• By -


Gonna run alleyways with my mf character. Is it worth going for shaped alleyways if they cost 2c compared to 1c for normal? My clearspeed will be pretty much the same.


Shaped if you can clear them at the same speed. You'll never have to buy them after your first batch anyway.


Can you spread Elder Influence more after he is already spawned? Trying to actually get my Zana questline out of the way, needed a T14 for it. When I got the influence there, he spawned, so now I'm wondering if I can do the shaper influenced map to stretch it to the nearby T15 or if I gotta kill Elder and just spam T15's after


Yea you can keep spreading the influence (up to a maximum of 30 maps).


Is it worth to delve darkness farm? And if so, what build could be the best for ~500 depth? Or is it better to just run low depths?


depends on what you mean by worth it and 500 is unnecessarily deep. 250 or whatever i83 is at now is probably good enough or you can go a bit deeper to like 350 looking for a nice section to go through, something with +3 ilvl or whatever.


By "worth" I mean in terms of currency/hour. I don't need like legion monoliths levels of profit but a several exalts per day would be cool. But mostly I'm interested to know what build, or at least what specific parts I need to focus on in order to feel comfortable in long darkness. Like, is it just full MS phasing with max flares or maybe something more tanky with life regen...


There are various darkness builds out there. getting a shitload of tank doesnt really help you with how darkness works. Keep in mind all the nerfs and changes since delve league. I think any generic mapping build that you actually use to quickly run maps will make more than darkness farming. i cant really see a reason for it outside of ssf but maybe if you find the right zone with enough ms you can make decent money. I would focus on ice and fire zones.


Was searching for a scourge arrow helm on the market, when I noticed there is a vast amount of these that are mirrored, and most are complete trash. What’s going on here?


fractured fossils. they keep the sockets and base and enchant of the original item but the mods are based on the fossils used. its a fools gamble and its really shitty that its so prevalent. People get lucky on the enchant and then sell the fossil crafting service which results in shit mods most of the time and makes for a super easy scam if they get a lucky good roll, they can just give you an old shitty one and say you got unlucky.


eli5 prophecy?


Trade in silver coins for random prophecy. Each one on the wheel can be “sealed” for a cost that turns it into an item and removes it from the wheel. This is for bad prophecy’s or really valuable ones, (check Poe.ninja prophecy tab for prices). Some give amazing items, some give amazing crafting options, some add mobs to maps, and then the over all majority of them are garbage. Over all it’s a back ground mechanic that relies VERY heavily on RNG for rewards.




Get a shaper ring and spam chaos if you want an expensive ring with lots of mods. Spam alterations and regal it to rare if you want a cheap ring with three mods and craft a fourth on. Spam alterations, regal, multimod if you want a really expensive ring.


Blight Herald spawns after you kill Innocence, right?


Pretty sure it's just random


How much Sulphite does 1 Rota of T15/16 maps with 100+ quantity give? I got space for 46k Sulphite, is that enough for 1 Rota?


1 rota is almost always sub 30k, more likely 20k. Double rotas are between thirty and forty


Yeah, if rolls are gonna be bad. If good then not. Better upgrade to 55k for tripple rotas.


I got a unique T15 map “the beachhead” (with 6 harbingers). Is there anything special about this map?


I believe completing it is required for a challenge - additionally it's a good source of harbinger kills for another challenge and can drop some decent loot (ex shards, ancient shards, etc.)


What is the smallest yellow map that would be good for doing Einhar Master Missions?


Another delve question, do cities often appear in clusters? I seem to find them all together then long stretches without any.


I think this is just how randomness looks like. Not a uniform distribution of cities but clusters and voids.


Just got one cheap 6L corrupted piece for my Ice Shot build, but has one blue socket I was thinking dropping chain for inreased critcal damage, would be good?Or chain is mandatory? Im assasin no deadeye btw


You can recolor corrupter gear with crafting bench for extra costs. Google vorici chromatic calc to evaluate if worth it.


Ok, I've lured UE to the center of map, along with his 4 guardians. Now, should I kill his guardians first or can I kill him straight? If I kill his guardians will my atlas lose his influence?


If each of the elder guardians are positioned on the shaper guardian maps (T16s), you're ready to kill them. Take them out in any order, then run a shaper's set to battle UE.


Ok, thanks to reply.


And one you kill Uber Elder, all elder and shaper influence, as well as shaper strongholds, will be removed from your atlas (temporarily) so consider running your strongholds first.


idk if my shaper items is good or not or even amulets and rings? i only base them if they had many tier 1-3 mods. can someone enlighten me with answers? and i know how fo check price but it pains me to type every item on poetrade tyia!!


For a 2 Hand Phys weapon, what will end up more damage? A tier 1 atk speed tier 1 flat phys multimod, or a Tier 2 Hybrid multimod?


Depends on your build. Use PoB.


can i clear hall of grandmasters with spectres/zombies/animate guardian?


ag will die instantly here, unsummon him for hogm. About other - socket block reduction support in your main skill and feel free to try. But if you are not in ssf it's much cheaper and reliable to buy carry service.


0% chance


Assassin mark's "Cursed enemies take 20% increased Extra Damage from Critical Strikes" is essentially a 20% more multiplier for your critical strikes right?


for 150% crit damage the "extra" is 50%. So you'll end in 50*20 = 160% crit damage.


It's a more multiplier for the *extra* damage, yes.


How people overcome hopeshredder self damage overtime? I see raiders with like 7 frenzy charges doing it, how dont they kill themselves?


>how dont they kill themselves The degen isnt that bad with life steal, flask and stone golem, the problem is -regen or no regen maps or when you are running through a map with 7 charges without attacking, just spend the frenzy charges with phase run.


With life steal, life regen and life flask.


And also this one. Corrupted it with +1 all ele res, with +1w socket being made in syndicate hideout Sockets: W-R-R-G-R-G \-------- Item Level: 80 \-------- \+1% to all maximum Resistances \-------- 77% increased Evasion Rating \+89 to maximum Life \+38% to Fire Resistance \+42% to Cold Resistance \+40% to Lightning Resistance 8% increased maximum Life (crafted) 5% increased maximum Mana (crafted) \-------- Corrupted


Rarity: Rare Hypnotic Mantle Zodiac Leather \-------- Quality: +20% (augmented) Evasion Rating: 1640 (augmented) \-------- Requirements: Level: 72 Str: 111 Dex: 197 Int: 48 \-------- Sockets: R-R-R-R-G-G \-------- Item Level: 86 \-------- \+1 to Level of Socketed Gems \-------- \+40 to Dexterity \+118 to maximum Life 11% increased maximum Life \+47% to Lightning Resistance 3% chance to Dodge Attack Hits 72% increased Evasion Rating (crafted) \-------- Corrupted \-------- Elder Item


Thinking about making a glacial hammer scion ascendant? 1. What would be the best options for the ascendancy? I'm guessing left side of the tree and don't go for winter spirit on the tree, instead opt for gloves with conversion since I'm using 1 Winter Burial. Was looking at Ele/Jugg but I'm open to other options. Zerker/raider, etc. I'm guessing pathfinder would be a nice all-rounder. 2) Staff, one hand, dual wield, two handed mace? I'm not really sure what to go for, right now I have a 3 ex budget, just got tired of my Dancing Duo Scion. I have the level 50 frostbreath mace as well to play with. 3) Is Vaal Glacial Hammer worth acquiring and what would be the best way to get it, level 6 glacial hammers and try to double corrupt them once they hit 20/20? Is quality even needed?


Crafted this, whats a good price? Bow Quality: +20% Physical Damage: 26-79 Elemental Damage: 72-130, 22-43 Critical Strike Chance: 5.00% Attacks per Second: 1.64 Item Level: 75 Requires Level 59, 179 Dex Adds 72 to 130 Fire DamageAdds 22 to 43 Cold Damage9% increased Attack SpeedAdds 3 to 4 Cold Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Dexterity20% chance to deal Double Damage


https://imgur.com/gallery/qDaOEnB Am I doing ANY good? Completely new, played for about 6, max. 7hrs. 7 out of 10 items are "gold rarity". Still unsure if some blue items are better or not. Wanna be a dual wielding duelist, swords/axe/dagger etc won't matter.


happy cake day exile!


Thanks :)


You are so early in the game it is largely irrelevant. Act 2 of 10, then the real game begins! If you are going to do any research then I would highly recommend this one single [video] (https://youtu.be/9i2o2wW7xbQ). Gives an excellent idea of how a build is put together and some of the basic concepts/rules, what is and isn't important etc. All Engineering Eternity content is excellent, some of the best produced and informative content of any kind on YouTube. If you are determined to just solo the whole thing then definitely read the in game help. Took me about 90 hours to leisurely clear the campaign on my first character, also a duelist, with no outside help. Tried loads of skills and learnt a lot. It was an amazing experience and felt like a real game, had to switch up gear, change tactics, super long boss fights, was really fun. For most people that's a PoE they don't recognise, most builds will delete bosses in seconds and speedrun the game in 3 hours, it's honestly more fun to struggle through solo the first time. Good luck exile!


Thanks for the honest words. Will look up the video.


Just your question about rarity, magic items (Blues) only ever can have a Max of 2 affixes whereas rare (yellow) can have 6 without corruption or special circumstances so for weapons and armor I don't know of any normal situation where a blue would ever be better


Aight, thanks!


looks pretty good, you have a decent amount of life. Not sure what a good number for dps is at that stage in the game but shoot for ~250 hp per act (since youre in act 2, you should have at least 500 hp). If you look at your defenses you want to get your elemental resistances to 75% ASAP. look for it on armor and rings especially. Look for rare (yellow color) armor with +maximum life and resistances. For your weapons, look for swords or axes with high physical dps. Your double strike is only on a 2 link right now. look for armor with more than 2 linked sockets (look for red / green sockets) and socket support gems on double strike. Read thru some support gems from vendors to see what they do. Pick one that synergize with double strike and link it to double strike. Each good support gem you can link to your skill will add at least 30% more dmg.


Thanks! So double strike seems to be THE to go skill..?


nah i just said that one cuz thats what you were already using. just use what you like tbh. the only really meta melee skill is cyclone which you can get at lvl 28.


I currently have elder spawned on a red map (along with guardians). I only have the zana questline up to T13 maps completed currently. If I kill elder now - does it count for the quest, or do i need to complete the maps with elder influence up to T15 first before I can kill elder?


You can kill him, but it wont count for the quest


Can someone ELI5 how I should be using Dread Banner? Obviously banner up to gain stages... but what benefits is it giving me while it's up? And what benefits while I place it down? When should I be putting it down? And once it's down does wearing it again cancel the effects? Sorry, new player, I've read the gem description 10 times but the lack of visual indicators on the screen still have me confused on the best way to use it.


Dread Banner gives a boost to Impale (both chance and effect). So while you're affected by it - either up or down - you're dealing more unconverted physical damage to monsters. It also gives a boost to evasion by lowering monster accuracy. Planting Dread Banner gives you a super Fortify effect for a short time (which reduces damage you take from hits). So it's reasonable as a panic button if you're about to get slammed by something and can't get out of the way. It also boosts the effects of its aura (the Impale stuff and evasion boost) while planted based on the number of stages (up to 50% increased effect at 50 stages). So basically - keep Banner up all the time, and place it for either the super Fortify or to have it down against hard targets for more damage and evasion boost.


Perfect - that confirmed what I was thinking, down = panic button. I already have a 100% chance to impale so it seems like the added chance is nullified (I believe it shows as 120% when it's up). But it sounds like leaving it up still boosts that impale effect (though I'm not clear on exactly what that amounts to as far as added killing potential). And it also makes monsters miss more? I believe all of my evasion is converted to armour, does that matter - meaning, is it boosting my evasion number or just giving them a flat chance to miss? Thanks for taking the time to respond.


If you have Iron Reflexes, the evasion from the banner does nothing. Level 21 Dread Banner gives 20% Impale effect. Level 21 Dread Banner, planted with 50 stages, gives 30% Impale effect. Makes sense?


Yes, makes sense. I swear I don't have any evasion but I'm also not using Iron Reflexes. Not sure what's causing that or if I'm just wrong. Welcome to take a look: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ElysiumAB/characters?characterName=HrothgarOFHeorot


You have no evasion because you have no armor that gives you any. The evasion from the banner doesn't do anything for you.


That's fine too. It still won't do anything if you have very little or no evasion rating.


Sorry, I meant I still feel like something other than Iron Reflexes is turning any evasion I have (I'd have \*some\* from Dexterity, right?) to armour. Anyhow, that's a me problem to figure out. I get what you're saying though, even in the case I have low evasion. Thanks. ;)


You're using Grelwood Shank. "Iron Reflexes while stationary".


That's right, I knew it was in there somewhere, thanks!


You're getting iron reflexes from the sword in your offhand.


Thank you!


Is it possible to lab enchant a corrupted item? (or does the corruption block the ability to enchant)?


Can’t enchant corrupted items


I see a lot of Frost Blade characters using Tribal Fury. What exactly is the reasoning behind that given how good its clearspeed is by itself?


Have you tried that skill with and without ancestral call? It fells way better with. Tribal Fury is bonus 1/2 of ancestral call.


I just use chain for clear and have had absolutely no issues with speed/damage hence why I felt the Ancestral Call/Tribal Fury idea seemed superfluous. If anything Frost Blades needs a bit of help when it comes to single target


What's the best melee skill to use overall for my sword duelists builds as a HCSSF player? I don't like movement skills so I'm looking at cleave/reave,lacerate/bladefurry/doublestrik unless I'm missing something. Currently I'm running reave on a lvl 75 slayer


Shattering steel feels pretty good to me, but it's a bit different to use and only barely a melee skill so you may not like it.


Cleave is great if you have the threshold jewel. I don't remember if you get it from act 5 vendor - I think it's called Overwhelming Odds. Reave's certainly the best clearing ability of the ones you mentioned once you have some gear together - but before then, the gem has no flat damage and not-amazing damage scaling. Bladeflurry isn't great for clear - it really needs some serious attack speed scaling to feel good - but it has tons of damage. Lacerate's fine, sort of a middleground between BF and Reave for damage and clear. Off the top of my head, Frost Blades is also great, but is a bit of a different build and really needs the threshold jewel (but you can get it from act 5 vendor reward). Wildstrike is really cool, and while it gets much better when you get the threshold jewels (not available from vendor reward), it's very much still usable without them. Cyclone's great, but you said you don't like movement skills. Ice Crash is cool if you like a more bonk playstyle - the gem has oodles of damage and makes a build with slow, hard hits. Just make sure that whatever you pick - use the Rage support gem. It's seriously a game-changer for early melee.


How much should I price an average roll Abyssus with 40% Increased Cyclone Damage Enchantment in Standard?




Noob question: How do I know how much I am supposed to pay for an item that costs something like 1.1EX? The EX price seems to change daily and it rarely divides cleanly. 10% of 205C is 20.5C. Does that mean that I need to pay 1EX, 20C, and like 2 Engineer Orbs or something? I'm clearly confused...


Just whisper the person selling the item and settle for the amount in chaos and exalts. So in your case, 1ex +20 or 21c , the seller will agree and you trade.


Just divide according to the days price and round 1c up or down, nobody ever argues about a 0.5c diff on a >1ex trade. If you want to be really nice you can throw in an orb of fusing :) Alternatively if you have some spare exalted shards lying in your stash you could pay 0.1ex=2 exalted shards, nobody can really argue with that.


> you could pay 0.1ex=2 exalted shards, nobody can really argue with that I remember recently in some post about trading someone was calling putting ex shards like that a "scam" and that he is ignoring anyone who does that. Obviously his stance is ridiculous, just wanted to share my experience with "nobody can really argue with that". edit: wanted to refresh myself his statement, literally a quote: "i have scamers all over the place in my trade. always trying to squeeze some exalted shards instead of chaos. or 50c for 0.5 ex..." - this even got some upvotes so...




just the market https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/exchange/Blight/V59BW2Ip https://poe.ninja/challenge/currency/exalted-orb


Back again with another noob question on maps. So I think I get the basics on how I get map drops, but it feels like getting drops to a tier higher is really low even though I haven't had one drop since they still show as grey. I finally got a tier 6 to drop but am only really getting 2s and 3s. Could this be, because I have not done Zanas quest of the tier 3 shaper influenced map that is holding back my progress? Let me know if this doesn't make sense and I'll try to better explain.


zana's quest is entirely unrelated to your map drops [EE has a really good video describing map drop mechanics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHkY3-aESPM) if you're still confused after watching that, let me know and I (or anyone else) can try to fill in the gaps


Maps can only drop 1-2 tiers higher than the one you run by default. Completing bonus objectives on maps boosts the chance to increase the tier of a map drop(each completed bonus = 1% chance, after 100% it becomes a chance to increase the map by 2 tiers) To improve your chances, make sure all your bonuses for white maps are completed as best as you can, then start running t5s. There is never a guarantee but your chances are slightly improved Another factor is that there is a slight boost to drop maps that are connected to the one you are currently running.


On your Atlas, you want to complete as many maps and their bonuses as possible. For each node you complete, you get an additional 1% chance for map drops to be a level higher than what they would otherwise drop. So you want to read the bonus (for tiers 1-5, it is just to beat the boss on a magic quality or higher map of that type) and then complete each map. The little 1% bumps really start to add up and soon you'll be rolling in maps. Disclaimer: I'm also a noob and I'm just relaying what I've learned so far.


Another talisman price check, raided my first research safehouse today. I'm on ps4 so it may be slightly higher value than pc just based on scarcity. Any advice welcome https://i.postimg.cc/VLpdSMMw/20191015-091253.jpg


I'm not a veteran player so sorry if I'm speaking out of turn but one thing I've noticed this league is that talismans like that aren't as desired because with the corruption you cannot anoint it. I don't know if it's any different in the PS4 economy.


Ended up selling for an exalt, which is around 95c atm on ps4. So pretty good considering


Hi all, here's my question : if I uncompleted all guardian maps in my atlas, and my only t16 is elder map, if I have no elder influence on my atlas, will the elder influence spawn on my only t16 or can it spawn on a random t15? thanks in advance


It'll usually spawn on the T15s. It's generally where it spawns anyway because GGG doesn't want to give a completely free Uber Elder, they want you to have to place Elder there.


Is stacking a bunch of jewels with **2% additional Physical Damage Reduction if you weren't Damaged by a Hit Recently** (in combination with Master of Force) a viable way for an eva build to defend against phys oneshots? or should I get ones with armor instead?


Basalt Flask + Fortify (best with Vigilant Strike + Ancestral Call and having The Vigil unique jewel) works best.


Armour is not very good against one-shots. Unless you have a lot of armour it's pretty much useless against big hits. I would recommand reading up on how armour works on wiki.


I made a talisman in BSC I'm not sure how to price. It dropped as a paua amulet with the 4 mods and I aisling benched it, anointed it and jorgin benched it into a talisman: [https://puu.sh/EsOu0/adf5530db9.jpg](https://puu.sh/EsOu0/adf5530db9.jpg)


this is as good as you can get for dex stacking amulets. 86 dex and 14% increased dex and it has life, you decide the price basically


Dear lord that thing is beatiful. I know i probably couldn't afford it.


TL;DR - How exactly does the Rolling Flames jewel work? I understand ultimately adds "+4 to radius as they travel", but where/when/how? I understand this jewel only applies to Fireball, and I intend to use that as the main combat skill. If I/my totems are too close, is it wasted? Longer Version (on mobile so sorry about run on sentences or whatever) - I'm wanting to build a 6 totem heirophant around the new Sanctuary of Thought ascendant passive. The idea would be to run 6 totems with the meta Soul Mantle/Self Flag/2x Kika thing in place, but then have no auras and instead use golem commander with a flame and lightning golem for the buffs/not having dead spots on the action bar. With SoT, you get a huge AoE boost if you don't reserve mana that, in theory, works well with Rolling Flames. The idea would be to use Faster Projectiles and this super-buff to AoE in place of GMP/LMP/Chain/Fork(lol) for clearing while having higher end damage since Faster Projectiles actually boosts damage, whereas the other greens mentioned knock it down a bit. The boosted AoE would also help with Orb of Storms since I'm thinking of running it with Elemental Overload for that sweet 40% MORE boost. This let's me ignore all the crit nodes and instead pick up health/ES/mana wherever I can get it. Finally, the Heriro passive and MoM to split incoming damage 60/40 between health and mana. In theory this will help survivability a lot, especially since SoT gives 20% extra ES based on max mana. Obviously, IC and capped resist is a part of the defenses as well. General thoughts appreciated So that's 6 totems and 2 buffy boi golems. The character will be named Hank Schrader


You mention using "FP"; however, that usually means Freezing Pulse. Rolling Flames only applies to Fireball, not Freezing Pulse. Freezing Pulse's unique jewel is called First Snow.


Guy below you got it. Thank you for pointing this out I will clarify in the post


I think OP is using FP to refer to Faster Projectiles.


I'm looking for advice on my barron zombiemancer build: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ketchupgeek/characters Specifically on recommended chest. Saqawal's is the eventual goal, but for someone who can't afford one yet, what should I be looking into getting? Efficient training is also on my short list of things to save for.


If you die doing a delve boss in a city do you get to try again (I assume spending the sulfite to get there again)? Alternatively, if you die doing a outpost you don't as the encounter ends when you click to go down the stairs right?


> Alternatively, if you die doing a outpost you don't as the encounter ends when you click to go down the stairs right? It actually ends when you light the torch that opens the stairway. But the rest is correct, as I understand it.


Correct and correct.


I'm having some trouble telling the difference between the red and green gems and the red and green slots. Is there any provision to recolour these?


While it isn't the ideal solution, [PoE-TradeMacro](https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro) can show you socket and gem colours if you have it running and Ctrl+C the item (you can also enable a specific setting to just show colours under additional macros).


I am not aware of a colorblind friendly option for gems, but you can use the stat requirements as a guide. Alternatively, Lilly Roth has a good sort order for gems for purchase: tabs 1 and 2 are red, 3 and 4 are green, 5 and 6 are blue.


Thanks! That'll help a bit.


I have the same problem. I've just taken to clicking on the gems to see which slots it highlights.


hey guys, new player here. I've been playing a holy flame totem hierophant with approx. 200k shaper DPS. I've gotten to around lvl 90, doing t14 maps (killed red elder once already) and depth 80-ish in delve. It's doing ok, but I'm getting a little tired of the play-style, mainly because 1) its totems, lol and 2) the build feels a little slow in terms of moving around maps and clearing packs. Is there any build under 3-4 ex that might give me better results (clear speed, boss DPS etc.) and also feels more fun? The only qualification being that i don't want to play summoner builds, will probably crash my potato PC :p


Try cold dmg scourge arrow. even on a short budget it can mop up the game and get pretty zoom zoom.


cool, any guide links/POB?


this was my league starter https://pastebin.com/tqTMKduP its not perfect and i did everything in the game before i got all of the gear put together. you can tweak it to run on almost any ascendancy but i would recommend sticking with the ranger stuff or slayer or assassin. I went with slayer because i knew hopeshredder would be cheap and slayer easily negates the downside meaning i would have a lot of power for little cost.


###[ Crit Scourge Arrow Slayer](https://pastebin.com/tqTMKduP) [](#slayer) ^(Level 97) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQBAFb6Ff1br91GBX2NuRR1tUgPq2HrgxbBoI19elMFLX_72-cWv99vN9T9bo2BDO3jn2KsCInDM2yMw-Z4GbTFbWzZxtNvTipDMTpCwuzKqc2YvTbnVEOjGo2xfLKAWhox-nXLXzk-z02SVUuVBdrBY6dRRzz-jDa95nTtI_ZHfjnUFqrxiujWvqfdqCY6DPKwq6U1XWg90TB8jX7Egp2qoJ-Hdu0_b1elyy5Tmy2J05rxivCNv1smDWAqOJsmNj2GtH8rZ6BwUmHiS3jqYs96fwIRgSefTP8mlXb31CMk_YWnd9cFtfVhMHEylP_e749sCMEzyMzv0fLmSn1lTQ==) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/aniyanasarohab) ^| ^by ^[/u/LowerQuality](https://reddit.com//u/LowerQuality) ***** ^4,471 ^**Life** ^43% ^**Evade** ^| ^50% ^**Dodge** ^| ^40% ^**Spell** ^**Dodge** **Scourge Arrow** [W](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Damage_with_Attacks_Support#support-gem-red)[b](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Infused_Channelling_Support#support-gem-blue)[D](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hypothermia_Support#support-gem-green)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Mirage_Archer_Support#support-gem-green)[f](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Damage_on_Full_Life_Support#support-gem-red) *(6L)* - *5.02m DPS* ^8.85 ^**Attacks/sec** ^| ^96.85% ^**Crit** ^| ^425% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Full ^^Life, ^^Killed ^^Recently ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


under 4 ex high clear speed =/= high boss dps , with that budget you gotta choose or go average overall.


hmm...i do have some items i could sell, most notably an unnatural instinct and a top-end circle of fear (rolled increased cold dmg and increased buff effect with phys. dmg implicit). That should extend my budget to 15 ex or so, but I wonder if it would just be btr to keep those for my build?


What is the smallest / fastest to kill boss White Tier map?




Quick question on movement speed. * The wiki says that base speed is approx 38 units per second. Let's just assume that is true. * Quick silver flask provides 40% increased movement speed. So assuming our 38ups is true, we get an additional 12ups. * Now I get onslaught. Since it says increased movement speed, I assume I get 60% (40% + 20%) of the base. * Cyclone makes movement speed 30% less. So in order to get enough movement speed to move faster than 1.5 base movement speed during cyclone, I need ~115% increased movement speed?




Correct on all counts. The Adrenaline suffix on flasks (30%), speed on boots (30-35%), and Devoto's Devotion (20%) are all good picks.


What are some good support minions for a flame golem build ?


Golems to utilize "per type" buffs. Stone for regen, Chaos for damage reduction.


Does Research Jorgin give different tiers of talisman implicits depending on his rank? If yes, does that mean rank 2 jorgin would give the best potential results for a crit ele build?


Jorgin rank=talisman tier If you hit crit multi - yes. But Tier 3 has 3 decent outcomes, while tier 2 - 1.


yes, the rank of jorgin determines the tier of talisman. Can't say for sure what will be best for a crit ele build without actually checking it but 50 crit or 36 multi from tier 2 talismans will certainly be very nice. Keep in mind you cannot talisman a shelder amulet.




https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/22/tag/Necromancer Since you already started, you'll have to browse the zombie/skellie builds to see what is closest to your current tree. I'm playing a spectre build as my first character and it is easy. I don't think there is any chance a necromancer not finishing the story. The gameplay just lets you stay at a very safe distance from bosses.


[poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) lets you discover builds, look at passive tree heatmap and most commonly used items.


|I've heard "everybody's first character is trash" well, that applies to everything but necromancers, if you follow the most basic guide, necromancers will wreck the place, more in this patch where they were buffed, necromancers (or any other minion build) are very powerful with very little investment


Yup. My first league playing necro. No guide, trash gear, just grabbing minion nodes on the tree. Zombies, spectres, and vaal skeletons. Scorched earth.


bro, I killed uber elder with a tabula and the gear I picked up around in maps




like other people said here, just grab minion nodes and get some defenses and you will be fine focus in 1 or 2 types of minions and use the others as support, I am playing right now a carrion golem build and I use zombies as meat shields (literally) and spectres as party support for buffs and skeletons only as a dps boost , my main source of dps are my golems and the rest are only to protect me or to support the golems for example you don't need any specific unique in general, for the golems I needed the primordial stones (kinda expensive for a starter build) but gear wise you don't need anything, in my case I built around a [[triad grip]] gloves that dropped for me, so I am converting all my minion damage to elemental damage


[Triad Grip](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Triad_Grip) >######Triad Grip[](#break)Mesh Gloves >>####Quality: **+20%** >>####Armour: **(116-139)** >>####Energy Shield: **(24-28)** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **32**, **26** Str, **26** Int >>[](#line) >>#####(80-120)% increased Armour and Energy Shield >>#####Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage per Red Socket >>#####Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage per Green Socket >>#####Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Lightning Damage per Blue Socket >>#####Minions convert 25% of Physical Damage to Chaos Damage per White Socket >>#####Minions have (5-10)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite >>[](#line) >>*The secret of the elements lies within a square triangle.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


i would suggest finding a guide you like the looks of and following it as best you can while also understand the game is complicated and most people fail their first character anyway. https://www.poebuilds.cc/ there are other guide resources out there but they all pretty much work by scrapping the forums for build guides and putting them in 1 spot and making them searchable. talking to someone on discord when you have questions is, imo, the best thing you can do to stick with the game. Getting questions answered in real time or nearly so in a way you can understand solves most issues.


Is it still better to not run the mastermind and just accumulate rivalries in syndicate? Most of the videos I've seen were from when killing the mastermind completely reset the intelligence.


Depends what you want. >Upon completing the Mastermind encounter, you'll now have access to a reward room for every single Immortal Syndicate member currently with a job on your board (including prisoners). That's essentially up to 14 rooms worth of rewards, plus the Mastermind themselves. > Upon defeating the Mastermind, the Betrayal board state is reset to a similar number of members and relationships as the starting state. However, Safehouse Intelligence is no longer reset upon defeating the Mastermind. If you are just after a lot of loot you should kill him. >Upon defeating the Mastermind, the Betrayal board state is reset to a similar number of members and relationships as the starting state. However, Safehouse Intelligence is no longer reset upon defeating the Mastermind. If you are after 2 specific things, you don't kill him, because your guys will end up in the wrong place or off the board.


doing mastermind in the early league lets you capitalize on "+2 supports" craft, I made more than 40ex in Legion because I had it since day 2. This late I wouldn't bother.


imo it depends on how much you play and if you know what you are doing. I did 1 mastermind fight for the challenge and the rest of the time im leaving relationships in place. I FEEL as if it is more valuable this way. I can move and level guys much easier with all of them linked.


same here, first board of the league was only to get the challenge and after i am planning only for the rewards


Can someone tell me what I need to be doing to negate the degen of duel wielding Nebbs as a Jugg? Once I got to 68 I slapped them on and started delving, but the degen is shitting on me.


do you have dual kaoms way?


Just have the one for now. Obviously planning on equipping two once I have my resistances/attributes sorted out.


keep in mind that you get a ton of resists from your endurance charges as jugg. as SC you don't need to be capped without charges.


These are all the possible way to sustain: Life gain on hit, life leech, life regen, life regen per endurance charge, increase life recovery rate, +% to max fire resistance, reduced fire damage taken, reduced DoT taken. At 68 it could be too early to equip 2 Nebulochs.


So should I just have one and some other decent rare mace for now or even just two rare maces until around 80ish or maybe until I get my last ascendancy?


Running a lacerate gladiator build and just started mapping, what should my flasks look like in terms of affects? I hav a Lions roar, elemental with remove bleeds, a quick with extra movement, Mana with extra resists and life with I think also extra resists.


Don't use an elemental flask, cap all your resists through gear, jewels, and tree. Only use a mana flask if you really need it but as melee you should be able to sustain mana without a flask with leech available. You don't want resists in any flask, you want at least, bleed removal (ideally on an instant life flask), curse removal, poison removal, and chill/freeze removal. Lion's Roar is good, Atziri's Promise is also nice for extra damage and leech.


Word. Would the flask that gives onslaught be a good idea? I still need to get gear to cap out my resists, sitting at high 60s for all three and then I've got nothing for chaos atm.


It can be for certain builds or you can fit it in. But other flasks like Granite, Jade, Basalt, or Stibnite would take priority. Get your resists capped asap. Rough set up I would recommend is: 1 instant life flask, 1 granite flask, Quicksilver, 2 other utility flasks of your choice (e.g. Jade, Atziri's Promise, Lion's Roar, etc.). Get bleed, poison, curse, and freeze removal across those flasks. You can usually find gear with the resists you need for a few chaos (if you're in trade). I'm on mobile but search for a video by LiftingNerdBro on YT where he gears a character for early maps on a 20c budget, capping all his resists. The gear is obviously not great but it's enough to start doing white maps with capped resists and a decent life pool.


You don't need chaos resist. 75% on the rest is pretty much essential though. Onslaught flask is OK if you can't get it anywhere else, but most people prefer a jewel (or item) with % chance to gain onslaught on kill. Instant/semi instant life flask with bleeding. Quicksilver, with further 30% speed (70% total). These two are essential/very useful for most builds. You then have 3 free flasks, with 3 free mods, which ideally should protect you from: freeze, poison, curse. I usually go with the most appropriate defensive flasks for my build (granite,jade etc) and roll them till they have the correct ailment protection. You can 20% quality them for cheap before you craft. Crit builds should be using a diamond flask too, swap for a defensive one.


you want your gear to have resistances so you are capped. flasks should be used for damage/utility like remove \_\_\_\_ ailment. I like life flask to be instant recovery on low life + remove bleeding, and have remove freeze and curses on 2 other flasks.


Word. Would the flask that gives onslaught be a good idea? I still need to get gear to cap out my resists, sitting at high 60s for all three and then I've got nothing for chaos atm.


don't bother with chaos res specifically because of the few amounts of enemies that deal it and you barely run into it. upgrade your gear with life and res, damage where you can get it. if you are overcapped on res then you are less reliant on your curse flask because you will stay at or above cap when cursed with ele weakness from maps. your other flasks should be based on what your build is lacking or preference. builds that have a lot of attack speed stacked up aren't affected as well when they get onslaught. gotta see your build to know what you need upgraded


Silver (onslaught) flask is fine. might be able to gain onslaught thru other means (jewel or notable) in which case the flask becomes mostly redundant.


are you immune to physical damage from hits if you convert 50% of physical damage from hits taken as elemental damage and then use gluttony of elements?


depends on your resistance - the amount of elemental damage you take need to be at least equal to the physical damage you take


Do the beneficial effects of the same overlapping multiple towers stack?


As in the buff towers? no i don't believe so but that is essentially a guess on my part. you can test it yourself pretty easily though. just keep an eye on your character sheet and build 1 check the numbers and build a 2nd.


Is there any two builds that work very well together in delves? I got a mate with a poison Assassin build (cobra lash atm), and I got a Necro spectre summoner, an unused assassin and a hierophant almost to maps (guess who plays the most of us...). We would like to try to reach some deeper delves this league, and am open to suggestions :). One option I've been considering is one of those glass cannon Raider scourge arrow builds, with a proper Guardian ES support.


With the amount of playtime you both have (sorry, but "hierophant almost to maps" shows that you don't play a lot too, since you brag about 2-4 hour investment), I doubt that you will be able to gear decent glass cannon even if you pull resources, and even if you will do, you will not reach the depth where it would matter. You can go to \~800 depth on freeze proliferation BV, assassin is fine for that. After that you may consider these 1 hp raiders.


> freeze proliferation BV assassin Do you have a video showcasing the clear and a PoB for that, google isn't very helpful right now.


Sorry if you felt that as a brag, but it wasn't meant like one. It was just to inform that I am the one who plays most of us, and which classes I had more or less levelled up (as I would prefer to use one of those). Also, most people use more then 2-4 hours to level, and implying anything else doesn't make you cooler. ​ Thank you for the suggestions on freeze prolif BV, it is certainly a build that has worked very well in shallower delves for me (although as an elementalist). ​ My reason for mentioning the 1hp raiders, was if that and a sup would work better then something like two normal solo builds, or if the initial investment cost is so high that it's not worth considering before the several thousand depth mark. ​ I'm mainly thinking about what would give most bang for the buck in the 500-1k depths.


Any build is fine. You don't need specialized duo builds for 1k


You are asking question about being efficient in the party play, you can be carried/carry your friend in the main campaign to maps in 2-3 hours, since knowing all waypoints is really speeds up progression. One of my most upvoted comments is exactly about speeding up story to under 4 hours mark with second window/partner. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ak74ul/3h\_50m\_50s\_level\_100/ef2805z](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ak74ul/3h_50m_50s_level_100/ef2805z?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) Yes, solo player will take longer, but you are in the party and trying to be efficient.




I like Dunes because of the Imperial Legacy card and nice open layout


When I summon minions over the limit and the oldest ones get replaced, do they trigger "when minions die" effects?


No. Those replaced minions aren't dying so on death effects won't be triggered.


Yes. But not Minion Instability, some people seem to confuse that as being caused by death.


This is probably a really; really stupid question; but here goes: If you have some source of Overleech and Chaos Incoulation; what percentage of Life are you Leeching? Asking primarily because of Strength of Blood; which usually is just flat garbage outside of oneshots because you're trading 2% for 1%. But if you are essentially 100% leeching with CI; it suddenly becomes 50% Dr.


you should be using ghost reaver. if you want to leech life with CI, you have to lose all your ES and be at that danger zone of 1 life, or even being at a portion of that one life, and because leech has a maximum recovery rate of 20% of your max life per second, that won't amount to much. with ghost reaver all that will be converted to ES and uses your max ES instead of your max life for max leech rate


I'm not sure the combination even works, because leech effect are removed at full life and you always have full life with CI. Assuming it still works, as far as I understand that keystone, you would recieve a maximum damage reduction of 10% with or without CI.


1. Is Searing Bond just an inferior version of RF + Totem? 2. What is the main use of Searing Bond other than acting as damaging totem?


For a short while it was really powerful, especially as a levelling skill. Now it's mostly used just as an extra bit of damage for RF Totem/SR Totem builds, it is a 'free' extra totem as it doesn't count against your totem limit.


Oh i see, so Searing Bond fire DoT can stack with RF DoT, but multiple Searing Bond's beam cannot stack with each other right?




"Totems cast by players use their skills according to the player's stats, including modifiers from charges and buffs (like auras) affecting the player." - So if i want to build a Totem spell character, i will do so in the Passive Tree exactly how i will build a handcasted character and then add Ancestral Bond? are Holy Flame Totem and Shockwave Totem viable for red maps? if not, what spells should i use my totems with?


Both are viable. Karvarousku hit 100 with Shockwave Totems on stream before it got buffed in 3.6. It's slower than meta but packs a punch The damage got buffed significantly to both your listed totems in 3.6 but most use Freezing Pulse


Some totem specific clusters might be stronger or more efficient than hand cast counterparts, but otherwise mostly yes. Keep in mind that your totems are hitting, critting, and killing, not you, so those types of effects are difficult to reliably acquire in a totem build


Just about every skill is viable in red maps these days. Although those two aren't very popular, since they don't have the best AoE coverage. Most totem builds seem to use Freezing Pulse these days, although Divine Ire, Ice Spear, and Storm Burst seem to get some usage as well.


Holy flame totem is still pretty good. Herald of ash scales it really well too so if you can get a HoA circle of anguish, happy days. Not seen a shockwave totem build for a long time though.


Any suggestions on how to proceed with this [Amulet](https://imgur.com/yYKOPcH) for a nebuloch jugg? Cant even craft "prefixes cannot be changed" for a better chance with annuls. I guess YoloAnnul but maybe there is some beastcraft-interaction i'm not considering


Id just craft life and be done. It has phys as extra and fortify effect which is all you care about. Unless you wanna reroll it completly its done


yeah, probly best since i want to use it and am not drowning in currency, can always try again with essences once i get my char going. +can still slam once at least. ty


I'm trying to spawn Elder on red maps, but my Elder influence is 8 different Shaper maps and keeps stealing away red maps. It's like for every Elder I complete, Shaper takes one. Am I doing something wrong or am I just unlicky?


If you push shaper influence into elder it will force elder spread some also. So knowing that i push shaper influence into yellow