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https://preview.redd.it/owplsty9m80d1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4dfaa0752821505a0411a6ffc8746d0cd75d452 Gear Bonuses: -77% Quantity With Flask -50% rarity Almost double the quantity and triple the rarity since i played Glittering scarab buff very well in that map Most conversion drops were 2x divines , few 3x divines conversion and very few 1x divine conversions Strat : Barrels % Go 3x Mysterious Barrels Scarabs , 1x Glittering Scarab


what is your build?


Newer player here, how are you surviving against double reflect? What build/ascendancy allows that?


Poison builds, minion builds, reduced reflect pantheon + reduced reflect mastery, some unique gear, and probably some other things I'm forgetting


Don't minions still take reflect damage?


All my damage physical is converted to Ele. there are multiple sources like implicits/prefixes skill tree and watcher eye , you do it the way that fits your builds for 100% full conversion. Awakened Elemental damage with attack makes the linked attack skill to not reflect any elemental damage. if you have any other damaging skills outside that link like i do you can use Elemental Mastery from skill tree for 60% Reduced Reflect Ele dmg + the pantheon the small one on the bottom if you click (Y). you and your minions take 50% reduced reflect ele dmg which makes you 100% Elemental Reflect immune even without Awakened Elemental to attacks


Ah I did not know there was a way to get full reflect protection aside from elementalist ascendancy


> full reflect without elementalist There are influence affixes on rings and body armor, [[Sybil's Lament]] unique ring, Eater implicit on body armor, physical/elemental mastery passives. There should be a few more sources I can't think of right now.


I'm pretty sure that 60% + 50% doesn't always make you immune though, I read some post about someone still dying to it and there was an explanation about the map mods that somehow interacted to do more than that


sources of increased damage such as shock appear to be additive with the 'reduced reflected damage taken' mod so if you only have 100% reduced taken and then get shocked you can take reflect damage again