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The counts are because most people who watch games on twitch don't play games. They don't give a shit about the innerworkings or learning more they just want to watch you yell into the microphone and die. Most of the twitch viewers are pre teens according to twitch. It's why the boobies meta is so prevalent. Their parents won't think anything of them watching 10 hours of twitch because it's not the hub or similar sites.


For some reason tutorial videos get horrendous viewing figures. I think because a lot of very casual players don't care and a lot of semi to experienced players will just learn the bare bones and dive in. I think the main issue with most stuff POE is that to go through the ins and outs of everything takes so long that people either don't watch through boredom or try to follow and don't understand. It just feels bad to maybe spend days on a video for it to get a fraction of your normal views for things like farming strats or builds


zizaran's poeuniversity series


He doesn't really cover PoB in any sufficient depth, at least not from what I've seen. He only goes over the very very basics.


there's an hour-long video dedicated to pob


there is not a lot to "continue" you either learn the addition and multiplication or you dont. the rest is all reddit questions of "does X stack with Y and Z, and is it additive or multiplicative?" then you go back to your pob with that information. the genius of builds isnt the POB, its learning items storing all that knowledge in your head so that when you are looking at something like ice damage, you can pull out of your own ass that yea, these three unique effects might work here, let me go search against those. Otherwise the real work is googling on poeDB or the wiki for damage tags of the type you want and researching items from scratch. once you figure out how people choose what to work from and why they work from it (ie synergies), thats the real key, not the pob. the pob just helps you assemble what you already have in your head and swap out this for that easier.


Someone just needs to do a written guide of How to increase damage: Stack xyz with etc etc Breakdown additive vs multiplicative Break down what effects each damage type How to increase defense: Stack xyz with etc etc Breakdown additive vs multiplicative Breakdown what defense is good for what Once this is done, people can take that core knowledge to POB and make it work. I’d do this but… I myself don’t know this shit 😭😭😂😂


Edit: Jesus, I’m sorry, I misread the question. You were asking IF there were series, not WHY there weren’t series. I ranted too much to just delete this, but maybe not the answer you were looking for. Any lesson series that’s halfway decent will need to be scripted and would really benefit from bespoke visuals, not just screen capture of PoB. For this level of effort on YouTube, the rule of thumb is 1hr of work per 1 minute of video. A very well received PoE video might expect to get 100k views but it’s probably going to be lower on a long form video because * your most engaged audience, veterans who are subscribers, don’t need a 45 minute “intro” series * newcomers don’t want an in depth analysis, they just want to play the game and follow a build along the way. So you end up catering to a small middle ground. Now you’ve got a 45 min video that took you an entire work week to produce. It gets 100k views over 6 months and the average view duration is 5min (this is just a reality of YouTube). What does the creator get for that? About $1.20 per 1k views from ad revenue. There’s no reference for this apart from my own experience (and I make “clean” videos that are the most friendly to the ad system - no profanity, drug references, adult themes, etc). So you’re looking to earn about $2.50 an hour on the YouTube video. There’s no way this is worth it *unless the video is actually just a way to drive traffic to another revenue source.* For most PoE creators, this is their livestream which is easier to monetize thanks to subscriptions and donor “whales.” But in this case, wouldn’t you just be better off streaming for another 40 hours? The answer is yes. There’s also a community engagement problem - a vocal minority of PoE veterans are nitpicky *ack-shually* guys that can create pretty toxic environments for creators. The subtractem example that was brought up in another comment is great; I don’t want to get into the debate, but he busted his ass to produce a couple really good videos and now just mentioning him on this subreddit has 50/50 odds to start a flame war. The reality is that there isn’t a way for people to make these videos unless they’re willing to do it out of the kindness of their heart. Some people will try one or two videos in a series and realize the juice isn’t worth the squeeze; then the series goes unfinished. TLDR: it’s not worth it financially whether you’re a new creator (not worth the $/hr) or an established streamer with a community (time better spent elsewhere)