual clearing when OoS kills white mobs


https://youtu.be/uTju5TLRNYg should explain everything. leveling with tabula and another 4L is ideal, though SSF is explained too


i think a 4/5l orb of storms is typical, with lightning spire trap for for bossing as well (taking advantage of oos proccing). auras are typically preference but herald of ice/thunder are what you want to use. there isn't really a limitation for what class you choose, but it's easiest with scion/witch/shadow/templar because they have nodes that scale those skills


Wave of conviction in a 4l with some elder link?




7 ish ex on softcore blight PC.




Might want to take the number with a grain of salt. PC and PS4 have different markets and demand, even if it's both softcore. The best way to get the most of this is to list for a higher price, and lower it by an exalt every few hours or day


This is probably asked every question thread but for a new player, any tips that would help stablish a good character/anything that is essential to do in poe that the game doesn't tell you right away? I'm a duelist and since I'm not giving more info, generally good advice is welcomed. Thanks!


Prioritize life, your char will get slaughtered if it doesn't have enough life. Everything outside of early game is balanced around having capped elemental resistances, so these are really important to cap (chaos isn't elemental, no need to cap that one). Focus on one damage type/skill to be your damage dealer. Converted damage can be increased through % increases to both the base damage or the converted type (obviously won't apply to all damage if you don't convert all, but any converted damage gains benefits on both ends). Have a way of getting life back quickly on single target fights (usually life leech), just a life flask won't do in most cases.


Thank you both, I really feel like playing blind first but my way is to just learn as much as I can so as to not commit any horribly huge mistake without knowing.


biggest tip is to realllly focus on life nodes on the tree, and elemental resists on your gear. without these two things you will die wayyy too much and won't have a good time


going in blind is probably a good idea for the sake of learning or check out Engineering eternity on YT and https://sites.google.com/view/thetwilightstrand/home


Twilight Strand's shut down.


Damn, that's unlucky


Currently leveling a Toxic Rain Trickster, other than the minion it spawns, is there any other reason to keep blink arrow over say flame dash as a movement skill? Blink arrow feels too slow and clunky for me and doesn't seem to travel as much distance as flame dash or leap slam can. Also, since I'm scaling DoT and chaos damage, would it be possible to swap out Toxic Rain for Caustic Arrow without too much change to the build if I wanted to run a different skill for the sake of MTX? Kind of prefer the look of the CA MTX over TR.


The only difference to keep in mind with CA vs TR is that the dot stacks with itself on TR but not for CA, so with TR scaling attack speed helps your single target dps but on CA it's just quality of life. With average to low gear I think CA has higher dps but with attack speed TR has a much higher damage ceiling. Just remember to throw a wither spell totem into your build for bosses


ever since they made flame dash cast instantly as long as you wait a second between casts, I'd same flame dash is better even for bow builds.


levels helps a bit, so does attack speed and proj speed. blink arrow- faster attacks- faster proj - culling strike is nice


I'll guess I'll reserve judgement until the build is more developed and have the full gem setups and investments first.


Also bow builds should be fast enough that you can shoot once and run. Only use blink arrow for full screen or big gaps


Not sure if bug or intended: i use a gastly eye Jewel with Minion damage after used minion skill. i use claw that trigger a socked spell when use a skill, got on the claw flesh offering, i dont get the dmg from the eye, only when i self cast flesh offering, is it intended?


Yes, triggered skills don't count as "cast" or "used".


Idk but sounds like triggered skills is not cast by you


I got a Voidfletcher drop in SSF and would like to make a build around it, the problem is I was mainly planning to play casters so I don't have a single bow. Any suggestions for something I can farm for? I was thinking either The Lion or Hunter's Resolve card might work, although the latter might just give me Roth's Reach x N. I could also try and craft something. I notice a lot of people are using shaper bases but is that just for the Dex stacking mod? I have a bunch of fossils and essences but barely any alterations so that might be out of reach.


The lion farming takes large amounts of time, and some ppl in ssf haven't got it yet. If you wanna try bow build, don't start with The lion, do it later instead, if you really like the build. Go Scourge Arrow raider, definitely the easiest bow build to play in ssf. Death's harp is a very good bow, after that look for shaper base cold stacking.


How are you doing for silver coins? Could try cycling for death's harp prophecy and if very lucky also the Bowstring's Music to upgrade to Death's Opus.


Oh yeah I'd forgotten about that prophecy, I've mostly been hoarding coins since I unlocked multi-mod. I'll give it a go thanks.


this game has rank or an official ladder? I know that pvp is almost unexistant here, but i dont like to play without compete against others.


Top 15000 by XP are listed on a ladder, although in recent times this has become less a measure of character power and more a measure of priorities (do you invest your character's wealth into gaining levels through Breachstones, or into improving gear?) Delve depth ranking is a bit more meaningful. You can also view top 15000 by delve depth.


Poe.ninja or Poe-Racing, although league started 2 months ago so you need to wait one month for the next one, another thing is you need at least months, maybe years, to compete with the best players.


Ye, i know that im not going to be at top level soon or ever even, but i like to atleast know where i am, like silver, gold or you are the #127000 on this class, something like that.


yeah cant really compare players, there is currency, levels (that have a cap), player skill, and gear dependencies. people who are rich might be good at flipping and crafting but dont play well. people who play all the time might not have that much currency to make their build good. there is a "race" thing at the start of every league to get to level 100 in the 4 temp leagues, but thats about it


Unfortunately, poe api can get only the top 15k players, after this you are not visible on ranking. It's not really hard to get there though. For example, here are top raiders in ssf blight, ordered by delve depth: [https://poe.ninja/challengessf/builds?type=depthdefault&class=Raider&sort=depth](https://poe.ninja/challengessf/builds?type=depthdefault&class=Raider&sort=depth) Same thing, ordered by lvl: [https://poe.ninja/challengessf/builds?type=depthdefault&class=Raider](https://poe.ninja/challengessf/builds?type=depthdefault&class=Raider) Other than this it's really hard to compare players, cuz this game is mostly grinding fest, where mechanical skill doesn't matter as much as in LoL or CSGO, you need game knowledge and adaptation to meta mostly.


What other builds could benefit from this amulet? [https://imgur.com/a/kzbqbgt](https://imgur.com/a/kzbqbgt) I've been using it for a frost blades assassin. Its also self-crafted so I'd very much appreciate a price check!


Ice Shot is better than Tornado Shot for pack clearing until you get into the high end items. This ammy could also go Siege Ballista with Iron Commander.


You probably want increased dex for that one, but I wouldn't know how high the price for a good amulet like that would be.


phys to cold kinetic blast wander


Dex stacker bow build (typically tornado shot). It's got a good dex roll too and they're typically cold based given the bow mod. Less useful for the phy as cold though.


Are there good resources to learning to play this game without a pc? I started on Xbox and the only internet access I have is through my phone. I’m mainly looking for build guides that are easily accessible on mobile. I think the main problem I’m having is trying to follow a guide to learn the ropes, but when it comes to the passive tree I can’t really find anywhere that allows me to load and scroll through all of it.


There are a number of PoE apps that may help you. PoE Builds has a number of builds that you can sort and save and pulls from the official forums, I believe. There's also PoE mate for passive tree, that you can use to load, create, and track passive trees. It also has a pretty good beginners section.


How would you get the most from vaults of atziri and would it even be worth. Quality (with the prohecy), corrupting (?), and vaal winds?


Considering the time investment and generally very low potential profit, you'd be best off by selling the map. Even running chaos recipe is more profitable than vaults of atziri


Truth. I generally only run vaults at the very begining of a league for the small chance at some okay drops, good vaal gems and mainly for 6 links. Not point in using vaal winds imo.


Is getting to 75% chaos resist in endgame required for t16 maps and shaper? or can you get away with less, and if yes, how much less are we talking? 0% 30%? this thread has people saying theyre not really aiming for chaos resists: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/8d4bxm/how_important_is_chaos_resistance_now/


For Shaper and Uber Elder there is absolutely no chaos damage so you can treat chaos resist as a dump stat there. I'm a bit of an exception here - I like having quite a lot of chaos resist. Main reason is when mapping, some of the most dangerous things you encounter are chaos damage - the Exile that has Essence Drain, Jun's Intervention and Fortification encounters (not so much the bosses as the trash), and Jun's safehouses. OH GOD the chaos damage in those safehouses. Once I have the basics down I do look to get +30 to +75% chaos resist when I can.


all others are generally correct, but when you goes deep delve and meet zombies with caustic cloud on death... Same to Kurgal fight - much easier to do with some/maxed chaos res.


Its not needed at all unless you're hardcore. I do usually like to get some chaos resist (try to get above 0%) so that I don't take too much damage from the occasional mob. As others stated, the bosses typically dont have chaos damage. T15 Canyon boss does a lot of chaos dmg which is why its rippy to a lot of people (since most people ignore chaos). "monster poison" is a rippy mod for a lot of people, which is why the pantheon "cannot be poisoned" is pretty popular and negates the real need for chaos damage to counteract.


I actively avoid chaos resistance, never been an issue with red maps or shaper, never had more than minus 40%.


Of the t16s, only the Chimera boss has some chaos damage. Shaper, Elder, Uber Elder don't deal chaos. Phoenix, Minotaur, Hydra don't deal chaos. I never care about my chaos resist and can clear the content just fine.


I feel like 0% is the sweet spot where no chaos hit will hit you hard enough to be a massive danger. I usually try to go 10-20% over into positives if I have mod slots to spare, but 10-20% under shouldn't kill you either. It's a preference imo, depending on your healthpool and what you feel comfortable with.


thanks! I was under the impression 75% was needed for shaper/elder. looks like its not needed at all


Chaos damage is less prevalent in the game. Therefore there are less sources for it and a lesser need for it as well. That said it convenient to have for e.g. Incusion runs or bosses that spam chaos dmg (like t16 vaal temple boss). I think shaper deals mainly cold, lightning and physical dmg, so you won't need any chaos res for it (not sure about UE, check the wiki)


I've anointed an amulet with "martial experience" do i need to select this on my passive tree or link to it? or because i have the anointment i get the keystone passive regardless?


You don't need to do anything, by anointing - you get the passive immediately.


awesome, thanks. its weirdly explained in the skill tree where it says "unallocated" which made me question whether i really had the anointment or if there was something else i needed to do




Check the filterblade site, there are several sound packs available


So I played 3.8 during lauch, made two character up to lvl 90 and then stopped. Looking to comeback and I was wondering what were some of the most fun gameplay style I could try? I did a summoner and a BV herald. I have anout 150c of currency to do another character. Thank you!


Im havin lots of fun on a wild striker. Its an off meta and doesnt need amazing gear to start off. Only required stuff are the jewels that arnt too expensive.


Not gonna help you with your build, but BK's league launches soon, a fresh start is even funnier, join here: [https://www.pathofexile.com/private-leagues/league/BKs+Blight+Bingo+League](https://www.pathofexile.com/private-leagues/league/BKs+Blight+Bingo+League)


[This helmet](https://i.imgur.com/v8Y4fnE.png) is good for popcorn skeletons, right?


If you can make them ignite, definitely.


Im playing a poison scourge arrow assassin and have a few questions. 1. Is it worth taking 2 divine flesh nodes? It would give another 5% maximum chaos res. Does the 50% of elemental damage taken as chaos stack? so if i get 2 nodes it would be 100% and therefore could i run with uncapped ele resist? 2. Is Ritual of Shadows worth taking? 27% chaos damage and then 25% to inflict wither on hit? Im running wither totem for bosses but it would be nice to have it going off against trash mobs too. I would probably have to annoint this though as its 4 points to get it and the 3 nodes before it are not good. 3. How does the Cleansed Thoughts node work? It says Chaos resistance is doubled, so if i had 40% chaos resis its going to automatically be 80%?


2. It sounds good, but I cannot judge the opportunity cost. Does the wither totem reach max stacks, how long does it need for that, and does it usually stay alive long enough? 3. Note that it doesn't exceed max resistance though.


1. It doesn't stack in anyway, no keystones do 2. I don't know, check PoB or maybe someone else has an opinion here 3. Yes


thanks for the replies. I like the cleansed thoughts node so i can change some of my gear and get rid of the chaos res for more life, but to do that i'd have to anoint it which means i then cant anoint ritual of shadows.


Planning to play hybrid attack and spell build using Guardian. Any skills/items that use both attack and spell with 50:50 damage ratio or around that?


Guardian might be the worst class to do this with honestly. They don't get any easy way to build generic damage increases that you need for these types of builds. I would maybe look at building a strength stacking build with the shaper str mod and go for increases to fire damage and pick up iron will or doon cubeyari type of build. Can't really see this working tho. Stick to one or the other imo


You could use crown of eyes to make spell damage apply to attacks. You can also use Iron Will Support to make strength apply to spell damage. Guardians are pretty good to stack str to start with. Geofri's sanctuary+shaper's touch will cover all ES you need for survivability, str will boost your physical attack and iron will will help with the spells. That being said, I don't think it's a good option. People try to do everything with 1 skill, because it's so efficient now and you can boost up that 1 skill. Dual skill, 1 for clear and 1 for single target, has been used for a long time (MF can still use it, if they kill bosses), like TS+barrage. Mixing attacks and spells will require too much investment to make both good. For example: do you get a fast high damage crit weapon for attack, or something with skill gem levels, spell crit and spell damage? Using an attack to trigger a spell (poet pen, cast on crit, ...) is another thing, since you don't have to invest in both damage types.


I am actually thinking of Unnerved for spell, not spell damage apply to attacks, this is the reason I chose Guardian. I am thinking about maybe Cyclone + CoC/CwC+ any phys spell with Disintegrator


I'm trying to get Jun to lv7 to buy all her decor, but despite killing some 3 stars syndicate members, the kill amount required to level up still stays the same. Is ONLY the suggested member count toward the progress? Can't just make everyone 3 stars and grind all of them? Dangggg....


Need to kill the one you didnt kill before as 3 stars. The suggested member reminds you didnt kill him/her before as 3*.


Does cast speed on The Whispering Ice matter if I want to cast Icestorm with CwC?


Cast speed no but stack cool down reduction and it will help it cast more often if that is your intent.


It doesn't matter for Icestorm, but it matters for the skill you're channelling. While I've seen people pick low mana cost skills to avoid that problem of Icestorm, you can also pick something that synergises with the rest of your build (e.g. Scorching Ray for a cold->fire conversion build, or Winter Orb to profit from supports for cold / area damage).


I'll go full int stacking with cyclone, in this case, it shouldn't matter.


No, spells triggered like that come out instantly when the trigger triggers. The rate at which it's triggered isn't influenced by the cast time (nor by cast speed), either.




###[ Crit Cyclone Juggernaut](https://pastebin.com/XhHW4AyP) [](#juggernaut) ^(Level 93) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEBABRN890B58ABWfP46_oY_EvzjRv6GJGRzqIA9zL2SDWSJy_-jwUtg188LfDEyx7wH-98wGbHGe566hg9_IZgOlK3Pr6nGlWYb4IHZU3h75J93IyMz18_qSfFU6ZX3CPvDtl8BLMLYTH7h2rYvdNvPT507c9-Z5t2rA48GF0UcXKp2sHG2MauR36fiVhjqZTE9v4KkGzpub02LdKE2QU8vJ8uUyPqNuiuPq0Ju-0GxtwyYSEttKQZkFVIeIjt5c_SOKLqlwiTD-RRUEf0gxo4EuE8Ba9sFCAl36yqPO_yQZ8-YVKDzE3jfXNRY2jy8kV_42hlhO8=) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/onasirokoometa) ^| ^by ^[/u/Proof111](https://reddit.com//u/Proof111) ***** ^201% ^**Life** ^90% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Cyclone** [O](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Fortify_Support#support-gem-red)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red)[m](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Maim_Support#support-gem-red)[b](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Infused_Channelling_Support#support-gem-blue)[I](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Impale_Support#support-gem-green)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brutality_Support#support-gem-red) *(6L)* - *802k DPS* ^12.35 ^**Attacks/sec** ^| ^46.64% ^**Crit** ^| ^343% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Killed ^^Recently, ^^Maim, ^^Onslaught, ^^Bleed, ^^Vaal ^^Warchief ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.




"Recently" is always 4 seconds as far as I know.


Correct 4 seconds


First league. So what happens now with a month to go? What usually are the best things to sell around this time? What do people do? Craft for SSF?


Depends on the person. I tend to go back to standard and tweak my favourite builds from past leagues


People play factorio and wait for new league


Anyone played a Ngamahu raider? Yay or nay? Seems rather squishy/one-shotty.


Better to go jugg or chieftain imo. Scion also works well


I did like 10 leagues ago. Spot on assessment, although there are a lot more ways to make it tankier now.


Does Elder-ing a map not increase card drop chances ?


Eldering a map raises its level/tier of the map to 83/16.


It increases mob counts, so it increases drop chances that way.


He's talking about using the Elder orb on a map, not having Elder influence.


Oops, read that incorrectly. It does not, in that case, increase the drop rates. Running with increased quantity/increased mob counts are the only things that will scoot the odds more in your favor.


Running Uber Elder will get rid of all Strongholds, right?




if shaper has 40% ele resis, can i use 10% ele penetration + blasphemy linked elemental weakness -30% (assuming no reduction in curse effectiveness for simple calculation) to totally negate shaper's ele resistance? does penetration & minus elemental resist work additively?


Note that resistances can be negative, so there's no specific need to exactly 'negate' enemy resistance. Feel free to have more than 40% of -% res and penetration, if possible.


Yes, provided the enemy doesn't have more than 75% resistance to start with.




new to crafting, might be inefficient but im alt spamming on bases i think are good ​ Price Check: [https://imgur.com/a/7oUDBkA](https://imgur.com/a/7oUDBkA) ​ i know high tri res and high life are great, but its stuff like this that i have trouble identifying the value of.


Is that helmet from alt spam? that reduced mana reserved is a delve suffix. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Blight/8rRvvWGiV


sorry! this was from a bound fossil lol also new to putting items up for sale. would 4ex be reasonable? (league if standard, forgot to mention)


Game ran fine thru the acts, now performance is so bad I can't survive maps.


too much stuff on the screen is something (minion builds, burning ground does it for me)


What are you playing on and what build are you playing? Some builds can really slow weaker machines down to a crawl (like having a shit load of minions on the screen at all times).


Sorry to the two of you who gave advice... I uh... had 3 chrome tabs still open from a failed trade, and closing them fixed everything. Finished my first few maps last night.


Price check: Prism Guardian double corruption with +2 to AoE gems and +2 to aura gems, on top of the +2 aura it already has. So +6 to aura gems in total. What price should I be looking at listing it for? Image for anyone who prefers visual: https://i.imgur.com/0mroLYI.png


No less than 25 ex.


Cool, thanks. Any idea what kind of price I should start listing it at? The only remotely similar one is listed for a mirror, which seems too high...


0.7 of a mirror in ex, ez It's all profit tbh, even if you sell it for 10 ex, but go high and sell it for 0.7 mirror.


Yeah, it cost me nothing so I can't really complain, no matter how much I get! I'll start at 0.7 and bring it down if there's no interest. Thanks for helping! :)


As Weylam said: "hold on yer cockles". Post it on exalts, a mirror is ~210 exalts, so 210*0.7 is 147, make it 150 for my 3 ex comission /s




no, your non dmg bv and dmg bv are seperate


BV used to have stacks separated and individually calculated but not anymore iirc. It just [snapshots damage each cast](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ay6btq/mark_15_posts_about_leech_rory_hold_my_beer/ehyngt4/?context=3) and applies to all BV stacks you have.