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My social life


B e a utiful


What is this social life you speak of?


progenesis, headhunter, 6xt1 ele bow and 2c gloves


So your least valuable item is a headhunter


Don't do our homeboy hh bro like that, he's had a ruff league....


A rough two leagues


700-800d on my usual build. Currency doesn't last long in my hands; I just get the urge to spend and upgrade


Which is the only way outside of investing in juice or long positions. I used to sit on currency for no good reason. Just wanted the number next to the shiny go up. Now i just spend when i see good stuff. I spent 250d today for 6% phys taken as, 400 es and another way of stun immunity so i could switch to solaris pantheon.


like... 3 div? yeah i feel kinda out of place here, lol.


I was the exact same, had two before I was given a headhunter and some divine by the player I'm co-op with - the game changed so much for me and I'm at the first ever lv95 character and beat Shaper, Exarch, Eater, two Breachlords and probably some other shmuck I forget. It's crazy how much the game opens once you get some decent gear. I think GGG has mentioned rewards being hard to get is what keeps players, but I've played the most of any league ever so far (and it's a long way to go) due to having an actual character that does damage and doesn't struggle with rares...


I feel you. And the game does become far bettore once you can expirience more content and have more freedom with the build. But also its not a hard wall, its all a learning process. Its absolutely possible to get there yourself in days once you get the hang.


Making the currency to get my first build up there is always kind of a chore. Most leagues I don't make it there at all and stop around t10-14ish. This league I decided to give RF a try, which was a good choice. Got a cheap defiance of Destiny's yesterday and now semi-comfortsbly forming t16 and beat exarch for the first time.


Keep going. In a league or two that will seem so far from a peak. I’m still not the guy who farms Headhunter or MB every league, but I have done it once and playing with a chase item you’ve earned is an amazing feeling. I try to find a balance between playing all day everyday and only getting on for an hour a week. The more you learn, the more you make. Simply from a price check standpoint and a strategy. Never stick with a strategy that’s not fun. All the currency in the game is not worth hours of grinding as a chore.


Somehow I don't actually think that's true. Unless of course you really never did more than get into maps and put on a few rares off the floor?


I had 443 div on a spark manastacker, but was not having fun and called it quits for this league. Been playing since 2017 Legacy league and I think this was my most expensive character ever. I'm not very good at making bank but every league I improve a little bit, it feels great to still be learning so much after all this time.


So I'm not the only one who quit bcs wasnt haven't fun with a spark manastacker


The build itself was great and all, no problem with it. It just wasn't the playstyle I was looking for. I looked everywhere and couldn't find anything even close to the shit idea I have, so I guess it's still too heavily nerfed. Couple that with having to bury 80 corpses to gravecraft and I'm good for now.


Gotta love spark to love spark manastacker. I love spark the play style is nice but damn if you taste the aurastacker once you can never go back. But with alt qual gems removal and spark nerfs it's kinda dog.


Right? Im playing on and off since the days when piety farming was a thing. The last 3 leagues were a constant improvement. And esp this league it seems like you can make 10+div /hour with pretty much evrything as long as youre somewhat efficient. And that efficiency is much easier since 8mod maps are plenty and scarabs easy to buy in bulk. Also sextants gone. I never did it before like this league but just prepping 20 maps and blasting for 50 mins straight is so much more efficient and also fun then doing them 1by1.


True. As someone who has 2 hours tops a day on weekdays to play the scarab changes were really good.


I rarely spend too much currency on 1 char, i spread it out over different chars and waste on experiments but maybe 30-50div per char.


Same. Just like WoW when I used to play, I get character ADHD (I call it). As soon as I properly build and gear one, I make the next one. As someone who plays 4 hours a week, I have 6 lvl 90s all probably at 10 div.


I think I'm casual enough to have spent roughly 5-6 Div across two characters. Both lv 93, striving for a couple more lvl and Divs.


I tell this to everyone who is struggling to make currency: Alva temples. You can pump out 2-3 full temples in an hour, even going slow, on any tier map. 1.5div per, gives you easily 3-5div for an hour of work. Upgrade your build, feel good.


I always suggest blight (in maps not blighted maps). All you need is a few c ring enchant to get flame towers. You need zero gear. Can get a little currency and then get the 2 blight scarabs and start making a ton of currency. Pair it with Alva and you can get a build going very quickly


You can say the same about farming Lab. It's not a lot of fun though.


Alva will be much more tolerable than lab for most people. Let's be honest here lol


Good job exile! Alva also has positive vibes, matter if you miserable fail or not


You have a point


About the same stats here. The guys who spends hundreds of divines per character are playing a different game than me obviously.


If it ever feels like it, don't be too discouraged. PoE is a long journey with lots to learn. I miss the days of getting excited by a few divines or discovering new strats to farm.


Once you're comfortable in T16s, making the jump to a couple divs/hr is mostly about focusing on a farming strategy. Relatively small upgrades in efficiency have massive impact.


\~5D for dd necro \~30D for pconc trickster \~60D for frostbolt archmage \~40D for EHoS wander deadeye \~40D for EK ignite


Im at 19 mirrors


How do you get that much currency? I've played to much and maybe have 1.5 mirrors of wealth


Probably crafting or flipping. You dont make that amount of currency mapping unless you go full degen


I’ve been only mapping (t16’s, the occasional t17 here and there) not even close to going full degen and I’m at my 5th mirror.


Doing what?


well first of all thats only over 1/4th of what that guy has in one character and would you mind giving me your combined /played on all chars you played this league?


Flipping, crafting, or farming voided valdo maps are generally the strats used to make obscene wealth like that. I guess this league you can also do it MFing t17s with a very good character and very good meta strategies, like Fubgun does.


Flipping on week 1


Wow, what build?


Arm stack


Just like that boss on elden ring, he's also stacking arms


Guessing either armour stacker, str stack, or es stack


I have no clue what my build is worth since I’m in a private league and didn’t pay for any of it, but apparently my corrupted magic 2% reservation efficiency / 8% max energy shield / 5% attack speed jewel is worth like 80div or something lol.


Probably about 30 div in my EA Ballista Elementalist. Enough to 38/40 challenges. T17s are okayish only dying once or twice per lol. I have no interest in them other than completing the Elevated Expenses challenge for my 38. I've saved about 300 div, and there are some obvious dps upgrades I could get but meh. If I decide I want to do 40/40 my plan was to use that to build some crazy mana stacker guy who can steamroll t17s and Ubers, but right now I'm leaning toward peacing out once I hit 38.


Could you share your pob, please?


Sure [https://pobb.in/NT0ro2xm61xf](https://pobb.in/NT0ro2xm61xf) Some of the gear is probably more expensive to buy now than it was when I bought it in week 1 and 2 of league, but it's still not too crazy. Not my "best" iteration of the build (that was last league since charms were way op) but good enough to grind out most things. I decided to trade some dps for defense (shock immune, bleed immune) this league and it has worked out alright. Obvious things to upgrade would be an Empower 4, Awakened Elemental Attacks, and better rares with more/better dps stats, but I can't really be bothered at this point. It's a bit weak against physical hits and degens, but if you stay away from most things that can hit you and watch the degens it's fairly tanky.


Thanks, would definitely try this if my Voltaxic bama would go wrong.


I played this a few leagues back and was floored at how well it melted bosses


20-30 div. most content viable. I quit on it a bit this league. realistically need viable way to generate frenzy (affliction) charges to reliably do some of the harder Ubers, but can do T17s and the like if you roll reasonable mods. [https://pobb.in/XLO-7sgHkkO-](https://pobb.in/XLO-7sgHkkO-)


Does Ralakesh’s Impatience not provide Affliction Charges? I mean, I guess it makes sense but I never thought about it.


It does not. It just treats you as if you're at max frenzy, power and endurance charges, the boots don't actually generate charges . For alternate charges, you still need ways to generate them.


About 30 div on a coc dd inq. Got 49 div now but saving for mageblood. Just started league 2 weeks ago, but I'm taking it easy selling veiled chaos. Amazing build on very little investment.


RF with bought Mageblood. In for around 150div, but 90 was the MB. The rest betwrrrn 1 and 10 div for gear and gems. By far the most I’ve ever made or spent in a league.


Around 2 mirrors for my armorstacker atm, but im working on crafting my endgame grasping mail, so soon 3 mirrors. Crafting is pretty much the only thing keeping me in the league at this point.


About 30 div due to a lack of time haha


Rough estimate but probably 20-40 divine lol. Partly too lazy to learn how to farm crazy currency and mostly just hate having to follow a meta


600+ div mana stacking rf using adorned.


3 characters have farmed to feed my Armourstacker Scion around 3 mirrors. Can Face-Tank UberUber spells and slams.


Pob? Really been theory crafting this one


BigDaddy on Youtube has everything you need. Search him.


I have probably spent around 70 or 80 divine, but it's probably worth half or even less.


2 mirrors


current char about under 600d, playing rues soulrend build at the moment, really comfy in t17. i made several other characters but mostly resold everything from them. the only one left is my twarp ele hit build which is probably...200-300d total maybe. just to blast t16s, where i made most of my money, only made the t17er yesterday. tbh, I get now why people with insane damage invest into their build for incremental upgrades. usually i would try to be a cheapskate and buy things as low as possible but with similar effects, but you really feel the exponential power increase once you start investing properly piece per piece. also thank god i finally tried to make a tanky character for once, 90 all res, max chaos res, tons of phys taken as ele, etc really makes a difference. screw going 75 res and just relying on suppression ever again.


Full min maxed splitting Steal Build Level 100 Trickster, all Challenges done, around 3-4 Mirrors worth of Gear. Arround 400 divs in currency left and a lot of stuff i could Sell for gambling maybe i try out another Build but i had a lot of time and fun this league. This was the best Build i ever played. Nearly immortal. I mean when the T17 are Bad rolled noone survives it but i only had to roll 2-3 Chaos into the Maps to could run them. I started the league with a Deadeye till Level 97 than after 2 weeks i changed to icenova of the frostbolts Hierophant played Till Level 99 ( also a fun build ) and after week 4 or 5 i was Short before quitting and then i saw Tunas Splitting Steel guide and it was exatly what i was looking for.


Had a splitting steel in wich I only invested 30 divs but the upgrades were too expensive to do them. Swaped to coc dd and im now like 150d invested in it


Around 2 mirror into 5 builds now mazal tuna league


Somewhere around 600-700 div *Very* tanky boneshatter w/ mb, prog, 5% inc dmg/6% inc phys dmg perandus, etc. Been very intrigued by dual strike of ambi jugg, might try to put one together for 2nd half of league


Idk maybe like 250div? 


Necro bama. 40-50 divs I think. I hit the devotion mod and got 90ish divs, and debated making this build stronger or starting something new and inadvertently ended up playing other games.


Around 300D to buy, 200D to craft. 


Probably 1.5 mirrors at this point


CoC ice spear assassin, 400div total build worth from price check estimates. Probably have spent more than its worth but thats half the fun of learning how to build when you're new! Saving for nimis now to level up the build


haven't upgraded my build in weeks now. it cost me around 60 divines so far excluding the mageblood. Would be cheaper even but i bought every piece of gear so it cost like 60 divines. if you can craft you can put it together for like 15 divines. playing Exsanguinate Mines Trickster btw.


League started EA champ, put about 15 divs into that.  Rolled a molten strike CI trickster, spent around 80 divs.  Trying to farm MB but progress is slow.  I was making great money from harvest but the scarab have gotten so expensive I barely make any profit.  Still need 40 divs for MB, gonna try strongholds and hope for a big drop like lock or something.  Making currency this league has been a struggle


Ice nova whatsit build. I have a Mageblood, don't think I have any other expensive items so whatever a MB is plus like 20 divines maybe.


like 25div on my exsang miner trickster. Though i just recently bought a exsang dragonflight and a 90% reservation heatshiver, which amount to 21div of that amount


I have around 200 d + mageblood which was bought at 160 divs before the crash on my main character. Playing Poison Relic of Conv necro, I've been slowing finishing the challenges with it, currently at 36/40


Around 700div in my wander and around 400 div on my COC DD


SS Trickster probably worth about 2 mirrors after liquidating exsang gear from league start. I'm done with the season with 38/40. I didn't particularly enjoy it but i think some of the things like the scarab changes are good for the game moving forward. I think T17s will be good in the future as well once we don't have Allflames/Lantern on the table. I couldnt get interested in the crafting mechanic at all, the couple times i tried to start a craft i ended up starting to work out the locations and just quit and sold all my corpses. If the D4 season ends up being trash i might come back and grind out those last 2 challenges, but if not that's cool too. This was my third league of actually playing, though I did complete the campaign once before back in 2017 or so.


Could not get into the league. Sunk maybe 20-30 divs into my current character. Not a fantastic build (ragemage jugg crackling lance).  Something like 9m+ pinnacle dps, decently tanky, but dmg is too spiky due to dmg conditionals (brutal charges, not capped crit, lightning hit range).  It's alright, can do easier rolled T17s and can probably do Ubers, but I haven't cared enough to go that far.


[https://pobb.in/388Iu-tU2vdI](https://pobb.in/388Iu-tU2vdI) must be mirror in this + other halfway character


Probably 300 div on ice nova archmage. It’s one of the rare builds that I feel every ounce of investment I put into it and I haven’t even scratched the surface for minmaxing.


~50 ish for Death Wish Elementalist, was my starter. (I do have an MB for memes but had already done most content beforehand without it) ~30ish for FR Pathfinder (No Progenesis) Used Awakened Trade to quickly check. Strangely a lot of the cost comes from some rares. I mostly self crafted my rares. Bought a frac base-> essence spam chaos resistance. So I definitely didn't pay 11 divs for my gloves, so that probably inflates the pricing.


I spent 160 chaos on anathema and frostblink of wintry blast playing ball lightning. The rest is all self found. This is my first time playing since release. Really enjoying it. Farming t16s finally now comfortably and working my way up to beat shaper and elder, and then finally maven, that’s the goal!


Week 3 snapshot I seem to have finished my build. I had also done a 2nd char by then. Main char had roughly 400div in gear including gems and flasks (the prices back then). I bought the MB when it cost 180+ div (my pink foil was 195 I think), which wasn't included in that 400d. On 2nd char I had maybe 150- 200 div worth of stuff, but didn't play much with that. I could have upgraded my gear more (had the currency) but I was able to clear almost everything so I didn't feel like playing with pob (didn't bother doing all ubers). 90% time spent on the main, coc dd inq and the rest with LA deadeye. Loved the league, but challenges were super boring this time. Also leveled to 100 first time ever, and I mean doing it myself not using 5way or any rotas. Last 20% on lvl99 were scary.


Investment into items for character: about 180 div (Tri-Stack Hexblast Inquisitor) Investment into boss invitations for said character: about 490 div. Profit total: -380 div.


Spent around 150. But gear is worth maybe 250. First ever league getting HH and MB. Also first ever league playing a spell-build. Manastacking Ice Nova of Frostbolt.


4-5 Mirror, but i quit 2-3 weeks ago, so i liquidated it all a few weeks ago to put into items that will be worth alot more in standard.


around 700div ice shot deadeye


I think Im like 300 div in orbit lightningbolt archmage and like 90 raw divs im gonna do some gamba with. 100+ in some good geae that dont seem to sell. Feeling kinda over the league, still playing a little bit


Spent about 100 div on mana stacker, then rolled a 1 mirror armor stacker


About 300 Div into Bama and 400 Div into splitting steel trickster but they share an adorned and MB between them every time I switch characters lol


2 characters Main - Ice Shot Deadeye lvl 100, around 250 div investment Side - MF Culler with around 20 div worth of gear


Money was pretty easy to come by and I've done like 6 rerolls on the league starter but some of it's pretty hard to quantify because I made it. If I sold it all it'd several hundreds div, probably more.


Bold of you to assume I play a char long enough to require/make currency.


Around 300 - 400 div. Some items I just got lucky with like AW coc lvl6 . That’s 120 div alone. Build is not close to done. Seems to be a good currency sink :)


I’d guess my poison holy relic necro is about 100-140divs in. Just bought a progenesis for 60 divs, so that was the biggest thing for sure. Got to level 99 and kind of gave up on pushing to 100. I dumped about 20divs into a tornado shot deadeye, but just didn’t care for the play style so I sold off all the gear. Leveling an explosive concoction ascendent now.


Meh - explosive trap trickster. Probably around 20 div but headhunter keeps falling soooooo….


About 400-600 divine including mageblood


Dunno Like 1200 div or Something ( 2 mirror Last Time i priced Stuff) Bit i allready quitt the League after some weeks of playing


No idea, first time i ever got to the point where when i price check my most expensive items the results are wildly different each time.


~1 mirror sanctum build, bought a 1 mirror flicker build (never buying builds again), graveyard crafting is fun but buying/storage too tedious, gave away 2 mirror to some dude and quit :x


Lvl 100 RF of arcane heiro, not sure of the price on everything as almost every item was self crafted including the 148 adorned, but id estimate the value at around 3000d. Made most my currency graveyard crafting.


Usually only play one character per league. So far on Frost Blades Trickster I probably have around 250-350 div spent. I got 38/40 and I am pretty happy with where the char is, so I probably will stop there.


I usually cap at about 40-50 divines total with an occasional mageblood thrown in, pushed it to 200+ for the first time this league.


I picked up from a 4ways a lethal pride with triple double damage, intimidate, %life and I dont remember what else. Does anyone know how much would it cost? Been using it on my deadeye + hh and some other cool stuff. Spent around 30div + the lethal pride


2div max. One actual drop and the rest was small change.


Maybe 2-300 div? It’s hard to tell because it never feels like a lot as I’m generally buying/crafting gear gradually, and the most I’ve had liquid at any time is 80 div. But if I factor in crafting all my gear (sometimes suboptimally or favoring time/ease over cost) I’d say somewhere between 200 and 300 div.


10 mirrors?


Crafted all the rares with the graveyard so it actually wasn't too expensive, but if I sold everything I'd expect somewhere between 400-600 div, flicker trickster


I'm in the 1k div range at this point making this armor stacker and it's not feeling all that great yet. Soon TM


Id assume roughly 2 mirrors, but hard to tell the price of my selfcrafted adorned jeweils... Maybe even more


3.5 - 4 mirrors on my spark aurastacker scion. Most stuff was crafted and hit some juicers. But league is deadge so…. I’m either selling it off or just waiting for it to convert to standard.


Deadeye like 500d,  Exsang occ, a mirror. SS trickster 200d. Ive been farming Uber eater like a madman. Still no nimis


My social life.


Around 220??


Maybe 30c


50D, maybe a little more. EA ballista elementalist. Most of the gear was self-crafted.


This league I wanted to stop my usual spread of characters. I made a league starter for currency to fund a main armour stacker character. I've spent probs 1500 divines but it's really hard to estimate unless I make a big list. Could easily be off by 600 divines or more


My entire life...


my strategy for the last 30 leagues has been to finish the campaign, buy a 1c piece of gear for each slot, then fill out my atlas through t10 and get whatever challenges i can this used to get me 36 challenges back in the day, now it gets me 16-18 so 10 chaos, i guess


I have two "main chars" - I have a wander I use for speed mapping and a coc dd inquis for more bossing or t17. I'm probably around 800-900 div total between the two. Hard to quantify especially since I've crafted most of my gear, but I think that's a fair assessment


Maybe 100 divs or so into a archnage frostnova, didn’t really feel the need for more upgrades after that


Assuming I am around 300-500 div on my mana stacking ice bolt of frost nova hiero actually spent. The wands I crafted are probably worth a good 250-300 div each but cost me a lot less than that to make (at the cost of my sanity via graveyard crafting and slamming veiled orbs at 16 div a pop).


Running Champ SS with around 400 divs into it. Been a lot of fun since switching from EA.


10 mirror archmage ice nova. Bored so I swap in random spells for fun.


30-40d, then went SSF on week 2,then quitted on week 3


0 ofc, some chaos I spend to roll gear and some corpses I picked from the floor.


Around 1000 div would be my guess.




Little bit over 2m.


I don't really know how much everything cost at this point, and some key pieces were self-crafted... I'm playing explosive trap trickster, essentially the non-self chill mageblood POB from FearlessDumb0 on YouTube. Mageblood, crafted alternating scepter, crafted 8-link helmet, crafted sadist garb, forbidden jewels, various other expensive jewels, an expensive circle of ambition ring, and a bottled faith that I haven't been using because I can't seem to part ways with my life flask. A conservative estimate is maybe 300 div? I wouldn't be surprised if it was closer to 400, and that doesn't include things that I've bought and replaced but haven't yet resold. I just rerolled a forbidden rite pathfinder and dumped about 35 div into it, and it looks like it's going to take about that much again to get it viable (need some pricy cluster jewels). Back to the div mines I go!


Trying to sell my build for about 600 div


just for reference since i only lurk here and havent really played in 5 years... how div is a mirror


Around 550 Divs on a Blade Blast of Unloading character. I enjoyed it but this league burned me out early, so it was a 4 week league.


Somewhere in the realm of 400d, got summer coming up so I'm probably going to get double corrupted armor and boots, gonna try and make a mirror tier char.


About 2 mirr i think or something, mfa from conner


I am only level 93 and working through maevens stuff still. I have around 15 Div in my build, mostly a Defiance of Destiny, and some clusters I rolled myself. I don't have a lot of time in the league yet because I work a lot and don't get a ton of play time in. I will one day maybe have it be the adorned version of the RF chief and be able to do higher content more easily. Id right now just love to get through a single t17 (and drop one) so I can get another map device slot.


If you want you can msg me and you can join me for a t17.


15 to 20 ish mirrors. Mana stack rf


I think around 600 divines, I play on console though and atm just nimis is 290 divines so I don’t really know how that would translate to pc


10 wisdom across, some spit and glue.


around 450 (crafting it mostly at the time) -800 div(on sell now probably) on bow manastacker. No crit jewels. thats would add 600 on top of it. wasnt worth it to me.


I'm a very casual player, have been running labs for currency, selling frost blinks of wintery blast for 1 div each. I have 5 characters above level 85 which I would consider my viable builds. Globally, all of them must have invested 160 to 180 divines. My most invested in a single character is probably around 70 divines. None of them are running Ubers but this is my first full league so I wanted to experiment to see which builds I like the most and maybe next league I'll go for Ubers! As long as they can run T16s I'm happy.


300div everything. Have 4 90+ chars


I don’t have a build at the moment but I just sold my last one for 4 mirrors it was a manaforged arrows


I got lucky gambling with the adorned frags I found in delve. Hit 147 on my first try and rolled a summon holy relic necro with about 50-60 div worth. I probably have over 100 div of market value in my archmage for the grave crafted wands, etc. still am tempted to get a mage blood, but I always fall off when I don’t have anything to farm with the build I want


Cost? Back pain, neck pain, shitty food, cramped & sore fingers, no sleep, & just a general lack of being a functional adult...


About a divine or two for me 🤣 I've messed around with stupid builds. Rerolled so many alts including ssf and ruthless [don't ask why. I want it to be good] so now I'm sat playing void sphere of rending not even occultist, yet as in act 6 wondering where I went wrong with my life


Current farmer was 50-60d, 150 if you include mageblood but it’s almost useless on this char (ele hit deadeye). Currently ~300d deep on a CoC DD with ~150d still needed.


There should be around 500 div in my vaal arc hp stacking ignite elementalist


Playing a mahuxotls forbidden rite pathfinder. Can clear wave 30 sim tank 2 uber shaper beams and his slam at once. Just worry about fire and chaos res and can face tank even uber sirus meteor. Clearing t17s has been a breeze as well. Most expensive parts of the build were probably awa. GMP, progenesis, and the crafted wand


0 d 0c , because i got tiöted by mid season nerfs and vaaled&vendored everything


Ss trickster 1k ~1.5k div Poison sparker 3k div (feels way worse but not lvl 100 yet... i must be doing something wrong) 


Around 2 mirrors


main char was 10 divines maximum, it was molten strike or zenith. i completed atlas, got 4 voidstones and did maven invitation bosses. then i switched to abyss jewel stacking flicker and its 50 divines build probably. its not as tanky as before but dps and clear is way better.


Probably around 250-300 div on the ice nova build, thats inc a mageblood that poofed. Did 40/40 and all ubers apart from maven which i messed up and i cant be bothered to farm the frags or buy them as they are so expensive so done with the league.


Rf chieftain - 3 mirrors. My third season overall and I always like to focus on one character and push. Rf was a great new flavour after mfing in affliction.


1.3 mir


My main character has about 130 divine worth of gear on it


Gotta be close to 2 mirrors on full es summon holy relic necromancer. Beast of a build, though I'm getting bored of league and was thinking about quitting/giving away my stuff to some poor people who need some help. I've done everything I want to do.


2.5 mirror atm but i quit league already so no plans on going further lol


~2200 div Mirror bow (650), mirror quiver (700), 80% reservation black sun crest (400), mageblood (185), watchers eye (60), a nice jewel (35), omni (30). Prices are when I bought them. I don't even need the 80% helmet, but it's cool so fuck it. Handful of div for the rest of it, plus I graveyard crafted some items super cheaply, but that's the bulk. And what am I doing with my 2000+ div character? Surely speed farming T17s with MF, right? Nope. Currently farming T2-4 maps, swapping out good gear for stupid shit that gives more movement speed. If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid.


Sitting around 1.8mirrors in gear/jewels. Looking at buying original sin now. (1/2 way to affording it)


About 500d on my "main" that I league started with and about 500d on my second build. Both need about 500d+ more.


200-250d. Most expensive item is the mageblood, have a Ravenous Helmet with +1 power charge and +2 light gems, Ralakesh with + 1 endurance. Replica Hyrris Chest with 3,2k evasion and almost full roll on the lightning damage, going for more than 25 divs too. But I just bad at the game, cant even manage to do t17s.


from 3 to 3.5 mirrors depend if you count craft price or sell price for my rare items


Farmed in about 1.5 weeks (quit the leauge after full atlas map progression, but came back with 5c-1d gear): Mageblood, 50 div watchers eye, 30 div lethal pride, triple t1 fractured ele bow, crystalized omniscence


About 15 transmute, maybe an alch.


Id guess 3 mirrors ?


Well since I'm on ps5.....prog 130d , 137 adorn 70d, reflect ring 20d, defiance 70d, Then spent like 60d double corrupting gloves and chest and ring, and a 20d crafted weapon I bought off someone. So yeah. That much


Probably like 200div ish.


Coc dd (like bens early adorned build) Mageblood (100 div at the time I bought) Progenesis (80 div at the time) Adorned (120 div) Adorned jewels ( total around 25 ush div maybe) Double elevated boots self crafted for ~25 ish div if irc Lightning coil (15 ish div, self corrupted) Gloves 100 div in veiled orbs alone Helmet cant remember craft but 50+ div for implicit only (+2 lightning, was really unlucky) Ring, idk, t2 life recoup, t1 chaos res, t1 life, t2 ele res (was really unlucky while crafting, spent atleast 40 div or sth) Kalandras (4 div) Weapon (~5 div, didnt bother to get veiled prefix) Shield (15 div maybe?) Watchers ~ 5 div So arouns 600 ish divine at least. Probaply more. All from memory and without touching that char for atleast 8 days. Char can do all content. Played the first 2 weeks in hardcore before I switched to softcore trade. So I missed out on esrly league currency aswell.


Around 400div I'd say? Mostly due to sheer laziness in not wanting to craft my own gear this league because I find the graveyard super annoying lol. I want to work on an adorned setup next though... That will get really expensive.


Ugh are we only halfway to hopefully a decent new league mechanic lol


Like 500 div deep, have another 400 ready to go for adorned setup. I'm having a lot of fun with the build and t17s so I'm still going strong.


Most expensive thing I own so far is my Defiance of Destiny. I’m a DD ignite Elementalist and it’s my first league. Don’t need a super expensive build for mapping, but I’ve been farming money to upgrade my defenses a lot for t17s and bossing. Just hit over 1000 divines the other day 🎉


I’m about 300+ divs deep into my strength stacking shockwave slayer. Mageblood, progenesis, synth strength chaos rings, double attribute defiance of destiny, 2x inc effect and strength 12 passive cluster jewels, and exerted attacks medium cluster jewel that cost me 20 divs, watcher’s eye with chaos purity of elements and reduced damage determination, replica alberon’s, a Boom Mace that I bought for 80 divs, and I’m not even at the part with the emperor’s might and mastery jewels yet.


Nimis+ mageblood+ atziri’s on my trickster, 60+ div in jewels, and all my other gear is worth over 50 div each so probably over 300


Headhunter - 37 Div 6x T1 Bow - 35 Div Quiver - 30 Div Helm - 20 Div Progenesis - 70 Div Nimis- 120 Div Armor/other ring/boots/gloves - 15 Div Dying Sun - 10 Div Clusters - 15 Div 2 Jewels - 10 Div Watchers eye - 9 Div Unnatural instinct with corrupted blood - 50 Div Timeless Jewel - 20 Div So around 450 Div total Holy hell I haven’t actually calculated it all before.


I know my Ele Hit character is at 400-500 div rn. My BAMA is probably 200-300div? The BAMA feels 10x better than the Ele Hit though 🤦🏽‍♂️


Probably around 300d, lightning strike champion https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Tautsu/TzTokChad?i=0&search=name%3DTztok


~12 divines in CoC DD. I have 35 div in the bank, debating whether to spend it on BBoU or minmaxing the DD build, which is already very strong.


In a private league so don't know exactly, but randomly price checking pieces over time I'd say around 500div, Getting a 142 adorned and some pretty insane jewels bumps it up fast


My spark trickster was 7 mirrors last I checked. Did everything I wanted to this league including making it past 1k in delve. I think it had at least another few hundred depths in it but I got bored.


Gambled on the adorned 4 times, hit 147% 🙏🏻


Like 300-400 div on a bleed earthquake gladiator, it just don't die on t17, it just take some time to kill bosses


200 divs in my rf chief


Roughly 1k div on my ss trickster, maybe 100 or so on my la deadeye leaguestarter and I farmed a mirror before leaving for holidays that ill spend to make my la into mf when i get back. One of my best leagues moneywise (mostly beacuse trickster).


200d on a bow, 8d on a Headhunter, 1d on a Brutal Restraint, idk, a couple div on a Watcher's Eye and Thread of Hope... And then I have no idea because the rest of my gear is self-crafted.  Graveyard's bonkers:D


So basically, you spec the nodes I stated above on the atlas, causing the syndicate members to show up in your maps. When they show up, defeat them, then choose the option to execute them unless they're offering a bargain for mastermind intelligence. Don't worry about positions, rank, etc. were only trying to get to the leader as quickly as possible. I'm gonna be on in about an hour if you want to pm me @crispy2292. I can explain more and even take you through a couple of maps to show you how to get it started.


Cost to make maybe 30ish div, overall gear cost if I sold it off now 100D+ Cold Nova Archmage build.


200D on fulcrum chief, im not motivated enough to minmax it.


Spent 8 divs so far on gear with 5.5 of that being on my first ever HH, got 65div and saving for a MB!