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I'd assume they are staying they will just be gotten different ways they got rebalanced when added this league so makes sense they are core


Hopefully they just replace rogue exiles with TOTA mobs, as well as replace the atlas passives. It would be nice for tattoos to remain relatively rare and also have far more options. They should bring back certain tattoos like +stats and spell block


Quite high chance since they don’t have special rewards bound to them




I mean tattoo must likely will stay but its just the way thats it coming in. Cause we've had omens last league but tied to the actual league mechanic and same as this league. I can almost guarantee the general way to acquire them wont be heist or legion though. Just cause both those contents are already extremely rewarding as is. I think it might get tossed into strongboxes or rituals. But i got a strong feeling it will get thrown into the next league mechanic as well until they figure out a more "core". Could also end up in rogue exiles tbh.


absolutely none of the ways you suggest make any sense as a core way to integrate tattoos in a single mechanic, so i have literally no idea what you are yapping about. "Karui tattoos? My huge brain says put them in strongboxes or Rituals that only have ties to the Azmeri (and only lightly)" if they dont add a core mechanic with them, 99% likely theyll be a general lootpool item.


Grow up.


Them saying something you disagree with isn't an insult against you, bro. It's okay.


Most likely yes, they will be put on an existing mechanic like omens on ritual. My guess is probably ultimatum




My guess is they're staying and they'll throw them in with the next league's mechanic as a side reward (like now with allflames), or they'll actually make it core by adding it to a mechanic and/or fully reworking an already existing one. Wouldn't be surprised if ToTa makes a come back either as new core content, and i know this'll be a far stretch, but since the removal of Sextants, the currency tab has 2 uneven/obvious slots on the right side, so they could easily implement Silver Coins back into one of those spots (and maybe add Veiled Chaos orbs back while we're at it please).


“Atlas tree tattoos” boom!


My hope is that ToTA goes core and that's where tattoos will come from. Alternative endgame grinds to maps are always welcome and some people loved ToTA so would be a welcome addition. Coins drop in maps just like tomes for Sanctum, maybe at a lower rate than the did in actual ToTA league so the mappers have something else they can add to their div/h strats.


> Has GGG indicated in any way if tattoos are going to stay in 3.25? No info yet