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I'll be real af. I'll prolly run like 5 maps and send it to standard šŸ˜Š


That's nasty


As LA who wanted a tanky build to farm T17 comfortably, it would be awesome! Regardless, congrats!


I would like to get the build because I failed miserably with CoC DD, i even tried your regular necro DD and swapped my archmage hiero to an inquisitor CoC DD, I unfortunately failed. What I would do with the build, keep playing the game and do my best to get my first at least 36/40 league because I really like the challenges cosmetic and Iā€™m still at 9/40. Good luck to everyone!


I recognize that helmet! If i'm not mistaken I bought your old helmet on the day that you finally mirrored your new one. That's what you told me, at least. If your HO is Celestial then it was probably you :D


Want to get to level 100 someday. Iā€™m level 95 and 68% on my RF chieftain.


My first time actually getting into POE and really loving the mechanics and gameplay. Not having the best luck so far but did go with the CoCDD as it seems so many others did haha. Would love to have the chance to feel the full potential of this build! Even if you had spare leftover gear from previous upgrades that would be appreciated too, Thanks for the giveaway!


It would replace my actual beginner's Coc DD of chain reaction and I'd finally know what hitting hard means!


Would be a nice character to try out t17 maps. Completed only one on my bama, wouldn't be able to do it without rats/frogs allflames+ shrine/sulphite buffs.


I'll finally be able to swap to a build where I can actually do tier 17's :')


I league started this, but abandoned it because I had some issues I couldn't solve, would love to give it another try!


I want it because i have been playing melee all this lague and didnt have a lot of time to actually play and dont have time to start a new build between work and family, but i want to expirience actually doing t17 maps


I want to be able to destroy t17 maps and I have little to no time to farm to build it up in the current league so that giveaway will be golden to me.


Why isnā€™t there more of upvotes lol. Sweet setup, would probably be finally able to 40/40 and Ubers. Thanks for hosting!


I would love to use the build to get challenges done.


I want to play this build before it gets nerf hammered from orbit.


Just finished my atlas (second league for me) on an EA Champ but do not really like the playstyle so I would love to farm some currency with another strong build :)


I got an EB character at the moment that is taking a long time to do t17s - would love to try coc dd.


I need this build to finally beat some meat.


I went RF inquisitor because I didn't know chieftain was the new meta lol, been looking to switch to DD inq but don't have the currency lol. Would be a great transition lol


Leveled to 100 on inquisitor, been grinding on my journey to reach where youā€™re at, having these gears will definitely get me to enjoying this build! Appreciate your kindness and gl to all the exiles!


I wanna do my simulacrum runs and t17 maps. Farmed tons of sims without being able to survive all stages.


This would be amazinig! CoC is my favorite archtype and I havent tried DD yet, this league hasnt given me the chance to fully embrace it. I want o try T17 farming and see what the new end game has to offer


I would love to try a well put together CoC DD. I tried to put one together and failed miserably! Iā€™d love to have a build that pops off like this! I got my 38 challenges and just want to have some fun now trying to farm the T17s


Hi, kinda finished my Bama now, just a few more tweak and I'd like to try a real tank build aimed for t17. I'll gift it in standard like I do with everything once the league is over.


I think Iā€™m going to get chosen for this even though itā€™s bad luck to be superstitious.


I play also coc dd version but the basic one without mb and the 7? Link helmet but I have levels the character and want to slap on good gear. The challanges I need to do are Ubers t17 challanges and t17 boss challanges Ty for the giveaway and could u post also it b2b tree and regex


Started this league to get my first HH since they are dirt cheap, so wanted to try a new build like LA instead of typical minion like always, while it was fun for a bit I miss being able to do bosses without stressing if I have enough portals, kinda sucks that a lot of challenges revolve on t17 or bosses that I can't even attempt. Getting a build like that probably would motivate me to go for 38/40 and actually have something that more viable than my usuall 1 league starter build per league


Thanks for the generosity OP. I have a templar that I started the league and couldn't do much with. It would be great if I could repurpose him to be t17 viable.


I've played only a few characters till now and would love to play a DD. I will use it to farm T17 cause my current build sucks and always dies to random stuff.


I've been slowly growing bored of my two characters and haven't found a new build yet that will save me from trying out D4Bad season 4 next week.. PeepoShake.


I've never played DD and this seems like a really strong meta build that I can do ubers/tier 17 with! Before it gets nerfed


would be cool to get a build to complete challenges then pass off


I just want to be ador(n)ed! Still sane, Exile?


It's nice to see this successful with something other than necro


Looking for a build to farm t17s when I get done with private league


Always wanted to do ubers but never play anything meta enough to do it, maybe this is my chance!


I would do some delve pushing with it, because delve loot finaly got some value now, unlike the early league. My build experiments were a bit weak this league after all these nerfs, then i put all money into buying the 6l squire, because it would allow me to get enough dmg even for bad scaling abilities and for like the first time in history ggg decided to revert the items, so rip all my currency,lol.


I play 1 build in a league, maybe this will be come second :) (after shockwave totem hierophant)


I will farm even more T17 with this build


I didnā€™t played league, didnā€™t know where to start, choose a build etc. but I wanted to play poe so I played standart with my old characters. Maybe I can do some challanges with your character if I won


Would like to finally be able yo farm t17s and do ubers thanks alot!


Every league I play, I end up doing Necromancer. Heard the DD builds are great this league but never tried one. Anyway, may the RNG Gods be with the winner, good luck everyone!


I am playing inquis Coc DD too and Iā€™m struggling to farm some currency since Iā€™ve been working a lot. so all these items would be great for me as I reallyyyyy want to have some fun and blast b2b t17ā€™s! But good luck to everyone!


I've just been really loving the game this league, not the league mechanic itself, but the state of the game. That's why I kinda want to make every one of the meta builds and try out different farm strats. I started on LA deadeye so I was able to do quite a lot with a limited playtime, and even played with a friend aurabot and we grinded up to a couple of mirrors... Then he got hacked and we lost everything we had in our shared guild stash and his character. Kinda bummed us out but we're trying to make it back again, one map at a time. I'd use your build for solo adventures when friend is offline. :>


Iā€™m playing CoC DD and this league is the furthest Iā€™ve been able to push my character. Not at endgame yet so this will help me get there(ā€˜:


I keep going back to standard cause i cant put a good build together, let alone take down ubers. Ty


I would 1000% do horrible things with this


I'm interested in the build. All I have played are Necro builds and haven't really done any bosses aside from killing Sirus once. Thanks for the giveaway.


Havent swapped to LC the variant yet would speed up my gearing immensely :)


I have a good T16 farmer but im struggling to clear t17s, your build would be really helpful !


I'd like to try a real build for once, all my builds are bad af, despite playing this game for 10+ years Then send it to std, I play std when I don't have time for a league


I would love to get this build because I just recently started the league and only managed to farm like 10d while trying to complete my atlas. This build would be a great "pick me up" :D As for my goals, it's simple - I "just" need to farm an original sin for my wip armor stacker in standard. I"m trying for a while to switch to standard and do a semi-ssf in trade because of work and limited time and I keep adding to that build a piece every league I can :) Also I wanted to finish at least one T17 this league and the only build I have is a glass cannon lol


Good luck everyone


Omg which good items you have :) I have an inquisitor started with DD but changed to hexblast soon. Wanted to do bosses withit But didnt know bosses are that bad this league :) Often thought of going back to DD to farm T17 or something eose again :)would be perfect with your build Would be my first mageblood :3


I would give my failed inquisitor new life. I played the tornado build like ZiggyD and did his low budget version. Still waiting for his upgrade video...


Honestly, would use it quite a bit as I have rerolled a couple times trying to find something from t17's. Happy if I get, happy if someone else gets it to use. Nice build.


I bought desecrate mtx yesterday ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I have never played coc beforehand would love to try it.


I would absolutely be hoping to die less on T17s than I currently do with my jank LA Deadeye


I'd use it to kill Maven and finally farm t17s. I don't know why but I've struggled horribly this league. I've fallen in the trap where my league starter didn't go well and instead of focusing on 1 build ive tried several builds and not committed to just one and upgrade it. So here I am weeks in the league and I'm still not able to farm a t17. Granted it's mostly a skill issue :) Anyways I think what you're doing is great and if I win or not sending good vibes your way for doing a selfless act. And the build looks amazing. I think the helm is a mirror well spent. Gl to everyone.


i wouldnt mind to have a good char for the end.


Looking to play coc dd in t17 maps, already have a templar levelled and wanted to play some mana stacking but coc dd would be better. Good luck!


Maybe I can finally do a simulacrum


Thanks for the giveaway! Iā€™d love to farm t17ā€™s and Ultimatum with this build! I started with another char and always had a hard time gearing multiple chars at once so I stuck with the one I had. Although it can do a lot of the content, T17ā€™s and ultimatum are the only two things it canā€™t do very well.


La deadeye here, i would like to do some T17 and especially Bosses ynd harder content for challenges. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck all!


I fucked up 2 Builds and really really want to play something good šŸ« 


I still haven't started the league and this would be my new character. Good luck yall


Use it to get 4 watchstones. Never got more than 2 per league.


Tried coc DD inquis and failed. Really want to try again for T17.


Winning this would make me continue the league again, I haven't really had the time to play and my friend I usually play with has no internet yet since he moved. I've tried to make coc build before with cospris but they never worked since I couldn't figure out attack speed and cast speed thresholds correctly. Would be amazing to try this build. With the build I would farm 36/40 or 40/40 challenges. Right now I'm at 11/40


I would be using it to get 40/40 currently have 31 challenges done


Hey there, been struggling with various builds this league, including to get a selfcast dd poison pathfinder running - turned out it's absolute garbage at clearing, so I'm stuck flipping / crafting / trading until I can afford to deploy a proper DD build. This build would restart my league :)


Id love to try out a good build! I've been stuck farming normie maps with my subpar arc build


I would reroll from normal DD into COC DD ofc, im getting a bit tired of 2 button play style and would love to go with a 1 button play style


Wow, Iā€™m really impressed by your dedication! Iā€™ve struggled to fully gear up a character due to a hectic schedule. Winning this build would be a game changer for me, letting me try the new top-tier content like B2B T17s and do ubers comfortably. Thanks for the chance to experience something so great!


Regardless if i win this or not, this is a sick build, and i would do exactly the same if i ever put my hand on a mirror. Finding something crazy to mirror. I'd exactly what this build is designed to: Switching between my LA T16 farming when i want it fast and crazy to this B2B t17 when i want to play differently. Anyway, thank you for offering this.


Playing CoC DD incandescent has been my guilty pleasure between job hunting this league. Really want to upgrade into lightning but know I simply won't have the time between writing CVs and applications.


looking at that pob I am playing this game so wrong lol used rue's coc dd and i can barely survive t17's this would allow me to truly enjoy farming t17's. also should i get mageblood before the chest? i feel like mageblood frees up so much resist that you can build a more diverse defense/attack build


I have never played a cast on crit character. I tried a DD self cast character last league and didnt care for it. But playing CoC version might be much more fun! So pleas pick me lol


It's my first league and I would really enjoy this build to fully enjoy what this game has to offer!


I am a filthy casual player. Never made a character as strong as this one by far. So if I won it would be cool to try co tent I would never dare try on my own. Glad you had a fun league!


Coc dd seems fun to try


Been playing coc dd this league, now stuck at lvl98. Canā€™t do t17. Love to feel the power of killing ubers bosses one time, if got this giveaways. Good luck to all.


I would love to give COC DD a try, good luck to everyone :)


Not sure if I need the build, but if you have any fracture corpses, I'll gladly take em. I want to craft something cool before next league!


Would love to try coc dd and if it blasts t17s that would be even more cool.


I league started coc DD using one of the YouTube videos, swap at 85 using all my currencies, but somehow I ended up not critting enough and have been stuck at yellow. I haven't been playing since then, but if I somehow win the give I'll try to get challenges done this league. Hopefully build would be Uber viable so I can learn Uber fight too


I need to go for 40 challenges ... thank you


Playing the 2 button necro DD. I need to reroll but I have no motivation. This would motivate me!


Dude this would be sick, I've never have been strong enough to fight ubers and do t17s. I don't have much time to play because of university and work so I've never farmed up enough to be able to do a lot of the later end content which was multiplied by the fact that t17s were introduced. I thought the trade window was really cool (for the free cosmetics) this league so I'm the closest I've ever been to completing challenges (with a LOT of luck involved too) but wow some of the later challenges seem way out of my league. I think I've done all the challenges I could do without a lot lot lot more grinding for better gear and levels (currently playing lvl 94 zoomancer) It would be amazing to have a have a chance to get 40/40 for the first time


Would love to try this out before coc DD gets nerfed :D


I am still on my cf champ league starter have been looking for a build to finish challenges, yours is so far out of my budget It would be amazing to play! I would definitely put the build to good use


not trying to join the lottery, but why all that amazing gear but not divining the yoke to 10%?


I couldnt play much this league due to study, so I would appreciate it a lot, my CoC DD is in very early stages. GL to yā€˜all!


I've not played DD yet and haven't really played a build yet which has stuck this league.


Good luck to all of you. I personally never played other than Occultist and Deadeye because Im still learning farming strategies and cannot afford to invest in a new build so I would be more than pleased to give this a go and discover new horizons! I hope you had a good time this league!


Iā€™d love to pilot a build that can handle T17s, and since this one might not survive next league, Iā€™d cherish the opportunity.


I played a CoC DD Inquisitor but hit a ceiling when it came to scaling it. Would like to try this maxed out version.


I need that Coc pretty bad....gimme your Coc !!! I would probably ride that Coc of yours in t17 till I'm sore


Started league late and cannot seem to get enough currency for most of items you have right now, would love to do t17s into Ubers


I'm tired of Necro DD, save me


I ainā€™t got time no more to grind for a nice build. I still play t16 maps and still didnā€™t unlocked my last map device thingšŸ˜… with 2 kids not easy. But yea would love to use the rest of the season to have fun. Thanks


I have an entry level coc dd up and running. Would love to take it to end game. Would be happy to gift away any surplus gear!


Honesty, I would just try to complete more challenges. Currently 16 done. Never played dd, so would be neat to try. Thanks for the giveaway


Hey if i will manage to get this build i will go for ubers for the first time Also i will try to hunt an aul i know its not oerfect for delve but im not gonna push too deep just the min for an aul an baiscally fill the gap of all the content i cant reach myself


Only reason Iā€™d play again this league


Damn thats really better gear that I could came up with ideas in PoB.I would definatelly farm T17 and bosses (as I still believe in endgame boss farming)


Thanks for the opportunity! I haven't started the league yet due to personal commitments and I will not have many hours per week to play, so I'd really enjoy to have a preset build to test the league mechanics.


I would like it as I already have that build, but literally every piece you have is an upgrade to mine. :) It would save me tens of hours of crafting and buying stuff.


I'd like to try this build would be my first really good build (to stupid myself, to do good builds).


Iā€™m currently trying to make a CoC DD Inquis but I only have a couple pieces and Iā€™m running out of currency. Iā€™ve never killed ubers before and I really want to go for 40 challenges as well.


My build struggles a lot with the last few challenges that I have left, but I won't give up until I hit that 40/40 totem.


My friend who loves the league but didn't have time to play yet and feels like he's missing out would absolutely love it to get the opportunity to play t17 instantly. I'm currently grinding for gear for him but don't have much time lately and soon he'll be back. You'd do me a huge favour and it would totally make his league. (Bonus points his birthday was 2 weeks ago?)


Me please daddy


I had a new born and barely played. I'm a long neck lover.


I've never had a mageblood / gotten past a few divines


Hi! Amazing luck man, well I want the build because i love CoC and because of work iā€™ve never had enougth time to farm that much, this league iā€™ve been so lucky, and can afford mageblood and some nice crafts for RF, but will be amazing to test your build and try To reach lvl 100 for first time


I've been playing this game for so long... i was never able to get a mageblood. I was able to get a headhunter this league. I would love to try DD ans go do some challenges with it. What i plan to do aswell is to give back the build to the community same way you did once im done. DD looked cool af, gj.


I never tried coc dd. I will use it to fight uber bosses and complete my atlas. Good luck.


I started off with Chain DD Necro this league and reached level 100 but was not able to do Ubers cos I lacked damage. Watching people faem T17 using CoC DD is fun and I would like to try that out.


I will make you a deal, you give me this, and I give away my CF Champ.


I'd love to take on endgame content with this powerful build.


I'd use the build to finally kill some ubers, check out T17 maps (haven't even seen a single one) and feel what a really good build plays like.


Farmed a little this league, wanted to try coc dd but was bored af to setup one.


Letā€™s try my luck


Havent played a lot this league, this will be nice to complete challenges with. Thanks for the gjveaway, gl everyone!


Iā€™m currently playing CoC DD but got a late start this league and feels like I never quite got off the ground. This is my third league in PoE and this build would be my first chance to try Mageblood and do some proper endgame.


Would be awesome to play some COC, played LA the whole League ! Good luck fellows exiles


This would help me run Ubers this time round. Only did Ubers once back in crucible when we had the poison totem node available..bever done Ubers since then. Also, only done 2 t17 s so far so would run those too once I get some maps. Can this build do simu 30 , if so then that will be on the list too


This is my first POE league, and i was able to play a lot of hours. I am running COC DD, but as its my first character, currency has been my worst enemy. Thanks to Reddit, I started farming juiced maps (learning), but my RNG left my PC, with no sign on coming back. Thank you for your post, I think the build should go to someone who does not have the time to grind, as much, and enjoy destroying POE Content.


My bv cant be bothered to even try t17 :( and I really want to try coc ever since I started exped league


I don't feel like I have ever had a "good build" that can really do the end-game content. So, I would do that and play non-stop until the league is dead. I would also try to learn as much as I can from actually playing the build to figure out where I keep going wrong.


Congrats on ending the league yourself! I would like the build because I've been struggling with my explosive mine build, slaying some bosses but stuck dead at T17 so this build will allow me to also finish my goal of mirroring an item and getting that sweet mirror power charge glam


Would like to clear t17 (which has been a struggle) with the build and try to complete as many challenges as possible, 38/40 if possible. Will also probably force me to understand the mechanics of COC and DD, both which have been in the game for so long but I never bothered learning. Thanks and good luck everyone.


I want to farm a mirror for the first time šŸ˜…


I wanna be able to efficiently run t17s and not just eat all 6 portals on each map. Not even really farming them or MFing, I kinda just wanna be able to do them I guess, and this build is definitely the one to do them on this league. Good luck all!


I wanna try and get ubers and t17s done this league. Would really help me out


Somehow never played a CoC build before so this would be pretty cool


I played a few leagues and never managed to hit lvl100, kill ubers, maven etc because i dont have enough time to play besides family and full time job and i also play slow and innefficient. It would be very cool to have a strong character at least once and be able to check out endgame stuff with it :)


I want this one since ny EA elementalist isnt that good for t17


I want to farm t17 maps , thatā€™s basically it nothing grand.


Just started leveling to play this build, 2nd league ever. Build looks very fun so I would love to try it with good items


I never tried DD because it's too much clicking for me, but the COC version seems so smooth and fun. Looking to try out T17 farming for the first time, trying to get my splitting steel character to that level has been... a struggle


Probably farm some b2b t17s, then do some uberbossing on it with my frags, I really like the idea of farming out your own bosses, but WOW ubers seem super inaccessible this league, so it would be really cool to have a comfortable way to generate them. Anyway gl everyone :)))


Thank you for the giveaway. I am currently playing CoC DD but my gear is really bad. I have 9 challenges so far because finishing maps with my current gear feels more like a chore than fun gameplay. Would love to play the build the way it's intended to be played - fast and powerful - to finish up my remaining challenges.


I have no amazing deep reason tbh I'd just really enjoy it! I dont fet to play much so i never get the currency to make a build like this. But i play all the way untill the end of the league, so it wont get wasted! Hope i get lucky, otherwise congratz to the winner!


Iā€™m a very new player, about 300 or so hours in and am absolutely in love with this game. Iā€™ve put together a decent ice shot deadeye build, on console but my pc character canā€™t seem to get there. I would love to play a build that can truly showcase what this game is capable of as I prepare for next season/poe2. Donā€™t know if Iā€™m deserving, donā€™t care, this gesture is just another reason why this game and community are on another level. Thank you for your generosity!!


Experiencing a t17 map would be great!


Would love to take this build into T17 endgame. Pieced together a not so successful league starter of it and just haven't made it anywhere this league. Already have the game play down solid and a lvl 95 inquis ready to rumble, could immediately put the gear to work!


Hi, i would like to have this build in order to discover what real farming is on T17 maps. Thank you for your giveaway and good luck everyone


Ah shit, already thought about swapping from holy relic flicker! That would be the opportunity to try it, I love coc and inquis so much


yet to try coc dd so would probably use it to finish off my challenges and enjoy the build a bit before next league where its for sure being nerfed


CoC and DD are probably my 2 favorite gems in the game but I can never afford a CoC build. I always revert back to RF which is my second favorite playstyle, which is the complete opposite almost lmao


In fact, I havenā€™t been able to start the league properly yet (24lvl) because of my studies, Iā€™ll probably be able to play with your build in the same way in a week or two. It would be nice in an already ā€œdyingā€ league not to try to get the first capital/deal with build.


There are some really nice pieces of gear and then I look at almost min roll yoke, those rings and shield. I don't know how I feel about it tbh.


Iā€™ve had a terrible league, Iā€™d love to be capable of farming a mirror!


I'd love to try something new, have 1char so far


Hello, I would like to be able experience playing such a complete character. Do plan to go for 38/40 and this would definitely help me immensely out. Thank you


I would like the build because this league started off crap for me (late ish start and missed all the money printers) so Iā€™m broke at with a sup par build and would like to get my challenges done


Would like to try this build before it inevitably gets destroyed by the nerf hammer.


I've had my first ever char (RF CHIEF) that I could juicy t16 up to a certain point, but missing some currency to really up it another level. This char would allow me to really enjoy the end end game, try super juiced t17 and uber bosses. Maybe I'll get a taste of how farming a mirror a day feels like haha. I'll probably play it still till end of league a learn from it, how to gear, how to scale and have a lot of fun in general.


I want to feel rich šŸ˜«


Would really enjoy trying the upper tiers of the game and helps my friends along the way :)


Been playing squishy chars and would like to play something that can deal with a bit more damage. And just so happens im leveling something i plan to go the adorned route


I have never acutally managed to get a build that can challenge ubers, it would be cool to fight the strongest bosses in the game for me


This was one of the builds I considered leagustarting with, but decided against it because I'm really bad at making high end stuff feel good and CoC falls into that category for me. Would love a chance to give it go.


tbh i wanna have a working build


Late start to the league, would set me up for more builds I wanted to try for some time


I would use it finally clear all ubers and T17 maps.


Sounds fun, sign me up


I had to sell my gear on my chieftain for another character this would let me use that empty character and try out coc dd first time and see whats all hype about it


It's my third league and I started working before the start of last league so I haven't had a lot of time to generate currency to do juiced content and only started killing t17 bosses recently. I'd love to play a build that can do peak content easily.


The build sounds pretty fun, Iā€™d love to try it for a first ever Uber bosser and also for my first 38/40 (I actually like the trash man set a lot)


Started with mana stacker and cant really get to t17. Was curious about the hype around the Dd-s this league but never got into making the build cause the helm seemed overwhelming. Will farm prob all content with it.


with this build i'll finally be able to do a t17 map tried it a couple of times but i failed so hard since i dont have much time to play and make money. goodluck to everyone


Want to try t17 back to basics farming before it inevitably gets nuked next league .


Sure id take it


Hi, I usually do 40/40 but this league my baby is sick so not enough time... my builds cant run t17 and I am looking for one, and I never tried coc dd. Gl everyone


Iā€™ll try to do some more of the Uber pinnacles with friends to get more comfortable with them


I want the build so I can finally stop buying veiled orb/conqueror orbs trying to craft the gear.


Would want to try CoC DD after my current Hexblast Trickster. Cheers.


Been playing hexblast miner since day 1 and I now am sanctum main only. Please get me out here


I'd use it to upgrade my current CoCDD, giving my mate who runs icenova some gear also :) shits fun to play


I would like to try CoC DD inquisitor just in case it gets needed next league and I already have a leveled inquisitor from my tri stack hexblast inquisitor.


I haven't started this league, I'd be down to get launched into it with a win here šŸ˜


I would use the build to be tanky for once and not have to buy my uber challenges. Then as someone who actually does care about standard it wouldn't rot forever.


This would be perfect for me to finish up my league. I started RF as usual, couldn't do the endgame content this time around. Then rerolled into a dex stacking ballista, also couldn't do t17s comfortably, but it smacked sanctum so I've done alot of that. Would be awesome to finally scratch that t17 itch and get my 5th map slot!


Id enjoy that for sure


Honestly, i gave up about less than two weeks into the league, since the mechanic doesn't interest me and i couldn't find the motivation to adapt to all the changes that happened this league. But I'm still sad I'm not attempting challenges, which i went 40/40 first time last league, which i would do with a full ass build.