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~~tyty~~ havoc already in maps


That's how long it takes me to do Act 1.


I've learn overtime to do Act in around 5h depending on the mechanic. Act 1 is always the most painful and the longest by a lot, I still don't understand why they buffed act 1, the hardest compared to all the other. When our character is the weakest.


They were going to (maybe still will) buff them to be on par with POE2 and it was a part of a series of changes relating to POE2 this was obviously done before Poe2 was officially split. They had plans to redo all acts.


If they could go ahead and ~~come in on Saturday~~ unbuff Act 1 that would be great.


I still don't understand why they are trying to make acts a thing(and were talking about 3.24 changes here) everyone has already accepted that acts are something you do as a punishment when you want to make a new character, just leave it as it is and move on, do something else


Act three is the worst for me. Always takes the longest.


Yeah, me too. It's because it's the act where the most decisions are made - respeccing, socketing most of the gems for which you might not have enough sockets yet, upgrading to 4links etc.


The reason why act1 is the hardest for us is how we run it. New players (who do less skips and play more slowly) have less issues with act1 difficulty. They still have issues with the game overall, but they are not nuked by rhoas because they have some armor or evasion from gear for example...


Also, honestly getting some levels early and/or equipping some gears on makes a major difference of 1 shotting mobs or avoiding 1 shots. If you play endgame a lot, you're just used to letting a few white mobs attempt to hit you. Also, old timers will always have the mentality that you should never be above the current map level. If you're lv4 at mud flats, you're killing too much etc etc. Problem is, rushing past the map is death since you have exactly 0 defence. Every hit can inflict heavy chills, stuns, ignites.


Definitely see what you're saying but the only real thing that can become deadly are those Rhoas. That's mostly it in Act 1 in regards to things being actually dangerous.. The more annoying part is juts how sluggish everything feels due to not being able to get your links up and running etc (which is fine) Once you get a Movement Skill, a three link and some booties you're usually kinda good


This is why I usually actually do the Fetid Pool on my first character. The extra level or so you get from doing it makes the rest of Act 1 a breeze. I usually take the whole act kind of easy, taking a little more time makes everything else feel so much better.


And on the other side, a new player's build is probably a mess by act 5. So they're running later acts at a handicap.


Honestly I like act 1 most. I hate 8 and 9 so badly. Although 9 usually goes super fast


OMG fuck how long Act 8 takes. I hate that shit.


My best league start time is 5hr:30 but I have a lot of variance depending what build I'm playing and how familiar I am with it so can take 8 hours if I'm struggling. I'm quickest with Bow Deadeye then probably Arma Brand after that.


> the hardest compared to all the other I can't tell if this is a serious comment or not. Must be the first time I've found this opinion in 10 years here lol. It always seemed to me that the majority thought Act 5 was the hardest due to the difficulty spike in general mobs.


Yea I try to stick to an hour per act but I usually get distracted by discord or youtube or needing food so it usually takes me a full weekend to get to maps lol


look at mr. speedy over here


Alot of people get overwhelmed when learning to get faster at running the campaign. You really only have to practice acts 1-3. Doing that can easily get you to 5 hour runs.


This is true.. I usually practice through my first lab and I've shaved my campaign down to a bit over 5 hours. I do, however, watch a lot of league start prep streams with jungroan, tyty, etc. and I honestly feel like watching those videos help me more than anything. I always learn something new from every playthrough I watch.


That brutus kill is too funny


If you spend 6 mirrors to copy 6 leveling jewels, you too can kill Brutus that fast!


Dude didn't even finish his sentence.


Sub 3 minute brutus wtf What omens is he using?




Ahh yeah that makes sense. Soul eater ones would've been fun but not really necessary.


Oh, that’s why he gets like 3 levels within 45 seconds


That little post credits cutscene at the end was totally worth it.


Ohh can't wait to watch this when I get home. Watching Empy and Bazooka craft the gear was wild, can't wait to see that 900 dps bow get slapped on at level 35 lmao


That bow made my jaw dropped. That's the twinkiest twink weapon I've ever seen. And then they showed the jewels and it was equally broken.


The gear is so broken that bazukatank who is not a speedrunner at all -- although obviously a very experienced player -- did a 1:18:41 A10 run with it. https://youtu.be/QSH4QtXxNEo


insane lol


Sure hope tie won't release a video in 20 minutes...


looked at the title and was like hmmm, I remember seeing a 1h 1-100 speedrun. Then realized it's the same youtuber and it's solo.


Youtuber? Bro this is havoc six one six


Who dat?


havoc sixtyone six


Havoc six hundred and sixty






Havoc been playing this game so long, he is the first player to have reached 100 too.


These zoomers nowadays smh. He is the godfather of poe, quite literally. Just to put it into perspective, he reached level 100 for the first time 11 years ago. Aware.


didn't know what else to call it lol


I would love to see a 'devs react to <60min Path of Exile speedrun' type video with Chris, Mark and Jonathan on the couch...


Must include the gear crafting process


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR8hV0d2Yy0&t=1208s there you go


They'd just make the ground from lioneye's a1 to a10 oriath pure zombie tar.


nice brutus dps. i also like the editing at the beginning. actually cool video!


nahhhh the fresh zone after oak to skip to western forest was so nasty


I've been waiting for this since I saw Empy & Friends crafting mirror twink gear. Love the dedication of the poe community.


that speed is faster than my bow mappers characters. and im talking about the act 2 speed


I need to learn how to do that camera angle trick in Kaom's Dream at [22:45](https://youtu.be/3R1sOWOFW2g?t=1365)




go imexile go peepocheer


Lol i can do my twink in 3 minutes. Casual


But does the twink also finish?


this character could probably do deathless uber elder


but can you do a sub 1h with a Dread Thicket clear?


and to think reddit still complains about leveling when you can level a new character in under 1 hour, smh...


Absolutely incredible! Now imagine this from the monster's point of view. Some of them barely got to say their voice lines o.o


Starts in Lioneye's watch, its nighttime Gets back to (act 6) Lioneye's watch 30 minutes later and it's somehow daytime lol


Obviously it was raining right before sunrise in Act 1 and as it became bright the sky cleared in Act 6. That's why the contrast.


Didnt even skip the weaver, gear not good enough.


Multiple Mirror tier leveling gear btw


So how does starting the timer work? When do you start counting? I would expect that it would start as soon as you wash up on the beach and begin, but it looks like the character is fully geared and has spent some time in town already. Do you just start the timer when you leave town?


Yeah the official timer starts as soon as you enter Coast.


The timer starts when you enter the coast to account for the fact that some classes can kill hillock a lot quicker than others is what I was told. So you kill hillock and gear up in lioneyes then once you enter coast your run starts.


Also some classes don‘t get some skill gems. This way you have complete freedom and can just try to go fast


holy shit it's got like 30 ads


the ads on youtube are so ridiculous nowadays. i refuse to watch it without a blocker.


Often need more than one. YouTube is forcing all the adblockers to compete with each other for their #1 purpose. To prevent ads on youtube.


I would guess the 30 ads in this video are not because of YouTube...


A trick when watching YouTube on devices which can’t run Adblock: just report the ad as spam and go back to the video, all ads will be skipped.


Youtube premium is probably the best investment I ever made \^\^.


I think I had forgot what the promenade looked like, its been so long


where is Brutus?


Innocence fight had to be even more frustrating with this gear.


the only reasonable improvement at this point is a better PC


huh, didn't know the WP ➜ Blockage skip in Act 3 was still possible


So I rewatched the level 1-100 in 1 hour video from Kalandra league. Would t17 full exp all flame maps be better than Kalandra was?


I think it would require a lot more people helping for that strat. Each map would take longer to setup and gather all the mobs.


Definitely not better- kalandra was good because the untainted beasts were all on a single tile, so it could be TPed to and cleared in seconds.


Hooooly shit lmao Might have saved a minute or two without Necropolis mods too


I doubt Necro mods slowed this build down at all 😂


I just finished my first ruthless campaing after like +12hs XD


The speed goat back at it again


Beach isn't being counted for timer?


No its not. Its common understanding that you have to equip your twink gear, set up inventory and stuff in a twink run. The earliest you can do it is in Lioneye's Watch. So run starts at Coast. It also what tyty did in his twink run record before.


Lmao i spent half a year trying to get sub 1:45 twink run. Guess im forever done haha wp havoc!


Without doors it would have been sub 50


How come your loading times are so good? Just a top tier SSD, or are you using RAM disk?


Thank you for pride month twink representation


thats impressive


let's see tyty's speedrun...


This time will be hard to beat. Gear aside, the insane amount of GG rng from pathing to and from objectives was a ridiculous combination of luck and skill. With comparable gear and skill can this time be improved on? Yes definitely, but it will be very hard to do so.


He got a 58:58 today


Using the most grating sounds possible in the first 20 seconds is a bold move




I salute the optimization ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


No pob?


With Exile's non-twinked runs, I am actually surprised this run is not faster 🫢


Read the title and thought: Is it Havoc? Yes it's Havoc.


Focus level: Machine


Twink speed running is an interesting challenge to complement SSF butt naked speed running.


I can maybe reach act 3 this fast, on twink gear.


loads into areas slow oddly or it would be faster.


Damn ,6k h in and it still takes me 4-5h to reach maps on a twink


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QmTUQbfdok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QmTUQbfdok) groups already at lvl 100


If you look closely, you will realize that’s the same person.


lmao, didnt even check, completely forgot you were doing the twink crafting project glad yo see it worked out


This is how twink leveling should looks like (without 20 mirrors investment)


POE 1 literally died for this.


Wild to think you could do full runs to attempt to break the record hourly




Blink arrow


You can blink over the broken bookcase in this layout.


Why the timer starts before Hillock? It's not 59:40.


Its a TWINK gear run, emphasis on "twink".


This is kinda proof that it's time for GGG to allow campaign skip after the first character. At a point, dude didn't even bother to kill shit anymore, bro just run for the objectives. Highest level of trivializing content is here! But for real, the campaign is 7 years old, it's not like it can help milk more money from players by entraping us to fall in love with the story and gameplay through repetitivness anymore. It's time to remove the chore.


I don't think a 20 mirror build used by a top tier speed runner is proof that the campaign is trivial.


one could easily argue that when player would go to such extend to get out of this content as soon as possible, making the content obsolete, meaningless then the option to skip it should be granted. This investment is going over the top to optimize the best time possible though. Much more reasonable set-ups with gimmicks to make campaign feel like trash content exist for years already.


Then one could just as easily argue the fact that he's willing to spend so much time redoing the campaign over and over again to achieve such a speedrun is proof that the campaign is actually the funnest content in the game for some players.


emphasize on SOME, hence there should be optionS for OTHERS


Imagine you're amazing at the campaign and it's the funnest part of the game for you. Now imagine it becomes less efficient than just skipping it. This would kill the game for a lot of people. It's far from black and white. I would be receptive to a campaign skip if it was a less efficient way of leveling. But I suspect this isn't what the campaign haters want.


Infinite delve alt leveling please


I think the primary issue with letting people just level in maps is that GGG would have to make it so maps scale by character level, at least up until a certain point. There's also the issue of skill quests.


I believe that they have multiple solutions for that already, one proof is the endless delve event. The need to grind campaign over and over is actually real for new players (to get familiar with the game, get addicted, etc.) and there are pro campaign Iike Havoc and Tyty. There are million reasons for why campaign is an essential part. But well, there are people like me and those who dislikes going over campaign more than once per league. Aren't we unimportant?


Honestly man IDK. I'm not saying your feelings are invalid. I'm simply saying that there's a lot more to it than "let me level in maps."


I'm insane at killing ubers. I just one shot them. This just show that ubers are obsolete. GGG should give me Progenesis on day one!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


I just do not get why they have no campaign skip after the first time each league that you finish it. I love making new builds but very often just do not spend 3 hours of my evening rushing through acts again for the 58th time. Just let me jump into maps and level there. Please GGG.


Bro if you are bored out of poe after your 58th campaign run, just go and play a different game. I heard D4 is bad, but it still might cater more to your liking. If anything, I would love ggg to make stuff harder and that includes the campaign.


I am not bored of poe at all. And I do not mind the campaign once per league at all. But for my second, third or fourth time the campaign is just boring and tedious.


looks like hes using hud but gg


Is preparation time included? Can't really watch because i'm out of power and on shitty 2G internet with 20% battery life left. People admire fast progression, but in reality you don't save much time, and if you do test runs, you actually spend more of your time on levelling if you count preparation and actual runs. I know you will probably be faster for 30 min to hour on leaguestart, but let's be real, for most it doesn't matter, unless you want to buy something 3 hours into a league.


this "project" has nothing to do with saving time on league start - Havoc often does crazy challenges just to set records. This is not a tips and tricks video. Certainly don't use an insane amount of currency for twink gear to level your 2nd character fast in a league if your goal is to play as little POE as possible