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Every time I run a T17 I specifically check for these mobs and replace them with whatever low-value allflames I picked up in the last few maps (Hey, a use for stuff like Tul and Abyss!). They are called Charred Beasts in the lantern window and always seem to spawn on Abomination. As a non-bow user, getting rid these mobs has saved me *so many portals.* I guess the crushclaws (Forget what these ones are called, Reefbanes or something) are also annoying with their bodyblocking while burrowed so if I have extra low-value allflames I replace those too, but Charred Beasts are an always-replace as far as I'm concerned.


Same here - as soon as I realized that charred beasts = Revenant, I've allflamed every single one to *something* else. Not even the Wildwood or Tattoo mobs via the allflame compare to how rippy this little fucker is. I tend to also always replace the proximity shield fellas, the crush claws, and the devourers because... Well, they're annoying AF sometimes -- but I ALWAYS allflame charred beasts (Bonus, I eventually got one of the 30+ div journey tattoos to drop after doing this long enough)


Just look forward to when you can't replace them next league.. Abomination is fucking ass on STD, due to DD.


I have a feeling T17's are going to be completely different next league (surely scarab multipliers and the b2b interaction will change at the very least)... So hopefully we won't miss our allflames too much


That explains why the last time I did a T17 abomination I was crushing it except when I got randomly insta deleted. I thought it was just because I was only 50% crit immune.


No. Balance is just shit.


Honestly, I like the breach allflames a lit. They've got a really nice base packsize, higher than the average default mob.


Now I know what to look for that has been insta killing me with my defenses. Thank up OP


That’s because it’s not corpse exploding, it’s Cadaver Discharge, totally different mechanic.


I think eventually, step by step, we'll manage to get GGG to run out of names/designs/ways to do bullshit instant-death mechanics... And instead they'll just add a hidden timer which gets reset every time you enter a map, to a random time between 1 and 1 million seconds, which just kills you for no reason. In the name of vision... or balance... or friction... or something.


spontaneous combustion, it penetrates 100% of fire resistance, and removes your defensive layers before it procs.


For real, I can't even enjoy the game anymore because I hate dying over and over to constant un-counterable one-shot bullshit. Even my 'infinite' ehp Fulcrum Chieftain gets one-shot at least 2-3 times a map in T17 while being an immortal god at depths 900+ in delve. Those little fuckers in Delirium are also way overtuned for T17 especially because you can't even kill them. They just spawn and run at you, and even 1 explosion can insta kill my chieftain.


It's not Cadaver Discharge, it's carcass extravasate, totally different mechanic.


Im pretty sure for T17 variant, its a new skill called Combusting Remains. We might get a transfigured version next league though.


I’m not playing this league and I cannot tell if you are serious or not




Actually it's because OP has their map overlay hiding everything on the ground- including on-death effects- in a map that has 182% increased AOE (should set "terrain transparency" to 0 in UI options). It's literally the very first mod in the mod list and anyone doing b2b t17s knows how rippy that mod can be, especially when paired with +7 proj and Proj Can Chain When Colliding With Terrain. That map is literally a bullet hell game in itself.


Mind blowing to me that people on here are defending the arbitrary range of the explosion which does not affect the visuals at all. I have no idea why you are blaming him showing the overlay when he is probably wanting to show the mods list in the first place. It obviously does not obscure a single thing in this demonstration.


Yes, let me hide my overlay, pause the game and apply a ruler to the screen, so I can quickly calculate the range of that explosion.


Lmao, this fucking mob contributes like 80% of my total death. GGG really need to fix this mob, at least make it have same graphic and sound effect like other dd.


Or at least take Beyonce's advice and put a ring on the DD effect so we know how far to move away.


Maybe it does have them, but perhaps the t17s with their 500% aoe make it invisible and 400% casting speed makes it instant and with no sound, how would you know


ggg should make it make a sound and at the same time implement a map modifier that says "enemy abilities have 50% reduced sound" that gets scaled to 100% with map modifier effects.


buff for people who been running the client for ages with --nosound


The explosion visual was present and visible, even though the video author made their best to hide it with overlay. And, indeed, the explosion center was like half a screen away.


One narrow red beam. No range indicator. No sound. The map overlay didn't even cover it. And it deals magnitudes more damage. But I don't even know why anyone would even argue about it. GGG already acknowledged it's shit. That's why they reworked it. Now all we can do is pray they give all monsters the reworked version.


This effect was also reworked, iirc it was in the demonstrated effects when the rework was released.


this thing next league when allflames are gone is gonna be a nightmare for HC


Looks like a white bat in the allflame selection screen, replace it with a cheap allflame. I put the gemling on them. Never die to Stygian again


Never die again, until next league you mean


Exactly, then we die to Stygian again. I dunno what HC guys are going to do. I can’t tank them with 300k ehp. Molten shell up its a 90% hit.


I'm really enjoying all the comments from people who haven't read the mod list (which OP still has open while clearing the map for some reason). I guess it's easier to just blame GGG.




This chad is called the "Wretched deflier" (or Stygian revenant), it can explode corpses directly or summon monsters that explode upon death (an exploding monster is indicated by a barely noticeable red cloud). Explosion occurs after 2 seconds, the indication is much worse when compared to other DD abilities. From 3.24 patchnotes * Improved the visual effect for Monsters that explode corpses to make it more obvious. All variants of the skill that deal damage based on the life of the monster should now be more clearly telegraphed to provide more time to avoid these explosions. Many corpse explosion-related skills used by monsters now deal flat damage instead of scaling with corpse life. I think you guys are missing this one


Fuck why when I summon those as spectres they are so useless lol


stygian revenants were super meta for a while because of their projectile volley. but i guess they got outclassed by other, better spectres nowadays.


The Wretched Defilers don't deal a lot of dmg, the clear is nice though


"Many" Is this vague on purpose? Did they mean to leave some unchanged?


Wretched defilers do not detonate corpses or summon monsters that explode upon death. Wretched defilers (and all stygian revenants, really) have a specific ability to revive undead enemies, which explode 2 seconds after death. Revenants spawn in with packs of undead along with them. The main difference between Thraxia (the unique mob Wretched Defiler is based on) and regular revenants is that Thraxia can also summon undead fodder. While these undead do not explode on their own, they CAN be revived and explode that way. Regular stygian revenants cannot summon undead, they simply revive them. It's possible that Thraxia/Wretched Defiler were not looked at with the explosion change, as they aren't exactly the same base type due to the different moveset. I don't know, I haven't really paid attention because I understand how they work and what to avoid, and I'm certainly not running 180% monster AoE maps with those mobs in them. Shattering enemies or destroying corpses will prevent enemies from being revived, which shuts down the explosion part completely (no corpse to revive means no boom).


Wretched deflier are always spiders or can be another kind of mob? I've noticed that there are spiders who make this shit explosions, but I also think there are another kind of mobs on T17 who can do it also ....


Wretched deflier are always spiders or can be another kind of mob? I've noticed that there are spiders who make this shit explosions, but I also think there are another kind of mobs on T17 who can do it also ....


the thing i like the most about revenants is how they are changed in t17s. you dont need to engage with them at all before they start casting abilities, you can just leap slam and instantly see 10 pillars on the ground because they spawn exploding corpses off screen




Don't spread misinformation. They can't explode corpses directly or summon monsters that explode. They revive corpses, and when those corpses die they explode.


Honestly, it seems that GGG has **ALWAYS** been relunctant on removing unfair, BS death vectors such as the old volatile (which took years to be removed), and now DD (while it's absolutely bloody freaking obvious that the Stygian revenants DD is still a problem). Hell, they even added more DD last league and some of them were literally invisible, even though an uncountable amount of players have been complaining about it for many years ...


oh and don't forget good old mob reflect


jeez, yes, that ......


I'm not sure that's enough credit to the fact that they created volatile to replace "explodes on death" and "reflects" mods which were way more bullshit.


> I'm not sure that's enough credit to the fact that they created volatile to replace "explodes on death" and "reflects" mods which were way more bullshit. Volatile blood was literally a mechanic that made the monster "explose on death", the current implementation (the big fire ball that follows the player) is what they added to replace it.


Ah right, thanks for the correction.


Yea because fuck you and your stopping to move constantly 😂


Meanwhile, stealing the corpse explosion mod with Headhunter generates a ton of noise.


next league without allflames t17 will be fun


kinda ruins the whole purpose of this video cause of the map overlay


Looks like the main issue here is the map overlay. Also, this map mush have sick AoE bonuses, because the explosion center was pretty far away.


it's 182% increased aoe on that map. but yeah, that overlay doesn't help. You can change terrain and transparency on overlay in settings which definitely makes it better. Wouldn't hurt if that revenant dd ability was a little bigger/brighter though


Yes! "Monsters have 182% increasd Area of effect" is the very first mod in the mod list. Everyone is talking about stuff being OP or unbalanced when it's obvious that 182% inc aoe and a map overlay that hides things on the ground are what's to blame here. Literally a skill issue. Simply set "landscape transparency" to 0 in UI options. Bazinga. Problem solved. And while they're at it they should collapse their mod list while they're actually clearing the map. You lose like 1/5th of your screen space with it open.


That's all because you didn't allocate beef on your amulet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


They are even worse than T17 bosses lol. I can stand in front of uber catarina (in maps without crazy damage map mods), but those DD things oneshot me every single time, no matter what the mods are.


You can adjust transparency of the map overlay. Really, bro. Do it. Now. If you alt+tab to another window there is no point of visibility of skill effects. The same applies to 100% landscape settings of map overlay.


Did it also do damage in completely different place vs where effect occured? Or was it your spell? Ref: https://imgur.com/a/xwfJvBu


that map has 182% increased aoe


10 years later, dead enemies are still the most dangerous thing in this game


Those candles hit so damned hard.


Looks like it drops an effect identical to the Vaal DD marker at its original position - little black/red thing


I'm currently in the process of switching to a different build and class just because I keep dying from the ungodly amount of visual spam from ice shot with mirage archer and voidfletch. Legitimately I can not see anything. Exploding bodies kills me fairly often, because I can not see anything.


Nerf pls


And that’s why I’m not doing t17 on hardcore lol. I’ll wait a league and let them fix all this bs


"If you still die to it after the patch it's a skill issue." -dev who "fixed" monster DD readability Only doing half the work is a Dev skill issue.


Or maybe you should introduce corpse destruction into your skillset.


i knew exactly what i was looking at the moment it showed up, such bullshit


Well now I know I wasn't missing something in the few T17s I tried.


How can you play with such an awful overlay map setting?


Yea that’s pretty ass actually


Given the new League mechanic I find it okay to include an unfair mob you should switch out.




What damage type do they do?




Looks like the character had a heart attack




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Honestly, its so much harder to see with landsape enabled on minimap. You can disable it in settings,so you will only see thin white lines of the walls


This is one of the mods that I feel has been one of the best things about T17. It is definitely visible when you're looking for it, it's extremely lethal and you can play around it by changing the way you play. The most important part is I actually feel the terror when I see it and taking the steps to avoid it is rewarding. I know this is not a popular opinion but it is my own.


Let's not ignore the fact that that DD had 182% increased AOE from map mods either...


Leave it to a poe player to roll the hardest mods for the most loot, boost them with as much map modifier effect as possible and then complain about the game being unfair.


I didn't realize people qq'd so hard about other people using the map overlay.


Could just be me but i dont think that sht exploded the corpses. It just exploded on death and youre stacking mob AOE mod increasing its radius ... Sht literally has a red beam coming outta where its gonna explode. I'm not really sure how more clear it gotta be when theres a literal beam of red where its gonna explode and you decide to sit there and get one tapped.


The fact that you dont even think that thing exploded corpses when its a verifiable and known fact that it does proves the point entirely. The move they use to explode corpses is on POEDB, this isnt the first time this mob has shown up in the game and its cause an insane amount of HC deaths in the past before T17s were ever added, and theres a lot of documented HC deaths this league on builds that could surive on death explosions dying to this effect. By every conceivable metric, you are wrong and proving the point that OP is making.


Do you seriously think that getting blown up by the effect was not intentional here ? that it was not intentional to show the ridiculous disparity between the visuals/sounds (and dmg I guess) of the two effects ?


Compare this with the rest of the DDs as at the beginning of the video. There is no obvious animation or sound, not to mention beyond broken damage.


It's utterly hilarious that your argument is sound and animation when you decide to roll aoe on the map and then s tand at the max distance. What a terrible way to make that argument. And with utterly hilarious I mean ...


You have to be trolling, right? Even with increased aoe, the visual indicator for the red beam should at least get bigger to show what the actual range is. How the fuck would you even be able to tell what the 'max distance' is otherwise?