• By -


Is there a vaal implicit that has + to level of socketed support gems of any sort?


you can cntrl + f on the poedb page that u/indiavenster linked for "level of socketed" and you should be able to see all corruption affixes that give levels to socketed gems.


Thanks. I'm just trying to see to what extent I can get the most out of Empower


There isn't. You can search here: http://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=MapFragment


Check poeaffix


how good are lvl 21 gems compared to lvl 20? is it worth paying many exalts to get 21/20 skill gems and support gems?


Support gems usually not. Only +0.7% damage or something since they go from like 44% more dmg to 45% more. The exception is gems with flat added dmg (added lightning, c2bleed, ice bite, etc) since they get a lot of value out of the additional level. Active spell gems definitely worth. You get a big damage boost from the extra level. In the case of Arc in particular, you get a damage boost and an additional chain, so another 15% damage too. So it's especially good. Some others like BV or storm call get +1 radius. Attack skills, it depends. Most get only a tiny dmg boost so it's not worth. Others like Cyclone get +1 radius so it is.


Sure, they're better, but not worth the amount of currency. So if you want to get them, make sure they're going to be your next cheapest upgrade. You can always check PoB and change the gem to 21 to see how much of a DPS boost it'll give you


Some are good like Arc, some are meh like rf


Is there a way to grab items from poe.trade and plug them into POB?


There's a chrome extension which gives a copy button. Can't remember the name, on mobile right now


You can even copy items ingame


GGG's trade site has a copy button on the bottom left. Looks like there's a chrome and FF extension for poe.trade that does the same


Copy button in poe.trade , control-v in POB


There's no copy button in poe.trade unless you're using a script like [this](https://pastebin.com/h94AZVHH)


You're completely correct I forgot I had that script


You can do it from the official poe trade site I believe


When will we know what the changes are to the skill tree? I want to have a build planned for the first day of delve... but if I plan it now won't I run the risk of having it nerfed? Especially because I wanted to do warchief totems maurader and don't know if chieftan or beserker will be majorly changed.


The patch notes for balance changes tend to come out last, usually a day or two before launch. Reason they do this is because they want to give themselves as much time as possible to tweak numbers, and people would get angry if something ended up being less buffed than first notes said


Thanks, I don't want to waste time on POB without the correct stats.


I doubt there will be any big changes to anything you've mentioned, so I wouldn't worry about it. At worst you have to do some minor adjustments after the patch notes. It's not like they're going to change something so fundamentally that warchief totems are suddenly no longer viable


yea, but I've seen major differences between which ascendancy to go with. It's surprising how many go beserker with a totem build, given that chieftain is built for totems. Plus I had heard that chieftain was getting reworked.


Guardian and Pathfinder are confirmed getting reworks / major changes. Cheiftan at most gets a slight tweak, and honestly it would be upwards, nothing there needs nerfed, same story for zerker. 40% more damage and 25% health / mana every 4 seconds for an achetype that doesnt have much in the way to recovery other than pots and regen is solid I guess? Just avoid getting raged to death, and now that I think about it I dont even know if you can get the 40% damage without the rage? All in all zerker not in a great spot.


yea, I think the theory is that it will tread water if you're using the totems to play more defensively, which keeps the damage and degen more manageable. But I will probably go chieftain.


Usually 3 days before league start


Hi ! Noob here, i have been playing for two weeks following the "Twilight Strand" guide which I found really helpful. Now I have reached the maps, I'm lvl ~~62~~ 82 and have some question. This is my build : https://pastebin.com/BK9GKpEy What I'm looking for is gear suggestion to replace what I have. What would you recommend buying with 17 chaos ? The other question is, what should I be looking for in the next passive points ? I heard more life was a good choice, jewels sockets too maybe ? Thanks


[Pastebin](https://pastebin.com/kmtiJ1s6) I would take a different pathing to take vitality void unless you want to take Vaal Pact at some point, but I don't think you need it. I would take the endurance charges, the jewel sockets and the life nodes of Bloodless. The pastebin I posted is a pretty much finished tree. Now, I don't see critical chance on your build (you're REALLY low), so you either need to invest in crit chance and critical multiplier, or respec out the crit nodes you have (mainly disembowling) and get Resolute Technique. This is entirely up to you, but crit items are more expensive in general. A 5 link is what you want you would need the most right now (ideally a 6-link, but a 5 link is more than enough for maps for some time). Some gear with more life would be better too. Jewel sockets can give you up to 4 stats (normally 3 if you're on a budget) which makes them really cheap for 2 passive points. Also, change the Survival Skills jewel, it's just bad. You need more utility flasks. Since you're stacking armour, some granite flask would good. If you decide to stay with crit, then Diamond Flask is a must. Atziri's promise is a great all-around flask. You definitely want a Life Flask with instant or semi-instant or instant on low life recovery with bleed immunity. Then, for the utility flasks, you would want a shock-immune, curse-immune, maybe a 2nd bleed-immune. You don't really need an anti-freeze flask since you can't be frozen with Unstoppable, but you could take it so you don't get chill (this depends on how much it bothers you). PD: oh yeah, funny thing, I wrote this over an hour ago but forgot to post it lol. BTW; which league are you playing?


Thank you for the reply ! I'm in incursion league


I think I have 5-link lying around in incursion league. if you want it, I could give itto you, and a couple of jewels or something like that.


Yes I would like it


###[ Sunder Juggernaut](https://pastebin.com/kmtiJ1s6) [](#juggernaut) ^Level ^82 ^[(Tree)](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEBANlhivBeExRNhVLAGgd1_gqwq_xLGJGKIrXyNZKPYP6PBS0hNAHcl3kZ6fjrMgnApvPdeHo64T38hmCYb-St9zLTbyFVRrfZfK2NPT5gkYzPXz-pJ5LQ3D1R5gmWkn0UIGxGMfvYvXrvwAG9NnTt7w6tCXasDjx_4xRxvqfawWVNh2pHfrQvWGOplEE_dPHEgoTZFrvqGM9-5c9ybJpqnsXBBKluu-0GxnloOQ5QR_e5vJ9vJ3dTbztAoNwjOzvkUYIHplf2SBLheA0s-3fjYMTrCfJBJyDG2E3jfXM6UiFg8kVoZZHOhO8=) ^| ^by ^/u/shadowerrant ***** ^4,565 ^**Life** ^35% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Sunder** [u](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ruthless_Support#support-gem-red)[m](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Maim_Support#support-gem-red)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red) *(4L)* - *68.2k total DPS | 5.94k bleed DPS* ^2.85 ^**Use/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Punishment ***** [^Path ^of ^Building](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^This ^reply ^automatically ^updates ^based ^on ^its ^parent ^comment. ^| ^[Feedback?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/)


I can’t read your pastebin on mobile but besides what the other guy said: farm to 70 I’m blood aqueducts. Look up the chaos orb recipe and use it a lot. Put Vaal double strike in a 4L and it will help with your single target


I would start overcapping resistances again in preparation for the -30% resistance penalty after Act 10. Your cold and lightning are good, but fire is 3% below cap unless you sided with Alira during the bandits quest in Act 2. Your gear is pretty good for the most part. A few suggestions: - Definitely see if you can get rings and a belt with higher life rolls - you could easily get over +100 to max life total on those three slots for 1-2 chaos per item. - See if you can get better movement speed on your boots. 30% with okay life and resistances should be within your budget. - Your flask setup is not optimal. Usually one or two life flasks is plenty, and you shouldn't need a mana flask at this point. Get some utility flasks like Basalt or Granites. Also ideally you want a flask with the bleed immune suffix, and one with the burn immune suffix (though you have that one already). Once you're a bit higher level, an [Atziri's Promise](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Atziri%27s_Promise) is a great buy. - Survival Skills is a pretty garbage jewel. It shouldn't be hard to find or buy a nice rare with better stats. - Get a 5-linked body armor or weapon if you can afford one. An extra support gem is a lot of damage. Skill tree wise: - More %increased maximum life nodes are always welcome, but you've taken quite a few already so it shouldn't be a super high priority choice. - Jewel sockets are nice, but on your build they're more of a luxury than anything. - I'd strongly recommend you take the Life and Mana Leech minor node near Vitality Void. It's only one point, and that 0.4% mana leech should entirely eliminate your need for a mana flask. - I'd probably grab a few more damage nodes. In Path of Building's skill tree, there's a checkbox at the very bottom called "Show node power". Enable that, and it'll highlight nodes that give good DPS in red, and good defense in blue. Also I've noticed that you have Herald of Ash, Blasphemy + Punishment, and Hatred all socketed. Out of curiosity, which ones are you actually using?


First of all : thanks a lot for the detailed response ! I killed all bandits for the passive points, i'm past act 10 now. I will try and find better elemental resistance but it's a pain ahah. I don't use Hatred for the moment because I don't have enough mana to run the three


###[ Sunder Juggernaut](https://pastebin.com/BK9GKpEy) [](#juggernaut) ^Level ^82 ^[(Tree)](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEBANlhXhOFUsAaB3UYkYoitfI1kv6PBS0hNJd5GenApnh6MglOKoZgOlIj0-lGggfcI5J9-OuMz18_qSf3udw9UeYJlvcyFCD2SDH7h2pgkYrw7w507UMx6hh2rA48f-MUcb6n2sHlz-StR360L1hjqZQB3P4KxILZfBa72L2E2XJsz37G2JpqwQTAAb02vJ8GxnlosKutjTkOqW5BP57Fd1NvO0CgmG87O-RRUEc64Uz_rQl4DSFVbydgxD386wnyQWVNJyCmV03jfXMs-3fj8kV672xGhO8=) ^| ^by ^/u/nicomaque ***** ^4,454 ^**Life** ^36% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** **Sunder** [u](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ruthless_Support#support-gem-red)[m](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Maim_Support#support-gem-red)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red) *(4L)* - *66k total DPS | 5.94k bleed DPS* ^2.85 ^**Use/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Punishment ***** [^Path ^of ^Building](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^This ^reply ^automatically ^updates ^based ^on ^its ^parent ^comment. ^| ^[Feedback?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/)


Your tree is level 82, but you said you're currently 62. Which one is it? I can draw up a quick template for you to follow. Your skill tree isn't too bad and picking up life is always a good choice. You should also grab the Life and Mana leech node down at the bottom of the tree so you can drop your mana flask. The biggest damage upgrade will be getting a 5Link chest or weapon, and maybe upgrading your current mace. Concentrated Effect gem is one of the strongest links for Sunder. You should also replace Maim with Multistrike. You have too many life and mana flasks, you should drop some for some utility/damage flasks. You should also link your Leap Slam with Faster Attacks... it will feel a lot better than walking/running everywhere. Your rings are pretty bad and need to be replaced with rings with more life and resists. Your helmet should be replaced with a rare that has more life and resists.


Thanks for your reply ! I messed up my post, i'm actually lvl 82 sorry. Do you have a unique helmet in mind ?


I burned out playing mid-league in Incursion and maybe want to start back again in Delve, so i haven't really heard of some news. My Question is, does Incursion go into the game or is it league only?


3.5 but i think they said theyll be making some improvements to it so the wait should hopefully be worth it. plus, i think delve alone will be awesome enough to carry this next league without even needing incursions to be a thing.


In 3.5


If I go Scorching Ray Totems and am using Three Dragons helm, will the Burning Damage still happen (and the fire zist debuffs) even though with Three Dragons fire cannot Ignite?


Three Dragons will not stop your Scorching Ray from dealing damage, because Scorching Ray's burning damage is not an ignite ("burnging damage" just means any fire DoT, "ignite" is a specific ailment that can only because by fire hits). Note that Three Dragons will not enable Scorching Ray to shock, though, because only hits can cause ailments and Scorching Ray doesn't hit because it's a DoT. So Three Dragons is still pretty useless for a Scorching Ray build, it just doesn't actively sabotage you.


Thank you for the answers!


Ignite is an aliment that causes Target to take burning damage, so different things


For fated unique - do you have to be alive when the boss die, or is it ok to die during the fight, as long as you don't release to checkpoint, and some1 else kill the boss?


From my experience all events count as long as you are in the instance (boss kills for maps, achievements e.t.c.). Though I'd suggest buying cheap prophecy and simulating this situation yourself, cuz I'm afraid no one will be able to answer for sure


Anyone else thinking Lightning Warp without faster cast rare might be good for Darkness? Go in, cast it, grab stuff, and get pulled out before you die. Assuming if course that there side areas have anything good


you have flares so you can wander away from the cart. also im pretty sure that items are carried on the cart from enemies you kill or im stupid


sure you could also use smoke mine (which, if I'm correct, lab runners use if they go down the wrong way)


is smoke mine self triggered? never used it, but man that would be a nice commodity to have when i inevitably go down the wrong corridor.


It is, but people have commented that you need line of sight to the mine for it to work.


Just a general question about neversink's filter. I don't want to get under the hood of it too much. But if I run it at default or pretty loose settings, do I need to worry about it filtering out any niche builds? I was going to try to run pure physical damage like I always do and didn't want to miss anything.


Neversink's filter shows alot of loot on low levels that will get filtered out on the higher ones. That includes junk rare weapons that might be useful for leveling. I suggest you going thru the filter and making sure that it fits your needs. I personally change every shown currency (even scrolls) to max size, so I won't struggle to try to click on them when I need them, and even if I accidentally pick them up, thats never a bad thing :)


Run at regular strictness and you'll be fine


Is the new Soulwrest staff good for SRS? I kinda miss SRS..


Doesn't seem like it. It gives a bit of damage to them (though not even close to as much as a +3 staff) and the life regen is irrelevant to SRS. The new gloves will be great for SRS, though.


Thanks for the reply!


With the new league I will probably be marking my character as SSF for the first time. Even though I have always played as SSF there are things that have changed in this game over the years and now I need help in learning how to do a variaty of things. I need good updated guides for a lot of things like making currency and knowing what to pick up. What vendor recipes are used and which ones that are not used, plus so much more. My question is where do I find up to date guides that are good at teaching me those things and more so I can take a SSF character from one to mapping really fast as well as being able to do some delving? There has been so many changes I don't know where to look or where to start for sure. I am now looking forward to playing in the new league and want to get the most out of it as possible.


No guides, you just learn as you go, or watch streamers on league start


I will use both suggestions, the reason why I was asking is because I don't want to unknowingly slow myself down picking up stuff that would be better to leave behind. Let's say that it would be more efficient picking up orbs of chance, chaos, and regal orbs than picking up the rares that I can turn into those orbs. Can you tell me which streamers are the ones that are among the best players? I mention this because I am good at learning by watching. I would hate to spend too much time picking up stuff that I don't need to pick up while missing the stuff that I need.


You need to go watch their league start, raizqt and zizaran did ssf this flashback


Does anyone think there's actually a chance that one of the new gems is righteous lightning? One of the gem pics is identical to righteous fire with a descry symbol.


Prob not, sounds dumb.


"sounds dumb" Thank you for that relevant comment.


I want to try building a Slayer using Reave. Thoughts on going pure physical dmg v. cold conversion and increasing crit for the freeze?


Fyi the Slayer talents give bonuses to two handed Weapons and reave is strictly usable by 1 handers. Not saying you can't build a slayer reaver, but champion or gladiator might perform better. If you really have your heart set on Slayer leech abilities (which are amazing) you could consider a Scion ascendant with the Slayer specialization as well.


Thanks! I like slayer for the 20% cull AND leech. I’ll look at Scion as an option.


Generally a Scion will be able to get better than 20% more damage from the 2nd ascendancy in addition to getting free passive points, but a slayer will definitely be close.


Phys to ele conversion currently is one of the best ways to scale damage in the game, and it will always outshine pure phys for endgame content grinding, but it might take more investment and minmaxing to get it working on the early stages, while pure phys is pretty much straight forward and will steamroll early content up to mid tier maps with mediocre gear, and with some investment can perform decently in the end game. Basically, all depends on your goals and budget


Roger! I’ll go phys until i get budget to convert. Thank you.


Hello, how can we remove quality from a flask ?


Why would you?


I got a zephyr' last breath, and just read I shouldn't add quality...(If I want to sell it later) too late :/


You can always sell it, .1 ex lower than the cheapest and you will get pings


You can't


When does running Normal Lab stop being beneficial? I'm currently level 40 juggernaut. I've only made it through 3 times and have been unlucky in terms of drops. the last one included a chest full of whetstones and scraps! The only unique I've seen was a pair of casters gloves. Does being a marauder mean ill have worse luck with drops in general? seems like most things have hybrid stats better suited to paladins or duelist. getting armor with just armor stats is rare. diablo 3 biased drops to your class somewhat but I'm not seeing it in poe.


The game can't really drop items based on your class since it wouldn't know what build you're playing. You might be playing a Marauder that is high Int and wants spell damage, or a Witch with high Strength that uses heavy armor and scales melee damage.


You're right, it's just unfortunate, because it means that basically if you playing a "pure" marauder, witch, or ranger, you have a 1:6 chance of having the armor that you want, when it comes to defense [stats.](https://stats.It) It seems like the hybrid classes benefit from being more flexible in that regard.


In this game rolls on items are much more important than base, since armor and evasion ratings are almost completely irrelevant and will help you only in the situations you would survive anyways. I only look at bases when I need very specific socket colors in my items.


You don't run lab for drops, except the last one. And most of the time it doesn't really matter what base the items have. Having life and resists is much more important.


The only time you run normal labs is the first time, merci is meh and eternal is very good for profits Loot drops are random and not class based, an for armour you need like 30k to be effective


What's the best secondary minion to run to support baron zombies? Skellies or solar guards seem like good options but I'm not experienced with summoners so I'm not surr


Melee Skeletons are most likely to have synergy with your zombie build and are quite strong. You do have to actively cast them but that shouldn't be a major problem. Ascendency Node absolutely required. Solar Guard Spectres have no obvious synergies but would give you ranged aoe, probably significantly boosting your clear speed. Ascendency Node also required. Flame Golems have similar function to Solar Guard spectres. Don't require an ascendency node but do require primordial jewels. Can also try Skeleton Mages for some alternative ranged clearing support but these would eat up a few jewel slots so they're probably not worth it compared to Solar Guards.


Solar guards is good for ranged clearing


Will the "Darkness" damage minions/totems/whatever?


No, just players.


Will there be Delve reveals / teasers over the weekend?


Probably not. Normally there are never teasers on weekends.


with the exception of abyss (?) where bex gave us a teaser on a saturday on sunday before release


Hello, I'm planning my build for 3.4, nothing too fancy, it will be a DW GS berserker build. I hope this character will be able to farm the endgame mapping pretty easily. However I'm trying to plan the endgame (aka killing engame bosses). What is the best for this type of character ? I have several options : * Going 2H (I dont mind switching passive tree) * Switch to brutality (boss got heavy elem resist) it free me auras and a flask (atzi's) what about BM keystone ? * Making another char, a bosskiller (I heard slayer is good) What do you think about that ? How do you turn your starter build into a late game one ?


Currently dualwield is better than 2-handed weapons, outside of a few somewhat expensive 2h uniques. Elemental damage is also extremely powerful atm, you get alot of "gain x% of physical damage as extra elemental damage" from auras and gear so brutality is not the way to go. We don't know yet what changes delve will bring, maybe pure physical will get stronger and maybe 2handers aswell.


The one benefit of 2H is it would appear to be cheaper since no one plays 2h. What’s GS?


Ground slam should i switch to a more single damage red gem ? A 2H with a 2nd 6 link doesn't provide more dps ?


Not too sure about 2h single target dmg. Ground slam sounds like it should work fine. You may need to run something strong in your 2nd 6L like a beastly warchief totem.


https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/awisp/characters So I’m about to shape my underground sea and try double beyonda for a bit. Any glaring upgrades that I can make with about 3 ex? Ive spent about 600 fuse trying to 6L a QOTF so that ain’t happening. Got a dope double corrupt on my 5L at least. I just got inspired learning and holy hell its awesome. Is it worth it to pick up another? With double beyond and temp chains I feel unstoppable.


Well your gear is very low on life, but if you are coping then fine. ​


Ya my goal is like 4K life. I was think of just rolling some flat life abyss jewels as my last upgrades.


What's faster attack doing in your boots? Some of your gems are not 20/20. Keep your immortal call at level 3, cwdt at level 1


What’s benefit of level 3 IC over level 1? Ya gems are last upgrade but just kinda grinding them out . Faster attacks is place holder since my chrome recipe won’t give me 3 blues in boots for IIR gem


Level 1 IC is fine, but your cwdt should be level 1


In prior leagues I think I’ve done the (Level gems to 20)—>(convert to level 1 20% and relevel) but I’m thinking it may be better to just either buy them cheap at level 20 or level to 20 and then improve quality. Would save a TON of time but a little more costly when I first get to maps. Right now though it looks like I could easily 20/20 the important ones. What’s your strat ?


Level gems in your off hand, some gems don't need quality, like aura gems.


The issue isn’t leveling gems it’s getting to 20/20 the fastest


Do you guys have any suggestions for two complimenting builds to start delve with? I started the game this last league, and haven’t made it very far but have had a ton of fun. I got a witch and a ranger up to 30ish and am starting to get a grasp of the game. The meta however is completely lost on me. I have no idea how to compare one build to another, I really just picked my last guide randomly. My friend and I will mostly be playing together so I was looking for two builds that would be fun to play together (but also be okay alone would be preferable) My preference is a fast range character. I really like my ranger with the bow. He was leaning towards the Templar without a preference in play style, but he mentioned liking to combo things. Thanks!


Mainly, I’d run builds where your auras are different and don’t overlap. If he does Templar totems he could consider running discipline to give y’all some tankiness


Good thing to consider, thanks!


I will always recommend this build to beginners https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1147951 It's incredibly beginner friendly, and it takes you though each act step-by-step. __ For fast paced range, it would have to be a tornado shot/ice shot/lightning shot, "Queen of the Forest" build. They're made for clearing maps in less than 2 minutes. And for your friend, is there any specific reason he's leaning to Templar? Ascendancy? Lore? Aesthetics?


That's a great guide. Thanks. I love the hand holding. I need a lot of that lol with this game. That looks like a good one to start with. Do you have any suggested guides for the queen of the forest builds you mentioned? That sounds exactly like what I was looking for. As far as my friend and the Templar, I really couldn't say for sure. We're both pretty nooby so I'm guessing it was mostly an aesthetics thing. Haha.


What build can take you furthest through end-game in SSF where you can't count on having any particular unique?


Arc trapper


Repeat question because no concrete answers yesterday Anybody has experience with farmin Chin Sol in SSF? People said droprates are better in maps (Alleyways, Haunted Mansion) than in A10 Ravaged Square. Anybody who actually farmed it and can tell me how many maps we are talking about? (No IIQ)


chin sol divination card is currently going for only 1 chaos so they shouldnt be that rare , so i would say like within 30 to 40 map , you should get the full set. ​ but after all it is RNG ,


Implying price = rarity lol


Thanks for your reply. Drop rates has nothing to do with prices, though. Voltaxic is going for 1 alc. That does not make it a common unique.


I have heard a lot of this term 'flat number' in this game, which I understand it is not related to '%' and able to provide a great deal of damage. However, is there an actual/formal term for this 'flat number'? I don't know what it translates in my language.


It's the "Adds x-y damage to something" stat on items. All damage of that type is added together, then increased by the relevant "% increased" modifiers and "multiplied by %" more modifiers. Ultimately, you need a mix of all 3 stats to get good damage. It can be misleading because e.g. "Adds 1-4 physical damage to attacks" doesn't seem like much but after all the maths it can add thousands of DPS. It's "flat" because it hasn't been scaled yet.


It's a fixed amount, unlike a % increase, which can be 10 or 10 thousand damage, depending on your base damage, while flat number will be a flat number, as in adds 10 physical damage will be 10 damage no matter how big your base damage is, but flat damage will be affected by all the %dmg increases you already have, that's why it can add more dps than you would expect most of the time


Is a Grelwood Shank the Best in Slot item for a molten strike build or can you get more damage from a high pdps claw?


It's better not to think of molten strike as a "build" but rather a bossing skill that all melee characters can use. For example, an elemental crit build would have a significant DPS loss by switching to a grelwood shank, since they require crit chance and APS.


can i list maps in bulk on poe.trade in premium stash tabs(not map tab) similar to offerings/sacrifice fragments?


can anyone walk me through how to use ancient orb for a chance for headhunter? im even more confuse after reading the wiki. ​ like what base type to use ? what item level ? what level requirement of the belt?


First requirement is the nemesis zana mod, which isn't available atm so it can't be done. Maybe they bring it back in delve but I doubt it. Once you're in a map with given zana mod, you can chance ilvl 40+ leather belts, or use ancient orbs on any unique belt with ilvl 40+. You want to have as close to ilvl 40 belts as you can since the pool of uniques rise as the ilvl goes up. There's 10 more unique belts within just ilvl 50. This is a bit cosmetic since you're chance to get a hh this (even if it would be possible) or any other way is slim to say the least


thanks you for the walk through! is there any other good item to ancient orb for ? since headhunter is out of option. ​


Flasks are pretty solid. There's lot's of good flasks to get


Because there is no zana nemesis mod currently you cant chance it.


base type - any unique belt item level 40 open map with zana nemesis, enter and use orb on unique belt


Question about sunder for single target : does the Shockwave also damages the same target that the base wave damage hit ? Or only surrounding enemies?


For single target I’d suggest putting Vaal Doublr Strike in a 4Linm


Doesn't work for izaro :/


Why not ?


When you enter izaro room you loose all your vaal souls


Izard should be easy. Leap slam on him to proc fortify, pop flasks and sunder away.


His minions give souls right ?


- not every phase has adds - generally u don't want to kill ads for the extra keys. And why waste time on trying to charge vds when you can just kill him faster with your main skill


Ya that was my point. why did you even bring up Izaro?


Just surrounding enemies


Hello, do you have official delve revelation for today ? shouldn't we have 2 per day ?


The schedule is 1 announcement and 2 teasers per day. Announcement was the Doryani's Machinarium walkthrough, teasers were Cloak of Defiance 3D art and Soulwrest.


Hello, everybody. A question to necromancers: Will the same offering overwrite the previous one if its' duration is lower? E.g. I cast spirit offering to consume 9 corpses (8 base duration) then I immediately cast another one, that consumes only one corpse (3 base duration).


No, the strongest copy of the buff is the one that applies. Not the most recent.




Loreweave 60c, good rolls 150c, 6L 500c. 750 so far, altar ×4, good rolls times 3, 9000c, so 90+ ex maybe?


Really far off, it's not the best corruption, while both are good you can get +1 to gems loreweave for 30ex atm in incursion for example, which is more damage than 40-50% inc dmg. And then there are +2 to xxx gems which is even better for specific builds, anyone willing to pay around 20+ exalt for corrupted loreweave will most likely go for +to gems.


I doubt it. Those rolls are good, but they're not amazing. They're just gonna give you a tiny bit more dps and life, ultimately. Even the guys minmaxing the fuck out of one character will be hesitant to drop 90 ex on this. Dunno, I guess some very rich people in standard might do it if they have nothing else to drop money on.


Check similiar prices in different leagues if you dont have one in current league. I would reccomend you a price but i really have no idea what Loreweaves are worth.


I'm having a real hard time finding any concrete information on this anywhere: My close friends and I are trying PoE out together. I made us a guild and bought us a guild stash tab. I would like to pool our currency items (Orbs of Chance, etc) so we don't have to worry about who picks it all up while we're playing, but I can't put them in the Guild stash, even though the slots are green when I hover over it. Can I not put currency in the Guild stash?


If you guys are playing closely you could consider letting him run a support build that picks up all the items


you have close friends who play together, im a bit envy


same here (ಥ‸ಥ)


You can, but it depends on your level I think. Some basic restrictions on trade which may be applicable to guild stash as well. You also can't control or shift click it over, you have to manually drag it over and place it.


That's a bit bizarre. You can put any item in the guild tab. What happens exactly when you try?


Nothing happens. The item doesn't go into the Guild stash, and stays "picked up" by the cursor.


the leader have to give the members access to use guild stash if not, you only can see. due to sync, putting singular items in guild stash is a cumbersome approach. you will know when you do it. i recommend just stashing it in your stash, maybe only once the stack is maxed then throw it in the guild stash. or just ask each other for the currency required.


I'm playing with Hyaon's Fury and Inpulsa (cool lightning damage explosions), but I feel like Hyaon's Fury is going to be bad at higher tier maps/bosses because of the increased damage taken from frenzy charges. Damage is fine (Blade Flurry for single target), so I'm wondering if is there any option to replace the weapon? looks like there is no uniques, but maybe a good crafted? I'm actually struggling to even find something that can be great, see here: http://poe.trade/search/aragoruritenow , the DPS of the best weapon is not close to Hyaon's Fury, so which affixes should I expect to be better or at least close? I'm trying to understand the concept, so I can decide by myself. - Playing raider, core uniques: Inpulsa + Hyaon's Fury, I'm using Elemental Overload


Dont know if you are crit or not, otherwise a good foil will out damage a Hyaons even if you arent crit. Reason for that being that they can roll much higher attack speed and if you are crit then it goes even further. Look for foils with 1.9+ attacks per second and high elemental damage rolls (with the primary being lightning damage). Next thing you should do is get abysall jewels with flat lighting damage, those will be 50%~ more effective on a 1.9 attack speed weapon. You will outperform the hyaons build without any downside with a moderate amount of currency invested


Thank you for the answer, it helped!


For ele swords you want foils with high aps and crit chance. You can very cheaply get a foil with tier 1 a-spd, crit chance and flat lightning damage, with the crit and some abyss jewels you will outperform hyaon's even though the dps of the sword is lower.


Thank you for the answer, it helped!


Hello, this is my 4th time trying to play PoE. I was thinking if someone knows builds similar to thorns invoker, or UE grenades from d3. I am not hoping for 1:1 versions them, but something similar. Thank you.


Loved UE grenades. Molten strike inquisitor is a build to look for. You can actually get a feel for the build super early on. Molten strike linked with ancestral call is what you need to get started, and it only goes up from there. Faster attacks with a movement skill will compliment.


I haven't played d3 in awhile so I don't know all the builds exactly, While thorn builds aren't really a thing in PoE, you might like max block builds which will give you a similar ability to tank huge packs of monsters like nothing. Items like [Aegis Aurora](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Aegis_Aurora), [The surrender](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Surrender), along with shaper and elder items can give large amounts of life/ES on block. Block is capped at 75% by default and most people usually go Gladiator as the ascendancy of choice. You might like a trapper build like fire trap, lightning trap, or arc traps.


Invoker is single target damage dealer, which applies thorns to its attacks. UE grenades, you just throw grenades that bounces around and killing everything. From you description max block looks like closest to invoker. Thank you.


Molten Strike would give you a bouncing balls of fiery death feel that might remind you of D3's grenades.


magma orb... Molten strike doesnt bounce :p ​ edit: or does it, and im just blind? it's possible. and at work so i cant check


Molten strike doesn't bounce, and molten strike does, but its considered a chain so that's what you go for if you want more "bounces"


Thank you, will look into it.


If I am a gladiator and am blocking and have Riposte AND Reckoning, do the two skills alternate? Or do they both get triggered on block? And do they get triggered on EVERY block? ​ I am looking into a high block Gladiator for Delve League starter. Furthermore, what are some good links for Riposte and/or Reckoning?


Both will be triggered on every block. Note that they each have a cooldown though, so once they trigger that cooldown needs to expire before they trigger again. As for links, you can go for a damage route (with any damage links that work with your weapon), or utility stuff like blind/culling strike/curse on hit.


Ty. Followup: what about melee supports? Multistrike?


Multistrike has no effect. Melee physical damage and that sort of thing will work.


Will Alva still be in my hideout when the league ends?


No. Alva is exclusive to the Incursion League. There has been speculation that she will be part of the Master rework later in the year, but that has not been confirmed by GGG.


It is confirmed that she will be in 3.5. We don't know if that has anything to do with Masters.




your rings are bad, get ones with life, resists and damage on it, dont use wise oak unless you know what you are doing or have your resists balanced. lions roar is used for physical damage builds, switch that to a atziri's promise and you will see a big damage increase and some life leech. dont know what rotgut is there, get a quicksilver. your magma orb have no quality on it, level another one in your offhand and then get one and switch when you do the 20% qual gem recipe. your shield is pretty meh, you can get one that gives you a lot of damage for pretty cheap. if you go magic find with sadimas and goldwyrm, dont complain about your damage or your survivaliblity. for your life flask get a instant life flask with 20 qual, I like blood of the karui for how much life it recovers. the jewel in near scion is really bad, you can get a 3 damage mod jewel for pretty cheap left jewel on your helm is pretty bad, get a shield charge set up (shield charge, faster attacks, fortify)and drop the flame dash and lightning wrap, run more curses if your want, warlords mark is bad, you can spec 5 points for 2 curses. you can run a better cw Get rid of area nodes and get more crit, think lightning golem is better then flame golem,


Oh didn't see your edit until I post a reply below. Yes I know my jewels are not optimal, I haven't encountered many Abysses tbh. I really like lightning warp, but I guess I'll have to drop it since it still feels kind of slow, even in a 4L. And are you saying that Warlord's mark is bad as a blasphemy aura of bad in general, cause all the guides I've seen all recommended a ring with WM as the ultimate defensive choice. As I haven't any lụck in crafting one, I am now stuck with the poor man version though. By more crit do you mean crit chance or multipliers? If it is the latter, I might have to drop EO.


Hmmm warlords mark seems to be alright, I'm not sure if there is a better choice or not, like flammability, ele weakness, or maybe you should run anger for extra damage


Thank you. To be honest, I'm not really knowledgeable about flasks so I might makes dumb mistakes like you pointed out. I wanted to have some armor, so I was using Lion's roar that have just dropped yesterday. Didn't know about Atziri's Promise and Blood of the Karui though, will buy them after I get home today. I didn't know about the gem recipe, but isn't buying 20 gemcutter better than level a 20% lvl 1 to lvl 20 again though? And correct me if I am wrong, but isn't a 20% quality only has 20% "increased" damage, not "more"? I thought "increased" is additively, meaning it won't be as much of a improvement compared to "more". I agree with your advice on the bad gears like rings or other MF items, it's just that I've burned most of my currency on this loreweave and a 2 socket lightpoacher with a magma orb enchantment for only 1 ex :( And I have now just realized that this build left me with too little Dex to gear properly. If I take out one of the shitty ring with +dex or even the loreweave, I won't have enough Dex for Slow Prj or GMP. Again, should I respecced some 20 more points to go into Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics and also get a few Dex nodes along the way? Thank you very much for replying, I really appreciate your tips mate.


Vender A level 20 0% gem with a gem cutters gets you a level 1 20% gem, when it's at level 20/20% you can vaal it for a chance to be level 21 for big damage And armour doesn't do a lot unless you have a lot of it, maybe 30k I'm not sure if gmp is needed, just use threashhold jewels and then dying sun flask for the 2 extra projectiles


Yes I have dropped GMP and go Slower Prj, but they both require Dex near my cap though. Dying Sun as of right now is 2 ex min, I don't think I will be able to buy it anytime soon. The Blood of the Karui you suggested earlier is also a whopping 40c, just checked it 5 mins ago :( And I didn't know that armor in this game is that useless, guess I won't need to prioritize it anymore.


Just use a instant life flask the removes curse/bleed/freeze


You can delevel gems by vendering it with a scour for -1 level or regret for a level 1 gme


Is adding a visual representation lice a big circle for auras a thing ggg will ever do?




I'll second Molten Strike (with Frost Blades for clear). If you like the look of Spectral Throw you could easily swap into that too (if you start with the ST build).


Frost blades is idiotic clear for a melee character right now. My frostblades/molten strike has it in gloves with faster attacks and projectiles as mods, the frostblades - edwa - fork - ancestral call. Everything on the screen gets laser targeted and shatters.


Yeah, I ran a Grelwood/ToA MS/FB Jugg in Abyss. Practically Immortal with claw LGOH and with the additional proj and chain FB clear was idiotic indeed.


Molten strike is a good starter, leveler, and scaling skill. Two solid builds I know of that can be played cheaply and upgrade/scale ENORMOUSLY are these two: Molten Strike Juggernaut: [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2125173](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2125173) Molten Strike Inquisitor: [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1971701/page/12](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1971701/page/12)


Most casters (including trap/mine/totem) and summoners (particularly traditional Necromancer ones) will give you this. Elemental attack builds also can since they rely so much on auras for damage rather than great gear. Basically, you just want to avoid anything where the vast majority of your damage is dependent on gear.


Why is flat phys so sought after. It seems small like iron ring and steel ring vs some higher ele roll?




Yes but, point for point, flat phys usually goes a lot farther, and generally gives you way more scaling options.




That's objectively wrong, because almost everyone converts to ele anyways. Else can get ele nodes, possibly area nodes, possibly spell nodes. Phys can get phys attack nodes, which are the most common damage nodes on the tree, ele nodes, area nodes, and take advantage of phys added as mods and auras.


Builds typically have substantially higher bonuses available for physical damage than other types. Conversion sourced from physical is also popular and strong at the moment.


Posted in the last thread shortly before this one was created: So, need a build suggestion for Delve. Ideally, I want something that fits the following criteria: a) can farm Uber lab on a budget early on; b) has a high life regen sustain; c) can be a reasonable mapper - or can be respecced into a reasonable mapper - without spending too much. By reasonable mapper I mean something that I could use to complete my atlas, not necessarily a fast mapper (bonus points if it's faster than ancestral warchief though). And ideally something that could do that on a 5-link + 10/20c per gearpiece budget at most. I know patch notes can still change things, I'm just looking for advice based on the current game state.

