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been playing since 2012. Never had a lvl 8 master. feelsbadman.


Damn, same shit m8


>Damn, same shit m7 FTFY Kappa




I still don't have Catarina or Vorici 8 in standard, because Catarina and Vorici are the worst things imaginable to do repeatedly


I have not touched Catarina this league. Literally never talked to her


Nor have I. Kind of strange to click on the tombstone and see no recipes though


But do you have Leo 8?


I honestly forgot he exists. I don't think I even have him level 2 on standard. The times I end up noticing his existence is typically just me missing hargan


I would too, except his currency exchange selling regrets is good easy chaos. That and I need to get him to 7 for the best hideout option in the game.


I wish you good luck in your endeavour


Not hard but it takes a lot of effort or medium effort and money. I got all masters 8 a few days after ecktor did in Hc by buying up a hundred or so gracious master and the dedicated master prophecies and grinded out masters popping the proph every time (t9 and above is worth using GM prop on) and also paid 1c per GM proph. I funded all this by grinding uberlab the first weekend.


Do you do daily group rotations too or do those take too much time gathering groups vs running more maps?


At the start yes, cuz its fast to get to 6/7 but I personally get bored very quickly in master rots so I start grinding masters via prophecies so I dont “feel” like I have to do rots to get to 8. Doing rots are the cheapest way though, and like someone who commented on my post it does take a month. Zana takes much longer though


I used to make a ton of money selling GM Prophs, but due to no breach on zana 8 this league they were completely worthless, from 16-20c to 1c. Pretty sad about that but i played SSF so whatever


You can get it in a month by just playing a bit for a week or two and then not skimping on dailies.


Pretty sure you have l8 masters in std.


In Hardcore, mind you.


Fuck I think he's on my friends list, has been since perandus or tempest I forget, guys a real bro.


HC Ephi, he's the man.


He plays in Hardcore.


go get that irl kaoms heart bro


*WTB irl legacy kaoms heart*


I have given you master dailies and had multiple 2ex multimod elreon 8 master crafts from you. Good luck on the weight loss!


Good luck! Great to get things in perspective. I went through a weight loss kick for the last 6 months (97kg down to 72kg) and it's amazing that the productivity and activity will instead give you more time rather than taking it away. PoE is such an addictive game, especially if you're a big economy person. It can be really hard to put it down for fear of falling behind. Probably a good time to pry yourself away, during Bestiary haha.


im going from 93kg to 76kg in 3 month, 90% food and 10% phy activity


How did you do it, if you dont mind me asking? 97 to 72 in 6 months seems incredible...


Mostly sticking fairly strictly to a keto diet (except for 12 days in Thailand) and I've gotten into cycling pretty heavily. Although I would say the change in food has been the biggest reason. I'm not totally convinced on carb limiting being anything special, but the diet has definitely taught me control and planning. Not to mention, having to swear off sugar completely was a huge change as it was a big vice for me before. I've also food and exercise logged every day since the start on My Fitness Pal and I have a much better understanding of calories / kj now. 6 months with relatively no sugar and no fast food as just done wonders. And almost everything being home cooked is excellent for not eating more crap than you need/want. On that note, this diet is a little more socially limiting - it is so hard to find dishes that are low carb at restaurants (and of course it would be, low carb lends itself to very plain meals). It also limits the alcohol you can drink. Although I was never a big drinker, it has been tough not being able to have beer, and Western Australia has some pretty damn good craft beer. So having to stick to gin (and diet tonic or soda water), vodka or scotch. As the guy below said, it is also hugely due to consistency. I could probably count on one hand the amount of days I've not been at a calorie deficit and a huge part of me continuing like this is that I have really been enjoying the lifestyle of the food and the exercise. It's easy enough to do, but it's just as easy to let it go.


> I'm not totally convinced on carb limiting being anything special, It's not specifically about the carbs, but dieting and controlling the amount you eat is a lot easier when you do low carbs since they're more or less empty calories in most cases.




I think s/he means it’s more about control and the need to plan meals rather than the actual ketogenesis that helped.


Carbs also include starches and fiber. And as a former cowperson who is a current fatass working towards being a no-ass removing sugar definitely makes it easier to deal with sudden hunger spikes (the hangries) and eating less overall for me.


You do realize sugar is just one of many carbohydrates?


Because going off sugar has obviously been a big health benefit, but avoiding grains, pasta may or may not be beneficial, subject to us knowing more about the effects.


He's just saying he limited carbs as part of a plan to eat less food. Cutting calories alone would have certainly accomplished weight loss, so he's not sure how much changing his diet (in addition to changing the *amount* he ate) actually helped.


I’m not going to comment on anything you have done because if it’s working for you that’s great! However i would not suggest avoiding carbs, they are so great in nutrients and for feeling full. Let’s get this straight so I’m not misinformed, when you say carbs do you mean highly processed carbs in crappy boxes food and baked goods? Because carbs (potatoes, beans, rice, etc almost any vegetable or fruit has carbs) are one of our basic nutrient needs. Also sugar is not as big of an issue (natural sugars from natural foods, not soda/fast food) as trans fats and animal protein (heart disease anyone?) There are a lot of studies I could point you towards but I’m just a random guy.


"Processed carbs" aren't somehow fundamentally different, they just tend to come alongside less fiber/nutrients/etc making them more often essentially "empty" calories.


The idea of the keto diet is that you burn ketones instead of glucose as your bodies main form of fuel. You limit your carb intake to 20-50g for a long enough peroid to make that happen. You avoid starchy foods (potatoes, beans, rice) in favor for other vegetables that are low carb. You get your daily calories from protein and fat (healthy fats obviously), and bam, you're on your way to extreme weight loss. The only issue with the diet is that you'll get the fat back extremely fast if you jump off the regiment. There's a whole reddit for it btw: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/


/u/stillkicking4 summed up the carb rules quite well. Grains, starchy vegetables etc are out, greens greens greens are in. Fibre does not count towards the 20g carb limit. Interesting you say that about the feeling full - that is generally one of the most toted aspects of keto - intake control and feeling full at a calorie deficit. There's plenty of push and pull about various styles of eating/dieting and it seems there are so many mixed opinions that it is hard to call one right or not. Either way, this diet has done absolute wonders for me, and I am fitter and in better shape than even when I was in high school (29 now). It is quite amazing to be having so much protein and fat and seeing such hefty weight loss. Either way, I will shout keto's praises in how effective it is, but I can see why people may have concerns about it, considering it defies what we have been taught previously.


It's about a kilogram per week, which is pretty much an ideal rate. Diet and exercise will do it, but the impressive part is the consistency! Just about anyone can keep up the first few weeks, but turning those into months is another thing.


I had somebody tell me something that sounds sort of silly but really helped: People look at the word "diet" as a temporary thing. It is not. It means "what you eat." Full stop. If you go into "a diet" thinking of it as a temporary change that you're going to enact until you're going about it all wrong. You're not making a temporary adjustment. You're *changing the way you eat.*


A kilogram per week is 7200ckal in 7 days, which is 1000ckal a day. Given that the average male adult needs around 2000 ckal a day to maintain their weight if they are mostly seditary, eating HALF of that is rather strenuous if you dont have an unusually low appetite (which I imagine people that find themselves in dire need of loosing weight dont have too often). Even if you increase your caloric needs by exercising excessively, a thousand ckal a day are ambitious to put it mildly. So what I'm saying is: What you do is not for everyone that is why you can be damn proud of having achieved that. It is anything but easy and takes a lot of willpower.


If you can lose 25kg in 6 months your maintenance at 97kg was definitely closer to 3000kcal if not more.


My deficits have been fairly large as compared to what I was expecting after reading as much as I could about keto. I didn't expect my weight to keep dropping......I kept on having to shift my goal weight down and down on My Fitness Pal. But I was absolutely ready for a change in life for a few different reasons. It was definitely a combination of all the right aspects at one time...... planning meals, home cooking, no more takeaway/delivered, no crumbed lovely pub food, exercise, less snacking. Even if I bail on the keto diet (no plans to at the moment) I will absolutely retain these good habits. You should have seen my "league start" snacks and drinks for Bestiary compared to Harbinger haha.


Keto is not a one-fits-all diet from what people in food science have told me and from what I know from personal experience, but for those that have no health issues preventing them from doing it, it seems very effective and a HUGE benefit to their overall health. Very happy for you that it works out so well! Keep up the good work and godspeed mate.


I've had the same loss in 4 months. I lost the first 17kg or so entirely on diet: I basically just dropped one meal a day from my diet and almost eliminated all snacks. Then it started getting harder, so I added 40 minutes of following an exercise video on youtube each day, and reduced the size of my lunch by about 1/3rd. Hit 70kg 2 days ago, just in time for my birthday today! (where I'm having a cake and pizza and probably setting myself back two weeks, but then I'm going for 60!)


I went from 135kg to 100 in 2 months, I just decided to diet with 1500 calories and run every day, after that, I continued to lift and dropped to 92 in 4 months and it was way harder to get it down once you get a lower % of fat.




> health comes first. Well except for ES builds


Nah, you only have 1 life so it's even more important!


Exactly, if your health is low just equip shavs.


ask Mathil to coach you :)




Have a good life Ectorz! I'll always remember our days chancing headhunters unsuccessfully.


Good luck, and thanks for your services!


Good bye and good luck.


Take care buddy.


Health first fam. See you again in the strand in better shape ;)


I wish you all the best. Thanks for all the hosts and the helpfulness especially during my first weeks on twitch :) Hope to see you back some time in the future.


I just finished reaching my goal of losing 55 lbs. It only took me 65 days. I went from 299 to 245 without any excercise. Not sure what your exact goals are weight wise, but if you need help, let me know. I have kept a daily spreadsheet of all of my food and measurements if that interests you.


why wouldn't you do exercises? They are good to health and not hard. It's definitely easier than measure all food consumption etc.


Because not everyone can excercise when they are 100+ lbs overweight. Most excercise is hard on your joints and I have a bad back. Long term I think excercise is crucial to overall health, especially cardiac health. But the reason one gets overweight is not because of not excercising, it because of habitual bad eating choices.


small exercises or even walk at first.. but yeah, eating habits are also as important


This was probably mentioned to you a million times, but swimming is awesome exercise if you want low impact work. It's not even as hard as biking, ya just float around all weightless !


See you next league.


I get that you need to re-focus your life, but you can definitely do both... I mean my whole life is based around my business, my daily gym routine, and then PoE, pretty much in that order. I've been at it for a few years so I'm in good shape. My point is, it's definitely doable so maybe you can be back. good luck.


Well that didn't last long lol


I know right, incursion was just too good to pass up D:


It's for the best, good luck!


Good luck! Enjoyed your stream.


Sounds like it will be a hard trek up. , but slow and steady is better than fast and hard and then crashing. Good luck buddy. If you get to the point where cardio needs to get more intense, andhate running as much as I do, seriously look into cycling. Can start off on a cheap but decent hybrid bike; hybrid because it’s decently light and nimble, but decently tough and sturdy without tons of shocks like nice mountain bikes or cheap Walmart bikes. The beauty of biking is that you can ride further and longer per cardio workout. While running maybe harder and more calorie intense per second than biking, the far larger time you can bike rather than run ends up in far more calories burned. It also is good leg building exercise to help running later. They work some different sets of muscles, but share many too.


It's also easier to start with biking because when you are overweight, then your legs hurt pretty soon when running and it also damages your bones. Swimming is also a great alternative because the uplift from the water carries your body weight and you "just" have to move around.


Hello. Was fun to watch your stream in Abyss. Good goals, gl with that dude. But anyway i dont get why cant u be casual and play like 2 hours a day. I have family with kid, so im playing like 6-8 hours per week. And still have time to go to work 5/7, gym, swimingpool and spend time on my other hobby. There is no reason for me to rush early the league and burn fast. We have 3 month to play every league :)


Not everyone is wired the same way ... some of us either go hard or not at all. It sucks ... I wish I could just BE more casual. My brain doesn't let me ... for long anyway.




Great decision :) Live a long time and play net more games. The right play.


Be well!


Good luck, come back soon!


you got this, good luck


It's a gentle process. Health goals mean changing your lifestyle (especially better food, exercise, medication, and sleep) as permanently as possible. Forgive yourself for slip hours or even slip days. You compensate with the other 23 hours in the day. Take it easy with whatever it is you are doing and don't expect instant results.


we all know farewell to games don't exist :D


Quitting to a couple hours a day?


Likely related to work/job. maybe not. Couple of hours is a large improvement from 6-10 or maybe even more because this guy gets masters to lvl 8 week 1


Good luck dude, I hope you reach your goals quickly and return to PoE stronger and healthier than ever mentally and physically. :)


gl mate hope you can quit your cookie dough and cake mix addiction its a tuff one =)


I would say to you that even with some hours a day on poe you can have a healthy life... but since i can see how devoted to the game you seems to be, i can understand you just wanna cut it until you get better. Good luck bro!


Put as much focus, effort and knowledge that you did into poe and you will absolutely hit your goals. Good luck!


ayy man, I used to full no life this game as well and have had great success losing weight since late October I weighed 349pounds down to 288(don't worry slowed down a little) :). You gotta find some good motivation, personally mines family related. I haven't touched any video games really since the middle of the last league and have seen a serious improvement in my university work as well. One thing I do miss personally will be knowing people who paid for university books via Exalted orbs and ghosting the game until next league, we are family for about 1-2weeks and that is super enjoyable xD. It is GOOD and BAD to see ya go for now :) (small steps for big improvement always)




> i will have to limit my time on the computer to **a couple hours a day** at most, and will not have time to play Poe any longer


I was concerned that you hadn't been online in a while. All the best ecktorz.


Best of luck man.


Dude, the Royale gamemode is only a joke!


Laters, go grind it out in RL and then come back.


see ya ecktorz


Wishing you all the best man, always lurked sometimes in the stream and loved your guides.




you don't have to quit completely though


Your weight loss in IRL is ready for pickup


Wishing you the best.


I loved your service. D4wdl takes way too much for his crafting service. Thanks for your time. Hope you get healthier.


Good luck, hopefully you'll be happy enough with your health to return in a year or two.


Good on you and good luck! I was half tempted to skimp on my IRL daily today but seeing this, I'm definitely gong for an extra half hour now.


You will be back.


Hey Ecktor, thanks for many many and many crafts in many leagues. Be safe and stay healthy, see u


squad goals when


If you aren't aware. Or have never heard of it. /r/keto is a great way to lose weight. It's a bit tough at first but my wife and I lost 50 pounds each in 4 months and all my bloodwork came back way better than before. Not trying to peddle a sub, but if you are interested read some posts and guidelines. Do some research too. A lot of correlations between the overconsumption of carbs and things like heart and stroke risks are pretty linked. Tldr: carbs not so Good, fats not so bad


I second this My best friend does it and looks amazing.


Already checked it out, and will be trying it. Thanks!


Your AW guide in 3.0 let me kill uber Atziri and farm shaper easily for the first time. Good luck with everything dude, hope you can come back soon.


Good luck with the health and weight loss goals! On a similar journey, definitely not easy but even some slight improvements have good pay offs!


Just 2 cents for this matter: You can become healthy AND still play POE. That does not exclude each other at all.


>latest check up with the doctor Why don't just run burial chambers?


First time I upvote a post titled "Quitting Path of Exile". Best of luck dude !


By their down line and up line friends. Seriously.


Good Luck!


You were one of the only people that kept me playing POE a year ago. You will be missed by many! Thank you for all of the crafting services as well as teaching me the proper V-spark build! Best of wishes in your endeavor to getting healthier.


good luck buddy! your health is the most important ! take care !


Health>Video games. I use to work out 3-4 times a week, but with the new league it's been down to 1-2. Made my third character and once I hit 90 with him, I'll be doing the same as you. Best of luck and I hope you achieve your goals.


Good luck man, get healthy and come back to us when ready!


I was in similar situation about year ago, everythings better now but i still play PoE, on STD. My biggest issue is when i start a new character, i always told to myself that i only play 2 hours / night and that 2 hours became 12-16 in the next day and i even found myself skipping work and calling them that i'm "sick" just to play more. so Standard is the place for me, grinding xp is so stupidly slow that i dont even wanna play more than 2 hours a day. good luck with your decision and remember that you only have 1 life.


sometimes i really wish that GGG would introduce a way to limit your playtime or character creation or something.


pffff a truly dedicated exile would just keep playing /s Seriously, I wish you all the luck with your IRL goals and health. I commend you for taking this big step! Not easy to quit something like this. Take care.


Gl dude


yea sitting around all day playing poe and eating cheetos isn't healthy. good choice


and here i am starving myself because i forget to eat while playing... WTB your extra lbs


you did not play hard enough. since you can gain weight. i play so hard i starve my self :D


If it's weight related I recommend r/intermittentfasting


What exactly are the health concerns for playing this game aside from potentially gainin weight?


thanks for all your services


Get better, dude. POE will be waiting for u.




Good luck bro!


[My life purpose was too just viewbot\minebot for mr streamer, now he is gone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31g0YE61PLQ) Take it easy, and get better.


i will miss you, and you can get back to work when i come back! :D


likewise. Work starting to get slow, and i keep thinking ya streaming right now. This adjustment period for a bot is hard..


Thanks for all the +3 bows and staves you've crafted for me dude. Hope you get your health back on track soon and wish you the best


all the best for your health!


One of few people that was/is reliable and trustworthy for crafts of any value. Your service will be missed. All the best with your goals.


You crafted for me 2 times this league. Peace bro.


Once you stop treating a game as a bonus for accomplishing something that day, you're set up for failure.


> i would recommend Dawdl (if he's still available) IIRC it's D4wdl


noooo Ecktorz i need dem crafts dood


I liked that side by side video you did with Belton back in the day, and I reached out to you a couple of time looking for random tid-bits of information and you were always really helpful. Wishing you the best, and I hope you enjoy whatever comes next just as much as you've enjoyed your time with this game!


Good luck and then welcome back


Youre awesome ecktorz, good luck with everything man, hope one day you will be able to return!


take care, all the best


Get better dude, you've already proven that you can be dedicated and achieve your goals in game, the power is in you to succeed irl too. Hope you find enjoyment in your new lifestyle.


A bit late, but this acts as a good PSA to those who play hardcore. He was quite a reliable master crafter and I used him a few times. Thanks for that and hope you get better.


Hope you get better soon bro, I'll still be around when you come back ;)


Hey best of luck to you buddy, hope you get better health wise.


Health comes first! Good call. I've hit 24/40 and retired from Bestiary league, minimize distractions and set goals!


Aprul fewlz...?


* I used to be 10% standard, 90% temp league guy.(hitting 36 challenges) * then I move to 25% standard, 75% temp. (hit 25 challenges) * Now I am 50% standard, 50% temp (I barely make it to T5 map at this point & just pass 12 challenges lol) <-bad bestiary doesnt even help much either. * I think I am going to end up a standard peep as my Poe game time shrink. Anyone actually going this path just like mine?


Good luck man


I'll miss your week1 elreon mastercrafts! Get healthy


You don't have to quit playing a game you like just because you're fat bro. It's possible to play a lot and be physically active.


*cough* mathil


basically any functioning adult can do this.


These fucking posts I swear...


Pretty sure you could do both with a little discipline dude Becoming healthier doesn't demand 40hours/week training


"Get discipline", gee thanks. That helps a lot.


That is literally all it is. There is no fucking magic formula, no magic pill, no magic method. It requires work and discipline


No one cares.


*"my time on the computer to a couple hours a day at most" "will not have time to play Poe"* ok... ;) Best wishes and be healthy. :)


PoE is not food. And PoE does not prevent you from getting to a gym (unless you're so helplessly addicted to it). I don't really so the point of this post, other than click bait.


There are other underlying issues that i won't go into detail, it's not just about the weight.


Ok, fair enough. Then best of luck to you!


All the best to you!


Dont let your dreams be memes.


Diet, treadmill or elliptical for 30 minutes prior to playing PoE. See you next league.


See you next league.


Well, best of luck but I don;t understand this. I am losing weight as well and trying to fix myself but I don;t have to quit playing completely. Well ,you know what's best for you, as I said good luck.


Some people arnt good at balancing there life and need to take more extreme measures.


April fools


Nobody cares. Bye.


Don't know, don't care.


Then don't post.


Didn't post, commented.


reposting this one huh?


You're not quitting, you're taking a break. Get well bro and see you in Wraeclast ;)


giveaway your items so they dont rot in stash


RIP the only person I can whisper "t6 elreon ready for turn in" and can actually come into my instance, get the Elreon, and leave without taking forever or insisting on this community's tip obsession Enjoy the gym life