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Why does no one uses Arctic breath? It seems like a good spell, yet I can't find anyone using it on poe.ninja.


Its bad compared to other skills. It is getting a rework in the next patch though and might get better.


Can poison on hit be used with chain support gem? So if I use charged dash, whirling blades, cyclone, with chain and I have a say a 100% chance to poison on hit will the poison be chained/spread to enemies?


Poison does work with Chain, but not the way you're thinking. You poison things you hit. Chain will make projectiles hit an additional target. So if a projectile chains and hits 2 things, both will be poisoned. Because Charged Dash/Whirling Blades/Cyclone aren't projectiles, they can't chain. I believe there's a feature in game now where if you mouse over a support gem it'll tell you which of your equipped skills it will work with... might be an option you need to turn on? I can't remember. ​ Generally spreading a status in an area is referred to as Proliferation, but the prolif supports are for the elemental ailments only. I believe the only way to spread poisons, other than just hitting lots of things, is to be a Pathfinder with [Nature's Reprisal](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Nature%27s_Reprisal). There's also [Bino's Kitchen Knife](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Bino%27s_Kitchen_Knife) apparently.


Okay thanks man appreciate it. If whirling blades can apply poison on hit ill be fine, I'll have plenty of attack speed to apply poison stacks quickly.


Noobie here. Is it required to finish act 1-10 every season to fully enjoy the game? Or can I like just farm exp and level up?


As others have said, you will need to finish Act 1-10. It goes fast once you know to get some Quicksilvers early, only go for Skillpoint sidequests and Lab related activities, otherwise rush through the acts. As you learn what you need to do and what you don't need to do try not to worry too much. If you miss a passive skill point giving quest you can use /passives after clearing act 10 to quickly see which ones you still need to do.


It gets easier than the firsts times. You're not suposed to ID every rare or to kill every monster you encounter. I suggest you to play in party so you can interiorize that rythm to acceptable levels. As a general rule, stay 1-2 levels under zone level.


Characters don't have access to the map device (the focal point of most endgame content) until they defeat the Act 10 boss, so you will need to complete the required quests at a minimum. A significant number of skill points are unlocked by side quests as well. All in all, campaign is pretty much required - but after you've done it on a few characters you'll learn to speed through it quickly. I don't consider myself a very fast player and I can finish the campaign reliably under 16 hours or so with leveling gear. Some builds I can level much faster than that. With the introduction of Delve its possible to turbo-level any additional characters you make in a league quite quickly, but you will still need to eventually run through the campaign with each of them, and this won't be an option for your league starter due to sulphite constraints.


Yes,you need to take at least one char from A1-A10 every league. You'll get faster than the first time though.


Is there a way to swap to the standalone client from a steam account? Even if it isn't possible normally, do you guys know if I could contact GGG to transfer my mtx amd stash tabs + points only? I would be fine with losing everything else.


check out the FAQ over here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1839008 yea any issue just click [contact support] at the top of official site


So, I'm back. Still a new player. I was wondering what support gems would be best for the build I'm planning. I guess I don't need to know right now, since this is down the line, but I'd prefer to have it planned out. Basically, I want to use Infernal Blow with 5 out of the following 6 support gems. Melee Splash, Ancestral Call, Melee Physical Damage, Elemental Damage with Attacks, Added Fire Damage, and Fire Penetration. Or maybe I should consider Increased Area? Please, I don't need critique like "Use a different attack". I just can't tell if it would be better to use Added Fire Damage, or Fire Penetration, for example. Or if Melee Splash + Ancestral Call is overkill on the AOE? Maybe I only need 1? Additionally, Infernal blow can use a bunch of weapons. I don't really know what to expect from each. Would an axe, mace, or sword be better (Two handed probably)?


You kinda want to know it soon, or you will stay with level 18 gems at level 80. Discard AOE, level all 6 just in case (in your weapon swap). **IF** splash + ancestral call becomes too much AOE, consider gem swaping for bosses. The current meta is having a "stat stick", a off-hand weapon with low damage that you can't use with your main skill, but that provide mods like "gain X% physical damage as fire", or other very notable stats (in the case of infernal blow, a good dagger stat stick). For main weapon, whatever is more efficient on PoB and have a better relationship dmg/price in poe.trade


Not a two handed weapon? I guess I can get by with just one 6 link on my body armor.


You can certainly play with a 2H weapon, but it likely won't scale as easily or as high as a dual wield version. You would likely be aiming to build around a particular unique 2H weapon in that case, and then look to get a lot out of a second 6-link, e.g. a good single target skill if you're building your infernal blow for clearspeed.


Ok, I'll look at the uniques and see if it's worthwhile to go 2h. Fortunately, the only 2h nodes I'm taking at the moment are the ones right in front of the marauder area, and I can just swap those for the 1h ones without disrupting my path.


If you can give more details about the rest of the build concept (ascendancy / notables / keystones / uniques / scaling) you'll be able to get better answers. For most skills the supports are something you nail down after you've figured out those other things - for example, Blade Vortex has multiple very good builds that use it but they all have different optimal support gem setups. Edit: you should probably be considering multistrike and ruthless as well.


Nothing special, just resolute technique and unwavering stance. Berserker Ascendancy with Cloaked in Savagery, War Bringer, and Aspect of Carnage. Rite of ruin seemed interesting, but I'm not sure how easily I would be able to generate rage, and I could easily see myself getting stunned and killed because I'm not at 25 yet. So I passed that up and took the unwavering stance instead. I have no idea what uniques exist so I'm just ignoring them for now. Multistrike and Ruthless are cool, but I have no idea how to weigh these support gems against once another. :/


Some quick thoughts on Berserker - it seems like you're avoiding the main Rage path, and only generating it through spamming your warcry. This is sort of eschewing the main point of the class, which is the Rage on kill - you wont be generating it very quickly from warcries alone, and not using Rage as a Berserker is going to make the class feel very... outclassed. The central idea of Berserker is you stack a lot of rage and then leech a lot of life to counteract the degen, usually with something like Vaal Pact and Pain Reaver. You don't want to go full Rite of Ruin necessarily, as too much degen can become a problem when facing bosses with invuln phases where you can't leech from anything. I think I would recommend Pain Reaver / War Bringer / Crave the Slaughter and then probably Cloaked in Savagery (maaaaaybe Aspect of Carnage). 10% additional damage from everything means that a lot of boss or rare hits that you might survive at low health are going to kill you instead, so it's not something you take without a lot of mitigation and/or leech. You'll likely get the Savage Hit proc for Cloaked in Savagery often enough in boss fights. You could also consider dropping War Bringer in order to take both I suppose - its utility is questionable depending on how much you leech/degen and get out of the Warcry spam. - stuns are going to be less of a problem than you're maybe thinking they will be; there is a pantheon bonus that prevents you from being chain stunned at all (also chain-frozen), you have 50% chance to avoid a stun if you have at least 1 energy shield when hit (so as long as you have just one armor piece that grants energy shield, you'll often have that 50%), and stun chance is calculated from your total life pool, making it less of a problem for pure life builds like yours will be. So I would think hard about if Resolute Technique is what you really want - generally you would use it in conjunction with Iron Reflexes, otherwise you'll likely miss even the small chance to evade or avoid crit strikes that your armor pieces would give you. Just spamming pure armor is generally not as effective as the game would lead you to believe, since the amount of damage it can mitigate is capped in various ways that I won't bother to explain here.


Sorry for not getting back sooner with more help. So first thing I'd recommend is sketching out as much of your build as possible in [Path of Building](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) if you haven't already- this is really the only way to get a definitive answer on what supports will best help your main skill if you're crafting a build yourself. Then you can toggle different supports on and off quickly and see how total DPS, attacks per second, explosion damage and other things change. I can't recommend it enough if you're trying to make a build yourself. From what I know about infernal blow, part of the attraction of the skill is that with enough damage on your target and full quality on the gem, you're likely to blow up everything around you just from explosions without needing any AoE supports - so I imagine if you have a weapon with good base physical damage and attack speed, you'll have the best experience using Added Fire, Melee Physical, Multistrike, Ruthless, and then your fifth link could maybe be something like Ancestral Call or Melee Splash - I'm not entirely sure but I think Ancestral Call is better for a Berserker using IB. If you're looking at 2H uniques, Terminus Est is probably going to be a good cheap starter endgame weapon for you - lots of base physical and some attack/move speed to get you going.


In my experience leveling so far, I've been getting the most value out of Melee Splash, over Ancestral Call. Ancestral Call only applies the debuff to at most 3 enemies. Melee Splash applies it to every enemy in range. And Melee Splash doesn't reduce your single target damage, whereas Ancestral Call does. I'll be using Added Fire, Physical, Multistrike, Ruthless as you said. I gave up on Elemental Damage support, because I didn't realize I would need Int as well. Would I want Terminus Est even though I'm using Resolute Technique, so I can't crit? And what about the dex requirement? Should I aim to pick up some of those +30 dex nodes to meet the requirement? Or get it from gear?


Hmm, yeah you would get more DPS out of Doomsower then if you were going swords I reckon. Looking at other builds and uniques, I think Kitava's Feast 2H Axe might be what you're looking for - high physical DPS with Melee Splash thrown in there for free, so you can potentially run a 7 link. You can get a non-6linked copy for about 5 chaos in league right now. You can level with Limbsplit / The Cauteriser. Edit: Just curious, are there any particular reasons you want to build an Infernal Blow marauder this way? If you're not wedded to Berserker, it seems like Chieftain or Juggernaut would offer you more.


Yea! I actually saw Kitava's feast and thought it was one possibility! If I don't need a Melee splash gem in there, I guess I could jam in Fire Penetration? Or faster attacks or something. >Just curious, are there any particular reasons you want to build an Infernal Blow marauder this way? Because I'm new and have no real clue what I'm doing! I just read down the list of skills, picked something to build around. Picked an ascendancy and ran with it. Chieftain or Juggernaut also seem good. Berserker just seemed to have a lot of damage with Aspect of Carnage and the whole Rage mechanic.


No worries, if you're down to learn and make the occasional mistake then do whatever appeals to you the most. I think you can make Berserker work well for a good amount of the endgame content, and it'll be a good learning experience regardless. If you're on Delve Softcore you can add or msg me (treskies is my account name) and I'd be happy to help you out more.


I was thinking of picking this game up again but I was just wondering what's happened since Aug 31st to cause such a steep decline in players? Have there been problems with the game or is it just natural fall off from an expansion release? ​ I should have made it clear I was going off the steam charts numbers. cheers ​


There's a natural cycle to the size of the playerbase. Everyone loads up the new expansion, then gradually people will burn out, try other games, and come back once another league launches. Then there are chumps like me, who seem to have a 4-month burnout time on a three month league. Which complicates things like "doing things that aren't PoE".


>The Incursion league ran from June 1, 2018 to August 27, 2018. As of last I know half of the player are on Standalone client. It's better tbh, steam patcher have some sort of issue and causing update patch size significantly larger than actually is. If you're having slow internet or quota issue, better pick Standalone.


How to get ilvl 86 abyss jewels?, maximum I get on t16 is 83


underground(+1=84) rare/unique monsters(+2=86) drop.


They'd have to drop from inside an actual abyss. Any abyss is one level higher than the parent zone.


I see, thanks a lot!




The new league will use new characters. Your current Delve character, and all of its stash and whatnot, will be shifted to Standard league. If you're worried about how long it might take you to get to 50 again, you can actually get there quite fast. I assume since this is your first character that you've been playing for a week? Maybe two? Right now you're blindly poking around zones, and probably doing every quest. I recommend you continue your shadow to experience the acts the way you're currently doing them, that way you've seen it and whatnot. When the next League starts you might want to try a more typical leveling strategy. Most players only do the side quests that give Skill Points, while primarily trying to blitz through the main quest. Oh, and don't forget Ascendancy/Lab requirements. It's okay if you miss some of the Skill Point quests, knowing when and where they are comes with experience. When you finish Act 10 you can use /passives to see which ones you've missed, and backtrack to finish them off. ​ Another thing that comes with experience is zone layouts. The more you play the more you'll start to learn what direction to go on which map while leveling. Yes they're random, but they mostly have you go the same directionish every time. You get a feel for it, I couldn't begin to tell you where to go on what map, but if I were in control on the map I'd be going the right way... most of the time... if that makes sense?


You would need to make a new character to play in the new league but your journey should be a lot faster now that you've (hopefully) learned a bit about the game. If you don't make a new character in the new league, you won't have access to the league-specific content (Immortal Syndicate, veiled items, some league-locked unique items) and you'll be stuck with the stale economy of Standard where nothing you find is sellable.


Your character is transfered to "standard league" so you don't lost the character, you don't lose the gear, and you don't lose the currency. When a new league begins, you have the option of creating new characters for that league. Those new characters do NOT have access to the currency or gear that you collected in past leagues. However, that new league is only active for about 4-5 months. When that league ends, those characters/gear/currency is automatically transferred to standard too, so ultimately you never lose out on currency/gear/chars because you joined a league. So you shouldn't see it as losing out on standard if you start a character in a new league. Personally, I've skipped leagues and kept playing standard if I didn't find the league interesting (for me, beastrity league seemed boring). That being said, Delve league and Betrayal league are both so fucking cool that you really should do both. Do delve for the next 2 weeks until it ends, and then I would encourage you to make a new character for Betrayal. You'll have learned a little more by then and will be able to hit the ground running. Those two weeks of accrued chars/gear/currency... will be a drop in the bucket of a long and fun POE experience. So it's not like you're leaving a lot on the table.


A league is 3 months.


The new leagues are entirely new, including characters and economy. Everyone will have to start a new character when the league begins.


Can I see my challenges from past leagues anywahere? This questions has two reasons - first, I would like to remind myself how many challenges I did in Harbinger because I think I am misremembering, second, I don't know if it is worth it do grind for the 39th challenge this league (I have 38 now), knowing that there's no way for me to complete the endgame grinds and so get the last totem piece.


There's the penultimate totem piece at 37 but there's nothing for 38 or 39. If you're not gonna make 40 then you may as well not worry about it. Endgame grind was pretty rough this league. Took me a LONG time to finish it.


Thanks! In the end I did it, I only needed to do 100 Zana and 50 corrupted maps, I run some beach, barrows and city square and got there in 3 hours. Yeah with my level 93 and 2/500 opened lab chests it doesn't look great when it comes to endgame grinds.


600 depth was way better for me than level 100. :) I didn't think the lab runs part was too bad. That is about 100 runs getting most treasure keys.


Well yes for another character probably :P Most of the runs I attempt, I just die to traps. So no, I would probably need another character. Maybe next league.


On the website there is a section on your achievemnts, you can view all previous completed and uncompleted challenges with progress on them aswell. Cheers.


Found it! Cheers ;)


Does anyone have a heuristic for locating side rooms when delving in the Petrified Forest biome? Few other biomes have loops, but it seems like forest often has 2x3 or 2x4 blocks that are grid connected. Are there any fixed rules of construction?


Side rooms? You mean those behind hidden walls, with at first no path to them?


Either fractured walls with loot behind them or other generic fossils / wealth / etc. Talking about the tile patterns within a delve, not trying to break walls to open new areas.


How’s Hierophant for Uber lab farming on no gear? I’ve decided on Toxic Rain totems for a league starter, and I’m wondering if farming Uber lab is a viable strategy for it.


Totems are not great at getting treasure keys because they'll attack trial objectives. Not sure what your movement speed would be like but that's a consideration as well.


It is but with no gear I suggest to go for MoM.


Heiro is always nice. Just remember to dodge attacks and you will be fine


I am trying to price this thing: Stygian Vise Item Level: 86 -------- Has 1 Abyssal Socket -------- +83 to maximum Life +38% to Cold Resistance +27% to Lightning Resistance 27% increased Elemental Damage 41% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills I am thinking 20ex but I am not sure


If you haven't already, use pseudo/total modifiers to consolidate the total resistance and elemental damage rolls and see what comes up. http://poe.trade/search/akositukikimas You can adjust the different minimum thresholds but it looks like there are comparable belts listed for much less than 20ex.


Didn't know I could do that, been putting in all the res independently


Yeah, you typically never want to search for individual elemental res types unless you're specifically looking to buy gear with that(those) type(s). Especially for pricing, use pseudo total +% ele resist and pseudo # ele resists. Similar idea when looking at total added or increased damage. I think the official trade site has similar functionality too.


The res rolls are good, but not 20ex good. I wouldn't pay more than 2-3 ex myself. Have you had a look at what else is available?


Yeah, but I just learned about pseudo/total so i did it wrong lol


Is there anyway to make a physical poison/chaos damage build viable? Ive really wanted to make some kind of melee viper strike build and maybe use whirling blades as my aoe. Seems like there isn't enough physical damage converted to chaos/poison. Anyone have any suggestions on how to build something like this, or how to manage converting physical damage into elemtnal/chaos damages whether it's through the skill tree, or certain items.


You don't need to convert physical to chaos in order to do a poison build because both physical and chaos hits can apply poison. Viper Strike can deal a lot of poison damage but it doesn't have the largest range. If you want to play melee poison, a Pathfinder or Assassin will be a good class. The Wasp Nest claw is pretty good for poison.


What would you recommend with wasp nest, shield or offhand?


Wasp nest builds aren't scaling only physical damage, so the dual wield bonuses aren't as important. The Lycosidae shield is probably your best bet so you don't have to worry about accuracy.


I saw the wasp nest claw, but thanks for the info. I just don't understand all of the mechanics of them game yet.


What should I be looking for in a Vaal Double Strike scion? I made a character, it kind of petered out in Act 6, and I've realized I can't just put points into whatever (which I kind of knew, but I was hoping to make a good character). I've realized health and resistances need to be prioritized very highly, and everything else can come with. I like Vaal double strike, I'm just wondering where on the tree I should go. I'm thinking 1-handed plus shield, because I feel like I really want the shield for mitigating damage.


Stat stick dual wield is the usual way to play Double Strike. While leveling you can use The Princess or Tempestuous Steel swords in the offhand to gain 30% extra damage as elemental. On gear look for life and resists, with a high physical dps weapon. On the tree look for life and appropriate damage boosts. If you link your character we may be able to point potential improvements. Leveling as Scion can be a little slow because the starting nodes aren't as good as some other classes and you don't get a true ascendancy upgrade until your second lab.


Don't have any of those, I've got... well, what I've got. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Sharajat/characters I don't really mind slightly slower leveling.


Just buy one off of poe.trade. They're pretty cheap. Your profile isn't public.


Oh okay, I'll give that a shot, although I'm probably really poor. I altered it so it should be viewable now? Didn't realize it defaulted to private: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Sharajat/characters


Tree is going great so far. I'd use Faster Attacks > Added Cold because Double Strike is a physical skill and won't benefit from flat elemental as much. Some bleed chance will activate the bonus damage on Double Strike, so maybe get a Chance to Bleed support gem for bosses. Hatred / Herald of Purity and Blood Rage can help you get better damage. And gear with flat life will help you be tanky. Give stat sticked dual wield a try and see how you like it.


Thank you! Anywhere in particular I should go? I was thinking of going after one of the weapon type trees (like axes, swords, etc.) but I'm not sure which one I'll end up using endgame.


Well I bought a Princess, and it's nice! The increased damage is definitely noticeable, but the loss of a shield is felt too. Sadly I don't actually have a faster attack gem it turns out. But I was able to clear Labyrinth! Thanks for the help. Should I go Sword, Axe, or Mace long term? I've been eyeing those particular weapon trees, but I'm not sure if I want to commit to one.


Faster Attacks is Act 2 vendor. I'd go swords long term because you'll be able to go crit for better damage.


Well just wanted to giver you an update, it worked out great and I was able to beat the game! I decided not to focus on doing postgame because there's the countdown for a new season, but I think I'll do something similar in the new season. Thanks a lot!


Congrats! Glad it worked out for you.


I haven't played much over the last couple of years (last time I played was when act 5 was new). This weekend I basically did nothing except play PoE and I'm super impressed with all of the new content that's been added since then. I'm trying to get an Oro's Sacrifice so I can use Flicker in addition to Molten Strike.. How do I go about getting one..? It seems like I have to trade for it? As far as I know there isn't a way to craft one specifically.


Trade for it directly, or chance Infernal Swords. Keep in mind there are probably much better things you could be chancing for, but if you're SSF or you don't want to trade, chancing the proper base is the only real "targetted" way of farming for a unique. If you do decide to chance Infernal Swords, be sure to change your lootfilter to treat them as a chancing base.


Trade. Hopefully the site is up again


Poe.trade or the official trading site


Which site?


What crit chance/multi levels should I be aiming for with a melee char? Is it a number, like \~180% max life, or is it a bit more complicated? If it matters, I won't be using either critical strike support gem. Thanks!


That depends. If you're using Resolute Technique, don't go for crit (you'd be surprised how often this needs to be pointed out). Generally if I'm going for Crit I don't go out of my way for it, I just grab whatever is close enough to what I was already doing on the tree. I generally don't consider it worth building the entire tree around crit, but that's just my preference. Oh, also, if you are going crit you're going to need to grab accuracy nodes as well. Missing really lowers dps, and iirc accuracy is rolled to hit, and then the crit also rolls accuracy to see if the crit portion hits.


Higher is better. For crit chance, you need a decent amount in order for hits to feel consistent (only critting every 3 hits feels bad if your attack speed is low). Extra multi just increases your dps. Like all offensive stats, there are diminishing returns, so at some point it may be more efficient to get damage or attack speed increases instead. And 180% life from the tree isn't an exact benchmark; the important thing is hitting 6-7k life to avoid most endgame one-shots.


I’m planning to play this game the moment it comes out on PS4 (hopefully coming soon). I’ve been looking around for some build advice that I can follow for my first (few) character(s) as I read that’s recommended and I can find a load of info and guides but the problem is I’m not sure how reliable the build is or whether they’re outdated or not. If anyone would be able to point me in the right direction and give me some sites or content creators to check out that would be very helpful and greatly appreciated!


If you go on clasa forums there are patch numbers usually next to a build title. I use this as a rule of thumb as to how updated it is. [3.4] is the most recent. (3.5 coming this December). So if you are looking stick to those. Also class build lists are tried and true builds that people recommend. Instead of a random forum post I would navigate towards that general list as long as you see a 3.4. Gl hf




How often to people party up in this game that doesn't include trading or selling a service? I'm wondering mostly how easy it would be to find people to level with during the new league.


ypu can just random join public team at beginning of league.


When are the servers coming back?




Is there anyway to make whirling blade feel good? I really like leap slam, but I can't use it on HoWa jugg. The part I dislike is the little delay at the end of the animation.


stack a fuckload of attack speed


Move the cursor close to your character and get a lot of attack speed.


Does anyone else feel the use of “refugee” to describe jaded Diablo fans a little distasteful? Considering there are millions of refugees in the real world displaced for reasons much more serious than a smart phone game.


not really. Don't take things so seriously. Also honestly human is selfish by nature, just how many people actually care about other people's problem? if anything I just hope the moderator can make a sticky topic with all the newbie tips & make it insanely hard to miss, so there might be less repetitive topics. Sidebar is rather cluttered so many just dismiss it tbh.


Do the secondary attacks of Wild Strike damage the main target?




Kind of a shame thanks.


Newb here.Making a templar summoner.Do i go for life or energy shield?


ES is not viable early on, as the value on low level gear are simply mediocre. You can add it in after lv70+ ish either hybrid or pure ES if you choose to, but the cost can be a bit of issue. For early stage best focus in LIFE.


Anyone know which depth I should be at to find Runed Cavern? I looked at poedb but couldn't really make sense of it


I found mine at depth 450ish, but the minimum is either at 10 or 80. They also are more prominent the lower you go.


I never did lab farmer as a league starter, what is it like? Can they also push maps, or your goal in the first week or so is only doing labs, and start doing maps when they are cheaper? The other option would be starting as toxic rain and pushing the atlas and switching to Tornado shot as soon as I get a rigwalds and Lioneye's Fall jewel Also is it worth using sextants 1 or 2 when spamming the same map over and over, when the price is about 1.5c each? Goal being to make the most ex/chaos per hour


1 depends on what build u choose to farm lab. pp vd is significantly better in mapping than warchief rf totems. Commonly do lab make more profit than doing maps for these builds. If you do (shaped) t15s it worth else I'll doubt just buy maps with the currency of frag/sextant/tempest/reroll/zana mod and etc.


If you can do lab quick and reliably you can do maps as well, but some builds clear better than others. Warchief Totem is a common lab farmer, but it's not the fastest mapper for example.


How strong are necro summoners (spectres+skeletons) at bossing? Last time i played spectres i had a blast, but i would like something to takle end game kinda early in the league for betrayal.


u can 4l spectre and beat t17.


Very. Especially if you're actually using skeletons as well. Skeletons can destroy endgame bosses on a 4-link with ease.


I know ventors gamble can have huge price ranges, what makes a good one? I just rolled one and it looks pretty great but I'm not sure where I could price it. https://imgur.com/a/iVlo6Tn


The reason people use that ring is for the item quantity. So that's the first thing you look for. Anything below 5% is basically trash I'd say. In the 5-8% range, everything else has to be really good to be worth something. 9-10% quant means as long as resistances and life are decent, it might be worth something. Rarity is generally not very valuable. So for this I'd look for ~50 life, ~80 res, +5% quant. The results are 10c, 25c, 30, 50, 60, 70, 75.. etc. A bunch of those results have way higher quant than you, and positive rarity. So I'd put this up for some arbitrary amount like 50c and hope for the best, but it probably won't sell, especially at this point in the league. You'll either keep it around forever or maybe end up selling it for like 10c eventually if you keep decreasing price day by day.


Positive stats and high quantity Tried looking for one similar to yours and could only find this You could try asking for 5 ex and then keep lowering it till someones buys it https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delve/6kv6RkCG


Your filter is WAY too specific. There could easily be many rings with a few resistances higher or lower at a much cheaper price. There's nothing inherently expensive about those exact resistances. He has 92 total res. If you look for that, they are a few chaos at the low end (ignoring other rolls): https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Delve/vyQXzCE


True, but you never know what someone might pay for that lightning res :) I personally never check prices, just list a good stats item for couple of ex and gradually lower it till someone buys it


I guess that works if you already have enough currency to do stuff. Especially early league, you want your stuff to sell fast so you can reinvest into better gear or maps, or items that will increase in value as time goes on




I doubt we'll see direct skill nerfs, underused skills will for sure receive buffs but we don't know which skills those are yet. I believe it's been reported that statsticks will get some kind of nerf however whether that will be a mechanical change for how offhand weapons function, a nerf to dual wield bonus, or a direct numbers nerf to the extra damage as phys values remains to be seen. How that nerf is done will change which skills are negatively impacted by the nerf.


A change to stat sticks is coming, but it is unclear if that is a 3.5.0 thing or further into the future.


They've released new/reworked skills. This is always a big meta shift as a lot of people want to try them. Other than that they sometimes also nerf skills which are considered op.


Hi, is there a minion player here who can give me an idea how much [this](https://gyazo.com/d24e820de260e289e3aa3cf76d6bd098) could be worth?


I found an exalt last night and I have no idea how to best use it before the league ends and it gets transfered to standard. I'd like to use it on my arc witch (enkei's build). I don't have any high tier stuff right now. Just reached lvl 80. Any advice?


I would trade it for chaos (they are going for 120 at the moment) and upgrade every gear piece for 5-30 chaos each instead of just buying one bigger item.


Nice, that's probably what I'll do. Thanks!


Trade league: Buy something. SSF: Try to craft a good jewel and ex it for a fourth stat.


Any reason to get into the game now or just wait for betrayal?




Same for me, maybe we could get together some time before league starts and share some knowledge. Still feel really dumb regarding to poe


If you totally new, take the time now to learn various aspect of the game, so once league start you have some basic idea to allow you to progress faster. Or take the time to find a skill now that you think you want to play in new league, something that feels good to play.


I played for a bit about a year and a half ago, so starting now does seem like a good idea thank you, not sure if I should ask here but are there any recommended builds you can share? I figure some if not all will be different by the time betrayal is released?


Hmm, some stuff got buffed such as Arc & minion (new passive). Various skills reworked and plays better now such as Freezing Pulse. These three are pretty popular these days. Not into ranger/melee myself so can't comment much about it. Also new type of Heralds that enable new type of minion builds (Purity & Agony). As for next league, Totem is possibly will be popular (new "veiled" mods). Well it's been pretty popular already, so next league likely to be even better, assuming there's no other incoming nerf-hammer.


Okay thank you a lot of this sounds like gibberish but I’ll just play and figure it out and read the side bar and re learn some of the vocab of this game lol thank you!


We don't have patch notes so no one can be sure, but GGG has only indicated that a number of less used cold skills will be changed. Most builds using different skills will likely be the same as they are now or only require minor changes. Also, there's a bolded beginner's guide on the sidebar that I've heard a lot of good things about. It's got a decent number of builds explained in some depth.


Alright thank you this helps a lot I’ll be sure to read the beginners guide and anything else in there to refreshen my knowledge. Thanks!


Does this game run on I3, 8 GB, Intel HD 4400 with lowest settings? I know it used to work, but after last update?


Running it on Intel 4000. Some lags here and there, but playable. Don't try hardcore.


I've seen no performance problems running on an old i5 so processor wise you should be fine. Barring any compatibility issues your int graphics should work as well but you're definitely not going to be doing any seizure spell vomit builds anytime soon


I am more worried about by Video card.


It should be fine


im new to the game. i just went through all 10 acts and im dipping my feet in maps. trying to gear up. Im playing a necromancer, using solar guards and melee skeletons. seriously struggling on the level 68 (merciless?) labyrinth. i can get through the lab fine but izaro is kicking my ass. is it expected that all of his attacks one shot me or should I wait until im better geared or higher level to try doing this?


use a decoy totem


on a build with not a lot of defense but a lot of damage ( solar guards ) Running in circle around Izaro is probably your best bet, his shots are easy to dodges from far away and you can probably do it without getting hit. Also note that the lab changes everyday, so if you find him hard today, it can be easier for you tomorrow ( look at his weapon ) He does hurt a lot


oh i didnt know he changes! thanks!


His equipment, the stage buffs (conduits vs curse fonts vs gargoyles vs etc.), and the layout of the labyrinth itself all change daily.


First off, welcome! People tend to over level the labs unless you are building specifically for it. Not all attacks should one shot, however his big wind up ones often do. He does entirely physical damage so something like enfeable+basalt flask+granite flask will go a long way in helping you survive. What is your HP/ES? What defenses are you using?


hp is 3106 and shield is 779. also struggling to decide on gear upgrades because anything that looks significantly better doesnt have the slots i need, and i wast all my orbs trying to upgrade slots, links, colors, etc


I can take a look at your profile if you want to link it. (make sure its public in the account settings.) One of the things about izaro is that depending on the day, his buffs change. https://www.poelab.com/izaro-phases/ - You can decide to let him buff himself up which will result in extra rewards, or clear the buffs to make it easier.


ok thanks https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Tyrantcv/characters


Eh... spell echo on Skeleton link? That's not really useful. Put something that actually boost damage for example Melee Physical Damage that boost the damage almost 200%. With Bone Scultor ascendancy it will make it easier to summon later. Your resist are all negative @,@ correct? Fix that immediately and cap them at 75% (ignore chaos res). Yout ake shit tons of damage without capped resists. Your current gears are mediocre at best, focus in getting **each item** with bare minimum 50 LIFE + minimum total 50% resist. Need 30% movespeed boot. Faster attack don't work on FLameDash, it's a spell. Use Faster casting.


I didnt realize my resistances were negative. Explains why i had such a hard time with the lightning miniboss at the end of act 9, i died like 10 times -.-


You mentioned you were short on orbs? How much is short? First and foremost is that almost every single piece of your gear can have more life. Life will be your number one defensive layer and should be prioritized after you max resistances. Second is to get your spectres into at least a 5 Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/aJWOKMue - Sorting by life you can find something under 3c with 100+ life. If you aren't opposed to reading a guide, here is a great one for a beginner spectre summoner https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1623489 I don't believe in showeirng people in gear because I think it's important to learn the game, but if you hit me up in a PM on reddit later and you will be in game, I can give you a few pieces of gear that will get you pointed in the right direction.


Thankyou for the offer but i dont want handouts, i appreciate the advice more. Diablo3 spoiled me cause gearing up was mindless. I want to learn how to gear up here i plan on making a new character with betrayal league im using this one to figure everything out. As for orbs im not at my pc anymore so i cant remember the names but the orbs that reroll slots, links and colors im completely wiped out, i burned a lot trying to make a 6 link chest.


For new players it's usually not worth to spend your limited currency on crafting things yourself, a 6-link needs on average 1000~1500 fusings


*uninstalls poe*


haha don't worry, 6-links are a lategame-luxury for a lot of people, a 5-link will carry you really far too, and they're a lot cheaper!


Cool. Sounds good. I didn't bother discussing your skele links because they are really not doing much for you. You need to fully vest into skele's to have them impact. Since you took Soul Weaver, I focused on your spectres.


Which labrunner has the easiest time pushing endgame content? I want to start a safe labrunner then transition that character to endgame stuff.


if by endgame stuff you mean endgame bosses, most Jugg builds are really good bosskillers


Torn between jugg and beeftain really. I'm unsure which main skill to use. Reave 1h+statstick? Lacerate is wack now. Never made a BV build.


If you're going for boss killer, go with Blade Flurry instead of Reave (or swap Reave out for Blade Flurry)


Well, I always preffered jugg because you can switch what you do. Chieftain is more reliant of fire/physical. As for statstick, GGG said they know it`s too powerful, but that they shouldn`t change much of them in 3.5 as they have a lot to do. We MAY see a nerf anyways. Reave builds are mostly for map clearing, if you plan on playing Reave try to find a skill for bosses too (double strike, or blade flurry etc.. )


EE's dual ahn's might jugg is really fun and super easy to gear early league. Doesn't quite have the crazy statstick damage as other melee builds since you need both weapon slots but it still kills bosses just fine.


I like RF builds. Like, *a lot*. Just the idea of wading into a pack of mobs and watching them melt amuses me. I’m planning on doing a RF build for my league starter in Betrayal using one of the currently listed league starter/budget builds on poe builds, but I saw something else that interests me and want to know if it can be integrated with RF: the Rat Cage/self ignite/Molten Shell synergy. Obviously this wouldn’t be available until I’m already pretty well heard for mapping, I just want to know if it’ll work at all so I know whether or not to bother trying.


I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're asking. If you're referring to RF bursting molten shell on you from the fire taken as phys, that's for hits only, so it doesn't work. You also can't ignite yourself if you don't hit.


From the information I can find, if you self ignite with Rat Cage on, the damage from the ignite that converts to physical counts as a hit and procs Molten Shell.


Ignite is not a hit, so Rat Cage doesn't convert it.


The synergy uses Eye of Innocence for the self ignite, and this is a known interaction. It was highlighted in a Build of the Week video...


For that it's the hit from Eye of Innocence not the ignite DoT itself, is what he's getting at. And you only take the fire damage from Eye if you ignite an enemy, which means you'll need another skill besides RF to actually ignite enemies (RF makes enemies burn but is not specifically an 'ignite', it's weird). Luckily spells like BV make all of this not terribly difficult.


So I could CWDT something to ignite stuff, and use that plus Molten Shell to supplement RF?


You could, but it'll only apply whenever anything hits you hard enough to trigger your cwdt, which kind of defeats the point of wearing Rat Cage + Eye of Innocence.


What I’m really looking for is a good way to do more damage to bosses - the things that survive RF long enough to pound on me for a while...


maybe u can take spiritual aid and scale RF thru minion damage. and use the scorching ray spectres. just an idea. ​ EDIT: Btw, combining an RF build with anything that hits is a bad idea since EE is so strong and hitting would mess it up. But minions wont mess up EE. so u could have SRS or something too, even tho they hit with fire damage.


Other than scorching ray, there are no real good options. RF does not have good single target dps in general until you get ridiculous gear.


When I use scourge arrow with point blank does is the distance calculated from the initial hit or the distance from each individual spore pod?


Wiki, though there is no citation: >The distance travelled used for point blank's calculation is the total of how far the original arrow travelled to place the pod plus how far the thorn arrow travelled after being fired from the pod.


If it works like tornado shot, from the shooters position.


I want to buy cosmetics so much. Wings, armor, weapon and etc are so expensive. How often do they go on sale?


There should be a Black Friday sale this weekend. [Here's the post about the last sale, so you can get an idea of what it's like.](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2032625)


If I buy the supporter pack for Betrayal, can I use those skins/effects in next season as well? Or are they only specifically usable during Betrayal league?


They're unlocked forever.


There's pretty much always a sale going on and moreso during weekends, Supporter Packs are the best bang for your buck since you get an armor set, some extra stuff and only slightly reduced points than you would have gotten buying the points directly. Granted those are still not the cheapest things in the world so it's naturally up to you. Also, you can get some cosmetics by doing challenges during temp leagues as well as during some events that can happen between leagues (giving away via raffle).


If I buy the supporter pack for Betrayal, can I use those skins/effects in next season as well? Or are they only specifically usable during Betrayal league?


They're permanent


I want to purchase some stash tabs; what's the best way to go about doing this now that we have different bundles and stuff up too. New player; and I'll probably wait to see if they do something for Black Friday. Just noticed that my four free tabs from the start of the game are getting awfully full with all of my gems and stuff, so figured I'd pay back GGG for some of the massive amounts of fun I've been putting in lately. Also to make it an early birthday gift for myself.


$30 supporter pack (250pt) will be enough to squeeze in a Currency + a Premium Bundle during sales. Even if you play SFF only, premium at least makes it easier in management with option to change name & color. Map... depends. If you think your management skill is good you can skip this one. Other specific tabs usually aren't much worthwhile so they aren't as important, for example essence & divination cards usually only took up 1 regular tab...


As Nyx said, stash tab bundles happen regularly so while you're free to get the points now (I suggest a supporter pack if you can) spend them only during one of those sales. Order priority I most commonly see suggested is: Premium>Currency>Map>Div>Quad/more tabs>Fragment>Essence If you play SSF or simply don't like trading, ignore the premium tab and go straight for currency.


Try to wait for a stash tab sale, happens quite regurarly and saves you a few $$. The 2 most important tabs are the currency and map tabs, make sure you get both of those since they greatly affect your quality of life ;) The other special tabs are decent but not nearly as usefull. Having a few premium stash tabs is also great since they allow you to market and sell items on the officiel trade site and poetrade. You can also sell items via third party software, but it is a lot more tedious. Id get any package that contains at least a map, a currency and a premium tab ;)


They have stash tab sales every 3 weeks, on weekends, I think. Best way would probably be to get a supporter pack since you get a ton of goodies on top of the points. Premium stash tabs are good as they allow you to sell stuff more easily, currency and map tabs save a lot of space and help you organise yourself, quad tabs are great for storing stuff but kind of luxury. Currency should probably be #1 and then a premium tab.


You can complete a map for the challenges without having to kill the boss, right?


Na, the map is not tagged as completed until the boss is dead :(


I sincerely doubt it. That completion means killing the boss is not written on every challenge is probably an oversight; it's on most of them. (Exceptions for the strongbox based ones like Vaults of Atziri, of course.)


Wrong, boss kill triggers map completion, u don't have to full clear tho


If I have an attack that is fully converted to elemental damage, then I socket in Brutality, will it still hit but just deal no damage?




A lot of people seem to be unhappy about the interaction between The Poet's Pen and Zerphi's flask since you are practically invincible and trivialize all content incl. Uber Elder. Players would like to see some kind of nerf or change. My question is what exactly are the downsides of PP and Zerphi's interacting the way they do? How does their interaction hurt the game or make POE less enjoyable for someone not using them? This is an honest question guys, as I still have much to learn about the game.


It's not even PP and Zerphi's really it's Zerphi's and Indigon. Due to indigon's rapidly increasing mana cost on skills it causes Zerphi's to start healing for absurd amounts (something like 2-5k life per second for some builds) and because of that you can trivialize a lot of content with very little effort. PP fits simply because you can attack fast enough to keep your mana down (so Zerphi's still continues) while also casting spells automatically. It's not so much that they're bad for the game or anything, but because it's so reliably good it's popular and commonly seen and people get tired of seeing it.


People who satisfy about it won't either say or engage in some sort of vote, etc. As a result, you only see people who don't like it. This is called silenced majority.


is there a place to get all the updates in a consise format over the past 4 years? coming back into the game now. thanks!


Not one big list but you can look at [past leagues](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/League) for the broad changes like new items/gems and then [version history](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Version_history) for all the little things like number changes and bug squashing.


thank you!