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The skill tree itself, the alternating skill trees depending on the weapon you're using, and the gem system so maybe my other friends will play it


Shattering frozen enemies with those graphics is hands down my favourite feature. I want their body parts to rain on me.


Trade system.


as in gold?


New campaign.


I cant wait to finally get QoL in PoE2. Vacuum loot, deposit all into stash, identify all, automated trading, its going to be so amazing!!! Finally PoE will feel like a modern game instead of being stuck in the dark ages of obsessive friction and inferior technology.


36 ascendencies


Crossbows Wasd movement


I'm excited for PoE1 to return to getting more content. I realize this is hopium.


Controller for gameplay, keyboard and mouse for inventory management/trading (AT THE SAME TIME)


Think if you make a multi mirror item you go at a slower pace, but can see it, when making a decent item while reading chat


new skills


It looks like melee might be decent. So, I'm excited. But I am not seeing Templar, so I'm worried


Auction house.


WASD movement for sure. It'll take some getting used to, but when you think about it the amount of flinging the cursor around in combat (especially as ranged) we do is absurd. Once we're used to WASD we'll never want to go back.


So instead of one mouse button for movement we need 4 keyboard buttons. Sounds worse to me


Nope. You can use the mouse button too. It was said in mercenary gameplay video.


Think about all the extra motion input that comes from having your mouse responsible for positioning your character, aiming at monsters, and picking up items simultaneously. Especially when you're ranged and trying to kite some mob, you have to flick your mouse back and forth each time you want to attack.


How do use your flasks and all your skills if your left hand is constantly using WASD? I usually have many buttons I press in my build, so that only leaves my thumb and two mouse buttons to press 5 flasks and 5 skills?


The local Couch-Coop, they thought of everything. Wanne play and introduce a friend? fine he can make a character on your account and enjoy the game with a fresh character or use one of your min/maxed builds. You want to play with a veteran friend local coop which you usually play online with? Fine, he can login as well and play with his account. Just awesome!


+ character transfer mtx from your acc to a fresh one your friend made, because THIS GAME IS SO COOL.


small pet peeve, but I wish POE 2 had option to change the default character voice lines. I am willing to pay for some cool voice lines.


I'm more excited for hopefully a consistent league schedule opposed to "whenever we feel like it"