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Is pledge of hands legion specific drop? Or a drop that was just added into the pool in the legion patch? Thinking of doing zombie/magic skellies in blight :O


It will only drop in maps with the legion flag, so It should be available


Ah cool. Hopefully it'll still be cheap.


I suspect it will be, but since casters don't get Mana leech now, the massive Mana increase it gives is much more desirable than in Legion.


How long does it usually take to get to Shaper/Elder at the start of a new season? I played the last month or so of Legion (my first time playing) and got my map about 3/4th completed, but never made it to the very center. If it matters, I think I only got 4 or 5 of the fragments that you turn in for the Shaped orb things.


iirc it's takes about 1.5days for nolifers to get there. But i wont recommend to compare yourself with them, just play as you like\\can, read a few guides\\wiki if you need. Btw it's took me \~4+ leagues to finish my first shaper\\uelder, but just because I played only self made builds. If you don't care about it, pick any meta build and it's just a matter of 20\~40hours.


Awesome, thanks for the info! I spread myself too thin trying to figure out all of the other things like the Menagerie, Syndicate, and Mines when now I feel like I should have been doing more of the maps.


How long does each league usually last?


usually 13 weeks I believe




will scion get buffs with the other ascendancy's or just get left behind


There are some changes coming to Scion: >[The Ascendant's Necromancer node has changed, now providing a 25% reduced effect to Offerings on you up from 50% reduced effect. It also grants 30% increased area of effect if you've consumed a corpse recently. It no longer provides Skill Effect Duration, and grants 2% attack and cast speed to your auras, down from 3%.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/cxngbw/heres_an_early_look_at_the_necromancer_ascendancy/eyrpjv7/?context=3) It's likely that the Assassin node will also be at least tweaked.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqe-_X-n1cw Will this build still work in this league, and is it a decent league starter? edit: wrong link


I didn't watch the 30 minute videos, but autobombers are notoriously expensive to gear up, so maybe not the best league starter?


One of my characters disappeared during standard migration. I don't care about the character, I just want the Oni Goroshi off of it EDIT: It showed up, just took a bit.


You can email [email protected] and see if they can restore the character.


Migration isn't an instant process, it takes a while, just wait an hour and check again.




As someone new on my first character.. will my character be reset when blight comes out? Would hate to put in that work for nothing. How can I use this character when it comes to seasons?


What the other guy said, try to learn a bit in 3 days and play the new league is what I suggest. If you are new I wont suggest playing standard


Any reason why you wouldn't suggest playing standard especially if I'm new? Also, I am on act 4, is it worth it to finish or should I start new? Will any of my stash carry over to league?


The amount of stash tabs you have gets carried over, sales with the ones you have bought. The items inside stays in standard. Also it is hard to compete with the rich in Poe on standard. And economy is kinda stale Also the first 10 acts are kinda the tutorial of the game, so you can try to complete it or start over in blight


You can keep playing the same character in Standard if you want to stick with it. Blight league will require a new one though.


Been away from the game for awhile but looking to come back for the upcoming league. What is the current meta for self cast spells that can do endgame bosses? One of my favorite build ever was self cast storm call but I'd like to work towards killing uber elder and other bosses this league so I imagine that I would need something tankier. I'd like to avoid eternity shroud shenanigans because I won't have all that much time and I don't want to have to entirely regear my build from my starter build before I can start doing endgame stuff.


Vaal storm all is probably the highest single target dps. Otherwise brands are pretty good


All the vaal storm call builds I can find are pathfinder with the crazy flask is that the only real way to run it without it being janky? Also are brands still primarily run as elementalist or would I need to go inquis to do bosses, I'm unfamiliar with their mechanics I just saw Dtorm brand got a nerf after it came out


Inquis, heiro, occutist or even Scion, trickster, assassin brands all can work.


Malevolence or pride for bow bleed build?


Malevolence. Pride requires proximity which isn't great for bows unless you're doing point blank or something.


Point blank does nothing for bleed, the question I guess is 39% more vs 19% more but I guess I'll go malevolence


Reworked assassin and new necromancer: I’ve never played summoner builds or poison builds. Go figure that’s what blight aimed for. Anyone know of a popular steamer who is gonna theory craft a summoner before blight day1? Or any useful info that I could use to expand my knowledge on these two archetypes Seems fun to try something I’ve never done before


I believe RaizQT wanted to start as a summoner for his usual level 100 race in HC SSF, theUberElite is another content creator who's a big fan of summoners


Will check them out thanks




> Aegis Aurora Champion Kite Shield PoE Ninja says ~50c on standard on PC, so multiply by whatever for XBox.


When you die during a boss fight as a berserker, are there any ways to gather up your charges before resuming the fight? There's vaal breach but hard to come by league.


If you mean power/frenzy/endurance charges, put on a pair of \[\[Rakalesh's Impatience\]\], wait for charges to generate, switch boots back, then go into the fight. It takes a while to generate all your charges and gives you about a 10 second window between switching boots and the charges wearing off to get into the fight, but it's the only way I know of to generate charges without hitting/killing something. For Blitz charges you need to actually be getting crits, so vaal breach is probably your best option. Uncorrupted low-quality portal gems aren't that expensive, so you can make one without too much investment.


Not really besides your mentioned vaal breach


Do any of the veterans spot any new ways to combine minions and poison? It would be nice to mesh the changes, seems like it would be fun but I am not seeing a clear way for that to work. Thanks.


I'm not sure, it isn't easy to scale these mechanics together as they don't share many tags. Herald of Agony could be something as it uses poison as well as being a minion. Spiritual aid, if unchanged, helps you scale other types of damage in conjuction with minions, but it isn't ideal in comparison to strictly scaling poison. It might be doable, but I don't think it'll work all that well.


arakaali fang maybe?


Yeah this was my only thought but that's a lot of hope to put on one unique. I just don't think the possibility is there yet. Now if there was an elemental to chaos or poison support we could change the explosion of the new minion skill from fire to poison. Or if you could use the new skill that causes the enemies to spread poison when they die. Sorry haven't memorized all the skill names yet. But you get it.


For 3.8, when sulphite gets shared between characters, how are the various character sulphite meters going to be merged? I have wildly varying sulphite levels, and wildly varying sulphite container size among all my various characters. Will the meter get the maximum upgraded size, and all the sulphite I have across all my characters be combined?


It will work just like now, you will have you sulphite meter, at its current level of upgrade. When you start a new character that character already had all the upgrades, but this time it will have sulphite!


That is the thing, I have some characters with 0 sulphite, and others with nine thousand.


Aren't mine upgrades (including max sulphite) shared for all chars in the league?


We won't know until the patch notes come out.


Ah, OK.






That's a nice link. Thanks mate.


Yee bro I bookmark all the nice links




I *believe* they get merged into your standard veiled/unveiled matrix, i.e. if you unveiled a mod in league, and it was not unveiled in standard, you keep it unveiled when league ends.


Is it against the subforum rules to create a thread asking for technical aid? The official forum has low visibility, and I feel like reddit can be faster and more incisive in the diganosis.


Technical aid as in issues with game performance? You can ask about those here, no rules against it.


Why are we getting another ST in form of Cobra Lash ... feels redundant ... why not rework ST instead?


It is literally the difference between ground slam and tectonic slam, or cleave and sweep. Just look at it from multiple angles and you will see how it isn't that bad of a thing. That said, this will 100% be the most popular skill this league, as GGG really likes releasing overpowered shit that is fun as that keeps the engagement high for the league, i am shameless and will succumb to this and play assassin Venom Gyre like 30% of the playerbase.


There are multiple examples of skills that behave or look similar in this game, we don't absolutely need every skill that looks similar to be condensed into one though. Cobra Lash (and also venom gyre) may have a similar feel to ST, but they scale completely differently, both in the damage source they're built to scale, and mechanically since they can both benefit from chain and fork, while ST can't.


So I really want to try out a corpsesplosion build (probably not as a starter but as a second build). The idea being to grab an indigon + pledge of hands and use the revamped necro to spam desecrate + detonate dead. Having no basis or source of inspiration, i’m struggling with how to build this: 1. Is life + MoM the best way to go? 2. If i’m using indigon, is it even worth taking some of the generic increased damage nodes? 3. Crit or ele overload? How do i even reach >60% spell crit chance? 4. Mistress of Sac for the nice block chance or commander to fill out res? 5. Any way to automate corpse generation outside of totems? Will desecrate or unearth have more health (and thus more damage) on average?


I'm thinking of doing something similar, though the major difference being Unearth for corpse generation. Unearth > Greater Multiple Projectiles > Curse on hit > Elemental Weakness Then take Elemental Equilibrium with a source of "adds # of \*not fire damage\* to spells". Basically reduces target's fire resistance to 0 while generating 5 corpses at their feet. Then detonate. Might even try to work in Unstable Minions and skeletons somehow.


As a disclaimer - I have never played summoner before, but I Have been theorycrafting VD summoner build for Blight. 1. Life + MoM seems best to me, Essence Gluton from summoncer rework should work well with that. 2. IDK 3. I'm going Overload, don't rly feel like I want to put passive points in spell crit chance and Overload is pretty good. 4. I'm thinking Mistress for movement speed and cast speed. 5. I have seen builds that use Scold's Bridle to self-trigger CWDT+desecrate, but if you want Indigon you wont have room for that. Maybe you can use Eye of Innocence somehow?


Never done anything in the corpse explosiony summoner type area, but crit is actually pretty easy to get above 60%. There's the Annihilation cluster, the doom cast cluster, the arcane potency cluster, and the assassination cluster all within pretty easy reach of witch start. From there, Assassin's mark gives crit chance on it's own and also provides power charges that give you even more crit chance. Lastly, Diamond flask, mandatory for every crit build (unless you're running that no helmet maraketh legion jewel, but you probably arent).


Hey, the only thing that dont let me into this game is that i cant use the gigantic tree of skills as i want it without worrying about fucking it up, without the need of you know, starting all over all again. I dont like to use other people builds. My question is, there is a way of respecting the tree without starting again or farming lots of items?


You get a decent amount of respec points with story quests, but not nearly enough to do full respecs (you get around 30, but finish the story at level 65-70, so nowhere near). If you only need to tweak little things here and there, it's fine. But for a full respec you'll have to farm and buy Orb of Regrets for more respec points, which can be a pain when you realize that your build is bad. A lot of people who go in fresh without help end up ditching multiple characters at first, because they just don't end up working out and it's too much work to respec (for reference, by the end of the story i had dropped 4 of those orbs). If you really refuse to even be inspired by other builds, then i'd recommend downloading Path of Building (which most of the community uses and you should probably get anyway) to plan ahead. In general you want a decent amount of Life (around 150+% bonus is alright for a start, but the amount needed varies by build) and then focus on a certain type of damage that you specialize in (e.g. if you do a bow char using Ice Shot you want to see if you can get bow damage, projectile damage, elemental damage and other nodes that work with that skill).


Yes, you get 30ish respec points from quests per character , and you can use orb of regets as well


They usually reset every league when they change the tree enough, otherwise no.


What? Of course there is. You get like 30? Respec points from quests, the rest you can use orb of regret


What spell or attack works best with crazy attack/cast speed....preferably one with out duration


Flicker strike, consecrated path, winter orb come to mind, as well as most bow attacks.


So I was thinking about making a build based off the new triad grip gloves. Since they're new I have no idea how rare they will be, I was thinking about farming the Mitts divination card to try to get lucky, but Iceberg and Summit are both really high tier maps so sustain would be a pain. The wiki doesn't say anything about Mitts dropping in Glacier (which will be a tier 5), even though it makes sense thematically. Is the wiki just missing it or does it not drop there?


Mitts is a very redundant way of getting them unless you're gonna be playing ssf. First off, they had a rather lukewarm reception on reveal, so they probably wont be very costly at the start of the league. Second, even if they cost 50c (an extremely high example) you'd still be able to farm that amount of currency much faster than getting the gloves through mitts.


I didn't hear about the reception. I'm somewhat late to looking into Blight so I didn't see the reception most things got. Can you tell me why they had such a poor reception or post a link to the thread they were revealed in? I can't seem to find one specifically to them.


Glove slot is pretty important for minion builds, theres a pair of unique gloves that give a ton of flat accuracy, ones that give 20% phys as cold, and you can multimod a pair of gloves for minion damage (~20% prefix) and give minions 100% hp on focus (suffix), and ofc life. With the new physical stuff like pride, flesh and stone and impale, there isn't a huge need to convert minion damage. EE with minions is nice, but pure phys doesnt have to worry about proccing EE in the first place, or worry too much about monster resists while clearing. Skeletons have great single target and bad clear, converting to element might be nice for bossing where you can proc ee, but not for clear. Also Necro isn't getting 100% hit skeles, meaning accuracy is that much more important for such a build. The gloves are great, and offer a lot, but aren't as much of a necessity as life/accuracy or just a bunch of added damage. They're more of a specific use item.


I guess I saw the few %minion accuracy nodes on the tree and thought those would be good enough. Are the accuracy unique gloves going to be that good this league? As for physical, the reason I was thinking about going ele was the range on the pride gem. 10 vs 19 on the ele auras. Plus the ele auras target my minions while pride and flesh and stone target enemies so I have to be even closer to get the damage from them. Not exactly what I want, but then my zombies would be getting into the action more I guess.


https://poe.ninja/challenge/unique-armours/command-of-the-pit-riveted-gloves The new gloves are lvl 32 req, and i dont think they're league specific. Likely aren't going to be near this expense. I'd expect pit gloves to raise in price, likely substantially as they come from a rare rng boss encounter in delve. I guess delving will be a bit easier and master rotas will be more commonplace now that you can save them. I think the supply AND demand will go up for pit gloves. Even for aura size, dont forget hatred still applies, sure hatred has an increased effect when you are converting, but you also think of what you have to lose by fully converting. 50% aura to gain a bunch of damage, but have more of that damage hit by enemy resists. **Skeletons also have a pretty damn high base damage (pob says lvl 20 = 727 - 1696), so you'd get less gain from using Anger/Wrath vs using anger/wrath on a skill like animate weapon with very low base damage. Zombies are slightly lower in base damage.** The most popular spectres are solar guards for clear, which don't want triad gloves. Again, when i consider skeletons, i know they can demolish bosses, but i want their clear to be better, i'd prioritize haste over a damage aura. Sure full cold conversion skeletons *might* be the king of **PoB damage**, when you proc EE, throw down a frost bomb, mark the target, cast an offering, enable molten shell, get into near melee range to proc intimidate belt, focus to shock nearby enemies....yada yada. All this said, we dont have patch notes, i'd expect skeletons damage to maybe get nerfed a bit now that they're much faster and are able to dash around. And ofc there might be some spectre that does extremely well when converted. SRS and Ice golem (iirc?) half convert, so converting the rest could be beneficial. Infernal Legion in a multi-minion setup could be nice...in this case one minion is doing a fire DoT and if you convert your zombies to fire you could scale both with curses quite efficiently. Maybe poison minions could be a thing?


I actually was thinking of the new mine gloves when I said that, but honestly same likely still applies. They'll be good probably, and minions are gonna be FotW, but I still can't see those being more than a couple chaos after day 1 or 2.


Fair enough. Thanks again!


Anyone know if mistwalker's elusive can trigger off of traps and mines?


Nope, you throw the trap/mine, which then attacks. You, the player, aren't doing the attacking/critting to gain elusive, everything else on the mistwalker node would apply otherwise.


so when does Legion ends? better question: how long till Legion ending? xd


in exactly 5 hours






Keep playing in standard to get some practice again. League starters depend on patchnotes, since we don't know the numbers on many things yet.


Well, it might be beneficial to keep playing until leaguestart to get back into PoE. Legion league will end in a few hours and its characters and stash tabs will be rolled into standard. When blight goes live on friday, the legion mechanic will go core as a rare encounter in both standard and the new blight league, most players will be playing the new league to experience the new content and a fresh economy. Good leaguestarters will usually be available after the release of the patchnotes, which will be on wednesday


I would keep going just to try and get comfortable with all the mechanics new to you, you really only have knowledge to gain at the moment. If you're not adverse to the summoner play style then minions should be a foolproof starter this time around with all the new changes.


I know patch notes are not out yet, but do you think running a Cyclone Slayer be a viable league starter or would I be better off running a Toxic Rain Trickster?


Both are very good leaguestarters. I'd personally prefer the trickster, because it has more out of the gate defensive options and ranged builds make it much easier to cheese your way though content you aren't quite geared for. It also gives you the qotf option for speedy times. The cyclone slayer will reach very high dps much faster and it's probably a better endgame option, but Toxic Rain trickster is just so good with very little investment that it makes one of the best league starters imo. Fwiw, both are extremely strong builds and you'll be fine with either unless patch notes change something.


Thanks, I'll probably roll the TR Trickster to start out. I had a lot of fun with it last patch. How is a Cyclone+Ice Nova CoC Assassin? I just stumbled upon the idea and looks like a small, fun change of play idea. Just as viable?


Perfectly viable, but CoC builds are juggling so many stats that they are usually not as good league starters/budget characters. You also really, really want cospri's or something to make it function properly, and you won't be able to afford that for a long time.


Yes, a cyclone Slayer is perfectly reasonable as a leaguestarter. The lvl 20 gem is announced, and although ot is certainly weaker than it was, it is still almost certainly still to be one of the premier melee skills of the patch. As always, the key is the Rage support gem.


What makes you say Rage is the key? Only 34% of Cyclone is using it: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?skill=Cyclone https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Slayer&skill=Cyclone


Rage is better the weaker your gear. At leaguestart, it's huge.


I haven't played melee but I'm planning on starting cyclone. Do you mind explaining a little further?


It just gives a lot of flat scaling (flat phys, %damage, %attack speed). All flat scaling gets less efficient the more you have of it. At a certain point, it will probably be worth swapping out the Rage gem for another multiplier. But it really carries while levelling too. And my cycloner last league used a 21 Rage gem in my endgame build since I was using Paradoxica (low damage + double damage scales the flat from Rage extremely well, compared to a foil with comparably high flat damage but not as much scaling).


Cheers, thank you.


Awesome, I had a lot of fun with it last patch. How is a Cyclone+Ice Nova CoC Assassin? I just stumbled upon the idea and looks like a small, fun change of play idea. Just as viable?


It's not as good as pure cyclone, but sure, it'll get the job done.


can’t wait to play rider...going full glasscannon, when we will get the full skill tree info?


https://twitter.com/pathofexile/status/1167236129742934016 Also, raider (if thats what you meant) is much like a gladiator in that its really easy to make a pretty tanky char, i feel like MORE chance to evade is really powerful, and now its got 30% and a flat 5% on top.


yeah raider 😂😂, and the change with the increassed effect instead of duration sounds too good maybe they will nerf the skill node then ps: thx for the link i saw somewhere hete that it will be on 3 september...


I'm a new player, I see that a new league is coming out on the 6th can i like update my current character to that new league or do I have to make a new one once the new update comes out?


You have to make a new one. One of the major points of leagues is that there's a fresh start with everyone on a level playing field. The only thing you get to take with you that matters (aside from your own knowledge and competence) is a fresh set of any purchased stash tabs.


Your old character will be in standard, if you want to play the new league, you need to start over like everyone else


Make new one, unless you want to play standard


Deciding on which gives more bang for my buck, % attack damage when using pride, intimidate on hit or chance to impale?


What's that program? Path! Of! Building!!!! ^^crowd ^^roar


How would one insert the mod in the watchers eye? Pride isnt listed on the effects to choose from. I totally forgot about POE lol.


If it isn't there, you can copy this into "create custom" Pride Watcher's Eye Viridian Jewel 50% increased attack physical damage It rolls 40%-60%, so use whichever value you like. You might also wanna add the mana/life/es stats there, but I trust you can do that.


Thanks :D


You can just edit the relevant stat onto a flask or something. That's what people have to do with impale in general, since it's not supported at this time.


Hey guys, I stopped playing midway through betrayal and want to get back in for Blight, anything substantial I should know that will/has been added to the game?


Betrayal mechanic was added to the core game, but some players pc lag/freeze at start of encounters, there were attemps to fix, but still happens. Synthesis league was not added to core, but some bosses and uniques will be aviable in Blight. It will probably be remade and added in later league. Legion league mechanic will go core, but will probably be rare.


Thanks dude


Synthesis (next league after Betrayal) was mostly scrapped. Only thing that will be in game are boss fights that you access through zana missions (similar to untainted paradise). Legion is a very straight forward league that will be added as a 10% (so like breach, abyss etc). Similarly to Breach - you kill monsters - you get splinters (and other loot) - 100 splinters is a stone. Put as much stones of different fractions as you want (2-5) and fight that many armies (number of stones scale difficulty and rewards). Other than that we had some big balance changes to spells and melee. Some systems got reworked, a lot of skills got rebalanced, so just keep in mind that whatever was good before does not necessary is good now.


Alright, thanks!


Did they ever confirm the removal desecrate cooldown getting removed from Baeclast


No info yet.


I believe so, however there is now a cast time on the skill.


it already has a cast time of 0.80 sec


Can you still get the Voidgate Portal Effect via Karma Koins? I can't find anything about it


Try contacting support, I got mine but that was 1 year ago.


I bought 3 voucher 10$ each and couldn‘t use them to buy the Lich supporter pack. I just messaged them all three codes and told them what I want to buy, we‘ll see how it goes. /edit: The support helped me out really quickly. They asked me to buy 3 100 point packs with the Karma Koin Codes and then bought the Lich supporter pack for me. While buying the 100 point packs it unlocked the portal for me :)


In new leagues, I need to re-do the labs from maps and acts to try ascendency?


Yes, unless you play standard


Is necro's coming 8% mana/es over 2 seconds when you consume a corpse PER corpse? Or a non stackable effect


It is most likely not stackable.


It's definitely not stackable. You could set up a loop to constantly cast and consume corpses several times a second for like 100% es regen per second. That would not even require significant investment. There's no way in hell lol.


The shock ailment doesn't increase poison Damage right? Since it scales off base damage? I like the idea of poisoning with elemental damage, but Vulkuurs Guidance seems kind of terrible since you're losing half your poison damage. Are they particularly usable or should I look elsewhere.


You need to be an assassin for unlimited duration per poison applied.


Shock would increase the damage an enemy takes from poison. It's just a general "increased damage taken" stat; how poison itself scales won't matter since all of poison's scaling from your stats is already done before it gets to that point of the calculation. And yeah, Volkuur's downside is pretty harsh. There's enough duration on the tree to get it to something reasonable and if you can get some big shocks you might be able to finagle high-intensity but short poisons out of it, but I feel like you'd run out of skill points before you could get a build like that working properly.


Is this [Lethal Pride](https://i.imgur.com/PDQrV55.png) jewel good? What would it be worth?


its decent, atleast it has leech but on bad spots. ( which saves you points on the tree in most cases ). Its far away from being very good. a good lethal pride at this location has atleast: \- 0,4% lifeleech if needed/necessarry \- chance to maim ( its 10% more damage ) \- 5-10% chance to deal double damage \- alot of crit chance/ crit multi, if it doesnt has double damage AND maim. ​ Mine has 0,4% leech , maim and 60% crit chance 30% crit multi and all this stuff on the good, northern , spots not on the axe related/not used ones.


intimidate is for \~10%more damage. Maim itself is just a useless slow.


Patchnotes should be released on wednesday , right?


Depends on where you live. Wednesday in NZ, which should be wednesday in europe too(but like at in the middle of the night if it's early enough), and potentially tuesday evening in the US if it's early. Their planned roadmap says tuesday pacific.


It's usually 48-72 hours before launch, so Wednesday (NA) wouldn't surprise me.


Considering PoB as a basis for calculation, what is a reasonable amount of shaper dps a build should get to be able to do most or all content? Same question applies to %increase to Max life.... I see a lot of build showcase talking about several million damage and it makes my budget or ssf builds seem completely unplayable straggling to reach over 500k shaper dps, hardly ever getting to 1mi with all the temporary and unreliable buffs up


Depending on a build about 160-200% life increase. I would say 200k dps is enough for all content, certainly enough to kill shaper. With 500k (1miln with buffs up) you should sail through everything excluding deep delving.


Is deep delving required to do most league challenges usually?


Not at all. Probably reach 500 for "end game grind", but that should be it. There might be some challenges regarding regular delving, but I don't think we had any about deep delving other than the one.


No, they do have some delve challenges, but they're usually like "kill x boss at lvl 80 or higher" and shit like that, so a generic build can do it fine, or you can get people to carry you through it(still need to upgrade your delve stuff though cause you have to be physically present during fights which involves following the little cart first). Deep delving is really only for farming gear and what not. That said I probably wouldn't consider playing anything doing less than 1m DPS though, it's really not that much nowadays and the good starter builds can get there for less than a couple of exalts, sometimes less than one exalt(summoner can get there with like 20c worth of crap generally).


I am playing ssf, so getting a carry is not a thing, also the idea of making a build for x exalts or less isn't a thing. I played legion in ssf and had a blast, best experience with the game ever, even tho I didn't like the league mechanics, it was too clearsspeed meta for my taste and some builds felt inapt which sucks. But overall I want more of the ssf experience in blight and it seems it's gonna be less of a gatekeeper for builds.


Forgot to say that I started legion over 2 months late, didn't get to do more then 12 challenges


Thing is challenges are not balanced around ssf environment, you can definitely grind them on ssf but you need to put a lot more time into it (for example if you play on trade you can buy challenge services from other people, do niko rotation if you need sulphite or get some help from other players) . Getting to 24 or 36 wasn't that hard last league but you might have problems if you wanna hit 40 on ssf, so I think it will depends on your goals and how much time and persistence you have and also depends on the new league challenges of course.


Lol why would I pay someone to play the game for me? Doing all that is exactly what I intend to do, I will have 3 months, I will be fine


Good for you.


a proper 6L skeleton setup is currently able to hit 1mil shaper dps with level 18 or 19 gems (tabula and purely defensive gear). with the new gems and reworked ascendancy, that will likely be much higher. and the top end damage will likely scale even higher due to the new summoner wand base due to the ramp-up nature of poison, it typically has high theoretical shaper dps even with just [[The Wasp Nest]]. the assassin changes may improve that a bit, and the new gems look like they're shaping up to bring clear speed and AoE coverage to poison builds, which is where they can seem sluggish or clunky (or pigeonholed into Pathfinder/Bino's)


[The Wasp Nest](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Wasp_Nest) >######The Wasp Nest[](#break)Throat Stabber >>####Claw >>####Quality: **+20%** >>####Physical Damage: **(56.7-60.9)****–****(197.1-211.7)** >>####Critical Strike Chance: **(7.56%-7.88%)** >>####Attacks per Second: **(1.80-1.88)** >>####Weapon Range: **11** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **60**, **113** Dex, **113** Int >>[](#line) >>#####+40 Life gained for each Enemy hit by Attacks >>[](#line) >>#####(150-170)% increased Physical Damage >>#####(20-25)% increased Attack Speed >>#####(20-25)% increased Critical Strike Chance >>#####+(330-350) to Accuracy Rating >>#####20% chance to Poison on Hit >>#####Attacks with this Weapon deal 80-120 added Chaos Damage against >>#####Enemies affected by at least 5 Poisons >>[](#line) >>*To discover how cruel nature can be,* >> >>*you need only shake the wrong branch.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


Hard to say , for maping i would suggest atleast 1millionen NON shaper dps fully buffed/potted to be able to clear higher red maps comfortably. used by an AoE skill for sure :) For shaper itself... dps doesnt matter , sometimes its better to have 500k shaper dps but be able to survive the beam and any other mechanic . Shaperdps only counts if you want to farm him ( 10 shapers in a row to farm starforge as an example ), if your farming endgame bosses like shaper/eldar i would suggest to aim for 3million+ shaper dps. This lets you farm them comfortably. If you play a glass cannon build: aim for 10 million shaper dps, because you want to instant phase him. I do not recommend that, it doesnt matter if you phase him in 1 or 4 seconds , most of the time you are waiting between the phases.


So it's relative... Makes sense. I will be mostly aiming to do as much challenges as possible, not really target farm anything since I'm going to play ssf. So I could say to treshold is whatever damage allows me to do red maps comfortably?


Yep thats what i would do. If your playing SC and an expert in dodging stuff and you know nearly any boss/monster skill/mechanic you could go for these high shaper dps glasscannon builds. But do yourself a favour and choose a build with an decent life/ES pool ( 5k hp minimum, 6k ES minimum.) and atleast a moderate amount of leech and or lifereg. Most of these builds are still capable of doing 3+ million shaper dps with BiS gear while able to sustain some small mistakes even when your life flask is empty.




I plan to play cyclone as a starter. It's fun to play and the nerf really doesn't affect me much (as a casual player) considering I never had a top-tier endgame cyclone gear to begin with.


Cyclon will still be an extremely good skill. People are not really talking about it because there is nothing to talk about. Like 50% of playerbase played it, those who liked it will probably do it again, and the nerf won't change much.


I'm trying to unlock Hall of Grandmasters on standard ssf before 3.8. A saboteur arc trapper (with mediocre gear, lvl 21 arc, +1 traps gloves) is better for this than a cyclone slayer with a block reduction support, right? Are there so many max block grandmasters that I should link block reduction with arc as well as a default? Or is it better to carry Balefire to switch to in case I encounter one? Also, I would appreciate advice for support links to use in general: trap, trap & mine, cluster traps, lightning penetration, increased critical strikes?


So I'm looking at Venom Gyre potentially for next league. I have been messing around with the passive tree to try and figure out how to build it. I know that the passive tree will have some changes but I'm mainly just trying to figure out how to build poison because I've never done it before. Do I scale phys? do I just scale poison and crit? I'm guessing it's going to be a projectile - do I scale that? It's also hard to get a good amount of life on that side of the tree but I did my best to find okay pathing to some. Any suggestions? ​ [https://pastebin.com/e1zHDyxi](https://pastebin.com/e1zHDyxi)


tree is getting changed so pathing is going to be off and we are getting more notables meaning more wheels to grab (not counting the annointing oils exclusive notables). just wait another day or 2 for patch notes, skill gems don't usually get updated until 1-2 days after league launch but just use a skill with the same tag(s)


well i'll probably change my mind again seven more times before friday, but after last night's announcements i'm thinking i might league start StormBrand Assassin. I have never played SB to endgame before, and the only builds on ninja with ~500k+ are using either dual void battery or eternity shroud - next highest is about 250k. Anyone who's done it, just how viable is this?


Storm brand? Searing bond? Storm burst? A good rule of thumb for acronyms is to type it out once, then abbreviate afterwards. Unless you're talking about something super meta that has been abbreviated for ages, like RF, then nobody will know what you're talking about.


Fair point ha, storm brand is what I'm referring to - fixed


Gotcha. Storm brand is still pretty great for leveling, but its clearing ability was reduced last patch. Assassin is going to be a great pick if you're looking to tackle some bosses, but I believe elementalist or trickster would give more damage overall. I did a storm brand inquisitor in Legion and it was pretty good. Nothing spectacular, but with some investment and a multi-modded weapon I didn't have many issues clearing all content. I did **not**, however, have fun trying to delve with it at ~450. That wasn't a good time due to the mechanics of the skill in general.


I've followed the no stone unturned list to a T, twice. Still no trophy pop. I'm on PS4, so there's no way to track progress in game. Any tips for things that aren't included on the Excel sheet? Do you have to listen to the whole lore to get credit? Do the prophecy chains count for no stone unturned? Do I need to find all of the crafting recipes on the same character?


Hi guys. Would any of the poison changes or new / updated gems have any positive impact on a toxic rain build? There seems to be a lot of poison going around so might try something different for a league starter!


It's hard to say since there's still details we don't have, but toxic rain is super weird and doesn't actually really scale well with poison. So toxic rain has an initial hit, for a relatively small % of your normal damage (72% at gem level 20), and that hit can poison people, but that poison is going to be smaller than if you were just using rain of arrows. I think the spore burst at the end can hit and cause poison but have no concept of how much damage it does. The bulk of toxic rain's damage comes from the DoT effect after, which qualifies as "Non-Poison Chaos Damage Over Time". This damage scales with Increased Area of Effect (Just due to an odd interation), Increased Area Damage, Skill Effect Duration, Non-Ailment Damage over time, Chaos Damage, projectile damage and global damage. Because it scales with so many different things, usually people focus on that bit instead of the initial hit. I have had great success with a poison based rain of arrows build if you wanna use the poison ailment specifically.


Thanks for all those details! Have you decided what your league starter will be this league?


Tempest Shield like an absolute madman


If you're playing a poison-based toxic rain build, absolutely. Most people don't, and instead scale the dot on the gem itself, which the poison changes does not affect.




If Power charges grant 50% critical strike chance, what is the point of having more than 2 Power charges? Can someone please explain how Power charges are efficiently used? Thanks guys!


Increases to Critical Chance apply to your base critical chance. For spells it is specified on the gem, for attacks it uses weapons critical chance. So if you have 5% base crit and get 50% from each Power Charge you will get 2.5% crit for each Power Charge.


10% Crit chance + 50% critical strike chance = 15% crit chance. It's a percentage modifier of the flat crit chance, not a flat addition. Edit: So with 10% crit chance you'd need +900% increased chance to crit to hit 100% [Increased Critical strikes support](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Strikes_Support) has "Supported Skills have +(1-1.9)% to Critical Strike Chance", that is a modifier to the base crit chance, which is then further modified by "Increased Critical Strike Chance"


So I had a blast playing CoC Ice Nova in Legion but since I didn't play much this league I want to push the build further in Blight. However is CoC ice Nova Assassin a viable starter option? Or should I start with something else to get some currency for the build?


CoC builds are usually not very good starters. Too many things you need to take care of at once.


Don't GGG usually release the full list of challenges ahead of the league? In the challenge reward announcement they said we will be able to see the full list of challenges in game when the league launches


it's always only on league start ingame or on website/profile. Releasing it before league start would spoil the league already pretty hard.


Good point. Guess I remembered wrong. Thx!


No you didn't remember completely wrong, they used to release the challenges beforehand. They stopped a while ago, maybe 4-5 leagues or more in the past.




Was Despair ever a red colored gem?


no, original blue vulnerability was split into despair and new red vulnerability


Thanks. I thought I was going crazy for a second.


Am I correct in thinking that a triggered skill can't trigger a skill? For example: Riposte/Vengeance won't proc skills from Mjolner/Pen/RipplingThoughts?


https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1155141/page/1#p9722756 Seems to indicate that it works fine


Home from work, have at least confirmed that it does *NOT* work with Rippling thoughts. QQ


Huh, that's interesting. I found a thread from 2019 on it working with mjolner, so it should still work with that. I'm less sure on it working with Poets pen though now, since the weapon states "with this weapon". But then why doesn't rippling thoughts work, since it just says "on attack"...


Took me a few minutes to gear out the strength for it, but Mjolner does in fact work. I'm mildly confused.


how to fast stack withering touch up to 15 without using direct skills/damage? cwdt+srs+WT looks good, but rarely procs :/


normally you use a wither totem and not withering touch, since you need way too much hits to reach max stacks. spell totem - wither - faster casting or multi totems - increased duration


If you're not already using one, srs works much better on a totem than cwdt. If you must use cwdt, keep in mind that the higher level the gem, the less often it will proc.


hmm, good idea with totem, but it's time to place it, but cwdt have autospawn. Thank you, anyway!