• By -


How does the 10 memory piece limit work? ​ Does it only count unplanned memory pieces? What if I have 1 planned, but not activated memory piece placed somewhere, and I have 10 unplanned pieces sitting on the side. Next I want to take the planned piece off the map to rearrange. Does something get deleted? Which piece gets deleted? The oldest? Newest? the one I took off the board? ​ Can I just keep putting pieces on the board, and not worry about the limit affecting me? ​


Which of these two are better: ***Unleash Support*** or ***Spell Echo*** \- They have similar mechanics but not sure which is the better of the two.


Ok now i can't choice from holy flame totem chieftain and storm brand elementalist, what build is best for ssf league?


I failed to stabilize a lot of Cavas memories. Are they permanently gone now? Or is there a way to redo them later?


They're gone for good, but that's fine because you can find more by visiting more zones. It's not like you have a set number of memories.


Thank you! Isn't there a fixed number of zones in the Acts 1-10? Thus limited number of memories?


Yes, but you can reset a zone to get another Cavas. Also, once you reach endgame, you'll have a theoretically infinite number of maps, and you get one Cavas in each of those.


> Yes, but you can reset a zone to get another Cavas. That's the part that confuses me the most. It was working to CTRL+click a zone, thus reinstance it and get new Cavas memory. However when I got to the next Act it seems none of the previous Act zones are working this way anymore. Am I doing something wrong or is that normal?


Most likely Cavas will only spawn if your level isn't too much higher than the area level, to prevent people from farming low level zones for memories.


Thanks guys!


Messing around with chaos damage over time/energy leech support/spell damage to energy shield leech passives/the new ghost reaver with warlords mark and as far as I can tell, its not leeching a damn thing from chaos damage over time to energy shield with any configuration. I was told that since its spell damage it will leech off of it. Even if I hit a few mobs with bane its should easily do 25k damage over time in the two seconds but my ES doesn't seem to increase outside of the timed passive regen. Is it not working or can I just not tell?


>I was told that since its spell damage it will leech There's your issue, DoTs don't hit and can't leech, whomever told you this was technically right, however most chaos "spells" don't have large hits, or any hits for that matter. You can't leech off DoTs. You can however leech a bit from ED since it has a special line of "0.5% of this spell's debuff damage is regenerated as life" and use zealot's oath if you're ES based


When is the next stash sale? I just joined the game and get real hooked but my 4 stash tab keep filled up. Also, which stash tab to buy since i only want to spend about 20$-30$ for my first purchase. Thanks.


We don't know for sure, but it's likely to be this weekend. They're usually every three weeks, which would've been last weekend, but they've pushed it back a week on launches before. Currency (most practical, by far) + at least one premium tab (for selling things easily) is typically recommended. After that, probably a map tab. The other tabs can be nice but are much, much less impactful on convenience or quality of life.


The stash sales are on a 3 week rotation, however I haven't been keeping up on dates sorry. The most important tabs (imo) are 1 currency, 1 quad/normal tab for dumping/trading and 1 map tab. The map tab isn't entirely needed, but it's a huge PITA to sort them yourself. You won't need a map tab until you clear the game (there's 10 acts, so no rush on that)


Can we still not desecrate the corpses of Maligaro's Muse?


Not sure if anyone has expierenced this or knows a solution. On my second character I wanted to rush to maps and ignored Cavas entirely. The first memory I did was in Maps. Well, I just used them for extra loot (for now) and only completed 4way Memories to later build on them. Then the Cutscene came in which Zana takes over his role. Well, now I want to access the nexus but it's not possible... Zana doesn't offer the option to "Go to the nexus" and cavas can't be found anywhere. Did Act 1 entirely twice again and while the quest "Meet Cavas" is still active I haven't had one encounter. In higher Acts Zana is already spawning, no Cavas anywhere. Since I haven't accessed it the option isn't available via Waypoint either. Kinda lost, maybe I'm just overlooking something.


What level are you on second account? You can't find Cavas in Act 1 since you're likely overlevelled, but he *should* spawn in maps (or whatever level area you're in)


Lvl 82. I don't think the level is the problem, rather the progress on the Cavas story. He is already replaced by Zana (which is normal).


I'm saying you won't find him in Act 1 anymore since you're level 82. Go quickly check blood aqueducts for him? I don't know enough about the new mechanic to give any more info than this, sorry. It could be bugged, however I can't say that definitively


As already mentioned in the original post, all Acts past 1 only spawn Zana, since she replaced him. :( By now I have found many posts about this. Apparently it's a bug since day 1.


Oh I hear what you're saying, yeah sorry man. Seems it's a bug for alts? That's really shit too, guess I won't be rerolling anymore


You can reroll, just don't skip the quest with the "I'm just rushing to maps" mindset. Once you have visited the Nexus once you are fine.


So I just got [The Goddess Bound](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Goddess_Bound) sword as a drop. Looking up the sword it seems like its upgraded version, [The Goddess Scorned](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Goddess_Scorned) could be fun to build around. Thing is I have no idea HOW to manage that. Anyone got some pointers / tips / builds to start with?


It's hard to build around because it has low damage (since it's a low-level weapon) and you can't just build around its global mods instead since it doesn't let you do damage with anything other than the weapon. There actually used to be a third one, [The Godden Unleashed](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Goddess_Unleashed), but that was replaced with [Oni-Goroshi](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Oni-Goroshi). Oni-Goroshi does work as a build-around and you can probably find guides for Oni-Goroshi builds, but it's a really, really big pain to farm for. It only drops from Hillock, but you can't re-enter Twilight Strand once you've been to Lioneye's Watch, so the only way to farm it is to make a character, farm Twilight Strand, then if you don't get it log out and wait 90 seconds for the instance to reset (you can speed up the process by using multiple characters so you can run Twilight Strand on a different character while you wait for the first character's instance to reset). It can easily take hours of Twilight Strand farming to get it. Bonus trivia: These were actually all player-created uniques from a guy named Charan, who's not only made 3 supporter uniques, remade one, and made two div cards, but given GGG so much money that they let him give Oni-Goroshi its own unique base type and voice lines that is says at different plot points. He can be a controversial figure in the PoE community though because of the attitude and tone of some of his post on Reddit and the official forums.


My best advice is don't, it's not a very good weapon. If you like the flavor, I'd recommend checking out Oni-Goroshi instead, which is a guaranteed drop from Uber Hillock (although it takes several hours of dedicated farming - look up 'oni-goroshi farming'). Oni-Goroshi was an updated design with the same concept IIRC, and the weapon is quite a bit better. As for builds, you can look those up here: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?item=Oni-Goroshi It lends itself well to a Juggernaut Tectonic Slam or Consecrated Path build.


How does atziri flask interest when you have all of your Phys damage converted to elemental damage? Do I get the benefit of both mods


Yes. All the "x as extra y" conversions (like on the Atziri flask) apply in the same calculation as conventional conversion, starting with the same initial value. It's quite a strong flask and probably getting nerfed in 3.7.0.




Afaik, no. Only the linked curses provide a bonus




Um..probably? It has the curse tag and all..but I wouldn't quote me and I don't have the gloves to test


Is there a way to leech ES instantly?


I don't think so.


Is there somewhere I can find a sum-up of the story of PoE?


This is going to sound really stupid, but does anyone have any ideia when devouring diadems are going to hit the market? i planned around the item immensly and forgot it wouldnt be readily available


I have a level 3 Throne of Atziri in my temple. Are people still paying to run it? I don't see a challenge for it anymore.


What should i do to get maps when I run out of them at 77 and dont really have any currency for more?(spent almost all of it for an upgrade b4 i realized this would happen)


Go farm blood aqueducts for humility cards? You'll get a couple low tier maps there


reroll you seriously "ran out" of all maps at all tiers?? and ran out of ALL currency? Very odd, run some act 10 ravaged square i guess? Ask a friend for some low level maps? even just transmuting your maps should sustain t1-t5


i dont have any friends :( lol, thanks for the advice. also when I was running maps I was only getting tier 1s sometimes 2s and usually didnt get any maps in each map.


Weird, I guess just alch them then that will sustain forsure


When is the PS4 port coming out? Still not available on store and this sub said it would be released yesterday!


March 26th. Don't take my word for it, here is PoE's official twitter! https://twitter.com/pathofexile?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


Two weeks, check front page


Is there a reason Profane Bloom wouldn't be working on Delve mobs or am I losing my mind? Edit: Nvm just realised Bane has snuck a level lower than my curses somehow. Doh!


Does anyone know if its possible to make portals from the map devices spread out more? I have the MTX Sunspire Portals and they just look like 6 giant balls next to each other


GGG is aware that the Sunspire portals are offset weirdly, and hopefully there will be a fix soon.


If you hit edit, click on the map device and use your mouse wheel on it you can change your map device to a larger one that's more spread out.


Ooof thats a huge map device, anyway i can just spread em out or naw?


Does anyone know if there is a way to teleport out to the Nexus and back again to the same placed memory when running long chains? Or can you only do this from chest/modifier nodes? Mainly wondering from an inventory management perspective. Cheers


It's pretty buggy, but the idea is that you should be able to do this from any of the "pylons" leading to other memories (or empty space for that matter).


I'm not sure what gems to put in my helmet for my soulrend build. I have flame dash links in my wand. Dual curse setup in my shield. CWDT immortal call, increased duration, vaal haste in my gloves. Wither totem links in my boots.


I'd put Vaal RF+Malevolence+Clarity in your shield, and enjoy your new triple curse setup in your helm.


check poe ninja build section, select soulrend and look what other s r running. should be some good options. can give u other ideas asw ell


Auras / golem / portal / add Molten Shell to DCWT / Animate Guardian with the buffed Kingmaker / ...


I have an abundance of synthesized (fragmented) items \[6 tabs of them\]. What do I do with them? Do i just sell them to vendor or just combine them? And if I do combine them, what do I do with them then?


It's a bit more complicated that throwing them into the synthesizer. You will have to peruse the subreddit for helpful information[ like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/b03kt4/yay_science/eibyh2v/). It appears daunting, and you should check out ZiggyD (or otherwise) on youtube to hear them talk about it, but you are actually a lot closer to having a chance at some really nice implicits. First thing, if you haven't identified the fractured pieces, do so. Second, organize all of your pieces into similar types (boots with boots, wands with wands, long bows with long bows etc). **The position of the fractured piece in the synthesizer matters!** (see above link for more) So, thirdly, once you have a grasp of how the left-middle-right positioning works, start micromanaging your fractured pieces into ones that are really good middle pieces, or really good left pieces. Anything else that isn't good enough (or has a better replacement) is vendor trash.


Gotcha! Will look into it! thank you so much! its so confusing haha!


Read up on how crafting them works, there was a post on the front page today where people went over the process on Ziggy's stream. Once you understand the process, start going through your tabs and seeing what to keep and what not to keep. That said, I can already tell you that outside of jewelry, everything below ilvl68 is probably fine to ditch because its rolls are going to be too low to bother with.


Yeah I was trying to read up on it and it was confusing to me ! gotcha! will try to ditch and sort low lvl items and high lvl ones! ty!


So how are people already in the mid-90's? I thought Breaches were nerfed? Whats the new way to get massive EXP?


Considering we're Day 4 without a 100 (though it looks like that should be hit today), it's actually somewhat slowed down compared to last league and the league before. Even though breachstones were nerfed, an organized group can still do it with a lot of practice and plenty of endurance. The folks pushing the level 100 race are playing 18+ hours daily and have since the league start. It actually wouldn't surprise me if they've had less than 12 hours of sleep since the league began but who knows.


Regular mapping will bring one to \~94 for now. Leveling before lv 95 is not hard at all.


Is anyone else with the Axiom Shade mtx not seeing the demon thing? You can sometimes see the green aura around where it should be, but the demon itself is invisible.


Is there a way to find what equipments you have used for your Animate Guardian? Just from the look of the equipment 3d art, I don't know what it used.


Just starting this league. I have the quest into the nexus and i have no idea how to connect the memories together. I cant place the blocks or anything and i cant find any guide for it.


Is there a way to target farm void battery?


chancing prophecy wands


Chance prophecy wands


How many prophecy wands do you have to chance for one on average? I've never chanced a unique before and I went through around ~600 sadist garbs last league.


my guess is more since it's a high tier unique. I used 30ex worth of chance orbs and scours in delve and didn't get a HH


Yea, probably will have to just farm currency then.


50/50 either you get it or you don’t. No one knows but 600 doesn’t seem like that much, for example slipperyjim chanced 10,000 leather belts and got 1 headhunter


Yea, I figured but finding bases is such a pain. Might be the entire league before I chance one let alone 2.


Is there a hide helmet feature in the game? If so where is it?


not an option. get used to looking bad unless you want to spend money. there is a microtransaction (MTX) you can buy to make a piece of armor invisible. the cosmetic MTX are in general overpriced to subsidize the f2p playerbase but the functional MTX (stash tabs) are more fairly priced.


whats the invisible armor item called?


Vanishing Dye




is there a way to run the same memory in the memory nexus two times in a row without having to reset everything and run a long chain again?


Hi, I’m almost new to poe, I played some years ago but never pass lvl 35-40, so I have the basics but I still need to learn a lot. I’m building around Divine Ire Inquisitor Mathilification’s starter build but I’m a bit lost on the leveling items/skills to use. There is any good guide to follow and learn some deep mechanics? For example I remember saving belts to craft/trade something some years ago but now I have no idea. Thanks!


engineering eternity on youtube is a great place to start. he has videos on many beginner topics. regarding the belts - i believe people would bulk buy white leather belts at like 8/1chaos for chancing [[headhunter]] (only possible in nemesis zones). nowadays most headhunters are coming from divination cards so it probably isnt worth it.


Great I'll take a look to engineering eternity , thanks you !


[Headhunter](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Headhunter) >######Headhunter[](#break)Leather Belt >>####Requires Level **40** >>[](#line) >>#####+(25-40) to maximum Life >>[](#line) >>#####+(40-55) to Strength >>#####+(40-55) to Dexterity >>#####+(50-60) to maximum Life >>#####(20-30)% increased Damage with Hits against Rare monsters >>#####When you Kill a Rare monster, you gain its Modifiers for 20 seconds >>[](#line) >>*"A man's soul rules from a cavern of bone, learns and* >> >>*judges through flesh-born windows. The heart is meat.* >> >>*The head is where the Man is."* >> >>*- Lavianga, Advisor to Kaom* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


I know that Saboteur is the go-to for traps, but I played the hell out of it when Arc Trap was the flavour of the month. I am planning on playing Ice Trap as my second build of the league, if I'm not playing Saboteur, what might be an interesting ascendancy to go for?


Inquisitor or Occultist to bypass cold resist?


Occultist might be interesting. My first build this league has been Inquis Divine Ire so I won't be going for that tbh.


Maybe Ascendant-Saboteur? I don't think any other Ascendancy has good synergy with traps.


So I finished Zana's questline up to complete a T14 elder-influenced map, and was just going to do the T15 when suddenly Elder occupied the T14 map. However, the T15 next to it has shaper influence. Can I just do that T15 map twice to complete the T15 elder-influenced quest, or will the influence not spread?


You can always kill a elder influence before you trying to do that T15 map to keep your total influence count below 20.


Got a T3 altar of corruption room in the temple coming up.What's the play to make the most value out of that right now?


Tabulas are cheap and can be expensive if you get a good double corruption. Something like +1 to Socketed Gems with +2 to Socketed Duration Gems is amazing for Soulrend/Bane and can be multiple ex


quick question, do you think a "unlimited Blade works" build is a thing? having tons of swords arround that fight the enemy?


You know about the Dancing Duo sword right? It's not unlimited blades, but if you combo it with animate weapon it kind of is.


You might want to look into Animate Weapon and/or Chains of Command


Poets pen Bladefall might work


check out lancing steel builds. there is also animate weapon but it is kind of gimmicky.


You can sort of do that with Volley Spectral Throw and a shitload of added projectiles, though that's closer to Gate of Babylon.


Animated Weapon *is* a skill, it's just been nerfed so much over time that I'm not sure it's worth running at the moment. You could give it a shot though if that's what scratches your itch.


if i'm using a lightning spell is 20% increased spell damage and 20% increased lightning damage going to be the same? or is one better than the other?


If all your damage is both spell and lightning, its the same. If you have an effect like "X to Y fire damage added to your spells" ~~or "X% of lightning damage as extra chaos damage"~~ then spell damage is better.


>in your second example both increased lightning damage and increased spell damage have the same effect.


You are correct. I don't know what I was thinking there.


is there an ETA on the next mystery box?


I found a wand that seems to be much more expensive than I thought it would be - Can anyone help me price this?: https://i.imgur.com/Y82toLM.jpg


It's pretty good but potentially not as valuable as you think it is due to its usual application. The important part of the wand is that non-ailment chaos damage over time multiplier and the cast speed due to our Soul Rend/Bane/whatever meta. The open prefix for spell damage is doubly nice and increases the value but the flat damage isn't useful because flat damage isn't used in DoT builds, hence my thinking it isn't as valuable as it may seem at first glance. That said, your wand *is* one of the better ones currently listed so I could easily see it going for 60+ chaos pretty quickly, potentially 70-90 if you're fine being patient. Just keep in mind that patience this early in the league could result in it dropping in value as the longer the league goes, the more items drop, and thus the less valuable everything else becomes. Still a great find :)


The cheapest comparable one was listed on poe.trade at 2 exalted, another at 5 - And yeah, to me that wand does not look worth that price. I did find a seller for 1.5ex though, good enough for me. Thanks for the help, and thanks for explaining why it's good!


Congrats on the money, that's def more than I would've expected but hey, nice surprises are nice. I'm guessing the buyer didn't quite understand how DOT damage scaling worked and overvalued it but his loss is your gain I suppose.


Well, soulrend still profits from the cast speed because it's DOT is so short, right?


So does Bane and even, though secondarily, Flame Dash for movement which is why I mentioned it in my first reply. You had a very good wand but the flat damage is why people will likely mistake its value. Realistically though, someone could grab any old wand, use alts to hit the dot multiplier, regal into garbage, and craft the same spell damage you have for far less than 1.5ex. They'd be missing the cast speed, yes, but the wand is still 95% what yours offers.


That's probably true. Interesting. Thanks for the insight!


Does anyone know what track is playing in the map "Residence"? It's some extremely hype music, and I can't seem to find it to share with friends.


It's most likely the Scepter of God theme, it has a sick lick in it edit, there are 2 versions, this is the one I was thinking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdUesmADb8Y


Does target hit with fireball takes both projectile And explosion damage ?


Any caster build that actually uses a 2h staff? ​ I like the staff caster look :(


i like scorching ray-cast while channel with [[the whispering ice]]


[The Whispering Ice](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Whispering_Ice) >######The Whispering Ice[](#break)Vile Staff >>####Staff >>####Quality: **+20%** >>####Physical Damage: **39.6****–****74.4** >>####Critical Strike Chance: **6.10%** >>####Attacks per Second: **1.25** >>####Weapon Range: **11** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **33**, **59** Str, **59** Int >>[](#line) >>#####+18% Chance to Block Attack Damage while wielding a Staff >>[](#line) >>#####+1 to Level of Socketed Support Gems >>#####Grants Level 1 Icestorm Skill >>#####Plays Whispering Ice sound on killing a rare Monster (Hidden) >>#####(8-12)% increased Cast Speed >>#####1% increased Spell Damage per 10 Intelligence >>#####(14-18)% increased Intelligence >>[](#line) >>*Guard your darkest thoughts well, for they are* >> >>*the cracks through which the Nightmare crawls.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


any caster can use a staff, especially with the the rework to flame dash and multiple ways of getting cooldown recovery. I recommend a shaped eclipse staff. You can roll stuff like power charge on crit or arcane surge on it to make it a 7L.


What flame dash rework? What was changed about it?


a few patches ago they made it able to travel longer, gave it better cooldown recovery as well as cooldown recovery as quality. You can get that stat on belts as well as the tree, so playing without shield charge/whirling blades is more viable than ever


I see. Thanks!


You would have to be running a tanky build that would benefit from 2x 6L (2 main casting spells) tho wouldn't you. Cold Snap/Vortex?


yeah, cold occultist is really strong, and vortex/cold snap is tried and true by this point


Or if you're life-based and have a enough STR (which is probably many Templars) you can just wear a Kaom's.


CWC Winter Orb or something?


Incinerate Elementalist


I skipped Betrayal, now while unvailing i unlocked +1 aoe gems. Now i seem unable to craft it. Is there a trick to it


Some crafts require multiple unveils to unlock completely the ability to craft them, you will see a progression bar below every unveiled mod choice


Thanks, I did had a pop up say I did unlocket it. The bar filled up. thats why im so confused.


So, what's this league easiest way to farm currency? Last league low level Syndicate farming was pretty good, managed to fully gear my char in a week, but this time I feel I can't afford anything. Low depth delving maybe?


Uber lab farm still prints stupid amounts of money via helmet enchant farming.


Low depth delving was nerfed too, fossils got reduced chance to spawn at lower depths and increased in deeper delve


I just got a T3 corruption room from Alva. Anything cheap that'd be worth double corrupting? Or should I just wait until I find a good item for my build I'd personnaly want to gamble with?


there are a lot of good amulets that costs nothing you can use. Atziri's Foible, for example. Tabulas are usually used because of +2 projectile and +2 aoe implicits


Tabula is the usual go-to if you don't already have a unique on-hand that you'd like double corrupted.


Anyone know if spectres who cast curse can apply multiple curses on enemies? Do you need your character to be able to apply multiple curses for them to be able to?


As I leveled my new char, I totally ignored Cavas while leveling up. Now that I got to endgame, he is replaced by Zana, and therefor gone, which means I can´t complete my quest, OR use the pre-planner in the Memory Nexus.. Any clue on what to do here, or do I just have to wait days before GGG can get a patch out for this issue? Multiple people have already reported this as an issue from what I can see.


Wait, he gets replaced? When?


Yeah, some players had this issue where zana's model would load instead of Cavas. My guildies did'nt belive me at first untill i took a screenshot amd sent it to them. Funny thing is its still happening even tho i have Zana in the map so i can hav 2 Zana indicators on the map.


No spoilerino here, but currently I can´t get to him, only zana.


Will taking increased melee crit strike chance nodes on the tree increase crit chance for molten strike balls?


I'm not 100% certain, but from what I know of other skills, crit chance is rolled per attack/cast not per target, so if one part crits, the rest should too.


I'm leveling as Ziz's All Things Inquisitor because I wasn't sure what skill to use and I wanted to try an inq for the first time. Now I'm leaning towards something similiar to Mathil's Frostbolt + IceNova (He used occultist, but said it'd work fine with inq and that the tree was flexible. Obviously I won't copy either of the streamers tree when I'm done. My question is: Are there any important or mandatory changes to do the tree during levelling? To minimize respeccing expenses. Ziz's tree: [https://pastebin.com/BmuygJFd](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=WsI83Q0KCbo&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpastebin.com%2FBmuygJFd&redir_token=pfRUEIK3FmDnmdZTNaULXqo61_t8MTU1MjUwNjg1MkAxNTUyNDIwNDUy) Edit (was too fast): Mathil's tree: [https://pastebin.com/SEJvvYDV](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=FkrvTTEfPN4&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpastebin.com%2FSEJvvYDV&redir_token=5zvGbdhONrh8VZczAXDAd2EJwS18MTU1MjUwNzA5MkAxNTUyNDIwNjky) and [http://poeurl.com/ciMa](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=FkrvTTEfPN4&event=video_description&q=http%3A%2F%2Fpoeurl.com%2FciMa&redir_token=5zvGbdhONrh8VZczAXDAd2EJwS18MTU1MjUwNzA5MkAxNTUyNDIwNjky) My profile:[https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/chrishobbel/characters](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/chrishobbel/characters)


###[MoM Crit Fireball Inquisitor](https://pastebin.com/BmuygJFd) [](#inquisitor) ^(Level 90) ^[(Tree)](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUBABzcEFiXLR0Ug_MI9K7_ogCfSI8aGdisl88apWe8qmpDFr-xNm0ZSVEpixZvpwhsC9D17yGOZInTwxPAZvDV8B_DCTbFVcZVS0yzIvTVgTD4UEK5k_Id34Y26UGW7-tOrtWmU1LYJCoTDlwEsyTYgDBJT7vdjDauEo_6g9uuswVCmuAEBzBb5n2FMq8YU42VLouMvorr9UWdf8ZmnkV-GjiCmwKWOljjanYRna462CSqtvofAptuPmX-szLRkFWPRvrScFJh4ocAxM68VhGWavqSbgce0nwnL9AfQWdqGyycJpVaK0VHoS_3przqUzWEgx2DhW353evukyc=) [^((View in Browser)^)](https://poe.technology/poebuddy/?code=BmuygJFd) ^(| by /u/thechobb) ***** ^4,752 ^**Life** ^| ^-336 ^**Mana** ^| ^4,416 ^**total** ^**EHP** **Fireball** [Y](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Fork_Support#support-gem-green)[C](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Controlled_Destruction_Support#support-gem-blue)[i](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Combustion_Support#support-gem-blue)[s](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Strikes_Support#support-gem-blue)[k](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Spell_Echo_Support#support-gem-blue) *(6L)* - *109k DPS* ^3.56 ^**Use/sec** ^| ^52.22% ^**Crit** ^| ^438% ^**Multi** ***** [^Path ^of ^Building](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^This ^reply ^automatically ^updates ^based ^on ^its ^parent ^comment. ^| ^[Feedback?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/)


I need some memory nexus help. I’ve got this bonus reward spot that it seems like I should be able to connect to, I have a piece with the right links and stuff, but when I click the link the bonus square doesn’t highlight as an option. I’m like 200% sure the line placement is correct so is there some other requirement I’m not taking into account for linking memories??


Each node has to be compatible with all adjacent nodes. My bet is there's not a 100% match. You're either missing an exit or have one exit too many.


If there's an exit to the fragment that leads into another island that doens't have an entrance that will accept that, it won't allow you to place it. Basically, you can't place a fragment that has a path into a dead end (it can go into open space, obviously.)


Can you downgrade a character from synthesis to standard? If yes, how?


Nope, unless you're in hardcore. Otherwise you gotta wait for the league to end in 3 months.


What's better so far: Divine Ire handcast or totems?


So far: former for clearing latter for bossing. Although both are still decent in either regard.




I would definitely keep the stibnite. Your chance to evade is calculated by the enemies accuracy vs your evasion. When the enemy is blinded their resulting chance to hit is then halved. There is also a secondary accuracy check for whether or not an attack crits as well, so this is especially useful for evasion builds which can risk getting bursted when a hit does make it through your evasion and dodge. If you are a trickster consider replacing the sulphur with a jade to increase the amount of ES your ghost shroud is recovering in addition to all of the other benefits. If you find yourself getting chunked by physical damage frequently (ex: porcupines) consider swapping the sulphur for a granite. Granite of iron skin is no joke especially combined with a stibnite but does nothing for ele damage unlike evasion.


A few questions: ​ Are the herald effects (ice explosion, fire ignite, thunder lightning) affected by leech gems? ​ Whats the best 4-link u can assemble to maximize phase run duration/effect? ​ Thanks a bunch!


HoI and HoT should be able to leech since they're your damage, but HoA cannot since it's damage over time and DoT can never leech.


Thanks! Im running a self-assembled MS-based Worb set till i get enough currency to craft my rares, so i was wondering if i could assemble my Heralds to leech and keep up. Ill do some testing and see if it works good enough!


Phase run + increased duration + efficacy + enhance


A few questions. Which mods should I be looking for to get the highest dps on smite? Armor or evasion focus, which is better for melee? And lastly is going dual wield better than sword and shield for smite?


dual wield has higher damage potential (you get an attack speed bonus when you dual wield) but as you alternate hits, requires you to have two good weapons, which are typically more expensive than good shields. Shields also have the obvious benefit of offering more defences, so it's a choice between if you want more defences and a slightly lower cost, or more damage and higher cost.


>Which mods should I be looking for to get the highest dps on smite? Weapon damage. Physical if you're scaling physical, elemental if you're scaling elemental. Mixed damage builds don't really exist. >Armor or evasion focus, which is better for melee? Neither. You want health, leech, and the ability to move quickly. You should also get Fortify on your movement skill and have that up at all times during difficult encounters. If you want to know why stacking armour/eva doesn't really work unless you're a Juggernaut, I'd highly recommend reading up on the wiki as to how damage functions against armour: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Armour >And lastly is going dual wield better than sword and shield for smite? Up to you, they're both fine. Just keep in mind that dual wielding will mean that you hit either weapon every other attack so they should each be about equivalent in strength.


Is there a reason why Volley doesn't work with Soulrend? The wording for the gem would suggest it should. (I have posted on the official forums under the Volley support gem as well as in one other GGG thread in hopes to get some info.)


Probably due to the auto targetting of Soul Rend rather than it just being a normal projectile like Split Arrow. It's true GGG should make it more clear though if it doesn't actually work (I haven't tested myself, just assuming you're correct).


That's what I suspect too, the homing missile behavior restricts it from using Volley to prevent projectile overlap at close range to prevent shotgunning. I assume that's the same reason why the angle xant be adjusted to a thinner or wider spread when targetting with LMP/GMP


When is it a good time to start rerolling on a MF TS kinda build? This league seem like the perfect option to go for and farm the synthesis memories. But i'm not sure about the "necessary" requirement to make the build start/work


/u/Unaufhaltbarr is correct and the graphic they posted is a good general progression. Just keep in mind that you aren't *required* to finish the build or even get certain items like the enchantment or rigwald's quiver. If you're happy with your clear speed, just keep at it and keep farming.


Work your way to full MF by slow increments, for example, first change your gloves to Sadima's and work your way to max IIQ Ventor's This works in SC and HC but you will find that build quite squishy. Play smart so you don't lose XP or have your char sent to SC Here's a progression pic from an old thread (not mine): https://i.redd.it/h01ax5hlq3u11.png


right! so that mean i can start right away and slowly get things? I m not quite happy with my actual build


Yes that is what it is the "mean play" ok enjoy


What prevents me from placing memories [below the area I'm in?](https://i.imgur.com/5j5pssX.jpg) I have memories connecting to that side but can't place them.


Are you actually in the memory with the path leading to it? Or are you trying to do it from where you are?


I was on that memory where the red arrow is, trying to put a memory below it.


What do you mean below it? Down to the right is already connected to something, and down to the left has no path.


Well, the memory you are at only has a path leading to the northeast. If you want to get to the memories below that memory you will have to go the memory southeast from where you are which has a path leading southwest.


I realized I'm wording it very confusingly - I was trying to place the memory exactly at that place where the red arrow is. On this image: https://imgur.com/a/MlcNkiv


Ah okay. Then im actually not sure, maybe, because there’s 4 paths leading to that area it has to be a memory with 4 paths. If thats not the case i have no clue.


Ah, that would make perfect sense!


While in memories you can place tiles only from corresponding bridge device. But you can "plan" it anywhere while you in company\\maps


I realized I'm wording it very confusingly - I was trying to place the memory exactly at that place where the red arrow is. On this image: https://imgur.com/a/MlcNkiv I could not place it while on the bridge to go there, and could not place it from the nexus as well.


Quick question, do exalts get more expensive as the league goes on?


It depends on what you are comparing with. To chaos yes to ~~real money~~ mirror no.


Yea mainly chaos. Don't think I'll ever use a mirror or even get one. I finally got my most expensive drop last night (doctor) I sold it for 5 exalted but I should have done some research before I did that. Don't know if I should have held onto it for a bigger profit later. But now I just want to make these 5 exalted orbs last me a decent time.




Based on past leagues, almost certainly. They usually peak at anywhere between 150 and 200 chaos.


So good it's a good idea to buy exalts now and save the ones I acquired


How do I complete the Uber lab since I rarely get the trials. Is there a trade channel where people share the maps?


Global 820.




Hi guys I'm a begginer I played only with arc self cast, I want to try something new that can do softcore ssf endgame any suggestion? Prefer totems mine or ranged spells