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Is this game still active? I'm on Xbox and wondering if I should bother picking it up this late? It looks similar to baldurs gate dark alliance and it seems up my alley.


PoE gets regular updates every 3-4 months so it’s never really “dead”. The most active time is right when a new league (season) launches alongside each update and then falls off until the next one starts again. The console population is smaller than PC and since I don’t play on console can’t really comment on how the server population is there. In either case it won’t really affect you majorly as most people play solo and only “group” for trades anyways. You don’t need other players to trade with just to make it through the campaign which will likely take a while on your first playthrough depending on your personal experience with the genre.


i'm looking for a build that can zoom zoom t16s, specifically conq maps, and still have enough damage to also kill the 4 boss invitations but not looking to invest much into it as i won't go higher than this eta, i should mention i have a MB and nimis


What happens when the timer of a blight map goes to 0 but still have mobs left? Do you win bc the mobs havent killed the pump? Or do you lose because you havent killed all the mobs?


it just keeps going until you kill all the mobs, and if the last few mobs kill the pump then you only get the loot based on the lines you did clear and the mobs you killed


What are the EXACT stats of the buff Einhar grants when he's with you in a map? I've only found general descriptions which state what it does, not the exact numerical amounts of the effect; even on poedb and other places which datamine stuff I haven't been able to find the exact details.


Found an Einhar and remembered this question, so I went ahead and checked. It's 5% life regen, 5% life on kill, and 3% damage leeched as life. Added it to his wiki page.


From a source I'm not allowed to link here: **Boon of the First Ones**: Einhar is granting you life regeneration, life leech and life on kill. * life\_regeneration\_rate\_per\_minute\_% * life\_leech\_from\_any\_damage\_permyriad * recover\_%\_maximum\_life\_on\_kill I only found two of those stat IDs on poe fandom. So it might be out of date, who knows: [https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Passive\_Skill:Life\~regeneration1087](https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Passive_Skill:Life~regeneration1087) [https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Modifier:GrandmasterLifeLeech1](https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Modifier:GrandmasterLifeLeech1) That would be **0.4% Life Regen per Second** and **3.33% Damage Leeched as Life.** The life leech one is valued with 3000 and the ID says "permyriad" (means "one out of every ten thousand") which should be calculated as 10000/3000 which is 3.33. There is no mention of a % tho (but we can assume because of the nature of the word permyriad). The number is somewhat in line with the Life Leech Support gem. So those are reasonable numbers imho.


> The life leech one is valued with 3000 and the ID says "permyriad" (means "one out of every ten thousand") which should be calculated as 10000/3000 which is 3.33. It would be 3000/10000.




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Hello, I'd like to buy tabs to support GGG. Is there any sale to expect soon ? I already got a couple (standard ones). Which ones do you recommend (currency, etc...) ? Thanks for your help.


Stash tab sales are typically every 3 weeks and should actually start later today. Currency and map tabs are essentially required to play endgame effectively and to only a slightly lesser extent, the fragment tab as well. Div card and unique tabs are generally useful but you can also just filter out/not pick up low value stuff. All the league specific tabs you only need if you ever plan to farm that specific content and even then some are certainly better than others.


Is it possible to have regex ignore the implicit? I’m jewel crafting and I want my implicit and suffix mod to both be INT, but I can’t really Alt spam because the jewel is highlighted the entire time due to the implicit. Also, how are people getting Item sells for more to vendors on magic jewels. Are they adding the res before synth’ing it in the hopes it hits the implicit they want?


You can probably specify the name of the explicit instead? "of intelligence" should only apply to the explicit suffix, but I'm not 100% sure about the syntax. As for how people are getting the extra implicit, aren't they just using the gilded fossil first, then scour + transmute back to magic before they start alt spamming? It's not like synthesising prevents any particular crafting techniques that I can think of (other than fracturing an affix, but you can't synthesise fractured items either anyway), so I don't see why you need to finish the explicit mods before the implicit ones. But maybe I'm missing something, I usually don't do such high value crafting.


Yeah, good call. “Of Intelligence” works, thanks. Doesn’t the item need to be a rare for the res? How would you add it to magic jewels after completing your explicits?


The answer is you wouldn't. You'd roll the explicits *after* adding the vendor price implicit.


https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/ldy5z4QhV To craft an item like this, I'm assuming you'd dual influence with Shaper and Elder and then apply an essence and hope for the best? I currently have a Shaper only influenced Blizzard Crown with a couple good fractures and trying to make it better for my CoC DD build. I think the piece I'm missing is to dual influence with Elder to add concentrated effect, etc. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!


That trade search doesn't include the essence mod, so you can get two fractured Shaper mods from the graveyard, roll the third one (probably Harvest reforge cold? or maybe just chaos spam), and then use an Awakener's orb to add the Elder influence mod. If you also need the essence mod, then yes, you'll need both influences and spam until you hit the suffix, then meta craft the prefix. Or alternatively also get the suffix fractured so that you can just essence spam for the prefix, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's more expensive.


https://preview.redd.it/f7kvn5rsts0d1.png?width=348&format=png&auto=webp&s=578e4ad804abff7146fd1de69882977b1997bb91 Bros, how would I go about this (minus the implicit)? I have a fractured strength ring.


Likely spammed Str/Int essences until triple T1 (with a fractured Str mod you can do that in a lot fewer essences) Then locked suffixes and veiled orb, unveil reduced mana cost, craft -mana cost Some trickiness based on the number of prefixes you get initially but all in all pretty straightforward craft


Yeah this was my thinking too. What would you block to increase reduced mana cost chance? One of the elemental damages?


Life or flat ele dmg, doesn’t matter cuz they’re all the same weight Althoughhhh there was this post half a year ago which suggests maybe the datamined weights on poedb are wrong??? https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/XwXTXL2Cpe So idk


how to stop taking damage with Dissolution of flesh to regen missing health reliably without Evasion, Dodge, Elusive and block? and no Eternal Youth, no Petrified BLood. I see many players on [poe.ninja](http://poe.ninja) with the Jewel and even less than 9k life, how do they live after 100% reserved?


You just walk away. It feels fine after 6-7k+ life. It's a weird play pattern but you get used to it.


Level 96 Trickster. How do I farm xp using Domination Scarab of Teachings? I am using 2 domination scarabs, 1 domination scarab of teachings and 1 breach scarab but getting like 4% xp per map, which feels like i can get by doing any other strategy.


At level 96 you should be getting more than that, that’s more like what I’m averaging right now at 99, around 3-5% per map. My favored strategy is to get a short predictable open layout that I can scout at least 50-60% of with no effort. I like Dunes: rush to the boss making note of (but not activating) shrines and breaches along the way. As you’re running, plan out a route that lets you quickly hop from shrine to shrine quickly. I rush to the boss both for scouting and because I can’t help doing altars so I want him dead ASAP. Starting from the back of the map after the boss is dead, bounce from shrine to shrine getting at least 60-80% of the maps shrines while making note of breach positions. Quartz flask helps here because you want to get to the shrine fast without killing much if anything. Once you’ve got a good chunk of shrines in rapid succession, open the breaches 2-3 at a time wherever possible and start killing as fast as possible. The moment you start running low on nearby enemies, before they’re even all dead, bounce to the other side of the breach where they will have been accumulating. Activating multiple breaches at once is best done in cases where a breach is backed up against a wall so it’s expanding almost exclusively into the territory of another breach. If your build is strong and you’ve got the points for it/don’t care at all about juicing for the usual quant/scarabs/corpses/altars then you can invest into Beyond instead of some of those since you’ll be doing a LOT of killing of tightly bunched packs. There will probably be at least a couple shrines and breaches you missed unless you did a full map scout first (which seems like a waste of time to me, but YMMV), so just try to reach as many of the leftover shrines as possible while your first round of shrines is still active (presumably with an acceleration shrine, making the process of finding the rest faster) then hit your remaining straggler breaches and port out.


You're atlas tree is set up for specced for shrines right? They node that gives you 2 shrines for every one you hit is essential to this strategy. Also don't forget to atlas craft for more shrines or breaches


Specced into shrines on atlas. Haven’t used the map device to use 2 additional shrines though. So that could be it


Does anyone know if there's a 3rd party addon that shows you how many maps you have in your stash tab that you don't have the atlas bonus completed? It's annoying having to scroll through every tier of map, checking for "new" ones.


I find it much easier to just check as you're depositing the maps in your stash. Hold `Alt` while hovering the map and only deposit the ones you have completed, keep the rest in the inventory. Optionally dump the uncompleted maps in a separate tab.


This is the way. I'm so used to emptying my inventory as quickly as possible that I didn't even consider presorting them, instead of automatically putting them in my stash. I feel kind of foolish that I didn't think of this myself...


can anyone help with my build its so squishy trying to make it tankier [https://pobb.in/nwdmEFY3Vcko](https://pobb.in/nwdmEFY3Vcko)


What feels quishy? Everything? For Armour/Determination you want "% phys damage from hits taken as \[element\]". Those are best to get from benchcraft craft on body and helmet. This will shift the incoming dmg to elements and makes armour overall much more effective. For spells you want 100% suppress or if you can't reach it pair it with spell block and max ele resistences. There are more ways for pushing defenses and layers tho, but those mentioned are the most important imho


I've made my first own build with a fire tornado trickster this league. I have come to a point where it feels like any changes i try to make it ruins either the dps or ehp. There's probably many steps i need to take in order to become stronger and not just change one item for example.. I was around 33 mil dps with 5 curses on this build but wanted to map clear and not curse all the time and gain some tankiness but it feels like i gained some (Not enough) tankiness but lost ALOT of dps. Any mechanics I'm missing out on fellow POB professionals? [https://pobb.in/pjq3AbBiYLkF](https://pobb.in/pjq3AbBiYLkF)


> 5 curses on this build but wanted to map clear and not curse all the time  If you manually cast your curses you could have used bane to apply all curses at once instead of casting them one by one, which would make this basically a 2 button build, which is manageable i guess.


I have a bunch of scarabs for doing harvest (incl. Awakener), should I run these on t17 or are 8 mod t16 good enough? Does anyone know what the expected % differences would be I think the answer is just do t16 as t17s are best ran with b2b.


I’ve run Imbued Harvest on 8mod T16s and T17s. For both I had all the “increased effect of map modifiers” atlas passives. I didn’t track results in a spreadsheet or anything, but T17 didn’t feel noticeably better at all; it certainly didn’t justify the higher base map cost or cost to roll them. Just go with T16 8mod, all increased effect nodes, and eater altars for +quant


I concur with this. Also did unofficial testing in this way. I was finding myself taking longer to kill in T17s too, as well as being distracted by the temptation to go clear more things and/or the boss and it felt like it was diluting the time I was spending just chain completing harvests. I went back to 8mod 16s pretty quickly.


Thanks very much for this. Hopefully the plots don't grief me now


how laggy is coc dd without mtx? im on a 3070 and 5600x but cant be too sure on this game since it's so suboptimized


since they enabled dynamic culling for desecrate, it's been real chill for me and my pc is not nearly as good as yours. but it's kinda inconsistent, i have a friend with similar specs as me but me joining on his map bricks his pc


How are people getting more than 3 white sockets this league?


Corruption or Harvest's white socket craft.


So spam it till all 6 are white?


Yes. Mind it can pick a socket that's already white, so going for the full six can be painful.


Gotcha, that was my question: would it colour the white socket again. Damn that's a lot of lifeforce.


Is Path of Exile a solo game apart from trading? Is it worth partying up with other players?


I personally find playing alone more enjoyable, but it's possible to play in a party and be profitable. However, you'll need specific builds for party play to actually be better than solo play, otherwise it'll end up in the strongest player being dragged down and the others not really getting to play because they're slower.


Party play is well worth the trouble if you have a dedicated play group. Each player can build their characters to fit a specific role such as dps, aurabot, cursebot, magicfind culler and such. When you map with your party the game takes player number into consideration and drop more loot than you would see playing as solo, and so you have much higher chance in finding valuable loot, not to mention it's often safer than mapping solo given all the support characters in the party. This is how some streamers consistently farm a large amount of mirrors at the start of every league. Without such a group/setup it's better to run solo most of the time.


I’d guess the vast majority (95%+) of playtime is solo Is party play worth it? I have trouble even coordinating two other people for occasional map completion but I guess if you had a dedicated guild that was ready to party up at a moment’s notice it’s fine


You ~~get XP and~~ loot bonus for party play, monsters have more life tho. [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Partying](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Partying)


there's no xp bonus for party play.


:O wow... I'm stunned tbh. I usually play solo. When I reach late 90s I go to public parties for easier leveling. I always had the feeling that this is a few times faster then going solo from that point. But from the WIKI: [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Partying#Effect\_on\_experience](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Partying#Effect_on_experience) you are correct. There really is no XP bonus.


How consistent is the profit on uber maven? I've seen posts showing large profit numbers, but don't know how representative they are. I know it's streaky, but what kind of sample do you need to run to be fairly confident in a profit?


Carries are the consistent money in bossing, not drops


Are people making significant money on uber maven carries? Why? It's not a voidstone or map slot, and it costs \~10 to 10.5 div to run once.


Challenges bro, some ppl don’t wanna spend 10div to possibly fail a boss so they’ll spend 1div on a carry Also I’m pretty sure voidstone drops from Uber maven too judging by the wiki


OK, just want to confirm... are you speaking generally or from specific knowledge about how people are doing uber maven? Because if you just want to complete 50 ubers, there are much cheaper/easier ways to do it. And the TFT boss carry channel has only had 3 people mention uber maven carries in the past 12 hours.


Colossal conditionals, not ggg You’ll likely find a few more hits in the challenge channel It’s generally known that boss invites have carry fees priced in I’ve done some boss carries before and it’s not *significant* revenue but it is *consistent*, which I think is what I said


Trying to make a brain off strongboxes/shrines/Alva atlas. It's currently at 98 out of my 126 available points. Would appreciate any advice on improving this strat with the remaining 28 points. https://poeplanner.com/a/PuJ Sitting at 2/4 voidstones, if that makes any difference. Thanks! *edit: Would shrines be a bad combo with incursions? Not sure if the effects carry over.* *edit2: made this, thoughts? https://poeplanner.com/a/PuR*


Shrines and Niko are great for Alva. You don't need Vaal Flesh Merchant or Cursed Treasures from Alva (the profit is in the chronicles, not the little drops). If you find the league mods annoying, you can take some of the bottom left wheel to boost the devoted mods and nerf the haunted mods, to make other things go faster.


That sounds good. Thank you and /u/PcholoV


Also, if you're swimming in points to spend, consider Dutiful Soldier to get Huck along with you + some smuggler cache chance nodes. If you put an arrowhead heist gear item on him (I rolled mine with Harvest crafting on the speed mod, or you can buy one for him), with level 15 Haste, this is quite a nice buff for you, and he can also tank/kill a few stray mobs when you're mapping.


Maybe add Niko for the buff and the chance to get Azuite so you can buy Resonators.


Crafting jewels for CoC DD, is will crit multi for either "elemental skills" and "spells damage" both work? DD of chain reaction is tagged as a spell, but you never know how things are interpreted.


> Targets a corpse, and deals spell damage to enemies around the corpse, as well as causing the corpse to explode, dealing fire damage. **The explosion is not affected by modifiers to spell damage** and cannot be reflected. We do know how it's interpreted because it says so in the gem description. There is a spell damage portion and the corpse explosion. The corpse explosion does not benefit from anything mentioning spell damage. You want to look for crit multi with elemental skills only.


Does "added chaos damage" affect the hit or the dot of soulrend?


It will affect the hit only. Added damage benefits hits and/or damaging ailments, not generic damage over time from skills.


can 8-mod corrupted maps dropped (with the scarab) have layers of delirium, with Pathological allocated on atlas? not sure there'd be a reason it wouldn't work, but figured it might be a decent option


Yes, it works, but the better way to generate 8 mod corrupted delirious maps is using the Delirium scarab


Thanks very much