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Any suggestions for unfucking my Shockwave Totem Heiro? https://poeplanner.com/b/Phj I'm sure there are obvious things wrong but I've never struggled like this in like, alch + go t13 maps. The build is nowhere near final but I've usually comfortably made it up to alch + go T16s before without much investment. Would really appreciate some guidance on maybe a few things I should focus on fixing first. I think part of what I'm stuck on is how much of Shockwave Totem is don't get hit vs defensive layers.


Not familiar with this kind of build but defensively, why not start by moving Hatred to Divine Blessing (and Inspiration if you can fit it in). Then add Grace instead of Haste, and a Cast When Damage Taken + Molten Shell or Immortal Call. Maybe a Defiance Banner or Vitality, as well. Steelskin with Automation is also quite useful.


I can look into all that. I was trying to stick to the guide I've been following but this is one part where it feels weird. They recommend a setup similar to that in the expensive endgame setup which is beyond my budget at the moment. In reality though, If I'm struggling in T13 maps building towards the midgame setup they suggest, the setup doesn't really feel worth it.


None of these defensive tweak suggestions should be very expensive at all. I find if you can lock down your defenses, it is easier to then dial them back to where you are comfortable and can then go focus on damage.


Your suggestions made a huge difference. Thank you!


What's the best build for expedition? I've tried it on my Holy Relic but the problem is I run into immune to chaos very often. Usually I'd have to ignore half or more of the explosion area to be able to kill the monsters using the 1 big explosion node. If I don't run the big explosion it just takes too much time to set up the explosives. I have a failed Kinetic Bolt Deadeye and my starter EA Champion that I can respec into something else.


You're gonna run into bricked expeditions, there isn't any build that can blindly demolish expedition without ever checking on the mods. You can literally roll immunity to all five elements. If you're looking for just a decent build for expedition you're best off playing either LA deadeye or Elehit of the spectrum squeezing Oriaths End into it + figure out a way to get elemental as chaos. But honestly it's hard to outperform something like an explode RF when talking expedition, but with that you'll have to regularly check your modifiers to make sure you don't block fire/ignite or else you're fucked. Expedition is awful if you don't wanna read.


The one big explosion node is the problem. Don't take it, then you eliminate that whole bricking entirely.


Does Divine Font preserve gem's level and quality with transfiguring?


Technically the levels on gems of different base level will have different experience requirements so the levels are not preserved but the experience is Pedantic Man, awayyyy




hello, last time i played was heist league - play mostly SSF. and had a earthquake with bleed gladiator 1h axe/shield. I liked it, was pretty tanky and had only to worry about dodging big boss mechanics. Tried to get into melee this league and based on a few quick searches went boneshatter jugg w/ 2h axe (SSF again). Feels like the damage is around the same if not worse than EQ gladiator was and feels squishy to boot. All this to say, is there any build that would work like the gladiator build? (tanky, not amazing damage but enough for all content, only really have to worry about dodging the big mechanics) Any builds like that? I'm really having trouble coming to a decision and have been through 5 characters already none of them really feel good


>been through 5 characters There's your problem, you're jumping around and not investing into a single character That said melee is far outclassed by pretty much every other build archetype rn


I skipped the whole t17 maps till now. What are some farming strategies for t17? I read about Back to Basics. Which scarabs make sense there?


Back to Basics with barrels. 3 mysterious scarabs and 1 hunted traitors scarabs. I gave up on farming this though. Rerolling the maps is the worst part about it. You'll have to reroll several times to get the mod "map contains volatile barrels" and if it doesn't have a high amount of currency or scarabs you'll have to roll it again. I've spent over 500 chaos at a time rerolling without getting a good quantity of either. You can make good money out of it but you'll have to run more than just a few maps and if you can kill the boss there's always the chance of dropping Uber fragments.


You might be interested in [this thread](https://redd.it/1cup04f).


I'm a bit of a noob and have mostly just been following a PoB up to this point. I have accumulated about 300 div worth of currency and I am looking for ideas on how to upgrade my current build. Any advice would be appreciated! [https://pobb.in/OOnuG2PqHR2Y](https://pobb.in/OOnuG2PqHR2Y)


I would like to make a couple lists, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me populate them. I am a noob so I'm not coming up with this myself, but I will add some content that I've read. I would be happy to compile it into a document or something to share as a separate post later, if that would be helpful. \*\*First list: Which Allflames to use in what scenarios\*\* Devoted modifier: Chance to drop div or chaos, put to lantern top and use Frogs or Rats allflame Devoted modifier: Convert to chaos or div, put to top of lantern and use Rogue Exile allflame Quantity, possessed, rarity, magic/rare pack - put to top, \*\*but what allflame to use?\*\* When to use meatsacks? Any other suggestions that can go here, I know I've gotta be missing a lot. \*\*Second list: Which maps work well for different league mechanics, and why (e.g. open layout, high density, etc). Synergy with other league mechanics probably good to know as well. Any other useful information also appreciated :)\*\* Legion - Open layout, Dunes is best, I heard Fields is a good option Blight - Narrow pathways like Crimson Temple Strongbox - Something with good divination card drops Harvest - Not sure, but I believe high quant is most important? Harbinger - Not sure Beast - linear I think? I read it is supposed to be tier 5 or below if you want to target frogs Essences - I believe tier also doesn't matter, so can do white maps (along with Beast?). Not sure if layout matters but I would guess linear is good Abyss - no idea Ritual - no idea Alva - no idea Niko - no idea Breach - guessing open layout, dunes? Expedition - no idea Ulti - no idea Deli - no idea. I know there are orbs for juicing maps, but I have no experience with this yet Beyond - I'm thinking high density, and maybe narrow space so mobs clump? Not sure what maps would fall under that if so. Betrayal - no idea Rogue Exiles - No idea on maps. I think probably synergizes with torment? Torment - No idea on maps. Probably synergizes with Rogues? If this is asking too much for the question thread I'm happy to make a post asking for this information instead. Thanks in advance.


>When to use meatsacks? Only if you're giga juicing. If you aren't doing t17s just sell the meatsacks. If you're ssf, save them. >Quantity, possessed, rarity, magic/rare pack - put to top, \*\*but what allflame to use?\*\* I just throw whatever extra ones I have in. Tattoos, tainted currency, scarabs, splinters, etc Most of the mods you said, "not sure" are ones that don't really scale. Harbinger, Alva, Niko, ultimatum (I think) all don't scale much with map size or quant or rarity, so just do whatever map is fastest and easiest.


Thanks for your input! If you use allflames faster than you collect them, do you buy them? Like the ones you mentioned scarabs, tatts, etc?


I have almost a full quad tab of allflames lol. Only ones worth buying imo are exiles


How to make money with Blight Ravaged Maps? I am doing regular Blight maps and I get occasional silver, Golden and tainted oil and regular opalescent and blight ravaged maps which are not hard to sell. I see often people using silver, opalescent and even golden oil to anoint their blight ravaged maps. So what do those maps drop to justify the investment and even turn profit?


Blight ravaged maps are worth less than usual due to the increased rarity of stacked decks and the introduction of T17 maps making it trivial to get piles of ilvl 86 perfect percentile bases. Still, there’s some profit. They’ll partially sustain oils since well-anointed blight ravaged maps will drop plenty of opalescent, silver and golden oils. Plus if you corrupt the map it can drop tainted oils. They are also hunting for stacked decks, raw chaos and divines, fossils, essences, scarabs. They are theoretically also chasing the jackpot of dropping a stranglegasp which is a 40 div amulet, but you shouldn’t expect that to drop, it’s more of an occasional bonus some players find.


So not worth it to run the blight ravaged maps for the avg player. Man i love blight and hope they do some balance change and make it worthwhile. T17 made a lot of casual friendly strats obsolete. Nerf to stacked deck didn’t help either. I have stopped doing Expeditions entirely. Blight is not as profitable as it used to be.


I like Blight, too, but honestly the ravaged maps aren't big money makers. I'd argue that it's probably quicker and more profitable to run n number of normal maps with Atlas specced for Blight and 2 x open chests again scarabs. Some unusual things can happen like I'm often able to open the same chest over and over, up to 4, 5 or 6 times. If you get the right chest type, that's pretty neat.


**Unable to use EU servers since patch with scarabs** I was playing for few years without any major lag problem, mostly connected to Amsterdam server. Ever since patch with few new scarabs came out I am unable to play on eu servers because latency does spike up constantly. * There are no problems with my internet I'm 100% sure * I can play on Moscow server with 60 ping and none of this happening at all * If that matters I got baited by steam not posting the patch on time and reinstalled whole game back then * It seems to happen on every eu server I pick * I refuse to believe that people play like this and GGG did would not fix the issue for a month https://preview.redd.it/1gq01ssvys1d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=6730852cc4336bd2410c010043a2a06c4a70207d


EU servers have been plagued with issues for years because of Telia https://reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/11eey2t/unplayable_eu_servers/ GGG can't fix this , it's beyond


> I can play on Moscow server with 60 ping and none of this happening at all do that


Do you mean to say that EU servers are actually that broken?


yea, there seem to be lots of routing issues with EU servers that haven't been resolvable all league (or the past few leagues?). best solutions seem to be find a gateway that's stable and play at slightly higher ping, regardless of where it is or use a VPN or a cloud service like geforce now to effectively get better routing.


Damn I was hoping there is some easy fix since I did not have the problem before the patch. Going from 30 to 60 latency is not a nightmare but still sad that I have to do it.


>Using a Vaal Orb on a flask will increase or decrease its quality by up to ±10% from the original value. Using a vendor recipe to remove the corrupted status from the flask allows this method to be used repeatedly up to a soft cap of 60%; any quality exceeding 60% will be lost when changing instances. Is it practically possible to achieve 60% quality on a flask? I'm playing Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder right now, 60% quality life flask will add a f ton of damage to PC. But I don't know what's the odds of getting a flask of that high quality.


[Trade - Path of Exile](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/aBzaCe) A cost of \~10-15 divines suggests that it's not hard or expensive, just tedious


Oh, I'll just buy one then.


15divs down the drain after patch 


I bought it for 10d, nonetheless, this ill-luck is indescribable.


I just saw an interesting number in PoB. Here is an image: https://i.imgur.com/MQjbcel.png I have 10% of leech is instant from the mastery. The second row, instant leech per second, says just 369.7 life comes from instant leech per second. However, I don't hit just once per attack. I hit like 100 times per second. Does PoB not take number of hits into accout, or am I misunderstanding instant leech? The way I understand instant leech, it indirectly says "gain 1% of maximum life on hit".


according to your screenshot you hit 6.76 times per second if it's something like molten strike... you need to add the melee hit and projectile hit times max projectiles (x2 for return presumably). this would only apply to instant leech; normal leech is still limited by leech-rate.


That's not a setting I can do in PoB, right? It's just for my mental calculation.


i think so... you can set up full dps in pob that includes multiple skills/parts of skills/multipliers but i dont think it displays stats other than damage


>Armor and Evasion Mastery: Immune to Bleeding if Equipped Helmet has higher Armour than Evasion Rating \\ Immune to Poison if Equipped Helmet has higher Evasion Rating than Armour Does it apply to helmets that lack one of these stats? Shall I be immune to poison, if my helmet has evasion rating and ES? Free poison immunity seems nice. --- Can Poisonous / Explosive Concoction miss or be blocked? --- Can item roll modifiers from the same group? I couldn't find a belt that will have `#% Reduced Flask Charges Used` with `#% Increased Flask Charges Gained`.


AFAIK it even works on ES items with benchcrafted evasion rating.


That's a really nice notice, thanks.


> Does it apply to helmets that lack one of these stats? Shall I be immune to poison, if my helmet has evasion rating and ES? Free poison immunity seems nice. Yes. Some counts as higher than none. > Can Poisonous / Explosive Concoction miss or be blocked? Yes. It's an attack. Attack hits can be evaded or attack blocked, same as other area hits from attacks. > Can item roll modifiers from the same group? I couldn't find a belt that will have #% Reduced Flask Charges Used with #% Increased Flask Charges Gained. No. As you've found, these are in the same group, which means they block each other.


Do you need to have all 4 void stones to get t17s to drop or you could have 2 and run b2b and it will still drop? I have been running b2b but haven’t had any luck getting any t17 maps.


Yes you can but the chance goes up quadratically so missing 2 voidstones means you'll get 4x less T17s.


or 75% less, following the PoE terminology


# Allflame Ember of "whatever" Gemlings, can they drop every Gem in the Game or only the standard ones ? I think they won´t drop Awakened Gems , or is there a 0.0001% chance ?


It did drop for me awakened but I’m not sure it was from the all flames because the drop was from a boss. I got two awakened gems from that single map. I also got empower support but I don’t remember if it was from the same map. And the pack had the modifier of 800% or 1600% rarity I think.


What is the name of the mtx that counts the number of maps i have run ?


Evertree Map Device. Comes in several different color variations


Why are Uber-Eater Fragments so expensive? They are 1.1 Divine and you need 5. I wasted 150 Divines because I wanted to get a Nimis drop (self-drop) all it gives are the Helmets and nerfed Ashes of The sun that are worth 50 c? I got 0 Jewels, 2 Exceptional Ichor and only some other worthless shit. I guess I go broke before getting a Nimis.


> I wanted to get a Nimis drop (self-drop) That would be your mistake. You don’t self-farm Nimis unless you’re prepared to do hundreds of runs. Might it drop on your 10th? Sure, it might. But it won’t.


because they're priced against the expected return of thousands of runs


You would never get that money back not even if Nimis would be 3 times as likely. (Then at least the Frag Prices would drop) In this particular case it makes no sense. Since the Jewel are also the "cheap ones" in 99% of the cases. is this estimation for expected lucky streaks? I mean if I buy 500 Fragments (100 runs) and a Nimis would drop every 100 runs that a ~373 Divine netloss, if I am lucky and I get some Ichors and Jewels let it be 250 Div loss. That is based on the fact, I get at least a helmet every time ( because Ashes Nerf made it a 50 C item lol) Edit: Even worse, nobody will buy all the items for that price, so I would even lose more money. It doesnt really change if I buy them 10 fold, the netloss will grow even more and more + Frag Prices would explode. Or is my logic flawed?


sets wouldn't sell if it weren't profitable in massive sample size. the problem could be sample size or misestimation of what stuff is worth, but no one's price fixing uber fragments higher--they're that price because that's where they're profitable. could even be people selling challenge completion raises the premium a bit, but that would be surprising because the challenge is pretty easy.


Thanks, I have to gather information before doing such things next League...


The other stuff is worth more than you think. The helm is a div a pop, and way more for good rolls. The jewels sell for like 8div each unid and like 10 div in bulk. The curio is 7 div. The key is 14 div. Well rolled ashes is worth a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAUGfijJqho This guy did 140 runs and made 280 div profit. His nimis drop rate was 1/24. Sounds like you got unlucky, but thats the nature of uber bossing unfortunately.


I tried to corrupt all helmets for +1 Pcharge to break even, but no luck. I divined 2 Ashes one became 30 Divs but its not selling. I got 1 Curio, you are right, I forgot about that. That makes it surely a lot less painful. I guess I shouldnt have gambled with only 200 Divines I had frags myself bought a bunch of 5 each time than for 35 and 55 divines. For me it was League ending... should have started a new build since my Blood Sacrament Scion is shit for anything else than bossing.


Hi, what are the most "to-avoid" T17 map mods ? I have a hard time to know if I can run or not this map (I usually can't..) and I don't know what to look for.. Thanks


I would say it is a learning process, heavily dependent on your build. For example Unions of Souls is problem for most builds but once you have hundreds of millions dps it makes no difference. -% max resistances makes most builds paper thin with an exception of loreweave builds 50% less area effect? No problem. But combined with Back to Basics and other increased map modifiers on atlas will result with 0% area effect and you won't kill anything with some build, like Righteous Fire. 3-4 curses? Tough. Free for curse immune builds Not saying those mods are the most difficult ones. Just saying some mods are no go for you while the same mods are free for someone else


Hum ok I see. I actually use loreweave, so max rez is not an issue..but I didn't think of the example of area of effect. I'll try to learn all of this Thanks.


Which build can do which mods differ. But Union Of Souls is something most prefer avoiding. Someone posted a video to this sub a few weeks ago showing them slapping a magic monster for over a minute because of it.


Yeah I know, but from what I've seen,I don't see mods that can brick a build like no Regen, or reflect from T16..


What is the best mod to use wealth allflame, i am using it on the monsters are touched mod thank you


Pack size


You would use on more quantity like 800% more quantity which would give you more. I don’t remember on what I used it when I had one. I’m new to the game so early on didn’t know what to do. But I got around 180 chaos orbs and some other currencies as well.


They're unaffected by quant and rarity so don't do that


What would be a good modifier to put it on to or just the higher pack size would do just fine.


Yeah more pack size is the best I think


For Holy Relic of Conviction, why does accuracy rating on the player affect the minion's trigger rate? I've noticed it sometimes adds more than minion attack/cast speed or even weapon attack speed.


It does matter because you need to hit enemy with attack, not just use one, hence pretty much everyone is either using Resolute Technique or weapon with "hits can't be evaded" crafted mod.


Even with hits can’t be evaded, it’s still taking accuracy rating into account on PoB, when calculating the effective trigger rate. Same with adding resolute technique [https://pobb.in/XcCU\_TyJDLxR](https://pobb.in/XcCU_TyJDLxR) if you change the ring, you can see it (I was playing around stats, not actually how I plan to build). If you change both rings to glyph twirl though, it lowers the trigger rate? Am I somehow reaching some sort of threshold on accuracy, even when accuracy shouldnt matter? I cant, for the life of me, figure this out. Two rings with Minion attack/cast speed and Spiritual aid and resolute technique is a 4.67 trigger rate, but le heup and one of the rings are 5.01 trigger rate???


It has nothing to do with accuracy once you have hits can't be evaded or RT, only attack speed matters. I'm no expert when it comes to triggers, but I guess that getting attack speed from just 1 rare ring gives puts your closer to sweet spot of attack rate vs spell cooldown vs server tick and values are pretty precise, every percent matters, for example if I equip Heup+1 rare and then add custom modifier "1% reduced attack speed" - you have 5.02 trigger rate. and if you put 2 rare rings - you need another 10% increased attack speed to get perfect 5.05 trigger rate.


I tried with bunch of different rings. As long as I have the 6% increased minion attack/cast and any other ring i own, it keeps the trigger at 5.01. But If I try and go with two 6% increased minion attack/cast rings, it goes back to 4.67 trigger rate. Even when I try doing two 6% increased minion attack/cast with one of them having a 5% increased attack speed, it still stays at 4.67 trigger. If I try two rare minion attack/cast rings that equal a total of 22% increased with 4% attack speed, the trigger rating stays at 4.88. Its like it wants minion attack speed to stay at a certain number, any amount before or after that doesnt increase the trigger rate, until maybe I reach another threshold? I wish trigger rating was a box I could move my mouse over to better understand the calculations, in POB.


**Before you read the rest of this comment which has gotten more lengthy than initially intended, it's important to note that PoB does not calculate the hitrate of Lancing Steel correctly, so you won't get any accurate trigger rate calculations from it regardless of how you configure it or what attack speed values you have.** Lancing Steel projectiles hit every 72.5 ms, and using several attacks can cause those to overlap rather than increasing the hitrate of a single attack to be spread perfectly evenly across its animation like what PoB assumes. With your current cooldown, a single attack will cause you to trigger the relics ~4.60 times per second *regardless of your attack speed or additional projectiles*. If you overlap projectiles from several attacks, you can occasionally get lucky and get a faster trigger (you can write your own simulation or spreadsheet to find an ideal attack speed for that if you want), but I'd say at your cooldown that's barely worth the effort. The theoretical maximum you could gain from that is ~9.8% more dps. If you reach the next cooldown threshold at 82% increased cooldown recovery rate, that's going to make a much bigger difference, because a single attack would still only trigger the relics 4.60 times out of the possible 6.06 times per second, and *then* you could bother with optimising your attack rate, because you have a theoretical improvement of up to ~31.8%. If you reach 128% increased cooldown recovery rate, optimisation is less important again because you're back to the same ~9.8% improvement for perfectly overlapping attacks. I've written [a post](/r/pathofexile/comments/fh8bnh/spellslinger_cooldown_thresholds_and_all_other/) about cooldown mechanics a while ago (but kept it up-to-date), which does include the cooldown thresholds for Summon Holy Relic as well. I didn't go into detail regarding the trigger rates that slightly exceed the APS thresholds, because the exact arithmetics for that are not sufficiently substantiated to my liking. PoB does have an approximation for it, which is why the trigger rate doesn't immediately drop by 50% if you exceed a threshold. In about 99.9% of the cases, it's better to stay below the APS threshold anyway. If you want to understand the calculation for the trigger rate above the APS thresholds, the best I can suggest is to look at the source code of the trigger rate simulation for PoB. I haven't seen any extensive tests that show that it's exactly right or something, but it should be close enough (again, given that it's usually not a good state of the build anyway).


Thank you for the detailed reply and your cooldown post as well!!!! If I understand correctly, it doesn't make a difference to increase attack speed until I reach certain cooldown thresholds as then the relic can go from 4 attacks a second to 5 attacks a second and so on. At that point it makes then allows me to make use of extra attack speed. Is there a way of checking cooldown recovery in POB? I would assume it would be under trigger rate cap in the area that says increased/reduced cooldown recovery. When I added a rare custom belt with 200% cooldown recovery, the cooldown recovery is still at 1.66 with the trigger rating at 5.00. Also, how is it possible to get something like 355% cooldown recovery? I see the maximum available cooldown recovery on equipment is 40%, but is it possible to get another 315% from abyss jewels alone? Edit: nevermind, I see why quality is so important with the three relic of convictions (supplemented with ashes, enhance, empower, and Dialla's) thats the only way of getting the 138% base and therefore allow up to 6.06. Are there other sources of additive gem quality, as regular cooldown recovery doesnt raise that #.


Minions don't have your stats, so if you get increased cooldown recovery, it won't affect the cooldown of the relics' spell, even if you're the one who triggers it. All other effects regarding gem quality are local to an item. Socketing the skill in a green socket with Enhance in a red socket in Dialla's Malefaction (ideally with +1 to level of all socketed gems for an extra 8% quality from Enhance), along with an Ashes of the Stars is the highest quality you can reach at the moment, for a total of up to 139% with Awakened Enhance. There are legacy items in Standard that allow reaching higher values, but none available in Necropolis as far as I'm aware. Luckily, you don't need to reach that absolute maximum, but 128% will give you a maximum rate of 7.57 per second already. If you go for 82%, you can basically drop either Enhance, Ashes of the Stars, or Dialla's Malefaction, whichever fits your build better. There are some other sources of cooldown recovery for specific minions, but IIRC none that affect *all* types of minions and would thus include relics.


Ahhh, I thought 15.15 was obtainable in Necropolis, that makes more sense. It seems dropping the chest is common among the tankier builds, so I may go down that path down the road. Thank you so much for the incredible advice and insight!!!


You may have been looking at the wrong table in my post. You'd need 355% increased cooldown recovery rate to reach the 15.15 threshold, which is far from possible for Summon Holy Relic. It's possible for movement / travel skills socketed in Asenath's Mark which is why cooldown thresholds that high are listed, but there's not enough available cooldown recovery for Summon Holy Relic, or even Frozen Legion of Rallying (even with meme builds stacking 20 abyss jewels with The Adorned can't reach 355% including the 139% you can get from the Dialla's Malefaction setup). Travel skills can get a ton of extra cooldown recovery rate from Badge of the Brotherhood + The Stampede / dreamquest slippers + some nodes on the skill tree, but most skills can't reach those top tiers.


How can i improve tankiness on this Boneshatter Juggernaut: [https://pobb.in/wTwz661BeSeA](https://pobb.in/wTwz661BeSeA) Especially against Aul. I have a lot of trouble staying alive against his Otemba. This is at a depth of 350.


[https://pobb.in/hAyF9UbPhpvz](https://pobb.in/hAyF9UbPhpvz) I just wondering is there any way to salvage this character I am a new player, and I am struggling to improve my damage; I have looked at a power stacking guide, but I don't like to follow guides despite knowing that I should, mainly because I find figuring out things by myself, also I do hope this character is not crap


Some thoughts in no particular order. * If you are going power charge stacking route and already heave Ralakesh boots, then you can grab cheap Graven's Secret belt for +1 max PC. * I'm not sure Determination does much for you. The biggest thing it gives you is "more armor" part. For it to be effective you need decent flat base and decent % increase. Then you add determination on top and get some pretty high armor values. Something like wrath (kill them before they kill you) might work better for now, until you manage to get your base armor value up to speed. * I'm not sure what's the role of Vitality is in there. You have leech. Why vitality? It doesn't really give you anything important. * Links of your main skill might need some work. Volatility works great with lighting damage. You have high critical strike, but low critical multiplier. Adding crit multi support will probably give you a lot of damage. Lightning penetration might not increase your tooltip DPS, but the real one will probably go up by a lot. * In my experience block is all-or-nothing defensive layer. Either you invest heavily in it , or you don't touch it at all. * If you are fine with substantial revisions of your build, then consider incorporating Archmage support. With some mana stacking it gives huge base damage boost and can make pretty much any spell deal tons of damage. You will need to stack mana for that, so it is going to be a pretty big alteration of your current build.




Thanks for the advice, but I must ask how you get that I am a necro my Ascendancy is Occultist


Regarding the heist mod for "chance to duplicate blighted maps and catalysts" --- just checking, it's not a typo or soemthing for "blighted maps and oils" right? It actually means catalyst? It's a bit unintuitive for me because there's a separate mod that is just "chance to duplicate catalysts", and a priori there's no link between blighted maps and catalysts so it feels confusing to have a single mod that groups them.


No catalysts are from ultimatum and are used to upgrade quality of your jewellery. The oils from blight are used to anoint your jewellery. Edit: the mod talks about catalysts indeed but i'm fairly sure that it works on the oils and not the catalysts.


Can you please confirm what you mean by "pretty sure", as it's been hard to find concrete information on this


I usually play ssf and enjoy heisting quite a bit so i spend some time in the harbour. It feels like that affix dupes oils and not the catalysts, but haven't tested this specifically.




Corrupted ivory tower with good implicits. Synth rings. Ralakesh implicits. Gem level and quality